Biology 1
Food web
Food chain
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Biology 1 Food Web Food Chain Hurry Up Pls


Answer 1
The answer is mice bc they’re the primary consumers/herbivores

Related Questions

How are proteins made using information from RNA?


In order to bind tRNA molecules bound to amino acids, ribosomal subunits form a sandwich-like structure on the strand of mRNA during translation (circles). The ribosome converts the decoded mRNA sequence into a polypeptide, or new protein, which is composed of a lengthy chain of amino acids.

Where do ribosomes reside?

Depending on whether the cell is made up of a plant, animal, or bacterial, ribosomes are mostly found attached to the endoplasmic reticulum and the nuclear envelope, as well as freely dispersed throughout the cytoplasm.

The mRNA is created in the nucleus and then moved to the cytoplasm to be used in the production of proteins. The mRNA polymers are wrapped with the ribosomal subunits in the cytoplasm. The tRNA produces proteins after that. Protein synthesis occurs at ribosomes.

learn more about Proteins refer


A hernia of the bladder through the vaginal wall is known as:


A hernia of the bladder through the vaginal wall is known as Anterior prolapse (cystocele).

What is hernia?

Hernia is described as the bulging of an organ or tissue through an abnormal opening.

A hernia occurs when an organ or fatty tissue squeezes through a weak spot in a surrounding muscle or connective tissue called fascia.

It is know that hernias are caused by a combination of pressure and an opening or weakness of muscle or fascia wherein  the pressure pushes an organ or tissue through the opening or weak spot.

This is due to the muscle being weak at birth or later in the life of the individual.

Learn more about hernia at:


how does cellular respiration impact the observed rate of photosynthesis? is your calculated rate of photosynthesis accurate?


No, cellular respiration decreases the observed rate of photosynthesis by delivering CO2. Because of this, the actual rate of photosynthesis is higher than the observed rate.

Consequently, the rate of respiration exceeds the rate of photosynthetic activity. As a result, breathing as a whole produces an excessive amount of carbon dioxide.

The plant is taking in more carbon dioxide as a result of this. Consequently, more carbon dioxide is taken in. There would be no glucose or oxygen for respiration without photosynthesis. Photosynthesis would not be possible without carbon dioxide.

Know more about cellular respiration here:


Activity: Blood Typing with Simulated Blood (please refer to the Carolina Investigation Manual titled as such) Directions: Beginning on page 6 of the Investigation Manual (and referring to the Key on page 2 as necessary). please read thoroughly and follow all directions to complete the activity as described. As stated on page 6, "Wear your goggles, gloves, and lab apron at all times while conducting this investigation." Please record the results of the activity in the table below (see Example) and insert the photos where requested. Please Note: The blood and sera included in the kit are synthetic! Do NOT try to type your own blood as it will NOT work (I have to say that because admittedly, if I were in your position, that's what I would try and do Sample Anti-A Anti-B Anti-Rh ABO/Rh Blood Type Example negative positive positive B+ (and it's good advice!) 1 2 3 4


Carolina Lab Sheets:

Sample 1: A+

Sample 2: AB+

Sample 3: O+

Sample 4: A-

(complete answer in the picture)

The Carolina Laboratory uses Carolina Synthetic Fabrics to learn more about human blood types which are A, B, and Rh.

Blood test (for A, B, and Rh) requires 3 drops of antiserum. Each blood test requires 1 drop of each antiserum. So, a 5 mL blood sample gives results in about 30 tests. Each blood test requires 1 drop of each antiserum, so approximately 1.5 mL of each antiserum is required for 30 tests. When stored at room temperature and away from sunlight, Synthetic Blood Group and Antisera have a shelf life of more than 2 years.

Rh is another blood group. Some people have Rh+ blood and some have Rh blood. People with Rh+ blood do not have Rh antibodies in their blood unless they have been exposed to Rh antigens in the past. If a person has Rh- blood, they can get a blood transfusion with Rh+ blood or they can get Rh- blood from a previous pregnancy.

