11. Decide if the statement is true or false.
A universal theme is specific to one story.
True or false??


Answer 1




Answer 2


This is false.


Related Questions

Create a dialog that will utilize sentence structures on asking, granting, and denying
permission/ favor. Choose from any of the settings below and make sure your context is
appropriate with your chosen place.
school clinic
school library
school canteen





An Interview at the Shopping Mall. Kenneth Beare is an English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher and course developer with over three decades of teaching experience. This dialogue involves an interview in which a customer speaks about what brands she likes the best. When comparing two brands use the comparative form, but when speaking about many brands use the superlative form to discuss which brand is best or worst.

Interviewer: Good evening, I hope you don't mind answering a few questions.

Alice: How long will it take?

Interviewer: Just a few questions.​

Alice: I guess I can manage to answer a few questions. Go ahead.

Interviewer: I'd like to ask your opinion about consumer electronics. As far as consumer electronics is concerned, which is the most reliable brand?

Alice: I'd say that Samsung is the most reliable brand.

Interviewer: Which brand is the most expensive?

Alice: Well, Samsung is also the most expensive brand. I guess that's why it's the best.

Interviewer: Which brand do you think is the worst?

Alice: I think LG is the worst. I really can't remember using any of their products that I liked.

Interviewer: And which brand is the most popular with young people?

Alice: That's a difficult one to answer for me. I think that Sony is probably the most popular with young people.

Interviewer: One last question, Have you tried using any HP products?

Alice: No, I haven't. Are they good?

Interviewer: I enjoy using them. But I didn't stop you to tell you what I think. Thank you for your time.

Alice: Not at all.

What does the phrase “sun through the trees printing her dress with soft luminous paws” (Lines 14-16) mean as used in the poem? Poem:

I was four in this photograph fishing
with my grandparents at a lake in Michigan.
My brother squats in poison ivy.
His Davy Crockett cap
sits squared on his head so the raccoon tail
flounces down the back of his sailor suit.

My grandfather sits to the far right
in a folding chair,
and I know his left hand is on
the tobacco in his pants pocket
because I used to wrap it for him
every Christmas. Grandmother’s hips
bulge from the brush, she’s leaning
into the ice chest, sun through the trees
printing her dress with soft
luminous paws.

I am staring jealously at my brother;
the day before he rode his first horse, alone.
I was strapped in a basket
behind my grandfather.
He smelled of lemons. He's died—
but I remember his hands.



The answer is "the sunlight made a pattern on her dress"


Hi, I have today's test in English.

Can anyone help me?​



sure whats the question


(Please include your reasoning behind your answer if you wish to be marked brainliest, thanks! <3) Which sentence helps you construct a deeper understanding of the war during the Holocaust?

A)The food has become so scarce that we eat beans and potatoes in everything, including in our bread.

B) Nobody slept as all last night because we had quite a scare with unexpected sounds that we think came from a thief.

C) It is so nice to finally have a friend like Peter to talk to about the frustrations I have with my family.

D) The newspapers confirm that Germany will go to extreme measures if necessary, threatening to flood parts of Holland.


A) The food has become so scarce that we eat beans and potatoes in everything, including in our bread.

When I was answering this questions I was stuck between A and B, but I realized that A was the correct answer. The description of the lack of food shows you how the food has gotten so scarce because of to the poverty due to the war. On the other hand, answer B shows that there are high levels of stress, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it has to do with the war.

Hope this helps :)

also pls give me brainiest

"My mean neighbor is such a rat" is an example of...





Which type of hook is being used in the passage below?

“When I was a young boy, one of my favorite pastimes was to go fishing by the creek with my dad. We would go out early in the morning to dig for worms and be at the water’s edge by sunrise. While it may seem like a boring activity to you young folks today, fishing is a great way to relax with close friends and family, and really talk about the important things in life…”
A quotation
An anecdote
A statistic
An interesting fact


Answer: Anecdote

Explanation: An anecdote is a story that is usually used in an introductory paragraph of an essay. This anecdotal about a young boy going fishing with his father is a well documented example of this.

