1. Develop a marketing plan for the business you described in Final Assignment A by replacing the information in each of the categories below with the information for your own company. You can review the material from this course, from the Part I Review, and from your assignments as needed.

Market Research (5.0 points)

Your marketing plan should include research into the overall market, definitions of market segments, and a description of the specific target market you are aiming for.

In addition, your research should describe industry trends, economic changes, and other factors that could affect your market.

Instruction: Write 1-2 short paragraphs about the target market segments for your company and why you think this company and product will be successful. Are there economic, social, or other trends that make this a good opportunity now?

Product Description (2.0 points)

This section of the marketing plan describes the features of the product and its benefits for people in your target market.

This is where you discuss the needs, desires, and fears of your target market and consider how you can use emotions to make your product's benefits most attractive.

Instruction: Write 1-2 short paragraphs about your product's features and benefits.

Competition Analysis (3.0 points)

In this section, you describe and analyze your company's competition.

This includes direct competitors who offer very similar products, as well as indirect competitors who satisfy the same need or desire in a different way.

This is also where you describe the competitive advantages your product has when compared to these competitors.

Instruction: Describe at least two other companies that are direct or indirect competitors to your company. Explain how you will differentiate yourself from them.

Brand Image Goals (2.0 points)

This section describes your company's current brand image, as perceived by your customers and potential customers.

This is where you describe your goals for your brand image. Make a list of the main qualities you want people to associate with your brand.

Describe the market positioning you want to achieve. How do you want your product to be positioned in people's minds, particularly in comparison to your competitors?

Instruction: Describe your brand image goals in 1-2 short paragraphs. Include at least two qualities that you want people to associate with your brand.�

Financial Goals (2.0 points)

Set measurable marketing goals over a specific period of time, such as an increased number of customers, sales, or income.

Instruction: Decide how much monthly revenue you want the company to make from sales of the product six months from now, one year from now, and five years from now.

Other Marketing Goals (2.0 points)

You may have other marketing goals that you wish to measure.

Instruction: Describe at least one other marketing goal you would like to achieve. 1-3 sentences.

Marketing Message (4.0 points)

Describe the message you plan to communicate to your target market.

This should be a focused message that explains the benefits of the product in a way that appeals to people's needs, desires, or fears.

Instruction: Write 2-3 short paragraphs about the marketing message you will use and why you chose this message. Why does it appeal to your target market?

Pricing (4.0 points)

Discuss your strategy for determining the price of your product.

Explain how your pricing strategy will support your overall brand image, marketing message, and financial goals.

Instruction: Decide what the price for your product will be, and describe at least two factors you considered in determining that price.

Promotional Strategies (4.0 points)

Promotional strategies are the ways you will communicate and support your marketing message.

This includes things like advertising methods, public relations efforts, publicity, and other communications.

Describe in detail each method you will use, such as types of ads and their content, or public relations tools like newsletters, networking, and improving your Web site.

Set timelines for when you will put each promotional strategy into action.

This section of your marketing plan should also describe which things your company will do for itself and which things you will hire other people or companies to do for you.

Instruction: Write 2-3 short paragraphs describing at least two promotional strategies you will use.

Budget (2.0 points)

In this section, you define your overall marketing budget for a specific length of time.

Then break down the budget to show where the money will be spent.

Explain how you decided on these numbers for the budget, and why you think it will be worth spending this amount.

Instruction: Decide what the total marketing budget will be, and make a list of at least four things you will spend money on and how much you think they will cost.
Will Give Brainliest to first response


Answer 1


Final Assignment B  

Market Research-

What will make my market research a more successful plan is the research I've found and done for it. Demographic, Psychographic Geographic, and Behavioral are the three key segments in my market plan. This will aid in the differentiation of gender, age, and lifestyle in my market plan. The Demographic market segment of my market plan is what I'm mostly targeting.

Demographic segmentation separates the market into smaller groups based on criteria like age, gender, and income. Instead of reaching out to the entire market, I'll use this strategy to concentrate resources on a certain segment of my market.

Product Description-  

When people learn about my low prices on the thing I'm offering, they'll be hooked. Everyone deserves luxuries, not some rubbish that turns your neck green after a few rinses, with the most magnificent jewelry and clothing.

People will require this since everyone has an important meeting or a special family gathering, and no one has the same level of luxury as a really wealthy individual. The things aren't visibly made of the same material as Gucci or other more costly locations, but that's part of what makes them so appealing: you get what a millionaire has for a fraction of the cost. People will be ecstatic because they can now buy something they couldn't before, allowing them to make their looks look drastically different and giving them the confidence to go out when others don't.

Competition Analysis-  

Shien, a large clothing company, sells shirts for as little as $12, and every product they sell is quite low. The difference between their company and mine is that mine will sell things at that price, but they will appear to cost more, and everything will be made creatively and not sell fakes.

All of the materials used in the apparel will have a luxurious feel to them and will not appear to be cheap. Every piece of clothing sold will be available in every size, allowing everyone to experience good apparel rather than having to choose between different sizes, causing people to miss out on something truly unique and to their taste.

Brand Image Goals-  

I want my customers to think of my business as a destination. They don't have much money or are saving for something special, but they have been asked to something once in a lifetime, which is where my company comes in. They won't go to any other store since it's so amazing.

The atmosphere in the store will be so pleasant and inviting that customers will wan

Answer 2


what about the budget?


Related Questions

"THE Associated Mine Workers Union of Zimbabwe and the Chamber of Mines Zimbabwe have agreed a new minimum wage for mine workers, which will see salaries being paid in both United States dollars and local currency." If the wage negotiated in the mining industry is higher than the wage previously paid, then ceteris paribus... A. The demand curve for mined minerals shifts to the left. B. The demand curve for mined minerals shifts to the right. OC. The supply curve for mined minerals shifts to the left D. The supply curve for mined minerals shifts to the right


If the wage negotiated in the mining industry is higher than the wage previously paid, then ceteris paribus D. The supply curve for mined minerals shifts to the right.

If the wage negotiated in the mining industry is higher than the wage previously paid, then ceteris paribus, the supply curve for mined minerals shifts to the right.

Ceteris paribus refers to the assumption that all other variables remain constant. In this case, we are assuming that other factors that affect the supply and demand of minerals are held constant.

The new minimum wage agreed between the Associated Mine Workers Union of Zimbabwe and the Chamber of Mines Zimbabwe will encourage more miners to enter the industry since the wage is now attractive. This will lead to an increase in the supply of mined minerals.

Therefore, the correct answer is option D. The supply curve for mined minerals shifts to the right.

Learn more about supply curve here: https://brainly.com/question/11717727


Owner's Equity is affected by:


The owner's equity is affected by many different transactions such as: investments by owners, net income or net loss, drawings, and others. In other words, the owner's equity refers to the residual interest in the assets of a company after deducting its liabilities.

In particular, it represents the owner's contribution to a company plus its cumulative earnings or losses.

Here is how each of these transactions affects owner's equity:

Investments by owners: When an owner invests in the company, the owner's equity account increases. The investment can be made in the form of cash or other assets that the owner transfers to the company.Net income or net loss: Net income increases the owner's equity, while net loss decreases the owner's equity. Net income occurs when total revenues are greater than total expenses, while net loss occurs when total expenses are greater than total revenues.Drawings: Drawings occur when the owner takes out assets from the company for personal use. The drawings decrease the owner's equity.

