9. Which group in the periodic table would you expect to lose an outer electron most easily?
Alkaline earth metals
Noble gases
Alkali metals


Answer 1


alkali metals


alkali metals have only 1 electron in their outer shell so it is easier to lose it

Related Questions

now consider this plot, which shows the boiling points of all the common compounds between p-block elements and hydrogen. what are the formulas of the two other compounds (besides water) that experience hydrogen bonding?


Separation of two molecules joined by a hydrogen bond requires 10 to 30 kJ mol–1, roughly 10 times the energy needed to overcome dipole forces. Thus hydrogen bonding can account for the unusually high boiling points of NH3, H2O, and HF

Which of the following ch3 ch2 ch3 ch3 ch3 br does have the highest boiling point?

The listed compounds have molecular weights between 44 and 46.Extensive intermolecular H-bonding occurs in CH3CH2OH, which causes molecules to link together.It has the greatest boiling point as a result.

Which substance among CH3CH3 B CH3OCH3 C CH3CH2OH D ch3cooh has the greatest boiling point?

Alcohols have an extremely high boiling point due to their hydrogen bonds.Since ethanol experiences a lot of hydrogen bonding, it has the hottest boiling point.

To know more about hydrogen bonding visit:



Practice Problem 05.38a Draw the enantiomer of the following compound: Cl OH 2


The enantiomer of the compound: ClOH₂

Identify the chiral center in the compound. The chiral center is a carbon atom bonded to four different groups.Draw the compound, making sure to include all the atoms and bonds.Flip the compound horizontally.

What is an enantiomer?

Generally, To draw the enantiomer of a compound, you need to flip its chiral center, which is a carbon atom bonded to four different groups. In the compound you provided, ClOH, there is no chiral center.

Therefore, there is no enantiomer.

If you have a compound with a chiral center and you want to draw its enantiomer, you can follow these steps:

Identify the chiral center in the compound. The chiral center is a carbon atom bonded to four different groups.

Draw the compound, making sure to include all the atoms and bonds.

Flip the compound horizontally.

For each bond to a chiral center, swap the two groups attached to that bond.

For example, the compound (S)-2-chlorobutane has a chiral center at the carbon atom bonded to a chlorine atom, a hydrogen atom, and two methyl groups (-CH₃). To draw its enantiomer, (R)-2-chlorobutane, we can follow these steps:

Identify the chiral center.Draw (S)-2-chlorobutane:H₃C-CH₂-ClFlip the compound horizontally:Cl-CH₂-H₃CSwap the two groups attached to the bond to the chiral center:H₃C-CH₂-Cl

The resulting compound is (R)-2-chloroquine.

Read more about enantiomer



Chromium can help you build bigger muscles and stay lean when you are lifting weights.

True or False?


False; Chromium can help you build bigger muscles and stay lean when you are lifting weights.

With an atomic number of 24 and the chemical symbol Cr, chromium is a chemical element. It is the first part of group 6. It is a steely-gray, strong, brittle transition metal that is shiny. [4]

The great corrosion resistance and hardness of chromium metal make it valuable. It was a big development in the production of steel when it was realised that steel could be converted into stainless steel, which has a high resistance to rust and discolouration. 85% of commercial use is made up of chrome plating (chromium electroplating) and stainless steel combined. Chromium is highly valued as a metal because it can be polished to a high degree while maintaining its brilliance. Polished chrome reflects about 70% of the visible spectrum and over 90% of infrared radiation.

Learn more about Chromium here:



What is the mass in grams of 4 mol C8H18?



457.04 g


Molar mass of C8H18 is 8(12.01) + 18(1.01) = 114.26 g/mol

mass of 4 mol = 4(114.26) = 457.04 g

Alcohols: SN2 reaction of 1-bromobutane and EtoNa 12 of 19 Review Constants Periodic Table Part A Predict the major organic product formed when the compound shown below undergoes a reaction with EtONa. Br


Option (B) 3-dimethylbutan-2-amine is the primary organic product generated by the following process.

It should be emphasized that the ketone and primary amine reaction takes place in an acidic buffer. The primary organic product of this reaction is ethyl chloride. Carbohydrates, fats (lipids), proteins, and nucleic acids are examples of organic chemicals that serve as the foundation for life's molecules. Petroleum and natural gas, which are the major components of fossil fuels, are also organic molecules. The addition of hydrogen bromide to propene yields 2-Bromopropane. As a result, option B is the correct answer. 3-dimethylbutan-2-amine is the primary organic product generated by the following process.

