Can we learn from the experience of others?


Answer 1

mybe yes


because from others experience we can learn many things

Related Questions

What summarizes the main point?


To write a good summary, the summary should be comprehensive, concise, coherent, and independent. These qualities make a good summary.

To write a good summary, you must follow the following points. These points help in making a good summary from a lengthy text.

Comprehensive: You should note down in a list the important points from the lengthy text. The main ideas you have noted must be aligned with the author ideaConcise: The summary must be concise, and it should be shorter than the original text. Avoid repetition while writing the summary.Coherent: The summary must be coherent, and it should be in your own words that align with its own right. It should be in proper order.Independent: your summary should be independent, and it is not required to imitate the author text. You must maintain your own voice in the summary. Don’t quote the author, instead write in your own words what you have understood or read.

Afterall, the summary is based on your interpretation that is aligned with the author's main or central idea in the text. And you should not be biased while writing the summary by introducing your own criticism or misrepresentation of the author’s thoughts.

You can learn more about summary at


How does Boxer from Animal Farm represent the working class?


Boxer is a symbol of the hard-working, communist class.Stalin getting rid of the workers who are too old or sick to work by slaughtering him reflects this.

In Animal Farm, what class does Boxer stand for? The devoted working class of communism is represented by Boxer.Stalin getting rid of the workers who are too ill or old to work is represented by Stalin killing him.Boxer waking up early symbolizes the working class getting up early and creating the industries, and the windmill represents them.Russia's rural labourers are symbolized by the boxer.Tsar Nicholas II, who governed from 1894 to 1917 when he was ousted, took advantage of them.Boxer serves as an example of how even the most devoted citizens may be exploited by governments in Orwell's work.Under Stalin's leadership, a lot of hard-working, innocent Russians were murdered.To continue as the leader of the Bolshevik Communist was his major objective.

To learn more about Animal Farm refer


What are the 6 tips to make better beverage choices?


Drink water instead of sugar-sweetened beverages.Encourage kid-friendly drinks. Make water, low-fat or fat-free dairy milk, or unsweetened seltzer the go-to options for your kids. Compare food labels.Cut coffee calories. Grab a bottle and go.Jazz up your drink.

Food is frequently our main focus when discussing nutrition. Your beverage selections, though, can also make or shatter your best dietary intentions. As the "Big Gulp generation" enters adulthood with significantly different health profiles than their grandparents' or even parents', we are learning more and more about this.

Drinks now contribute more than ever to the sugar and calorie content of our total meals, and bad drinks can surely undermine our efforts to lose weight and improve our health. In spite of the fact that we are major supporters of plain water, there are other hydrating options that go beyond it. You may choose something healthy every time you go for a beverage.You won't be able to fulfill your thirst by chugging sugary beverages.

The typical added sugar content of regular soda, as well as energy and sports drinks, results in unnecessary calories and a lack of satisfaction. Instead, consider water. Your body will let you know through thirst. Since everyone has varied needs, many of us may consume adequate water through our diets and beverages. If you are an older adult, particularly active, or live or work in a warm environment, be sure to increase your intake.

Spend less money by using a filter while drinking water from the tap at home or when dining out. Your preferred beverage should be water.The two beverages that people drink the most on the earth, after water, are tea and coffee. They are calorie-free drinks that are packed with physiologically active compounds like flavonoids, antioxidants, and other things that may be excellent for your health when consumed straight.

Coffee may help prevent type 2 diabetes, while green tea, especially the robust version consumed in Japan, has drawn attention for its possible involvement in heart disease prevention.Milk is an important source of calcium and vitamin D for kids.

Those who prefer not to consume cow's milk can find calcium and vitamin D in fortified soy milk as an excellent substitute. Furthermore, both are excellent suppliers of protein and other other vital vitamins. The best options are skim milk, which is nearly fat-free, or low-fat milk, which is available as 1% or 1.5% milk. These options have less saturated fat than whole milk or reduced-fat milk, which have 2% and 4% milk fat, respectively. Even low-fat milk contains a lot of calories, which may increase your chance of developing prostate and ovarian cancer .

For learning more about tips for better Beverages choices -


How are the Puritans portrayed in The Scarlet Letter?


