Basting involves which of the following?

A. Covering the outside with liquid while cooking

B. Using as much of the chicken as possible once it is cooked

C. Cooking it at a very high temperature for the first 15 minutes

D. Tying the legs of the chicken together before putting it in the oven


Answer 1




Answer 2

Basting involves which of the following, Covering the outside with liquid while cooking. cooking meat with either its own fluids or some kind of prepare such as a gravy or marinade.

What does basting mean in cooking?

Basting is a culinary style for wetting the surface of roasting meat, poultry, or other foods with pan drippings, stock, butter, or some other liquid.

In extra to donating wettness, basting adds flavor to the surface of the meat.

Thus, option "A" is correct,  Covering the outside with liquid while cooking.

To learn more about Basting click here:


Related Questions

A review of ms. jones's lab results reveals thrombocytopenia. based on this information, which nursing actions is important while caring for this patient?


If a review of Ms. Jones's lab results reveals thrombocytopenia. While caring for this patient, the nurse should monitor the vital signs, prevent trauma, and must avoid the use of drugs like aspirin.

Thrombocytopenia is a medical term that refers to a lower-than-normal platelet count. Platelets are a component of the blood that aids in the clotting process. Nursing measures to be considered while caring for a patient with thrombocytopenia include the following:

Observation and monitoring of vital signs to evaluate for signs of internal bleeding. Prevent trauma to the patient. Avoid the administration of blood-thinning medications.In the event of bleeding, stop the bleeding, protect the patient's airway, and give appropriate care.Avoid the use of rectal suppositories, aspirin, and NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).

Initiate bleeding precautions by using a soft-bristle toothbrush, maintaining good oral hygiene, and avoiding contact sports. Individuals who have thrombocytopenia should also be treated for the underlying cause of their condition. Platelet transfusions may also be required in some cases. The type of thrombocytopenia treatment provided is determined by the underlying cause.

You can learn more about Thrombocytopenia at:


Is DNA found in all living or once living cells?

♡No links please :)♡​



Yes, DNA is present in all living and once living cells.


Yes, DNA is in both .

what is veto power who exercise it​



Also called veto power (for defs. ... the power or right vested in one branch of a government to cancel or postpone the decisions, enactments, etc., of another branch, especially the right of a president, governor, or other chief executive to reject bills passed by the legislature. the exercise of this right.

Veto: to reject
Who exercises: The president

What does it mean to avoid judgment about the foods that you eat?

A. Being very careful to choose the highest quality foods

B. Paying no attention to the dietary habits of those around you

C. Feeling bad about yourself if you occasionally crave high-fat foods like cake

D. Recognizing that cookies are not “bad” but need to be eaten in moderation


I think that the answer is D!

Is baby oil considered an essential oil??


Answer: ( I like your username) Look for dilution ratios on Young Living essential oil bottles. Vegetable shortening, butter, margarine, or petroleum derivatives (such as mineral oil, baby oil, and petroleum jelly) should never be used as carrier oils.



Aceites esenciales para bebés

Existe alguna evidencia de los beneficios de los aceites esenciales, pero muy poca investigación sobre cómo estos aceites pueden afectar a los bebés.

Es crucial tener en cuenta que la Asociación Americana de Médicos Naturópatas no recomienda el uso de aceites esenciales en bebés menores de 3 meses. Siempre consulta con tu médico naturópata.

Puedes usar aceites esenciales diluidos en aceite de girasol o de semilla de uva sin diluir o coco durante un masaje infantil. Los estudios demuestran que el masaje infantil puede mejorar el aumento de peso en bebés prematuros, estimular el desarrollo y disminuir la irritabilidad y los trastornos del sueño.

Aunque no es necesario usar aceite o crema para masajear a un bebé, hará que el proceso sea más fácil al ayudar a que la mano del padre o de la persona que lo cuida se deslice más suavemente sobre la piel.

Aceite de lavanda

Una revisión del 2016 encontró algunas pruebas de que el aceite de lavanda podría ayudar a tratar el dolor en los recién nacidos. Un estudio encontró que los recién nacidos que olían a lavanda mientras se sometían a una prueba de punción en el talón experimentaron menos dolor y una frecuencia cardíaca más baja que los del grupo de control.

