Concrete operational thought involves applying _______________ to solve problems


Answer 1

Concrete operational thought involves applying logical operations to solve problems.

The concrete-operational stage is a crucial period in children's cognitive development (Piaget, 1947). According to Piaget, logical operations like conservation, reversibility, or categorization, which enable logical reasoning, define thinking at this stage. According to Piaget's theory, the concrete operational stage is the period of cognitive development when children acquire the mental processes necessary for reasoning rationally about concrete operations .

learn more about operations here:


Related Questions

What is the best method of preventing viral diseases?


Wash and sanitize your hands frequently. The three main entry points for viruses into your body are your lips, eyes, and nose. Do not touch your face, especially the area around your anuses, and always clean your hands before using them to prepare food.

How may viral illnesses be avoided?

The easiest and most reliable method of avoiding a viral illness is hand washing. Personal hygiene measures include regularly cleaning your home, avoiding crowded areas when the flu is active, having contact without sick people, and keeping good personal hygiene.that prevent the spread of viruses.

What is the best approach to preventing and treating viral diseases?

The epidemiology most viral diseases is greatly influenced by acquired immunity from earlier infections or vaccinations; in fact, vaccination with antiviral antibody and viruses vaccines is the solitary most efficient way to control the majority of viral diseases.

To know more about best method of preventing viral diseases visit:


Why does my stomach hang in a plank?


The stomach hang in a plank because of excessive fat around the midriff.

During plank keep your stomach muscles tight, with all-time low of your ribs force in toward you. It is vital to carry this core position throughout the movement. If you want to reduce fat around the midriff, you would like to cut back the fat each on the surface and additionally around your organs.

The plank strengthens your spine, your rhomboids and musculus trapezius, and your abdominal muscles, that naturally lead to a robust posture as they grow in strength. Developing your posture will improve on variety of ailments, and stop the onset of alternative ones. Sensible posture suggests that you are keeping your bones aligned.

To learn more about stomach here


What is the most important reason for healthcare workers to take the flu vaccine?


Due to their higher risk of exposure, influenza vaccination has already   to be an essential safeguard for healthcare professionals. , infected patients can be exposed to the virus by healthcare professionals

What is the influenza vaccine made of?

This vaccination contains an adjuvant, a component that aids in boosting the immunological response. a nasal spray vaccine for the live, attenuated flu made of eggs The Flu Mist Quadrivalent, which is licensed for use in persons aged 2 to 49, is prepared with suppressed (weakened) live flu viruses.

When is the influenza vaccine administered?

What shots guard against the flu? CDC advises yearly flu vaccinations for those aged 6 months and older in preparation for the 2020–2021 flu season. Your youngster can receive a flu shot as of at least six months old. The nasal spray vaccine is suitable for recipients 2 to 49 years old.

To know more about Influenza vaccination visit:


Is preparing for a speech at a Toast Masters competition he is feeling nervous but wants to exude confidence which strategy uses a keyword to trigger confidence?


Simply keep your eyes closed and begin speaking. It will give you the impression that you are by yourself and can give speech freely.

Dysarthria refers to speech impairment. It may result from traumatic brain injury, brain changes brought on by certain nervous system conditions, ageing, or both. Adults and children may be affected. Call 999 if dysarthria appears out of the blue; a stroke could be the cause. The extemporaneous presenter can make and keep eye contact with their listeners by using annotations rather than a complete manuscript. This also allows them to gauge how well the audience is comprehending the presentation as it goes along. Many speech abnormalities are incurable, but many adults and children can benefit from speech therapy with a certified speech pathologist.

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A nurse is caring for a group of clients. For which of the following situations should the nurse complete an incident report?


The question is incomplete. Following are the options:

A. a client refuses electroconvulsive therapy after signing the consent form.

B. a client who was voluntarily admitted left the unit against medical advice

C. a client was administered one-half of the prescribed dose of medication

D. a client was placed in restraints after attempts to de-escalate aggressive behaviors failed

The answer to the above question is:

C. a client was administered one-half of the prescribed dose of medication

Understanding an incident begins with understanding what it is, which is any circumstance, event, or situation that has the potential to cause disruption at work.

