75 points and Brainliest to whoever gives a proper answer the fastest. Read the following excerpt and pay close attention to the words the author uses:

Those who came before us made certain that this country rode the first waves of the industrial revolution, the first waves of modern invention, and the first wave of nuclear power, and this generation does not intend to founder in the backwash of the coming age of space. We mean to be a part of it--we mean to lead it. For the eyes of the world now look into space, to the moon and to the planets beyond. We have vowed that we shall not see it governed by a hostile flag of conquest, but by a banner of freedom and peace. We have vowed that we shall not see space filled with weapons of mass destruction, but with instruments of knowledge and understanding.

In a paragraph of four to six sentences, identify three words or phrases with positive connotations and explain how these words influence the paragraph. Be sure to specifically answer the following questions in your response: What images or ideas are associated with each word? How do these words influence the meaning and tone of this passage? Use proper spelling and grammar in your response.


Answer 1


One positive connotation was when the writer said, "we mean to be a part of it — we mean leading it." That assertion shows us we can lead, we can be apart of something, and we can feel that doing something is significant. The author is trying to make us feel apart of something and feel worthy. When the author said,  "We have vowed that we shall not see space filled with weapons of mass destruction, but with instruments of knowledge and understanding."  The author is seeking to convey why we don't need a weapon-filled country, we need to concentrate on maintaining harmony and taking care of others around. He teaches us that knowledge and understanding are far more damaging than weapons.


have a good day / night  may i please have a branllliest

Answer 2


Adding this so you can give the person above me brainliest

Related Questions

I can be changed by what's happened to me but I refuse to be reduced by it." -Maya Angelou 2. Do you agree with this quote, or disagree? Why? How does this quote relate to your life or the world we live in?


All of us go through changes throughout life, nobody can stay the same forever, nor should they. Personally, I agree with this quote because if I were to allow my past to take away from who I am as a person, life would be pointless. It would be based on a matter of circumstance and luck and you’d essentially be going with the motions, come what may, and letting everything affect you (positive or negative). Instead, this energy is better utilized by learning & improving upon yourself over time. Growing up is a part of the process.

Please help me!

What is the theme of 'The Hate U Give'? Please respond with at least 6 sentences! I will figure out the rest! Please and thank you!


The hate you give shows that we have advanced as a society but have also stayed the same. It also shows a somewhat real account and with what is going on in the world you can see how people form opinions. Some people think ‘if they were bad then they are still bad’. Some people believe the ‘not everyone is like that 10%’ which is true because everyone is good until proven wrong. I believe in the ‘in goodness there is bad and in bad there is good’ but some people are just cruel. Which is very sad hope this helps and good luck!!

Discuss your specific goals related to planning for college and a career



My goal is to first keep my grades steady in high school and then look out for universities that I can apply for. I will study hard and try my best to get into a good college. After that, I am going to follow a path that adds on to my college experience if it goes well.

Explanation: this will give people a good impression of you

Both Abraham Lincoln and martin Luther King believed that freedom is valuable. which pair of phrases from their speeches demonstrates this central argument.
A Lincoln: … this nation under God, shall have a new birth of freedom...
King: … I still believe that we shall overcome!

B Lincoln: ...testing whether that nation, or any nation so concieved ...
King: ... in increasing numbers created alliances ...

C Lincoln: ... we have come to dedicate a portion of that field ...
King: ... when our days become dreary ...

D Lincoln: Now we are engaged...
King: ... blood flowing streets of our nations...



I think A is your answer ;)

quick question , how does teenage years prepare you for adulthood ??



when you're a teenager, you experience a lot of highs and lows, and emotions. You then grow from your bad experiences, and hope you learn something from them. Being a teenager is a great thing because you start to know yourself better than anyone else. Everything you do as a teenager prepares you for adulthood.


Remember if you're ever unsure of yourself or the future, remember everything happens for a reason and you WILL figure it out :))

9. A Teen Anthem is a song that represents the feelings and thoughts of a generation of
a. True
b. False


I think that’s true? It sounds right

can someone talk to me please im so sad



ya what


Which of the following would be most effective in supporting the idea that teens should not text while they drive?

A. a chart comparing accidents between students who text while driving and those who don't

B. a police department lecture on the fines for texting while driving

C. a direct quote by a student recalling how his best friend was killed while texting and driving

D. a poster warning students not to text and drive


A. A chart comparing accidents between students who text and drive while driving and those who don’t

Explanation: Facts, Statistics, and Numbers are always going to be the most effective tool when explaining/persuading/debating because these the hardest form of evidence to debunk, and it’s puts things in a clear format everyone can understand.

