criminal law is: a.primarily made up of statutes passed by congress and state legislatures. b.primarily from common law. c.primarily made up of statutes derived from international law. d.primarily from british law.


Answer 1

Criminal law, as distinguished from civil law, is a system of laws concerned with crimes and the punishment of individuals who commit crimes.

What is the definition of criminal law?

Criminal law is a body of law that establishes what constitutes criminal activity, governs how suspects are apprehended, charged, and tried, and specifies the punishments and forms of treatment that apply to those who are found guilty of committing certain crimes.

Criminal law is just one tool that organized societies use to defend the safety of individual interests and guarantee the existence of the group.

In addition, there are the moral principles taught by parents, teachers, and religious institutions, as well as the regulations governing the workplace and factories, the laws governing civil conduct that are upheld by regular police forces, and the penalties accessible through tort claims.

To learn more about Criminal law refer to:


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Why are Agile teams more predictable?



Agile teams are much more predictable, especially after a couple of sprints. Typically the number of features or story points that the team can accomplish goes up and down in the earlier sprints. But after a few sprints the number of story points starts to be the around the same for each sprint.


What does the FCC control the most?


The Federal Communications Commission regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories.

Government Travel Card 101 (Version 2.03)


She must sign a DoD Statement of Understanding after her training session and give it to her APC in order to get a travel card.

For prospective or current traveling applicants who want to transfer to a new duty station, a formal requirement known as the Dod Statement of Understanding is in place. In order to obtain a travel card, she must sign a DoD Statement of Understanding and give it to her APC. Account cancellation may occur if the travel card is misused or payments are not made on time. By using it, passengers can avoid paying for necessary travel expenses out of pocket. IBAs come in two flavors: normal and limited. Individuals with a FICO credit score of at least 659 are given a regular travel card. Despite having a smaller default credit limit, restricted travel cards have the same appearance as regular travel cards. 660. The following circumstances will result in a card cancellation: In a year, there were two cheques returned for insufficient funds.

Learn more about travel card  here:


The best selection to complete number 5 is -
- impressment
- sedition
- mercantilism


The impressment or effective capture of American sailors by the English Illustrious Naval force in the late eighteenth and mid nineteenth hundreds of years has generally been seen as an essential driver of the Conflict of 1812.

What issues did British sailors encounter while on the water?

Poor pay and food, disease, cramped conditions, and bad weather were all realities for sailors. From the time of the first explorers to the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805, seafarers shared many experiences over hundreds of years.

How did the British navy contribute to the war?

The navy protected the home islands from invasion by much larger continental powers, acting as Britain's "wooden walls." Britain's navy was also used to protect trade coming from her far-flung colonies.

To learn more about Britain's navy here


Zeke is attempting to learn more about his world. when he encounters a new object, he picks it up and puts it in his mouth. zeke is most likely in which of jean piaget’s stages of cognitive development?


Hence, option A is correct. Zeke is most likely at the Sensorimotor stage of cognitive development, according to Jean Piaget.

The study of cognitive development focuses on how a child develops in terms of information processing, conceptual resources, perceptual skill, language learning, and other characteristics of the fully formed adult brain and cognitive psychology. In accordance with Jean Piaget's stages of cognitive development, Zeke is most likely in the sensorimotor stage. The sensorimotor stage, which lasts from birth until about age two, is the earliest stage of cognitive development. Children learn about the world at this stage by using their perceptions and bodily activities including reaching, grabbing, and manipulating items.

The sensorimotor stage is typified by Zeke's conduct of picking up and placing things in his mouth because it reflects his attempts to explore and comprehend the environment through his senses and bodily movements. Cognitive development is the process by which a child's capacity for reasoning and thought develops. This growth takes place in a distinct way from ages 6 to 12 and from 12 to 18. Concrete thinking abilities begin to emerge in children between the ages of 6 and 12. These are concrete activities.

Learn more about Cognitive development here:


Correct Question:

Zeke is attempting to learn more about his world. When he encounters a new object, he picks it up and puts it in his mouth. Zeke is most likely in which of Jean Piaget’s stages of cognitive development?

A. Sensorimotor

B. Preoperational

C. Concrete operational

D. Formal operational

E. Postconventional

What figurative language did Robert Frost use?


The result of the study indicates that in Robert Frost's poems, there are six types of figurative language used videlicet; personification, metaphor, emblem, irony, hyperbole, and apostrophe.

figural Language established by the exemplar of preference in “ The Road Not Taken ” selection can be outlined as forming a decision when looked with two or further potentialities. Robert Frost drafted “ The Road Not Taken ” for a comrade, Edward Thomas, proposing for the poem to be a joke.

Although Frost had contrary intentions, numerous critics in the ultramodern day interpret the lyric as a complex jotting about making meaningful opinions and choices. “ The Road Not Taken ” was created in 1916 and firstly named “ Two Roads, ” also latterly reconstructed.

