Chapter 29: A New Frontier and a Great Society, 1960-1968


Answer 1

The evidence that is present of coherence in the new frontier and the great society is that New Frontier and Great Society were similar but with different goals. New Frontier goals of putting a man on the moon

Prior to John F. Kennedy was chosen President in 1960 in a decisively close political race, he guaranteed "New Frontier" of homegrown social and financial change. As President he offered a wide plan of regulative recommendations to understand this objective. The significant recommendations included laying out a worker Harmony Corps to help immature nations, raising the lowest pay permitted by law and widening its inclusion, raising Government backed retirement benefits, giving federal health insurance, giving bureaucratic guide to instruction, making an administrative division of metropolitan issues, and giving more prominent powers to the central government to manage monetary downturns. The Congress and the nation were not prepared to embrace the entirety of this program, be that as it may. The Harmony Corps was laid out, Government backed retirement benefits and the lowest pay permitted by law were raised, and a noteworthy lodging regulation was instituted, however little else was established. Kennedy's term was unfortunately abbreviated by a assassin's bullet in November 1963

Know more on New Frontier and Great Society -


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What was the result of the 1932 elections ?


On November 8, 1932, Franklin Roosevelt became the first Democrat in 80 years to win the presidency by a majority vote, rather than a plurality. On Capitol Hill, House Democrats gained 97 seats for a nearly three-to-one margin over the Republicans

How does Odysseus test Penelope's loyalty?


The suitors are shown who Odysseus is at his castle in Ithaca. As he does so, he fires an arrow at one of the suitors named Antinous, striking him in the neck and killing him. The remaining suitors beg for their lives and point the finger of responsibility at Antinous. With the aid of the goddess Athena, Odysseus slaughters them without mercy. The dishonest servants are hanged by his son Telemachus.

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Read these passages from the Article. Which one tells why
Napoleon was not able to start a colony in Egypt?
A. Napoleon brought 150 savants to Egypt. Savants were
scholars, scientists, artists, and engineers. They would
study ancient Egypt.
B. The savants stayed in Egypt. They formed the Institute of
Egypt. They uncovered valuables that had been lost even
to the Egyptians themselves.
C. The Rosetta Stone was a hunk of text-covered rock. It held
the key to understanding ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.
Discovering the Rosetta Stone was like unlocking a secret
level in a game.
D. Napoleon's military adventure was a disaster. A few
months into it, the British military destroyed his ships.... A
year later. Napoleon left Egypt. He never went back.


Most likely D because it seems the most reasonable

What does the pig represent in Animal Farm?


In the novel Animal Farm, the pigs stand in for the post-revolutionary Soviet authorities. A communist utopia was intended to be brought about by the Russian revolution.

The chief pig, Napoleon, represents Joseph Stalin. Following the Russian Revolution, Stalin ascended to power and swiftly established himself as a despot who employed strong-arm methods to hold onto his position of power. In order to maintain the appearance of control and prevent the masses from rising up, he frequently even utilized propaganda to remove people from records.

Napoleon's initial goals in dealing with the revolution and the other animals are to keep things in order and uphold Animalism's principles. He exemplifies the kind of despot that Stalin evolved into. Napoleon also used propaganda to maintain everyone else's attention on other issues.For instance, he holds Snowball accountable for the farm's misfortunes. Additionally, he gradually modifies the barn's rules to suit himself and the other pigs.

To know more about Napoleon:


what has the non indigenous done to disrupt the mi'kmaq fishery dispute




The 2020 Mi'kmaq lobster dispute is an ongoing lobster fishing dispute between members of the Mi'kmaq Sipekne'katik First Nation and non-Indigenous lobster fishers primarily in Digby County and Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia.

The conflict revolves around interpretations of R v Marshall, a 1999 Supreme Court of Canada decision that upheld the Halifax Treaties, granting Indigenous Canadians the right to fish.  Non-Indigenous fishers reacted negatively to off-season fishing activities of a self-regulated Indigenous lobster fishery, citing fears of overfishing. 

The Halifax Treaties were a collection of 11 written documents created between 1760 and 1761 that, among other things, granted Native Canadians the right to fish.

