Which of these images comes to symbolize death and destruction for Miyax by the end of the novel?

the pink room

her man's knife

her ice house

Kapugen's new wife


Answer 1


A). The Pink Room


Images play a significant role in any fiction as the descriptions allow the readers to feel the situation and elicit the desired response. In the novel titled 'Julie of the Wolves,' the image of 'pink room' is employed to symbolize the 'death and devastation' towards the novel's conclusion. When Miyax asserts 'Pink room is red with your blood,' she associates it to the Gussaks who have murdered wolves just for fun as it reminds her of her mother's death. It gives the readers a hint about the upcoming destruction that ends with  Amaroq's death.  Thus, option A is the correct answer.

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Who or what is the author?

 A writer is a person whose writing has just been made public. Individuals who compose are regarded writers whenever they create the concepts and material of their written work, in addition to creating previous articles. Because of this, the majority of authors write, whereas not all communicators are called authors.

Are writers people?

A writer is an individual who produces publications or articles, typically for payment. Additionally, it can be used to describe the person accountable want something, such as the creator of a plot to depose the student group. The adjective author, which means "predecessor, master, and leader," is derived from the Latin auctorem. I salute you, author!

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Who made slavery abolished?


President Lincoln officially released the Emancipation Proclamation on that date, January 1, 1863, directing the Union troops to free every slave in states that were still in rebellion.

Who made the decision to end slavery?

President Abraham Lincoln signed the Joint Congress Resolution presenting the proposed change to the state legislatures on February 1, 1865. It had obtained the necessary number of national ratifications by December 6, 1865. (three-fourths).

Who abolished slavery for the first time?

Potus Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, which went into effect on January 1, 1863, and said that "all persons held as slaves... should be then, thenceforward, & free forever. After the 13th Amendment was ratified in 1865, slavery was finally completely abolished.

To know more about slavery visit:



Can a 13 year old legally work in Ontario?


A 13 year old legally work in Ontario As opposed to repressed memories, which are typically negative childhood experiences.

This is not an example of a repressed memory. Due to adults' inability to recall episodic memories of situations or events from their childhood, it may be infantile amnesia. The sensation of the same scenario, place, or incident.

The childhood that suddenly reappears is this buried memory. If a person returns to a location where they spent time as a youngster, they will remember the hidden memories.will secure the note it issues with the money it has borrowed. Ontario will get money from the borrowing.

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What happens in Act 3 Scene 2 summary?


In Act 3 Scene 2 summary on the night of the play's performance, Hamlet assigns Horatio the responsibility of ascertaining Claudius' response to the murder scene.

Hamlet behaves recklessly once more, upsetting Ophelia with a variety of derogatory comments while the crowd gathers to witness. At the beginning of the play, Hamlet pays great attention to Claudius.Hamlet is given the order to assassinate.

The new king by the ghost of the deceased monarch in order to get revenge on him. While acting insane, Hamlet contemplates the distinction between life and death and pursues retribution. His uncle intends to kill Hamlet as well in order to spare his own life.

To know more about Hamlet visit:



What does Martin Luther King Jr make allusions to his I Have a Dream?


The allusions in the Gettysburg Address draw on the Emancipation Proclamation, the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, Shakespeare, and the Bible.

At the outset of his speech, MLK makes a historical reference or allusion to the Emancipation Proclamation (2.1). Allusions to specific literary or historical works or occasions may aid in placing the historical text in a broader perspective. The fourth of July was mentioned initially. He referred to the Declaration of Independence as a "promissory letter," saying that it "was a guarantee that all men—yes, black men as well as white men—would be given the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

To learn more about allusions  please click on below link



What was Mendel's most significant conclusion from his research with pea plants there is much genetic variation in peas?


Gregor Mendel has been observed that pea plant traits did not blend in with their offspring. This would led him to figure that living items do not merge their offspring.

What do you mean by offspring?

The term offspring has been refers to the young innovation of the living beings. That particular organism has been assembled either by an individual organism or, in the topic of physiological property, reproduction between the two organisms.

The main reason for this is that the offspring of the living creature will have one parent trait or the other parent trait, but they do not blend or mix together, such as when two plants are tall and the other is short; the children will be tall or short, but not medium size.

Therefore, Gregor Mendel has been observed that pea plant traits did not blend in with their offspring. This would led him to figure that living items do not merge their offspring.

Learn more about the offspring, refer to:



Is NAFTA positive or negative?


Increased commerce, economic output, foreign investment, and lower consumer costs were some benefits of NAFTA. When domestic firms moved to Mexico, where wages are cheaper, American jobs were lost, and wages in American manufacturing facilities were also lowered. It's Positive.