Learn more about reaction here-



what is the hybridization of all the atoms (other than hydrogen) in each of the following species?


Hybridization is the concept of when two atomic orbitals mix up to give rise to a new type of hybridized orbitals. This intermixing of orbitals oftenly results in the formation of hybrid orbitals having entirely different energies, shapes, etc.

According to the question , Here the hybridization of the given atoms are:

1] For HCN, there are TWO electron groups surrounding the central carbon atom: a single C-H bond and a triple C-N bond. The carbon atom in HCN is therefore sp hydribidised.

2] In HCN there is a triple bond between carbon and nitrogen. A triple bond consists of the end-to-end overlap of two sigma bonds and the side-to-side overlap of two unhybridized p-orbitals. Therefore, in this case nitrogen has sp hybridization.

3] For NH₄⁺ : Since the geometry is tetrahedral, the hybridization is sp3.

4] For CH₃⁻ is sp3,

5] CH₃⁺ is sp2.

6] NH₃ hybridization is sp3

7] C[CH₃]₄ the hybridization is sp3.

8] H₃O⁺ ion, here O is sp3 hybridized

The given question is incomplete and the completed question is given as,

What is the hybridization of all the atoms (other than hydrogen) in each of the following species? HCN, NH₄⁺, CH₃⁻, CH₃⁺, NH₃, C[CH₃]₄, H₃O⁺.

Learn more about hybridization from the link given below.



FILL IN THE BLANK. ______ contain(s) many ______, and ______ are instructions for producing ______.


Chromosomes contain many genes, and genes are instructions for producing proteins.

Chromosomes are thread-like objects that are found in the nucleus (core) of cells. One chromosome is made up of one protein and one DNA molecule. Different chromosome sizes can be packed together into a nucleus thanks to proteins called histones. Our chromosomes would be as tall as ours without them. The exact instructions needed by your cells to create a distinct you are provided by your chromosomes.

There should be 23 pairs of chromosomes in humans (46 total). Chromosomes are divided into one pair of sex chromosomes and 22 numbered pairs (autosomes) (X and Y). You receive a pair of chromosomes, one from each parent. The building blocks of your body are your genes. The instructions to produce proteins are provided by some genes. Your body receives instructions from proteins about the kinds of physical traits you ought to have, such as your hair and eye colour. Some genes produce RNA that performs additional functions.

Hence, genetic information is translated into protein based on need.

To know more about Genome.



How many mol are in a Mg?


The molar atomic mass of magnesium is given as 24 g mol⁻¹.

Molar mass of a substance is defined as the mass in grams of one mole of the compound. In any substance, the total amount of entities present e.g. atoms, molecules, ions, is defined as a mole. A mole of any substance is equal to 6.022×1023 molecules or atoms.

The molar mass of a compound is basically calculated by adding the quality atomic masses (in g/mol) of the constituent atoms. For example, the mass of titanium is 47.88 amu or 47.88 g/mol. In 47.88 grams of titanium, one mole or 6.022 x 1023 titanium atoms are present.

As molar atomic mass of magnesium is 24 g mol⁻¹ so, one mole of magnesium weighs 24.31 g.

Learn more about molar masses from the link given below.



What are the 4 types of weathering?


Answer: The four main types of weathering is I think, Chemical, Physical, Biological, and Mechanical weathering. But if you're talking about main agents then it will have to be water, ice, air, and temperature.


Hope this helps! Tried my best.

why is it important to perform the fractional distillation slowly? what happens if a fractional distillation is done very quickly by rapidly raising the temperature of the heat source?


To accomplish a satisfactory separation, a slow, even distillation is required since only under these circumstances can vapor and liquid in the distillation apparatus be in balance with one another.

What justifies using a slow fractional distillation process? What would occur if it was completed too soon?

The best equilibration and heat transport can essentially be achieved through slow, steady distillation. If you heat the mixture too quickly, the vapors could not condense as quickly as you'd want, wasting some of the column. Packaging supplies are also essential. Packing materials with a large surface area give surfaces on which condensation can happen.

How does too-rapid distillation affect the process?