The Scarlet Letter paints Puritans as being rigid, oppressive, and judgmental. They established a culture that was based on hypocrisy and prejudice.

What is The Scarlet Letter about?

The Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony is the setting for Hester Prynne's story, which takes place between the years of 1642 and 1649. After having a daughter with a man she is not married to, Hester struggles to start a new life of repentance and dignity.

The rosebush is a symbol of generosity and forgiveness. The splendour of a wild rose bush blooming in such an unlikely area symbolises God's grace because the jail is a place of darkness and sin.

The Puritan village, complete with its market and scaffold, is a place of strict regulations, an emphasis on sin and punishment, and introspection.

The scaffold represents public humiliation and penance and is the only location Dimmesdale can travel to make amends and leave his tormentor's grasp.

Thus, this way, the Puritans portrayed in The Scarlet Letter.

For more details regarding The Scarlet Letter, visit:


How do race and health intersect?


Historically, health in regards to one’s race has been a subject of bias. Take the Tuskegee Syphilis Study for example; from 1932-1970’s, hundreds of low-income, black men were test subjects for syphilis research. Researchers at the Tuskegee Institute aimed to study “untreated syphilis in the negro male.” They promised participants benefits such as free meals, healthcare, and burial stipends. This enticement directly targeted the population of underprivileged, black men. During the decades-long study, these participants were injected with the incurable (at the time) disease in order to monitor their symptoms. Only a decade or so into this experiment, Penicillin (a treatment for syphilis) became widely available, but was withheld from all participants. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study is just one example of how race and health overlap, I’m sure there’s a bunch of stuff I left out but that’s the main gust. I don’t know if that answers your question well enough, but I hope just that one example provided some context yk

Which section in the Ethernet frame contains the data from higher level such as Internet protocol and transport and application layer?


The payload portion of an Ethernet frame is where information from higher layers—such as the internet protocol (IP), transport, and application layers—is contained.

Data is another term for the payload. It contains headers for protocols carried in the frame, such as Internet Protocol. 1500 bytes is the maximum payload for an Ethernet frame. A payload is a portion of an Ethernet frame that contains data that was communicated from higher OSI model layers, such as the Internet Protocol (IP) layer, Transport layer, and Application layer.The Internet Protocol (IP) is the Internet protocol suite's network layer communications protocol for relaying datagrams across network boundaries. Its routing function enables internetworking and, in essence, creates the Internet.IP's sole responsibility is to deliver packets from the source host to the destination host based solely on the IP addresses in the packet headers. IP defines packet structures that encapsulate the data to be delivered for this purpose. It also specifies addressing methods for labeling datagrams with source and destination information.

To learn more about internet protocol:


When should you paraphrase the ideas in a source rather than using a direct quote Brainly?


Paraphrase the ideas in a source rather than using a direct quote brainly choose to paraphrase or summarise rather than quote directly when the author's overall meaning is more significant.

Than the precise words he or she used and you don't immediately need to cite. The author's supreme authority to support your position.You should paraphrase or summarise a source when the phrasing is not as important as the meaning. You can maintain a consistent style throughout your paper by using the paraphrase.

Summary to show that you are familiar with the source material.Using straight quotes can interfere with each author's unique voice. Too many quotes might make an essay sound disjointed and challenging to read. Paraphrasing can be used to explain a key concept found in a section or source without interfering with the essay's flow.

To know more about quote brainly visit:


What does Napoleon say would happen to the animals if they waste a year trying to build the windmill?


Napoleon said that "If animal waste a year trying to build the windmill, then  they would all starve to death."

What is the theme of Animal farm?

The major theme of Animal Farm is ordinary people's capacity to sustain confidence in a revolution that has been thoroughly deceived. Orwell attempts to demonstrate how people in power—Napoleon and his fellow pig, the democratic ideal of the revolution.

Snowball claims that after the windmill is constructed, the animals will only need to labor three days a week, but Napoleon claims that "if they squandered time building the windmill, they would all starve to death." in Animal farm.

As a result, Napoleon stated, "If an animal wasted a year trying to build the windmill, they would all starve to death."

Learn more about Animal Farm here:


What are the different vocal and dance forms of Latin American music?