To increase trade between the United States, Canada, and Mexico, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was established more than 20 years ago. Making these nations more competitive in the world market was its secondary goal. It has accomplished both objectives with astounding accomplishment.

Between 1994 and 2004, Mexico lost roughly 1.3 million farm employment as a result of NAFTA. 5 Up to 40% of net farm income was given to American agribusiness as subsidies under the 2002 Farm Bill. 6 Companies sold corn and other grains to Mexico below cost after NAFTA eliminated trade duties. Farmers in rural Mexico couldn't compete. NAFTA has been hailed as a success by some because it has resulted in increased financial and trade flows between the United States, Mexico, and Canada.

To learn more about NAFTA Visit :  brainly.com/question/27372794


Is the situation about media depicted in the picture true in the Philippines Why or why not social media?


The Philippines actually has the media situation that is . In terms of its technical features, the Philippines is developing.

Why is social media so crucial?

What advantages do social media platforms offer? Billions of people use social media to communicate and exchange information.. Social media gives you the personal freedom to interact with loved ones, learn new things, pursue your passions, and be entertained.

What makes media so crucial?

A crucial communication instrument is the mass media. It's a platform that allows the unrestricted exchange of information between all parts of the globe. It is an tool that has the ability to inform, entertain, and raise consciousness. However, if utilized improperly, it

To know more about social media visit:



Based on the passage, this indicates that the swamp


Swamp in the passage indicates that the swamp

-has water pollution

What do you mean by swamp?

A swamp is a region of land that is continuously wet or saturated. Even swamps are frequently submerged in water. Swamps can be divided into two categories: fresh-water swamps & saltwater swamps. Trees predominate in swamps.

What makes water a swamp?

A swamp is a type of wetland that is heavily forested, constantly saturated with water. Swamps with freshwater are frequent in inland regions. The coasts are shielded from the open ocean by saltwater swamps.

What is water pollution?

Water contamination is the tainting of bodies of water, typically as a result of anthropogenic activities, which has a detrimental impact on its uses. Aquifers, reservoirs, lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater are all examples of bodies of water. When pollutants are introduced into such water bodies, water pollution results.

Learn more about swamp from



The complete question is:

In addition, the smell of hydrogen sulfide in the swamp was sometimes overpowering.

Based on the passage, this indicates that the swamp

1. has water pollution

2. has very few plants

3. is healthy

4. is flooded

What is the meaning of canvas and canvass?


Canvass implies to look for votes, while canvas is a form of material. Although they have different meanings, the words canvas and canvass are homophones.

The noun canvas is used here. It alludes to a particular kind of coarse fabric that can be used to create sails, tents, or a surface for paintings. Examples include purchasing a canvas purse and his oil on canvas paintings. Canvass is a verb as well as a noun. It can be used as a noun to describe a request for votes or public opinion. Its verb form indicates to ask for votes, opinions, etc.

To learn more about canvas:



What are the 7 safety rules?


The 7 safety rules a principle or regulation governing actions, procedures or devices intended to lower the occurrence

1.Have an emergency plan.

2Always check in.

3.Make the phone (almost) off-limits.

4.Don't leave the house.

5.Take the same way home.

6.Keep him busy.

7.Practice first aid.

Through several years of investigating accidents and research in the field of accident reconstruction, leaders in the field of occupational accident prevention have concluded that there are specific reasons why accidents occur.

They found that worker safety is dependent on worker behavior and human factors. They developed ten safety rules and, while many of you may have heard them before, they are worth repeating.Excerpted with permission from Utah Safety Council Newsletter.

To know more about Safety Rules visit:



How can we improve team quality?


Confidently predict a lot from the team if the proper individuals are on board and the ideal environment for their development. Implement these suggestions to ingratiate with people that work diligently toward a common objective.

Why teamwork is important in quality?

Working together develops a method to guarantee that operations are running smoothly and that the work is of a high standard. There is always someone else on the squad to pick up the slack when one member falters. Work gets done more quickly when it is distributed across team members, which improves the effectiveness of the entire enterprise.

What is the best answer for teamwork?

Using the STAR interview response technique, where you describe a work setting involving teamwork, explain the team's task and reason for existence, recount activities you did, and explain the effect of these actions, is an excellent strategy for answering questions concerning teamwork.

To know more about Teamwork visit:



How do satire and irony help swift accomplish what a more conventional approach to persuasion would not?.


Satire and irony help swift accomplish jonathan swift uses irony and sarcasm in his writing in "A Modest Proposal."So, in order to illustrate the hardship of the populace, he uses sarcasm in his argument.

