Although Reconstruction led to some positive changes, what major goal did it fail to achieve?

permanently guarantee the civil rights of newly freed slaves

readmit Confederate states into the Union

rebuild Southern cities and farms


Answer 1


a lack of political focus on the effort failed to solve the sectional wounds, and the elimination of the freed slaves' newly gained civil liberties failed to bring about long-term racial integration


Answer 2




i just did it

Related Questions

The Supreme Court’s 1857 decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford had such a demoralizing effect on the efforts to end slavery because:
A. The court ruled that Congress couldn’t prohibit slavery in any state and that blacks
were not citizens and therefore not entitled to Constitutional protections
B. Dred Scott was to remain a slave because he returned to Missouri
C. It allowed for more slaves to be imported into the country
D. The Civil War began the next month


393 (1857), often referred to as the Dred Scott decision, was a landmark decision of the US Supreme Court in which the Court held that the US Constitution was not meant to include American citizenship for black people, regardless of whether they were enslaved or free, and so the rights and privileges that th


i am not sure what the answer is but i am not sure if my explanation will help.


Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. (19 How.) 393 (1857), often referred to as the Dred Scott decision, was a landmark decision of the US Supreme Court in which the Court held that the US Constitution was not meant to include American citizenship for black people, regardless of whether they were enslaved or free, and so the rights and privileges that the Constitution confers upon American citizens could not apply to them

Which of these effects of the fall of Rome is the worst? Why?



disruption of trade


Perhaps the most immediate effect of Rome's fall was the breakdown of commerce and trade. The miles of Roman roads were no longer maintained and the grand movement of goods that was coordinated and managed by the Romans fell apart.

What experience shared by immigrants and American Indians does this cartoon show?
A. Compulsory citizenship tests B. Internment in reservations Assimilation programs D. Segregated schools


Experience shared by immigrants and American Indians by this cartoon show is B. Internment in reservations.

The cartoon represents a shared experience between immigrants and American Indians by highlighting the theme of confinement and limited freedom. The image shows a Native American on one side and an immigrant on the other, both enclosed within fences or bars. This imagery symbolizes the internment of American Indians in reservations and the restriction of movement and autonomy for immigrants.American Indians were forcibly relocated to reservations by the U.S. government, which confined them to specific territories, restricting their access to ancestral lands and resources. This policy aimed to control and assimilate Native American populations.Similarly, immigrants may experience limited freedom and restricted movement upon arrival in a new country. They may face detention centers or immigration facilities that confine them, limiting their mobility and personal freedom until their legal status is determined or immigration processes are completed.By portraying both the Native American and the immigrant within the context of confinement, the cartoon emphasizes the shared experience of being marginalized and restricted within a society. It draws attention to the historical and ongoing struggles faced by both groups in terms of displacement, loss of land, and limited freedom.

The correct option that is depicted in the cartoon is B. Internment in reservations.

For more such questions on Cartoon show


The cartoon shown depicts an American Indian saying, "Sure, you can live in America if you act like us." The cartoon highlights the shared experience of American Indians and immigrants as they struggled with assimilation programs as their way of life and cultural identity were forcibly taken away from them.

In the case of American Indians, the United States government created boarding schools, where they were taken away from their families, and stripped off of their cultural identities. They were then forced to live in an environment where they were taught to dress, talk, and behave like white Americans.

The goal was to assimilate them into American culture and make them forget about their cultural identity and heritage. Similarly, immigrants who came to the United States were often required to abandon their language and cultural heritage. They were encouraged to change their name, dress, and behavior to fit into American society.

To know more about experience visit:


The Puritans came to live in the Americas for the purpose of-


Okay the answer to this is a simple one the answer should be B establishing new religious communities have a good day and god speed on your assignment.

How did President George H. W. Bush help Bill Clinton win the presidency in 1992?