Latin American music spans a wide range of forms due to its highly syncretic nature, including influential genres like cumbia, bachata, bossa nova, merengue, rumba, salsa, samba, son, and tango.

Which of the following Latin American dance and vocal music styles is customarily sung during bullfights?

The Paso Doble is a classic bullfight dance that frequently depicts the dramatic tale of the matador, his cape, and his life-or-death battle with the bull. The Cha-Cha, Rumba, Swing, Mambo, and Bolero are all included in the American Rhythm category.

What kind of popular music have vocals?

Jazz, blues, folk, soul, country, pop, and rock are a few of these genres. There is no voice in any of these musical genres.

To know more about Latin American music, visit:

It’s hard to imagine football or basketball games without cheerleaders. Their shouts and cheers are common sounds at most sporting events. They encourage the players to play their best with a variety of catchy chants. In addition, cheerleaders can perform difficult gymnastic and balancing techniques. All the while, cheerleaders keep the crowd excited and entertained at the event.
Although cheerleaders are part of the sport landscape, many people question whether cheerleading should be considered a sport. In July 2010, a ruling by a federal judge in Connecticut stated that cheerleading was not a sport because it was not a fully developed activity. There are very few definitive rules for cheerleading, which make it appear disorganized. This ruling came about because Quinnipiac University decided to reduce costs by cutting women’s volleyball team, which fought against this decision. The university was going to replace volleyball with a cost-effective cheerleading squad.
Despite this ruling, supporters of cheerleaders viewed it as an opportunity for development. They believed that the ruling would prompt a change within the cheerleading world. Cheerleaders would begin pushing to be called a sport by making new rules and regulations. In effect, they would make their activity a sport as well as design it to be safer for its participants.
Whatever happens to cheerleading in the future, it will still be a part of sports. Cheerleaders still encourage players and entertain people all around the world with their upbeat attitudes.
Which of the following best summarizes the second paragraph?
A judge's ruling dismissed cheerleading as a sport when Quinnipiac University tried to replace its women's volleyball team with a cheerleading squad.
Quinnipiac University tried to replace its women's volleyball team with a cheerleading squad because they wanted to reduce the costs of the sports programs.
Because cheerleading has very few authoritative rules, it looks as if it is underdeveloped and disorganized and should be only considered as an activity.
Many people question if cheerleading should be called a sport even though it has been a distinctive part of sporting events for a long time.



The Correct Answer would be B! Sorry if I didn't answer in a good time :(


What amino acid is translated first?


Amino acid is translated first in Methionine. As a result, when proteins are made, methionine is the first amino acid in the ribosome.

This initiator tRNA always carries the amino acid methionine to guarantee that all freshly produced proteins have methionine as the first amino acid at their N-terminal end, the end of a protein that is formed initially (in bacteria, a modified form of methionine called formylmethionine is used).

A polypeptide chain's first amino acid, methionine, always reaches the ribosome coupled to the initiator tRNAfMet. The polypeptide's internal methionine incorporation is attached to the elongation factor tRNAMet and transported to the ribosome by elongation factor EF1A.

To learn more about methionine here:


How did the Portsmouth parade fire change the way our country handles disasters?


The first occurred in 1904. Four years after it was rebuilt as a pleasure pier, it was once again open to the public, this time with a brand-new 1,200-seat theatre.

What is a disaster?

Disasters are significant disruptions to a community's operations that are more severe than what it can handle on its own. The exposure and vulnerability of a community can be affected by a number of factors, including natural, man-made, and technological hazards.

It burned down in 1904 and was rebuilt using cast iron supports a year later, in 1908. During the filming of the Ken Russell movie Tommy in 1974, fire struck the pier once more. All 24 of our photos, which depict both South Parade and Clarence piers, are available for viewing in their entirety here.

Learn more about Disaster here:


What are two ways Laertes is a foil for Hamlet?


Laertes is the principal foe of Hamlet. Laertes was included to the play so that Hamlet would have a rival to fight at the end. Both Laertes and Hamlet desire vengeance for their fathers' deaths. Laertes, however, wants to exact revenge on Hamlet.

