1. Which of the following tests is a common college placement exam?


Answer 1




The most common college placement exams amongst colleges is the ACT or the SAT

Answer 2




This exam cover 4 topics: Math, Science Reasoning, English and Reading.

It is commonly used in collage placements in US universities.

Also the acronym stands for American College Testing which is helpful in remembering


Related Questions

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Pls help ~English ~I’ll mark brainliest if correct



B the poem is mostly built out of imagery

What kinds of data do you think is OK to share about yourself and does it matter whom you're
sharing it with?



Your name and your age.

what do i do if i accidentally clicked a retake on a quiz that i just made a 90 on?



If it's in school it should save... or you can tell the teacher that you accidently pressed retake. But if your at home tell your parents... or hurry and abort it.


you retake it and learn from what you got wrong the first time,:)

Explanation:Can i have brainliest please

Which of these could be a main idea?
Options: A: The typical birthday dessert is cake and ice cream?
B: Many Kids want clowns at their parties?
C: Some parties have pinatas filled with many types of candy
D: Birthday parties for young kids can be fun





Writing Prompt: identify two challenges the Allies faced on D-Day. Write an essay that explains how they responded to these challenges


Answer is B nenjenenenenejjeneennrje

The beginning of the passage implies that the Hadley family is: A. loving B. trusting C. wealthy D. close-knit


Answer: i belive the answer is C

Explanation: by reading the story we can infer or know  some detail likewise with my answer and that's what i did to get my answer

The beginning of the passage suggests that the Hadley family is (d) "close-knit."

The phrase "the beginning of the passage" refers to the initial portion of the text, indicating that the description provided relates to the family dynamics. The term "close-knit" implies that the family members have strong bonds, are tightly connected, and support one another. It suggests a sense of unity, emotional closeness, and a strong familial relationship among the Hadley family members.

The options "loving" and "trusting" could also be applicable, but "close-knit" specifically emphasizes the tightness of their familial ties, which aligns with the information given in the passage.

To learn more about close-knit, visit here



II. Match the words or phrases below to their appropriate definitions or descriptions. Place a letter on the blank line next to the correct numbered definition or description:

A) joint liability N) owned by an individual
C) respondeat superior P) apparent authority
D) limited partnership Q) agent
E) principal R) express authority
F) ratification S) LLC
G) comingle T) loyalty
H) FBN U) winding up
I) implied authority V) franchise
J) unlimited liability W) several liability
K) agency X) LLP
L) refund expenses Y) pro rata
M) general partner

1) directs agent's performance______
2) all assets at risk_____
3) according to portion_____
4) reimburse____
5) DbA_______
6) has unlimited liability_____
7) individual liability_____
8) mix_____
9) in principal's best interest____
10) in partnership dissolution____
11) type of sole proprietorship____
12) authority by estoppel_____
13) performs on behalf of principal_____
14) hybrid business form_____
15) detailed in the contract_____
16) employer identification_____
17) partnership business liability___
18) authorized though agent lacked authority____
19) because of custom__________
20) attorney - client relationship_______
21) liable to your clients primarily_______
22) employer liable for employee's harm to another___
23) silent partnership______
24) informs partnership agreements____
25) sole proprietorship_____


The correct matching is; A) W, B) U, C) S, D) X, E) Q, F) V, G) O, H) N, I) P, J) K, L) Y, M) T.

A) Joint liability refers to the legal responsibility of two or more people for a debt or other obligation.

B) The EIN (Employer Identification Number) is used to identify the company when closing out its taxes.

C) Respondent superior LLC is a business structure that combines the limited liability of a limited liability company (LLC) with the corporate tax advantages of a general partnership.

D) Limited Partnership LLP (LPLLP) is a business entity that is a partnership between one or more general partners and one or more limited partners.

E) Principal Agent refers to a relationship where one person, the principal, gives authority to another, the agent, to act on their behalf and in their interests.

F) Ratification Franchise is a form of business where the franchisor authorizes a franchisee to do business using the franchisor's brand and products.

G) Commingle UPA refers to the Uniform Partnership Act (UPA).

