According to evolutionary theory, behaviors that optimize survival and reproduction are favored by natural selection and therefore more likely to persist. How, then, can we explain the evolution of altruism, which is by definition costly to the self


Answer 1


Altruism could be helpful for the survival of relatives


Altruism behavior is produced when an organism decreases its fitness in order to increase the chances of survival in other individuals in the population. It is believed that altruistic behavior could have evolved as an adaptation associated with the survival of relatives from the same family. In consequence, if this were the case, altruism could ultimately be considered as a selfish behavior because it aims at passing on of genes through the survival of relatives which could benefit with this behavior.

Related Questions

What are the functions of mitotic cell division?



The main functions of mitosis are growth and repair. Some cells once fully formed do not undergo cell division, such as nerve cells and muscle cells. Since you can never re-grow or repair these types of cells once they are mature, you must take care of the ones you have.


Mitotic cell division is a process of mitoses where a parent cell divides to create two identical daughter cells.

There are five phases of mitoses which include:


The functions of mitotic cell division include:

They are used for the development of cellsThey are used for cell replacementThey are used for asexual reproduction.They are used for cell repair

Read more here:




The first two is classified as fracture and the last one as cleavage

Explain why ecological succession occurs.


Ecological succession occurs due to the changes in physical environment and population of species. In an ecosystem, a species requires a particular set of environmental conditions under which they grow and reproduce.

Ecological succession occurs due to the changes in physical environment and population of species. In an ecosystem, a species requires a particular set of environmental conditions under which they grow and reproduce.

What is an Ecological succession?

Ecological succession is the process by which plant communities develop over a period of time on the land where there was no vegetation.

The succession begins with a pioneer species such as lichens, some fungi species. Species such as lichen begins to secrete acids that begin to break the barren land into small particles.

The small particles mix with lichen remains and starts soil formation.

Thus, Ecological succession occurs due to the changes in physical environment and population of species.

To learn more about Ecological succession click here:


Which describes a group of organisms that are members of species


Can you include a photo please?

Which of the following is a scientific statement which one is not scientific statement some plants eat meat




Carnivorous plants are plants that derive some or most of their nutrients (but not energy, which they derive from photosynthesis) from trapping and consuming animals or protozoans, typically insects and other arthropods. Carnivorous plants have adapted to grow in places where the soil is thin or poor in nutrients, especially nitrogen, such as acidic bogs. Charles Darwin wrote Insectivorous Plants, the first well-known treatise on carnivorous plants, in 1875. Carnivorous plants can be found on all continents except Antarctica, as well as many Pacific islands.

S2-, sulfur ion Protons: ____ Electrons: ____



The protons and electrons in each element are equal. The sulfur has 16 electrons and 16 protons. But the ionic atom’s electron quantity changes depending on how many it has gained. 'S2-' has gained 2 electrons, which means it has now 18 electrons and 16 protons.

Not one of the ways that bacteria have adapted to become resistant to antimicrobial agents.




An antimicrobial agent is a natural or synthetic chemical that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms. Bacteria have a mechanism of transferring genomic material called horizontal gene transfer, the movement of genes between cells that are not direct descendants of one another. Horizontal gene transfer allows cells to quickly acquire new characteristics and drives metabolic diversity. One of the characteristics usually acquired is the resistance to antibiotics.

Three mechanisms of genetic exchange are known in prokaryotes:

(1) transformation, in which free DNA released from one cell is taken up by another; (2) transduction, in which DNA transfer is mediated by a virus; and (3) conjugation, in which DNA transfer requires cell-to-cell contact and a conjugative plasmid in the donor cell.

Examples of genes transferred by transducing bacteriophages include multiple antibiotic resistance genes among strains of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium, Shiga-like toxin genes in Escherichia coli, virulence factors in Vibrio cholerae, and genes encoding photosynthetic proteins in cyanobacteria.

Conjugative plasmids use a mechanism to transfer copies of themselves and the genes they encode, such as those for antibiotic resistance, to new host cells.

Drew observed in an experiment that algae in a nearby lake could be found at six meters below the water's surface on a clear day. On a cloudy day, Drew noted that the algae sat only one meter below the surface of the water. What was the dependent variable in Drew's experiment? the lake that Drew observed the depth at which Drew found the algae the amount of algae measured the sky conditions on a particular day



The depth at which Drew found the algae


The dependent variable was the depth at which he found the algae, because that is what he measured on each day.

The independent variable was the sky conditions, since that changed from clear to cloudy, which impacted the dependent variable/the depth of the algae.

