After reading the article by john ellwood and eric patashnik make a list of the arguments for and against pork. include arguments from the textbook.


Answer 1

Pork is one of the many contentious activities of Congress, but it is a very necessary one.

Congressmen use pork barrel spending primarily to win the support of their constituents. Pork spending in Congress has other effects as well. Pork is occasionally used to "sugar coat" an unpopular measure. This frequently occurs with legislation that would increase taxes or remove well-liked government programs. Such divisive legislation would never pass because voters would never embrace it. However, a bill becomes immediately more palatable and is more likely to succeed if a Congressman can insert some pork for his or her area.

To know more about pork barrel :


Related Questions

What kind of imagery has been used by Robert Frost?


Poetry by Robert Frost uses complex, sensory, rustic, allegorical, and symbolic imagery. Some of Frost's artwork is so inventive that it assumes symbolic meaning or meanings.

What kind of imagery is in Nothing Gold Can Stay by Robert Frost?

The theme of "Nothing Gold Can Stay" is conveyed through images of the natural world, such as leaves, flowers, and sunrises. However, the speaker goes beyond simply describing nature. He describes it using figurative language, such as personification and metaphor.

Robert Frost's use of imagery:

Frost paints a detailed picture of how he imagines the Birches to be using imagery throughout the poem. The reader is given a variety of viewpoints on the Birches thanks to his use of comparisons.

To know more about symbolic imagery visit:-



Which describes the corrupt bargain of 1824?

(Select only one answer)

A. Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams were candidates in a runoff election to determine the next president.

B. Andrew Jackson allowed John Quincy Adams to be the next president in exchange for being named secretary of state.

C. Although John Quincy Adams did not win the most votes, the House of Representatives voted him president.

D. After a vote recount uncovered errors, the House of Representatives chose Andrew Jackson as president.



The correct answer is C. Although John Quincy Adams did not win the most votes, the House of Representatives voted him president.

The corrupt bargain of 1824 refers to the outcome of the presidential election of 1824, in which four candidates were vying for the office. Andrew Jackson received the most votes, but did not win a majority of the electoral vote, which meant that the decision was left to the House of Representatives. In the end, the House voted to make John Quincy Adams the next president, despite the fact that he had received fewer votes than Jackson. It was later discovered that Adams had struck a deal with Henry Clay, the Speaker of the House, in which Clay agreed to support Adams in exchange for being named secretary of state. This sparked accusations that Adams had "stolen" the presidency through a corrupt bargain, and contributed to the bitter political rivalry between Jackson and Adams.

Chapter 8 team leadership and self-managed teams


After being introduced in the 1960s, self-managed teams have swiftly increased in popularity. In their organizational structures, almost 80% of Fortune 1000 organizations and 81% of manufacturing firms use self-managed teams.

Companies like self-managed teams because, when used properly, they can result in cost savings and higher productivity. A self-managed team is a collection of workers who are in charge of all or the majority of the tasks involved in creating a good or providing a service. According to self-managed teams their specialized knowledge or the functional department they work in, employees are given duties via traditional organizational systems. In addition to technical activities, a self-managed team handles supporting duties like workflow planning and scheduling, managing yearly leave, and absence management. Typically, team members alternate management and technical responsibilities.

Learn more about self-managed teams here


In working to correct a recession with fiscal policy, the government can?


In working to correct a recession with fiscal policy, the government can lower tax rates or increase spending to encourage demand and spur economic activity.

Fiscal policy which increases aggregate demand directly through an increase in government spending is said to be typically called expansionary or loose. So, to counter a recession, it will use expansionary policy in order to increase the money supply and reduce interest rates.

Fiscal policy tends to uses the government's power to spend and tax. When the country is in recession, the government will then reduce taxes,  increase spending, or do both to expand the economy.

Hence, to counter a recession, it will use expansionary policy.

To learn more about Fiscal policy here:


How does empathy impact a relationship?


Empathy is a powerful force that promotes societal harmony and collaboration. The system that makes it possible for people to understand and communicate with others.

Explain empathy.

