10 how did rosa parks become ""a hero and an inspiration to people all over the nation who were looking for racial equality""?


Answer 1

Rosa Parks became a hero and an inspiration to people all over the nation who were looking for racial equality due to her act of defiance against the discriminatory laws of the time. Parks refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery, Alabama, bus to a white person, which was required by law. This act of civil disobedience led to her arrest and sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott, a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement.

The boycott was organized by civil rights leaders, including Martin Luther King Jr., and lasted for 381 days. The goal of the boycott was to end racial segregation on Montgomery's public transit system, and it resulted in a Supreme Court decision declaring such segregation unconstitutional.

Know more about Rosa Parks here:



Related Questions

Which dynasty led China during the golden age described here?
*Improved porcelain by adding more colors,
*Restored the Chinese civil service,
*Rebuilt the city of Beijing,
*Built the Forbidden City - one of the largest palaces in the world,
*Rebuilt the Great Wall





How did the delegated at the constitutional convention deal with conflict?


From May 25 to September 17, 1787, 55 delegates from 12 states convened in Philadelphia for the Constitutional Convention. Rhode Island was the only state that refused to send representatives to the convention, which assumed as its primary task the revision or replacement of the Articles of Confederation.
Though the Articles of Confederation had provided the framework for governance since the declaration of the American Revolution against Britain, many of the fledgling nation’s political leaders agreed that the creation of a stronger central government was essential to the development of the power and potential of the United States. Under the Articles of Confederation, the federal government lacked the power of taxation, had no authority to regulate commerce, and was impotent to resolve conflicts arising between states.

What is the primary objective of US foreign policy



The main objective of foreign policy is to use diplomacy — or talking, meeting, and making agreements — to solve international problems. They try to keep problems from developing into conflicts that require military settlements. The President almost always has the primary responsibility for shaping foreign policy.


4. When elections took place how many people voted? But how many people lived in Kansas
A. More than 6,000 people voted but only 1,500 voters lived in Kansas
B. 1,500 people voted but more than 6,000 lived in Kansas
C. 1,500 lived in Kansas and 1,500 voted.
D. 6,000 lived in Kansas and6,000 voted
For 50 points!!!!!!!!!
JUST HELP!!!!!!!!!!



what year for this question?

wrong answers will be reported
The quote below was written in the 1940s:

"Suppose my neighbor's home catches fire, and I have a length of garden hose four or five hundred feet away. If he can take my garden hose and connect it up with his hydrant, I may help him to put out his fire...I don't say to him before that operation, Neighbor, my garden hose cost me 15 dollars; you have to pay me 15 dollars for it... I don't want 15 dollars, I want my garden hose back after the fire is over."

Source: http://docs.fdrlibrary.marist.edu/odllpc2.html

Franklin Delano Roosevelt used the quote above to justify which of the following policies?

the Neutrality Acts
the Lend-Lease Act


Answer: The lend-lease act

Explanation: It was the correct answer on the test

Franklin Delano Roosevelt used the quote to justify the policies of Lend and Lease Act. Thus, the correct option is D.

Who is Franklin Roosevelt?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt was an American politician and lawyer who served as the President of the United States from 1933 to 1945.

The Lend-Lease Act was a program under which the United States began supplying the United Kingdom with food, oil, and military equipment.

During World War II, the United States was able to provide military help to its overseas supporters while staying nominally impartial in the war due to this policy.

Therefore, the correct answer is D, the Lend-Lease Act.

Learn more about Lend-Lease Act, here:



What was unique about the Election of 1800?



The 1800 United States presidential election was the fourth quadrennial presidential election. It was held from October 31 to December 3, 1800. In what is sometimes referred to as the "Revolution of 1800", Vice President Thomas Jefferson of the Democratic-Republican Party defeated incumbent President John Adams of the Federalist Party. The election was a political realignment that ushered in a generation of Democratic-Republican leadership

Secretary of State Kissinger engaged in
between Israel and Arab nations.
to reach a cease-fire
A. shuttle diplomacy
B. embargoes
C. Big Stick diplomacy
D. boycotts



A) shuttle diplomacy


To negotiate a cease-fire between Israel and the Arab countries, Secretary of State Kissinger used shuttle diplomacy. Therefore, option A is correct.

Shuttle diplomacy is the act of an outsider mediating between the disputing parties without having direct contact between the parties themselves in diplomacy and international affairs.

Traditionally and typically, the process requires the intermediary to travel back and forth between one principal's working place and another ("shutting").

