4 Common Pregnancy Mistakes and How to Avoid Them for a Healthy Baby

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with excitement, anticipation, and preparation. However, for women who are expecting a child for the first time, pregnancy can be a period of confusion and uncertainty. Hence, you need to be aware of common mistakes that can occur during pregnancy and how to avoid them to ensure a healthy baby.

This is especially vital in the modern era filled with pregnancy complications. A recent research article in the Journal of the American Heart Association reveals that adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs) affect approximately 20% of live births nowadays.

Between 2007 and 2019, the incidence of HDP (hypertensive disorders of pregnancy) also increased substantially, leading to the reversal of optimistic trends in PTD (preterm delivery) and LBW (low birth weight).

These findings indicate the significance of taking crucial steps to ensure a healthy pregnancy and prevent common mistakes that can adversely impact maternal and fetal health.

In this blog, we will discuss four common pregnancy mistakes that many women make and provide tips on how to avoid them for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Not Taking Prenatal Vitamins Regularly

Taking prenatal vitamins is necessary for a healthy pregnancy as they provide the required nutrients that support fetal development. However, many women fail to take them regularly, which can lead to nutritional deficiencies in both the mother and the baby.

One reason why women may not take prenatal vitamins regularly is forgetfulness. It can be challenging to remember to take them every day, especially if the woman experiences morning sickness or other pregnancy-related symptoms. To avoid this mistake, women can set a reminder on their phones or take them at the same time every day.

Another reason for not taking prenatal vitamins regularly is the cost. Some women may be reluctant to spend money on vitamins, especially if they are on a tight budget. However, you must remember that prenatal vitamins are a worthwhile investment in the health of the mother and baby.

Some women may also mistakenly believe that they do not need to take prenatal vitamins if they have a healthy diet. However, this is an outright wrong presumption. Prenatal vitamins can fill in any nutritional gaps and ensure that the baby gets all the nutrients they need for healthy development.

Taking prenatal vitamins, specifically folic acid, is essential for a healthy pregnancy as they can dramatically bring down the possibility of neural tube defects in babies. Pregnant women are advised by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists to consume 600 micrograms of folic acid daily.

As obtaining this amount of folic acid from food can be challenging, it is recommended to take a daily prenatal vitamin containing a minimum of 400 micrograms of folic acid.

In addition, it is suggested that women who have previously given birth to a child with neural tube defects (NTDs) should take 4 milligrams of folic acid daily, as an additional supplement, at least 3 months prior to conception and throughout the first 3 months of pregnancy. The need for additional folic acid supplementation above the recommended 400 micrograms can be determined by discussing it with a healthcare provider.

However, failing to take prenatal vitamins regularly can lead to nutritional deficiencies, which can potentially harm the health of both the mother and the baby. Thus, expectant mothers should timely take their prenatal vitamins regularly to ensure optimal fetal development and prevent any potential birth defects.

Avoiding Over-The-Counter (OTC) Medications Without Consulting Doctor

Pregnant women need to exercise caution while taking over-the-counter (OTC) medications as some can potentially harm the developing fetus. While a few medications are safe during pregnancy, it is recommended to consult a doctor before taking any medication.

Some common OTC medications, such as ibuprofen and aspirin, should be avoided during pregnancy as they can increase the risk of miscarriage, birth defects, and other complications. It is best to consult a doctor or pharmacist for advice on alternative medications that are safe for pregnant women.

Even seemingly harmless OTC medications, such as cough drops and antacids, can contain ingredients that may not be safe for pregnant women. It’s vital to read labels carefully and ask a healthcare provider if unsure about a medication’s safety during pregnancy.

Tylenol (acetaminophen) is often suggested as a safe pain relief medication during pregnancy. However, excessive use of Tylenol during pregnancy can lead to liver damage in both the mother and the fetus. Although widely utilized, recent research has established a definite link between the prenatal use of acetaminophen and neurobehavioral issues in children, which encompass attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

If an individual has experienced negative health consequences due to Tylenol use, such as liver damage, they may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

Filing a Tylenol lawsuit can also hold the manufacturers of the medication accountable for any negligence or failure to adequately warn consumers of the risks associated with Tylenol use. It can also prompt changes in the way the medication is marketed, sold, and labeled to better inform consumers about its risks and proper use.

According to TorHoerman Law, numerous lawsuits related to the harmful effects of Tylenol have been consolidated in multidistrict litigation (MDL 3043). This litigation includes over 100 cases, and it is expected that more cases will be added to it in the near future.

Ignoring the Importance of Exercise

Regular exercise during pregnancy is essential for the health of both the mother and the developing fetus. Ignoring the importance of exercise can be a common mistake made during pregnancy that should be avoided. Engaging in physical activity can help manage weight, improve mood, boost energy levels, and reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy.

Another mistake that can occur is engaging in high-impact or risky exercises without consulting a doctor. While exercise is necessary, it is essential to ensure that it is safe and appropriate for each individual’s unique circumstances.

It’s important to engage in regular physical activity during pregnancy as it plays a significant role in promoting the well-being of both the mother and the baby. Neglecting this aspect can result in unfavorable outcomes.

Consulting a healthcare professional, engaging in safe and appropriate exercises, and incorporating physical activity into one’s routine can help avoid this common mistake and promote a healthy pregnancy.

A recent study published in the National Library of Medicine reveals that regular exercise during pregnancy can substantially bring down the possibility of complications like macrosomia, gestational diabetes, urinary incontinence, cesarean delivery, and many others. This finding highlights the significance of doing exercise during pregnancy, as it can have many advantages for both the mother and the developing fetus.

Poor Nutrition Choices

Poor nutrition choices during pregnancy can have serious consequences for both the mother and the developing baby. It is crucial for expectant mothers to make informed decisions about what they eat to ensure their baby’s healthy growth and development.

A mistake commonly made during pregnancy is inadequate intake of required nutrients such as iron, and calcium, among others, which are critical for the baby’s bone, brain, and overall growth. To achieve optimal nutrition, it is advisable for pregnant women to include a variety of nutrient-rich foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein in their daily diet.

Another mistake is consuming too much caffeine and processed foods, which can lead to low birth weight and other health problems for the baby. It is recommended to limit caffeine intake to no more than 200mg per day and avoid processed and high-sugar foods.

Moreover, skipping meals and not staying hydrated are also common mistakes. Mothers should eat small, frequent meals throughout the day and drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Proper nutrition during pregnancy is needed for a healthy baby and a smooth pregnancy, so it’s important to make the right choices.


The decisions made during pregnancy play a crucial role in the well-being of both the mother and the baby, and making informed choices is key. Avoiding common mistakes like poor nutrition choices, caffeine intake, and dehydration, while ensuring a balanced and nutritious diet, can help ensure healthy growth and development for the baby.

Remember to consult with a healthcare provider to ensure that you are getting the right nutrients and avoiding harmful substances during pregnancy. By making informed decisions and taking care of yourself, you can set your baby up for a healthy start in life.