*100 points* Consider what you have learned in the unit about the development of early civilizations in the Americas. Then answer the following questions: What geographic conditions do you think made for a successful civilization? What geographic conditions posed the greatest challenge for early civilizations? For each question, provide at least two examples as evidence to support your ideas.


Answer 1



1. The geographic conditions necessary for a successful civilization are a source of fresh water for drinking and agriculture(river), relatively flat fertile lands that facilitate agriculture and transportation and a suitable climate that is not too hot or cold or one that can be easily adapted to by humans. The first civilizations have been borne out of these geographic conditions.  

2.This question is  related to the Olmec, Aztec, Incas and Indian tribes in North America.

For such civilizations the greatest geographic challenge was their isolation from the rest of Europe and Asia where modern science was completely changing the world.

Also, these civilizations had abundant farmland, game and food supplies yet North America rarely saw the development of large cities which limited their progress in human development.

Answer 2

The richest river plains are where the oldest civilizations emerged. These lands had issues like a small growth area and seasonal flooding.

Lack of water and inhospitable climate were the geographical factors that provided the biggest obstacles to early civilization. Without water, the ground would become dry, making it impossible for them to cultivate any food crops.

What geographic feature was important to all ancient civilizations?

The majority of historical civilizations developed around big rivers, particularly when those rivers flowed into the sea. Tribes that were far from rivers were typically forced to remain nomadic. Rivers give civilizations a source of fresh, healthy water that they may use for themselves, their livestock, and their crops.

Nearly every civilization has had a significant impact on its development and success through geography and the environment. For instance, rivers provide water and enable the growth of agriculture, but mountains or deserts offer protection and act as a barrier.

Learn more about The Early Civilization here:



Related Questions

1. PART A: Which of the following statements expresses a central idea of the text?
A. School boards should not have the power to ban books from classrooms.
B. It is immoral to claim that controversial books may poison students' minds.
C. Burning books goes against the freedoms that Americans hold dear.
D. Like all good citizens, Kurt Vonnegut has not lied or produced evil work.


Answer:A. School boards should not have the power to ban books from classrooms.


The sentence that expresses the central idea of the text is that  - "School boards should not have the power to ban books from classrooms". Thus, option (A) is correct.

What is the meaning of central idea?

Central idea refers to the main point of the passage that carries the connections between all the elements. It is the tale's central and unifying theme.

In the above question, A appears to be the finest statement because Vonnegut wants to underline that school administrators should not meddle with the texts that pupils are required to read.

It must be left up to the students' discretion as to whatever novels they would want to study and establish their own opinions on. Their instructor chose to utilize the aforementioned book, and the teacher's decision must be considered when selecting books for the pupils to study as part of their curriculum.

The other possibilities do not appear to be the greatest primary theme of the message.

Therefore, it can be concluded that option (A) is correct.

Learn more about Central idea here:



The first amendment of the constitution is one of the most important parts of the Bill of Rights were specific rights does this amendment guarantees to every American citizen?


Freedom of speech; Americans are free to say whatever they want


Freedom of religion: Americans are free to follow whatever religion they want

Answer: Freedom of speech; Americans are free to say whatever they want


Freedom of religion: Americans are free to follow whatever religion they want

How did middle class transform the social structure of great Great Britain during industrialization?


Answer:Some workers in the middle class became richer than the upper class landowners, aristocrats. The middle class greatly increased


Since the Spaniards didn’t want to work in the fields, and the Taino and other natives were dying out from diseases, who was brought to the islands to work in the fields? Question 2 options: A) African slaves B) Asian laborers C) Europeans peasants



Option: A) African slaves


The Spanish treatment towards the Taino was poor as they exploited them. Spanish introduce African slaves in the Caribbean as the Native people died from European disease and colonial violence. The slaves brought in the Caribbean were the first Africans to be enslaved after crossing the Atlantic. African Slaves brought to work in the fields at the place of Native Indians as they were strong and could work for hours because of their body structure.

Think about what you learned about Abigail Adams and Mercy Otis Warren.

Which of these things did they have in common?
Check all the boxes that apply.

Both were married to important political leaders.

Both worked to share their ideas about political issues.