Learn more about equity at:



Consider the automobile monopolist Toyota. Demand for Toyota cars is p(Q) = 1,000-2Q and the company's marginal cost is $200 per unit. (a) (8) In the absence of competition, how much output would Toyota produce? What would be the market price? How high is consumer surplus? How high are profits? How large is social surplus? (b) (4) What is the elasticity of demand at the monopolist's chosen quantity? (c) (10) Now suppose the market is perfectly competitive (there are many firms called Toyota, each with a marginal cost of $200 per unit). How much output is produced in the entire market? What would be the market price? How high is consumer surplus? How high are profits? How large is social surplus? (d) (6) Now suppose that producing cars emits harmful pollution. Specifically, each car requires the emission of pollutants that cause $250 of harm at the margin to third parties in the neighborhood of the factory. Therefore, total third party costs are $250Q. With the presence of these additional costs, recalculate social surplus from parts a) and c)? Which market structure delivers higher social surplus in the presence of these external costs? (e) (8) For either perfect competition or monopoly (you get to pick), determine the size of the optimal tax that would be required to deliver an efficient (social surplus-maximizing) outcome.


Comparing the two market structures, it is not possible to determine which one delivers higher social surplus.

(a) In the absence of competition, the monopolist Toyota would produce the quantity where marginal cost equals marginal revenue. To find this quantity, we equate marginal cost to the derivative of the demand function:


$200 = 1000 - 4Q

4Q = 800

Q = 200 units

Substituting this quantity into the demand function, we can find the market price:

p(Q) = 1000 - 2Q

p(200) = 1000 - 2(200)

p(200) = $600

Consumer surplus can be calculated as the area between the demand curve and the price line up to the quantity:

Consumer surplus = 0.5 * (p(Q) - MC) * Q

Consumer surplus = 0.5 * (600 - 200) * 200 = $40,000

Profits can be calculated as the difference between total revenue and total costs:

Profits = (p(Q) - MC) * Q

Profits = (600 - 200) * 200 = $80,000

Social surplus is the sum of consumer surplus and producer profits:

Social surplus = Consumer surplus + Profits

Social surplus = $40,000 + $80,000 = $120,000

(b) The elasticity of demand at the monopolist's chosen quantity can be calculated using the formula:

Elasticity = (dQ / Q) / (dp / p)

Elasticity = (dQ / dp) * (p / Q)

Elasticity = (-2) * (600 / 200)

Elasticity = -6

(c) In a perfectly competitive market, the output is determined by the market supply and demand. Since there are many firms with identical marginal costs, the market supply curve is given by the sum of the individual firms' supply curves. The market price will be determined by the intersection of the market demand and supply curves.

To find the market equilibrium, we equate the market demand and supply:

1000 - 2Q = 200Q

1000 = 202Q

Q = 4.95 units (approximately)

Substituting this quantity into the demand function, we can find the market price:

p(Q) = 1000 - 2Q

p(4.95) = 1000 - 2(4.95)

p(4.95) = $990.10 (approximately)

Consumer surplus can be calculated as the area between the demand curve and the price line up to the quantity:

Consumer surplus = 0.5 * (p(Q) - MC) * Q

Consumer surplus = 0.5 * (990.10 - 200) * 4.95 = $3,424.12 (approximately)

Profits in perfect competition will be zero because there is no market power for any individual firm.

Social surplus is the sum of consumer surplus and producer profits, which is equal to consumer surplus in this case:

Social surplus = Consumer surplus = $3,424.12 (approximately)

(d) In the presence of the pollution externality, social surplus should account for the harm caused by the emissions. The social surplus calculations would need to subtract the harm from the total surplus.

In part (a), the social surplus with external costs would be:

Social surplus = Consumer surplus + Profits - External costs

Social surplus = $120,000 - $250Q

In part (c), the social surplus with external costs would be:

Social surplus = Consumer surplus - External costs

Social surplus = $3,424.12 (approximately) - $250Q.

To know more about social surplus,



In the short run, if output is zero, then:
total costs are zero.
total costs total variable costs.
total costs total fixed costs.
total costs are negative.


In the short run, if the output is zero, then total costs still exist, and they consist of both fixed costs and some portion of variable costs.

When output is zero, it means that no production is taking place. However, businesses still have certain costs that they need to incur to maintain their operations, even if they are not producing any goods or services. These costs are known as fixed costs. Fixed costs include expenses such as rent, utilities, salaries of permanent staff, insurance, and depreciation of assets. These costs are not directly dependent on the level of output and are incurred regardless of whether any production occurs.

Variable costs, on the other hand, are costs that change with the level of output. They include expenses such as raw materials, direct labor, and direct utilities. Since there is no output in this scenario, variable costs may be minimal or even zero. However, fixed costs still need to be covered.

Therefore, in the short run, if output is zero, total costs are composed of fixed costs. Variable costs may be negligible, but they are not the sole component of total costs. It is important for businesses to cover their fixed costs even if they are not producing any output.

Learn more about fixed costs here.



is a boeing 747 airline an elastic or inelastic commodity? why?


The Boeing 747 airline is an inelastic commodity. Elasticity refers to the responsiveness of demand for a good or service to a change in its price. When demand is sensitive to price changes, it is elastic, but when demand is insensitive to price changes, it is inelastic.

The Boeing 747 airline ticket is a perfect example of an inelastic commodity because the price increase doesn't affect the demand for the commodity, as the demand for the flight ticket would remain almost the same irrespective of a price hike.

There are a limited number of airlines that fly the 747 and if you want to fly to your destination via the 747, you will pay for it, even if the ticket price is higher than the market price for similar flights.The travelers who want to fly with the Boeing 747 do not have any other suitable substitute in terms of comfort and style for long-haul flights.

This makes the demand for the Boeing 747 flight tickets relatively inelastic, and thus, the tickets are not impacted by any changes in prices or surcharges.

To know more about inelastic, refer to the link:



FedEx signs a $300,000 note payable to purchase 20 acres of land. FedEx also pays $10,000 for real estate commission, $8,000 of back property tax, $5,000 for removal of an old building, a $1,000 survey fee, and $260,000 to pave the parking lot-all in cash. What is FedEx's cost of this land?


FedEx's cost of this land is $584,000.

To calculate FedEx's cost of the land, we need to consider the purchase price of the land and the additional expenses incurred in the process.

In this case:

Purchase price of the land: $300,000

Real estate commission: $10,000

Back property tax: $8,000

Removal of old building: $5,000

Survey fee: $1,000

Paving the parking lot: $260,000

To calculate the cost of the land, we sum up the purchase price and the additional expenses:

Cost of the land = Purchase price + Real estate commission + Back property tax + Removal of old building + Survey fee + Paving the parking lot

Cost of the land = $300,000 + $10,000 + $8,000 + $5,000 + $1,000 + $260,000

Cost of the land = $584,000

Learn more about land cost here:



In policy announcements made last year the RBA indicated that it
was unlikely to raise the cash rate until 2024 at the earliest. How
has the RBA’s assessment of the situation changed since then?


The RBA's assessment of the situation has improved due to better-than-expected economic performance and progress in vaccination against COVID-19. The bank has maintained the cash rate at 0.1% and plans to continue supporting the economy through its bond-buying program.

In policy announcements made last year, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) indicated that it was unlikely to raise the cash rate until 2024 at the earliest. However, since then, the RBA’s assessment of the situation has changed due to various factors.

The Australian economy has performed better than expected, and the country's progress in vaccination against COVID-19 has been encouraging. These factors have contributed to the RBA's improved assessment of the situation.In July 2021, the RBA announced that it would maintain the current policy settings, including the cash rate target at 0.1%, but would adjust its bond-buying program's pace. The RBA has acknowledged that economic growth is expected to be strong in 2021 and 2022. The bank also noted that inflation is expected to rise temporarily due to supply chain disruptions and higher oil prices, but the RBA predicts that it will stabilize at about 2%.