In 1999, the treaty was upheld by the Supreme Court in R v Marshall (No 1), reaffirming the right of Aboriginal fishermen to fish to support a "moderate subsistence".

Much of the controversy centered on the semantics of the ruling.

The Court elaborated on the extension of Aboriginal treaty rights in R v Marshall (No 2), noting that these rights are still subject to regulation if conservation is shown to be in the interest or other public interests. Both decisions were highly contested.

What are the answers to First World War?


Answer - What was the main cause of World War I? World War I began after the assassination of Austrian archduke Franz Ferdinand by South Slav nationalist Gavrilo Princip on June 28, 1914.

Historians have argued that all of the following were causes of the Civil War EXCEPT

a. the clash of economic interests between agrarian and industrializing regions
b. the actions of irresponsible politicians and agitators in the North and the South
c. differences over the morality and future of slavery
d. the growing power of poor Southern Whites who resisted planter dominance and sought to abolish slavery
e. a constitutional crisis pitting states’ rights against federal power


Option D is correct. The growing power of poor Southern Whites who resisted planter dominance and sought to abolish slavery was not a cause of civil war.

About Civil war

The American Civil War, commonly referred to by other names, lasted from April 12, 1861, until May 26, 1865. The Confederacy (also known as "the South"), which was made up of seceded states, and the Union (also known as "the North") engaged in combat. The conflict over whether to allow slavery to spread into the western regions, creating additional slave states, or to forbid it from doing so, that was widely considered to put slavery on the path to eventual extinction, was the main driver of the war.

The election of Abraham Lincoln as president of the United States in 1860 ended years of political contention over slavery because he opposed its spread into the country's western territories.

To know more about Civil war:


!please help!:)
worth 5 points



I'd say the first one.

("The president, not Congress, should run the executive branch")


It's the only one that makes sense.

I hope this helps!

Merry Christmas Eve!

What were the causes and effects of the revolutions that took place in France and the Americas from ca. 1750 to ca. 1900?



The Americans' victory over the British may have been one of the greatest catalysts for the French Revolution. The French people saw that a revolt could be successful—even against a major military power–and that lasting change was possible. Many experts argue that this gave them the motivation to rebel.


What did World War 2 do for women's rights?


World War II provided unprecedented opportunities for American women to enter into jobs that had never before been open to women, particularly in the defense industry. Women faced challenges in overcoming cultural stereotypes against working women, as well as finding adequate childcare during working hours.

Use the Internet, a library, or another source to research why each listed event caused a change in the makeup of the power balance between local, state, and national government. Write your explanations in the provided table. The first event has been described as an example.


The reason why each listed event caused a change in the makeup of the power balance between local, state, and national governments are given as follows.

The respective reasons why there was an impact in power balance following the listed events are?

1787: The Constitution establishes the first federal system

The newly drafted constitution includes a power-sharing system between the states and the central government.

19th century: double federalism/lasagna federalism

National and state governments have defined and differentiated responsibilities and each has roughly the same powers. It is called a layer cake association because there are different layers.

1861–1865: Civil War

The end of the war and the beginning of Reconstruction meant greater federal involvement in matters normally handled by the states.

1933: New Deal/Cooperative Federalism/Marble Cake Federalism

The New Course curriculum called for all levels of government to work together to solve national problems related to the Great Depression. The roles of government are not as completely separated as in lasagna federalism. Instead, the responsibilities of each level are interconnected, more like a marble cake.

1964: The Beginning of a Great Society

In the creation of the welfare state, the central government took a more active role in eradicating poverty and discrimination. The federal government gives money to the states based on policies set by the central government, not what the states say they want or need. It marked a huge increase in federal power.

1980s and 1990s: neo-federalism/decentralization revolution

President Reagan decided to return more executive power to the states, giving them more influence over the use of public money. This weakening of the country continued in the

1990s. 2010: Progressive Federalism

The federal government is helping states advance progressive legislation that has stalled at the national level, allowing Americans to use local and state governments to advance minority rights, environmental laws etc.

Learn more about Power Balance;

Full Question:

Use the Internet, a library, or another source to research why each listed event caused a change in the makeup of the power balance between

local, state, and national government. Write your explanations in the provided table. The first event has been described as an example.