Learn more about research blood type at


Problem 17.7 Calculate the pI of each of the following amino acids: Express your answer using two decimal places. Part A asparagine Part B glycine Part C serine Part D aspartate


The PI of the amino acid asparagine is 5.41, glycine is 5.97, serine is 5.68, and aspartate is 2.77, and the PI of the amino acid indicates that it is the isoelectric point at which the net charge is zero.

What is the isoelectric point of an amino acid?

The amino acid contains a carboxylic group and an amino group, and because the amino group and carboxylic group can both give and accept protons and change the charge on the amino acid, the PH at which the net charge on the amino acid is zero or neutral is known as the isoelectric point.

Hence, the PI of the amino acid asparagine is 5.41, glycine is 5.97, serine is 5.68, and aspartate is 2.77, and the PI of the amino acid indicates that it is the isoelectric point at which the net charge is zero.

Learn more about the isoelectric point of an amino acid here.


human interference with the reproduction of another species, with the result that specific plants and animals become more useful to people while also becoming increasingly dependent on them to survive is called:


The human interference with the reproduction of another species, with the result that specific plants and animals become more useful is called as domestication.

It is an evolutionary method with the aid of using which animals are artificially decided on and go through massive phenotypic behavioral and physiological alterations (Trut et al., 2009). These variations happened on the identical time in numerous areas with a excellent effect on human societies (Neolithization) (Vigne, 2011).

They are genetically awesome from their wild ancestors or cousins. Animal domestication falls into 3 foremost groupings: domestication for companionship (puppies and cats), animals farmed for food (sheep, cows, pigs, turkeys, etc.), and running or draft animals (horses, donkeys, , 2011).

Read more about species;


paronychia is caused by a _____ infection.


Infectious paronychia most frequently occurs from a staph infection. Staph infections are brought on by Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.

The illness can also be brought on by other bacteria, like Streptococcus pyogenes.

Bacteria infect the skin by way of:

cuts, skin breaks, or hangnailsenlarged nails (this happens most often with ingrown toenails).irritation caused by chemicals or water.injury to the cuticle or nailbed. Accidents, nail-biting, or getting regular manicures and pedicures can all cause trauma.

Your doctor will examine you physically and inquire about your problems. Typically, a nail infection can be diagnosed without the need for tests by healthcare professionals. Sometimes medical professionals will take a tissue sample and send it to a lab to be examined for particular infectious reasons like bacteria or fungi.

Rarely, if the infection is severe, imaging tests (such an X-ray) may be prescribed to look for bone involvement.

Learn more about " paronychia " to visit here;



What are the minimum requirements for growing cells in culture?

Group of answer choices

Complete culture medium, pH around 7.4 and a 5% CO2 atmosphere

Complete culture medium, pH around 7.4 and a 15% CO2 atmosphere

Complete culture medium, pH around 9.4 and a 5% CO2 atmosphere

Basal medium, pH around 7.4 and a 5% CO2 atmosphere


What is the condition under the air flow hood like

Group of answer choices

Very clean but not absolutely sterile

Absolutely sterile

Complete asepticall

high level of of CO2


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Group of answer choices

All of them are possible method

enzymatic dissociation

Shaking off

using scraper


Minimum requirements for growing cells in culture is basal medium, pH around 7.4 and 5% CO2 atmosphere.

What do you mean by basal medium?

Basal media are those that can be used to grow (culture) bacteria without the need for additional media enrichment. Examples: Nutrient broth, nutrient agar and peptone water. 2. Enriched media.

Enriched media provides growth factors, vitamins, and other important nutrients to help fastidious organisms develop. The basal medium is prepared by anaerobic incubation of all ingredients in RGCSA medium except the carbohydrates, Na2CO3, and cysteine for 7 days at 38 degrees C.

After incubation, substrate(s), Na2CO3 and cysteine are added and the medium is tubed and sterilized as in normal medium preparation.