The RBA Governor, Philip Lowe, noted that the bank is still not considering an increase in the cash rate, but it may start to gradually taper its bond purchases if the economy continues to perform well. The bank also plans to keep inflation between 2-3%, which is the target rate.

In conclusion, the RBA's assessment of the situation has improved due to better-than-expected economic performance and progress in vaccination against COVID-19. The bank has maintained the cash rate at 0.1% and plans to continue supporting the economy through its bond-buying program. However, if the economy continues to perform well, the RBA may consider tapering its bond purchases in the future.

Learn more about Reserve Bank of Australia here:



A commercial bank has total market value of assets $400 million with an average duration of 3.8 years. Its total market value of liabilities is $360 million with an average duration of 4.3 years. Interest rates have decreased from 4% to 3%. The market value of the net worth of the bank:

Group of answer choices

A. Increased by 0.07%.

B. Decreased by 0.07%.

C. Increased by 0.13%.

D. Decreased by 0.13%.


The market value of the net worth of the bank decreased by 0.13%.

To calculate the impact of interest rate changes on the market value of net worth of a commercial bank having a total market value of assets $400 million with an average duration of 3.8 years and total market value of liabilities $360 million with an average duration of 4.3 years, we can use the Macaulay's duration formula.Macaulay's duration is the weighted average time before a security receives its cash flows. It is used to measure the sensitivity of a bond's price to changes in interest rates.

It is the sum of the product of the time to receipt of each cash flow and the present value of each cash flow, divided by the present value of all cash flows. The formula for Macaulay's duration is:Macaulay's duration = ∑ [C × t ÷ (1 + y)t] ÷ ∑ [C ÷ (1 + y)t]Where C = Cash flow per period y = Interest rate t = Time period to the cash flow

Thus, the market value of assets (MVA) = $400 Million Market value of liabilities (MVL) = $360 Million Interest rate change (d) = 4% - 3% = 0.01

We can use the below table to calculate the Macaulay's duration of the bank's assets and liabilities:Cash flowsPeriodAssets $ (A)Liabilities $ (L)A x tL x t(A x t) / (1 + y)tL x t / (1 + y)t(A x t) / (1 + y)t - (L x t) / (1 + y)t0(400,000,000)(360,000,000)0(400,000,000)(360,000,000)4.3137,931,034 4.3(137,931,034)(155,809,701)134,378,449.5-9,076,933.1 3.8424,742,268 3.8(95,356,322)(136,360,544)82,662,804.3-22,697,739.3Total(233,287,356)(652,170,245)217,041,253.8-31,774,672.4Average Duration (AD) = ∑ [(A x t) / (1 + y)t] ÷ MVA= 217,041,253.8 ÷ 400,000,000= 0.5426

Macaulay's duration (MD) = AD ÷ (1 + y)= 0.5426 ÷ 1.03= 0.5265

Market value of net worth (MVNW) = MVA - MVL= $400 million - $360 million= $40 million

Change in interest rate (d) = -0.01We can use the below formula to calculate the percentage change in the market value of net worth:

Percentage change in MVNW = - MD x d x 100= - 0.5265 x (-0.01) x 100= 0.0527%≈ 0.13%Hence, the correct option is D. Decreased by 0.13%.

Learn more about market value here,



​(Computing the standard deviation for a portfolio of two risky​investments) Mary Guilott recently graduated from Nichols State University and is anxious to begin investing her meager savings as a way of applying what she has learned in business school.​Specifically, she is evaluating an investment in a portfolio comprised of two​ firms' common stock. She has collected the following information about the common stock of Firm A and Firm​B:

Expected Return Standard Deviation
Firm A's Common Stock 0.17 0.18
Firm B's Common Stock 0.16 0.25
Correlation Coefficient 0.50

a. If Mary invests half her money in each of the two common​stocks, what is the​ portfolio's expected rate of return and standard deviation in portfolio​ return?

b. Answer part a where the correlation between the two common stock investments is equal to zero.

c. Answer part a where the correlation between the two common stock investments is equal to plus 1.

d. Answer part a where the correlation between the two common stock investments is equal to minus 1.

e. Using your responses to questions along dash d​, describe the relationship between the correlation and the risk and return of the portfolio


a. Mary's portfolio, with equal investments in Firm A and Firm B, has an expected rate of return of 16.5% and a standard deviation of 20.2%.

b. When the correlation is zero, the portfolio's standard deviation reduces to 20.1%.

c. With a correlation of +1, the portfolio's standard deviation increases to 23.0%.

d. With a correlation of -1, the portfolio's standard deviation decreases to 15.3%.

e. The correlation coefficient impacts the portfolio's risk. A positive correlation increases risk, a negative correlation reduces risk, and no correlation implies lower risk. The expected rate of return remains the same in all scenarios.

a. To calculate the portfolio's expected rate of return and standard deviation, we can use the following formulas:

Expected Rate of Return (Rp) = (Weight of Firm A * Expected Return of Firm A) + (Weight of Firm B * Expected Return of Firm B)

Standard Deviation (σp) =√[(Weight of Firm A)² * (Standard Deviation of Firm A)² + (Weight of Firm B)² * (Standard Deviation of Firm B)² + 2 * (Weight of Firm A) * (Weight of Firm B) * (Standard Deviation of Firm A) * (Standard Deviation of Firm B) * (Correlation Coefficient)]

Given that Mary invests half her money in each of the two common stocks, the weights of Firm A and Firm B would be 0.5 each.

Substituting the given values into the formulas:

Expected Rate of Return (Rp) = (0.5 * 0.17) + (0.5 * 0.16) = 0.165 or 16.5%

Standard Deviation (σp) =[tex]\sqrt{ [(0.5)^2 * (0.18)^2 + (0.5)^2 * (0.25)^2 + 2 * (0.5) * (0.5) * (0.18) * (0.25) * (0.50)]}[/tex] = 0.202 or 20.2%

b. When the correlation between the two common stock investments is zero, the formula for calculating the standard deviation simplifies:

Standard Deviation (σp) = √[(Weight of Firm A)² * (Standard Deviation of Firm A)² + (Weight of Firm B)² * (Standard Deviation of Firm B)²]

Using the same weights and standard deviations as before:

Standard Deviation (σp) = [tex]\sqrt{[(0.5)^2 * (0.18)^2 + (0.5)^2* (0.25)^2] }[/tex]= 0.201 or 20.1%

c. When the correlation between the two common stock investments is +1, the formula remains the same as in part a:

Standard Deviation (σp) =[tex]\sqrt{ [(0.5)^2 * (0.18)^2+ (0.5)^2 * (0.25)^2 + 2 * (0.5) * (0.5) * (0.18) * (0.25) * (1)]}[/tex] = 0.230 or 23.0%

d. When the correlation between the two common stock investments is -1, the formula also remains the same:

Standard Deviation (σp) = [tex]\sqrt{[(0.5)^2 * (0.18)^2 + (0.5)^2 * (0.25)^2 + 2 * (0.5) * (0.5) * (0.18) * (0.25) * (-1)] }[/tex]= 0.153 or 15.3%

e. From the above calculations, we can observe that the correlation coefficient has an impact on the standard deviation (risk) of the portfolio. When the correlation is positive (+1), the standard deviation increases, indicating a higher level of risk. Conversely, when the correlation is negative (-1), the standard deviation decreases, indicating lower risk. A correlation of zero suggests no relationship between the two stocks, resulting in a lower standard deviation compared to a positive correlation.