Swift employs dramatic irony when he says that the Irish should sell their children to the wealthy in order to boost the nation's economy. He wants to demonstrate how uninformed the wealthy are about the plight of the working-class Irish. This result would not have been produced by a persuasive strategy.

He thinks the country will honour him by erecting his statue in response to his proposal because the text is so ironic. By claiming that a newborn of a malnourished, impoverished mother will weigh twelve pounds, he generates irony. However, this baby is actually healthy and happy.

To know more about swift visit:



Pretend you are writing a movie review. In your opinion was Thor:Ragnarok a good adaptation of Norse Mythology? What were its strengths and weaknesses?



Thor: Ragnarok is as glib and cheeky as the Guardians of the Galaxy movies, and embraces a deliberately ‘80s space opera aesthetic and synth score (composed by Devo’s Mark Mothersbaugh, providing...


What are the benefits of using third party?



High-quality services. Let's face it, when running a small business, your access to world-class and advanced facilities is limited.

Improved operational efficiency.

Access to exceptional talent pools.

Advanced materials and facilities.

Reduce costs.


What is satire According to Swift?


Satire highlights social injustices, vices, and bad behavior, although it sarcastically or hilariously focuses on politics most of the time. The satire's primary goal is to embarrass the administration.

What is satirized in Gulliver's Travels by Swift?

In Gulliver's Travels, Swift uses satire to highlight the political circumstances in England. He accomplishes this by employing sarcasm to illustrate England's weaknesses and flaws. Through satire, Swift exposes human foolishness in Gulliver's Travels.

How is satire used by Swift?

Swift utilizes satire to highlight the problem before outlining workable answers. He was a master of the Horatian and Juvenalian satirical genres. His writing was deadpan and sardonic, especially in A Modest Proposal.

To know more about satire visit :-



Read the sentence and study the table.

The 100-year-old document was already ________ into numerous tiny pieces.
Which choice correctly uses a prefix and completes the sentence?





Is brainstorming the first step of writing process?


Everyone has a set writing process that they follow. Finding a method that works for you is the key concept! To create your unique writing method and writing style, it is advised that you follow these five steps: brainstorm, write, revise, edit, and publish. Similar to free writing, brainstorming is a prewriting process used to bring unspoken thoughts to the surface. It's a useful strategy to employ when you have a general topic in mind for your writing but are unsure of the specific angle you want to take. A second step is also included in brainstorming.

After you've run out of ideas, you should go back and analyze your initial thoughts, crossing out any that seem less significant than others and connecting those that are linked. The ideas you've come up with can be grouped and regrouped, and you may decide to develop some of them further through additional brainstorming or other sorts of prewriting.

Know more about the writing process at: https://brainly.com/question/17000723


What would happen to the concentrations of and intermembrane H+ if the ETC stopped working?


The inter-membrane space's H+ concentration will drop and pH will rise if the electron transport chain is broken because less H+ will be injected into it.

The inner mitochondrial membrane is the site of a sequence of redox processes known as the electron transport chain.

In aerobic respiration, it takes place. It is the sole stage of glucose metabolism that uses oxygen from the atmosphere. Without NADH, the ETC would not get electrons, and since ATP synthase still needs those electrons to transfer H+ along the chain, the concentration of H+ would decrease (until there was no concentration gradient left to make ATP).

To learn more about aerobic respiration link is here



What are examples of the author's purpose?


An author's purpose in communicating could be to instruct, persuade, inform, entertain, educate, startle, excite, sadden, enlighten, punish, console, or many, many others.

What does the narrator claim the rosebush will symbolize for the reader?


The rosebush is a symbol of forgiveness and charity. The beauty of a wild rose bush flourishing in such an unusual place symbolises God's grace because the jail is a place of darkness and sin.

What is The Scarlet Letter about?

The story of Hester Prynne, who fights to build a new life of repentance and dignity after having a daughter with a man she is not married to, is set in the Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony during the years 1642 to 1649.

The rosebush represents kindness and forgiving. Because the jail is a place of darkness and sin, the beauty of a wild rose bush thriving in such an odd location symbolises God's grace.

Thus, this way, the narrator claim the rosebush will symbolize for the reader.

For more details regarding The Scarlet Letter, visit:



What is the best inference about Napoleon's motivation for blaming Snowball?


The most reasonable conclusion regarding Napoleon's motivation for accusing Snowball of destroying the windmill is that Napoleon is trying to discredit Snowball and keep control of the farm.