Learn more about basal medium:


organelle in plants that uses light energy to make glucose in a process called photosynthesis


Correct answer is :- chloroplast

Photosynthesis takes place in a specialized intracellular organelle called the chloroplast in plants and algae, which emerged much later. During the day, chloroplasts carry out photosynthesis. The photosynthetic cells synthesize numerous organic compounds using the direct byproducts of photosynthesis, NADPH and ATP. In plants, a low-molecular-weight sugar (often sucrose) is included in the end products and exported to supply the body's numerous non-photosynthetic cells with the energy they require for metabolism.

know more about photosynthesis here


What was Claire poisoned with?


If Malva is responsible for Claire's illness, the answer can be found in the sixth season of the show's source material, Diana Gabaldon's "A Breath of Snow and Ashes."

According to the story, Malva poisons Claire during the epidemic because she thinks that people will mistakenly think that she has the infectious disease that killed many of the settlers. As soon as Malva discovers she is pregnant, she tries to blame Jamie for it. She attempts a love charm, but it fails. Malva realizes she shouldn't be heading that way while drawing Jamie to her and makes the decision to kill Claire. She gathers blood and mucous from the body of the sin-dead eater and hides it in her attire. When the outbreak causes a large number of settlers to perish, she blends the.

Learn more about Claire:


Where food is broken down by the digestive enzymes?


The pancreas, stomach, and small intestine produce digestion enzymes. The "powerhouse" of enzymes for digestion is actually the pancreas. The most vital digestive enzymes—those that liquefy fats, proteins, and carbohydrates—are produced by it.

The process by which food is converted into energy is called digestion. For instance, our saliva, pancreas, intestines, and stomach contain enzymes. They disintegrate proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. These nutrients help enzymes grow and repair damaged cells.

Produced by the stomach, pepsin. Proteins are converted to amino acids with the aid of pepsin. produced by the pancreas is trypsin. Additionally, trypsin degrades proteins.

The intestinal glands secrete various enzymes, including lipase, amylase, sucrase, lactase, maltase, aminopeptidase, and carboxypeptidase.

For more information on digestion kindly visit to


A aids (aydz) noun a disease that causes the human immune system to break down and lower resistance to deadly diseases. it’s short for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. antiviral (an-tih-vye-ral) adjective capable of destroying or weakening a virus. —when birds get flu and cows go mad!, john diconsiglio in the sentence, "they used an antiviral injection to stop the spread of the virus," what does the word antiviral mean?
a. a disease caused by human immune system failure
b. a virus caused by human immune system failure
c. having the ability to kill or reduce the strength of a virus
d. being against the creation of viruses


Your anwser is A. a disease caused by human immune system failure

I took the quiz and that was the right anwser, happy holidays!

How is Animal Farm like the Russian Revolution?


In many aspects, Orwell's book's characters and events parallel the Russian Revolution: Of essence, Old Major, Snowball, and Napoleon are the main figures in the Russian Revolution, and Manor Farm is a representation of Russia. Mr. Jones is inspired after Tsar Nicholas II (1868–1918), the last Russian emperor.

In Animal Farm, Boxer is a depiction of all Russian laborer's and workers, while Old Major stands in for Karl Marx, Snowball for Leon Trotsky, Napoleon for Josef Stalin, Squealer for propaganda, and Snowball for Leon Trotsky.

The revolt of the animals is comparable to the fall of Nicholas II, the Tsar of Russia. Both rebellions were carried out quickly and without any preparation.

To learn more about Russian revolution refer here


What are the 5 types of settlement patterns?


The 4 principal varieties of settlements are urban, rural, compact, and dispersed. Urban settlements are densely populated and are typically non-agricultural.

They are referred to as towns or metropolises and are the maximum populated sort of agreement. These settlements absorb the maximum land, resources, and servicesSome examples of agreement styles include, nucleated settlements, linear settlements and dispersed settlements.

Settlements may be everlasting or brief. Temporary Settlement. Settlements which can be occupied for a quick time Eire referred to as brief settlements. Permanent Settlement. Under everlasting settlements, human beings construct houses to stay in.

Read more about settlement;


Which of these means "made by
A. ambient
B. anthropogenic
D. particulate





It basically means environmental change caused or influenced due to activities by human either directly or indirectly

What are 5 chemical sanitizers?