Otro estudio concluyó que un masaje de aromaterapia con aceite de lavanda podría reducir los síntomas del cólico.

Comprar Aceite Lavanda

Aceite de manzanilla

La manzanilla es un remedio casero común para el insomnio en adultos y también puede ayudar a los bebés.

Aunque hay poca evidencia científica para probar que la manzanilla ayuda a dormir, algunas personas encuentran que añadir unas cuantas gotas de aceite de manzanilla a un baño caliente o difusor puede tener un efecto calmante y sedante.

Aceite de girasol

El aceite de girasol es una opción popular para un aceite base. El aceite vegetal es alto en ácido linoleico, lo que lo convierte en una excelente opción para un bebé con piel sensible.

Muchos bebés tienen piel sensible y pueden desarrollar eccema. Un estudio encontró que mientras que el aceite de girasol mejoraba la hidratación de la piel, el aceite de oliva dañaba la barrera cutánea y podía empeorar los problemas cutáneos existentes.

Cómo utilizar

Hay una variedad de maneras de usar los aceites esenciales para los bebés, incluyendo:


Mientras que las rutinas de masaje para bebés varían de acuerdo a las preferencias del bebé, los siguientes pasos son un buen punto de partida:

Calienta una pequeña cantidad del aceite diluido frotándolo entre tus manos.

Frota suavemente el aceite en la piel del bebé, empezando por las piernas. Usa sólo la presión suficiente para mover la piel suavemente.

Para masajear el pecho y el vientre del bebé, extiende las manos hacia los lados del bebé como si aplastaras las páginas de un libro. Usa tus dedos para hacer pequeños círculos.

En el agua del baño

Unas gotas de aceite de manzanilla o de lavanda en el agua a la hora del baño pueden ayudar a calmar al bebé. A su vez, esto puede ayudar al bebé a dormir si poco después le sigue la hora de acostarse.

En un difusor a la hora de acostarse

Una gama de difusores, que liberan el aroma de los aceites esenciales en el aire, está disponible en tiendas y en línea. Algunos también tienen luces de colores calmantes para ayudar al bebé a dormir.

Es esencial seguir las instrucciones del difusor y mantener la habitación bien ventilada. No utilices ningún aceite esencial que pueda ser perjudicial para el bebé, siempre pregunta a tu naturópata.

¿Son seguros de usar?

Diluye siempre los aceites esenciales en un aceite base adecuado.

No debes usar aceites esenciales en o alrededor de bebés menores de 3 meses sin revisión de un médico naturópata. Es un alto riesgo para tu bebé.

En el caso de los bebés prematuros, debes evitar el uso de aceites esenciales hasta por lo menos 3 meses después de la fecha prevista de parto.

Nunca debes aplicar aceites esenciales sin diluir en la piel de bebés, en su lugar, diluye el aceite con un aceite portador apropiado. El aceite de girasol, el aceite de semilla de uva y el aceite de coco son ejemplos de aceites portadores adecuados.

La Asociación Nacional de Aromaterapia Holística (NAHA) recomienda diluir el aceite esencial a sólo 0,5 a 2,5 por ciento en bebés.

Los bebés tienen la piel sensible, por lo que debes evitar el uso de aceites esenciales que son irritantes conocidos para la piel, tales como:

Tomillo, orégano, citronela, corteza u hoja de canela, de laurel, comino, limoncillo, hierba luisa, clavo y tagette.

Los investigadores también recomiendan que no se utilice el aceite de oliva como aceite portador, ya que puede dañar la piel del bebé.

which medication for a patient with acute aortic dissection would the nurse titrate to maintain a target?


When treating a patient with acute aortic dissection, the nurse would titrate a antihypertensive medication to maintain a target blood pressure.

What is acute aortic dissection?

Acute aortic dissection is a serious medical emergency that occurs when a tear in the wall of the aorta (large blood vessel that carries oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the rest of the body) allows blood to enter the layers of the aorta wall, causing it to separate. This condition is rare but can be life-threatening. Without immediate medical attention, the aorta may rupture, leading to severe internal bleeding that can be fatal.

What medication would the nurse titrate to maintain a target blood pressure?