Effect on Balance of Power Between Local, State, and National Governments

The newly drafted Constitution included a system that would share powers between the states and the national government.1787: Constitution creates the first federal system1800s: dual federalism / layer cake federalism1861-1865: Civil War1933: New Deal / cooperative federalism/marble cake federalism1964: start of Great Society1980s and 1990s: new federalism /devolution revolution2010: progressive federalism

explain what solomon was saying in ur own words
" even a fool is considered wise when he keeps silent...theone who guards his mouth keeps himself out of trouble "
proverbs 17:28, 21:23



it is better to be thought a fool and remain silent than to speak up and remove all doubt


What happens at the Plaza Hotel in The Great Gatsby?


In the Plaza Hotel suite where Nick, Gatsby, Daisy, Jordan, and Tom eventually find themselves, everything comes tumbling out into the open.

Gatsby insists that Daisy inform Tom that she has never loved him after she and he both admit to having an affair. Daisy is unable to accomplish this, and Gatsby's hopes are destroyed.

Great Gatsby The end of chapter seven of F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby," where Nick, Gatsby, Daisy, Tom, and Jordan are staying at the Plaza Hotel in New York, has this passage.

Nick then abruptly remembers that it is his birthday after this scenario. Strangely enough,

Learn more about to Plaza Hotel visit here;


which of the following most directly led to the expansion of participatory democracy in the first half of the nineteenth century?


The thing that most directly led to the expansion of participatory democracy in the first half of the nineteenth century is reduction of property ownership requirements for voting.

Participatory democracy involves citizens personally and directly participating in political decisions and policies that affect their lives, rather than through elected representatives. It's a form of government.

In the 1820s and 1830s, the percentage of property ownership required to vote was reduced. Many states relaxed or abolished property ownership requirements in his 1820s and his 1830s, especially under President Andrew Jackson, where participatory democracy emerged.

The property requirements for white male suffrage were lowered, increasing voter turnout and resulting in increased party activity.

To learn more about ‘Participatory democracy’ here:


What is in the secret room of Taj Mahal?


The chambers are periodically opened for repair work. The Taj is the subject of several myths and tales. One of these is Shah Jahan's desire to build the "black Taj" in contrast to the existing structure.

Is it possible to enter the Taj Mahal?

There are two distinct tickets that may be bought. Taj Mahal's gardens are accessible from the outside for 1100 rupees. If you wish to tour inside the tomb as well, be sure to purchase a fresh ticket for 200 rupees. The sum comes to 1300 rupees, or almost $19 US.

The Taj Mahal has rooms for sleeping.

Visitors are only permitted for one night. The person is not permitted to remain at Taj Mahal for the next six months. 

To know more about Taj mahal visit:


uhhhh i dont remember learning abt this can someone pls help me



it is C!


What is the price of Taj Mahal ticket?


To visit the main tomb of the Taj Mahal, an additional ticket costing Rs. 200 must be purchased in addition to the regular ticket.

Why is the Taj Mahal completely dark at night?

On a clear night, the marbled structure may be seen in all its glory. It is a poor idea to light it with artificial lights, which attracts insects. Because lights would draw flies, whose droppings would tarnish the Taj's impeccable magnificence, none are present.

In what foods is the Taj Mahal not permitted?

Since food is not allowed inside the Taj Mahal, it is imperative that you eat a lot before going there. You'll only leave the building if you're starving. 

To know more about Taj Mahal visit:


Why did the U.S. reject the League of Nations?


The League of Nations was established after World War I as an international body for preserving peace. Despite the League had the ardent support of US President Woodrow Wilson.

Which countries resisted joining the League of Nations?

Despite establishing the idea and signing the Covenant, the United Entities never joined the League. Other extremely remote sovereign governments in Asia including Saudi Arabia, Syria, Burma, Nepal, and Bhutan all made the decision not to join.

What contributed to the success of the League of Nations?

The League of Nations sought to prevent wars, improve people's quality of life and means of subsistence, encourage disarmament, and enforce the Versailles Convention. When compared to these goals, the League was rather productive in the 1920s.