A. Bush removed a powerful Middle Eastern dictator.

B. Bush tried to reconcile liberal and conservative ideals.

C. Bush ended the Persian Gulf War in 1991.

D. Bush broke his promise and increased taxes.


Its d bush broke his promise and increases taxes

Which Reconstruction plan did President Lincoln favor at the end of the Civil War?

A. Withdrawing federal troops from the South as quickly as possible

B. Readmitting states when 10 percent of the electorate took a loyalty oath

C. Re-drawing boundaries to create several African American majority states in the South

D. Sending emancipated slaves to foreign colonies that would be run by African Americans

Which issue was central to the conflict between the North and the South during the decades leading up to the Civil War?

A. Poitical party divisions

B. States' rights

C. Foreign intervntion

D. Territorialexpanision

What was a result of the Battle of Antietam?

A. The collapse of the Whig Party

B. The admission of Texas as a slave state

C. The passage of the Missouri Compromise

D. The issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation


President Lincoln favored the Reconstruction plan of readmitting states when 10 percent of the electorate took a loyalty oath at the end of the Civil War.T

he result of the Battle of Antietam was the issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation.The issue that was central to the conflict between the North and the South during the decades leading up to the Civil War was "States' rights".The Reconstruction plan of President Lincoln at the end of the Civil War was the plan of readmitting states when 10 percent of the electorate took a loyalty oath.

This was contained in the Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (1863), which called for a pardon for all Southerners except Confederate leaders and military personnel. This was intended to facilitate a speedy reconciliation of the nation. The plan was later implemented by Lincoln's successor, Andrew Johnson, following Lincoln's assassination on April 14, 1865.The issuing of the Emancipation Proclamation was a result of the Battle of Antietam.

To know more about Reconstruction visit:


Which result did the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries achieve in the 1970s?

It raised oil prices and created an energy crisis in the United States.

It supplied oil to Afghan rebels to help them end the Soviet occupation.

It stopped producing oil to bring about an end to the Vietnam War.

It implemented a communist government in all but two oil producing nations.


The correct answer is: "It raised oil prices and created an energy crisis in the United States."

During the 1970s, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) had a significant impact on global oil markets and played a pivotal role in shaping the energy landscape. OPEC is a multinational organization composed of oil-producing countries that coordinate their policies to stabilize oil markets and ensure fair prices for petroleum products.

In 1973, OPEC implemented a series of oil embargoes in response to the Yom Kippur War, a conflict between Israel and its neighboring Arab states. As a result of the embargo, OPEC member countries reduced or halted their oil exports to countries perceived as supporting Israel, primarily the United States and its allies. This led to a substantial increase in oil prices and created an energy crisis in the United States.

The sudden reduction in oil supply triggered a sharp rise in oil prices globally, which had far-reaching consequences. In the United States, the increased cost of oil caused significant disruptions in various sectors of the economy. Consumers faced soaring gasoline prices, long lines at gas stations, and widespread fuel shortages. Industries dependent on oil, such as transportation and manufacturing, also experienced significant challenges due to the high energy costs.

The 1970s energy crisis had profound implications for the global economy, leading to inflationary pressures, economic recessions, and a shift in energy policies. It prompted countries to reassess their dependence on foreign oil and stimulated efforts to diversify energy sources, promote energy conservation, and invest in alternative energy technologies.

Final answer:

In summary, during the 1970s, OPEC's actions particularly the oil embargoes, resulted in a substantial increase in oil prices and created an energy crisis in the United States. This event had widespread economic repercussions and influenced energy policies and practices globally.

For more questions on United States


What is president bush describing here.

Less than a week ago, in the early morning hours of August 2nd, iraq armed forces, without provocation or warning, Invaded a peaceful kuwait. ... With more than 100,000 troops, along with tanks artillery, and surface-to-surface missiles, iraq now occupies kuwait.
-address in iraq's invasion of kuwait, president george h. W. Bush

1. The us invasion of iraq
2. Kuwait a defense against iraq
3. Iraq's invasion of kuwait
4. The us military's response to iraq.








