Globally, the winter of 2014–15 was the warmest winter on record at that time, but it sure didn’t seem that way for most of the eastern United States. This region experienced record-low temperatures and extreme snowfall, especially in the northern and coastal areas. During this period of extreme cold and snow, it was not uncommon to see comments on social media disputing climate change. For example, some commenters took pictures of huge piles of snow and added comments such as, "This doesn’t look like global warming."

Do these commenters have a point? Should extreme snowfall over the course of a season cast doubt on the theory of global climate change? Make a scientific argument explaining why you agree or disagree with these commenters.


Answer 1


I think the commenters do not have a point. one winter of extreme snowfall or cold temperatures do not effect the realism of climate change and its physical effects to the world such as (global temperature rise, warming oceans, shrinking ice sheets, glacial retreat, decreased snow cover, sea level rise, declining artic sea ice, extreme events, and ocean acidification). Just because we have one cooler summer or one colder winter does not change the facts of the situation.


Don't know if you still need this but this is what I wrote for my PLATO answer.

Hope this helps

Answer 2

These commentators don't make a valid point, though. If this was the warmest winter on record, it would be inaccurate to assert that global warming is not the cause.

What is global climate change?

Long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns are referred to as climate change.

Although these changes may be natural, human actions have been the primary cause of climate change since the 1800s.

However, these commentators don't present a convincing argument. It would be incorrect to claim that global warming is not to blame if this winter turned out to be the warmest on record.

Despite snow where they were, there is global warming overall. Just because one location had snow does not mean that all locations will also have it.

It almost seems like they just performed one experiment on one group to get their results.

Which, as we all know, is completely incorrect because it takes at least three groups to provide a measurement that is even remotely accurate.

Thus, this can be concluded regarding the given situation.

For more details regarding climate change, visit:


Related Questions

1. Most of the stars on the HR Diagram are classified as which type of star?

2. What is the color of the stars with the lowest surface temperature?

3. What is the color of the stars with the highest surface temperature?

4. Is the surface temperature of white dwarf stars higher or lower than red super giants?

5. What type of star has a low temperature but a high luminosity?



1. Main Sequence - middle life 17

2. red

3. blue

4. White dwarf stars are much hotter than Red Supergiants 15. List the color of the stars from hottest to coldest: Blue, White, Yellow, Orange, Red 16.

5. red giants


Main sequence stars have a Morgan-Keenan luminosity class labeled V. red giant and supergiant stars (luminosity classes I through III) occupy the region above the main sequence. They have low surface temperatures and high luminosities which, according to the Stefan-Boltzmann law, means they also have large radii. White dwarf stars are much hotter than Red Supergiants 15. List the color of the stars from hottest to coldest: Blue, White, Yellow, Orange, Red 16. The hottest stars are the blue stars. A star appears blue once its surface temperature gets above 10,000 Kelvin, or so, a star will appear blue to our eyes. The lowest temperature stars are red while the hottest stars are blue. Astronomers are able to measure the temperatures of the surfaces of stars by comparing their spectra to the spectrum of a black body. Most stars, including the sun, are "main sequence stars," fueled by nuclear fusion converting hydrogen into helium. ...

As stars begin to die, they become giants and supergiants (above the main sequence).

4 I think correct me if I’m wrong

Give 2 animals to combine their inherited traits ( traits they got from their parents )



Cat and a dog


The cat might bark instead of meow because it has certain traits from the dog. The dog however may still bark because it is a dog!

zebra and horse, the horse might have stripes and the zebra may or may not. hope this helps, sorry if it’s wrong.

Which one is Transverse Wave?
(A). Particles move in the perpendicular direction that the wave travels
(B). Particles move in the same direction as the wave travels

help due tonight- n no mfkn links plsssss





Your answer for this question is A) Particles move in the perpendicular direction that the wave travels

to prove
please answer if you know
otherwise don't give​



this is your answer look it once

A pair of point charges, which have charges of –3µ C and –4µ C are separated by 2 cm. What is the value of the force between them





who ever gets this will get a brainlest, science



The answer is 'magma rises into the spaces where tectonic plates pull away from each other.'

Answer:I think it is the first answer


Show and Explain Sportsmanship during physical activity from a teammate. Think back to a time when a teammate displayed good and bad sportsmanship. Use the Sportsmanship Organizer an the rubric to guide you.

It’s time to share some experiences!

Think of at least two times you have seen a teammate be a bad sport.
Think of at least two times you have seen a teammate be a good sport.
Create pictures and detailed descriptions of all four examples, including:

the sport that was being played
your age when it happened
who said what
the final outcome of the situation
your thoughts on why things happened the way they did



When I used too cheer some of my teammates would talk bad too the other teams or they would also make bad gestures at them.