Inductive reasoning is the process by which a conclusion is inferred from a number of observations. The conclusion might be true or false, accurate to a certain degree, or true in specific circumstances.

Napoleon challenged Snowball in a revolt in an effort to seize as much power as possible. In the passage from Chapter 6 of the text that is referenced in the question, Napoleon accuses Snowball of attacking the farm and destroying the windmill. He blamed Snowball for the windmill's destruction because he wanted to discredit Snowball and keep control of the farm.

To know more about Inferences, refer to this link:



What is the most important sentence in an informative essay?


The most important sentence in an informative essay is the thesis statement.

The body paragraphs of your essay should always support the thesis statement you have presented in the introduction. You should consider your essay to be almost like a machine, and like all machines, some components are necessary for it to operate successfully.

Your essay's thesis statement is the single most significant part of your entire informative essay. A simple explanation of what the thesis statement is and how it relates to the rest of your work may be found here. It is a concise statement that captures the essence of the major point you make throughout your essay.

You can also learn about informative essay from the following question:



What is the main idea to “Summer, Winter, Fall, Spring…and Night?”.?



for the world to function properly :DDDD


What is it called when the narrator uses I?


when the narrator uses i it is the first person narration

one of the most notorious unsolved crime sprees in history- this east london killer is believed to have killed 5 women



Jack the Ripper was an unidentified serial killer active in and around the impoverished Whitechapel district of London, England, in the autumn of 1888. In both criminal case files and the contemporaneous journalistic accounts, the killer was called the Whitechapel Murderer and Leather Apron.

What is A Modest Proposal an example of?


A modest proposal is an example of the adjective meaning reasonable and humble.

A modest Proposal is the title of a 1729 essay by satirist Jonathan Swift in which he ironically proposes that the people of Ireland sell their children as food. The phrase a modest proposal is now often used ironically to introduce an idea that is radical or outrageous. Satire is a literary tool used through humor and irony. A proposal when in the form of an essay usually offers a solution to a social or political problem. Modest is an adjective meaning reasonable or humble. It is used ironically in the title of “A Modest Proposal” because the proposal is actually outrageous. The phrase a modest proposal is often used to suggest something in jest in order to point out a problem by pushing it to its logical extreme.

To learn more about A modest proposal please visit:



Complete the following analogy using the given words. fink


The completed analogy is:
sentence: word:: thesaurus: synonym (Option C)

What is an Analogy?

Note that an analogy is a comparison between two things to show how they are alike. It is usually used to explain a concept or idea by comparing it to something more familiar.

For example, an analogy could be used to compare a person’s brain to a computer, suggesting that both store and process information. An analogy can help make abstract concepts easier to understand.

Learn more about Synonyms:

Full Question:

Complete the following analogy using the given words. sentence : word :: thesaurus : ____________

A) dictionary

B) reference

C) synonym

D) library

E) grammar

What are the things that Munna liked to do and why?


Munna enjoyed playing games and kite flying. He also enjoyed drawing images of animals and birds. Munna enjoyed strolling over the lush fields.

A good boy is walking to school, bringing cash for the tuition. He gets excited as soon as he sees crisp, sugary jalebis in the market, and the money in his pocket start to jingle. He gives in to the sweet temptation and loads of jalebis for others as well as himself. The coins informed him that only people with money may consume the jalebis because they were intended to be consumed. He buys jalebis with the entire amount of his school tuition. He shares them with kids and eats them himself. Later, he regrets showing vulnerability. He asks God to send him four rupees in a prayer. The lesson of the tale is that we should use caution when making decisions. Additionally, it reminds us that we cannot rely just on prayer to meet all of our needs.

To learn more about Munna please click on the given link: https://brainly.com/question/29781565


what lesson can readers learn from events in "Sofia's Challenge"? Write a few sentences to explain. Use details from the story to support your answer


Students recognition on one tale detail for the duration of the centered read-aloud of The Snowy Day.

In this lesson, the focal point is at the character's response to occasions. The now acquainted recurring of figuring out this tale detail in The Snowy Day, the usage of position play to brainstorm character's response to predominant occasions in college students' climate stories, after which drawing the character's response of their My Weather Story booklet, scaffolds the writing system as college students learn how to write a tale. In the Closing, college students mirror on each exceptional paintings and perseverance. They first examine a partner's climate tale and note factors of exceptional paintings, which allows them apprehend factors of exceptional paintings of their very own tale. They then mirror on how they would love to reveal perseverance as they keep to paintings on their climate stories, which prepares them to interact withinside the assignment of writing their climate tale in Lessons 6-9.

To learn more about perseverance check the link below:



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