To manage the blood pressure in a patient with acute aortic dissection, the nurse would titrate medication to maintain a target blood pressure. The medication that the nurse would titrate is an antihypertensive medication.

Antihypertensive medications are used to reduce high blood pressure. These medications lower blood pressure by relaxing blood vessels, increasing the size of blood vessels, or reducing the amount of fluid in the blood.

In general, the medications that are used to control hypertension include:

Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors)

Angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)

Calcium channel blockers (CCBs)



Each of these medications has a unique mechanism of action that works differently to lower blood pressure. Therefore, the medication that a nurse titrates to maintain a target blood pressure may vary depending on the individual patient's condition and blood pressure response.

Learn more about Acute aortic dissection here:


What actions result in the best chance of survival if someone is not breathing (or only gasping) and isn't responding?

Shout for help, and stay with the victim until someone with more advanced training arrives

Perform CPR only, and leave the AED for someone with more advanced training to use.

Start CPR, and use an AED if one is available

Send someone to get the AED, to minimize the number of people involved.


Answer: The actions that results in the best chance of survival is (Start CPR, and use an AED if one is available).


First aid is a life saving procedures which are carried out in emergency situations by either a trained personnel or any available individual following a guideline. These life threatening emergency situations include:

--> when an individual stops breathing

--> severe bleeding of all types

--> Electric shock

When an individual stops breathing an immediate resuscitation is required. This is because if the brain is deprived of oxygen for more than about 4 minutes, permanent brain damage will occur. Therefore artificial respiration (ventilation) should be applied. This can be done following the Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) procedures and accompanied with an automated external defibrillator (AED) is available to achieve the best chance of survival.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is a lifesaving procedure that involves the combination of chest compressions with artificial ventilation through the mouth for someone who is not breathing. This should be done first, if the individual is not responding, may be the heart is not beating due to a circulatory arrest, an automated external defibrillator (AED) should be used if available. This easy to use device delivers an electrical shock to the heart which enables it re-establish an effective rhythm.

What are the two main types of interventions that are used to treat diseases and disorders?
surgical treatments, pharmacological treatments
O physical therapy, mind and body medicine
O body-based practices, psychotherapy
O conventional medicine, complimentary and alternative medicine



preventive interventions and therapeutic interventions


What is the basis of P&G's decision to develop
disposable diapers?


The basis of P&G's decision to develop disposable diapers was based on consumer demand for a safer, more comfortable, and convenient diaper solution that met the needs of busy parents and their babies.

P&G's decision to develop disposable diapers came about due to the increasing concerns about the health implications of cloth diapers, such as diaper rash, bacterial infection, and allergies. Disposable diapers provide more convenience and less mess for parents and caregivers while providing increased comfort for babies. Disposable diapers also reduce the time required for cleaning cloth diapers, which became a compelling reason for the development of disposable diapers.

Additionally, P&G had a history of innovation in paper-based products, so they had the knowledge and expertise to develop and market disposable diapers. Finally, P&G recognized that disposable diapers provided a significant growth opportunity in the baby care market, leading them to invest in research and development to create a disposable diaper that was not only convenient but also affordable. Overall, the decision to develop disposable diapers was based on consumer demand for a safer, more comfortable, and convenient diaper solution that met the needs of busy parents and their babies.

To know more about demand visit:


6. 4 The Cost of Raising a Child Must post first. BONUS Based on the information gathered in Lesson 6. 4, answer the following questions. According to your research, what was the total cost of: Pregnancy and childbirth? Raising a child from infant to age 5? Raising a child from age 6-12? Raising a child from age 13-18? Total cost of raising a child to age 18? Based on what you have learned in this assignment, how will your personal finances affect your decision to have children while still a teenager?


The cost of raising a child has been steadily increasing over the years. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has found that, on average, parents can expect to spend a total of around $233,610 to raise a child from birth to age 18.

The cost includes housing, food, transportation, health care, clothing, and other miscellaneous expenses.The cost of pregnancy and childbirth varies widely depending on the method of delivery and the location of the hospital or birthing center. For instance, a normal vaginal delivery in a hospital without any complications can cost up to $30,000 or more. A caesarean section delivery can cost even more, depending on the area.