My teammates have also helped out if someone got hurt, and they have helped out other members of the squad get better


I don't know names or how old you were so just add those in and you should get a pretty good grade

Which phrases apply to the formation of the Grand Canyon?

Choose all that apply.

medium scale


small scale


large scale



the answer should be 'small scale'

Does frequency of a music player changes the direction of the electrical current in the system ?





Sound doesn't has any relation with electric current sound is the movement of particles basically from one place to another and current is the movement of electrons, doesn't matter what the frequency of sound is current will always been flowing from positive terminal to the negative

Of all the planets, which is the most different from the others? Explain.


Answer: VENUS


Venus tiene una lenta rotación retrógrada, lo que significa que gira de este a oeste, en lugar de hacerlo de oeste a este como lo hacen la mayoría de los demás planetas mayores (Urano también tiene una rotación retrógrada, aunque el eje de rotación de Urano, inclinado 97.86°, prácticamente descansa sobre el plano.

Uranus and Neptune are the two most distant known major planets in our solar system. Both are now considered ice giants. Both are fundamentally different from the larger gas giants Jupiter and Saturn, and from smaller rocky worlds like Earth. Uranus and Neptune have similar masses and internal compositions.

hope this helps:)! if so please mark as brainiest;))

The rate of change of an object's velocity is called _______.



The rate of change of an object's velocity is called acceleration.

it is called acceleration

Earth's subsystems are the geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Energy and matter are transferred when Earth's subsystems interact.

Describe which of Earth's subsystems are involved when a hurricane passes through an area. Explain how these different subsystems affect one another.





The Earth is made of several subsystems or "spheres" that interact to form a complex and continuously changing whole called the Earth system. Scale

Processes operating in the Earth system take place on spatial scales varying from fractions of millimeters to thousands of kilometers, and on time scales that range from milliseconds to billions of years.

Examples of instantaneous - breathing; rotation of the Earth; earthquake

Examples of long term - making coal; plate tectonics


The Earth system is characterized by numerous overlapping cycles in which matter is recycled over and over again. Cycles involve multiple spheres and systems interactions.

Examples of cycles: day and night; rock cycle; seasons


The Earth system is powered by energy from two major sources: the Sun and the planet's internal heat.

Humans and the Earth System

People are part of the Earth system and they impact and are impacted by its materials and processes.

ASAP Answer Both Questions Pls and Ty!!!
1. Omar is sliding along the school corridor. Draw a picture of Omar sliding along the floor. Add a force arrow to show the force of friction acting on Omar.

2. Press your hands very gently and rub them. Now press much harder and rub again. Describe what you observe. What does this tell you about the force of friction?



well all you would have to do is draw a picture of him sliding and an arrow

and as for the second one rub your hands together and tell them what you see and then explain if it was easy to do or if you had troubles because the force of friction will make your hands warm up which is why you see them rub their hands together in movies


1. The Speed is 390

2. The Frequency is 425 Hz

3. The Wavelength is 1.3


1. To find the speed of a wave you have to do the formula of speed.

Speed = Wavelength x Wave Frequency.

Speed = 1.5 * 260

= 390


What do the best conductors have in common?



A super conductor is a perfect conductor that has zero resistance. It doesn't just have very low resistance and conducts electricity well, it has ZERO resistance and conducts electricity perfectly with no losses at all

A super conductor is a perfect conductor that has zero resistance. It doesn't just have very low resistance and conducts electricity well, it has ZERO resistance and conducts electricity perfectly with no losses at all. In theory if you had a super conductor material it could be infinitely thin and infinitely long.

science-who ever gets this will get a brainlest, Options


The answer is Earthquakes.

Hope that this helped!

The answer is earthquakes

Explain how the ocean floor affects when and how waves break. Explain how the ocean floor affects when and how waves break.



The sea floor's slope has a significant impact on how the waves break and how rapidly the sea floor affects them as they approach the coast. The direction in which waves break can also be influenced by local tides and the approach of the ocean surge.





The atmosphere of Earth is the layer of gases, commonly known as air, retained by Earth's gravity, surrounding the planet Earth and forming its planetary atmosphere


here is ya answer


The atmosphere is the blanket of gases which surrounds Earth. It is held near the surface of the planet by Earth's gravitational attraction.

Part 1
Show and Explain Sportsmanship during physical activity from a teammate. Think back to a time when a teammate displayed good and bad sportsmanship. Use the Sportsmanship Organizer an the rubric to guide you.

It’s time to share some experiences!