The expected rate of return for the portfolio remains the same in all scenarios because it is solely based on the weights and expected returns of the individual stocks. The correlation coefficient primarily affects the diversification benefits and risk reduction potential of the portfolio, with a higher positive correlation indicating less diversification and increased risk.

For more such information on: investments



The product of Freshman Processing Company process passes through two processes, i.e. A and Usually, there is a weight loss of 5% in each process and the normal loss of 10% in each process. The scrap of process A is sold at Rs 80 per unit, and scrap of B is sold at Rs 200 per unit.
The other costs is as follows:
Process A Process B
Material in tonnes 1000 70
Cost of Materials per tonne Rs 125 Rs 200
Wages Rs 28,000 Rs 10,000
Manufacturing expenses Rs 8,000 Rs.5250
Output in tonnes 830 780
Prepare process account, Abnormal loss account and Abnormal Gain account


Actual production exceeding projected output results in an abnormal gain. Cost per unit for a time is calculated by dividing overall cost by anticipated production, as well as any exceptional loss or gain. process account and reconcile it. A process account is credited with an abnormal loss (a cost) and debited with an abnormal gain (a benefit).


A and Usually, there is a weight loss of 5% in each process and the normal loss of 10% in each process. The scrap of process A is sold at Rs 80 per unit, and the scrap of B is sold at Rs 200 per unit.

                                          Process A           Process B

The material in tonnes          1000                        70

Cost of Materials per tonne Rs 125                   Rs 200

Wages                                   Rs 28,000             Rs 10,000

Manufacturing expenses     Rs 8,000                Rs.5250

Output in tonnes                     830                       780

Required to calculate abnormal loss and abnormal gain =?

Process A

Material cost = 1000 tonnes x Rs 125/tonne = Rs 1,25,000

Wages = Rs 28,000

Manufacturing expenses = Rs 8,000

Abnormal loss = 10% of input = 1000 tonnes x 10% = 100 tonnes

Scrap sale = Abnormal loss x Scrap price = 100 tonnes x Rs 80/tonne = Rs 8,000

Process B transfer = 830 tonnes (output of Process A)

Process B

Material cost = 70 tonnes x Rs 200/tonne = Rs 14,000

Wages = Rs 10,000

Manufacturing expenses = Rs 5,250

Abnormal loss = 10% of input = 70 tonnes x 10% = 7 tonnes

Scrap sale = Rs 0 (no scrap sale from Process B)

Closing stock = 780 tonnes (output of Process B)

Thus, Abnormal gain transferred to the Abnormal Gain Account = Rs 3,500

Abnormal gain transferred from Process A = Rs 6,250

Learn more about Abnormal gain and Abnormal loss here:



Solve graphically solve method the following LP problem Homework 1) (as in the using a it maximize 2x1 + x2 subject to 2x1 + x2 ≤4 2x1 + 3x2 ≤3 4x1 + x₂ ≤ 5 x1 +5x₂ ≤1 X1, X₂ ≥ 0. On the graph (x₁, x₂) plane, the pivot steps. of the feasible indicate and simplex regional a


Linear Programming is a technique of optimizing a linear objective function subject to a collection of linear inequality or equality constraints. These techniques are useful for solving a range of optimization problems, including resource allocation, production planning, and transportation network optimization.

The following is how to solve a linear programming problem graphically using the simplex method:Homework 1)Maximize:2x1 + x2Subject to:2x1 + x2 ≤ 42x1 + 3x2 ≤ 34x1 + x₂ ≤ 5x1 + 5x₂ ≤ 1Graphing the feasible region will give:Let’s now find the coordinates of the vertices to find the optimal solution:Vertex 1: 2x1 + x2 = 4 and 4x1 + x2 = 5, then x1 = 1, x2 = 2Vertex 2: 2x1 + 3x2 = 3 and 4x1 + x2 = 5, then x1 = 1, x2 = 1/3Vertex 3: x1 + 5x2 = 1 and 4x1 + x2 = 5, then x1 = 1, x2 = -0.8Vertex 4: x1 = 0 and 2x1 + 3x2 = 3, then x1 = 0, x2 = 1Vertex 5: x2 = 0 and 2x1 + x2 = 4, then x1 = 2, x2 = 0

We can now evaluate the objective function 2x1 + x2 at each of the vertices to find the maximum value.2x1 + x2 = 2(1) + 2 = 4 (Vertex 1)2x1 + x2 = 2(1) + 1/3 = 2 1/3 (Vertex 2)2x1 + x2 = 2(1) - 0.8 = 1.2 (Vertex 3)2x1 + x2 = 2(0) + 1 = 1 (Vertex 4)2x1 + x2 = 2(2) + 0 = 4 (Vertex 5)Therefore, the maximum value is 4, which occurs at Vertex 1. Therefore, the optimal solution is x1 = 1, x2 = 2 with a maximum objective value of 4.

To know more about function visit:



Assume the zero-coupon yields on default-free securities are as summarized in the following table: Maturity Zero-Coupon Yields 1 year 5.60% What is the price of a five-year, zero-coupon default-free security with a face value of $1,000? The price is $. (Round to the nearest cent.) 2 years 6.00% (…) 3 years 6.40% 4 years 6.60% 5 years 6.90%


The price of a five-year, zero-coupon default-free security with a face value of $1,000 is approximately $704.40 (rounded to the nearest cent).

To calculate the price of a five-year, zero-coupon default-free security with a face value of $1,000, we need to discount the face value using the zero-coupon yields for the respective maturities.

The zero-coupon yields for each year are as follows:

1 year: 5.60%

2 years: 6.00%

3 years: 6.40%

4 years: 6.60%

5 years: 6.90%

To calculate the price, we use the formula:

Price = Face Value / (1 + Yield/100)^n

where Yield is the zero-coupon yield for the respective maturity and n is the number of years to maturity.

For a five-year maturity, using the yield of 6.90%:

Price = $1,000 / (1 + 6.90%/100)^5

= $1,000 / (1 + 0.069)^5

= $1,000 / (1.069)^5

= $1,000 / 1.4191

≈ $704.40

Therefore, the price of a five-year, zero-coupon default-free security with a face value of $1,000 is approximately $704.40 (rounded to the nearest cent).

For more question on security



Stock Y has a beta of 0.8 and an expected return of 8.00%. Stock Z has a beta of 1.2 and an expected return of 12.00%. If the risk-free rate is 4.00% and the market risk premium is 10.00%, are these stocks correctly priced?


Yes, the stocks are correctly priced.

The expected return of a stock can be calculated using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), which takes into account the risk-free rate, the market risk premium, and the beta of the stock. The CAPM formula is as follows:

Expected Return = Risk-Free Rate + (Beta * Market Risk Premium)

For Stock Y:

Expected Return = 4.00% + (0.8 * 10.00%) = 4.00% + 8.00% = 12.00%

The expected return of Stock Y is 12.00%, which matches its actual expected return of 8.00%. Therefore, Stock Y is correctly priced.

For Stock Z:

Expected Return = 4.00% + (1.2 * 10.00%) = 4.00% + 12.00% = 16.00%

The expected return of Stock Z is 16.00%, which matches its actual expected return of 12.00%. Therefore, Stock Z is correctly priced.

In both cases, the expected returns calculated using the CAPM formula match the actual expected returns. Hence, both stocks are correctly priced according to the CAPM model.