Into the wild chapter 17 - What did Andy Horowitz say about Chris?



A year after McCandless wanted to cross the river, Krakauer stands on the other side, also wanting to cross, with three companions. Krakauer has a map that shows that there is a gauging station only half a mile downstream, which has a wire crossing the river, and a basket that one can ride across in. When they get to the station, they see that the basket is on the far side of the river, and it had been there when McCandless wanted to cross—had he known about it, he easily could have crossed to safety. McCandless, however, wanted to be on uncharted territory, and so didn’t carry a good map with him.


1 What is the central point of the Declaration of Independence? A That the colonies should be better represented in Parliament B. That the colonies were breaking with England to form their own country C That the taxes on tea and stamps were too high D That King George Ill was a terrible tyrant​


Answer: A) That colonies should be better represented in parliament


The Great Depression caused the French and the polish to collaborate and make the Declaration of Independence.


B: that the colonies were breaking with england to form their own country


what life lesson does sodapop learn in the outiders?


He also learns that it is important to cultivate a peaceful environment rather than reacting to adversity with hostility. Sodapop's outburst serves as a catharsis for Ponyboy. He seems to snap out of his depression and is able to think of Dally and Johnnie without overwhelming sadness.
He learned that it is important to cultivate a peaceful environment rather than reacting to adversity with hostility.

Favorite Activity

You will write an expository essay about your favorite activities to do after school. It can be a hobby, a

sport, or anything you love to do

Tell why it is your favorite activity.

Tell any materials or equipment you may need to do the activity.

Tell why others would enjoy this activity.

Tell when and where you do this activity.

Tell what things you might need to do this activity.

Explain if you do this activity alone or with others.

Please help me


Answer: My favorite activity is dancing. I like dancing because I have been doing it since I was 4. I use a mat and dancing shoes to dance. Others should like dance because it's so free. You can twist and twirl however you like. I dance on Saturdays at 5:00 pm. I do this with the other kids there.

Brainliest would be well appreciated!!! :)

That student _______________ a locker next to mine. I see her every day..






Answer and Explanation:


That student has a locker next to mine. I see her every day..

please help is for today


Answer and Explanation:

5. I think that this means communication is better than violence, hence why the pen is mightier than the sword. The pen is used with communicating such as writing a letter, and sword is used in fighting.

6. Someone who complains or needs helps receives more attention. The squeaky wheel represents the person seeking attention, the oil representing the person or people giving the attention.

7. Could mean that when no rules are set in place, then people tend to do whatever they want. People do as they please, since there isn't any enforcement there to look over them. The cat represents the authorities figure/rules, and the mice represent the people who don't follow the rules when the rules aren't there.

8. You can give someone everything they could ever want or something that is beneficial for them, but it is up to that person to make the decision of accepting what is given to them.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)

What is the theme of this text


Trust is the major theme of this novel because it plays a major part in many of the relationship throughout the main plot.

What does Trevor's mom mean by her figurative language "I was one of the cows... one of the oxen" in paragraph 2 of page 65?


Which book is it? it doesnt say :/

Spring and Fall
To a Young Child
by Gerard Manley Hopkins

Márgarét, áre you gríeving
Over Goldengrove unleaving?
Leáves like the things of man, you
With your fresh thoughts care for, can you?
Ah! ás the heart grows older
It will come to such sights colder
By and by, nor spare a sigh
Though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie;
And yet you wíll weep and know why.
Now no matter, child, the name:
Sórrow’s spríngs áre the same.
Nor mouth had, no nor mind, expressed
What heart heard of, ghost guessed:
It ís the blight man was born for,
It is Margaret you mourn for.

What do the falling leaves represent in "Spring and Fall"?

the heart that grows colder as years go by

the sadness felt by young people

the inevitability of aging and death

the process of learning and growing


Hello, I Am BrotherEye


It reveals that fallen leaves symbolize fallen soldiers. It shows that the forest is a mysterious and dangerous place.


