1.A report written in the indirect order _____. first states its main point and then supplies the supporting information is especially beneficial for readers who are in a hurry to receive the most important information first is more likely to use personal pronouns than a report written in the direct order presents the main findings, recommendations, and conclusion in the executive summary begins with whatever introductory material is needed to prepare the reader for the report

2.The _____ statement of a business report provides a clear description of the situation that created the need for the report.


Which of the following is true about problem statements?

Problem statements do not use active voice.

Problem statements eliminate the need for purpose statements.

Problem statements are typically written in the form of a question.

The infinitive phrase is most preferred for writing problem statements.

Problem statements are generally written as declarative statements.


Which of the following is the most appropriate problem statement for a business report on decline of sales?

To determine why company sales have declined

Why have company sales declined?

Management wants to know the reasons for sales decline.

What is the reason for the decline of company sales?

To investigate the cause of the decline in company sales


Possible explanations for or solutions to a problem are termed as _____.


mission statements


purpose statements

problem statements


Which of the following is true about secondary research?

It primarily involves gathering data through methods of direct observation.

It uncovers information firsthand.

It uses material that someone else has published.

It includes user testing.

It primarily involves gathering data through experiments.


Secondary research produces information primarily through the use of _____.







If a user finds it difficult to think of terms to broaden his or her search, he or she must _____.

eliminate citations with a particular term

retrieve citations that contain only the search terms without variations

look at the keywords or descriptors of the items that have already been identified

refrain from using Boolean operators

use the NOT operator


Which of the following is true of reports?

All reports have a consistent format and an equal number of components.

As the need for formality decreases, the number of components in a report increases.

When the situation is informal and the report is short, prefatory pages are included.

A business writer should decide the makeup of a report on the basis of its topic and cost.

Less complex problems and less formal situations will require less elaborate reports


Marco is in the process of preparing an internal report to explain the recent increase in the number of product returns at ZenMark Fashions. Marco's survey reveals that the returned products are of inferior quality and do not meet ZenMark's regular standards. This increase in product returns is found to coincide with the switch to a different raw materials supplier. Marco's suggestion is to revert to the original raw material supplier despite the costs involved being 30% higher. In this scenario, Marco should probably _____.

present the report in casual or informal language

include all the prefatory elements in his report

write his report in the indirect order

write his report in the direct order

place the recommendations and conclusions at the beginning of the report


Answer 1

Here are the answer of your 10 question: number 1, begins with whatever introductory material is needed to prepare the reader for the report; number 2, problem; number 3, problem statements are generally written as declarative statements; number 4, management wants to know the reasons for sales decline; number 5, hypotheses; number 6, it uses material that someone else has published; number 7, websites; number 8, look at the keywords or descriptors of the items that have already been identified; number 9, less complex problems and less formal situations will require less elaborate reports ; number 10, write his report in the indirect order.

What is business report?

Business report is a group of analyses and data that make a company easier to access the information they need. As business report used for internal of the organization, it contains the problem that organization face. The statement of the problems are generally written in the declarative form. In order to gain the data for the business report, organization will do researches based on hypotheses they made.

Learn more about business report here:



Related Questions

which switch can be added to the netstat command to include the program that opened a specific displayed session?


The Linux netstat command is related to network statistics. Provides various interface statistics such as open sockets, routing tables, and connection information.

Which switch can be used with the route command to remove all gateway entries?

Use the –f switch with the route command to clear the table of all gateway entries. You can combine this switch with another command (eg add). In this case the table is dropped before any other command is executed.

Which command can be used as an alternative to the netstat command to display network statistics directly from the kernel?

The Linux netstat command has been replaced by the new ss command. This command can display more information about network connections and is much faster than the old netstat command.

To know more about  Linux netstat visit;



suppose the keys 3, 4, 45, 21, 92, 12 are inserted into a bst in this order. what is the preorder traversal of the elements after deleting 45 from the tree?


A simple strategy Return false if the value of the node's left child is greater than or equal to the node being used now.