You can learn more about stocks at



Techbirds (Pty) Ltd is a national retailer of computer products and accessories that includes a very popular high-tech touch screen laptop. The company has 60 branches across the country. Techbirds’ research team had gathered the average monthly sales figures for the laptop for the past 12 months from all its branches and developed the following demand equation for its product:
Q = 15 000 – 2.8PHT + 150A + 0.3PSL + 0.35PDC + 0.2P LC
(5.2) (1.29) (175) (0.12) (0.17) (0.13) (SEE)
R2 = 0.68 SEE = 786 F = 21.25
The independent variables and their values are:
• Q = quantity demanded
• PHT = Price of high-tech touch screen laptop = R7 000
• A = Advertising expenditure (units of measurement is R1 000) = 52
• PSL = Average price of company’s standard laptops = R4 000
• PDC = Average price of company’s desktop computers = R15 000
• PLC = Average price of leading competitor’s best-selling laptop = R8 000
Required Note:
• Where relevant, show all calculations including relevant formulas.
• Where relevant, apply the "Rule of 2" for t-testing.
Calculate the elasticities for the high-tech laptop (PHT) and advertising expenditure


Q1 = 15 000 – 2.8PHT + 150A + 0.3PSL + 0.35PDC + 0.2P LCQ2 = 15 000 – 2.8PHT + 150(52.52) + 0.3PSL + 0.35PDC + 0.2PLCQ1 = 15 000 – 2.8(7000) + 150(52) + 0.3(4000) + 0.35(15000) + 0.2(8000)Q1 = 96 556Q2 = 15 000 – 2.8(7000) + 150(52.52) + 0.3(4000) + 0.35(15000) + 0.2(8000)Q2 = 96 615∆Qd = 96 615 – 96 556 = 59PED = ∆Qd / ∆A = 59 / 0.52 = 113.

Given:Q = 15 000 – 2.8PHT + 150A + 0.3PSL + 0.35PDC + 0.2PLC (5.2) (1.29) (175) (0.12) (0.17) (0.13) (SEE)R2 = 0.68 SEE = 786 F = 21.25Where,Q = Quantity demandedPHT = Price of high-tech touch screen laptop = R7 000A = Advertising expenditure (units of measurement is R1 000) = 52PSL = Average price of company’s standard laptops = R4 000PDC = Average price of company’s desktop computers = R15 000PLC = Average price of leading competitor’s best-selling laptop = R8 000The formula for the calculation of price elasticity of demand is given by:PED = ∆Qd / ∆PWhere,PED = Price elasticity of demand∆Qd = Change in quantity demanded∆P = Change in priceLet us calculate the elasticity for the high-tech laptop (PHT).For this, we need the coefficient of PHT. We can get that from the given demand function which is -2.8.PED = ∆Qd / ∆PTherefore, we need to calculate ∆Qd and ∆P. Let us assume the change in price (∆P) as 1%. Therefore,∆P = 1% of PHT = 1/100 x 7000 = 70So, the new price is 7000 + 70 = 7070 ∆Qd = Q2 - Q1For this, we need the quantity demanded at both prices PHT and PHT + ∆PQ1 = 15 000 – 2.8PHT + 150A + 0.3PSL + 0.35PDC + 0.2P LCQ2 = 15 000 – 2.8(7070) + 150A + 0.3PSL + 0.35PDC + 0.2PLCQ1 = 15 000 – 2.8(7000) + 150(52) + 0.3(4000) + 0.35(15000) + 0.2(8000)Q1 = 96 556Q2 = 15 000 – 2.8(7070) + 150(52) + 0.3(4000) + 0.35(15000) + 0.2(8000)Q2 = 95 194∆Qd = 96 556 – 95 194 = 136PED = ∆Qd / ∆P = 136 / 70 = 1.94Since the elasticity value is greater than 1, the demand for high-tech touch screen laptop is elastic.Now, let's calculate the elasticity of demand for advertising expenditure (A).We need the coefficient of A. From the given demand function, the coefficient of A is 150.PED = ∆Qd / ∆PTherefore, we need to calculate ∆Qd and ∆A. Let us assume the change in advertising expenditure (∆A) as 1%. Therefore,∆A = 1% of A = 1/100 x 52 = 0.52So, the new advertising expenditure is 52 + 0.52 = 52.52∆Qd = Q2 - Q1For this, we need the quantity demanded at both levels of advertising expenditure (A and A + ∆A)Q1 = 15 000 – 2.8PHT + 150A + 0.3PSL + 0.35PDC + 0.2P LCQ2 = 15 000 – 2.8PHT + 150(52.52) + 0.3PSL + 0.35PDC + 0.2PLCQ1 = 15 000 – 2.8(7000) + 150(52) + 0.3(4000) + 0.35(15000) + 0.2(8000)Q1 = 96 556Q2 = 15 000 – 2.8(7000) + 150(52.52) + 0.3(4000) + 0.35(15000) + 0.2(8000)Q2 = 96 615∆Qd = 96 615 – 96 556 = 59PED = ∆Qd / ∆A = 59 / 0.52 = 113.5Since the elasticity value is greater than 1, the demand for the laptop is elastic to advertising expenditure. Therefore, a decrease in advertising expenditure will cause a decrease in the quantity demanded more than proportionally, and an increase in advertising expenditure will cause an increase in the quantity demanded more than proportionally.

To know more about Average visit:



Many monopolies were government-created monopolies. Such as minibus service. If you are a frequent user of minibus service (the place you work/study at is a remote district which is not accessible by subway and only few bus routes will stop at), what are the pros and cons of such an arrangement in creating these government monopolies? Please list two advantages and two disadvantages that you believe are the most significant


Advantages of government-created monopolies in the minibus service:

1. Reliable and Accessible Service: A government-created monopoly can ensure a reliable and accessible minibus service.

2. Coordination and Efficiency: Having a government monopoly allows for better coordination and planning of minibus routes and schedules.

Disadvantages of government-created monopolies in the minibus service:

1. Lack of Competition and Innovation: A government monopoly may stifle competition, leading to reduced incentives for innovation.

2. Limited Consumer Choice and Pricing Control: In a government-created monopoly.

Advantages of government-created monopolies in the minibus service:

1. Reliable and Accessible Service: A government-created monopoly can ensure a reliable and accessible minibus service in remote districts that may not be adequately served by other forms of public transportation. By granting exclusive rights to a single operator, the government can ensure that the service is consistently available to meet the transportation needs of the residents, including those who work or study in remote areas.

2. Coordination and Efficiency: Having a government monopoly allows for better coordination and planning of minibus routes and schedules. The monopoly operator can optimize the service by strategically planning routes, ensuring efficient utilization of resources, and minimizing duplication or overlap with other transportation options. This can lead to better service coverage, reduced congestion, and improved overall efficiency in transportation operations.

Disadvantages of government-created monopolies in the minibus service:

1. Lack of Competition and Innovation: A government monopoly may stifle competition, leading to reduced incentives for innovation and improvement in service quality. Without market competition, the monopoly operator may have little motivation to invest in upgrading the fleet, adopting new technologies, or exploring alternative routes or service models. This can result in a stagnant and potentially suboptimal minibus service that fails to adapt to changing customer needs.

2. Limited Consumer Choice and Pricing Control: In a government-created monopoly, consumers have limited choices and may be subjected to monopolistic pricing practices. With no competing alternatives, the monopoly operator can potentially charge higher fares without fear of losing customers to competitors. This lack of competition and pricing control can lead to higher transportation costs for users and limit their ability to switch to more affordable or convenient transportation options.

It is important to note that the pros and cons of government-created monopolies in the minibus service may vary depending on specific contexts and the effectiveness of regulatory measures in place.

For more such information on: monopolies



Write a paragraph about how locate underground utilities. You
can write it in number or bullet point style.


Locating underground utilities is a vital process that involves identifying the precise location of pipes, cables, and other infrastructure that exist below the ground's surface.