It is the ability to view situations from the viewpoint of others in order to understand their feelings and thoughts rather than your own. This is different from compassion, which entails being affected by the thoughts and feelings of another person but maintaining emotional impassivity.

What is the empathy leading principle?

Because empathy allows us to put ourselves in another person's shoes and consider how we would like to be treated, it might inspire us to treat people kindly.

To know more about empathy visit :


When was the first utopian society?


The nineteenth century is regarded as a golden period for American utopianism. The majority of the initial such communities were religious in nature.

A utopia is a fictional community or civilization that has very desirable or almost perfect attributes for its people. [1] Sir Thomas More invented the term for his 1516 novel Utopia, which described a mythical island community in the New World. However, it might also refer to a planned community. In common language, the term or its adjectival form may be used synonymously with "impossible", "far-fetched" or "deluded". Hypothetical utopias emphasize equality, among other things, in economics, governance, and justice, with the manner and structure of intended execution differing according to ideology. According to Lyman Tower Sargent, the essence of a utopia is fundamentally contradictory since communities are not homogenous and have goals that clash and hence cannot be satisfied simultaneously.

To know more about American utopianism:


Is inflation gradual or sudden?


Answer: it is the gradual rise in prices and a slow decline in purchasing power of your money over time.


i hope this helped, im sorry if it didnt!

How globalization integrates one country to another?


Reorganization is brought about by globalization at the global, national, and subnational levels. It specifically brings about the restructuring of production, global trade, and financial market integration.

What does integration mean in terms of globalization?

The adoption of policies by different nations as if they were one political entity is implied by international integration. The degree of integration is sometimes assessed by examining whether interest rates, stock prices, or product pricing are the same across national marketplaces. Economic globalization encourages internationalization of higher education and the sharing of educational resources globally.

To know more about globalization visit:


when a star has consumed all its hydrogen its core shrinks and its surface expands. such a star is very cool by compariosn to other stars these stars are known as


The outward force generated by fusion begins to decrease once a star has exhausted its supply of hydrogen in its core, leaving only helium, and the star is no longer able to maintain equilibrium. The star begins to collapse when the force of gravity exceeds the force of internal pressure.

When a star's core shrinks, what happens?

A planetary nebula is a cloud of material that forms when the star loses most of its mass once the helium in its core is gone. The center of the star will cool and psychologist, abandoning a little, hot ball called a white smaller person.

Does a star's core shrink and its outer layers expand when it runs out of hydrogen?

A star begins to use hydrogen further away from its core when the hydrogen in its center runs out. The star's outer layers expand and cool as a result of this. The star expands over time to more than 400 times its initial size. As the star cools, it changes tone and sparkles redder.

To learn more about hydrogen here


What is considered most respectful in Vietnamese culture?


The use of both hands while giving something to someone is considered as respectful in Vietnamese culture.

The people who follow the Vietnamese culture have a great sense of respect towards other people. While meeting and greeting people they bow in front of the people to show the feeling of respect. While handing over someone any particular thing they hand over the item with both their hands as they find is respectful. They never touch head of the people because they consider head as the most important body part of the human body. They never point their finger towards anyone as they find it disrespectful rather they show their whole hand.

Learn more about Vietnamese culture at:


What are the disadvantages of Indian education system?


The disadvantages of Indian education system:

1. Lack of Adequate Funding: There is a lack of adequate funding for Indian education system due to which the quality of education is affected.2. Outdated Curriculum: The curriculum in Indian schools is outdated and does not keep up with the changing times.3. Lack of Skilled Teachers: There is a lack of adequately trained and skilled teachers in Indian schools, leading to poor quality of instruction.4. Limited Access to Technology: Schools in India lack access to technology, which limits their ability to teach students in a modern and interactive way.5. Social Discrimination: There is still a lot of social discrimination in the Indian education system, which affects the quality of education for certain groups of people.6. Rigid System: The Indian education system is still rigid, with little room for creativity and innovation.

The Disadvantages of Indian Education System: An In-depth Look

India is the world’s second most populous country, and yet its education system is still seen as inadequate in many respects. While there have been some recent reforms to improve the system, a number of issues remain that need to be addressed. This essay offers an in-depth look at the various disadvantages of the Indian education system.