How can you determine whether a particular tree is a BST or merely a BT?A node-based binary tree data structure with the following characteristics is called a binary search tree (BST).Only nodes with keys lower than a node's key are found in the node's left subtree.Only nodes with keys higher than the node's key are found in a node's right subtree.It is necessary for the left and right subtrees to be binary search trees as well.A unique key is assigned to every node (tree item).The goal is to determine whether the max value in the left subtree and the min value in the right subtree are greater than the node for each individual node.

To Learn more About node's left refer to:



Which client/parent education would the nurse include about a potential complication of mumps?


The client/parent education that the nurse could  include about a potential complication of mumps is option A: Sterility.

What exactly is parent education?

Mumps complications, which might include meningitis or encephalitis, tend to affect adults more frequently than children. inflammation of the brain or of the membrane that covers the brain and spinal cord.

Oophoritis, an infection of the ovaries, can affect the breast tissue (mastitis) pancreatic inflammatory disease (pancreatitis) swelling in the brain (encephalitis) Meningitis is an inflammation of the tissue that covers the brain and spinal cord.

Therefore, One in ten men are thought to have a decline in their sperm count, and just under half of all males who contract orchitis associated to the mumps detect some shrinkage of their testicles (the amount of healthy sperm their body can produce). However, this is hardly ever significant enough to result in infertility.

Learn more about client/parent education from


See full question below

Which client/parent education would the nurse include about a potential complication of mumps?

1 Sterility

2 Hypopituitarism

3 Decrease in libido

4 Decrease in androgens

Write the complete passwordgenerator class. Your implementation must meet all specifications and conform to the example.



Here is an example of a Python class that generates passwords of a specified length using random combinations of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters:

import random

import string

class PasswordGenerator:

   def __init__(self, length=8):

       self.length = length

   def generate_password(self):

       # Get all possible characters for the password

       characters = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation

       # Use the random module to shuffle the characters

       characters = ''.join(random.sample(characters, len(characters)))

       # Return a password of the specified length using the shuffled characters

       return ''.join(random.sample(characters, self.length))


To use this class, you would first create an instance of the PasswordGenerator class, specifying the desired length of the password as an argument (the default is 8 characters):

generator = PasswordGenerator(length=12)

Then, you can generate a new password by calling the generate_password method on the generator object:

password = generator.generate_password()

print(password)  # Outputs a 12-character password

You can also change the length of the password that the generator produces by assigning a new value to the length attribute of the generator object:

generator.length = 16

password = generator.generate_password()

print(password)  # Outputs a 16-character password

What is a device that stores and processes information?


A storage unit is a part of the computer system which is employed to store the information and instructions to be processed.

What is  Storage unit ?The information and instructions that need to be processed are kept in a storage unit, which is a component of the computer system. A storage device is a crucial component of the computer hardware that stores data and information needed to process a computation's output. A computer couldn't function or even start up without a storage device. Or, we may define a storage device as a piece of hardware that is used to store, transfer, or extract data files. Devices for Primary Storage: It is sometimes referred to as main memory and internal memory. The programme instructions, input data, and intermediate results are kept in this area of the CPU. Its size is often smaller.

To learn more about  storage unit refer to:



What are the most reliable sources of online information?


Websites with the. gov and. edu extensions are often reliable.Nonprofit organizations' websites may also provide reliable information about them.

What are the top 5 trustworthy information sources? Websites ending in. gov and. edu are typically trustworthy, but watch out for sites that intentionally use these suffixes to deceive.Websites run by nonprofit organizations may also include trustworthy information, but you should take some time to analyze these factors to see if they might be biased. Statistics from a census.Peer-reviewed publications, governmental entities, think tanks for scientific study, and trade associations are examples of reliable sources.Due to their strict publishing standards, major newspapers and magazines also offer trustworthy information.All content must be fact-checked by reputable news sources before publication.Scholarly or peer-reviewed publications and books, trade or professional articles and books, respectable magazine articles and books, and articles from reputable newspapers are a few instances of trustworthy sources.

To learn more about reliable information refer



Which action requires an organization to carry out a Privacy Impact Assessment?