In the food service business, three types of chemical compounds are utilized as sanitizers: chlorine-based cleansers, quaternary ammonium, and iodine sanitizers.

Because it is both extremely effective and reasonably affordable, chlorine is the most often used chemical sanitizing agent.

Sanitation is also accomplished by utilizing chemical substances capable of eliminating disease-causing germs.

Chlorine (bleach), iodine, and quaternary ammonium are common sanitizers. In the food service business, chemical sanitizers have gained universal acceptability.

Chlorine, iodine, and quaternary ammonium are examples of acceptable sanitizers. Chemical sanitizers' efficacy is influenced by a variety of conditions.

In diluted form, quaternary ammonium compounds (QAC) are odorless, colorless, and harmless. They can withstand high temperatures, a wide pH range, and the presence of organic compounds.

Learn more about to chemical sanitizers visit here;


How do animals depend on photosynthesis? check both responses that correctly answer this question.


Through the process of photosynthesis, plants create food, and since animals need energy, they eat the food that plants have produced. Additionally, plants release oxygen, which animals may then take in and breathe.

All of the energy needed by living things is produced during photosynthesis. Animals that consume plants get their energy from the sugar that plants store, and animals that eat those plants get their energy from the animals that eat those animals. As a result, photosynthetic organisms continue to provide the energy necessary to sustain all layers of a food web.

know more about photosynthesis here


What is the process of breaking down food for energy called?


Through the process of digestion, the large molecules in the food we eat are broken down into smaller ones that can be used as building blocks or an energy source.

What is digestion, and what does it do?

Food is broken down by the digestive system into nutrients like proteins, lipids, and carbs. Once they are taken into the bloodstream, the body can use them for energy, development, and repair.

What is an example of digestion?

Based on how food is broken down, digestion, a type of catabolism, is sometimes separated into two processes: mechanical digestion and chemical digestion. When a huge food item is physically broken down into smaller bits so that digestive enzymes may reach them, this process is referred to as mechanical digestion.

To know more about digestion visit:-


What is active site mutation?


The folded morphologies of an enzyme's active site and its affinity for its substrate can be changed by a mutation that takes place in a region of DNA that codes for an amino acid sequence located there.

On the surface of enzymes, active sites are areas that either catalyze reactions or bind substrates. These regions were typically particularly modeled by nature during the evolution of the enzyme. Consequently, the catalytic site and the substrate binding site can be considered to be the two components of the active site.

As long as the active site is unaffected, the gene mutation is not an issue. Lucy was able to produce more proteins and break down deoxyadenosine regularly thanks to the assistance of stem cell therapy in battling the excess stop protein.

For more information on active site mutation kindly visit to


Do tattoos help mental health?


Tattoos can help to unburden your mind and help you heal. People often use tattoos as reminders of their strength, their resiliency, and the fact they're alive.

There is a reason why the phrase "ink therapy" was invented. Tattoos are frequently used to remind people of their strength, resiliency, and the fact that they are alive. You may have been mistreated, damaged, or injured in some manner.

Having a specific symbol or phrase tattooed on you might serve as a daily reminder that you are alive and well. Many people, for example, have begun to acquire semicolon tattoos to symbolize life and the reality that you're still here and trying your best.

On the other hand, even getting a ridiculous tattoo that you find amusing can help. When you're having trouble focusing and life feels overwhelming, getting a tattoo and feeling the agony from the needle might help you focus on one thing. Many of your other concerns will vanish in the process. It's a fantastic stress reliever.

learn more about tattoo at


Scientists are studying cellular respiration in a jungle ecosystem that has plants, animals, and decomposers (which consume dead things). Which group or groups of organisms in the jungle carry out cellular respiration?.


All organisms in the jungle.

ACAUGGAUC AGAUGGAUC what would be the result of this muation


A error in DNA replication could be the cause of a spontaneous mutation. During mitosis and meiosis, mutations can also happen.

The amount of genetic material or DNA is only increased by mitosis and DNA replication. Both the daughter cells and the parental cell retain the same number of chromosomes. This keeps the cell's ploidy intact.