Additionally, bumping may happen if the distillation proceeds too quickly. -The target liquid's vapors condense too soon and fall back into column.

To know more about fractional distillation visit:-



3) Identify the noble gas in the following list A) helium B) nitrogen C) oxygen D) gold E) chlorine 4
) The atomic number of an atom is equal to the number of A) nuclei B) neutrons C) neutrons plus protons D) electrons plus protons E) protons
5) Consider a neutral atom with 30 protons and 34 neutrons. The atomic number of the elementis A) 30 B) 32 C) 34 D) 64 E) 94
6) How many proton are in an isotope of sodium with a mass number of 25% B) 14 C) IS D) 25 E) 32 Isotopes are stoms of the


Helium is the noble gas out of the following options given.

The amount of protons an atom contains determines its atomic number.

The atomic number of a neutral atom with 30 protons and 34 neutrons is 30.

An isotope of sodium with a mass value of 25 has 11 protons.

Gases that are noble or inert. Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon are the noble gases, or inert gases, that make up group 8A (or VIII A) of the periodic table. The name of these elements refers to how little they react with other elements or compounds.

The atomic number is determined by the number of protons, which is always equal to the number of electrons in a neutral atom.

Sodium has an atomic number of 11. Since the atomic number in this instance is 11, the number of protons is likewise 11. The number of protons is equal to the atomic number.

To know more about atomic number click on the link below:



What are the 4 types of bonds in chemistry?


The four types of bonds in chemistry are ionic , covalent , hydrogen and polar covalent bond.

Generally the elements have an incomplete octet or an incomplete duplet . In order to gain noble gas configuration these elements reacts with each other to complete their octet or duplet.

This leads to formation of bond between them.

Bonds are formed either by losing an electron or by gaining an electron. Metal loses electrons forming cations whereas non metals gain electrons forming an anion.

Hydrogen bond is a weak bond in nature as they are based on Van der walls force of attraction whereas the others are strong bonds.

To learn more about bonds



Complete the reaction, which is part of the electron transport chain. the abbreviation q represents coenzyme q. use the appropriate abbreviation for the product.



The reaction, which is part of the electron transport chain. the abbreviation Q represents coenzyme Q. use the appropriate abbreviation for the product : FADH₂  +  Q ---->   QH₂   +  FAD

The reaction, which is part of the electron transport chain. the abbreviation Q represents coenzyme Q. use the appropriate abbreviation for the product :

FADH₂  +  Q ---->   QH₂   +  FAD

in this reaction ,the  FADH₂ is oxidize. as we all know that that loss of electron is oxidation. the  FADH₂ is acts as a reducing agent. The Q gains the electron and gets reduce because gain of the electrons is called as the reduction and act as a oxidizing agent.

To learn more about electron transport chain here



as temperature increases, what happens to the viscosity of water? explain why this occurs, in terms of molecular interactions and the effect of changing temperature


The molecules move more quickly as the temperature rises, and their kinetic energies are better equipped to overcome the forces holding them together. As a result, the viscosity of the liquid reduces.

Why and what will happen to the viscosity when the temperature rises?

Because particles interact more quickly and for shorter periods of time as temperature rises, viscosity will also decrease because internal friction or stress will be reduced.

How does a fluid's viscosity change as its temperature changes?

The molecules become more mobile when the temperature rises due to an increase in kinetic or thermal energy. Reduced viscosity results from a decrease in the attractive binding energy.

To know more about viscosity of water visit :-



Label The Functional Groups In The Molecule.Label The Image Of A Compound Light Microscope Using The Terms Provided.


The the NH₂ group in the given compound is called amino group and the Cl group is chloride. The functional group C=O is called ketonic group. The COR in the first end is called an alkoxy group and the functional group OH is called hydroxy group.

What are functional groups?

Functional group in an organic compounds are groups with heteroatoms such as N, O, halogens etc. The organic compounds are named based on the position of these functional groups in the compound. Their prefix or suffix are given to the name.

The functional group OH is called hydroxyl group and the group COR is an ether or alkoxy group. The C=O group is called a carbonyl or ketonic group.

The the NH₂ group in the given compound is called amino group and the Cl group is chloride. The compound contains hydroxyl group, alkoxy group and bromide group also.

To find more on functional groups, refer here:



Which will have higher boiling point 0.1 m NaCl or 0.1 m bacl2 solution in water?