Raising a child from infancy to age 5 can cost parents a total of around $50,000. This includes the cost of diapers, formula, baby food, clothing, toys, and other essentials. Raising a child from age 6 to 12 can cost an average of around $57,000. This includes the cost of school supplies, extracurricular activities, clothing, and other essentials. Raising a child from age 13 to 18 can cost an average of around $75,000. This includes the cost of a car, insurance, electronics, and other expenses associated with teenage years. In total, raising a child to age 18 can cost parents a total of around $233,610.

To know more about Agriculture  visit;-


What is similar between what is happening in Jalisco and what happened in Baja?


Answer: I took a screen shot hope this helped

plz make brainly


How has this mindfulness video helped you physically and/or mentally?


use info from the video how did it help you physically because if you get hurt or something and need help  mentally means like if your okay on the inside basically how did the video help you mentally or physically i wasnt there to watch it i have no idea what its about im pretty sure it had to help something if that was the question

13/19% of a quantity is equal to what fraction of the​ quantity?



Convert fraction (ratio) 13 / 19 Answer: 68.421052631579%

An academic advisor does the same job as a high school counselor
A. True
B. False​





The difference between an academic advisor and a counselor is that an academic advisor helps you with school, while a counselor is just there to counsel you with your feelings and all that jazz.

An academic advisor is more for school while a counselor is not.

There’s 2 types of councilors there is a guidance counselor that keeps track of your classes, talks to your teachers about your grades, etc.. Then there is also a regular counselor that is there to talk about issues in your life, or mental health.

one reason panic attacks can be so frightening is that they often mimic the symptoms of


One reason panic attacks can be so frightening is that they often mimic the symptoms of heart attacks. Both conditions share symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, sweating, and a rapid heartbeat.

Panic attacks are sudden episodes of intense fear that can occur without warning. They can last for several minutes and can be very debilitating. Panic attacks are usually accompanied by physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, and rapid heart rate. In some cases, the fear of having a panic attack can lead to a phobia, which is an irrational fear of a particular situation or object.

Another reason panic attacks can be so frightening is that they can cause a feeling of losing control or going crazy. This is a common symptom of panic attacks and can be very distressing for those experiencing it. Panic attacks can also cause a feeling of being detached from reality or an out-of-body experience. These symptoms can make people feel like they are losing their minds and can be very frightening.

You can learn more about panic attacks at:


why was it important to randomize the order of diet consumption?


Randomization of the order of diet consumption is essential because it helps minimize the effects of other extraneous variables and allow the study to measure the real effect of the diet on the outcome. By randomizing the order of diet consumption, researchers can reduce the impact of some potential confounding factors, such as age, sex, exercise level, and genetics that may influence the outcome.

This enables the researcher to get a clear picture of the actual effect of the diet on the outcome without the influence of other variables. Randomizing the order of diet consumption makes it easier to control the effect of extraneous variables by randomly assigning participants to different groups. This method allows the researchers to ensure that the participants in each group are similar in terms of the factors that could influence the outcome.

Thus, if there are any differences in the outcome, it is more likely to be due to the intervention being tested rather than other extraneous factors. Additionally, randomizing the order of diet consumption helps to eliminate the carryover effect, whereby the effects of one diet influence the effects of the other diet. Therefore, randomization of the order of diet consumption is essential for improving the validity of the study's findings by minimizing the effect of other extraneous variables.

know more about Randomization click here:


pls help

1). Stress can be positive


2.) Some physical symptoms of stress are

B & C

3.) It is recommended to NOT exercise if you are stressed


4.) Positive thoughts can help you reduce distress


5.) In some cases, avoidance can work: sometimes, if you know a situation will be stressful, you can avoid it.




1. true

2. B & C

3. false

4. true

5. true


Stress can be positive, that is true, some physical symptoms of stress are trembling and sweating; that is the last option, It is recommended not to exercise that is false, and positive thoughts can help reduce stress that is true, and In some cases, avoidance can work that is true.

What is stress?

Stress can be positive, which is known as "eustress," and eustress is a form of stress that can motivate and inspire individuals to achieve goals and overcome challenges, some physical symptoms of stress include trembling, sweating, which can also cause changes in appetite, sleep patterns, exercise is recommended as a way to manage stress.