The option that bests supports the claim that teens should not text while they drive is: "A chart comparing accidents between students who text and drive while driving and those who don’t" (Option A)

What is a claim?

A claim is a logical position that is made with regard to an issue, and the best claims are those that are supported by hard or factual evidence.

Hence, the option that bests supports the claim that teens should not text while they drive is: "A chart comparing accidents between students who text and drive while driving and those who don’t"

Learn more about claims at:

Help me ples

All of the following are reasons people are opposed to homework EXCEPT:
It impedes social time and creativity.
Carrying a heavy load of books can be physically stressful.
No study has ever shown a correlation between homework and academic achievement in high school.
Completing homework creates an atmosphere of frustration in the home.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided






c is the correct answer

a b C d which one do you think is right.

5) Fill in the gaps with the right forms of verbs in the bracket. .5x8=4

a) A good boy (to listen) _________ his lesson regularly.
b) I enjoy (to gossip) _________ with my friends.
c) Without (to work) ________ hard, no one can prosper in life.
d) We must (to obey) ________ our parents.
e) The pious (to be) _______ always blessed.
f) It is many years since I (to come) ______ to Dhaka.
g) He (to leave) ________ home last night.




1. listened

2. gossiping

3. working

4. obey

5. will be

6. came


I think these are the answers If you have any doubts of my answers you can wait for others too answer too..

Write a multi-paragraph response in which you make and support a claim about whether or not organic foods are worthwhile.


here’s some info for your topic!

Researchers found that fruits and vegetables labeled organic were not more nutritious, on average, than conventional produce, and didn't have higher levels of vitamins. There were also no health benefits to organic meats. We say: Go conventional. Organic junk food is still junk food.

Which statement best compares the ideas about hopes and dreams expressed in "He Had His Dream" and "Hope"?
1. Both poems suggest that hopes and dreams are nurtured by experiencing periodic success.
2. Both poems show that hopes and dreams are essential during unpredictable events like storms.
3. "He Had His Dream" links strong effort with dreams while "Hope" suggests hope is present without effort.
4. "He Had His Dream" relates dreams to overcoming a tragedy while "Hope" links hope with achieving a goal.



It’s number 4


The statement best compares the ideas about hopes and dreams is  “He Had His Dream” relates dreams to overcoming a tragedy, while “Hope” links hope with achieving a goal.

What are hopes and dreams?

Hopes are thoughts which we thought about our future to be happened, dreams are we see to happen to us.

Dreams and hopes comes true only when we work for them, hard work leads to fulfill our dreams.

Thus, the correct option is 4.

Learn more about hopes and dreams



Explain why self -confidence could help you secceed in your studies​


Simply put, students with good study habits achieve better grades and are more successful in their classes.


Building confidence in a student can help prevent student dropout rate and the fact that the relationship between a student's confidence and educational success is intertwined.

Describe the setting of "The Most Dangerous Game," and explain the impact it has on the plot. Use specific examples.



The setting is an island called “Ship-Trap Island”. It impacts the story because it gives the perfect habitat for hunting game.


What is the purpose of the web page?



it helps people around the world with homework

and u get to talk to people .


have a good day/night

may i plase have a branlliest

Complete the sentence with the correct possessive pronoun. That football belongs to you and your family. The football is



The football is yours..


Possessive pronouns are those which shows the possession and ownership showing that a particular things belong to someone. In our example, as mentioned that football belongs to  you and your family. Therefore the possessive pronoun will be yours.

1. Which of the following tests is a common college placement exam?





The most common college placement exams amongst colleges is the ACT or the SAT




This exam cover 4 topics: Math, Science Reasoning, English and Reading.

It is commonly used in collage placements in US universities.

Also the acronym stands for American College Testing which is helpful in remembering


“Attention all customers: This is the store manager. Due to the impending ice storm, the store will be closing at 4:00 today, in approximately 10 minutes. If you have items to buy, please do so at this time. Our clerks are standing by to process your purchases as efficiently as possible. I repeat, the store is closing due to the severity of the approaching storm. Thank you, and please drive safely.” 9 The serious tone of this announcement is best conveyed by which of the following words or phrases? A. standing B. customers C. items D. severity
what is the answer to this??



ok thanks


The serious tone of this announcement is best conveyed by  the following word that is:


What is an ice storm?