A. Storing paper-based records
B. Collecting PII to store in a new information system
C. Collecting any CUI. including but not limited to PII
D. Collecting PII to store in a National Security System


Collecting PII to store in a new information system requires an organization to carry out a Privacy Impact Assessment.

What is Privacy Impact Assessment?
Privacy Impact Assessment
(PIA) is a process of examining how personal data is collected, used, stored, and shared by an organization. A PIA helps to identify and mitigate potential privacy risks to individuals and their personal information. It is an important tool for organizations to ensure that their data collection practices are compliant with applicable privacy laws and regulations. The PIA process includes analyzing the data flow from collection to storage, understanding the purpose of the data collection, and determining the privacy risks associated with the data. By conducting a PIA, organizations can identify and address potential privacy concerns, ensure that appropriate security measures are taken to protect personal data, and improve overall data management practices.

To learn more about Privacy Impact Assessment



you are given a data.csv file in the /root/customers/ directory containing information about your customers. it has the following columns: id,name,city,country,cperson,emplcnt,contrcnt,contrcost where id: unique id of the customer name: official customer company name city: location city name country: location country name cperson: email of the customer company contact person emplcnt: customer company employees number contrcnt: number of contracts signed with the customer contrcost: total amount of money paid by customer (float in format dollars.cents) read and analyze the data.csv file, and output the answers to these questions: how many total customers are in this data set? how many customers are in each city? how many customers are in each country? which country has the largest number of customers' contracts signed in it? how many contracts does it have?


Using the knowledge in computational language in python it is possible to write a code that you are given a data.csv file in the /root/customers/ directory containing information about your customers.

Writting the code:

import pandas as pd

# you can replace the path to csv file here as "/root/customers/data.csv"

df = pd.read_csv("data.csv")


country = df.groupby('COUNTRY')['CONTRCNT'].sum()

country = country[country==country.max()]


# Once groupby is used, the particular columns becomes index, so it can be accessed using below statement

print(country.index.values, "\n")

# Index is used as -1 in case there are multiple data with same value, and data is sorted and we will be needing last data value only

print("Country with the largest number of customers' contracts:", country.index.values[-1], "({} contracts)".format(country[-1]))

See more about python at brainly.com/question/18502436


What are the different types of databases and which is the most common?


Databases might be relational, object-oriented, or multidimensional. The relational database is the most prevalent of them.

Databases are broadly classified into two sorts or categories: relational or sequence databases and non-relational or non-sequence databases, also known as No SQL databases. Depending on the nature of the data and the functionality required, an organization may use them alone or in combination. Here's a simple structure that demonstrates how a relational database works. We use Structured Querying Language to query data in an RDBMS (SQL). We can use SQL to create new records, update existing ones, and so on. There are two types of databases: Sequence or Relational Databases: DBMS employs schema, which is a template used to specify the structure of data to be stored in the database.

Learn more about databases here-



A map template provides
a. a pre-arranged way of placing elements on a map.
b. a blank space that can be used to place items on a map.
c. a pre-made map that can immediately be printed.
d. previously created symbology already applied to the map's legend.


A map template provides a pre-arranged way of placing elements on a map.

A map is a schematic depiction of particular features of a location, often drawn on a flat surface. Maps offer a clear, visual method to display information about the globe. By displaying the sizes and forms of the globe's nations, the locations of features, and the distances between areas, they impart knowledge about the world. Maps may display geographic distributions of items, such as human settlement patterns. They can pinpoint the precise locations of streets and homes in a city neighbourhood.

Maps are produced by cartographers, who do so for a variety of reasons.

Travelers plan their journeys using road atlases. Forecasts are created by meteorologists, experts who research the weather. With the use of maps that depict terrain characteristics, city planners choose where to locate hospitals and parks.

Learn more about Map here:



Write a program which takes a string input, converts it to lowercase, then prints
the same string without the five most common letters in the English alphabet (e, t, a, i o).



Seeing as i don't know what language you want this made in, so I'll do it in two languages, Py and C++.