H) FBN (Fictitious Business Name) Owned by an individual is a name used by an individual to run a business not associated with their own name.

I) Implied Authority Apparent Authority is a concept under which an agent has the power to act on behalf of a principal even if that power was not explicitly given.

J) Unlimited Liability Agency is a type of agency in which the principal and agent are both liable for the agent's actions.

L) Refund Expenses Pro Rata refers to the practice of reimbursing the expenses of a business proportionally based on the percentage of expense each partner is responsible for.

M) General Partner Loyalty refers to the ethical obligation of a general partner to the other partners in a partnership.

To learn more about Joint liability link is here



"but as the dog said, ‘if i fall down for you and you fall down for me, it is play" (73).


In the given quote, the dog's words convey a simple but profound message about the nature of play and reciprocity.

The dog's statement highlights the mutual and joyful exchange that occurs when two beings engage in a playful interaction. It emphasizes the idea that play is not just an individual act but a shared experience that strengthens bonds and creates a sense of harmony. The dog's words also suggest the importance of trust and cooperation in play, as both parties willingly fall down for each other, metaphorically representing their willingness to support and engage with one another.

Ultimately, the dog's statement serves as a reminder of the joyful and interconnected individual act nature of play and the positive impact it can have on relationships.

To learn more about reciprocity, visit here



"but as the dog said, ‘if i fall down for you and you fall down for me, it is play" (73). Explain

Why was the doctor there when the captain needed him in chapters 1-3 of Treasure Island?

A. He was checking on Jim’s sick father.
B. He lives at the inn.
C. He saw Black Dog and knew something bad was going to have it.
D. He was good friends with the captain and always by his side.


In treasure island, the doctor was there when the captain needed him because he saw Black Dog and knew something bad was going to have it. Therefore, option C is correct.

In the early chapters of the book, a mysterious and sinister pirate named Black Dog visits the Admiral Benbow Inn where Jim Hawkins, the protagonist, lives and works. Black Dog's appearance raises suspicions, as he seems to be searching for something or someone.

The captain of the Hispaniola, Captain Billy Bones, is an ex-pirate who possesses a valuable treasure map, and Black Dog's presence suggests that trouble may be brewing.

Learn more about treasure island, here:



"The hands are churches that worship the world" what does this mean??



-The metaphor can mean that the days are common

-The day consists of people places and things… def. of a noun

-Breaking the daily routine, touching them is going out and making the most of the day

-Sharing of talents and ideas for the world to work

-Character is very hard working and is physically making/doing things with her hands to make the world a better place


The sentence shows how the hands can admire and feel all the elements in the world.

The sentence above presents a metaphor, which is the figure of speech that allows an implicit comparison to being made between two distinct elements that do not have a direct relationship.

The metaphor used in the sentence is capable of:

Compare hands with churches.Show that just as a church allows people to feel and admire the god they worship, hands can allow people to feel and admire the world, through touch.

The presence of the metaphor gives depth to the sentence and allows the term "hands" to have a more subjective and poetical meaning.

An example of metaphor can be seen in the sentence:

"Your eyes are a starless night."

In this sentence, the narrator makes a comparison between a person's eyes and a night without stars. The narrator does this to show how dark those eyes are, since a starless night means that the night is not lit, it is dark.

More information:


Read the passage.

(1) Ask young people today if they know of anyone
who has had smallpox, and they might ask, "What's
smallpox?" (2) That is because this disease was
eradicated from the planet decades ago, thanks to
vaccinations. (3) Despite the obvious effectiveness of
vaccination, opponents of this procedure argue that
without adding anything potentially harmful to their
bodies. (4) Still, the American Academy of Pediatrics
says that vaccines can be 99 percent effective, and
the Centers for Disease Control claims that, over a 10-
year period, vaccines allowed 322 million children to
avoid illnesses. (5) So the next time someone tells you
that vaccines are poisoned apples that will lead to a
fate like Snow White's, counter their argument with the
facts. (6) The bottom line is that vaccines are safe to
use and save lives.

How can the writer add parallelism in this passage?