To know more about League of nations visit:


The image shows a religious structure in Mexico City. Which of the following conclusions can be drawn based on the image?
answer choices
Social class divisions determined by the Spanish aristocracy are evident in Latin American cities
Socialist planning resulted in segregation of Mexico City
Updating of the central market of an urbanized zone led to an increase in economic development
Spanish colonialism influenced architecture of the cultural landscape
Mass transportation systems were designed to alleviate traffic congestion


The conclusion that can be drawn based on the image of a religious structure in Mexico City is that Spanish colonialism influenced the architecture of the cultural landscape

Spain has succeeded in fusing contemporary with traditional architecture in its towns. Spanish architecture is a reflection of prior ideals and ideas. For instance, the purpose of castles and Roman coliseums was to display political might. Spanish Colonial missions' architectural designs were influenced by the styles that were prevalent in Spain and Europe at the time, but their use in the Americas defies easy categorization. The Spanish frontier builders struggled to obtain the knowledge necessary to understand their alien cultural expression due to the local context of the available labor, resources, and technical expertise. As a result, mission architecture changed into a hybrid of imported and local expressions that are particular to each goal and thus are better understood via the examination of different architectural components.

Learn more about Spanish colonialism here:


Why did the sinking of the Lusitania led the US to enter ww1?



The ship killed 123 Americans which fueled anti-german


Based on what you have learned in this lesson, write two to three sentences describing one success and one failure of Clinton’s foreign policy.

Be sure to use examples from the lesson.


Depending on how success is defined, Clinton may succeed or fail. As president, party member, world leader, and politician who we believed would revive confidence in the democratic project, he must be considered.

What were Clinton's foreign policy's accomplishments and shortcomings?

Throughout his two administrations, Eastern Europe and Africa (Somalia and Rwanda) presented the greatest challenges (Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Kosovo in the former Yugoslavia). Clinton also made an effort to put a stop to the long-running conflicts in Northern Ireland and the Middle East, particularly the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

During its eight years in service, the administration ratified 300 trade accords with different countries. From $1.83 trillion in 1996 to $2.6 trillion in 2000, US trade surged by 42%.

To know more about Clinton, visit:


What was the name of the war during Pearl Harbor


Answer: World War II.

Explanation: When Japan made a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, it drove the United States out of isolation and World War II began.  It was a conflict that would end with Japan's surrender after the atomic bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima in August 1945.

Hope this helps! :)

Who dies in Ch 8 9 in Lord of the Flies?


When Simon tries to convince the other boys that the beast is not genuine but is confused for the beast, he is killed. One of the many incidents of severe brutality in Lord of the Flies is Simon's death.

What is the major point of Lord of the Flies?

The fight between two opposing impulses that all humans possess, the instinct to live by rules, act peacefully, obey moral dictates, and prioritize the benefit of the group against the urge to indulge one's own cravings, act brutally to win domination, is the main theme of Lord of the Flies.

What about the conclusion of Lord of the Flies is ironic?

The characterization of the naval officer by Golding is largely responsible for the irony at the book's conclusion. Even though Ralph is saved by the naval officer, Lord of the Flies' conclusion is not very cheerful, and the officer's first interaction with the boys is not filled with pure delight.

To know more about Lord of the Flies visit:


Which clause from the Sixth Amendment guarantees that an accused person will be able to hear the changes against him or her?


The clause from the Sixth Amendment that guarantees an accused person will be able to hear the charges against them is "to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation".

This clause ensures that the accused is aware of the charges they are facing and can prepare a defense accordingly.

Right to Be Informed of Charges: The Sixth Amendment Guarantee

The Sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees the fundamental right of an accused person to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against them. This clause ensures that the accused is aware of the charges they are facing, so that they can adequately prepare a defense for their case.

Additionally, the clause guarantees the accused the right to be confronted with the witnesses against him or her, as well as the right to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in their favor and to have the assistance of counsel for their defense. These rights are critical for ensuring that accused persons are able to receive a fair trial and receive a just outcome.

Learn more about Constitution:


What are the 3 main ideas of the Enlightenment?


Modernization, skepticism and Liberty  are the 3 main ideas of the Enlightenment .

