make complementary dna


Answer 1




I have no idea what you are trying to do.


Related Questions

The most important factors which limits the number of animals that can live in a biome is?




Most organisms are adapted to live within a particular range of temperatures and will not survive at temperatures too far above or below their range. Precipitation limits the organisms that can be found in a biome because all organisms need water, and the bigger the animal, the more water it needs.

which is the best description for why skeletal muscle stores glycogen


Answer: Skeletal muscle is a heavy consumer of energy.

The following statements refer to a comparison of reproduction in ferns vs. flowering plants. Indicate whether each statement is true or false by writing true or false in each blank. true Both ferns and flowering plants produce spores at some point in their life cycles. false Only ferns have a gametophyte as part of their life cycle. Only flowering plants produce pollen grains. true Both a tree and a large fern plant are diploid sporophytes.



Both ferns and flowering plants produce spores at some point in their life cycles. True

Only ferns have a gametophyte as part of their life cycle. False.

Only flowering plants produce pollen grains. true

Both a tree and a large fern plant are diploid sporophytes. True


Yes, both ferns and flowering plants produce spores in their life cycles. In fern plant, it produce spores on the underside of the leaves whereas in flowering plant, there are two types of spores such as microspores and megaspores. Both ferns and flowering plants have gametophyte as part of their life cycle. Flowering plants produce pollen grains whereas non-flowering plants produce spores to continue their generation. Both tree and large fern plants having diploid sporophytes which is a necessary part of their life cycle.

Infinity of biology ​



Origin: L. Infinitas; pref. In- not – finis boundary, limit, end: cf. F. Infinite. See Finite.

1. Unlimited extent of time, space, or quantity; eternity; boundlessness; immensity. There can not be more infinities than one; for one of them would limit the other. (Sir W. Raleigh)

2. Unlimited capacity, energy, excellence, or knowledge; as, the infinity of god and his perfections.

3. Endless or indefinite number; great multitude; as an infinity of beauties.

4. (Science: mathematics) a quantity greater than any assignable quantity of the same kind.

Mathematically considered, infinity is always a limit of a variable quantity, resulting from a particular supposition made upon the varying element which enters it.

5. (Science: geometry) That part of a line, or of a plane, or of space, which is infinitely distant. In modern geometry, parallel lines or planes are sometimes treated as lines or planes meeting at infinity. Circle at infinity, an imaginary circle at infinity, through which, in geometry of three dimensions, every sphere is imagined to pass. Circular points at infinity. See Circular.


The diagram below shows the changes in skull structure from early hominids to
modern humans.Which characteristic developed in the skulls over time?
A. Larger teeth
B. Smaller volume
C. Smaller jaw bone
D. Prominent brow ridge


Answer: Its smaller jaw bone

Explanation: Just look at the picture

where they execute important functions. The polypeptide chain of these proteins must cross the lipid bilayer. This presents a problem because the peptide bond is polar in nature. It turns out that in virtually all cases where an amino acid chain crosses a lipid bilayer it does so as an alpha helix. Suggest a reason why this is the case. (5 points)



In this case, it is likely that the polypeptide chain assumed an alpha helix configuration because the lipid bilayer did not have beta-barrel proteins.


A polypeptide chain is naturally polar, however, a lipid bilayer is naturally non-polar. This makes it difficult and even prevents the polypeptide chain from crossing a lipid bilayer, since the composition of these two elements does not allow them to mix. In that case, the polypeptide chain has two options to take to successfully cross the lipid bilayer.

The first option that the polypeptide chain has is to allow the creation of twisted beta sheets in the shape of a closed barrel in its structure. This only works if the lipid bilayer has beta barrel proteins in its composition to act as a transport channel for the polypeptide chain. However, few lipid layers have this protein.

Most likely, the polypeptide chain assumes an alpha helix conformation to cross lipid bilayers that do not have beta-barrel proteins. By assuming the beta conformation, the polypeptide chain reinforces the hydrogen bonds present in its composition, allowing it to cross the lipid bilayer without having its conformation and structure disassembled.