Learn more about Indian education:


explain the extent of which supreme court interpretations of the first and second amendments reflect a commitment to individal liberty



The First Amendment contains our most cherished rights. Often our courts give them a preferred position. Governments did not give these rights to us. Rather we empower governments to protect these natural rights. The fundamental rights contained in the First Amendment are: freedom of speech; freedom of press; freedom of religion, freedom of assembly; and freedom of petition. Majority rule cannot interfere with these rights, nor can government abridge these rights. The federal judiciary often is called upon to serve as the guardian of these rights. Provisions of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights are continually being interpreted to balance the power of government and the civil liberties of individuals. The freedom of speech gets preferential treatment by the courts. It is our most sacred right. Yet even freedom of speech has its limits. You are not free to publish obscene materials. You are not free to lie or slander others nor can you write falsely which is called libel. There are numerous court precedents that define when and where our free speech can and cannot be limited. Schenck v. U.S. (1919) was an early example of a limit on our free speech. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes famously stated in his opinion, “…Free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theater.” The ruling precedent of this case established the clear and present danger standard. Dangerous speech can be limited

Which of the following requires an individual to complete the same small task over and over again in order to contribute to a final project?


Work specialization necessitates repeating the same minor activity in order to add to a larger endeavor.

Specialization is a manufacturing approach in which an entity concentrates on producing a narrow range of items in order to increase efficiency. Many countries, of example, specialize in manufacturing commodities and services indigenous to their region of the world and trading them for other products and services. This specialization is therefore the foundation of global trade, as few nations have enough industrial capacity to be entirely self-sufficient. In business, specialization entails concentrating on one product or a limited range of products in order to become more efficient. Specialization can boost productivity and create a competitive edge for a company or economy. Microeconomic specialization involves individual individuals and economic components, whereas macroeconomic specialization involves broad gain.

Learn more about specialization here


The relationship between the French and most Native Americans could initially be described as
answer choices

neutral because the French left the Native Americans alone.

negative because the French built farms on Native American land.

positive because the French traded with the Native Americans and respected their cultures.

negative because the Native Americans felt the French were using too many resources like fur and wood.


Option C: The relationship was positive because the French traded with the Native American and respected their culture

French when encountered with the natives, they respected them and their culture. The French didn’t try to change them or their ways nor did they compete for the lands.

The French came to America for the sake of seasonal fur trading and established a great relationship with the natives in the fur trade.

In the 1600s, the French started to stay around the year. They respected native territories, tried to learn their language. In turn, Natives trusted the French and had close allies.

To learn more about American and French trade, here:


How did the Roosevelt Corollary affect United States policy in Latin America quizlet?


It said that the United States would police the area to ensure peace and would not allow European meddling in the region.

How did Latin America likely be influenced by the Roosevelt Corollary?The corollary was not well received by Latin Americans. They viewed American intervention as Yankee imperialism, and their hostility against their sizable neighbor to the north sharply increased.As a message to countries in Europe and Latin America, the Roosevelt Corollary was a significant addition to the Monroe Doctrine. It said that the United States would police the area to ensure peace and would not allow European meddling in the region.The corollary asserted that not only were the countries of the Western Hemisphere closed to colonization by European powers, but that the United States had a duty to maintain law and order and safeguard people's lives and property there.

To learn more about Roosevelt Corollary refer to:


Emotional regulation is also referred to as: A) intentional behavior. B motivation. с effortful control. D demanding control.


Answer: C) Effortful Control.

Emotional regulation is the ability to manage and control one's emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. It involves intentionally using strategies to modify one's emotional state and behaviors in order to achieve desired outcomes.

Effortful control is a type of emotional regulation that requires conscious effort and willpower to change one's emotional state and behaviors. Thus, it involves a conscious effort to adjust emotions and behavior in order to reach a goal or desired outcome.

Learn more about psychology:

What are the effects of institutions to the individual?


Economic institutions have a massive effect on investments in human and physical capital, technology, and industrial output, among other things.