When comparing the boiling points of 0.1 m NaCl and 0.1 m BaCl2 solutions in water, it is important to note that NaCl has a higher boiling point.

What is boiling point?

Boiling point is the temperature at which a liquid changes state from liquid to gas. At this temperature, the vapor pressure of the liquid is equal to the atmospheric pressure, and the liquid is said to be at its boiling point. Boiling point can vary depending on the atmospheric pressure, which is affected by elevation and weather. Generally, the higher the atmospheric pressure, the higher the boiling point of the liquid.
This is because NaCl is an ionic compound, which means it is composed of charged particles that form strong bonds with each other. These bonds are much more difficult to break than the weaker hydrogen bonds that form between molecules in BaCl2. Therefore, the boiling point of 0.1 m NaCl solution in water will be higher than the boiling point of 0.1 m BaCl2 solution in water.
To know more about boiling point click-

Can you put lemonade in a silver pitcher?


Yes we can put lemonade in a silver pitcher.

What  is Acid ?

Acidic substances are typically easy to recognise by their sour flavours. A molecule that can donate an H+ ion and keep its energetic favorability even after losing H+ is a basic definition of an acid. Blue litmus paper is known to turn red when exposed to acids.

Bases, on the other hand, have a smooth consistency and a bitter flavour. A base that may dissolve in water is known as alkali. When these substances interact chemically with acids, salts are created. Red litmus has a history of becoming blue on bases.

The definitions of the terms acid and base vary depending on how one chooses to see the properties of acidity and basicity.

Yes, acidic fruit juices like orange or lemon juice have an interaction with silver in that they help to eliminate some types of surface discoloration that may develop. Because of this, jewellers soak jewellery in a moderate acid for 5 to 15 minutes to remove these coatings off the surface of the silver, among other things.

In order to prevent these dissolved chemicals from getting into your juice, it is a good idea to polish and then completely wash the silver pitcher or other silver crockery before use. Although it isn't particularly harmful, it might alter the flavor;)

Learn more about Acid from given link



What mass of sodium nitrate will dissolve in 100 grams of water at 20 C?


At 20°C, 100 grams of water can dissolve up to 37.2 grams of sodium nitrate.

What is dissolve?

Dissolving is a physical process where a solid material is broken down into smaller particles and distributed within a liquid. This process can be achieved through several methods, such as applying heat, pressure, chemical reactions, or mechanical agitation. In a physical sense, dissolving is a process of taking a solid or liquid and forming a solution, which is a mixture of two or more substances. Dissolving is an important process in many industries, such as food production, pharmaceuticals, and chemical engineering. Dissolving is also used in everyday life, such as when adding sugar to tea or coffee.

This is due to the fact that sodium nitrate has a solubility of 37.2g/100g of water at 20°C. Solubility is the maximum amount of a substance that can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent (in this case, water). As the temperature increases, the solubility of sodium nitrate also increases.

To learn more about dissolve

if we were to arrange these elements in order based on the number of bonds they form, what order would we put them in?


The order formed from least to most: H< O<N <C<P<S which is determined by the valence electrons.

The octet rule is a chemical rule of thumb that displays the concept that main-institution factors have a tendency to bond in this sort of manner that every atom has 8 electrons in its valence shell, giving it the equal digital configuration as a noble gas. Octet rule states that atoms tend to form compounds in a way that eight valence electrons.

Elements Valence electrons

C 4

H 1

N 5

O 6

P 5

S 6

Number of bonds formed from least to most: H< O<N <C<P<S

Since, P and S has d -orbitals, they can form more number of bonds.

To learn more about valence electrons check the link below:



a 2.5000 g sample of epsom salt (maghesiun sulfate hydrate) is heated until the crystals arereduced to a dry powder. after cooling the residue was found to weigh 1.7525 g. calculate g


The mass of the water of crystallization is 0.7475 g.

What is the mass of the water?

We know that a hydrated compound is a compound that contains in it the water of crystallization. This is the water that becomes attached to the structure of the compound that is in question.

In this case, we have that the salt that is question is a hydrate of magnesium sulfate and we have.