All organisms in the kingdoms Priotista, Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia are




They have a well defined nucleus and memebrane bound organelles.

what grow downward into the soil to form roots

please answer fast




The primary root, or radicle, is the first organ to appear when a seed germinates. It grows downward into the soil, anchoring the seedling. In gymnosperms and dicotyledons (angiosperms with two seed leaves), the radicle becomes a taproot

Which of the following is the best explanation of the physiological reaction to the length of daylight hours often referred to as photoperiodism? Group of answer choices Plants will only flower during long day periods when the day length exceeds their necessary photoperiod. Plants are able to respond to photoperiodism, but animals are not. Migration is triggered by temperature change and not by photoperiodism. Hibernation is often triggered by photoperiodism.



A. Plants will only flower during long day periods when the day length exceeds their necessary photoperiod


Photoperiodism is a phenomenon that refers to the response of an organism to the length of day. This phenomenon causes a physiological change in the organisms involved (plants or animals). However, the best studied example of change caused by photoperiodism is that of FLOWERING IN PLANTS.

Different plants flower at different times in response to the day length. Certain plants called LONG DAY PLANTS e.g. spinach and potato etc only flower when the length of day exceeds their photoperiod (threshold), which is usually 12 hours. These plants require very short periods of darkness to flower.

Hence, according to the question, FLOWERING response in plants is the best explanation to describe photoperiodism.

6. A bus travels down a straight highway and goes from 0 to 10m/s in 5 seconds.

What is its acceleration?

a. 2m/s2

b. 3m/s2

c. 4m/s2

d. 5m/s2 7. A car can travel 50 meters in 10 seconds. A fast motor bike can travel 5 meters

in a second. A bus can cover 500 meters in 100 seconds. Which vehicle has the

highest speed?

a. The car has the highest speed because it travels a great distance in a

short time.

b. The bus has the highest speed because it can travel the greatest distance.

c. The bike has the highest speed because it has the shortest travel time.

d. All their speeds are equal.

8. Which of the following is TRUE about speed and velocity?

a. Speed is a vector and velocity is scalar.

b. Velocity is the speed in a particular direction.

c. An object can accelerate even if the velocity is constant.

d. A change in speed causes an acceleration. A change in velocity causes


9. A bicycle has an average speed of 2m/s. This means that _________.

a. in 1 second, it travels 1 meter

b. it can travel 4 meters in 2 seconds

c. it takes 2 seconds to travel 1 meter

d. it can travel 2 kilometers in one hour

10.An object can accelerate while moving at constant speed. Which situation

illustrates this?

a. A roller coaster making a fast dive.

b. A bus going uphill at constant speed.

c. A bump car going in circles at constant speed.

d. A car moving down a straight highway at constant speed.​



6) 2m/s²

7)All the speeds are equal

8) Velocity is speed in a particular direction

9) it can travel 4 m in 2 sec

10)a bus going uphill at constant speed (not sure abt this)

Select all that apply.
Tumors can result from:

1) Mutations in tumor suppressor genes
2) Mutations in proto-oncogenes
3) Too many cells in GO
4) Too little cell death
5) Too much cell division


4, 5 I think I’m not too sure

PLEASE HELP TAKING TEST NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! What are ethical and aesthetic services? (1 point)
the material benefits that humans receive from ecosystems
o the products that humans obtain from the ecosystem that they can use
o the contributions of ecosystems that benefit human survival and well-being
the nonmaterial benefits that humans receive from ecosystems


Our crops depend on insect pollination and the complex biological processes that create soil. We benefit from parks, natural environments, and animals when we do so because it improves our health and wellbeing.

What advantages can the environment provide us in our day-to-day activities?

As a society, we rely on healthy ecosystems for a number of purposes, such as crop pollination to ensure that we won't go hungry, air purification so that we can breathe easily, carbon sequestration to control the climate, nutrient cycling so that we can access clean drinking water without having to invest in pricey infrastructure, and so on.

Healthy ecosystems keep our soil in good condition, purify the air, regulate the climate, recycle nutrients, and provide us with food.

learn more about ecosystems


:Which of the following is not a factor that breaks dormancy in seeds
Seeds must be dispersed before germinating a O
Seed gets buried under the soil, but needs to be on the surface bo
Seeds need to be digested by an animal before germination .CO
Seeds need to be burnt before germinating do
Seed needs moisture in the soil





There it is what is the answer



I'm confused what's the question???

Where is the question at?