The goal of an incident report is to bring attention to an incident in order to prevent similar incidents in the future or to reduce their likelihood. Incident reports not only urge prompt action to be done in response to an incident and raise awareness about it, but they also constantly improve workplaces by raising standards. Incident reports can also be used for analysis and an event's inquiry. Incident reports contain immensely useful information that can be found if they are done in an accurate, legitimate, and visible manner, including:

the incident's datethe incident's timingincident typesite of the incidentname of the person who was impacted by the occurrencewitnesses' namesan explanation of the occurrence in great detailwitness accountsinjuriesevidence

To learn more about incident report from the given link


What is the issue of storing foods in containers that are metallic?


When foods are poorly stored in reactive metal containers, certain metals can interact with acids and represent a risk to food safety, which could make a person unwell.

Which ailments are some examples?

Ailment, damage, chemical imbalances with in body, environmental toxins, and formation of immature cells are all examples of causes of disease, which can affect an individual organ or even the entire body. Diseases include things like cirrhosis, psoriasis, diabetes, cancer, fractures, and so forth.

Are there differences between diseases and illnesses?

It is important to manage sickness symptoms such pain, discomfort, suffering, weakness, and weariness. It is obvious that these two occurrences usually occur together and are not antagonistic. in an effort to treat a sickness.

To know more about illness visit:


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FILL IN THE BLANK. tissue rejection after an organ transplant is least likely due to the action of _________.



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What is Parkinson’s disease? Who does it affect? What are 5 symptoms that a person with Parkinson’s would have?



Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects the brain and leads to the loss of dopamine-producing neurons. This can cause a range of symptoms, including tremors, stiffness, and difficulty with movement and coordination. Parkinson's disease usually affects older adults, but it can also occur in younger people.

Some of the common symptoms of Parkinson's disease include:

1. Tremors or shaking in the hands, arms, legs, or jaw

2. Stiffness or difficulty moving

3. Slow movement or difficulty with coordination

4. Loss of automatic movements, such as blinking or swinging the arms while walking

5. Imbalance or difficulty with standing or maintaining posture

These symptoms can vary from person to person, and not everyone with Parkinson's disease will experience all of these symptoms. Some people may also experience other symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, memory problems, or difficulty speaking.

pls mark as brainliest


Parkinson's disease is a progressive disorder that affects the nervous system and the parts of the body controlled by the nerves.

anyone could be at risk for developing Parkinson's, some research studies suggest this disease affects more men than women. It's unclear why, but studies are underway to understand factors that may increase a person's risk.

Parkinson’s disease symptoms are:
•Slowed Movement
•Rigid muscles
•Impaired posture and Balance
•Loss of automatic movements
•Speech changes
•Writing changes

What is the name of food eating in the morning?


Answer: Breakfast

Explanation: Breakfast is the meal taken after rising from a night's sleep, most often eaten in the early morning before undertaking a day's work. Among English speakers, breakfast can be used to refer to this meal or to refer to a meal composed of traditional breakfast foods such as eggs and much more.

What is the most important quality of a physician?


The Three Most Important Characteristics to Look for in a physician :

Without judgment. Set up a meeting.Active Listener.Your care's coordinator.

It's crucial that you feel at ease discussing all aspects of your medical history with your doctor.

In any case, giving your doctor all the necessary health information is essential if you want a proper diagnosis and course of action.

If your doctor orders that you take an antibiotic three times per day for the next week, he or she should, if there is a better option, recommend it.

Your primary care physician ought to be in charge of your medical treatment. This implies that:

Sync up with any specialists working on your health plan.

To learn more about  physician Please click on the given link:


What are 5 food safety practices?


Answer: 5 food safety practices include...

Keep clean,

Separate raw and cooked

Cook thoroughly

Keep food at safe temperatures

Use safe water and raw materials


What would happen if there is no carbon dioxide in the air?


If there was no carbon dioxide then there would be no absorption of solar energy which leads to very low temperature of earth's surface.