Mass of the hydrated salt =  2.5000 g

Mass of the anhydrous salt =  1.7525 g

Mass of water present = 2.5000 g - 1.7525 g

= 0.7475 g

Learn more about water of crystallization:https://brainly.com/question/29442515


Missing parts;

A  2.5000 g sample of epsom salt (maghesiun sulfate hydrate) is heated until the crystals arereduced to a dry powder. after cooling the residue was found to weigh 1.7525 g. calculate the mass of the water.

Search and find 5 applications of Neutralisation reaction and draw a mind map for the



Wasp stings

For tummy aches and high acidity in the stomach

Tooth decays

To treat soils which are acidic

Bee stings

What are the four 4 main ways that enzymes can bind catalyze a reaction?


The four main ways that enzymes can bind to and catalyze a reaction: Lock and Key Model, Induced Fit Model, Multi-Substrate Model, Cofactor Model.

Lock and Key Model: In this model, the enzyme has a specific active site that fits the shape of the substrate like a lock fits a key. The substrate fits into the active site, and the enzyme catalyzes the reaction.

Induced Fit Model: In this model, the enzyme's active site is flexible and changes shape slightly to fit the substrate. The substrate and enzyme still fit together specifically, but the active site changes shape slightly to better accommodate the substrate.

Multi-Substrate Model: In this model, the enzyme has multiple active sites and can bind to and catalyze the reaction of multiple substrates simultaneously.

Cofactor Model: In this model, the enzyme requires an additional molecule, called a cofactor, to catalyze the reaction. The cofactor may be a metal ion or a small organic molecule, and it binds to the enzyme to increase its activity.

To know more about catalysis



What will be the ratio of the root mean square speeds of the molecules of an ideal gas at 270K and 30K?


The ratio of the root mean square of the molecules of an ideal gas at 270K and 30K

Vrms/ V'rms = √ T/T' = √270/30= 3:1

What is formula to calculate RMS?

The root mean square of the molecules is given by

Vrms= √3RT/m

T is the temperature

m is the mass of the molecules

R is the Gas constant


In the question, it is given

T = 270K

T'= 30K

Thus, applying the above formula

Vrms (T) = √3R × 270/m

Vems(T') = √3R×30/m

Dividing the two

Vrms(T) / Vrms(T') = √270/30=√9= 3

Hence, the ratio of the RMS of molecules of an ideal gas at 270K and 30K

Vrms/ V'rms = √ T/T' = √270/30= 3:1

To know more about RMS, click on https://brainly.com/question/22974871


created a standard curve and calculated the slope to be 65.2. after synthesizing your copper network, you weighed 0.055 grams of your copper product, worked it up with nitric acid, buffer, and ammonia and added it to a 25 ml volumetric flask. then, you measured the absorbance of your solution and received a value of 0.323. what is the % mass of copper in your product?


The % mass of copper in your product will be 3.64 %.

Calculated slope = 64.5

Mass of copper product = 0.055 g

Initial volume (V1) = 25 ml

Final volume (V2) = 100 ml

Absorbance (A) = 0.323

% mass of copper = ?

To find out the concentration (C) we use the following equation

C = A / slope

Put the values

C (M2) = 0.323 / 64.5

C (M2) = 0.00501 g/L

To calculate M1 we use the following equation.

M1V1 = M2V2

M1 = 0.00501 * 100 ml / 25 ml

M1 = 0.02004 g/L

mass of copper = Penny solution x Volume

mass of copper  = 0.02004 g/L x 0.1 L

mass of copper = 0.002004 g

% mass of copper = (total mass of copper ÷ mass of penny) x 100

% mass of copper = (0.002004 / 0.055 ) x 100

% mass of copper = 3.64 %

You can also learn about percent mass from the following question:



Can you put fruit in a pewter bowl?


Absolutely! Utilize those lovely dishes to the fullest. Always keep in mind that any acidic food, such as tomatoes, oranges, and vinegars, will create spots on pewter, just like they do on sterling.

Pewter can you put fruit on it?

Cut flowers should not be placed inside a jug if you want to use it for something else. Additionally, avoid storing acidic foods or fluids in pewter for extended periods of time since this may cause the metal to tarnish.

Can you use Mexican pewter in cooking?

Any form of meal, including salads, can be prepared in Mexican pewter. Both the refrigerator and the oven are compatible with it. Although it is not advised for baking, the majority of Mexican Pewter products are authorized for a maximum temperature of 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

To now more about pewter bowl visit:-



How many moles of O2 are used to produce 4 moles of NO?