An induced mutation is a mutation that is brought on by a mutagen, or environmental element.

What results from a genetic mutation?

Such changes result in the synthesis of new proteins or the early termination of existing proteins. Synonymous mutations, in contrast to nonsynonymous mutations, do not alter an amino acid sequence, despite the fact that they are by definition limited to sequences that code for amino acids.

To know more about DNA, visit:


Which image represents the person who has a lower level of visceral adiposity?


The woman in red represents the person who has a lower level of visceral adiposity.

Visceral adipose tissue, which makes up a portion of the body's total fat and is hormonally active, has distinct biochemical properties that have an impact on both healthy and unhealthy bodily functions. Visceral obesity is characterised by an abnormally high buildup of visceral adipose tissue.

The building blocks for an increase in visceral fat include a poor diet with a high intake of fatty foods and carbohydrates (sugars) and a sedentary lifestyle. But stress also plays a role. The hormone cortisol is activated by stress in the body.

Complete question:

Which image represents the person who has a higher level of visceral adiposity?

a. Woman in red

b. Woman in green

Learn more about visceral adiposity from:


What happened to food when it is in your mouth stomach small intestine?


The majority of nutritional absorption from meals occurs in the small intestine, also known as the small bowel, an organ in the digestive system.

In order to aid in digestion, it gets bile and pancreatic juice through the pancreatic duct, which is located between the stomach and the large intestine. About 5.5 metres (18 feet) length, the small intestine folds multiple times to fit inside the abdomen. Although it is shorter than the big intestine, the small intestine is known as such because of its smaller diameter.The duodenum, jejunum, and ileum are the three separate parts of the small intestine. The duodenum, which is the smallest, is where the body begins preparing for absorption through tiny protrusions shaped like fingers. The jejunum is designed specifically for enterocyte absorption through its lining:

Learn more about small intestine


What is the medical term for sclerosis?


The medical term for sclerosis is Multiple Sclerosis. The suffix -sclerosis means hardening and is used in atherosclerosis which means hardening of the arteries.

Sclerosis means pathological hardening of tissue especially from overgrowth of stringy tissue or  increment in interstitial tissue. Sclerosis is a medical term that means hardening of a tissue. Atherosclerosis is a form of sclerosis. Its common name — “ hardening of the arteries".  Arteriosclerosis occurs when the blood vessels that carry oxygen and nutrients from the heart to the rest of the body( arteries) come thick and stiff —  occasionally  confining blood inflow to the organs and tissues. Because they both use the term “ sclerosis, ” multiple sclerosis and atherosclerosis refer to hardening of a body tissue. In this way, multiple sclerosis and atherosclerosis are similar.

For more information on Sclerosis , visit :


Which of the following statements best explains Delta’s role in regulating cell communication through the Notch signaling pathway?

answer choices
Delta transmits a chemical signal to all the cells of a developing embryo.
Delta allows the cells of a developing embryo to communicate without making direct contact.
Delta restricts cell communication to short distances within a developing embryo.
Delta determines which cells in a developing embryo express the gene that encodes the Notch protein.


Delta restricts cell communication to short distances within a developing embryo. So, the correct option is (C).

What is Cell communication?

Cell communication is also known as cell signaling. It is defined as the ability of a cell to receive, process and transmit signals with its environment and itself. Cell signaling is a fundamental property of all cellular life in prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

There are four basic categories of chemical signaling which is found in multicellular organisms:

1. Paracrine signaling

2. Autocrine signaling

3. Endocrine signaling

4. Signaling by direct contact.

Signals transmitted through the Notch surface receptor have a unique developmental role, whereas Notch signaling links the fate of a cell with that of a cellular neighbor through physical interactions between the Notch receptor and membrane-bound ligands that are expressed in an attractive cell. Delta limits cell communication to short distances within a developing embryo, which explains the role of Delta in regulating cell communication through the Notch signaling pathway.

Thus, Delta restricts cell communication to short distances within a developing embryo. So, the correct option is (C).

Learn more about Cell signaling, here:


Where must a mutation occur if it is to directly affect an amino acid sequence?


