Could I have Polish Citizenship? Do Polish Citizenship Test!

Those living or residing on the territory of Poland may enjoy many rights similar to those enjoyed by our citizens. However, the acquisition of all rights requires a change in legal status. Citizenship is one of the foundations of our identity. It is membership of a particular state that confers upon us certain rights and obligations and opens the door to a range of opportunities. So if you intend to bind your future with Poland and are wondering whether you can obtain Polish citizenship, you found the right place! Below we provide a comprehensive analysis of the various aspects of obtaining Polish citizenship. In addition, we will provide you with a short test to help you assess your chances of meeting the conditions necessary to obtain Polish citizenship.

General conditions for acquiring Polish citizenship

Acquiring Polish citizenship involves certain conditions, which are precisely defined in Polish law. We will look at a few key points:

– Place of birth – if you were born on the territory of Poland and your parents had no other citizenship at the time of your birth, you already have Polish citizenship since you were born.

– Parental origin – if one or more of your parents had Polish citizenship at the time of your birth, you automatically acquire Polish citizenship as well.

– Residence on the territory of Poland – if you are a foreigner and permanently reside on the territory of Poland on the basis of a residence permit, you may be able to apply for Polish citizenship after a certain period of legal residence.

– Marriage to a Polish citizen – if you are married to a Polish citizen and reside on the territory of Poland on the basis of a residence permit, you may be able to apply for Polish citizenship after a shorter period of stay.

Ways of acquiring Polish citizenship

Polish law provides for various ways of acquiring Polish citizenship. Let us therefore analyse the most important ones:

– Naturalisation – adults who meet certain conditions may apply for Polish citizenship through the naturalisation process. These conditions include, among others, permanent residence in Poland for a specified period of time, knowledge of the Polish language and possession of means of subsistence.

– Descendants of Polish citizens – individuals who are descendants of Polish citizens may be entitled to Polish citizenship if they meet certain criteria, such as documenting consanguinity and meeting certain conditions of residence on Polish territory.

– Marriage to a Polish citizen – spouses of Polish citizens may apply for Polish citizenship after a certain period of legal residence on the territory of Poland.

If we are talking about the legal basis, then then, according to Article 4 of the Act of 2 April 2009 on Polish Citizenship, hereinafter referred to as the “u.o.p.”, Polish citizenship is acquired:

  • – By operation of law,
  • – By granting citizenship,
  • – By recognition of Polish citizenship.

An equally possible but slightly different procedure is the possibility of acquiring Polish citizenship by restoration. However, this subject requires a separate discussion, so we will skip it this time.

How to prepare for applying for Polish citizenship?

If you are considering applying for Polish citizenship, it is worth making certain preparations in this direction. These include:

– Knowledge of the Polish language – in most cases you will be required to confirm your knowledge of Polish at an appropriate level. This is a key element of the citizenship application process.

– Documentation – careful collection of documents confirming your status, residence, relationship or marriage is key. Therefore, make sure you have all the necessary certificates.

– Awareness of conditions – understanding the conditions for acquiring Polish citizenship based on your situation is important. Consult a lawyer or migration specialist for this purpose to ensure that you meet all the requirements.

Polish citizenship test

Finally, it is time to take a test to assess your chances of acquiring Polish citizenship. Answer the following questions honestly and see if you have a chance to apply for Polish citizenship. If, in turn, you want to test yourself even more thoroughly, we encourage you to visit, where you will find more information.

  1. were you born on the territory of Poland?
  2. do at least one of your parents or grandparents have Polish citizenship?
  3. do you have a residence permit and reside permanently on Polish territory?
  4. are you the spouse of a Polish citizen?
  5. do you speak Polish at the required level?