Right on edge

president eisenhower’s secretary of defense, charles wilson, stated his belief that "what was good for ________ was good for the country."


President eisenhower secretary of defense, charles wilson, stated his belief that "what was good for General Motors was good for the country.

Wilson's statement reflected the belief that a vibrant and successful business sector was essential to the overall health and prosperity of the United States. While there have been debates over the accuracy and appropriateness of Wilson's statement over the years,

his words continue to resonate with those who believe that a strong and thriving economy is essential to the well-being of a nation and its citizens.

To know more about President eisenhower visit:


When a customer buys something with a credit card, the   pays the store on the customer’s behalf.​





All of the following were causes of
the Civil War EXCEPT
A the firing on Fort Sumter.
B Abraham Lincoln's election.
Cthe secession of South Carolina.
D John Breckinridge's death.





4. Why was the League of Nations able to stop Japan from invading China?



they press them


Answer:Ultimately, the League relied on good faith between member states. ... Without its own military force and a guarantee that member states would offer support, it lacked any power to prevent aggression. This would soon be exploited by nations such as Japan and Italy.


How does the argument differ from others you have read?



investigating?Develop your thesis statement.Now that you have analyzed sources to use as evidence, revisit the essay question. Then, develop your thesis statement. If you need additional guidance, many writing resources are available to help you create a strong thesis statement.Form your argument.Once you have a clear, strong thesis statement, develop your argument. Makea particular effort to match the evidence in your sources to the points in your argument.Write your essay.As you write your paper, use quotations from and summaries of your sources to support your argument. Be careful to keep the following ideas in mind:To avoid plagiarism, make sure to cite your sources properly with in-text citationsas well as a works cited page.When you finish, reread the essay to check for all of the points above, and then proofread it to be sure your work doesn’t contain errors in grammar or spelling.You can also refer to the following resources:Understanding the Research ReportBeginning a Research ReportConstructing a Thesis StatementSteps for Writing a Quality PaperPaste a draft of your essay in the space provided.Task 2Print

which civilization had the most influence on the structure of the u.s. government? responses


The civilization that had the most influence on the structure of the U.S. government was Rome. Rome had the most significant impact on the formation of the American government.The structure of the U.S. government can be traced back to Ancient Rome.

The framers of the U.S. Constitution, such as James Madison, were inspired by Roman politics and drew heavily on the writings of Roman statesmen like Cicero.The Roman Republic had three branches of government: the Senate, the Assembly, and the Consuls. This model, known as a republic, was adopted by the framers of the U.S. Constitution. The U.S. government is divided into three branches: the legislative branch (Congress), the executive branch (the President), and the judicial branch (the courts).The founders of the United States admired the Roman system of government and utilized it as a guide when creating the American Republic. The Senate, a powerful legislative body, was modeled after the Roman Senate.

To know more about government   , visit ;


Question 9 of 25 Which evidence would support an argument that desegregation of the military led to increased support for the civil rights movement? A. The transcript of a speech by Martin Luther King Jr. B. The law desegregating the military after World War II C. Survey data revealing Americans' feelings about the civil rights movement by year O D. The text of the 1964 Civil Rights Act SUBME PREVIOUS​


Answer: D.

The text of the 1964 Civil Rights Act SUBME PREVIOUS​


Do you think JFK was a good president? Why or why not


Answer: JFK was a good president


I think this because he lead the US to fight for the space race. He is the reason we went to the moon.


i have two arguments. why he was a good president and why he was a bad one. you choose which one you want to choose.

- he was a bad president:

John F. Kennedy's glowing reputation is bound up with a bullet. Being murdered made him into a kind of political saint, and makes us forget that his years in the White House were a disaster. Why? Because he almost brought about the end of civilization as we know it.

Contrary to our sentimental image of JFK as a progressive visionary, he was actually a committed proponent of the Cold War and a foreign police hawk. Early in his tenure, Kennedy pushed forward with a secret plan to take down Fidel Castro's new regime in the nearby island of Cuba. This plan involved training, arming and deploying 1,500 Cuban exiles to mount a covert invasion of the island, inspire a popular uprising and overthrow Castro.