A. by changing the phrase "young people” to “most
people” in sentence 1

B. O by deleting the words obvious and potentially from
sentence 3

C. by deleting “save lives" and adding the phrase
"easy to administer" to the end of sentence 4

D. by shortening the passage to only five sentences
by removing sentence 5





by deleting “save lives” and adding the phrase “easy to administer” to the end of sentence 4

To add parallelism in the passage, the writer could make the sentences consistent in structure or form. Looking at the given options, the most appropriate choice would be by deleting the words "obvious" and "potentially" from sentence 3. Therefore, the correct option is B.

This option makes the sentence structure more consistent with the other phrases in the paragraph by removing the words "apparent" and "probable." In this application, parallelism refers to having a consistent pattern or outline throughout writing, which helps to communicate concepts more effectively.

Therefore, the correct option is B.

Learn more about parallelism, here:



Be not dismayed that her unmoved mind
Doth still persist in her rebellious pride:
And love not like to lusts of baser kind,
The harder won, the firmer will abide.
The durefull Oak, whose sap is not yet dried,
Is long ere it conceive the kindling fire:
But when it once doth burn, it doth divide,
Great heat, and makes his flames to heaven aspire.
So hard it is to kindle new desire,
In gentle breast that shall endure for ever:
Deep is the wound, that dints the parts entire
With chaste affects that naught but death can sever.
Then think not long in taking little pain,
To knit the knot that ever shall remain.
The sonnet is written in the 1. Petrarchan 2. English 3. Italian form. The rhyme scheme is 1. abaddcbccdcdee 2. abba ggceffege 3. abcabcdcddcdee
The main idea of the poem is
1. lasting love 2. hope 3. madness The poet has used the 1. metaphor 2. simile 3. personification
of burning an oak to emphasize how patient one needs to be when trying
to win the love of a lady. He also uses the metaphor of the 1. knot 2. wounded 3. pain
to emphasize the depth of love.



up88rsipsusirsp7rs7rz7rditxitcypcx96rurxuorzxpuupzuptd80tc8y zechariah gb9cdu ufx


english, ababbcbcbccdcdee , lasting love, metaphor, wound


PLATO got it right

4. PART B: Which of the following quotes best supports the answer to Part A?


Answer: you forgot to add the picture!


Where is the picture

what do we call adjectives joined by liniking verbs to the nouns they qualify​



why to have the speed of a cucumber you need a potato on a skateboard at 10

predicative adjective

Use "A Baseball School for Big-League Dreamers "and "I Believe in the Also-Rans" to answer this question. Which sentence correctly describes the organizational pattern used by the authors of the two selections?


Hello. You forgot to present the options given. The response options are:

A Both selections provide definitions of key terms to add meaning to the texts.

B Both selections include anecdotes as examples to support their main ideas.

C Both selections use quotations from experts to support the main ideas in the texts.

D Both selections use cause-and-effect to highlight the relationships between key ideas


B Both selections include anecdotes as examples to support their main ideas.


An anecdote is a short story that can have a surprising or inspiring ending, but it is used as an example for a larger concept, which is usually associated with a text. In "A Baseball School for Big-League Dreamers" and "I Believe in the Also-Rans" we can see the use of anecdotes to represent the concepts that each author wants to show with his text. In "A Baseball School for Big-League Dreamers" we can see an anecdote about a boy who dreamed of being a great baseball player and went to a school that focuses on training professional players, however, the school does not guarantee that all students will achieve their goals, but they teach them to persist and to be the best players they can. "I Believe in the Also-Rans" tells an anecdote about how a child was happy to finish a race in third place, showing that the important thing is to complete your goals, even though you are not the most successful person in the room.

Please help with 2 and 3 I really need help.



A for the question 2 and C for question 3

Using the following list, enter a sentence from one section of "Head Games" that corresponds to the appropriate categories. For example, identify the topic sentence from the section titled “Taking a Hit” and enter the sentence next to the “Claim” category. Be sure that each section of the article (there are seven sections) is represented in at least one category.

Read "Head Games."