Here is a solution in C++:

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <map>

int main() {

 // prompt the user for a string

 std::cout << "Enter a string: ";

 std::string input;

 std::getline(std::cin, input);

 // convert the input string to lowercase

 std::transform(input.begin(), input.end(), input.begin(), ::tolower);

 // create a map to keep track of the frequency of each letter in the string

 std::map<char, int> letter_counts;

 for (const char& c : input) {



 // create a string of the five most common letters in the English alphabet

 // (e, t, a, i, o)

 std::string most_common_letters = "etai";

 // remove the five most common letters from the input string

 for (const char& c : most_common_letters) {

   input.erase(std::remove(input.begin(), input.end(), c), input.end());


 // print the resulting string

 std::cout << "Resulting string: " << input << std::endl;

 return 0;


Here is a solution in Python:

import string

# prompt the user for a string

input_str = input("Enter a string: ")

# convert the input string to lowercase

input_str = input_str.lower()

# create a string of the five most common letters in the English alphabet

# (e, t, a, i, o)

most_common_letters = "etai"

# remove the five most common letters from the input string

for c in most_common_letters:

 input_str = input_str.replace(c, "")

# print the resulting string

print("Resulting string: ", input_str)

Explanation: Hope this helped

How are cell phones beneficial to student learning?


Cell phones include calendar apps, clocks, alarms, and reminders that students can use to help them stay more organized.

Which of the choices below are NOT a function of the Operating system.
a. It controls the memory needed for various processes.
b. It controls peripheral devices.
c. It controls the booting of a computer.
d. It manages the user's communication with the computer.
Till l
inging information.



d. It manages the user's communication with the computer.

The operating system is a software program that manages the resources of a computer, including the memory, processes, and peripherals. It is responsible for controlling the memory needed for various processes, controlling peripheral devices, and controlling the booting of a computer. However, the operating system does not manage the user's communication with the computer. This is typically handled by other software programs, such as applications and user interfaces.

i believe the answer is d

question 7 a router is performing basic routing functions. what is the second step in the transmission of a packet?


Router receives packet is the second step in the transmission of a packet.

What is Router receives packet?

When a router gets a packet, it examines its routing table to see if the destination address points to a device on one of the networks to which it is connected, or if a different router must be used to forward the message.

                    It then transmits the message to the following system on the route to the final system.

Data packets are received by routers?

By way of a network interface, a router takes in packets from each interface.

                       Every link protocol header is deleted from received packets. When deciding whether and where to forward each packet it receives, as well as which network interface to utilize to send the packet, the router makes use of the information in the IP header.

Learn more about Router receives packet



question 1 relational databases contain a series of tables connected to form relationships. which two types of fields exist in two connected tables?


A relational databases typically have two types of fields: a foreign key field in one table, and a primary key field in the other table.

What is database?

Any type of data may be stored, maintained, and accessed using databases. They gather data on individuals, locations, or objects. It is gathered in one location so that it may be seen and examined. You might think of databases as a well-organized collection of data.

In a relational database, two tables that are connected to form a relationship typically have two types of fields: a foreign key field in one table, and a primary key field in the other table.

The foreign key field in one table is used to refer to the primary key field in the other table. For example, consider a database that has two tables: a "customers" table and an "orders" table. The "customers" table might have a primary key field called "customer_id", and the "orders" table might have a foreign key field called "customer_id" that refers to the "customer_id" field in the "customers" table.

The primary key field in a table is used to uniquely identify each record in the table. It is typically a field that contains a unique value for each record, such as a customer's ID number or a product's serial number. The primary key field is often used as the foreign key field in other tables to establish relationships between those tables.

To know more about database checkout  https://brainly.com/question/29412324


What two move commands are used in mcl language and what is the difference between them?


Move to point, move to a point in a straight line, open gripper, closing gripper are a few examples of computer commands. (MOVE, MOVES, APPROVAL, APPROVALS, LEAVE, OPEN, CLOSE, AND EXIT)

Machine Control Language, created by Douglas, is referred to as MCL. The NC and APT languages served as the foundation for the language. built control whole manufacturing cell. •MCL is an improvement over APT and has the extra tools and functionality required to do robotic work cell programming offline. •Additional vocabulary terms were created to give the supplemental abilities that the MCL was designed to cover. These abilities include vision, signal inspection, and control. •MCL also gives the user the option to define MACROS-like statements, which is useful for particular applications. •MCL programme compilation is required to create CLFILE. •Commands like DEVICE, SEND, RECEIV, WORKPT, ABORT, TASK, REGION, LOCATE, etc. are used in MCL programming languages.