Both were very knowledgeable about current events.


Answer:all of the answers are correct



Answer: A,B and C


It’s all of them

If evolution has taught us anything, it is that everything changes. Humans 10,000 years from now will probably have evolved significantly. Think about what kind of changes might be ahead for mankind. Remember, evolution is largely about the environment. Unlike the animal species explored in this region, our environment has a lot of tools. This means that people can count on elements in the environment in a way that most species cannot. For instance, humans have lost their fur because they can wear clothing, so think about how technology and environment are likely to change in the future. Choose at least five elements of humans that you think will be the next evolutionary change. Provide an illustration of the changes of these features and write a brief paragraph explaining how each will evolve over time. Be sure to not only explain the adaptation or mutation, but also address why it will be a useful change for the humans of the future.



1) breath carbon dioxide 

2) swim under water for long periods 

3) loss of certain muscles 

4) bigger brain for thinking

5) higher understanding of subjects


How did business change from 1840 to 1900?



Working conditions have changed dramatically.


In addition to general industry conditions, product prices and worker wages have changed. In the early industrial revolution, workers worked from 12 to 16 hours a day. Conditions were catastrophic, workers were not protected in jobs, and the employer could fire a worker when he desired. Agricultural production was improved because of the mechanization that was introduced. Thus, farmers produced faster and easier to create. They marketed their products in different ways. With the advent of trade unions, the situation and conditions in which workers worked began to improve. Wages were much more concrete over time because, at the beginning of the industrial revolution, workers barely overcrowded their families.

Hoped I helped

Can I get a brainliest

Please tell me about the missing roanoke lost colony ASAP


Roanoke went missing, but they left a single word carved into a post; Croatoan. It is still unknown what truly happened, and they are sometimes referred to as “The Lost Colony.” There are lots of theory’s, such as they were abducted, killed, or absorbed into another tribe.


[See Below]


Roanoke was a newly established colony, they sent about 100 people to establish the colony. Now for 3 years no one heard anything from Roanoke, and when John White (The guy who was in charge of Roanoke) returned he found nothing but empty houses. It was completely abandoned all but a tree with a carving with C R O. We have identified this must have meant Croatian, which were the native American tribe nearby. People have assumed that maybe the Tribe killed them because they were stealing their food and others have thought it to have been the plague that was going around at that time, and the colonists decided to pack up and move with the native tribe as they were in danger of not surviving. No one quite knows exactly what happened except the colonist of course, it's all just a bunch of hypothesis based on the little evidence.

~Hope this helps Mate. If you need anything feel free to message me.

Who established New Netherland? What eventually happened to New Netherland? ​


The Dutch republic established New Netherland, and in 1664, the English took the colony from the Dutch by force

Why is it simplistic to describe history as "what happened in the past"?



It is simplistic to describe history as "what happened in the past" because it's is not just an accumulation of facts. History goes beyond examining the records of events that have occurred.

It also involves studying to know why those events occurred. When the why is understood, then learning takes place and knowledge gained can be used to repeat and improve upon successes whilst preventing and or correcting mishaps.

This is important because the future is an accumulation of past and present occurrences.


Did they agree to wait 20 years to ban slavery?



Finally, a compromise was reached with the Southern states that guaranteed the continuance of the slave trade for 20 years after the adoption of the Constitution. That deal set the earliest expiration date as 1808 — which Congress met. Great Britain also banned the African slave trade in 1807.

So yes they agreed to wait 20 years

Please read the prompt below and answer in complete sentences (with capitals and periods.)
Answers are your opinion but should be on topic.
Prompt: Imagine you and a group of people (some you know, some you don't know) arrive on a new
planet to establish a new settlement. You have a supply of basic necessities including oxygen but you
need to get organized. What is one of the first laws you would make?



no wasting food and water


because food and water are the 3 of the most important things you can't live with out them and once you use it all its a very long way back to earth unless you have a garden on the new planet

define a primary source
and secondary source


Primary Sources are immediate, first-hand accounts of a topic, from people who had a direct connection with it. Primary sources can include: Texts of laws and other original documents. Newspaper reports, by reporters who witnessed an event or who quote people who did.