A blow to the head may cause diabetes insipidus by ______. A blow to the head may cause diabetes insipidus by ______. triggering the hypersecretion of hypothalamic-inhibiting hormones triggering the hyposecretion of hypothalamic-inhibiting hormones interfering with the normal transmission of nerve impulses to the posterior pituitary interfering with the normal transmission of nerve impulses from the posterior pituitary


Answer: interfering with the normal transmission of nerve impulses to the posterior pituitary

Explanation: A blow to the head may cause diabetes insipidus by interfering with the normal transmission of nerve impulses to the posterior pituitary. Interfering with the normal transmission of ADH (antidiuretic hormone) to the posterior pituitary is done via the axons of the hypothalamic neurons. The disease is a rare one, characterized by the excretion of large amounts of severely diluted urine which cannot be reduced when fluid intake is reduced. It is generally related to a tumor or an insult to the pituitary gland, where the hormonal signals it gives to the kidneys break down, and the kidneys do not conserve water, but express the water as urine.

Which of the following processes do not take place in the mitochondria? a) citric acid cycle b) conversion of pyruvate to activated acetyl groups c) oxidation of fatty acids to acetyl CoA d) glycogen breakdown





The breaking down of glycogen-glycogenolysis takes place in the cytosol of cells of the liver and is the compensatory process for providing glucose depleted cells with extra glucose. It is the opposite of Glucogengenesis the formation of glycogen in cells.

it involves the activities of enzymes glycogen phosphorylase which catalysis the removal of alpha1-4glycosidic bonds from the glycogen molecules.Thus freeing the glucose molecules from the glycogen while retaining the 1-6 glycosidic bonds.

Its stimulation is by  epinephrine hormone.while  the hormones glucagon from the pancreas control its release into the blood stream,Thus the low levels of glucose in the blood stream caused glucagon to initiate  the breakdown of glycogen in the liver and muscles down to glucose.As the level of this rise in the blood stream Insulin stimulates the entry of the glucose into the cells reducing the levels of blood glucose,inhibiting glucagon levels ,and therefore stopping Glycogenolysis.

1. List five things you use daily whose production is a direct result of microbial action. In addition to the product include what produces the products (bacteria. mold etc). and the brand names of the products. (This is a list and does not require grammatically correct sentences.)



Various day to day use item are made because of direct from a huge amount of different microorganisms. microscopic organisms, molds, or a blend of these. Microorganism which are utilized in food creation such as alcohols, bakery products and esters are formed with fermentation.

1. Drinks like brew and wine ' - Saccharomyces cerevisiae

2. Cheese: Penicillium roqueforti and camemberti  

3. Soy sauce: by utilizing aspergillus species particularly A. oryzae

4 Bread and pastry shop items : Saccharomyces cerevisiae  or Yeast by producing Co2 by the process of fermentation.

5. Fermented milk items : Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and lactococcus.

What phenomenon is observed due to adhension


Adhesion is the tendency of dissimilar particles or surfaces to cling to one another (cohesion refers to the tendency of similar or identical particles/surfaces to cling to one another). The forces that cause adhesion and cohesion can be divided into several types.




You need to make a graph of this data that is given to you.


How are muscle cells and bone cells similar? Answer Quickly




no figure it out yourself

How are tigers and goldfish share the same phylum?



See the answer below


Tigers and goldsih share the same phyllum because they both posses the basic characteristics of animals in the phyllum chordata. These characteristics include;

Possession of notochord. The notochord is a rod-like structure that serves supportive functions and develops into the vertebral column in some group of chaordates.Posession of post-anail tails which is an extension of the posterior end of the of the body.Possession of dorsal, hollow nerve chord which eventually forms the brain and the central nervous system.Possession of pharyngeal gill-slits, an opening that develops into gill arches in golfishes and jaws in tigers.

Bread and pasta are carbohydrates commonly consumed by people what chemical feature of carbohydrates makes them necessary food?



It gives the body energy and calories

Is the overall air quality in this country is better now than it was 40 years ago.


Yes there is better air quality

Which of the following E. coli proteins is responsible for advancement of the mRNA during translation?A. EF-G
B. IF2
C. IF1
D. EF-Tu
E. None of these.



The correct answer is option A. "EF-G"


As its name implies, the elongation factor (EF-G) of E. coli is one vital protein that participates during the elongation phase of translocation. EF-G catalyzes the GTP-dependent ribosomal translocation step, which allows the ribosome to change from its pre-translocational to the post-translocational state, moving the process from the P to the E site of the ribosome.

Which stage of the cell cycle can lead to uncontrollable reproduction in mutated cells? (2 point)
O G2
O G1


I think it’s.... Stage S

biogechemical cycles on earth serve on earth serve a variety on different purpose. what do the biogechemical cycles have in common



Son procesos naturales que reciclan elementos en diferentes formas químicas desde el medio ambiente hacia los organismos, y luego a la inversa. Agua, carbón, oxígeno, nitrógeno, fósforo y otros elementos recorren estos ciclos, conectando los componentes vivos y no vivos de la Tierra


Which is true about visible light?
A. It travels fastest through a medium, such as water or air.
B. It is the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that
we can see.
C. It cannot travel through a vacuum.





Light travels through medium but is fastest through vacuum, so C is wrong, and A is wrong. B is the correct answer.

Answer is B because light travels through medium

The phase sequential mask is certified for use up to_____feet.