Think of at least two times you have seen a teammate be a bad sport.
Think of at least two times you have seen a teammate be a good sport.
Create pictures and detailed descriptions of all four examples, including:

the sport that was being played
your age when it happened
who said what
the final outcome of the situation
your thoughts on why things happened the way they did
You can submit the Sportsmanship Organizer or another creative format.





Which of the following would be considered an excellent source of vitamins?
A. yellow squash
B. milk
C. kidney beans
D. all responses are correct


the answer is D, all responses are correct
The answer is D I’m sorry if I’m incorrect

( please)


the daily rise and fall of Earths water on its coastlines

I’m tall when I’m young, and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?


Answer: Answer to the I'm Tall when I'm Young, and I'm Short when I'm Old. What am I? Riddle is a candle

Hope this helps

It’s candle because when you r old it melts and young it essentially used I guess

Kinetic and potential energy.


Answer: 3 hope this helps :)


Answer: #1 = 2 #2 = W

Explanation: Where there is the most potential energy is the top. The bottom when the energy has been used is where there is the most kinetic energy.

In a recent hockey game, one player (m=100kg) was moving at a velocity of 8 m/s when he ran into another player (m=300kg) who was at rest (v=0m/s). After the collision, the two players were stuck together (moving with the same velocity). What was their velocity after the collision?


At first you need the displacement/distance from the point he started to run to the other player
Buttttttttttt if they were at rest because the force was balanced it could be
Or the other way around

Their velocity after the collision was 2 m/s.

What is principle of conservation of momentum?

According to the principle of momentum conservation, momentum is only modified by the action of forces as they are outlined by Newton's equations of motion; momentum is never created nor destroyed inside a problem domain.

Given parameters:

one player (m=100kg) was moving at a velocity of 8 m/s initially.

Another  player (m=300kg) who was at rest (v=0m/s) initially.

After collision they stuck together and let the velocity of them is v.

According to principle of conservation of momentum,  total momentum remains conserved.

total initial momentum = total final momentum

100×8 + 300×0 = (100 + 300)v

400v = 800

v = 2.

Hence,  their velocity after the collision was 2 m/s.

Learn more about momentum here:


Chimneys don't get smoke in the house because of...?

A. Archimedes's Principle
B. Bernoulli's Principle
C. Pascal's Principle
D. hydraulics



B :D


B. Hydraulics I hope that helps

help me i suck at physics ;-;
A man hits a golf ball (0.2 kg) which accelerates at a rate of 20 m/s2. What amount
of force acted on the ball?


force= mass x acceleration= 0.2 x 20= 4 N

(N stands for newton btw)

Answer is 4 and here is a trick so you can answer it by yourself. Multiply 0.2 with 20 and you will get your answer

Which of the following objects exerts a gravitational force?
-the Moon
-an apple
-a basketball
-the Earth
-the Sun


the earth exerts a gravitational force

answer: the earth
hope this helps

PLEASE HELP! I think it's F but I'm not sure... Am I right???
The structural layers of the sun are shown in the cross-sectional diagram.

Which layer represents the chromosphere?

Select one:
a. C
b. D
c. E
d. F


c.E ps... that's the answerrr


that's the answer E

This is is e I think that represent the chromosphere

The graph shows two runners participating in a race.

Which best describes the runners?

Daniela had a 5-meter head start, and Leonard caught up to her at 25 meters.
Daniela ran faster than Leonard through the entire race.
Daniela gave Leonard a 5-meter head start and caught up to him at 25 meters.
Daniela ran slower than Leonard, but she went faster at the end.



'Daniela had a 5-meter head start, and Leonard caught up to her at 25 meters.'


hope that helps :)

The statement which best describes the runners is: A. Daniela had a 5-meter head start, and Leonard caught up to her at 25 meters.

What is a graph?

A graph can be defined as the graphical representation of data (information) such as position and time, on both the horizontal and vertical lines, which are commonly called the x-axis and y-axis respectively.

The types of graph.

In Science, there are different types of graph and these include the following:

Scatter plotBar graphPie chartDot graphLine graph

In conclusion, we can deduce from the position-time graph that Daniela had a 5-meter head start but Leonard caught up to her at 25 meters.

Read more on graphs here:

Plz help me again no links to anything
4. Convection in the mantle results in the movement of plates on Earth.


A. True :)))))))))))))))
The answer is a true

Tsunamis and regular oceanic waves vary in many ways; explain at least two (2) differences between tsunami waves and regular oceanic waves.


Tsunamis can gradually build up power and height while oceanic waves are powerful but not as close as tsunamis are
Tsunamis waves are huge waves that form when a earthquake is happening and ocean waves are from the tide moving in and out
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