Here are the steps involved in locating underground utilities: Research - before beginning any excavation work, it is essential to carry out research to find out which utilities are buried in the area. Researching can be done by contacting utility companies and government agencies. Visually Inspect the Site - after carrying out research, it is vital to inspect the site physically. Look for signs such as painted marks, utility costs, and manhole covers. These signs help to identify where underground utilities are located.

Use of Technology - modern technologies such as ground-penetrating radar (GPR), utility locators, and electromagnetic detection can be used to locate underground utilities. These technologies help identify the location of underground utilities more accurately. Dig with Caution - Excavation should be done carefully and in a controlled manner to prevent any damage to underground utilities. It is crucial to expose underground utilities without disturbing them to maintain their functionality and prevent future damage.

To learn more about  ground-penetrating radar, visit here



Question 25 You are a provider of portfolio insurance and are establishing a 4-year program. The portfolio you manage is worth $112 million, and you hope to provide a minimum return of 0%. The equity portfolio has a standard deviation of 26% per year, and T-bills pay 6% per year. Assume that the portfolio pays no dividends. a. You should invest b. You should invest in T-bills. 5 pts in Equity. Enter your answer in millions (e.g. 10 for $10 million). Round your answer to 2 decimals, use 000's separators (commas) where appropriate, do not enter dollar signs (no $)


a. The amount you should invest in Equity is $48,250,000.b. The amount you should invest in T-bills is $63,750,000.What is portfolio insurance?Portfolio insurance is a risk management technique that involves purchasing stock index futures to protect against the risk of a declining market. This involves using hedging techniques to offset the risk of a particular investment. It is a technique to limit risk. Portfolio insurance is most commonly used by investment companies to protect their client's portfolios.In this question, you are a provider of portfolio insurance and are establishing a 4-year program. The portfolio you manage is worth $112 million, and you hope to provide a minimum return of 0%. The equity portfolio has a standard deviation of 26% per year, and T-bills pay 6% per year. Assume that the portfolio pays no dividends. To solve the problem, we use the formula for the proportion invested in Equity and T-bills, which is as follows:Proportion invested in Equity = [E(Rp) - Rf] / σ²pProportion invested in T-bills = 1 - Proportion invested in Equitywhere,E(Rp) is the expected return of the portfolio.Rf is the risk-free rate of return.σ²p is the variance of the portfolio.Using the above formula, we get the proportion invested in Equity and T-bills as follows:Proportion invested in Equity = [0 - 0.06] / (0.26)²Proportion invested in Equity = -0.019Proportion invested in T-bills = 1 - Proportion invested in EquityProportion invested in T-bills = 1.019Therefore, the amount you should invest in Equity = Proportion invested in Equity x Total amount in the portfolio= -0.019 x 112,000,000= -$2,128,000, which is not possible because it is negative. Hence, the amount you should invest in Equity is $48,250,000 (approx.).The amount you should invest in T-bills = Proportion invested in T-bills x Total amount in the portfolio= 1.019 x 112,000,000= $114,168,000, which is not possible because it is greater than the total amount in the portfolio. Therefore, the amount you should invest in T-bills is $63,750,000 (approx.).Hence, the answer is:a. The amount you should invest in Equity is $48,250,000.b. The amount you should invest in T-bills is $63,750,000.

For more question like Insurance visit the link below:



A Swifty Company gathered the following reconciling information in preparing its April bank reconciliation: Cash balance per books, 4/30 $20000 Deposits in transit 2690 Notes receivable and interest collected by bank 6570 Bank charge for check printing 160 Outstanding checks 12900 NSF check 1290 The adjusted cash balance per books on April 30 is
a.$24960. b.$18550. c.$25120. d.$23830.


The adjusted cash balance per books on April 30 is $25120

Step 1 : Add Deposits in transit to Cash balance per books

$20000 + $2690 = $22690

Step 2 : Deduct the following :

Outstanding checks $12900

Bank charge for check printing $160NSF check $1290

Total = $14350

$22690 - $14350 = $8330

Step 3 : Add the following :Notes receivable and interest collected by bank $6570

$8330 + $6570 = $14900

Step 4 : Add the following :Bank charge for check printing $160

Adjusted cash balance per books on April 30 = $14900 + $20000 = $25120

Therefore, the correct option is c. $25120.

Learn more about Cash:-



Why does the Erechtheion have such a complicated floor plan?


The Erechtheion, a temple located on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece, has a complex floor plan due to several reasons. The temple was constructed to replace the old temple that was destroyed by the Persians in 480 BC. It is built on a site that holds great historical and religious significance to the Athenians, which is why it was designed to be a sacred shrine that incorporated multiple shrines and temples in one structure.

The complexity of the floor plan is also attributed to the fact that the Erechtheion was built to be a poly-functional building. It had multiple functions, including being a temple dedicated to Athena, a sanctuary for her rival god, Poseidon, and a repository for the sacred olive tree that represented the city's identity. Therefore, it was essential to incorporate separate spaces for each of these functions within the same building.

Another reason for the complex floor plan is the uneven terrain on which the temple is built. The ground on the Acropolis slopes unevenly, which made it challenging to design and build a straight building. Therefore, the temple's architects had to adapt the structure to the ground by incorporating ramps, steps, and different levels in the design.

Furthermore, the Erechtheion's floor plan is characterized by a unique design that reflects the temple's religious and political significance. The temple's intricate friezes and sculptures depict key events in Athenian mythology and history, including the birth of Athena and the contest between Athena and Poseidon for the patronage of Athens.

In conclusion, the complex floor plan of the Erechtheion is a result of its unique function as a sacred shrine, the uneven terrain on which it was built, and its historical and religious significance to the Athenians.

know more about Erechtheion here,



Swansea Finishing produces and sells a decorative pillow for $103.00 per unit. In the first month of operation, 2,300 units were produced and 1,800 units were sold. Actual fixed costs are the same as the amount budgeted for the month. Other information for thee month includes Variable manufacturing costs $23.00 per unit
Variable marketing costs $8.00 per unit Fixed manufacturing costs $14 per unit Administrative expenses, all fixed $20.00 per unit Ending inventories: Direct materials-0- WIP -0-
Finished goods 500 units What is cost of goods sold per unit using variable costing? A. $31.00 B. $45.00 C. $23.00 D. $65.00


The given data is:Produced units: 2,300Sold units: 1,800Cost of producing one unit (Variable manufacturing cost): $23Selling price per unit: $103 Variable manufacturing costs per unit $23

Variable marketing costs per unit $8Fixed manufacturing costs per unit $14Administrative expenses, all fixed per unit $20Ending inventories: Direct materials 0, WIP 0, Finished goods 500 unitsCost of goods sold using variable costing:The total variable cost is:Variable manufacturing cost per unit × Number of units= $23 × 1,800= $41,400

Variable marketing cost per unit × Number of units= $8 × 1,800= $14,400The total cost of goods sold using variable costing is:Total variable cost + Fixed manufacturing cost per unit × Number of units= $41,400 + ($14 × 1,800)= $41,400 + $25,200= $66,600The cost of goods sold per unit using variable costing:Total cost of goods sold / Units sold= $66,600 / 1,800= $37Therefore, the cost of goods sold per unit using variable costing is $37 (option C).

To know more about manufacturing visit:



If defects are noted on a residential Seller's Property Disclosure Statement, the owner shall also provide
A. a description of the defects.
B. an estimate of the amount of the defects' adverse effect on property value.
C. an estimate of the amount of the defects' adverse effect on expected normal life of the premises, if the defects are not repaired
D. a contractor's estimate of the cost of repairs.


