Can you regain eyesight after glaucoma?


Answer 1

While glaucoma treatment cannot restore vision that has already been lost, it can preserve remaining vision. Many types of glaucoma are typically treated with daily eye drops or a laser procedure.

Is there a way to preserve vision in the early stages?

There is evidence that visual function can be restored in the early stages of glaucoma. However, there is currently only one known method of detecting such early loss. This is a type of in-office testing known as Pattern Electroretinography (PERG). Unfortunately, because PERG is both expensive and time consuming, very few eye doctors have the necessary equipment.

What exactly is glaucoma?

Glaucoma is a common eye condition caused by damage to the optic nerve, which connects the eye to the brain. It is usually caused by fluid accumulation in the front of the eye, which raises intraocular pressure. Glaucoma can cause vision loss if it is not detected and treated early.

To know more about Glaucoma visit:-


Related Questions


describe how the intestines, liver, stomach, and pancreas all work together.



They work together in the digestive system to make the food originate from the esophagus to the anus.



Glands in your stomach lining make stomach acid and enzymes that break down food. Muscles of your stomach mix the food with these digestive juices. Your pancreas makes a digestive juice that has enzymes that break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, along with your liver that makes a digestive juice called bile, which helps digest fats and some vitamins. The pancreas delivers the digestive juice to the small intestine through small tubes called ducts. Bacteria in your small intestine make some of the enzymes you need to digest carbohydrates. It also absorbs water with other nutrients. Bacteria in your large intestine help break down remaining nutrients and make vitamin K NIH external link. Waste products of digestion, including parts of food that are still too large, become stool.

Some extra info:

Stomach. Glands in your stomach lining make stomach acid and enzymes that break down food. Muscles of your stomach mix the food with these digestive juices.  

Pancreas. Your pancreas makes a digestive juice that has enzymes that break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The pancreas delivers the digestive juice to the small intestine through small tubes called ducts.

Liver. Your liver makes a digestive juice called bile that helps digest fats and some vitamins. Bile ducts carry bile from your liver to your gallbladder for storage, or to the small intestine for use.  

Small intestine. Your small intestine makes digestive juice, which mixes with bile and pancreatic juice to complete the breakdown of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Bacteria in your small intestine make some of the enzymes you need to digest carbohydrates. Your small intestine moves water from your bloodstream into your GI tract to help break down food. Your small intestine also absorbs water with other nutrients.

Large intestine. In your large intestine, more water moves from your GI tract into your bloodstream. Bacteria in your large intestine help break down remaining nutrients and make vitamin K NIH external link. Waste products of digestion, including parts of food that are still too large, become stool.  

Hope this helps, have a great day/night!

After concluding his research, which statement would virchow agree with? check all that apply.
Living things come from nonliving things
Cells can come from nonliving materials
Frogs can come from mud
Living things can only come from living things.
Cells come from pre-existing cells



cells come from pre-existing cells

Can someone explain to me the carbon cycle and a similar way



The carbon cycle is nature's way of reusing carbon atoms, which travel from the atmosphere into organisms in the Earth and then back into the atmosphere over and over again. Most carbon is stored in rocks and sediments, while the rest is stored in the ocean, atmosphere, and living organisms.


Its the easiest way possible if you still didn't understand you can watch tutorials.

In a population of cats, a gene that controls an observable trait has several different alleles. Which of the following best explains how genetic drift might affect the genetic makeup of this cat population over time?

It is a directed process, so it might cause an increase in the gene pool's allele frequencies.
It is a nonselective process, so it might cause an allele to disappear from the gene pool by chance.
It is a random process, so it might cause a population to reach genetic equilibrium.
It is a selective process, so it might cause an increase in the population's genetic variation.



It is a nonselective process so it might cause an allele to disappear from the gene pool by chance.

Which of the following Kingdoms does not contain Autotrophs?
A. Eubacteria
B. Plantae
C. Protista
D. Animalia



b planted


Kingdom Plantae includes multicellular, autotrophic organisms. Except for a few species that are parasites, plants use photosynthesis to meet their energy demands. Kingdom Fungi includes multicellular and unicellular, heterotrophic fungi.

Animals are heterotrophic animals that belong to the kingdom Animalia. The correct option is D as it is the only one that is not included in autotrophs.

What is a kingdom?

On the basis of characteristics such like cell structure, mode of nutrition, mode of reproduction, and body organization, living organisms are categorized into 5 kingdoms: Protista, Fungi, Plantae, Animalia, and Monera.

Animals are heterotrophic animals that belong to the kingdom Animalia. These are included under this category as they are not able to make their own food.

Thus, the correct option is D as it is the only one that is not included in autotrophs.

For more details regarding kingdom, visit:


What kingdoms are Protist's NOT part of?​



Eukaryote; isn't a plant animal, or fungus


Because Protist has many organisms that are related to the other kingdoms of animals, plants, and fungi. Protists is a word that is know used as a "eukaryote that isn't a plant, animal, or fungus."

Define monohybrid inheritance and law of segregation??