In contrast, a secondary source of information is one that was created later by someone who did not experience first-hand or participate in the events or conditions you're researching. For the purposes of a historical research project, secondary sources are generally scholarly books and articles.

NEED HELP ASAP!!!!!!!! Which Supreme Court ruling began the process of integrating public schools in America? A. Dred Scott v. Sandford B. Plessy v. Ferguson C. Brown v. Board of Education D. Marbury v. Madison I think is C but IDK!!!



it is c



The answer is C

Brown thought that the students of color in America shouldn't be forced by the law to go to color only schools

In the South, Jim Crow laws were designed to ---

provide employment opportunities for African Americans
create separate societies for whites and African Americans
guarantee civil rights for African Americans
enforce the Reconstruction amendments



its B


help please

The chief justice of the Supreme Court is the commander in chief of the military.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided
true or false?


The answer is False.

What was part of the aztec cilivization


Aztec" refers to several Nahuatl speaking peoples of central Mexico in the postclassic period of Mesoamerican chronology, especially the Mexica, the ethnic group that had a leading role in establishing the hegemonic empire

The strongest competitor to sedentary agriculture doing the Neolithic age was?



The strongest competitor to sedentary agriculture during the Neolithic Age was a nomadic herding way of life.


And so, my fellow americans: ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. Can anyone paraphrase this?



My fellow Americans: do not ask what your your country can do for you - ask what can you do for your country.


Why do you think as humans it is important for us to feel a sense of belonging to a group?



The social ties that accompany a sense of belonging are a protective factor helping manage stress. When we feel we have support and are not alone, we often cope more effectively with difficult times in our lives. Coping well with hardships decreases the physical and mental impact of these situations.


Belonging to a group is within our human nature, we are a social species. Not to mention working together has a great many benefits, as the saying goes “many hands make light work”

science can lead to a devolpment of






New technologies, practical problem solving, and making informed decisions

Is it right or wrong for countries to colonize other countries?



I'm not very sure but I think they might.


Personally, I don’t think that it is okay for other countries to colonize other countries because just of the way that some do it. Take the United States for example, when people arrived here, the killed most of the natives on their own land, and they brought many diseases over too. Also with religion too, if you didn’t convert to their religion, they killed you. So what I’m saying is that is wrong because in order to colonize another country, there will be blood shead.



There may be several different theories within an approach, but they all share these common assumptions. The five major perspectives in psychology are biological, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive and humanistic.


What is the main purpose of the Legislative Branch of Government (Congress)?



The purpose is it being in charge of laws and make new ones or make existing ones.


It is made up of Congress and other agencies. Congress has two parts which are the House of Representatives and the Senate. People in the House of Representatives and the Senate are votes into office by American citizens in each state. There are 2 Senators per state totaling to 100.

why did some people in the low country of south carolina tend to oppose independent from great britain in the years before the american revolution


“the British won and gained control of the Carolinas. colonists who were loyal to Great Britain. The American colonies must fight together against Britain”

Which of the following defines the term "sustainable"?
modifying plants and animals to make them more resistant to diseases
using natural resources at full force in order to power machines and water crops
being wise with natural resources to ensure their presence for future generations
eating less food to ensure that future generations have enough to eat



being wise with natural resources to ensure their presence for future generations






How does a republic differ frkm the colonial form of government experienced before the American revolution





the first olympic games were held by the



Pierre de Coubertin, he held the first official olympic games in 1896.

Próceres de cosnsifnk

20 fact about the American story civil war


1.Lincoln was short 2 years before his assassination

2. Lincoln wanted to deport black from the country

3. the union army was a multi national one

4. black soldier in the army refused payment for 18 months

5. more Americansdied in the civil war more than any American

6.German tsuchmeh was generally demoted for insanity

7.Harriet tubman led a raid in the south

8.some bullets fired during the war was actually fused together

9.confederate gold vanished the war

10.it was the deadliest war in America ln history

11.around 9 million lives at the southern states around the time of war

12.30 percent were southern males beteeen age 18 abd 40 died


True or False Secondary sources often draw from one or more primary sources?​


Your answer would be TRUE
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