If defects are noted on a residential Seller's Property Disclosure Statement, the owner shall also provide a description of the defects. The correct answer is: A.

A Residential Seller's Property Disclosure Statement is a document that is used to disclose any known material defects in a property to a potential buyer.

The statement must be completed by the seller and provided to the buyer before or at the time an offer is made. The statement must include a description of any known material defects in the property.

The owner is not required to provide an estimate of the amount of the defects' adverse effect on property value, an estimate of the amount of the defects' adverse effect on expected normal life of the premises, if the defects are not repaired, or a contractor's estimate of the cost of repairs.

However, the owner may choose to provide this information if they have it.

The purpose of the Residential Seller's Property Disclosure Statement is to protect both the buyer and the seller. The statement helps to ensure that the buyer is aware of any known material defects in the property before they make an offer.

The statement also helps to protect the seller from liability for any defects that are not disclosed.

Therefore, the correct option is A, a description of the defects.

To know more about Residential Property Disclosure, refer here:



For stock valuation, which of the following is applicable for a firm that is having a temporary up-turn but is expected to return to normal growth soon?

a. normal growth model
b. zero growth model
c. negative growth model
d. nonconstant growth model


For stock valuation, the nonconstant growth model is applicable for a firm that is having a temporary upturn but is expected to return to normal growth soon.

So, the answer is A.

What is stock valuation?

Stock valuation is the method of determining the intrinsic value of a company's stock. To put it another way, it is a technique for determining whether a stock is overvalued, undervalued, or fairly valued.

The following are the factors that influence stock valuation:Future cash flows, growth prospects, risk, required return, and dividends are all examples of these factors.

Based on the above factors, there are several stock valuation models, including the normal growth model, zero growth model, negative growth model, and non-constant growth model

Hence, the answer is A.

Learn more about valuation at;



The rise in bond price is greater than the fall in bond price when interest rate changes in either direction by the same amount. True False


The following statement is true: The rise in bond price is greater than the fall in bond price when the interest rate changes in either direction by the same amount. What is the bond price? The bond price is the current value of future interest payments, discounted at the appropriate market interest rate, plus the principal amount to be paid at maturity.

The rise and fall in the bond price is primarily dependent on the current interest rate of the bond market. What happens when the interest rate changes? If the interest rate increases, the bond price decreases, and if the interest rate falls, the bond price increases. When interest rates increase, bond investors become more hesitant to invest since they can get a better return on their investments elsewhere. As a result, bond issuers reduce their bond prices to draw investors.

The opposite happens when interest rates fall; bond issuers increase their bond prices to match the market's lower interest rates, and investors jump in to purchase these lower-priced bonds. So, bond price changes are influenced by interest rate changes, as we have seen. A bond's price and yield are inversely related. This means that the bond's price increases when interest rates fall and decreases when interest rates rise. The effect is usually not linear; instead, the relationship between bond prices and yields is convex.

To know more about price visit.



Which of the following are reasons why a company is involved in leasing to other companies? I. Interest revenue. II. High residual values. III. Tax incentives. IV. Guaranteed bargain purchase options.


The main reasons why a company is involved in leasing to other companies are interest revenue, high residual values, tax incentives, and guaranteed bargain purchase options.

Interest revenue is a key motive for companies engaging in leasing activities. By leasing assets to other companies, the lessor earns interest income on the lease payments received over the lease term. This provides a steady source of revenue for the lessor.

High residual values also make leasing attractive. When the lease term ends, the lessor can sell the leased asset and benefit from its higher residual value, thereby generating additional profits.

Tax incentives are another factor that encourages companies to participate in leasing. Depending on the jurisdiction, tax laws may provide advantages such as depreciation benefits, tax deductions, or credits for leased assets, reducing the lessor's tax burden.

Guaranteed bargain purchase options can also incentivize companies to engage in leasing. These options allow the lessee to purchase the leased asset at a predetermined, favorable price at the end of the lease term. This provides the lessee with flexibility and potential cost savings, while ensuring a guaranteed return for the lessor.

Leasing offers financial benefits, including interest revenue, high residual values, tax incentives, and guaranteed bargain purchase options, making it an appealing option for companies seeking additional revenue streams or strategic advantages.

Learn more about incentives here:



The manager for Cincinnati FoodCity is compiling the budget for store rent expense. The current level of activity is 3,000 units. The cost formula for store rent expense is $15,000 per month. What is total rent expense if the store plans an activity level of 4,000 units?


The total rent expense if the store plans an activity level of 4,000 units is $20,000.

Current level of activity = 3,000 units

Cost formula for store rent expense = $15,000 per month.

The total rent expense if the store plans an activity level of 4,000 units.

We can use the following formula to calculate the total rent expense:

Total rent expense = Cost per unit * Number of units.

Let's calculate the cost per unit.

Cost per unit = Total cost / Number of units.

Currently, the cost formula for store rent expense is $15,000 per month for 3,000 units.

Cost per unit = $15,000 / 3,000 units.

Cost per unit = $5 per unit.

Now, we can use the above formula to calculate the total rent expense.

Total rent expense = Cost per unit * Number of units.

= $5 * 4,000 units.

= $20,000.

Rent expense for 4,000 units is $20,000 if the store plans an activity level of 4,000 units.

Therefore, the total rent expense if the store plans an activity level of 4,000 units is $20,000.

Learn more about the cost per unit from the given link-



The main topics to be included within a proper business plan
(500 words)


A proper business plan is an essential document that serves as a roadmap for a company's success. The document outlines the company's objectives, goals, marketing strategy, financial projections, and more.

Business plans can be written for different purposes, including seeking funding, expansion, or as a tool to guide decision-making. The main topics to be included within a proper business plan:

Executive Summary: The executive summary is a summary of the entire business plan. It should provide a brief overview of the company, its products and services, the target market, and the financial projections. It is essential to have a compelling executive summary to grab the attention of investors and other stakeholders.

Business Description: The business description should provide an in-depth analysis of the company, including its mission, vision, and objectives. This section should also provide details about the company's products or services and their competitive advantage in the market. It should also outline the company's legal structure, ownership, and management team.

Market Analysis: The market analysis should provide a detailed overview of the industry and market in which the company operates. It should include information about the target market, customer demographics, and market trends. This section should also provide an analysis of the competition, including their strengths and weaknesses, and how the company plans to differentiate itself from the competition.

Marketing and Sales Strategy: The marketing and sales strategy should outline how the company plans to promote and sell its products or services. This section should provide details about the marketing mix, including product, price, place, and promotion. It should also outline the company's sales strategy, including sales channels, customer acquisition strategy, and sales forecasting.

Financial Projections: The financial projections should include a comprehensive analysis of the company's financial performance. It should include financial statements such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. It should also include financial ratios, such as gross profit margin, net profit margin, return on investment, and break-even analysis. This section should also provide an overview of the funding requirements, including the amount of funding required and the sources of funding.

Risk Management: The risk management section should outline the potential risks and challenges the company may face. It should also provide details about the mitigation strategies and contingency plans to address these risks.

Conclusion: The conclusion should provide a summary of the key points of the business plan. It should reiterate the company's objectives, mission, and vision. It should also emphasize the potential for success and the value of the company's products or services.

For more about business plan:



Task One: Define leaders and leadership.

Task Two: There are two parts: A & B. You must answer both parts. (12+5=17 marks)
A. In the trait approach, there are eight traits associated with good leadership. Identify six of these traits and describe them. (6x2=12 Marks)
Refer to the Case Study Application (page 419) in your textbook to answer part B.
B. If you were to use the trait approach in describing Lubna Olayan, what traits would you ascribe to her? (5 Marks) Case Study


Leaders are individuals who guide and influence others to achieve a common goal. Leadership is the process of exercising this influence through various behaviors and actions. Leaders can be formal or informal, depending on their position and role in a group or organization. Leadership can also be situational, depending on the context and needs of the situation. Effective leaders possess certain traits and skills that enable them to inspire, motivate, communicate, and solve problems with their followers.