The Enlightenment's values of equality, religious tolerance, and press freedom had an impact on several of the founding fathers of the American Revolution. The colonists of America rebelled against England and proclaimed their independence because they were denied basic rights.

Enlightenment theorists believed that all facets of human endeavor could be approached with rational thought. Old European politics, religion, philosophy, the sciences, and the arts all placed a high value on reason. Equal rights and freedom were two more ideas. It was thought during the Enlightenment that human reason could unearth truths about the world, religion, and politics and use them to advance humanity.

To know more about skepticism visit :


Marcus Garvey made a lasting impact on the lives of african americans in the united states by —



Marcus Garvey organized the United States' first Black nationalist movement. In the years following World War I, he urged Black Americans to be proud of their identity. Garvey enjoyed a period of profound Black cultural and economic success, with the New York City neighbourhood of Harlem as the movement's mecca


Marcus Garvey made a lasting impact on the lives of african americans in the united states by cofounding Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA).

The Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) was founded by Marcus Garvey. The UNIA was established in Jamaica in July 1914 with the goal of promoting Black nationalism by honoring African history and culture. Garvey promoted the "return to Africa" movement through the UNIA and established the Black Star Line to serve as the Black-owned passenger line that would transport customers to and from Africa. Additionally, he promoted stores and eateries to promote black economic independence. Marcus Garvey was a Black nationalist who supported racial segregation as well as pan-Africanism.

Learn more about Marcus Garvey


Which of these issues is also known as modern day slavery?
O Human trafficking
Animal poaching
Illegal drug trade
None of these



O Human trafficking


Human trafficking uses humans as inanimate objects (lesser than humans) as they are being forced to work like machines without their consent.

Slaves had to deal with this situation as well as they were sold to owners who forced them to work without their consent. Slaves had to deal with their basic human rights stripped away from them.

the constitution creates a separation of powers within american government. this idea was influenced by the thinking of which enlightenment figure?


The principles of justice, equality, and liberty advanced by the Enlightenment paved the way for the American Revolution and the succeeding Constitution.

Baron de Montesquieu, a French thinker of the Enlightenment, is the originator of the concept of separation of powers. According to Montesquieu, society should be organized so that no one is scared of anybody else. This meant that the structure of the government needed to prevent the misuse of authority.

According to Montesquieu, a system of government where the legislative, executive and judicial branches are individually independent and keep one another in check prevents any one branch from becoming overly dominant. He thought that consolidating these powers, as in Louis XIV's monarchy, would result in a dictatorship.

To learn more about the American Revolution


After resisting attempts by mongol invaders, korea became known as the"hermit kingdom" because of its:_____.


After resisting attempts by Mongol invaders, Korea became known as the "hermit kingdom" because of its isolation. The correct answer is A.

Korea, known as the Hermit Kingdom, was undiscovered and cut off from the outside world in the middle of the nineteenth century. Even in modern times, North Korea still goes by the same name and is just as isolated. Because it disregarded all outside influences, Korea was known as the Hermit Kingdom. All foreign presence and influence was denied in Korea. Christians and Missionaries were persecuted, trade was prohibited, and sailors who got into trouble at sea were punished poorly.

This question should be provided with answer choices, which are:

A. IsolationB. Gunboat diplomacyC. BureaucracyD. Political Principles

The correct answer is A

Learn more about Hermit Kingdom here:





Brainly .

which of these describes a similarity between the inca and maya societies? responses a they were inspired by european agricultural practices.they were inspired by european agricultural practices. b they relied on a single-crop farming regime.they relied on a single-crop farming regime. c they constructed monumental architecture.they constructed monumental architecture. d they developed a thriving trans-pacific trading economy.


This describes a similarity between the Inca and Mayan societies they relied on a single-crop farming regime. Thus, option (b) is correct.

What is societies?

The term society refers to the interaction of a big group of individuals based on a collection of people. A group of people who share customs, laws, and organizations who live in a specific country or region.

It aimed to identify the two distinct names based on similarities between the Inca and Mayan societies, both of which relied on a single-crop farming regime. The motive for the similar is the difference in eras. People farmed, built social structures, created armies, and activity numerous gods.

Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on societies, here:


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