Learn more about Comands here:






wordcount = 0

while (True):

 word = input("Please enter the next word: ")

 if word.lower() == "done": break

 wordcount = wordcount+1

 print("#%d: You entered the word %s" % (wordcount, word))


print ("A total of %d words were entered." % wordcount)


I made the stop word case insensitive, so both done and DONE will work.

ahima converts all passing scores to 300 to establish consistency across all exams and programs.


After a candidate completes AHIMA exam, the points earned for each question are totaled and compared to the cross-score to determine a pass or fail result. A score of 300 or above is acceptable. Scores less than 300 are failing.

What does AHIMA exam mean?

AHIMA exams contain different question or task types that require you to select the best answer using your knowledge, skills, or experience. Each exam contains grading questions and pre-exam questions that are randomly distributed throughout the exam. Pre-test questions are not considered towards final score.

AHIMA creates and updates all exams in accordance with industry standards and best practices. Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) are involved in every step of the exam development process and are supervised by AHIMA exam experts.

How long does the AHIMA course take?

After completing all 13 courses, you will be issued an AHIMA Micro-Credential Certificate of Completion within a year. You can also customize your learning program with custom courses and get started for just $299.

To learn more about AHIMA visit:



Why is anonymization a challenge of cybersecurity?

It protects users’ identity and obscures criminals’ identity.

Users and criminals should never be anonymous.

Criminals identity is anonymous, but users are not.

Governments do not want anonymization.


Anonymization is a challenge in cybersecurity because it secures the user's identity as well as the criminals' identity.

What is Cybersecurity?

Protecting computers, networks, and programs from cyberattacks is the discipline of cybersecurity. These cyberattacks typically try to gain access to, alter, or delete sensitive data; ask for money through users; or obstruct regular corporate operations.

Nowadays, the number of devices than humans, and hackers are getting more creative, making it difficult to implement efficient cybersecurity measures.

Therefore, maintaining a suitable balance between the amount of privacy and the usefulness of the data is the main problem of anonymization.

Every time anonymization occurs, user identity is protected; nevertheless, in this situation, it conceals the identity of the offender, which is a significant difficulty.

To know more about Cybersecurity:



true or false: with tcp's flow control mechanism, where the receiver tells the sender how much free buffer space it has (and the sender always limits the amount of outstanding, unacked, in-flight data to less than this amount), it is not possible for the sender to send more data than the receiver has room to buffer.


With tcp's flow control mechanism, where the receiver tells the sender how much free buffer space it has true.

TCP's flow control mechanismThe TCP flow control mechanism enables the receiver to communicate the amount of free buffer space that is available to the sender in a message to the sender.The sender uses this information to calculate the maximum amount of data it can send without filling the receiver's buffer. Packet loss, delays, and retransmissions will occur if the sender delivers more data than the receiver can store in its buffer.Furthermore, if the sender sends too much data, the receiver may get overloaded and unable to digest it quickly, creating additional issues.As a result, while employing TCP's flow control mechanism, the sender cannot send more data than the recipient has space for in its buffer.

To learn more about tcp's flow control mechanism refer to:



in order to gain access to a private web site, each person must have his or her own 6-digit password, where some digit is used 3 times and the remaining 3 digits are distinct. how many such passwords are there?


A website that's password-protected and only accessible to internal staff, registered users, or partners.

What does it mean when a website is private?

With the use of a private website, you, your loved ones, and your friends may communicate online without worrying about getting unwanted attention from other people.

A website that's password-protected and only accessible to internal staff, registered users, or partners.

Occasionally, you must use a Mac, PC, or other device that does not belong to you since you are away from your own. You shouldn't want your passwords, search history, or browsing history to be saved on that device, therefore use a private browser to avoid this.