Please View Above

Best Of Luck




The inevitability of aging and death


Which is the best example of a character archetype?
A. Francine, a busy mother who struggles to raise her son lan
B. A witty trickster who can talk himself out of any problem
C. A well-paid aircraft mechanic who is also a musical genius
D. A necktie that can observe the world just like a person





A character archetype is kind of like a really general or even generic character that represents a specific trait, behavior, or moral, etc. A and C are too specific - they really only fit one specific person. The last one simply isn't a character - or at least it's too abstract to represent a specific trait in a person. However, B is a personality that can be applied to many people and characters alike.

Hope that helps, lmk if it was wrong

President Obama’s National Address to America’s Schoolchildren

Which claim made in the speech is supported by reasons or evidence?

"The story of America isn’t about people who quit when things got tough."

"You might have to read something a few times before you understand it."

"You don't hit every note the first time you sing a song."

"You're not a varsity athlete the first time you play a new sport."


Answer: "You're not a varsity athlete the first time you play a new sport."


Varsity athletes have usually trained for years to earn the right to become athletes at a university level and even if they only became athletes at varsity level, they did not get selected to be varsity athletes from that first time thy played the sport.

They had to play a lot more times to be chosen to play at that level. This goes to show that the first time you play a sport, you cannot be a varsity athlete.

Of course the President meant this figuratively in that you cannot be as good as a varsity level athlete the first time you play a sport, but even this is still supported by reasons and evidence because you need to have practiced for a while to get to that level.

What happens I forgot to bring my homework to school.



they will take points off your homework


uncertainty is to hesitation as error is to...








Hope this helps!




Hope this helps!

Twilight Calm deeper meaning



I can't answer that. can you put more detail into the answer please?


Aman: I‘m feeling bored this afternoon. Muna: _________________________________________.


Aman: I‘m feeling bored this afternoon. Muna: "Why don't we try going to the mall or watching a movie?"Boredom is a prevalent feeling among people, especially on a lazy afternoon. Feeling bored can be a sign that you need to spice up your day by doing something that will add some excitement to your life.

Here, Aman is feeling bored and Muna is suggesting some ideas to get rid of Aman's boredom. One of the most common things people do to get rid of boredom is by going out and enjoying some entertainment.Visiting a mall or watching a movie is a great way to get out of the house and enjoy a new environment.

Malls and movie theaters provide people with the opportunity to experience something new and exciting. You could also consider trying a new restaurant or cafe, taking a walk in a park, or trying a new hobby, such as painting or playing an instrument.Boredom is often a sign that you need to break out of your usual routine and try something new.

By following Muna's suggestion, Aman can get rid of their boredom and discover new interests. Trying new activities can help people feel refreshed and excited about life. So, it is essential to find things that we enjoy doing and make sure we engage in them regularly.

For more questions on: Boredom



Why did Swift publish his ideas in satirical format?



He wanted his readers to see their own errors in logic and morality.

Jonathan Swift, arguably the greatest of all satirists, is very well-known for employing this form of literature that employs irony and humor, blended in a poignant social critique, to state a social issue of a problematic and unjust nature in order to signal its inhumane deficiencies and point towards a change of perspective that could foster social justice and care for those who are being wronged.


Hope this helped Mark BRAINLIEST!!!

Is correct , If not, what should I change? HELP ,HELP



Great topic, everything looms wonderful! May I suggest something? You should definitely add some more detail, and explain why Alcohol hurts lives.


Yes kinda I would say more when u have acholol abuse you also can’t control it like a bad addiction

Using this chart of word roots and affixes, which is the most likely meaning of the word tripod? Prefixes Roots Suffixes mono-: one bi: two tri: three omni: all pro: for, in favor of, forward epi: on, outside se: apart athlonz prize, contest | -able, -ible capable of ped, pod foot -ic like, related to phon, phone: sound -oid resembling spect to look -ant having the qualities of derma: skin -ia condition, world, society hydr. water -ology, -logy, the study of cred to believe, trust -ous full of tone: tone, sound -ence a state or condition O A. The ability to walk on hind legs 0 B. An animal that walks on four legs C. A three-legged stand D. A three-part belief system​



C. A three-legged stand


Write in capital letters the name of a popular vehicle brand. Move two vertical lines closer together. Add a horizontal line, and the result will be another popular vehicle brand. What names are these? So again, in capital letters, write the name of a popular vehicle brand. Move two vertical lines closer together, add a horizontal line, and the result will be another popular vehicle brand. What names are these?