Especially when nations are involved, negotiations are conducted through a middleman who moves back and forth between the parties.

Shuttle diplomacy is sending diplomats between nations whose leaders refuse to communicate directly with one another to mediate their disputes.

Learn more about shuttle diplomacy here:



In a few sentences, explain what happened to the price of a product traveling on the Silk Road by the time it reached its final destination?


Answer: The Silk Road was and is a network of trade routes connecting the East and West, and was central to the economic, cultural, political, and religious interactions between these regions from the 2nd century BCE to the 18th century.[1][2][3] The Silk Road primarily refers to the land but also sea routes connecting East Asia and Southeast Asia with South Asia, Persia, the Arabian Peninsula, East Africa and Southern Europe.

Please give me brainlest!



The Silk Road is the concept of a chain of roads and other means of passage from Xi'an in China to the Mediterranean Sea. Basically a way opened up for trade via land routes. It was 7000 miles long.

It got its name in 1859.


For the goods which were traded using the Silk road, as they traveled along their prices increased at each city, i.e. situated  along the route to its destination. This was so because as new transporters would pick up the goods and next it would be moved further from their original destination.

This increased the overall price of the goods.


England was attacked many times in the early middle ages by warriors from scandinavia called:________


England was attacked many times in the early middle ages by warriors from Scandinavia called Vikings.

Vikings are those Scandinavians, especially from Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, who from the late 8th to the early 11th century voyaged and raided Europe, extending as far as Greenland, Iceland, and America.

These ancient Norse seafarers were also traders, explorers, and settlers who, according to tradition, founded various lands, including the kingdom of Normandy, Russia, Iceland, and Greenland.

They were known for their longships, which allowed them to navigate quickly and easily across the oceans and rivers and made them a formidable force in warfare.

Vikings were also skilled in building, crafts, metalworking, and farming, and their influence can be seen in many aspects of medieval culture in Europe.

Learn more about Vikings: brainly.com/question/449407


This formed in 1945 after the war to prevent future aggression


Answer: world history WH



it should be the United Nations

HELP TYSM (no links thanks)


The first and second one is an opinion because they think and believe that but other may not but the last two are facts because it is something that happened.

what is the name of the painting above?​



A Burial At Ornans

following the american revolution, americans aggressively denounced any traces of ________ or the claim by some englishmen to special privilege simply because of noble birth.


Americans following the American Revolution aggressively denounced any traces of hierarchical or monarchical privilege associated with aristocratic power systems, which had traditionally been enforced in English society with titles of nobility.

As a result of the strong anti-monarchical sentiments inspired by the Revolutionary War, the newly established American nation sought to completely eradicate the concept of noble birth determining one’s societal status, rights, or expectations. American founders rejected the notion that any person would be granted special privilege or power simply because of their noble birthright.

This sentiment was encapsulated in the Article VI of the U.S. Constitution, which barred any individual with title of nobility from the federal government, and eventually spread to the state governments – many of which legislated laws prohibiting any type of formal aristocracy. As such, throughout the late 18th and early 19th centuries, emergent American society consistently denounced any insistence on the power or privilege of noble birth.

To know more about American Revolution, click here:



I'm writing an essay, a question is:

What freedoms were the people of Napoleon's day willing to sacrifice?


During Napoleon's time, the French people were willing to surrender their liberties for security. They were prepared to do so since the freedoms that they had been granted were continuously being infringed upon.

People were ready to give up their freedom of speech since the government controlled the press, making it a criminal offense to print or distribute "false news." Freedom of assembly and association was similarly restricted, and those caught participating in secret societies, such as the Masons, were punished.

The French people were willing to trade off their freedom of the press and their freedom of assembly, given the results that Napoleon's leadership had brought.Finally, the French were willing to surrender their liberty of thought. They were satisfied with Napoleon's belief in the primacy of the state over the individual. As long as he was in charge, the country would continue to prosper, and the people were content with this arrangement.

To know more about security visit:



During the 1970s the women's Rights Movement was concerned with which of the following subjects



Where are the following?


Be more specific

Describe the relationship between industrialization, immigration, urbanization, and political reform in late 19th and early 20th century America.