Attention grabber ( wont let me put quotation marks) - Catharine Maglione was acting goofy. Normally calm and mature, the 13-year-old from Long Island, New York, was acting like it was the middle of the night and shed just polished off a candy bar.

Claim- Reaserch - much of it on proffesional athleats- has shown that conccusions shouldnt be ignored or shaken off.

Expert evidence- When the skull hits something hard the brain moves around like mayonnaise in a balloon, said Dr. Gerard Gioia, a conccusion expert at the Childrens National Medical Center in Washington, D.C.

Narrative Evidance- Catharine Maglione, now 14, has a few memories of her first sailboat race, in Septermber 2012. From what her mother, Christine Reilly, has been able to piece together, the eight graded was hit on the head sevral times by her boats boom- a metal piece at the bottom of the sail.

Solutions- The dizzines finally went away in early may after a Doctor suggested a simple procedure, realinging the tiny bones in her ear that affect balance.

Preventions- If you da have a conccousion the doctor will most likley prescribe rest. Taking a break after a conccusion allows the brain to foucus on healing itself.  

Call to Action- Nowinski runs a anti-conccusion group the he co-founed called the Sports Legacy Instistue.

Clincher-Theres no treatment to reverse CTE, so prevetion is the best strategie.


The author makes the claim that "in science they say emotions are something quite elusive." This claim could be better supported if


Answer: the author specified who the “they” is and quoted these critics directly.

Explanation: i took the test.

writing an Autobiographical Narrative
Use your story map to write your autobiographical narrative. Your narrative should be written in the first person, meaning from your
point of view. It should also include a beginning, a middle, and an ending and be from 500 to 700 words long
I'll give 100 points but there some steps you have to do. And I'll mark brainliest. Sorry I’m kinda busy and I won’t have time to do it family problems.



use the any personal experiences that can relate to the topic or even someone elses as long as you know what happened


please help me please will give brainliest ​



1: d









List two characteristics of science fiction novels.


Answer: here are two science fiction novels

1)Time travel.


What form of figurative language is the following line:
“This envelope I address so the name balances like a cloud.”



A simile


A simile is usually a phrase that uses like, or as.

The answer is Simile when it says like or as it is a simile

3. Return to the "Teen Brains: Still Under Construction" pamphlet. Identify one claim that the authors of each text would DISAGREE aboutWhat evidence does each text to support their different position?



I can't answer this with out the reading


Please Help ASAP!! Will mark Brainliest!



1. Making allusion to Romeo.

Explanation: This means that the person is a lover like Romeo just like in the Romeo and Juliet playlet.

2. Making allusion to Mona Lisa

Explanation: This means that the wife's smile seem to be compared to that of Mona Lisa, a portrait made by Leonardo Da Vinci.

3.  Making an allusion to Albert Einstein

Explanation: This means that the little boy is just as intelligent as Einstein.

4. Making allusion to a Grinch

Explanation: This means that the person should not be a disturbance and annoying like a Grinch.

5. Making allusion to the good Samaritan

Explanation: This means that Ben acted generous and helpful just like the biblical good Samaritan story.

6. Making allusion to herculean task

Explanation: This means that the triathlon is a difficult task but Toby can meet up to the task.

7. Making allusion to kryptonite

Explanation: This means that Kylie is like a drainer or harmful to Lance just like a kryptonite.

8.  Making allusion to the biblical Judas.

Explanation: This means that the person shouldn't be disloyal and a betrayal just like the biblical Judas Iscariot.


Achilles' Heel:

Don't be caught up by Achilles' Heel. Get up and move on!


This boy is a Pinocchio. He has deceived friends again.

Garden of Eden:

His home looks like Garden of Eden; therefore, we stayed a little longer.

Peter Pan:

You should act maturely when you get there. Don't be a Peter Pan.


I have been to show what is been alluded to and explained each one. Also, I have made sentences with the given word(s).

Allusion is known to be a figure of speech that is used to make direct or indirect reference to persons, events or situations. The reader is then left to make connection to what is alluded to having a knowledge of it.  

N.B: The system cannot allow me to post the other sentence I made. It is rejecting. Check out the last sentence in the comment section. Thank you.