What effects do institutions have on people?They serve as a society's support system. A society cannot be fulfilled in terms of business, education, or relationships without social structures. People are more inclined to engage in crime and other destructive behaviours when there are no laws and regulations in a community.Institutions are the formal frameworks and unwritten laws and customs that direct our conduct and set our standards in dealing with others. Depending on how they organize decision-making, institutions can either aid or impede progress.Institutional power is the ability to control individuals and influence their behavior via the employment of incentives and punishments by groups like governments, religions, and companies.

Learn more about institutions refer to :


Does the FCC censor movies?


The Commission is prohibited from suppressing broadcast content and from limiting freedom of expression in broadcasting under the First Amendment and Section 326 of the Communications Act.

What is forbidden by the FCC?

Federal legislation prohibits the radio or television broadcast of offensive, obscene, or profane material. That should be obvious enough, but based on who you ask, it may be difficult to define what vulgar, indecent, and profane mean.

What and what does the FCC regulate?

All kinds of communication, including wire, cable, radio, television, satellite, and others, are governed by the Federal Communications Commission. The Commission works to promote communication while preserving a healthy and vibrant market.

To know more about broadcast :


PLS HELP 100 POINTS!!! giving brainliest


The characteristics shared by the regions of Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Siberian Russia is that they :

Are located in Asia Have a harsh climateHave a sparse population

Siberia is located in Asia to the North of China, and East of Moscow.

Countries that make up Central Asia are :

Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.

Countries that make up the Caucasus Region are :

Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan

How are the regions of Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Siberian Russia related ?

The regions of Central Asia, the Caucasus, and Siberian Russia are areas in Central Asia that have a very harsh weather which is often quite cold. As a result, the population is sparse and this is seen by the low population of countries in those regions such as Georgia, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

Siberia is perhaps the worst of the regions as it is most made up of a tundra. It is located in Asia, to the North of China.

Find out more on the Caucasus at


Identify the true and false statements about antipsychotics.

a. Most people report being satisfied with the therapy they have received.
b. Double-blind studies for medicine are easier to conduct than double-blind studies for talk therapies.
c. Common factors are aspects of a disorder that are shared by other disorders.


True statements are, " Double-blind studies for medicine are easier to conduct than double-blind studies for talk therapies", and "Most people report being satisfied with the therapy they have received".

A complex, long-lasting mental health condition called schizophrenia is characterised by a wide range of symptoms, such as hallucinations, delusions, disordered speech or behaviour, and cognitive impairment.

For many patients and their families, the disease is a disabling disorder because of its early start and chronic nature. Negative symptoms (marked by loss or deficits) and cognitive symptoms, such as deficiencies in attention, working memory, or executive function, frequently combine to cause disability.

To know more about disability, click here:


Research suggests that divorce rates are higher in: ________


Research suggests that divorce rates are higher in: individualistic cultures.

Divorce is the dissolution of a marriage or marital union. Divorce typically entails the cancellation or reorganization of the legal duties and responsibilities of marriage, thereby dissolving the bonds of matrimony between a married couple under the law of the specific country or state.

The wife has the right to seek maintenance and living expenses for herself and her children after the divorce, but she cannot seek property in a divorce settlement.For example, after they marry, the husband purchases an apartment for his wife and himself that is registered in his name.

To know more about Divorce, click here.


in contrast to the people's republic of china, the republic of china/taiwan abandoned its confucian heritage, thus becoming one of the most prosperous states in asia. group of answer choices true false


The statement that Taiwan abandoned its Confucian heritage, and became one of the most prosperous states in Asia as a result, is False.

What religions are followed in Taiwan ?

In Taiwan, Buddhism, Taoism, and Confucianism are the three main religions. But many of Taiwan's temples show a blending of these three traditions.

Taoism and Confucianism are more commonly regarded as philosophies, lifestyles, or cultural convictions than as faiths.

With a Confucian worldview, the majority of Taiwanese people practice a hybrid of Buddhism and Taoism.

This shows that the people of Taiwan did not abandon their Confucian heritage, and still practice it today.

Find out more on Confucianism at


Martin has been heavily influenced by the work of lewis terman. which of the following perspectives on intelligence would martin most likely have?