What is the consequences of having no carbon dioxide in the air?

Carbon dioxide is an important greenhouse gas that assists in trapping heat in our atmosphere. Without it, our planet would be against cold. However, an increase in Carbon dioxide level in our atmosphere is the main cause of increasing average global temperatures that disturbs other aspects of Earth's climate.

If there was no carbon dioxide then there would be no osmosis of solar energy and hence the temperature of the earth's surface would be less than the present level.

So we can conclude that the carbon dioxide atmosphere integrates and stores the energy near the earth's surface.

Learn more about carbon dioxide here:


What is the most effective method of controlling viral diseases?


The epidemiology underlying viral diseases is greatly influenced by acquired immunity from earlier infections or vaccinations; in fact, vaccination is the single most to control the majority of viral diseases.

Am I fully protected without a booster?

A second dose of immunization or a boost shot are not urgently required. The COVID-19 vaccines are still generally quite successful at preventing deadly illnesses. Over time, they do, however, lose part of their capacity to combat infection.

What is the definition of vaccination?

Vaccination is the process of injecting the vaccine into the body to create immunity against a certain disease. Immunization: The process by which a person receives an vaccine to ward off a disease. The phrases immunization and immunization are frequently used synonymously.

To know more about vaccination visit:


What are possible causes of a water access problem?


Water pollution, excessive water use, increased water demand, climate changes, inadequate management of water resources, and poverty are only a few of the causes of a lack of clean water.

Why is water problematic?

Overuse, increased demand, pollution, poor management, a lack of infrastructure, and changes in weather patterns brought on by global warming are the key factors affecting the availability of fresh water.

What are the top 4 causes of water scarcity?

Consumption by humans has increased. misuse and waste of water. a rise in the global need for freshwater. Aquifers that are overtapped and only slowly refill Weather and water patterns are changing due to global climate change, causing shortages and droughts in some areas while causing floods in others.

To know more about scarcity of water visit:-


What is the most unsustainable food?


The most carbon-intensive food is beef. This is because of what is needed to raise and breed cattle. Methane is also produced in significant quantities. Therefore, it is the food that is least sustainable.

Cattle that are raised for their meat are known as beef cattle (as opposed to dairy cattle used to produce milk). Beef increase is the common name for meat from mature or almost mature cattle. In order to produce beef, there are three main stages: cow and calf operations, background processing, and feedlot operations. On a cow and calf farm, the animal production cycle starts. This farm was built specifically to breed cattle for the offspring. The calves are kept in the feedlot's background from here. Feeder cattle, or livestock raised expressly for feedlots, are intended for fattening. The term "replacement heifers" refers to female animals that aren't raised for feedlots. Although producing meat is the primary purpose of beef cattle, there are additional uses. Although producing meat is the main use of beef cattle, there are other uses as well, such as leather and beef byproducts used in sweets, shampoo, cosmetics, and insulin.

Cattle handlers are required to provide their herds with a low stress environment that includes ongoing safety, health, comfort, nutrition, and humane treatment. Since some cattle ailments (known as zoonotic diseases) might endanger both the health of cattle and humans, owners are expected to regularly check their cattle's condition for early diagnosis and treatment, as shown with mad cow disease and tuberculosis.

Learn more about beef:


Is there an avocado shortage 2022?


Yes, there is still not shortage of avocado in the market toward the end of 2022.

The avocado is a fruit popularized for its health benefits, treasured by the health fitness freaks for its nutritional value and low calorie it carries.

Domestic varieties' ripe fruit has smooth, buttery, golden-green flesh. Avocados can be pear-shaped, egg-shaped, or spherical and can have various color of skin depending on the cultivar. The fruits are harvested before they are fully ripe for commercial use and then allowed to fully develop. Avocado flesh's high fat and nutrient density make it handy in a wide range of dishes and a popular addition to vegetarian diets.

There is shortage of avocado as of severe drought in the avocado cultivating region that resulted in reduced supplies across the globe.

To know more avocado, click here,


what type of food provides large amounts of vitamins and minerals with relatively few calories?