Which element of a story is most clearly a motif?

A. A beautiful scene on a bridge crossing still water
B. A hero's sidekick, who joins him on his journey
C. A sudden shift in a plot to fill in some backstory
D. A recurring image of a rainbow in the distance



The answer is D.


a motif is something repeated throughout a book

A recurring image of a rainbow in the distance is the element of a story that is most clearly a motif. Therefore, the correct option is option D.

What is element of a story?

Whether it's a short tale, a book series, a literary coming-of-age drama, or a science fiction epic, the fundamental building blocks of every great novel are the plot's ingredients. We care profoundly about the characters, their journey, as well as the lessons they discover because of these literary fundamentals.

The setting of the story constitutes the initial of the story's aspects. Every story has a location. The period and location where the tale will take place are included in the setting. In a collection of short stories that really only occurs in one room of a house, there might only be one setting. Or, there could be a variety of settings spread throughout numerous locales.  A recurring image of a rainbow in the distance is the element of a story that is most clearly a motif.

Therefore, the correct option is option D.

To know more about element of a story, here:



Which of these best describes how the two authors support the claim that the chemicals in the
fluid used in hydraulic fracturing are harmful to people?
A The author of "The Benefits of Shale Gas" says chemicals rarely contaminate water, while
the author of "Stop the Fracking!" says that the chemicals almost always contaminate
B The author of "The Benefits of Shale Gas" says the fluid contains only a small amount of
harmful chemicals, while the author of "Stop the Fracking!" says the fluid consists mostly
of harmful chemicals
C The author of "The Benefits of Shale Gas" says that gas companies do not drill near
drinking-water sources, while the author of "Stop the Fracking!" says that gas companies
almost always drill near drinking-water sources.
D The author of "The Benefits of Shale Gas" says that the water is still safe to drink, while
the author of "Stop the Fracking!" says the water is not safe to drink.



The answer is C

Which of the following people was not brought back at Gulliver's request?
a. Alexander the Great
C. Ghandi
b. Aristotle
d. Caesar


C. Ghandi was not brought back at Gulliver's request


Which of the following people was not brought back at Gulliver’s request?

a.   Alexander the Great

b.   Aristotle

c.   Gandhi

d.   Caesar


Edge 2022

which of the following statements from the article is an example of personification?

1. “on the left side, the hurricane’s speed of motion subtracts from the wind speed.”
2. “think of this as the storm breathing in and out.”
3. “a hurricane’s low-pressure center of relative clam is called the eye.”
4. “in this article, we’ll explore the lifecycle and anatomy of a hurricane...”


I think it’s number 2.

I need an essay on why traveling is not expensive, dangerous, damaging or a waste of time??!
thank you


are there any articles for evidence? i won't be able to without any other context