Mutations are modifications to the DNA sequence that can result from radiation or other forms of DNA damage. The amino acid structure of a protein can be altered by mutations that take place in the section of a gene called the "coding region."

Another is that the vast majority of mutations happen in somatic mutations, such as muscle or skin cells, and only have an impact on the cell in which they originate and cells that develop from that cell. Mutations are modifications to the DNA sequence that can result from radiation or other forms of DNA damage. The amino acid structure of a protein can be altered by mutations that take place in the section of a gene called the "coding region."When an organism reproduces sexually, germ-line mutations take place in the egg cells (sperm or eggs) and are passed on to the progeny. Non-reproductive cells experience somatic mutations, which are transmitted through the process of mitosis to daughter cells but not to the progeny during sexual reproduction. High-energy sources like radiation or the presence of environmental chemicals can both result in mutations.

Learn more about  mutation


The creation of milk products such as cheeses and yogurts is dependent on the conversion by various anaerobic bacteria, including several Lactobacillus species, of lactose to glucose and galactose, ultimately producing lactic acid. These conversions are dependent on both permease and -galactosidase as part of the lac operon. After selection for rapid fermentation for the production of yogurt, one Lactobacillus subspecies lost its ability to regulate lac operon expression.. Would you consider it likely that in this subspecies the lac operon is on or off? What genetic events would likely contribute to the loss of regulation as described above?


A mutation in the beta glycosidase gene such that an ineffective enzymes is made. A mutation in permease gene such that an ineffective enzymes is made.

What is mutation?

Mutation is defined as the alteration of one base unit in DNA, or the deletion, insertion, or rearrangement of larger sections of genes or chromosomes, leading in a variant form of a gene that may be passed down to future generations.

Because the F′prolac has a mutation in lacI, the conjugants will lack repressor function and be kanamycin-resistant. However, even if the F′ has a lacO mutation, it will still create a functional repressor, which will stop the kanamycin resistance gene from being expressed.

Thus, a mutation in the beta glycosidase gene such that an ineffective enzymes is made. A mutation in permease gene such that an ineffective enzymes is made.

To learn more about mutation, refer to the link below:


create a punnett square for each of the three traits where both parents are spiny, orange heterozygotes (ss, rr, yy). a) what is the proportion of offspring with spines?


A Punnett square is a tool used to determine the genetic outcome of a cross between two parents. It is used to determine the probability of the offspring having particular traits based on the alleles of the parents.

In the case of the spiny, orange heterozygotes (SS, RR, YY), a Punnett square can be used to determine the proportion of offspring with spines. The punnett square would look like this:





In this Punnett square, the parents are represented by the capital letters on the top and left sides. The offspring are represented by the lowercase letters within the grid. The proportion of offspring with spines can be determined by counting the number of offspring with the genotype SS (two squares in the grid). Therefore, the proportion of offspring with spines is 2/4, or 50%.

Learn more about Punnett square at :


The diagram above illustrates how the number of individuals in a population changed with time as a result of external stresses and resource limitations. Which lettered portion of the curve most likely corresponds to the carrying capacity of the ecosystem?


The lettered portion of the curve that likely corresponds to carrying capacity of the ecosystem is the letter of E.

What is carrying capacity?

The carrying capacity is a term to describe the environment maximum population size for a biological species, this also for the ecosystem to hold maximal load of population.

Maximum population can be determine by the availability of the resources that support the biological species, this including the water, food, habitat, and any other resources.

Carrying capacity can be defined as population ecology corresponds to the equilibrium of the population which it mean the carrying capacity is when the number of deaths equal to the number of births.

In diagram, we can see the number of births raised in A-B letter and then the letter C-D the number of deaths raised until the letter of E when it stable. Thus, the letter of E is a carrying capacity.

You question is incomplete, but most probably your full question was

(image attached)

The diagram above illustrates how the number of individuals in a population changed with time as a result of external stresses and resource limitations. Which lettered portion of the curve most likely corresponds to the carrying capacity of the ecosystem?






Learn more about carrying capacity here:


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