A website that's password-protected and only accessible to internal staff, registered users, or partners. Deep Web is used interchangeably.

To learn more about private website refer to:



what characteristic of cloud technology helps minimize storage costs by allowing customers a. measured service b. resource pooling c. on-demand self-service d. broad network access


By utilizing a metering capability at a level of abstraction relevant to the type of service, such as storage, processing, bandwidth, and active user accounts, cloud systems automatically manage and optimize resource utilization. Thus, option A is correct.

What cloud technology helps minimize storage costs?

Businesses can quickly elasticity and resource scalability to cloud computing. It assists in cutting expenses and minimizes the wasting of company resources.

Therefore, measured service characteristic of cloud technology helps minimize storage costs by allowing customers.

Learn more about cloud technology here:



there is a simple pattern for determining if a binary number is odd.What is it and why does the pattern occur


If the last digit of a binary number is 1, the number is odd; if it’s 0, the number is even.

What is the pattern of binary numbers?A binary number is odd if its rightmost digit is 1, and even if its rightmost digit is 0. This pattern occurs because binary numbers are based on the base-2 number system, in which only the digits 0 and 1 are used. In the base-2 system, the rightmost digit represents the units place, the next digit to the left represents the twos place, the next digit represents the fours place, and so on.When a number is odd, it means that there is one extra unit that needs to be accounted for. In the base-2 system, this extra unit is represented by a 1 in the units place. The pattern of odd and even binary numbers occurs because the base-2 system is based on the concept of binary digits, which can have only two possible values: 0 and 1. Since there are only two possible values for each digit, each digit can only represent two possible numbers: 0 and 1.

To learn more about binary number refer :



Kelly is fond of pebbles, during summer, her favorite past-time is to cellect peblles of the same shape and size


The java code for the Kelly is fond of pebbles is given below.

What is the java code about?

import java.util.Arrays;

public class PebbleBuckets {

   public static int minBuckets(int numOfPebbles, int[] bucketSizes) {

       // Sort the bucket sizes in ascending order


       // Initialize the minimum number of buckets to the maximum integer value

       int minBuckets = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

       // Loop through the bucket sizes and find the minimum number of buckets needed

       for (int i = 0; i < bucketSizes.length; i++) {

           int numBuckets = 0;

           int remainingPebbles = numOfPebbles;

           // Count the number of buckets needed for each size

           while (remainingPebbles > 0) {

               remainingPebbles -= bucketSizes[i];



           // Update the minimum number of buckets if needed

           if (remainingPebbles == 0 && numBuckets < minBuckets) {

               minBuckets = numBuckets;



       // If the minimum number of buckets is still the maximum integer value, return -1

       if (minBuckets == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {

           return -1;


       return minBuckets;


   public static void main(String[] args) {

       // Test the minBuckets function

       int numOfPebbles = 5;

       int[] bucketSizes = {3, 5};

       int minBuckets = minBuckets(numOfPebbles, bucketSizes);

       System.out.println("Minimum number of buckets: " + minBuckets);



Learn more about java code from



See full question below

Write a java code for the following Kelly is fond of pebbles. During summer, her favorite past-time is to collect pebbles of same shape and size. To collect these pebbles, she has buckets of different sizes. Every bucket can hold a certain number of pebbles. Given the number of pebbles and a list of bucket sizes, determine the minimum number of buckets required to collect exactly the number of pebbles given, and no more. If there is no combination that covers exactly that number of pebbles, return -1. Example numOfPebbles = 5 bucketSizes = [3, 5] One bucket can cover exactly 5 pebbles, so the function should return 1.

Software Sales A software company sells a package that retails for $99. Quantity discounts are given according to the following table:
100 or more
Write a program that asks the user to enter the number of packages purchased. The program should then display the amount of the discount (if any) and the total amount of the purchase after the discount.


They resemble Java's built-in features very closely. It can be used similarly to how we utilize built-in packages by being imported into other classes.

What program that user to enter the number of packages?