A glaze storm is a storm of chilly rain that leaves a covering of icicle. An hailstone storm is a type of cold storm from frosty rain, as known or named at another time or place a glaze occurrence or, in few parts of the United States, as a white warm.

Ice storms are mainly not destructive storms but instead are usually seen as gentle rains happening at moderate climates just chilly.

The establishment of hailstone starts accompanying a coating of above-chilly air above a coating of substitute-frigid hotnesses tighter to the surface. Frozen precipitation melts to rain while dropping into the warm air tier, and before starts to refreeze in the cold coating beneath.

What is severity?

Severity maybe delineated as the value or state of entity being harsh : the condition of being very distressing, weighty, bad, or grim For example, the severity of the climate, the severity of the punishment, Medication can help shorten the illness and lessen its severity."

Severity is a limit to mean the suggestion and the impact of the defect on the range of capabilities of everything.

Hence, option D is the correct answer

To learn more about an ice storm here,



Which of the following is something to do when you make a mistake?
Second-guess yourself because you should have known better.
Be afraid to do anything risky.
Learn from your mistake and move on.
Beat yourself up about it.
(Odyssey ware)



Learn your mistake and move on.


Beating urself up about it isnt gonna help

please help due today



c. convey one core message


having once core message will stick into people's heads better, making the ad effective.

Match each type of unfair business practice with its description.
vendor lock-in
A company says that a
wide range of products
can be used with its
product, which is not
actually true.
price fixing
A group of companies
agrees to charge the same
inflated price for a good.
predatory pricing
A large company charges
a price below production
cost in order to eliminate
small competitors.
right answer^^


Answer: See explanation


• A company says that a wide range of products can be used with its product, which is not actually true. = vendor lock in.

• A group of companies agrees to charge the same inflated price for a good. = price fixing

Price fixing is when producers or suppliers agree to sell a product at a particular price which is fixed. Price fixing brings about high prices of goods and also fosters unfair competition.

• A large company charges a price below production cost in order to eliminate small competitors = predatory pricing

Predatory pricing simply refers to an illegal act by companies whereby prices are set low in order to remove competition from others. Antitrust laws are violated through predatory pricing due to the fact that it can lead to monopoly.

Please help fast hurryy


13 is personification and

14 is a simile


13 is personification and 14 is simile


personification is the process of giving human like qualities (such as the ability to talk or stand on two legs) to non-human characters.

A simile is a comparison using like or as in question 14 the student is getting compared to a mouse

What are two ways to conclude a presentation in a memorable way?



Provide an inspirational quotation.

Ask an open-ended question to encourage action.

Why do we celebrate international children's book day


Since 1967, this day is celebrated on the 2nd of April which is also the birthday of Hans Christian Andersen who was a children’s author famously known for his fairy tale the little mermaid and children’s book the ugly duckling. This is done to inspire children to love reading and bring attention to children’s books as a lot of them help mould us into the people we are today career wise and personality wise.

_____7. Upon meeting your friend, you notice his bracelet is spunky and hip. How would you classify his bracelet?
a. charm b. pearl c. chain d. bangle
_____8. Your teacher ask you to make a bracelet using double knotting of the beads technique. How would you correctly arrange the following steps?
1. Gently slide off the thread keeping the loops in place.
2. Wrap the thread loosely twice around your finger.
3. Put the needle in the loop in the same way as the single knot, and tighten.
a. 321 b. 213 c.123 d. 312
_____9. Arrange the following steps in making a hook
1. Now curve the wire back around your pliers and clip off any excess wire.
2. Bend up the end of this wire to make a good shape, and file this end too.
3. To make a hook, cut a few millimeters of wire.
4. File one end, and turn a loop in this end.
a. 3412 b. 1234 c. 4321 d. 3421
_____10. You wanted to make a bracelet and decided to use the technique brading the ends, how will you arrange the following steps of the said technique?
1. You can knot the ends or add a fastener, and braid back over the ends that attach the fastener.
2. Work the right-hand strand over the middle and under the left-hand strand. Continue in this way as the braid builds.
3. You need three strands , either single or double. When your strands are ready, leave the middle one in lace and work the leaft-hand strand under the middle and over the right-strand.
a. 321 b. 123 c. 213 d. 231
_____11. A craft maker should know what are the essentials in making fashion accessories. Which of the following is not one of them?
a. design b. price c. availability d. marketing
_____12. The lightness and darkness in combining the beads in making fashion accessories is called ________
a. color b. form c. hue d. value
_____13. Which of the following refers to the smoothness and roughness of a finished fashion accessory?
a. color b. form c. shape d. texture
_____14. It is created by visually reinforcing something we want the viewer to pay attention to. Focal points are areas of interest the viewer's eyes skip to _____
a. balance b. contrast c. emphasis d. proportion
_____15. You saw the necklace of your mother and you notice that opposing color and qualities on it. What element of design do you think was used?
a. balance b. contrast c. emphasis d. rhythm
_____16. You noticed that the necklace worn by your friend is using a range of different qualities or instances of an art element to create a visual effect, what principle of art is used?
a. repetition &pattern b. proportion/scale c. variety d. unity
_____17. If you have a heart shape face, which of the following earring will best suit your face?
a. dangle b. teardrop c. chandelier d. all of these