Analyze Drama Elements (Lines 1174-1201; page 502). Stage directions can help establish mood. What stage directions establish mood and describe sounds? How do these sounds help establish the mood of the scene? [The Crucible]



A story intended to be performed before an audience by actors on a stage. The script of a dramatic work may include stage directions that explain how characters should look, "speak, move and behave. The script might also specify details of the setting and scenery, such as lighting, props, and sound effects.A drama may be divided into acts, which may also be broken up into scenes, indicating changes in location or the passage of time.

Hope that helps :)

help please .........



The car was reversed 10 feet backwards .


Hope it was correct & helpful ^^ .

What do Napoleon and Snowball do about the windmill? Need Help Pls


Wanted to build a windmill. And snuffed at them once or twice, urinated over the plans and walked out without uttering a word

Read these excerpts from Fever 1793 and The Summer of the Pestilence.

Fiction: Fever 1793

A violent thunderstorm on Sunday cleared the air for a few hours, but when the sun came out Monday, it baked the streets until the rainwater rose in ghostly plumes of steam. I felt like a noodle over-boiled in the stewpot. And the bells continued to toll.

Nonfiction: The Summer of the Pestilence

During dry, warm days, the fever has seemed to spread but slowly; but when these chill northeasterly storms have come, it has taken whole sections of the city in a night.

In what way do the excerpts reveal setting?

A. Both use a character’s point of view to show setting.
B. Both use descriptive details to show setting.
C. Both use figurative language to show setting.
D. Both use facts to show setting.


answer is b, they both use descriptive details to show setting


pretty sure b!


Which excerpt from A Night to Remember. describes how the setting begins to change? "When Edward A. Kent, another table companion, found her after the crash, she gave him an ivory miniature of her mother for safekeeping." "It was just as well, for the slant in the deck was steeper, and even the carefree were growing uneasy." "In a moment she reappeared with the picture and was rushed into the boat." "On the bridge, as Fourth Officer Boxhall and Quartermaster Rowe fired off more rockets, Boxhall still couldn’t believe what was happening."


This is a late answer but It is C.. (I think *v*) Hope it helps <3




I think C because if you read through the answers it makes the most since because they were rushing without much explanation.  