Martin has been heavily influenced by the work of Lewis Terman. The perspectives on intelligence would martin most likely have: Intelligence is primarily a biologically based capacity.

About Lewis Martin

Lewis Martin Lewis Madison Terman (1877-1956) was a scientist in the field of education and psychology from Clark University. Under the tutelage of Granville Stanley Hall, he received the title of Doctor of Philosophy. Lewis M. Terman has experience as teacher, school principal and lecturer. Lewis joined the psychology faculty at Stanford University until his retirement in 1942.

His attention to mental testing throughout his career made Lewis M. Terman a leading figure in developing the trendsetting testing movement. The result of his most famous and most widely used work is the Stanford-Binet test of intelligence, which was taken from the 1916 Binet-Simon Intelligence Scale which was revised in 1937. The result of Lewis's next work that is no less famous, he developed the Alpha and Beta tests (tests first group intelligence) used in the classification of soldiers during World War I. With the publication of the 1916 Stanford-Binet test, Lewis introduced the term intellectual intelligence.

Through his first comprehensive study, Lewis recognized gifted children to identify children with intellectual intelligence over 140. From his findings, he concluded that children with high intellectual intelligence tend to be healthier, happier and more stable than children with average abilities -flat. Still according to Lewis, children with high intellectual intelligence are more successful in their personal and professional lives. At the end of his work he founded the movement for gifted children and provides special education programs for students who can afford it.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was:

Martin has been heavily influenced by the work of Lewis Terman. Which of the following perspectives on intelligence would Martin most likely have?

(A) Intelligence is not fixed but rather is a dynamic and changing capacity.

(B) Intelligence is not fixed and can be cultivated through education.

(C) Intelligence is primarily a biologically based capacity.

(D) Creativity is the most

predictive sign of intelligence.

(E) Memory is the most predictive sign of intelligence.

Behavioral differences in motor development are not apparent until elementary school years.

a. True
b. False


Behavioral differences in motor development are not apparent until elementary school years.

The statement is False.

The majority of kids in school age have coordinated, powerful motor abilities. However, there are differences in their physical prowess, stamina (particularly eye-hand), balance, and coordination. Fine motor abilities might also differ greatly.Development of motor skills. Most children learn the fundamental motor abilities of running, jumping, and skipping throughout their early years, as well as the skills necessary to manage objects, such throwing, catching, and kicking (Clark, 1994). As they run and jump, kids continue to develop their gross motor skills.

To know more about Behavioral differences here


The term convention bump refers to ______.

A) the danger of a front-runner stumbling badly after the convention
B) the staged hoopla surrounding a nominee's acceptance speech
C) the opinion poll spike that most candidates enjoy immediately after the convention
D) persuading delegates assigned to other candidates to vote for the presumptive nominee
E) convincing the candidate's primary-election rivals to support him at the convention


The term convention bump refers to the opinion poll spike that most candidates enjoy immediately after the convention.

A convention bump is a small increase in the number of attendees at a convention, typically 10% or less. This increase is often the result of advance planning and promotion by the convention organizers.

A "convention bump" is a small increase in a candidate's poll numbers that typically occurs after that candidate attends a party's convention. The bump is usually temporary, lasting only a few days or weeks. However, it can occasionally give a candidate a small boost in the polls that lasts for a longer period of time.

Hence, the correct option is "C".

To know more about convention, click here.


Ms. Reagan, who is a teacher, agrees more with Howard Gardner’s theory of intelligence than Charles Spearman’s theory of intelligence. Which of the following scenarios would she most agree with?

a. Ms. Reagan's student Shuri is excellent at math, so she concludes that Shuri must also have high verbal ability.
b. Ms. Reagan thinks that her students exhibit more than one type of intelligence. For example, she notices her student Noel plays well with others as well as alone.
c. Ms. Reagan thinks that her students exhibit three specific types of intelligence.
d. Ms. Reagan observes that her student Lenny is practical, creative, and analytical, so she concludes that Lenny must be the most intelligent person in her class.
Because Jenny can memorize every book she reads, Ms. Reagan concludes that she must have a high IQ.