Hence, Stress can be positive, that is true, Some physical symptoms of stress are trembling and sweating; that is the last option, It is recommended not to exercise that is false, and positive thoughts can help reduce stress that is true, and In some cases, avoidance can work that is true.

Learn more about the stress here


Which of the following are considered minor injuries? (Select all that apply.)
A. Broken leg

B. Choking

C. Elbow scrape

D. Slight burn

E. Splinter


Answer: C. Elbow scrape and E. Slinter


elbow scrape splinter and slight burn. all of these shouldn’t have issues healing. please give me brainliest i only need one more to get my next rank

Which of the following is a good way to prevent emotional eating in the moment?

A. Sticking to a regular exercise routine

B. Waiting five minutes before acting on hunger

C. Making sure that you eat if you are going to be very tired

D. Having the snack that will make you feel better and then skipping a meal


The answer is A sticking to a regular exercise routine just took the quiz

it is argued that when we enter the marketplace for healthcare we have information asymmetry. information asymmetry refers to the __________.


Information asymmetry refers to the situation in which one party in a transaction or relationship has more or superior information compared to the other party.

In the context of healthcare and entering the marketplace for healthcare, information asymmetry means that healthcare providers, such as doctors or hospitals, typically possess more knowledge, expertise, and information about medical conditions, treatments, and procedures than the patients or consumers seeking healthcare services.

This unequal distribution of information can create challenges for patients in making informed decisions about their healthcare options, understanding the potential risks and benefits, and accurately assessing the quality and appropriateness of the healthcare services they receive.

It emphasizes the importance of transparency, patient education, and effective communication between healthcare providers and patients to mitigate the impact of information asymmetry and promote shared decision-making in healthcare.

To know more about the Information asymmetry refer here :


What's a good way to get people involved in making positive changes?



Get your friends to start, then see if they will get their friends and continue like that.


- telling people close you and they might share with people and so on

Select the correct answer.
What is the most appropriate description of gross salary?
final amount on an employee paycheck
amount that a candidate asks for during the hiring process
amount that an employee earns before deductions
total amount that an employee can invest after deducting daily expenses


Answer: C. amount that an employee earns before deductions


Gross income simply refers to the salaries, profits, wages, and interest before any taxes or other deductions are made.

The net income refers to the amount earned by individuals after taxes and other deductions are made.

Therefore, the most appropriate description of gross salary is the amount that an employee earns before deductions.

Write a 750-1000 word analysis of "Case Study: Fetal Abnormality." Be sure to address the following questions:Which theory or theories are being used by Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus? Explain. How does the theory determine or influence each of their recommendation for action? What theory do you agree with? How would that theory determine or influence the recommendation for action?five following views or theories commonly used by bioethicists: (1) a theory based on human properties, (2) a theory based on cognitive properties, (3) a theory based on moral agency, (4) a theory based on sentience, and (5) a theory based on relationships.


In the "Case Study: Fetal Abnormality," various theories are being used by the individuals involved to determine the moral status of the fetus. Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson all consider different perspectives in their decision-making process.

Jessica, the mother, seems to rely on a theory based on relationships. She emphasizes her emotional connection and responsibility towards the fetus, valuing the bond she has formed during the pregnancy. This influences her recommendation for action, as she expresses a desire to continue with the pregnancy despite the potential challenges.

Marco, Jessica's husband, appears to focus on a theory based on human properties. He highlights the potential for the fetus to possess inherent value as a human being, leading him to advocate for continuing the pregnancy.

Maria, Jessica's college roommate, leans towards a theory based on cognitive properties. She questions the potential quality of life for the child and the ability to live a fulfilling existence, which influences her recommendation for the termination of the pregnancy.

Dr. Wilson, the attending physician, may consider a theory based on sentience, as he raises concerns about the potential suffering of the fetus and the impact on its future well-being. This influences his recommendation for Jessica to terminate the pregnancy.

In terms of my personal agreement, it is important to note that ethical perspectives vary among individuals. However, I lean towards a theory based on human properties and relationships. I believe that human life holds intrinsic value and that the bond between a parent and a child is significant. Thus, my recommendation for action would likely be in favor of continuing the pregnancy, prioritizing the well-being and potential of the unborn child.