# A software vendor offers a package for $99 on the open market.

# The following criteria are used to determine quantity discounts:

# table:


# Quantity      Discount

# 10–19         10%

# 20–49         20%

# 50–99         30%

# 100 or more   40%


# Construct a program that requests the user to input the quantity of

# packages purchased. The program should then display the

if any, the amount of the discount, as well as the overall

# the purchase after the discount.


number_of_packages = float(input('\nEnter # of packages purchased: '))

display_message = ""

if number_of_packages < 0:

   display_message = "Error. # of packages must be greater than 0.\nRe-run program and try again."


   discount_percentage = 0

   if number_of_packages < 10:

       discount_percentage = 0

   elif number_of_packages >= 10 and number_of_packages <= 19:

       discount_percentage = .10 # 10%

   elif number_of_packages >= 20 and number_of_packages <= 49:

       discount_percentage = .20 # 20%

   elif number_of_packages >= 50 and number_of_packages <= 99:

       discount_percentage = .30

   elif number_of_packages >= 100:

       discount_percentage = .40 # 40%


   package_total = number_of_packages * PRICE_PER_PACKAGE

   discount_amount = (package_total) * discount_percentage

   grand_total = package_total - discount_amount

format(package total, ',.2f') + display message = "Package total = $"

                     "\nDiscount Percentage = " + format(discount_percentage, '.0%') + \

                     "\nDiscount amount = $" + format(discount_amount, ',.2f') + \

                     "\nGrand total  = $" + format(grand_total, ',.2f')

Therefore, print("\n" + display_message + "\n") display the amount of the discount.

Learn more about program here:



When using a public wireless network, using vpn software is not advisable as it can reveal your communications to any network eavesdroppers.

a. true
b. false


False, Using virtual private network(VPN) software on a public wireless network is not advised since it can expose your conversations to network eavesdroppers.

Users can send and receive data across shared or public networks using a virtual private network (VPN), which extends a private network across a public network and makes it appear as though their computer devices are directly linked to the private network. Functionality, security, and administrative improvements for the private network are all advantages of a VPN. The majority of the time, remote workers use it to give them access to resources that are not accessible on the public network. Although it is not a fundamental component of a VPN connection, encryption is ubiquitous.

By using dedicated circuits or tunneling protocols over existing networks, a virtual point-to-point connection is established, which is the basis for a VPN. Some of the advantages of a wide area network(WAN) can be obtained using a VPN that is accessible via the open Internet.

Learn more about virtual private network here:



Which of the following operating systems require a file extension to execute a program?
answer choices



Widows requires a file extension

Firewalls work by closing ____ in your computer.


The protection of computer systems is known as computer security, cybersecurity (cyber security), or information technology security (IT security).

Malicious actors may attack networks, resulting in unauthorized information disclosure, theft or destruction to hardware, software, or data, as well as disruption or misdirection of the services they provide. Because of the increased reliance on computer systems, the Internet,[3] and wireless network standards such as Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, as well as the proliferation of smart devices such as smartphones, televisions, and the various devices that comprise the Internet of things, the field has grown in importance (IoT). Due to the complexity of information systems and the societies they support, cybersecurity is one of the most significant concerns of the modern world.

Learn more about network here-



Is malware malicious code?



Yes, malware is short for malicious software and is a type of code that is designed to cause harm to a computer or network. It can be used to steal sensitive information, destroy data, or gain unauthorized access to a system. Malware is often spread through email attachments, malicious websites, or infected software downloads, and it can take many different forms, including viruses, worms, Trojan horses, ransomware, and spyware.

what is unit testing? group of answer choices individually testing a small part (or unit) of a program, typically a function, using a separate program


Individual software units or components are tested as part of a process called unit testing.

What is Unit Testing?Individual software units or components are tested as part of a process called unit testing. Verifying that every piece of software code functions as expected is the goal. The developers test the code of an application while it is still in the development (coding) stage. Unit tests isolate and validate a specific piece of code. An object, module, method, or individual function can all be considered units.Unit testing comes before integration testing in the SDLC, STLC, and V Models. Typically carried out by the developer, unit testing is a WhiteBox testing technique. Though in the real world, QA engineers also perform unit testing because of time constraints or developers' resistance to testing.

To Learn more About unit testing refer to:



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