_____18. When an earring use a large element and place it near the center while a smaller element is place farther the center, what principle of art is used?
a. contrast b. texture c. balance d. proportion
_____19. Which of the following uses distance or area around or between elements of an artwork?
a. shape b. form c. space d. value
_____20. The brooch worn by your teacher has a black and white color on it, what art principle is applied?
a. balance b. contrast c. emphasis d. texture
_____21. You wanted to create a bracelet and apply the art principle variety, which of the following will you do?
a. use different shapes and colors b. repeat a pattern of waves c. add weight in the work d. none of these
_____22. Rachel is wearing a boat neckline, which necklace would best fit her dress?
a. long pendant b. low profile pendant c. both a and b d. neither a nor b
_____23. The only necklace you have ia a double-chain necklace, on what type of neckline will this best fit?
a. turtleneck b. square c. scoop d. sweetheart
_____24. What type of earring would best fit your friend that has a triangle shape face?
a. elongated earring b. hoop earring c. Teardrop earring d. Chandelier earring
_____25. You are in a wintery weather and decided to wear a turtle neckline cloth, which of the following accessories should you avoid using to cluttering your outfit?
a. necklace b. cuff bracelet c. earrings d. none of these
____26. You are wearing a V-neckline dress, which of the following necklace would best fit your outfit?
a. long pendant b. low profile pendant c. triangle pendant d. double chain necklace
_____27. On what face shape would a dangle earring suit best?
a. round b. heart c. square d. all of thesethese

sana may magsagot please!:<
quiz po to sayang:<


Look do no go on the link it give virus. And sorry to tell ya but no one going to answer that question God bless you!!!

What evidence does Wallace use to support his claim that Alabama has the right to continue policies of racial segregation?
He refers to the Supreme Court decision Brown v. Board of Education, which declared the segregation of schools for black and white students was unconstitutional.
He uses the Jim Crow laws, which established racial segregation of schools, restaurants, bathrooms, water fountains, and other public places.
He refers to the freedom to continue racial segregation based on the states’ rights in the US Constitution.
He quotes Rudyard Kipling, who said the Southland has the greatest fighting breed of man in all the world.





just got it right :)

Wallace actually uses evidence to support his claim that Alabama has the right to continue policies of racial segregation. The evidence here is: He refers to the freedom to continue racial segregation based on the states’ rights in the US Constitution.

What is evidence?

Evidence actually refer to the available facts that help to clarify one in an issue. Evidence helps to make one understand why a particular event or issue took place.

In the case "Brown v. Board of Education", Wallace uses evidence to support his claim that Alabama has the right to continue policies of racial segregation. He did that by referring to the freedom to continue racial segregation based on the states’ rights in the US Constitution.

Learn more about evidence on https://brainly.com/question/1256677

how does the history house becoming a hotel in god of small things


In Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things, the History House is a representation of the past and the memories connected to it. It also serves as a reminder of India's colonial past.

An Englishman called Kari Saipu built the home, and he and his Indian wife and kids resided there. Saipu, who resided in the town of Ayemenem, was a nice and giving guy who was adored by his neighbors.

He was finally shunned by the community because he was a symbol of the colonial past. The hotel is referred to as "Heritage," and it offers travelers a chance to see India the "real" manner.

Learn more about The God of Small Things, here:



The given question is incomplete, so the most probable complete question is,

How does the history house becoming a hotel in god of small things by Arundhati Roy?

Which subordinating conjunction could join the sentence parts below AND add information about time? I rode my bike. My brother mowed the front yard.





A subordinating conjunction is a conjunction that is used to introduce the dependent clauses in a sentence. And some subordinating conjunctions also have other functions according to their use.