Which of the following best describe gas particles?
a moving randomly
b collide into each other
Cmove slow
d high kinetic energy
moving orderly
e moving orderly



a, b, d (see below)


So, looking at the 3 states of matter:

Solid - holds a shape and is made up of particles that vibrate in place (because particles are always moving no matter what)

Liquid - holds shape of its container and has particles with some space in between them that allow them to flow

Gas - holds shape of its container and has particles with huge gaps of space between them that are always, constantly moving and zooming around

Refer to the image below for a better visual understanding.

So, now, looking at the answer choices:

a) moving randomly

Yes. They are—they're speeding around super fast all the time.

Every time heat is added to something, the particles start loosening up and moving. A lot.

So when you add heat to a solid, it starts loosening up and moving around until it becomes flowy enough to be a liquid. Then, if more heat is added, the particles moving faster and loosen up even more until they're a gas.

Imagine doing that one more time, and you'll have plasma. As you may have guessed it, plasma moves super fast

b) collide into each other

Yes. Because they're moving so fast and uncontrollably all the time, they're bound to have rammed into one another a few or more times.

Imagine bumper cars at a carnival, except the speed of each car is sooo fast that you could be on a highway. You're probably going to hit someone, which is why bumper cars are not that fast in reality. For safety reasons.

c) move slow

No. Since we know that they're always zooming around (refer to my bumper car example above, in bold), they obviously can't be slow.

d) high kinetic energy

Yes. Anything moving (a.k.a. in motion) has kinetic energy. If gases zoom super fast 24/7, they will have high kinetic energy.

Having high kinetic energy means that the something is moving really fast or a lot. In this case, gases are both.

e) moving orderly

No. They're moving everywhere and really fast, so they have no control over how they move because of how fast they are.

(refer to my bumper car example in answer b, in bold)

Only 1% can solve the question



a. the blood pressure decreases. the bblood in the A that is the artery is higher as the artery carries the oxygenated blood which is directly pumped out of the the artery's pressure is higher where as the capillaries pressure decreases when compared with artery. the blood in the capillary flows slowly and smoothly as capillary needs time to exchange the substance between the body cells and the blood. the vein carry the deoxygenated blood back to the heart so their pressure is low.

b.the highest pressure is found in the artery because it carries the oxygenated blood and the heart pump the blood with great force thus tge artery have the highest pressure . and it also wanted to transport the oxygen quickly to other parts of the body.

c. valves. these prevent the backflow of the blood in capillary as the blood moves against the valves prevent the blood from going back . therefore the valves help the blood in veins to move back to heart. (not sure)

A farmer grows wheat near a river. He frequently uses
fertilizer on his fields, and when he waters the fields,
excess water runs off into the river.
What should the farmer be most careful to monitor to determine his farm's
impact on water quality?
A. Type of fish in the river
B. Amount of water in the farm's soil
C. pH of rainwater falling on the farm
D. Level of nitrates in runoff water


Answer: I think its B

Explanation: I hope this helps :)


D. Level of nitrates in runoff water


Took the test too :)

eselson and Stahl relied on equilibrium density gradient centrifugation to resolve the DNA containing 14N from the DNA containing 15N.They started off with DNA in media containing the heavy isotope, then switched to media containing the lighter isotope and allowed DNA replication to take place. Under semiconservative model of DNA replication, after THREE rounds of replication, how many bands of DNA would you see and which band would contain more DNA molecules



The correct answer would be - two bands ( one intermediate, and one light)- the light band contains more DNA molecules.


After the switching to the lighter isotope by the second round of replication where light strands are used as template strands, produces the light band of 14N.

After three rounds of semiconservative replication, where template strand contains both heavy and new formed light bands or nitrogen and produces so in a Density gradient, there will be 2 bands one light band and the other intermediate band.

we have 4 oceans
How did your predictions match the tracking data for each bottle?


Scientists use buoys to measure ocean conditions in specific locations over time. There are a variety of different buoys deployed in the ocean; some are attached to the ocean floor, while others drift freely in open waters. All ocean buoys, regardless of type, report some physical characteristic of the ocean or the atmosphere for later analysis.

In this virtual lab activity, you will use buoys to track a bottle as it travels on ocean currents worldwide. Problem: How can data from buoys be used to analyze ocean currents? Hypothesis: Predict the location each bottle came from using the tracking data in the Data and Observations section and the world map of major ocean currents pictured below.