The number of moles of O₂ used to produce 4 moles of NO is 2 moles

How do I determine the mole of O₂ used?

First, shall write the balanced equation. This is given below:

N₂ + O₂ -> 2NO

From the balanced equation above,

2 moles of NO were obtained from 1 mole of O₂

With the above information, we can determine the number of moles of O₂ used to produce 4 moles of NO. This can be obtained as follow:

From the balanced equation above,

2 moles of NO were obtained from 1 mole of O₂


4 moles of NO will be obtain from = (4 × 1) / 2 = 2 moles of O₂

Thus, number of mole of O₂ used is 2 moles

Learn more about number of mole:



What is the concentration of solution if 20gm solid dissolved in 180 gm of water?


Calculate the concentration in terms of mass by solution mass % for a solution that has 20g of sugar dissolved in 180g of water.

The answer is that 20g of sugar dissolves in 180g of water. 180g plus 20g equals 200g for the solution's total mass.

Mass of the solute / Total mass of the solution 100, i.e. 20/200 100 = 10%, is how you calculate the mass by mass percentage of the solution.

What dissolves in water?

Coffee, salt, and sugar are a few items that can dissolve in water. These things break down. Usually, warm or hot water makes them dissolve more quickly and readily. Sand and pepper are both soluble in hot water, but not at room temperature.

To know more about Dissolved visit:



The Figure shows the elements of Period 3 and the first 3 elements of Group 6A of the Periodic Table. Use the Figure to answer questions 10 and 11.

10.Which of the elements have atomic radii larger than S? Select all that apply

A. Al
C. Na
D. O
E. P
F. Se


The elements that have atomic radii larger than S are Al, Na, P, and Se.

The correct options are A, C, E, and F.

What are the atomic radii of elements?

The atomic radii of elements are defined as the distance between the nuclei of two covalently bonded nuclei of atoms of elements.

Atomic radii of elements show periodicity.

The atomic radii of elements increase from top to down in a group in the periodic table whereas the atomic radii of elements decrease from left to right across a period in the periodic table.

Comparing the atomic radii of sulfur, S, and the given elements:

Al has a larger atomic radii

Cl has a smaller atomic radii

Na has a larger atomic radii

O has a smaller atomic radii

P has a larger atomic radii

Se has a larger atomic radii

Learn more about atomic radii at: https://brainly.com/question/12131433


Please answer the 12 steps thank you Design a synthesis of 3-cyanocyclopentanol from cyclopentanol. OH OH CN Part 1 out of 12 ces Choose the best option for the immediate precursor to the target molecule. OH


The chemical equations showing synthesis of  3-cyanocyclopentanol from cyclopentanol is attached in the image below.

What is chemical equation?

Chemical equation is a symbolic representation of a chemical reaction which is written in the form of symbols and chemical formulas.The reactants are present on the left hand side while the products are present on the right hand side.

The first chemical equation was put forth by Jean Beguin in 1615.By making use of chemical equations the direction of reaction ,state of reactants and products can be stated. In the chemical equations even the temperature to be maintained and catalyst can be mentioned.

Learn more about chemical equation,here:



a student is given 1.4799 g of pure cuo. to recover the cu present in the compound, the dark powdery solid was dissolved in 15.0 ml of 6 m hcl and the solution was diluted to 50.0 ml with water. how many grams of mg is needed to displace all of the copper (ii) ions from the solution?


It takes 0.4402 grams of magnesium to remove every copper (II) ion from the solution.

A substance's mole is equivalent to 6.022 x 1023 of that material (such as atoms, molecules, or ions). The term "Avogadro's number" or "Avogadro's constant" refers to the number 6.022 1023.

Calculation:1 mole of CuO has 1 mole of  ions, then 0.01834 moles of CuO will have 0.01834 moles of

Mg(s) + Cu² (aq) → Cu(s) + Mg²(aq)

According to reaction , 1 mole of copper (II) ion reacts with 1 mole of magnesium solid .

Then 0.01834 moles of copper (II) ion will react with :

1 × 0.01834 mol = 0.01834 mol of magnesium

Mass of 0.01834 moles of magnesium :

0.01834 mol × 24 g/mol = 0.4402  g

0.4402 grams of Mg is needed to displace all of the copper (II) ions from the solution.

To know more about Mole visit:-



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