For more details regarding fetal Abnormality, visit:


which food contains the most starch per ω cup serving? navy beans green beans milk chicken


Among the options provided, navy beans contain the most starch per 1 cup serving.

Starch is a complex carbohydrate found in various foods, and it serves as a significant source of energy for the human body. Here's a more detailed explanation regarding the starch content in the food options you provided:

Navy beans: Navy beans are known for their relatively high starch content. Legumes, including navy beans, are a rich source of starch and provide a good amount of dietary fiber, protein, and other nutrients. When cooked, navy beans become soft and creamy, making them a popular ingredient in soups, stews, and other dishes.

Green beans: Green beans, on the other hand, contain a significantly lower amount of starch compared to navy beans. Green beans are a type of vegetable and are often consumed for their crisp texture and vibrant green color. While they do contain some carbohydrates, the starch content in green beans is relatively minimal compared to legumes like navy beans.

Milk: Milk is primarily composed of water, proteins, fats, and sugars, including lactose. While lactose is a carbohydrate, it is not in the form of starch. Instead, lactose is a disaccharide sugar. Therefore, milk does not contain a significant amount of starch.

Chicken: Chicken is a lean source of protein and does not contain significant amounts of starch. Starch is primarily found in plant-based foods rather than animal products. While chicken does contain trace amounts of carbohydrates, it is not a significant source of starch.

To summarize, among the options provided, navy beans contain the most starch per 1 cup serving, followed by green beans, while milk and chicken have minimal starch content.

To know more about starch follow the link:


what do you means by condom​



condoms are a s-xual tool used in s-x, to prevent pregnancy.


Answer: that's what a guy puts on so that way you have less chance of being pregnant


Factors that contribute to the development of psychological illness include

sadness, worry, and disappointment.

too much sugar and other refined carbohydrates in the diet.

trauma, genetics, and learned behavior.

a lack of essential vitamins and minerals in the diet.


C. trauma, genetics, and learned behavior

Which of the following is not true about visiting a doctor?
1.You should visit your dentist twice a year for a cleaning and exam.
2.You should get vaccinations according to the recommended timeline.
3.You should visit your primary care doctor at least once a year for a checkup.
4.You must be sick in order to visit the doctor.
(Odyssey ware)




all they others are true

explain how the relevant strategy can help in resolving an unhealthy relationship also give an example of your explanation​


Communication. Let the person know how you feel and how they’re making you feel. If it gets ugly let a trusted adult know.

Relevant strategies which help in resolving an unhealthy relationship include showing respect and communicating it to the other party.

What is Unhealthy relationship?

This type of relationship is usually characterized by negativity and lots of disrespect.

In resolving an unhealthy relationship, it is best to remain calm, respect and ensure the notice is brought to the other party.

Read more about Unhealthy relationship here

the patient is most likely to try to project a healthy, well-groomed appearance and behave as if he or she will be leaving the hospital soon in the context of


The context in which the patient is most likely to try to project a healthy, well-groomed appearance and behave as if he or she will be leaving the hospital soon is in the discharge planning stage.

Discharge planning is the process of establishing an organized, well-planned, and safe release of the patient from the hospital to his or her home or another healthcare facility. It's crucial because it lowers the possibility of readmission and helps patients transition smoothly to post-hospital care.

The patient may be very concerned about his or her appearance and act as if he or she will be discharged soon. The individual may be planning to leave the hospital as soon as possible, even though the doctor or staff has not authorized it. This kind of behavior may cause the medical team to become worried and try to examine the individual's status and care more closely.

You can learn more about the planning stage at:


what are the differences between the txiv neeb and a western medical doctor? 2. what are the beliefs that the hmong people hold related to blood, body/ organs, anesthesia and surgery?


Txiv Neeb is a Hmong healer who practices traditional Hmong medicine, whereas a Western medical doctor practices modern Western medicine. The main differences between the two practices are based on their methods of diagnosis, treatment, and beliefs about the body, disease, and health.