Most types of fibrous and cruciferous vegetables and fruits can provide nutrients with few calories

Hope this helps. Please give brainliest I need three more

Shadow Health- Danny Rivera- Focused Exam: Cough


Focused Exam for Danny Rivera's Shadow Health: Cough, complete definite main complaint.

How can I tell whether the cough I have is serious?

If you coughs (or your child's coughs) will not go away after a couple weeks or if it now includes any of the following, call your doctor right once: coughing out a lot of thick, yellow-green phlegm. Wheezing. feeling feverish.

Do you have Covid if you cough?

Although sign of infection is a common COVID-19 sign, it can be brought on by bronchitis, gastric reflux illness, asthma, or postnasal drip. To assist distinguish the reason, it is crucial to give heed to the additional symptoms you are experiencing.

To know more about Cough visit:


What are the 7 skill components of fitness?


Physical fitness is made up of seven different elements: balance, coordination, agility, speed, power, and response time.

What significance do skill-related skills have?

You can learn specific skills with the aid of fitness-related skills. For instance, you can acquire football running techniques if you have high speed and power-related fitness abilities; if you have good balance, you can learn gymnastics techniques more quickly.

What are the top ten skill-related fitness categories?

They are stamina, strength, flexibility, power, coordination, agility, balance, and accuracy in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Your level of proficiency in each of these 10 talents corresponds to your level of fitness, and an exercise regimen will improve fitness to the same degree that it will improve each of these ten abilities.

To know more about Physical fitness visit:-


What receptors are affected by opioid?


Opioids function by turning on opioid receptors in nerve cells. These receptors are members of the G protein-coupled receptor family of proteins (GPCRs). All opioids, according to scientific theory,

What components make up nerves?

Axon bundles that are a component of nerves collaborate to promote CNS and PNS communication. The PNS is referred to as a peripheral nerve, which is a crucial distinction to make. The CNS refers to axon bundles as "tracts." A neurological condition may be the result of nerve injury or improper nerve transmission.

A nerve cell can be located where?

A different set of synaptic connections are created on yet another set of cells at the axon terminal. The cells of glands and muscles all over the body, as well as other nerve neurons in the brain, vertebral column, and autonomic ganglia, are among the target tissue of neurons.

To know more about nerve cell visit:


How is mitosis affected in cancer cells?


Mitosis is affected in cancer cells because by drilling down to the atomic level of how specific proteins interact during mitosis, a a unique new target for attacking cancer is found.

Mitosis is a type of cell division in which one cell( the mama ) divides to produce two new cells( the daughters) that are genetically identical to itself. In the environment of the cell cycle, mitosis is the part of the division process in which the DNA of the cell's nexus is resolve into two equal sets of chromosomes.

Cancer is a term for conditions in which abnormal cells divide without control and can foray near apkins. Cancer cells can also spread to other corridor of the body through the blood and lymph systems. There are several main types of cancer.

To learn more about mitosis  here


How do you reduce swelling in your cheeks from a tooth infection?


By applying a cold compress or ice to the outside your cheek swelling can be reduced. Spend 10 to 20 minutes each time doing this. In between ice and your skin, place a small towel.

How long does it take for a tooth infection's swelling to subside?

About three and seven days are needed for acute oral infections to go away, but you may need to take medication for longer. To expose the tooth and clean the contaminated substances, you could have a thorough cleaning. To release pressure and drain pus, your doctor may need to make a cut or drainage point in the soft tissue.

How can a dentist treat a swollen face?

The dentist will check the patient's face, teeth, gums, and mouth during a visit for facial edema, and they may take X-rays as well. If an abscessed tooth is the cause, the immediate dentist will either extract the affected tooth or drain the infection.

To know more about tooth infection visit


Can gum disease cause facial swelling?


Yes, gum disease can cause facial swelling. An abscess or infection in the gums can cause swelling around the jawline and infection also causes pain and tenderness in the affected area.

What happens in gum diseases?