Hamlet unintentionally killed Polonius while he was in his mother's room because he thought it was the king. Laertes' sister Ophelia was loved by both Hamlet and Laertes. When Laertes discovered the truth, he became enraged and urgently wanted to kill Hamlet.

Laertes attributed Hamlet's death to it. Before you can see Laertes as Hamlet's antagonist, you must first consider the similarities. Both Laertes and Hamlet are men, of the same age.

To learn more about Laertes from the given link:


What does Pap want from Huck when he appears in chapter five?


When Huck responds that he has run out of money, Pap questions whether Huck is really as wealthy as he has heard and labels his son a liar. Pap then departs to buy whiskey with the $1 that Huck received from Judge Thatcher.

The following day, Pap arrives intoxicated and asks Judge Thatcher for Huck's money. He wants access to Huck's fortune because he is incredibly envious of it and needs the cash to support his drinking habit. When Huck declines, Pap resorts to violence to enforce his will. Pap is only a minor character throughout the book, thus he doesn't change all that much. Huck was in continual worry for his bodily safety and his financial stability due to his violent abuse and avarice.

When Pap makes a second appearance in St. Petersburg, he kidnaps Huck and imprisons him while using the legal system to try to retrieve his money. He loads up the boat with all of the cabin's supplies before shooting a wild hog and using its blood to make it appear as though the cabin's occupant had been killed. Huck believes that by orchestrating his own murder, he may flee without fear of being pursued.

To learn more about Huck Visit :


What are the three types of sanitizers?


Three types of chemicals are used as sanitizers withinside the meals carrier industry: chlorine-primarily based totally cleaners, quaternary ammonium and iodine sanitizers.

Chlorine is the maximum normally used chemical sanitizer agent, given that it's far enormously powerful and comparatively inexpensive. For cleansing and sanitizing to be effective, it have to observe this process: (1) Remove meals bits or dust at the floor; (2) Wash the floor; (3) Rinse the floor; (4) Sanitize the floor; (5) Allow the floor to air dry. Several elements affect the effectiveness of chemical sanitizers. The maximum crucial encompass concentration, water temperature, touch time, water hardness, and pH. Chemical sanitizing is executed in  ways; via way of means of complete immersion or rinsing, swabbing, or spraying.

To learn more about sanitizer check the link below:


How can I contribute to my nation as a responsible citizen?


I contribute to my nation as a responsible citizen - Be Patriotic. Give Back to the Community. Be a Productive Member of Society. Take Part in Social Issues. Vote. Mentor Someone. Cultivate Your Skills and Talents.

How do you, as a Filipino citizen, support your nation?

Pay your taxes, take care of your family and personal duties, and respect the law and other people. When anything is incorrect, speak out. Elect and support the political candidates you feel best represent you.

being considerate of other people and their possessions. being mindful of school grounds. obeying school regulations. demonstrating moral character (responsibility, honesty, good listening, kindness). A moral citizen must live in peace and harmony with their neighbors and fellow citizens. A good citizen must uphold the law at all times and have zero tolerance for criminals and unsociable people. He has to keep an eye out for the country's adversaries.

To know more about contribute to country as a Filipino citizen visit:


What type of lobbying is unethical?


Although there may be advantages to lobbying for democracy, it can also be a tool for powerful groups to change laws and regulations against the wishes of the general population.

This could lead to improper influence, unfair competition, and policy capture, all of which would be detrimental to the creation of successful policies.

Since the vigorous public debate required for informed decision-making is the ethical cornerstone of lobbying, ethical problems with the practice typically appear when lobbyists and lawmakers engage in actions that undermine the fairness and transparency of the process and do not advance the interests of the general public.

To learn more about lobbying here:


What is a logos appeal?


Answer: A logos appeal is an appeal that appeals to logic or information.

Logos, along with ethos and pathos, is one of the three "modes of persuasion" in rhetoric (the art of effective speaking or writing). Logos is an argument that appeals to an audience's sense of logic or reason. For example, when a speaker cites scientific data, methodically walks through the line of reasoning behind their argument, or precisely recounts historical events relevant to their argument, he or she is using logos.


Some additional key details about logos:

Aristotle defined logos as the "proof, or apparent proof, provided by the words of the speech itself." In other words, logos rests in the actual written content of an argument.