-he was a good president:

It's all too easy for us to sneer at Kennedy's stance as a Cold Warrior, all these decades later. But he was a man of his times, when paranoia and suspicion ruled the day. In the frightening ideological battle against the Soviets, nobody was immune to rash and half-baked ideas. In fact, the Bay of Pigs fiasco had actually been planned by President Eisenhower, not Kennedy, and simply been inherited by the Kennedy administration.

Yes, Kennedy chose to go ahead with the plan, but what president wouldn't have? Cuba was regarded as a genuine threat, a foothold for the Soviets right on America's doorstep. Kennedy HAD to do something. As Jim Rosenberger, author of The Brilliant Disaster, describes the dilemma over the Bay of Pigs plan: "[Kennedy] had a lot of doubts about it, a lot of concerns about it, but he never could figure out a way not to do it."

And as for the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy absolutely deserves credit for averting total global calamity. Barraged with conflicting opinions from military advisors - some of whom were pressing for the US to trigger war against the Soviets - Kennedy DID keep a cool head, and he DID make the right deal with the Soviets to steer the world away from a nuclear holocaust. It's sheer good luck we had him in the driving seat rather than someone who might have listened to bad advice and gone with a military response.


hope this helps!


Describe one way World War I influence colonized states


The Treaty of Versailles called for the colonies of the Central Powers to be given to the newly formed League of Nations. Germany, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and the Ottoman Empire all lost their colonial claims with Great Britain and France receiving the lion's share of their holdings.

World War I influenced colonized states and encouraged independence movements in Europe's colonies,

What are the effects of world war I?

The effects of world war I is both positive and negative. After the world war, there am the formation of many nations that gain independence. The negative effect of it is an economic crisis due to the destruction of infrastructure.

Each European nation was interested in establishing its empire through the practice of "New Imperialism." Each nation attempted to overpower its neighbors as this turned into a strong competition.

Empires fell and new nation-states rose as a result of World War I. In the late 19th century, colonialism was at its height, and World War I had a significant effect on all of the colonies of Europe.

Learn more about World war I, here:


When was the last part of the Roman Empire, Constantinople conquered? Who conquered it?Fall of Constantinople


Answer:Sultan Mehmed II

love all peep stay safe

Match these items. 1 . Turks rulers of the Holy Land 2 . Jerusalem trips to free Jerusalem 3 . Crusades symbol of the Crusades 4 . Orient organizations protecting traders 5 . gold origin of fine spices and silks 6 . medieval fought to free Jerusalem 7 . Portugal caused growth of cities 8 . red cross home of Prince Henry the Navigator 9 . leagues name given to Africa's tip 10 . Cape of Good Hope belonging to the Middle Ages 11 . pirates city held by the Turks 12 . crusaders riches of west African coast 13 . trade threatened sailors at sea


Solution :

1. The rulers of the Holy Land - Turks

2. Trips to Free Jerusalem - Crusades

3. Symbol of the Crusades - Red Cross

4. Organization Protecting Traders - Leagues

5. Origin of Fine Spices and Silks - Orient

6. Fought to Free Jerusalem - Crusaders

7. Caused Growth of Cities - Trade

8. Home of Prince Henry the Navigator - Portugal

9. Name given to Africa's Tip - Cape of Good Hope

10. Belonging to the Middle Ages - Medieval

11. City Held by the Turks - Jerusalem

12. Riches of West African Coast - Gold

13. Threatened Sailors at Sea - Pirates

In the late 1800's, the Supreme Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson--
A) protected victims of discrimination
B) made segregation laws legal
C) allowed federal regulation of state elections
D) recognized public protests as a legal form of civil disobedience​


Answer: its B                        





this is a good choice B) made segregation laws legal


good luck on the test.

I got it right!

Why didn't the Emancipation Proclamation take effect on the border states of Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, and Delaware?