For example:I predict bottle 1 is from ________canada _________, bottle 2 is from _____brazil_______,and bottle 3 is from ______carriboean islands________ based on the tracking data andworld map of currents

2) Which of the following designates a female elephant? A: Bull B: Sow C: Cow D: Mare​


The answer is C (aka cow)

Which is a part of interphase?
O A. G, phase
B. Cytokinesis
C. Telophase
D. Prophase



A. G¹ phase


In G¹ phase - RNA and Proteins are synthesised and the volume of Cytoplasm increase.

the correct answer is A

Water located in wells underground is
ground water.



Aquifers but since there is no answer choice I say groundwater .

Hope this helps .

Water located in wells underground is ground water. Therefore, the correct option is option C.

Water that is found below the earth's surface in cracks in rocks and the crevices between soil particles is known as groundwater. It is essential for maintaining ecosystems on our planet and supporting human activities. Groundwater is created and made available by precipitation and surface water that seeps into the ground. It gathers in subterranean aquifers, which are enormous water reservoirs contained in permeable rocks or sediments. The thickness and depth of these aquifers vary. Groundwater supply is influenced by elements like rainfall, geology, and human use. Groundwater is an important resource since it is necessary for a variety of purposes. It provides over half of the world's population with their main supply of drinking water.

Therefore, the correct option is option C.

To know more about ground water, here:


Please help me !
What is an example of two species working agains each other in an ecosystem??
Thank you!



just think of the food chain


example the lion and the antelope

Due to a extended 5 year drought the seeds became much harder than they were previously which graph would represent how the bird population would change over these years



Graph A


With harder seeds, birds will need larger beaks in order to crack the seeds. The birds with smaller beaks won't be able to crack the seeds and will die because they can't eat anything. Graph A is the only one that shows a distinct increase in bird beak size.

It’s Graph A :)
Like they said^

what is vector in life sience​


“A vector is an organism that spreads infection by conveying pathogens from one host to another”

Match the statement with the correct term from the list.
Any ____________ is a blank that you are filling with a choice from the list. Choices may be used once, more than once or not at all.
1. Enzyme which transcribes DNA ______________
2. Location of transcription in a eukaryotic cell __________
3. Specific sub cellular structure completes translation _____________
4. Product of transcription ___________
5. Transportation of amino acids _____________
6. Product of translation ____________
7. Druing translation complimentary base pairing occurs between mRNA and ______________
8. Start codon for translation_________




1.RIbonucliec acid (RNA) polymerase

2. Nucleus

3. Ribosome

4. Intermediate messanger RNA(mRNA)

5. tRNA(transfer RNA)

6. Amino acids

7. tRNA that specifies for each codon of amino acids read on the mRNA

8. 5'AUG Methionine

RNA polymerase is the enzyme that helps in transcribing DNA and it occur in the nucleus before it is being transferred to the ribosome where translation occurs. The end product of translation is amino acids who are functional protein.

Why do males determine the sex of the offspring in humans?
they have testosterone
they have two different sex chromosomes
they have no sex chromosomes
males do not determine the sex of offspring in humans
o they have two of the same sex chromosomes



males do not determine the sex of offspring


this question lacks intellectual merit on multiple levels of analysis

Modern research has indicated that the appendix has at least one important function _____.

Modern research has indicated that the appendix has at least one important function _____.

a storehouse for good bacteria
fights intestinal infection
aids in digestion
secretes hormones
produces insulin



The correct answer is - a storehouse for good bacteria.


The appendix is a finger-like small narrow-sized pouch that founds out from the colon. Initially, it was thought to a vestigial organ that has very little or no function in the human body.

In modern and more recent research suggests that the appendix has a very important role as it works as a reservoir or storehouse for beneficial gut bacteria.

The length and breadth of a rectangular floor are 12m and 8m respectively.How many tiles will be needed to cover the floor if the side of the title is 60 cm?​






L = 12 m

B = 8 m

S = 60 cm

now ,

    area of rectangle [a] = Length * Breadth

                            60 = 12 * 8

                           60 = 96

                          = 96 / 60

                             = 1.6      

List at least 5 importance of gravity in our daily lives​



- helps us stay on the ground (without gravity we would float and float into space and inevitably die)

- helps us hold things in our hands (even if we let go the objects won't go flying)

- makes it easy for us to do daily things

- lets us understand why things happen and why objects fall to the ground

- suns gravity helps keep the earth the great amount of distance away from the sun so we can get the exact amount of sunshine

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