The three "modes of persuasion"—pathos, logos, and ethos—were originally defined by Aristotle.

In contrast to logos's appeal to reason, ethos is an appeal to the audience based on the speaker's authority, while pathos is an appeal to the audience 's emotions.

Data, facts, statistics, test results, and surveys can all strengthen the logos of a presentation.

An example of logos is: "That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain't I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain't I a woman?"

What is the main idea of the most of it by Robert Frost?


Answer: Whether nature alone is sufficient to satisfy human spiritual yearnings.


Which of these words is closest in meaning to 'confessed' as used in the poem?



Answer: Admitted





They're synonyms.

05.01 It’s Story Time ASAP please
1.Read "Out, Out" by Robert Frost. Then, answer the question that follows.

The buzz saw snarled and rattled in the yard

And made dust and dropped stove-length sticks of wood,

Sweet-scented stuff when the breeze drew across it.

And from there those that lifted eyes could count

Five mountain ranges one behind the other

Under the sunset far into Vermont.

And the saw snarled and rattled, snarled and rattled,

As it ran light, or had to bear a load.

And nothing happened: day was all but done.

Call it a day, I wish they might have said

To please the boy by giving him the half hour

That a boy counts so much when saved from work.

His sister stood beside him in her apron

To tell them "Supper." At the word, the saw,

As if to prove saws knew what supper meant,

Leaped out at the boy's hand, or seemed to leap—

He must have given the hand. However it was,

Neither refused the meeting. But the hand!

The boy's first outcry was a rueful laugh,

As he swung toward them holding up the hand

Half in appeal, but half as if to keep

The life from spilling. Then the boy saw all—

Since he was old enough to know, big boy

Doing a man's work, though a child at heart—

He saw all spoiled. "Don't let him cut my hand off—

The doctor, when he comes. Don't let him, sister!"

So. But the hand was gone already.

The doctor put him in the dark of ether.

He lay and puffed his lips out with his breath.

And then—the watcher at his pulse took fright.

No one believed. They listened at his heart.

Little—less—nothing!—and that ended it.

No more to build on there. And they, since they

Were not the one dead, turned to their affairs.

Which type of conflict is most strongly supported by the details in this narrative poem?

Character vs. character because the boy confronts the doctor about amputating his hand

Character vs. self because the boy loses his innocence and comes to the realization that he is going to die

Character vs. society because no one offers to help him when he is injured by the saw

Character vs. technology because the boy is unaware of how to use the stove

Thank you


Based on the given text: "The buzz saw snarled and rattled in the yard

And made dust and dropped stove-length sticks of wood,

Sweet-scented stuff when the breeze drew across it.

And from there those that lifted eyes could count...", the type of conflict that is most strongly supported by the details in this narrative poem is Character vs. self because the boy loses his innocence and comes to the realization that he is going to die

What is Conflict?

This refers to the term that is used to show the disagreement between two or more entities where there is a constant struggle and the need to find a resolution between the warring entities.

Hence, it can be seen that from the given story Read "Out, Out" by Robert Frost that there is a Character vs. self conflict as the boy loses his innocence and comes to the realization that he is going to die

Read more about conflicts here:


Answer: Character vs. society because no one offers to help him when he is injured by the saw


just cuz

What did Justice Harlan argue in his dissent?


In his most famous and eloquent dissent, Harlan stated that "our Constitution is colorblind," that "there is no superior, dominant ruling class of citizens in this country,".

And that it is unconstitutional to allow states to "regulate the enjoyment of citizens' civil rights solely on the basis of race." Harlan had foreseen...

In Plessy, Justice Harlan's dissent reaffirmed a key 13th Amendment argument he made in The Civil Rights Cases of 1883, claiming that the amendment did more than abolish formal slavery and involuntary servitude. Slavery's "badges and occurrences" were also outlawed.

Learn more about to Harlan visit here;


Write an application to a university applying for a course



This letter is a formal request for admission to [name of college. Over the past few years, I've researched many colleges that offer [type of degree]'s in [field of study], but have ultimately chosen [name of college] because of its commitment to [school's or program's goals, objective or mission]. Unlike other colleges, your program differs from other college's offering a similar programs

Currently, I'm looking to begin my undergraduate studies. My goal is to complete 4 years at [college Name ] . Upon graduation, I hope to gain employment as a [job title] where I can [career goals]. I believe [name of college] gives me the best option in preparing for my future endeavors thanks to its [the program or college's unique offerings].