The correct answer is "40,000".


According to the Federal Aviation Administration, the phase sequential mask is certified for use up to 40,000 feet, because above this level the pressure will not allow the lungs to take enough oxygen. A specialized system such as pressure demand is necessary in order to fly to higher altitudes. These systems provide oxygen under positive pressure conditions.

Which disease can be transmitted by ticks?


lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, rocky mountain spotted fever, and tularemia

What determines the function of a protein domain? Be as specific as you can.



Domains are distinct functional and structural units in a protein. Usually they are responsible for a particular function or interaction, contributing to the overall role of a protein. Domains may exist in a variety of biological contexts where similar domains can be found in proteins with different functions.

Ya did sjshsns SJSU’s. Wish snow

do you think the coyotes’ hábitat is in a state of homeostasis or not?


Um no a habitat doesn’t have a... just no

What characteristics of organisms does the Linnaean system of classification use to give organisms their specific name?

A. genetic
B. evolutionary
C. environmental
D. physical



D, Physical


Linnaean classification uses visible physical features. It has a kingdom-to-species taxonomy. Each species has a distinct two-word Latin name. Therefore, option (D) is correct.

What is Linnaean system of classification?

The Linnaean system classifies organisms according to their outward morphological and behavioural similarities. A hierarchy of taxonomic levels, from the kingdom down to the species, makes up this structure. A distinct, two-word Latin name is bestowed for each and every species.

Carl Linnaeus, the "Father of Taxonomy," named and organised species. His hierarchical categorization scheme and binomial nomenclature system were major advances to taxonomy (two part naming method). The Linnaean system organises organisms into Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species. Latin names are global. A species' scientific name includes its genus. Italics or underlining cover the name. Humans, for instance. It's Homo sapiens.

Learn more about Linnaean system of classification, here:


Explain the health effects of excess discretionary calorie consumption on the body. What alternative sweetener and fat choices can help address excess consumption of discretionary calories? Will the use/consumption of these alternatives address body weight?



Descretionary calories are the calories left over after an individual meets his/her day by day supplement requirements.The result of Descretionary calories is high muscle fat ratio and weight gain or obesity.

Health risk :

Here and there high optional calorie intake may lead to weight on a people body optional calorie are high in fats, sugars and phenomenal admission of these kinds of food expands your danger factors for type 2 diabetes,heart ailment and disease.

Alternative sweetener and fat choices:

Fruits and vegetable with dressing as they are natural and high in sugar content and use fructose which absorbs in small intestine. The natural sweetener that can be alternatively use are stevia, aspartum, agave syrup, saccharin and sucralose and other natural alternatives.

Avoid oils high in saturated fat and include PUFA and omega rich unsaturated fat which is god for health.

These alternative food choices are known for providing less fat and no to less calories that help direct and indirectly in weight loss and lowers the risk of diseases.

Molecule that contains the information for the growth and functioning of the cell



Cell, in biology, the basic membrane-bound unit that contains the fundamental molecules of life and of which all living things are composed. A single cell is often a complete organism in itself, such as a bacterium or yeast. Other cells acquire specialized functions as they mature. These cells cooperate with other specialized cells and become the building blocks of large multicellular organisms, such as humans and other animals. Although cells are much larger than atoms, they are still very small. The smallest known cells are a group of tiny bacteria called mycoplasmas; some of these single-celled organisms are spheres as small as 0.2 μm in diameter (1μm = about 0.000039 inch), with a total mass of 10−14 gram—equal to that of 8,000,000,000 hydrogen atoms. Cells of humans typically have a mass 400,000 times larger than the mass of a single mycoplasma bacterium, but even human cells are only about 20 μm across. It would require a sheet of about 10,000 human cells to cover the head of a pin, and each human organism is composed of more than 30,000,000,000,000 cells.

Answer: DNA, ribosome, cell membrane.

( DNA ) is the molecule that contains the information for the growth and functioning of the cell.

A  ( ribosome ) is an organelle that creates specific molecules.

The  ( cell membrane )is a layer that surrounds cells, separating their interior from the exterior environment.

Explanation: 1st,2nd,and 3rd Answer.

What are two specific examples of where this division occurs in nature?



There are two types of cell division: mitosis and meiosis. Most of the time when people refer to “cell division,” they mean mitosis, the process of making new body cells. Meiosis is the type of cell division that creates egg and sperm cells.


hope this  helps you.

what are the biological important of tomatoes​



They protect heart health

Tomatoes contain an antioxidant called lycopene, which is responsible for their red color. Research suggests that in terms of heart health benefits, it's more effective to eat tomatoes and tomato products than take lycopene supplements


Tomatoes are the major dietary source of the antioxidant lycopene, which has been linked to many health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.

They are also a great source of vitamin C, potassium, folate, and vitamin K.

Usually red when mature, tomatoes can also come in a variety of colors, including yellow, orange, green, and purple. What’s more, many subspecies of tomatoes exist with different shapes and flavor.

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