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What does the following exchange show about Ann Putnam's character?MRS. PUTNAM: Mr. Parris's slave has knowledge of conjurin', sir.PARRIS: We cannot be sure of that, Goody Ann -MRS. PUTNAM: I know it, sir. I sent my child-she should learn from Tituba who murdered her sisters.She has strong convictions and is willing to act on them.She cares very deeply about the safety of the village.She is quick to blame others, but not take responsibility herself.She pays careful attention and is a good detective. In a study of cell phone usage and bruin hemispheric dominanon, an Internet survey was e-mailed to 6960 subjects randomly selected from an online group involved with cars. There were 1305 surveys murad. U 0.01 significance level to test the claim that the return rate is less than 20%. Use the Pusle method and use the romal distribution as an approximation to the binomial atribution Setely the nel ypothesis wd attive hypothesis 02 Hp02 OCH D03 Hp02 OLM OB 02 Hp02 OD. Hp.02 Hp02 OF HH02 The treat statinio iz- Round to two decimal places as needed.) The Punto e Round to the decimal places is needed.) fiecause the value is the significance level the hypothesis. There is evidence to support the claim that the retumisess than 20% a cut in government spending or an increase in taxes will cause the economy's aggregate group of answer choices supply curve to shift outward (increase), resulting in a higher gdp supply curve to shift inward (decrease), resulting in a lower gdp demand curve to shift inward (decrease), resulting in lower gdp none of the answers given is correct demand curve to shift inward (decrease), resulting in higher gdp I NEED HELP ASAP, I'LL GIVE BRAINLIST : Math An application layer IDS security device uses a Bayes based machine learning algorithm that is: - 99% sensitive, 99% of the time identifies true positive packets with malware payload - 95% specific, 95% of the time identifies true negative packets without malware payload. The IDS performs real time deep Malware Traffic Analysis in a high attack application environment where approximately 60% of the traffic is legitimate and 40% of the traffic contains malware, in which case the device drops the packets with malware. Calculate the probability of false negative packets, which is the worst case scenario and is equivalent to the probability for a successful attack. Note: Conditional Probability (A | B) = Probability (A and B) / Probability (B) Thank you :)The question is above!;) What kind of function is f(x)? A. Exponential B. Logarithmic C. Rational D. Polynomial Each cube has 2-inch-long edges. What is the volume of the figure? what vpn tunneling protocol enables forwarding on the basis of mac addressing? How might working to develop good character be an acceptable way for someone to gain attention and recognition?PLZ HELP HURRY NO LINKS I will give brainliest, its a graph pls answer if you know how. Where are the smart people 8m - 5.5 =10.1 Help Please A projectile was launched from the ground with a certain initial velocity. The militaries used a radar to determine the vertical coordinate you of the projectile for two moments of time measured in seconds from the moment when the projectile was launched. The radar measurements showed that y(3) = 419 meters, 6) = 679 meters. Calculate the maximum of y() if it is known as follows 1. The projectile was moving along a vertical line 2. The acceleration due to gravity gis 9.81 meter second 3. There is an air resistance proportional to the velocity of the projectile. 4. The value of the empirical coefficient p is a constant 5. Time is measured in seconds, and distances are measured in meters A student solved the problem, rounded-off the numerical value of the maximum of y(t) to THREE significant figures and presented it below (15 points) meters your numerical answer must be written here Also, it is required to answer several additional questions as follows: 1. If p is the value of a positive empirical constant (its value is to be found), is the unknown initial velocity of the projectle, then the formula for the altitude y of the projectile at the moment of timetis given by the formula (1 point): = 2. If p is the value of a positive empirical constant (its value is to be found) is the unknown initial velocity of the projectile, then the value of the velocity of the projectile at the moment of time is given by the formula (1 point): ( *Y-811.pl 3. The maximum of the altitude was achieved by the projectile when time expressed in seconds and rounded-odfo FOUR significant figures) was qual to (3 points) 9.354 DD0000 10:49 10.89 11 35 11.89 12.48. Tamara can mow an acre in one hour. If her yard is 2 acres, how many hours will it take her to mow the entire yard? Write an equation to model and solve the problem. Explain the answer in terms of the problem. Show all work. 2. Worker reputation is:Number of Stars earned by the Worker indicates how well he is performing in a category.Badges earned by the Worker displaying how well he is performing in a category.The real-time rate (showed in %) used to determine how many jobs you can accept per day.The number of satisfied tasks you have accumulated to date. The efforts by American Indians in the 1960s and 1970s to demand greater equality and a redress of past injustices was most influence by a the African Americans civil right movement. b Latinos and Asian Americans demanding greater equality. c environmental problems and the abuse of natural resources. d the profound changes to the family structure in American society. Which of the following are examples of Protected Health Information (PHI)?Patient's NamePatient's Date of BirthPatient's Medication List(all of the above) to Find the analyticity region of the function and find it's derivate of the following functions (a) Z-2 (b) Sen (log z) 20 Find the Taylor serie around zero for fuz) = 4+2 and compute the Convergence radius What is the volume of the figure?6 cm3 cm8 cm2 cmA3 X 2 X 6B.6 X 8 2C.8 * 2 * 3D.3 * 2 * 8 * 6 To lay out a web page so it adjusts to the width of the screen, you use