My application form and the requested documents are enclosed. I'm available for additional questions and look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for your time and consideration regarding my application.


[Your first name] [your last name]


in many instances, two different consonant phonemes in english are formed the same way in the mouth, but one is voiced and the other is unvoiced. t or f


In many instances, two different consonant phonemes in english are formed the same pronounced way in the mouth, but one is voiced and the other is unvoiced. This statement is True.

A voiced consonant indicates that the voicebox is vibrating or producing voice when the sound is made. Many times, despite one english consonant phoneme being voiced and other not, two different consonant phonemes are spoken in the mouth in the same manner two separate english consonant phonemes.

Frequently sound the same when spoken, but one is voiced and the other is not. Adults usually underestimate the amount of phonemes in a word because they tend to remember how a word looks in print and count the letters rather than the sounds. Consonants that are spoken indicate that the voicebox is creating sound or vibration.

To know more about pronounced visit:


Choose the correct way to rewrite sentence 2 by adding a gerund.
Group of answer choices

a.)In addition to requiring military forces, wars need to be financed and need to be supplied.

b.) Wars require military forces and need to be financed and supplied.

c.)In addition to requiring military forces, wars have to be financed and need supplies.

d.) In addition to requiring military forces, wars need financing and supplies.


The correct way to add a gerund and rewrite the sentence is "In addition to requiring military forces, wars need financing and supplies," option D.

What is a gerund?

A gerund is a word formed when we add -ing to a verb. It is important to understand that gerunds function as nouns in a sentence, meaning that they can be a subject, and object, or the predicate nominative of the sentence in which they appear. Examples of gerund are:


Among the possible answer choices for this question, the one that uses a gerund is option D. Since we do not have the original sentence and were unable to find it online, we assume that the part "in addition to requiring military forces" is already included in the original sentence.

Thus, we are looking for a sentence that has another gerund besides "requiring," and that is why we chose option D. In it, we have the gerund "financing" functioning as the object of the verb "need".

Learn more about gerunds here:


= AMZN: DG > Hazmat General Awareness Knowledge Check - Medium NA Question 1 What's the difference between hazmat and dangerous goods? Only dangerous goods are a risk to health, safety, and property, or the environment Both are products or substances that are a risk to health, safety, and property, or O the environment. Hazmat applies to these products and substances when they are stored and dangerous goods applies when they are transported. Only hazmat are a risk to health, safety, and property, or the environment. • They are the same and are used interchangeably. Submit 0 = AMZN: DG > Hazmat General Awareness Knowledge Check - Medium NA Question 3 Which of these hazmat products are allowed in your FC? Please choose all that apply A GPS unit (lithium batteries) A subwoofer (magnetized materials) A can of hairspray (flammable/aerosols) Fireworks (explosives) Submit = AMZN: DG > Hazmat General Awareness Knowledge Check - Medium NA Question 6 You are stowing items and come across an aerosol bottle of hairspray. What should you do? Please choose all that apply. Stow the hairspray Raise an Andon Remove it and secure it with bubble wrap Place a Flammable sticker on the bottle Submit espx?rNum=18taicc_sid=149191145knet&packageld=AMZN:_DG_>_Hazmat General Awareness_Knowledge Check - Me.. = AMZN: DG > Hazmat General Awareness Knowledge Check - Medium NA Question 7 You are picking an order and come across a box of perfume. What should you do? Please choose all that apply. Pick the perfume Raise an Andon Secure it well with bubble wrap Place a Flammable sticker on the box Submit = AMZN: DG > Hazmat General Awareness Knowledge Check - Medium NA Question 5 You are receiving an shipment and come across a box of shaving cream. What should you do? Please choose all that apply. Receive the shaving cream Raise an Andon Secure it well with bubble wrap after scanning it in Note is as Flammable on your workstation Submit t


1. The difference between hazmat and dangerous goods is

Both are products or substances that are a risk to health safety and property and the environment. Hazmat applies to these products or substances when they are stored and dangerous goods applied when they are transported

3. The hazmat products are allowed in your FC:

A GPS unit (lithium batteries)A subwoofer( magnetized materials)

5. When we are receiving a shipment and come across a box of shaving cream, we should receive the shaving cream.

6.  When we are stowing items and come across an aerosol bottle of hairspray, we should raise an andon.

What are the dangerous goods?