heyyyy can u help me for this task? :""")​



1. due to

2. since

3. because

4. because of

5. since

6. due to

7. since

8. because of

9. because

10. since



1. Since/ Because

2. Because of/ Due to

3. Because/ Since

4. Due to/ Because of

5. Since/ Because

6. Because of/ Due to

7. Because/ Since

8. Due to/ Because of

9. Because/ Since

10. Due to/ Because of

Other Questions
2.3. what is the theory that professor hayes and dr. kim park are working on to predict when an earthquake is about to occur? using amperes law, determine the magnitude of the magnetic field: In fiscal year 2017, Wal-Mart Stores (WMT) had revenue of $500.34 billion, gross profit of $126.95 billion, and net income of $9.86 billion. Costco Wholesale Corporation (COST) had revenue of $129.0 billion, gross profit of $17.14 billion, and net income of $2.68 billion. a. Compare the gross margins for Walmart and Costco. b. Compare the net profit margins for Walmart and Costco. c. Which firm was more profitable in 2017? a. Compare the gross margins for Walmart and Costco. The gross margin for Walmart is %. (Round to two decimal places.) The gross margin for Costco is %. (Round to two decimal places.) b. Compare the net profit margins for Walmart and Costco. The net profit margin for Walmart is %. (Round to two decimal places.) The net profit margin for Costco is %. 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In the past, the average age of employees of a large corporation has been 40 years. Recently, the company has been hiring older individuals. In order to determine whether there has been an increase in the average age of all the employees, a sample of 61 employees was selected. The average age in the sample was 45 years with a standard deviation of 16 years. Let = 0.05. State the null and alternative hypotheses.Select one: a. H_o : = 45 H_a, : > 45 b. H_o : = 40 H_a : > 40 C. H_o : = 40 H_a : d. H_o : 45 . H_a : > 45 b. Based on the result from previous problem the p-value found from t-table ranges from _______ to ________c. should we reject the null hypothesis ? Read the passage from "Names/Nombres" by Julia Alvarez. By the time I was in high school, I was a popular kid, and it showed in my name. Friends called me Jules or Hey Jude, and once a group of troublemaking friends my mother forbade me to hang out with called me Alcatraz. I was Hoo-lee-tah only to Mami and Papi and uncles and aunts who came over to eat sancocho on Sunday afternoons- old world folk whom I would just as soon go back to where they came from and leave me to pursue whatever mischief I wanted to in America. JUDY ALCATRAZ, the name on the "Wanted" poster would read. Who would ever trace her to me? Which main idea is conveyed in this passage? Julia's nicknames help her fit into her new culture. O Julia is determined to hold on to her Dominican identity. O Julia is happier when she is with her family. Julia's Dominican name makes it difficult to fit in. Rudyard Corporation had 260,000 shares of common stock and 26,000 shares of 5%, $100 par convertible preferred stock outstanding during the year Net income for the year was $560,000 and dividends were paid to both common and preferred shareholders. Rudyard's effective tax rate is 25% What is Rudyard's basic EPS? 8 Florida has more natural lakes than any other state in the southeastern UnitedStates. With the exception of some sinkhole lakes, Florida's lakes tend to be veryshallow. The table below gives some information about four Florida lakesSurface area (acres)Average depth (ft)906846,00010467,000114.36413LakeAnnieGeorgeOkeechobeeWashingtonBased on the evidence, which lake is most likely to be a sinkhole lake?A Lake AnnieB Lake OkeechobeeC Lake GeorgeD Lake Washingtonr "Wray (2007) in the survey on money supply concludes that the central banks influence on the quantity of money is indirect and unpredictable, and therefore should be of little interest to economists."a. Discuss this statement. How will you verify the validity of the conclusion?b. Discuss the empirical factors that determine currency in the hands of non-bank public and banks demand for reserves. Let w(z) be a differentiable function wherever it is defined, with w(1) = 8i. Given that Re(w(z)) = 19 ln(x + y), calculate Im(w(1 + i)) correct to at least 3 decimal places. Refer to Passage 2 Excerpt from Letter From Birmingham Jail.Based on the excerpts, which is the best description of King's overall tone throughout the letter?respectful but stern disrespectful but friendlyneutral and righteoussarcastic and angryWhich of the following details from the text best supports the answer to question 30?"Birmingham is probably the most thoroughly segregated city in the United States.""Sometimes a law is just on its face and unjust in its application. For instance, I have been arrested on a charge of parading without a permit."One day the South will know that when these disinherited children of God sat down at lunch counters, they were in reality standing up for what is best in the American dream""Let me take note of my other major disappointment. I have been so greatly disappointed with the white church and its leadership. Of course, there are some notable exceptions. I am not unmindful of the fact that each of you has taken some significant stands on this issue." Identify the compound with the smallest percent ionic characterA. HFB. IBrC. HClD. LiF Only one of the following statements is true, and all others are false. Choose the one that is true.A. Project teams are not required to meet prerequisites if all other credits in that category are met.B. Within any project, the team can choose one prerequisite that they are permitted to omit.C. Prerequisites are mandatory but score no points.D. Three points are awarded for each successful prerequisite.E. Prerequisites are optional. Identify (by letter) each of the following characteristics as being an advantage, a disadvantage, or not applicable to the corporate form of business organization. (25 points) A Advantage D Disadvantage N Not Applicable Characteristics 1. 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