Answer:The Emancipation Proclamation did not apply to enslaved people in the border states of Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware, and Maryland, which had not joined the Confederacy. Lincoln exempted the border states from the proclamation because he didn't want to tempt them into joining the Confederacy.


3) use the graphic organizer below to identify the effects of the war on the american workforce:


The graphic organizer below to identify the effects of the war on the American workforce. The U.S. Groups are Women, African Americans and Hispanics.

The effects of these US groups are given below:

Women: Worked in jobs that had been traditionally held by men, joined the navy, served as army nursesAfrican Americans: Moved to Northern cities for more opportunities, served in the militaryHispanics: Migrated to the U.S. and Mexican Americans moved to industrial cities.

Learn more about Hispanics:


Complete question is in the image.

How would you use water differently if you lived in a country that did not have easy access to clean water?



Answer Below:


Mainly used for drinking because the use of water is limited. Until you find another way to get water you would be careful. The way of life would completely change due too no way of cleaning yourself. Hope this helps.

Problem 1: How many grams is your animal?
2100 g
C. Divide the number of letters in your name by 3. a. If the remainder is zero your animal is a
placental mammal.
b. If the remainder is 1 your animal is a marsupial mammal.
c. If the remainder is 2 your animal is a bird. What kind of animal will you be working with?
14 letters/3 has a remainder of 2, working with a bird


I will be working with a bird. Birds are a diverse group of animals that belong to the class Aves. They are characterized by their feathered bodies, beaks, and ability to fly (although not all birds can fly). With over 10,000 known species, birds inhabit a wide range of environments across the globe. The correct option is c.

Birds have adapted to various habitats, including forests, deserts, grasslands, and aquatic ecosystems. They come in different sizes, shapes, and colors, showcasing remarkable diversity. From the tiny hummingbirds to the large ostriches, birds exhibit a wide range of adaptations for survival and reproduction. They play crucial roles in ecosystems as pollinators, seed dispersers, and predators of insects and small animals.

Birds also contribute to the beauty of our natural surroundings with their melodious songs and vibrant plumage. As a researcher working with birds, I would study their behavior, ecology, migration patterns, and conservation.

I might investigate topics such as nesting habits, foraging strategies, communication, or the impact of environmental changes on bird populations. The study of birds offers a fascinating window into the complexities of the natural world and our interconnectedness with it.

Learn more about ecosystems here:


French Phase (1634-1648)
What was the reasoning behind Catholic France aiding Protestant forces in the German and Sweden states? plz help



Peace of Westphalia and the End of the War (1648)

who fought in the punic wars



Punic Wars, also called Carthaginian Wars, (264–146 bce), a series of three wars between the Roman Republic and the Carthaginian (Punic) empire, resulting in the destruction of Carthage, the enslavement of its population, and Roman hegemony over the western Mediterranean.



Roman Republic and the Carthaginians.


How did Christians respond to the growth of the Church?

They created strict requirements for future members.

Each assembly governed itself as it saw fit.

They asked the emperor to govern them.

They appointed leaders to oversee areas called diocese.



They appointed leaders to oversee areas called diocese.


Bishops are in charges of dioceses

Was the U.S. government justified in imprisoning people of Japanese ancestry during WW II?


Answer: Yes, they did.

The colonial Georgia rice plantation complex was modeled
after the one in
A. South Carolina
B. Virginia
C. Bermuda
D. Louisiana


The colonial Georgia rice plantation complex was modeled after the one in South Carolina. Therefore, the correct option is A.

Rice plantations were prominent in various parts of the world, particularly in regions with suitable climate and soil conditions for rice cultivation. Rice cultivation was introduced to the American colonies through the efforts of planters from South Carolina who brought their expertise and practices to Georgia.

South Carolina was known for its successful rice plantations, and the techniques and systems developed there were replicated in Georgia to establish a profitable rice industry.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about  rice plantation here:


The largest peninsula in the world is located in which region?




Northeast of Africa is the answer

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