А dаngerous good (аlso known аs hаzаrdous mаteriаl or hаzmаt) is аny substаnce or mаteriаl thаt is cаpаble of posing аn unreаsonаble risk to heаlth, sаfety, аnd property when trаnsported in commerce. Identifying dаngerous goods is the first step to reduce the risks posed by the product with proper pаckаging, communicаtion, hаndling, аnd stowаge.

Your question isn't well arranged, but most probably your correct questions can see in the Attachments.

For more information about dangerous goods refer to the link:


When was early modern English dated and explain what happened with English at the time?


Early Modern English (about 15001800). Despite the tragic death toll, this event resulted in numerous fascinating alterations for the English language. During this time, a fascinating development known as The Great Vowel Shift took place, altering the way we pronounce words. 

Between around 1500 and 1800, the English language underwent a lot of interesting changes. The Renaissance, which had a significant impact on language development, was still being felt during this time period in both art and literature. The Great Plague's effects on society led to changes in language as well. Despite the tragic death toll, this event resulted in numerous fascinating alterations for the English language. During this time, a fascinating development known as The Great Vowel Shift took place, altering the way we pronounce words. Today's English is still greatly influenced by it. Additionally, the number of Latin and Greek terms increased, which had an effect on the language's vocabulary. One of the greatest playwrights in history, William Shakespeare, had an impact on both the nation and language. Early Modern English emerged around this time, creating the foundation for the Modern English we use today.

To learn more about Modern English please click on the given link:


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a good outline?
It contains well-organized information.
It addresses the requirements of the rubric.
It is written in entire paragraphs.
It incorporates evidence and examples.


An outline gives a brief overview of the main points of an essay therefore it is not written in entire paragraphs.

The third option is correct. Please give brainliest I need four more

What is the difference between revenge and vengeance?


"To exact retribution or expiation for a violation on behalf of, especially in a resentful or spiteful spirit," is how defines "revenge." The definition of "vengeance" is "the infliction of hurt, harm, humiliation, or the like, on a person by another who has been harmed by that person," in contrast.

Different than simply informing someone of the error of their ways, there are other ways to exact revenge. On the other hand, seeking revenge entails taking action in order to exact revenge. The urge for revenge is to exact retribution or punishment on someone for wrongdoing or injury that they have caused (whether real or perceived).

It also functions as a stronger synonym for retaliation. Punishing a wrong in the hopes of bringing about justice is what it means to revenge. In comparison to taking legal action, revenge is harsher and/or less concerned with doing the right thing. Her lover killed the man's wife in retaliation, while her father worked to get the man detained, tried, and convicted.

To learn more about revenge Visit :


How is Napoleon cruel to the other animals?


Utilizing Boxer's loyalty and goodwill, Napoleon abuses his authority. Squealer brainwashes the other animals by taking advantage of their lack of intelligence in order to perpetuate Napoleon's reign.

In Animal Farm, who or what is Napoleon?There is only one other hog of his sort on the farm, and he is a huge pig named Napoleon. He is one of the pigs that gains authority and influence among the farm's inhabitants over time, eventually taking the place of the farm's undisputed leader.Because he essentially makes the other animals his slaves, Napoleon is a horrible leader. He establishes a violent, ruthless regime that governs the property. A challenger of the boar's authority will be attacked by his attack hounds.Utilizing Boxer's loyalty and goodwill, Napoleon abuses his authority. Squealer brainwashes the other animals by taking advantage of their lack of intelligence in order to perpetuate Napoleon's reign. "He could convert black into white," Squealer says.          