Within the span of a few decades from the late 19th to the early 20th century, the United States was transformed from a predominately rural agrarian society to an industrial economy centered in large metropolitan cities. Prior to the American industrial revolution, most Americans were reared in largely isolated agricultural households and small towns that were linked to the external world by horse drawn wagons (Olmstead and Rhode 2000: 711). Except for towns that were connected to railroads or water borne shipping, isolation and the costs of overland transportation meant that many rural communities were largely self sufficient in food, clothing, and many other essentials of everyday life. This changed dramatically in the early decades of the 20th century, as the supply and lowered costs of manufactured goods created a consumer revolution for both urban and rural households. Many of these goods, which did not even exist a few decades earlier, were manufactured, marketed, and transported through a rapidly expanding national network of rail lines and highways. By 1920, one half of northern farms had automobiles and telephones (Olmstead and Rhode 2000: 712–713).

Theses changes were the direct result of the American industrial revolution that was founded on rising investment, employment, and productivity in the manufacturing sector. In 1880, when the agricultural frontier had largely disappeared, almost one-half of the American workers were still farmers and only one in seven workers (less than 15%) worked in manufacturing of any sort. The industrial sector, as late as 1870, consisted primarily of small firms and workshops that relied on artisan technology to produce tools, furniture, building materials, and other goods for local markets (Abramovitz and David 2000: 45). Many small industries, such as grain mills and sawmills, were often located in rural areas close to flowing rivers in order to power machinery. Following the technological revolutions of the early industrial age, workshops and small foundries were supplemented by large factories engaged in mass production. The development of commercial electricity at the end of the 19th century allowed industries to take advantage of the labor supply in large cities. The scale of change is illustrated by thdure not only tmregeGolureustrialization in the United States, but were also the age of urbanization and immigration. The 1880s were the first decade in American history, with the exception of the Civil War decade, when the urban population increased more than the rural population (in absolute numbers).rural to urban migration of the native born picked up during this era, but domestic urbanward migrants were dwarfed by the flood of immigrants coming to cities. From 1880 to 1920, the number of foreign born increased from almost 7 million to a little uhere a causal impact? Addressing this question, the objective of this analysis, requires consideration of the counterfactual of what would have been the course of the industrialization process in the United States if there had not been an immigrant workforce.

The most commonly cited reasons for the rapid American industrial revolution are the abundance of mineral resources, technological innovation, the evolution of the American system of manufacturing, railroads and lowered costs of transportation, education and human resources, and the rise of the managerial firm (Abramovitz and David 2000; Chandler 1977; Denison 1974; Hounshell 1984; Wright 1990). Among the studies that address the relationship between immigration and industrialization, few go beyond a general or abstract discussion. In a classic survey of the literature on the American industrial revolution in the Cambridge Economic History of the United States, the role of immigration is summarized in a single paragraph, which simply notes the overrepresentation of immigrants in the manufacturing labor force (Engerman and Sokoloff 2000: 387). There are some studies that conclude that the flood of immigration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries had an adverse impact on the per-capita economic growth, the wages of native workers, and diverted domestic migration away from industrializing cities (Hatton and Williamson 1998: Chapter 8; Goldin 1994). However, other researchers have questioned these conclusions and suggested that immigrants had a generally positive impact on the American economy and facilitated the economic mobility of native born workers during the age of industrialization (Carter and Sutch 1999; Haines 2000: 202; Muller 1993: 83–85; Thomas 1973: 174).follow me

I will gave you BRAINLIEST!! Read the following excerpt from the Emancipation Proclamation:
And by virtue of the power, and for the purpose aforesaid, I do order and declare that all persons held as slaves within said designated States, and parts of States, are, and henceforward shall be free; and that the Executive government of the United States, including the military and naval authorities thereof, will recognize and maintain the freedom of said persons.

To which states do the words “designated States, and parts of States” refer?

A. Northern states
B. loyal slave states
C. all slave states
D. rebel slave states



D. Rebel slave states


The words "designated States" and "parts of states" refer to the Rebel Slave states.

What was Emancipation Proclamation?US President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, announcing, "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebel areas shall be free from now.With this Proclamation he hoped to help all Black people, and enslaved people in the Confederacy in particular, to support the Union cause and to keep England and France from giving political recognition and military aid to the Confederacy.The Emancipation Proclamation was limited in many ways. It applied only to states that had withdrawn from the Union, leaving slavery untouched within the loyal border states.

Thus the correct answer is option D.

To learn more about Emancipation Proclamation, refer: https://brainly.com/question/880731


The Restoration was when Charles II was put on the throne.



Answer: true because Restoration, Restoration of the monarchy in England in 1660. It marked the return of Charles II as king (1660–85) following the period of Oliver Cromwell's Commonwealth. The bishops were restored to Parliament, which established a strict Anglican orthodoxy.

the answer is true because

- What were the countries of Britain, France, Belgium, Russia, and Serbia called during WWI?