Ms. Reagan will agree with Charles Spearman's theory of intelligence if she believes that her students have more than one type of intelligence. She notices, for example, that her student Noel plays well with others as well as alone.

In 1904 Spearman published his two-factor theory of intelligence. He was the creator of the "g" factor, a concept of general intelligence. To develop this theory, he examined various mental aptitude and cognitive tests administered to participants.

Charles Spearman is widely regarded as the father of factor analysis as a statistical technique for data reduction and interpretation. He was the first psychologist to apply mathematical models to analyze and interpret the complexities of the human mind.

Hence, the correct answer is "B".

To know more about Charles Spearman, click here.


shmail is figuring out whether his products will be used by the end consumer or be purchased by businesses to create other products. This decision will determine whether he creates industrial or consumer goods. He decides to make a chart comparing and contrasting these two types of goods. What should he include for each type of “good” on this chart?


Product classification divides goods into four groups mostly based on customer purchasing patterns, similarity to rival brands, and price range.

What is Product Classification in Marketing?With this information, you can create a marketing plan that will successfully reach your target audience. It also aids in choosing a budget for your marketing that is reasonable.Let's imagine, for example, that your products fall into the category of "unsought things" (more on that in this section). As a result, you'll probably need to adopt a more aggressive marketing strategy to reach potential customers.Consider cemeteries, life insurance providers, and charitable groups. Consumers typically don't think of these first. As a result, these firms must exert a little more effort to draw consumers' attention and emphasize the advantages of their products or services.On the other hand, consumer goods are highly visible and fiercely competitive. Before making a purchase, consumers frequently take their time evaluating products' quality, price, and value. Building brand loyalty is crucial for this category of products because of this.As you can see, there are considerations for each classification of product. You will be better able to advertise your goods if you are more familiar with consumer behaviors and attitudes in that market.

To Learn more About Product classification refer To:


maria realizes that it is easy for her to talk to people at parties and that she is therefore high in extraversion. to what component of the realistic accuracy model (ram) does this realization speak?


Maria comes to the revelation that she naturally strikes up conversations with individuals at gatherings, indicating that she has a high level of the extraversion moderator component of the realistic accuracy model (RAM).

Explain Realistic Accuracy Model (RAM) .

A four-stage procedure is recommended by the Realistic Accuracy Model (RAM) in order to make accurate personality assessments. To be more precise, the target must make information related to the attribute under consideration available, and the judge must find and use that information to generate an opinion. The correctness of judgments can also be moderated and made more or less likely by characteristics of the judge, target, data, and trait being assessed. Although research on personality has mainly concentrated on phases and moderators, other traits including moral character, emotionality, empathy, and meta-accuracy may also be addressed by the RAM.

To know more Realistic Accuracy Model (RAM) visit:


What attributes are essential for successful school board members?


Instead of responding to national education challenges, the board member concentrates on finding local needs.

Who constitutes a successful member of the school board?

Members of the school board must be able to provide evidence for their choices and actions. The board's actions must be open to the public and transparent. Collaboration: The school board needs to collaborate with the local community, the faculty, and other stakeholders if it is to be effective.

Who makes a good leader of the school board?

Be ready, upbeat, and confident when guiding the conversation and keeping it on course. Utilize your authority as the chair to ensure that the board stays focused on board business and does not stray into fruitless political or philosophical discussions. When the time is right, move on.

To know more about attributes visit:-


How does SAFe extend the Agile Manifesto Foundation to the level of team of teams?


By applying Lean thinking to understand and improve the systems SAFe canextend the Agile Manifesto Foundation to the level of team of teams.

The seventeen signatories to the Agile Manifesto all shared four core values: People and interactions above procedures and equipment. Working software is preferred over thorough documentation. Development teams can operate more effectively and sustainably by following the guidelines laid out in the Agile Manifesto, a document that outlines the core ideals and concepts of the Agile methodology. The Agile Manifesto identifies a client as one who participates and works with developers on projects. This makes it much simpler for development to satisfy client needs.

To know more about foundation here


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