Hmong people hold specific beliefs about blood, body/organs, anesthesia, and surgery. They believe that blood is the source of life and is necessary for the proper functioning of the body. They also believe that the body and organs are interconnected and that a disruption in one area can affect the entire body. Additionally, they believe that surgery can cause harm to the body and that anesthesia can cause the soul to leave the body, making it vulnerable to spiritual attack.

Hmong people view health as a balance of body, mind, and spirit and believe that illness is caused by a disruption in this balance. They believe that traditional medicine, such as herbal remedies, acupuncture, and moxibustion, can restore this balance and promote healing. They also believe that the body has the ability to heal itself and that natural remedies are the best way to support this healing process.

In summary, the differences between a Txiv Neeb and a Western medical doctor are mainly based on their methods of diagnosis, treatment, and beliefs about the body and health. Hmong people have specific beliefs related to blood, body/organs, anesthesia, and surgery, and they view health as a balance of body, mind, and spirit.

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Each base in this right prism-like figure is a quarter of a circle with a radius of 2 m.10 m2 m2 mWhat is the volume of the figure?Give an exact answer in terms of pi. ___________named battles after natural features. __________named them for man made structures. y=-3x + 4y = 3x - 2What solution does this system have? How do youknow? Justify (explain). Explain the concept Constitution The area of a circle is 4 in. What is the circumference, in inches? Express your answer in terms of . the variable expense ratio equals variable expenses divided by What is the title of the political leader of Mexico? A) king B) chairman C) president D) prime minister Manama Trading has $ 8,000 of cash sales that are subject to an additional 8% sales tax, what is the journal entry to record the cash sales in the company books? A. Debit Sales Taxes Payable $ 640; debit Cash $7,360; credit Sales $8,000 B. Debit Cash $ 8,000; credit Sales $7,360, credit Sales Taxes Payable $ 640. C. Debit Cash $ 8,640; credit Sales $ 8,000, credit Sales Taxes Payable $ 640 D. Debit Cash $ 8,000, credit Sales $ 8,000, and record the taxes when paid y 16 =plzzz helpppp According to the poem, how do the animals andchildren contrast?this is from the Let Dogs Delight to Bark and BiteThe answer choices are:A. Animals are made to fight each other but children are not.B. Children are clam while animals are angry.C. Both children and animals can get angry.D. Animals are delightful and happy while children are passionate and angry. Touch screen maze portfolio if you need more info please comment on the question not answer it all troll answers will be removed Which of the following is a density-dependent factor?(a)habitat size(b)volcanic eruptions(c)cold weather(d)food availability alright i need help so i am terrible at writing apology texts and my boy friend is very mad at me right now bc I kinda yelled at him about not meeting up with me but turns out he tried but got grounded and he is like i don't want to talk and i need help expressing how sorry i am... What is responsible for moving the water to the ground? The Segmented Profit and Loss Statement for MU Ltd is presented below: Soccer Merchandise Division Soccer Equipment Division Sales Revenue $615,500 $519,200 Less: Variable Costs $280,400 $214,000 Cont What type of dominance is it when traits are blended in offspring?CodominantComplete dominanceIncomplete dominanceRecessive What's NewDirections: From the short story above, create a shortlist of what is being asked below.1. Names of Transportation2. Parts of the body3. Action Words Fill in the missing words or phrases.1. Mara Teresa, comprastecaro?2. Isabel, conoceschamp bueno?3.est. Todos salieron.4. No hayen mi mochila. Est vaca (empty).5.comi los sndwiches... no sabemos quin.6. Necesito jabn y champ. Ah, necesito crema de afeitar7. El aire no cuesta Complete the sentence with correct expression.1. ______________ el caf. *Me gustanMe encantaTe gustanMe encantan2. _______________________ las papas fritas. *Me encantanMe gustaMe encantaTe gusta3. ______________________ los huevos con jamn. *Me gustanMe encantaTe gustaMe gusta4. __________________ la leche. *Me encantanNo me gustanTe gustanNo me gusta5. __________________ las galletas. *Me gustaMe encantanMe encantaTe gusta6. __________________ las manzanas. *Me gustaMe encantaTe gustaMe encantan7. __________________ el desayuno. *Me encantaTe gustanMe encantanMe gustan why does the author use antithesis in the underlined sentence?