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60 POINTS IF YOU GET IT RIGHTPLEASE HELP ASAP!!!!!!!!I already did the trials, and I found the loudest sound.I will ask another question that includes the rest of the screen shots. Which of the following is an example of microevolution?A. the formation of four new species of fish in a lake over thousands of yearsB. a mass extinction that occurs because of major environmental changes in a habitat C. a change in the frequency of body color in a species of beetle over timeD. the formation of two new species of rodent that have been isolated by a mountain rangeno scammers!!! please please help Can someone help me pls? ) Cars are parked in line as they come off the assembly lines. There are three models: red cars which take up 2 spaces, blue cars which also take up 2 spaces, and green cars which take up only 1 space. Let an be the number of ways of filling the first n parking spaces with red, blue and green cars. help me please Iknow it's easy but I need answers asap When people are infected with influenza virus, they...A. Experience uncomfortable symptoms as their body fights the virus.B. Might feel worse depending on how much exposure theyve had to the virus.C. Can combat the virus by immediately getting a vaccination.D. Will start to feel better when their body begins fighting the infection.Will give brainliest... Which of the following happened first?a.Peasant Crusaders attacked Jews in Germany.b.Saladin successfully defended Jerusalem against King Richard I.c.Crusaders attacked Constantinople.d.Pope Urban II called on Christians to fight the Muslim Turks.Please select the best answer from the choices providedABCD HELP HELP HELP!! ILL MARK BRAINLIEST Rank each country that was most at fault of beginning World War One, Serbia, Austria-Hungary, Germany, Russia, France, Italy, Great Britain. Rank from 1-7, 7 being least to blame, and 1 being most to blame. Explain why you ranked most to blame and least to blame. Contribution Income Statement and Cost-Volume-Profit Graph Picnic Time produces a picnic basket that is sold for $100 per unit. Assume the company produced and sold 4,000 baskets during July. There were no beginning or ending inventories. Variable and fixed costs follow. Variable Costs per Unit Fixed Costs per Month Manufacturing: Manufacturing overhead $36,000 Direct materials $25 Selling and administrative 68,000 Direct labor 15 Total $104,000 Manufacturing overhead 5 $45 Selling and administrative 4 Total $49RequiredPrepare a contribution income statement for July.Do not use any negative signs with your answers.Picnic TimeContribution Income StatementFor the Month of JulySalesAnswerLess variable costsDirect materialsAnswerDirect laborAnswerManufacturing overheadAnswerSelling and administrativeAnswerAnswerContribution marginAnswerLess fixed cost:Manufacturing overheadAnswerSelling and administrativeAnswerAnswerProfitAnswer can you help me i will mark if i can A machine used to fill beverage cans is supposed to put exactly 12 ounces of beverage in each can, but the actual amount varies. The standard deviation of fill volumes is 0.05 ounce. How large a sample of cans must be selected to estimate the population mean fill volume with a 95% confidence interval that has a margin of error of 0.008 ounce? Round your answer UP to the nearest integer. At Yogurtland, the scale says that Brooke has 9 ounces of chocolate yogurt in her cup. Brielle's yogurt weighs 13 ounces. How many pounds of frozen yogurt did they buy altogether? Express your answer as a mixed number. 2. Find the length of AD if the length of AB is14 units, the length of BC is 5 units, and thelength of CD is 8 units Do you believe in the single bullet theory or a conspiracy theory in the assassination of John F. Kennedy? 5Given volume of rectangular prism is 432 m.h12 m4 mFind height? You have your choice of two investment accounts. Investment A is a 6-year annuity that features end-of-month $1,980 payments and has an interest rate of 7 percent compounded monthly. Investment B is an annually compounded lump-sum investment with an interest rate of 9 percent, also good for 6 years.How much money would you need to invest in B today for it to be worth as much as Investment A 6 years from now? (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) g Travis and Jeff own an adventure company called Whitewater Rafting. Due to quality and availability problems, the two entrepreneurs have decided to produce their own rubber rafts. The initial investment in plant and equipment is estimated to be $2,000. Labor and material cost is approximately $5 per raft. Of the rafts can be sold at a price of $10 each, what volume of demand would be necessary to break even Audria rode her bicycle for 2 hours. She drove a total of 21 miles. At this rate, how many miles will she bike in hour? A 612 6 1 2 B 634 6 3 4 C 534 5 3 4 D 514 Help????? I dont know which is right