In the given sentences "I rode my bike" and "My brother mowed the front yard", these two sentences can be joined by using the time subordinating conjunction such as "while, after, before, as soon as, since, when, as" etc.

Thus, the final sentence will be (using while)

While I rode my bike, my brother mowed the front yard.

Which transitional word or phrase is most appropriate for an essay that is organized chronologically?


All in all,

On the other hand,






other person was wrong :(




I took the test in K12 :D

Copy and paste the following sentences into your text box. Add apostrophes as needed to correct each sentence.

6. Whenever I think of the stories I read as a child, I remember Cinderellas glass slipper and Snow Whites wicked stepmother.

7. We claimed the picnic table was ours, but the Jones children looked so disappointed that we found another spot.

8. Its important that the kitten learns to find its way home.

9. She did not hear her childrens cries.

10. My address has three 7s, and Tims phone number has four 2s.



6. Whenever I think of the stories I read as a child, I remember Cinderella’s glass slipper and Snow White’s wicked stepmother.

7. We claimed the picnic table was ours, but the Jones’ children looked so disappointed that we found another spot.

8. It’s important that the kitten learns to find it’s way home.

9. She did not hear her children’s cries.

10. My address has three 7’s, and Tim’s phone number has four 2’s.

Other Questions
Read the passage and answer the question that follows: A slave's life was full of hardships and difficulties. Workdays were long and exhausting, full of backbreaking labor, and slaves would work 10 to 16 hours a day. Masters could hire out their slaves to work for other masters; however, the slaves were not compensated for this work. Despite these hardships, masters provided nourishing food for their slaves, because they needed them to be strong. Choose the sentence that corrects a historical inaccuracy in the passage. Masters would give an allowance to slaves if they worked well when hired out. Masters would sell slaves, but they were not permitted to loan them out to other masters. Slaves often did not have enough food to eat, which left them in poor health. Slaves were expected to work for as long as the sun was shining. Look at this graph.What type of function is shown above?O A.exponentialOB. absolute valueOC. polynomial2021 Frimenti Find each x-value at which f is discontinuous and for each x-value, determine whether f is continuous from the right, or from the left, or neither. f (x) = x + 3 if x < 0 3x^2 if 0 lessthanorequalto x lessthanorequalto 1 3 - x if x > 1 x = 3 (smaller value) continuous from the right continuous from the left neither x = 0 (larger value) continuous from the right continuous from the left neither Pleaseeeeee helpppppppppppppppp What is the negative impact of mass tourism in Venice? Why might your digital footprint be important when you are applying to college? A. The digital footprint is part of the standard college application. B. Some admissions offices want to go beyond the application to find out what the real you is like. C. Law enforcement requires colleges to examine digital footprints carefully. D. Your digital footprint shows you in the best light. evaluate the line integral c f dr, where c is given by the vector function r(t). f(x, y, z) = sin(x) i cos(y) j xz k r(t) = t4 i t3 j t k, 0 t 1 PLEASE HELP ME I AM TIMED! What new central idea emerges? How does Poe develop this idea in theconclusion of the story? Cite TWO pieces of strong textual evidence tosupport your analysis.In the tell tale heart Question 5 Use the rules of differentiation to find the derivative of the function y (6x + 1)5 + 30x(6x + 1) (6x + 1) (36x + 1) 1 X 6 No correct answer provided. = X x(6x + 1)5. Which phrase about covering your sneeze makes the best slogan?A. Cover your sneeze with a tissue to block germs!B. Cover your sneeze, prevent disease!C. Dont forget to use a tissue! Estimate the radius of the object PLEASE HELP ASAP! 10 POINTS PLEASE HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Question: 1-7Which of the following is NOT a function of the stem in a plant?o absorb waterstore nutrientsproduce new plant cellsO support flowers and leaves 40in.in?What is the area of this trapezoid?b2 = 5 in.h = 4 in.2 in.3 in.b = 10 in. In the market for oil, the current price per barrel is $75, and the current demand is 600 barrels per day. It is predicted that price of oil will increase to $100 by the end the next 6 months. If the price elasticity of demand for oil is known to be 0.8, what is your best prediction of the quantity of oil that will be demanded at the end of the 6-month period? Show work for full credit. When the war started, where did Gerda and her family have to live? Thank you for your help!Handy Home sells windows (40% of sales) and doors (60% of sales). The selling price of each window is $300 and of each door is $700. The variable cost of each window is $175 and of each door is $450. A car travels 140 miles in 3 hours. What is its velocity?