Please don't post invalid answer...!!​



In a monohybrid cross, both the alleles are expressed in the F2 generation without any blending. Thus, the law of segregation is based on the fact that each gamete contains only one allele. This law is based on four basic concepts: A gene exists in more than one form of an allele.


What makes leaves stop turning green in the winter?



It is because in winters there in mostly less sunlight as compared to summer and as we all know that plants need sunlight frim photo synthesis so in Winter there is less chance of leaves turting to green

Hooe it helps

4. Which system helps keep you healthy by carrying white blood cells throughout
the body which trigger immune responses when needed?
O A. Digestive system
B. Endocrine system
C. Respiratory system
D. Lymphatic system
5. True or False: The excretory system is responsible for inhaling and exhaling,



4. It is the lymphatic system

5. False, the excretory system is responsible for waste material.


Life is to short to dwell on the past something happens move on scars wont heal if you keep reliving what gave those scars to you I'm always giving people advice that I dont follow myself I act like its so easy to forget or move on from the past but it isn't nothing is easy life is gonna throw a lot of stuff at you and what you think is the worst pain you'll ever feel theres more where that came from we wish to be older and when were older we wish to be younger Its not easy and its not always gonna be happy or sad you have a lot of emotions that your gonna use when your older we all have futures we just have to make it there it might seem bad now but it'll get better or it might seem great now and im very sorry to tell you this but it'll get worse we can't control others actions but we can control how they affect us or how we affect them there's light at the end of the tunnel theres no rainbow without the rain
I wish everyone a wonderful day stay in there you can and you will you just have to believe you can before you do :) bye bye
(sorry if i make no sence or spelled a lot of things wrong my eyes hurt )


Im here for y'all just friend me!

If you read all the way through just to make your night a lil better or you're genuinely not doing well. I can be a random internet stranger who will listen!

I understand how seeing other's say this or be positive makes you think it won't get better but it will, i was in a hospital 6 months ago and now im doing fine, on meds. I love you!

Can someone help me


I answered the two questions I hope they are right

When would scientist be most likely to use the type of model shown in the illustration?


When investigating the predator/prey relationships between the different organisms.


When investigating the predator/prey relationships between the different organisms.





its B (:


Explain how the angle of the sun effects
the seasons? How does the angle effect
the strength of the sunlight? How does
this effect the temperature?



it affects the temperature bcs where the sun hit example the equator it wont snow bcs its hot and in Antarctica its snow bcs it rarely can be exposed to sunlight and one of the reason to is bcs the earth rotates on its axis that why there day and night

What were the results Mendel consistently identified in his experiment


Developed the model of heredity that now bears his name by experiments on various characteristics of pea plants:

4. A student studying interactions between body systems constructs this table. The
student plans to fill out the table with phrases that describe an interaction between
each pair of systems.
Skeletal Circulatory Muscular Digestive Respiratory Urinary
Which of these phrases could be placed in the position marked with an X?


Answer:I think it’s “provides nutrients to muscle cells


What is an ionic compound?



Ionic compounds are ion compounds. These ions are atoms that gain or lose electrons, resulting in a net positive or negative charge. Metals tend to lose electrons, so they have a net positive charge and become cations. Non-metals tend to gain electrons, creating a net negative charge of anions.


*lf a strand has 35% adenine, what percent will be cytosine?



35% - adenine

35% - thymine

Then you have cytosine which is paired with guanine and they will both have a percent of 15.

15% - guanine

15% - cytosine


In order to grow larger, an anthropod must go through



They must shed their exoskeleton, or molt, in order to grow. The exoskeleton splits open. the animal emerges and swells to a larger size until the newer, larger exoskeleton is hardened.

Where are antigen and antibody found in your blood? What does “agglutination” mean?




The ABO blood group system involves two antigens and two antibodies found in human blood. The two antigens are antigen A and antigen B. The two antibodies are antibody A and antibody B. The antigens are present on the red blood cells and the antibodies in the serum.

agglutination means, (with reference to bacteria or red blood cells) clump together.

Which statement about predator-prey populations is true?

A. The relationship between predator and prey populations keeps both populations in balance.

B. A decrease in the prey population is followed by an increase in the predator population.

C. An increase in the predator population is followed by an increase in the prey population.

D. two of the above.



it is A


it A because it is a balance the predator eat the pray so it does not over populate

The mass of an object doubles. What happens to the gravitational force between it and another object whose mass stays the same, assuming they remain the same distance apart?

A. The amount of the gravitational force quadruples.
B. The amount of the gravitational force doubles.
C. The amount of the gravitational force decreases by one-half.
D. The amount of the gravitational force remains the same.



part b is the right answer


The amount of the gravitational force doubles

When the mass of an object doubles; The amount of gravitational force between it and another object whose mass stays the same doubles.

Gravitational force

According to Newton's law of universal gravitation;

The gravitational force between two objects is directly proportional to the product of their mass and Inversely proportional to the square of their distance apart.

On this note, since the mass of the other object is kept constant; the gravitational force is doubled when the mass of the object is doubled.