Gum disease is a condition that affects around 50% of American adults. It is also referred to as gingivitis, and this dental problem can take a serious toll on the look and function of your smile. However, if it is left untreated, it can lead to dramatic changes to your facial structure too.

Cheek and gum swelling indicates an infection of the gums or a tooth abscess. For example, pericoronitis is an infection that occurs around a tooth that has only partially broken through the gums, which can lead to cheek swelling.

To know more about gum diseases, refer


Is a swollen cheek an emergency?


Yes, a swollen cheek is an emergency. Your optimal course of action is to get in touch with your emergency dentist if you ever suffer swelling in the area of your face, tongue, or gums injury.

What does having a swollen cheek mean?

A slight injury or infection may cause swelling inside one or both cheeks which is a an emergency situation. Other times, the problem can be a serious infection, an autoimmune disorder, or oral cancer. There are numerous therapies available.

Should I visit the ER if my cheek is swollen?

However, if any of the following occur, you should arrange an emergency visit straight away: continuous swelling two or three days of persistent pain that doesn't get better or go away. increasing pain that results in other.

To know more about injury visit :


Which of the following splinting devices would be MOST appropriate to use for a patient who has an open fracture of the forearm with external bleeding?

A. Sling and swathe
B. Vacuum splint
C. Cardboard splint
D. Air splint


D. Air splint is the splinting device which would be MOST appropriate to use for a patient who has an open fracture of the forearm with external bleeding.

Dynamic splinting devices are elastic device and designed to produce an occasional load, prolonged stretch (LLPS) to joints that have reduced vary of motion secondary to immobilization, surgery, muscle contraction, fracture, dislocation, or variety of extra non-traumatic disorders.

Versatile and straightforward to use Air Splints are accustomed immobilize arm and leg fractures, with uniform pressure on the limb and to ensure stability and luxury for the patient. A novel characteristic of those expansive splints is that the zipper.

To learn more about open fracture here


What does had a good laugh imply in the context of Mr keeping it means that he?


Here, 'Had a good laugh' implies laughing heartily in a positive sense.

Define the term 'laughing'.

Laughing is an expression of joy or amusement, typically with a series of short, loud sounds. It is often used as a form of social bonding among people and can be a physical release of tension and stress. Laughing can also be used to show appreciation of a joke or situation.

Laughing heartily in a positive sense means having a good laugh. It suggests that the person is genuinely amused and enjoying themselves. Laughter is often seen as a sign of joy and happiness, so a good laugh can be seen as a way of expressing those emotions. It can also be used to break the tension in a situation or to make light of a difficult situation.

To know more about Laughing,


How do you handle raw fish?


Always wash hands very well with hot, soapy water before preparing foods and after dealing with raw fish.

Don't permit raw fish or juices touch ready-to-cross foods either within the fridge or all through practise. do not placed cooked ingredients at the same plate that held uncooked fish(RAW).

Use sanitary gloves while managing uncooked and cooked seafoods. Separate gloves are used for every. Wash and sanitize your gloves every time they touch whatever apart from seafood.

while people consume raw or undercooked inflamed fish or squid, they ingest nematode larvae. once inside the human body, the larvae can invade the gastrointestinal tract. subsequently, the parasite dies and produces an inflamed mass inside the esophagus, belly, or gut.

To know more about raw fish click here


Which of the following factors will adversely affect the nutritional status of a country?
A. Movement of the population to urban centers
B. Maintenance of rural, small farms
C. Movement away from the growth of cash crops
D. Discouraging the establishment of large farms


C. Movement away from the growth of cash crops will adversely affect the nutritional status of a country.

Nutritional status has been outlined as somebody's health condition because it is influenced by the intake and utilization of nutrients. Organic process status is assessed victimisation anthropometrical and organic chemistry tests, among others. Anthropometrical measurements accustomed confirm organic process standing embrace the assessment of the physiological status of the body supported its height and weight.

Cash crops are full-grown for direct sale within the market, instead of for family consumption or to feed placental. Coffee, sugarcane, spices ar some samples of money crops.It is generally purchased by parties break free a farm.

To learn more about cash crops here


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