Germany, Austria-Hungary and their allies, including Bulgaria. Great Britain, France and Russia who were known as 'The Triple Entente'.


Hope this helped.

The total number of slaves in the American colonies continually between 1620 and 1750. Over this period, the lives of slaves became. The majority of slaves in the colonies lived in the


The number of slaves in the American colonies constantly increased between 1620 and 1750. The most significant increase in slave numbers occurred after the introduction of the transatlantic slave trade.

The introduction of slavery in the colonies resulted in a significant shift in the lives of slaves. Slaves were forced to live in substandard conditions, working long hours, and experiencing extreme brutality and punishment if they disobeyed their owners.Slavery continued to be a vital part of the American economy, which resulted in the increase of the slave population.

Slaves worked on large plantations and provided the labor necessary for the success of the tobacco, cotton, and rice crops.In addition to agriculture, slaves worked in other industries such as shipping, mining, and lumber. Slaves were considered property and were bought and sold by their owners, which often resulted in families being separated. Despite the harsh living conditions, slaves were instrumental in building the American economy.

To know more about plantations visit:



Discuss how was the story of Doña Marina representative of the collapse of Mesoamerican and South American societies?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although you did not include a reference to any text, excerpt, article, or book, to know who Doña Marina is, we can comment on the following.

According to our knowledge on this topic, we can say that this woman was better known as the "Malinche," the woman of the conqueror Hernan Cortés, who helped the Spaniards as a translator and interpreter.

The story of Doña Marina is representative of the collapse of Mesoamerican and South American societies in that "La Malinche" was a Mesoamerican woman from Veracruz, México. She was one of the slaves the Aztecas gave to Cortés as a tribute or a "welcome gift." La Malinche betrayed the Mesoamerican Indian people and worked for Cortés in exchange for protection and a better living.

This betrayal has been studied by historians and they conclude that some Native Mesoamerican tribes betrayed other Indians such as teh Aztecs because the Aztecs were a warrior empire that conquered many tribes and forced the Indians to be slaves and pay tribute.

So when the Spanish conquerors arrived, these tribes saw an opportunity for retribution against the Aztecas, That is why they betrayed them That was the case of the Indian tribes such as the Tlaxcalans and Cholullans.

Imagine your were a German after the world war. Write about how your life was and include the political and economic problems you faced after the defeat. ( one paragraph) ​




Talk about how the ToV (Treaty of Versailles) humiliated Germany as a whole.

Talk about the hyperinflation caused by the printing of money because they had to pay a large amount of reparation  (part of the ToV).

Talk about how the country spent 1/3 of its income on war pensions to pay the widows and families who have lost their loved ones in the war.

Overall, Germany was on the brink of collapse.

did world war 2 promote democracy?​



Seventy years after the end of World War II, it is still celebrated as the good war, a necessary war for democracy to counter the threat of fascism. ... In reality, the “Allies”—governments who the then American President Roosevelt called the “four policemen”—cared little about democracy.

So yes i think they did promote democracy, so hope this helps


How did FDR share information with the people of America


f i r e s i d e c h a t s

A similarity between the Battles of Chancellorsville and Fredericksburg was that
O neither had a clear winner.
O the South won both decisively.
O neither boosted Confederate confidence.
O the North won both decisively.





B is the answer.


Itadori Supremacy

What conflict started in 1860 when several southern states voted to secede, or
withdraw from the Union?




American Civil War


Secession, in U.S. history, the withdrawal of 11 slave states (states in which slaveholding was legal) from the Union during 1860–61 following the election of Abraham Lincoln as president. Secession precipitated the American Civil War

pls mark as brainliest!! and hope this helped you

Use the words Homespun and home front in a sentence about Texas during the Civil War


Answer: ...


Which slaves were freed by the Emancipation Proclamation?
A. Slaves born in the United States
B. Slaves in “territories in rebellion”
C. Slaves in the North
D. Slaves in the border states





It let slaves free that were under union control. So mainly the North had zero slaves after the Emancipation Proclamation. Hope this helps




Voluntary labor associations were called unions.
true or false?


A voluntary group or union (also sometimes called a voluntary organization. So it’s true

The two main causes of air pollution in Florida are



forsest fires and dust storms


forrest fires, dust storms, burning of fossil fuels, transportation such as cars and airplanes
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