Read more on gravitational force;

Un estudiante presenta una condicion especial llamada gigantismo su altura es mucho mayor que la de los compañeros de la misma edad y se descarta que la causa sea un problema heredero podemos suponer que este estudiante tiene insuficiente de la hormona esta hormona no ingresa a las celulas en su mecanismo de accion por se.


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

A pesar de que se te olvidó incluir las opciones o incisos para responder a tu pregunta, podemos comentar lo siguiente, basándonos en nuestro conocimiento sobre la materia.

Podemos pensar que la hormona que no produce este niño que sufre de gigantismo es la hormona llamada somatotropina. Esta hormona es muy importante durante el crecimiento y desarrollo del niño en la infancia porque secreta la adenohipófisis, una glándula vital para el correcto y proporcionado desarrollo en la etapa de la niñez.

Entonces, si no hay una secreción correcta de la hormona somatotropina, ésta hace que el niño desarrolle la condición llamada gigantismo.

Entonces podríamos decir lo siguiente.

Un estudiante presenta una condición especial llamada gigantismo su altura es mucho mayor que la de los compañeros de la misma edad y se descarta que la causa sea un problema heredero podemos suponer que este estudiante tiene insuficiente de la hormona de crecimiento o somatotropina. Esta hormona no ingresa a las células en su mecanismo de accion por ser una derivación de aminoácidos.

The phylogenetic tree shown shows the evolutionary relationships among finches
What can be concluded from this diagram?
A. Warbler finches and cactus finches are the most closely related.
B. Tree finches and warbler finches are the least closely related.
C. No finches have a common ancestor.
D. Tree finches and cactus finches have a common ancestor.


I’m going to say d or b. But mainly D
Hope this helps :)

The phylogenetic tree shown shows tree finches and cactus finches have a common ancestor. So, the correct option is D.

What is Phylogenetic tree?

A branching diagram that depicts the evolutionary relationships between a set of creatures, species, or genes is called a phylogenetic tree, sometimes referred to as an evolutionary tree. On the basis of the similarities and contrasts in their physical or genetic traits, it depicts the evolutionary history of these groups.

We can draw the conclusion that cactus and tree finches are more closely connected to one another than they are to any other finch species on the tree. The diagram does not indicate if tree finches and warbler finches are more or less closely related to one another, or whether cactus finches and warbler finches are.

Therefore, the correct option is D.

Learn more about Phylogenetic tree, here:


4. Darwin and Wallace both gathered a large number of observations and facts on which they based
their theories. Which of the following types of evidence was NOT part of the evidence they gathered?
a. fossil evidence
b. anatomical evidence
C. geographical distribution
d. genetic evidence



c I hope I got it but have a good day

The type of evidence that should not be part of should be genetic evidence.

What is genetic evidence?

It is the evidence where it predicted the no of human ancestors. Here the relation between the genetic diversity & the size of the population should be considered. So based on this, it received large no of observations and facts related to the fossil, anatomical, and the geographical evidence

Therefore, the option d is correct.

Learn more about evidence here:

Students learned that the job of one body system is to filter out cellular
wastes, toxins, and excess water or nutrients. Which body system has
this function? *
A. Excretory system
B. Muscular system
C. Endocrine system
D. Skeletal system




A. Excretory system

hope it helps

Please help meeeeeeeeeweewwwwweeeeee



the answers are D, E and G


Which type of system is shown below?


Cold front I searched up diagrams

Use your knowledge of the mechanism of photosynthesis and the data presented in the chart to determine which of the statements is a correct explanation for the students' data.Group of answer choicesCup 2 had the highest rate of photosynthesis because it had the highest ratio of disks floating to wattage of light.Cup 1 had a low rate of photosynthesis because 0.5 grams of baking soda did not provide a sufficient amount of CO2.Cup 3 had the same rate of photosynthesis as Cup 1 because they had the same ratio of disks floating to wattage of light.Cup 4 had the lowest rate of photosynthesis because it had the least CO2.



D. Cup 4 had the lowest rate of photosynthesis because it had the least CO2.


Carbondioxide gas is the main reactant for the process of photosynthesis which decides the production of food in the leaves. If plants has high amount of carbondioxide gas and water so in the presence of sunlight it produces more food in the leaves in the form of glucose so we can conclude that the  lowest rate of photosynthesis occurs due to presence of least concentration of carbondioxide gas in the cup 4.

based of these are true

A. Metal is denser than milk
B. Air and water are equal dense
C. Rain Water is less dense than fog
D. Orange Juice is denser than a whole orange





because solid metals will sink when placed on top of whole milk.

Metal is denser than milk is the property of density,  these are true. Thus option A is correct.

What is density ?

The density  can be defined as its mass per volume and it is the ratio between mass and volume, where how much stuff of  an object has in a unit volume.

Density is a calculation of matter, where it shows how tightly matter is mixed together, density was discovered by the Greek scientist Archimedes

The density of an object can be represented as  the mass (m) can be divided by the volume (v)

Density = Mass/Volume

The SI unit of density is represented as kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m3) or in cgs unit it can be represented as  grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3).

Thus option A is correct.

Learn more about density, here:


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