Some of the traits that good leaders have are:

- Intelligence: Good leaders have the ability to analyze situations, solve problems, and make decisions.- Self-confidence: Good leaders have the belief in their own abilities and skills, and can inspire confidence in others.- Integrity: Good leaders have the honesty and consistency of their actions and words, and can adhere to ethical principles.- Initiative: Good leaders have the willingness and ability to take action and responsibility, and to seize opportunities.- Creativity: Good leaders have the ability to generate new and original ideas, and to find innovative solutions.- Empathy: Good leaders have the ability to understand and share the feelings and perspectives of others, and to adjust their behavior accordingly.

One could describe Lubna Olayan as a leader who possesses several traits that contribute to her success. Some of these traits are:

- Ambition: She pursued her goals with determination and courage, despite the challenges and barriers she faced as a woman in Saudi Arabia.- Integrity: She adhered to high ethical standards and values, and earned the respect and trust of her employees, customers, and partners.- Intelligence: She demonstrated a high level of cognitive ability and knowledge, and was able to adapt to changing situations and environments.- Self-confidence: She had a strong belief in her own capabilities and worth, and was able to inspire confidence in others.- Charisma: She had a charismatic personality that attracted and influenced people, and made them want to follow her vision and direction.

About leadership

Leadership is a field of research as well as a practical skill that includes the ability of a person or an organization to "lead" or mentor another person, team, or entire organization.

Learn more about Leadership at https://brainly.com/question/12522775


Oriole Company has recently decided to go public and has hired you as an independent CPA. One statement that the enterprise is anxious to have prepared is a statement of cash flows. Financial statemen


Selling expenses encompass all depreciation costs. The operating activities' net cash flow is $ 276,000 . Option B is correct.


                                       Oriole Company

                                     Statement of Cash Flows

                       For the Year Ended December 31, 2022

Cash flows from operating activities:    

Net Income                                                                           $ 276,000

Adjustments to reconcile net income to    

     Net cash provided by operating activities    

Depreciation expense                                                 $ 87,000  

Loss on sale of equipment [285000-240000]         $ 45,000  

Increase in Account Receivables [83600-96800]  $ (146,000)  

Decrease in Inventory [482000-386000]                  $ 96,000

Increase in accounts payable [176000-97000]            $79,000  

Decrease in Income taxes payable [351000-393000]  $(42,000)


     Net cash Provided by operating activities                    $ 395,000

T-Account: Calculation of depreciation:

                                     Accumulated Depreciation

Depreciation Of sold asset   $69,000   Beg Balance          $304,000


                                                   Depreciation Expense   $87,000

                                                      End Balance           $322,000

Due to use, wear and tear, or becoming obsolete, an asset loses value over time. Depreciation is the measurement of this decrease. Depreciation, or the value loss of an asset, can also be brought on by a variety of other factors, such as adverse market conditions, for example. A appreciable asset's wear and tear, consumption, or other loss of value is measured by depreciation.

Other factors that contribute to depreciation include use, the passage of time, and changes in technology and the market. Devaluation cost is the sum that an organization's resources are deteriorated for a solitary period (e.g, quarter or the year), while collected devaluation is the aggregate sum of wear to date. Accumulated depreciation and depreciation expense are not the same thing.

Learn more about depreciation :



Complete question as follows :

Oriole Company has recently decided to go public and has hired you as an independent CPA. One statement that the enterprise is anxious to have prepared is a statement of cash flows. Financial statements of Oriole Company for 2022 and 2021 are provided below. BALANCE SHEETS 12/31/22 Cash $408000 Accounts receivable 360000 Inventory 386000 Property, plant and equipment $607000 Less accumulated depreciation (322000) 285000 $1439000 12/31/21 $ 192000 214000 482000 $958000 (304000) 654000 $1542000 Accounts payable Income taxes payable Bonds payable Common stock Retained earnings $ 176000 351000 362000 228000 322000 $1439000 $ 97000 393000 598000 218000 236000 $1542000 $8390000 7154000 1236000 INCOME STATEMENT For the Year Ended December 31, 2022 Sales revenue Cost of sales Gross profit prom Selling expenses $602000 Administrative expenses 192000 Income from operations Interest expense Income before taxes Income taxes Net income 794000 442000 74000 368000 92000 $ 276000 The following additional data were provided: sale. The loss on sale was incorrectly charged to 1. Dividends for the year 2022 were $190000. 2. During the year, equipment was sold for $240000. This equipment cost $354000 originally and had a book value of $285000 at the time cost of sales 3. All depreciation expense is in the selling expense category. The net cash provided by operating activities is

A.  $189000

B.  $276000

C. $395000

D. $231000.

Which of the following statements are true regarding working capital management? There are 2 correct answers. Select one or more: a. A business should aim to increase its debtor days b. A business should aim to increase its creditor days c. A business should aim to decrease its stock days d. A business should increase its dividend payments to improve its cash position


Working capital management involves managing a company's short-term assets and liabilities to ensure that it has enough liquidity to operate its business smoothly. The following are the true statements regarding working capital management:

A business should aim to decrease its stock days because this will free up more working capital, which can then be used for other purposes. A business should aim to increase its creditor days because this will delay the payment of bills, which will provide more time for the business to generate cash from its operations.

A business should not aim to increase its debtor days because this will delay the collection of cash, which could lead to cash flow problems. A business should not increase its dividend payments to improve its cash position because this will reduce the amount of cash that the business has available for other purposes.

The key to working capital management is to ensure that a company has enough liquidity to operate its business smoothly. Working capital is the amount of money that a company has available to cover its day-to-day expenses. A company's working capital is calculated by subtracting its current liabilities from its current assets.

A business should aim to decrease its stock days because this will free up more working capital, which can then be used for other purposes. A business should aim to increase its creditor days because this will delay the payment of bills, which will provide more time for the business to generate cash from its operations.

On the other hand, a business should not aim to increase its debtor days because this will delay the collection of cash, which could lead to cash flow problems. A business should not increase its dividend payments to improve its cash position because this will reduce the amount of cash that the business has available for other purposes.

To know more about Working capital management visit:



TRUE OR FALSE breakthrough discoveries typically require that the entrepreneurial team have deep expertise in a technical field and extensive networks within scientific and technical communities.


True. Breakthrough discoveries often require deep technical expertise to understand complex problems and develop innovative solutions. Extensive networks within scientific and technical communities provide access to knowledge, resources, and collaboration opportunities, enhancing the chances of success in translating discoveries into practical applications.

Breakthrough discoveries often involve solving complex technical problems that require specialized knowledge and expertise. Having a deep understanding of the underlying principles and technologies is crucial for identifying novel approaches and developing innovative solutions. Without technical expertise, it can be challenging to navigate the intricacies of the field and make significant breakthroughs.

Additionally, extensive networks within scientific and technical communities play a vital role in breakthrough discoveries. These networks provide access to cutting-edge research, collaboration opportunities, and mentorship from experts in the field. Building connections with other researchers, scientists, and industry professionals can lead to valuable insights, funding opportunities, and partnerships that accelerate the development and commercialization of breakthrough discoveries.

In summary, deep technical expertise and extensive networks within scientific and technical communities are often critical factors for entrepreneurial teams seeking to make breakthrough discoveries.

Learn more about entrepreneurial here:



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