To learn more about language,

what is a frequent source of employee grievances


Most often, complaints are made by employees about workplace harassment, discrimination, nepotism, poor teamwork, or the terms of their employment grievances.

In labor relations, a supervisor who believes that an employee's complaint does not violate his contract is required to acknowledge the employee's complaints and then address them in accordance with the labor agreement's terms. A grievance procedure is a conflict resolution mechanism used within an organization. Its primary purpose is to settle disputes between members of an organization's senior management and lower cadre or hierarchical members. There are around six different grievance procedures, and going to court to have your case decided is not one of them. It is important to emphasize, nonetheless, that once all required grievance procedures have Here is a list of the top reasons for employee complaints: undesirable physical working circumstances. alterations made without warning. bad working relationships.

Learn more about grievance here:


What power is reserved to the States and not the federal government quizlet?


For instance, reserved powers include the ability to conduct elections, enact marriage laws, and issue driver's licenses.

Define reserved powers?

Reserved Powers: To reserve is to keep for later. All authorities that have not been expressly granted by the federal government are to be held in reserve or saved for state governments. According to the 10th Amendment, states are governments with reserved authorities. There is a vast scope for guarded power.

What is a concurrent power?

Powers that exist simultaneously are known as concurrent powers. Concurrent powers are those that the national and state governments each have at the same time. Hence, both the federal and state governments have equal access to these powers. Concurrent powers can be used, for instance, to collect taxes, defend rights, enact environmental regulations, and reach international accords. - Concurrent is a synonym for "at the same time." 

To know more about state powers visit


Why is it called a campaign?


The purpose of a campaign is to demonstrate preparation and to communicate ideas and points of view to voters prior to election day.

A variety of tactics are used by candidates to interact with voters and convey their messages, including traditional and new media, public events, written materials, and other techniques. In some countries, providing access to the general public for these purposes is regarded as a form of indirect public campaigning. Legal definitions commonly contain the dates of an official election campaign period, which typically begins a month or more before election day. Because campaigning is no longer permitted a day or two prior to election day, there will often be a "black-out period" before voting begins.

An informed, free, and fair vote is a requirement of a democratic election, as is the opportunity for candidates to gain support and persuade supporters to help them win office. Election campaigns are crucial to achieving those goals. Genuinely competitive elections give all candidates the same chances to articulate their viewpoints to voters and vie for their support. Voters are better able to make informed decisions on election day thanks to the opportunity for communication throughout election campaigns provided by candidates and political parties.

Visit here to learn more about Campaign:


-----------------------Correct question format is given below --------------------

(Que). What is the campaign and by whom it is called ?

Can my employer say Im not fit for work?


Yes, In some of the cases an employer can say I am not fit for work.

When employers say a candidate isn't a good fit, they usually mean that either their abilities, passions, or personalities don't match those of the position. The majority of businesses assess potential employees' qualifications and fit during the job interview process.

Even though you did get the interviews, when employers tell you that you are not a good fit for the position, it has nothing to do with your abilities, talents, or how excellent you are for the work. It merely serves to convey how potential employers view you and their opinions about your personality and cultural fit.

To know more about employer here


What religion did African slaves practice?


African slaves frequently practiced Islam or indigenous West African religions.

In Africa, what did slaves do?

Men, women, and kids who were enslaved in Africa made up an average of 80% of the workforce; most of them worked in the fields. Children and women both worked in some manner. The only people who were exempt from the daily work schedule were extremely small kids (under six), the old, the ill, and the infirm.

What led to the start of slavery in Africa?

Slavery has existed throughout northern Africa since ancient Egypt. High quantities of slaves were transported as captives of battle up the River nile during the New Empire (1558–1080 BC), where they were exploited for domestic or supervised labor. Slaves were imported into Ptolemaic Egyptian (305 BC–30 BC) via both land and marine channels.

To know more about African slaves visit:


What is the role of public properties?


Public properties are those that are owned and used jointly by the people of a country. we walk on the road, use electricity, visit public parks and grounds, hospitals, libraries, and government offices, among other things.

These are all constructed with public funds derived from the taxes we pay. And it is the government's responsibility to keep this property in good condition. However, this does not mean that individuals have no role to play in this regard. If the government is in charge of constructing and maintaining public property, it is the people's responsibility to assist the government in doing so. These things are expensive to build or purchase, and our country is not wealthy. Duty is raised slightly more. If we, the people of the country, do not use these public amenities properly or destroy them, it will be difficult to replace them. It has been observed that people use water and electricity improperly, causing accidents by removing railway parts and stealing or damaging bulbs and fans from railway compartments.

To learn more about role of public property here


What is a preliminary election held to select candidates or delegates to party conventions?


Party members cast their ballots for the candidate they want to stand in their place in the general election during primaries in a state election.

Each major party, the Democrats and Republicans, organizes a national convention to choose a nominee for president following the primaries and caucuses.

Local and state administrations oversee the state primary elections. Voting is conducted using a secret ballot.

Political parties host secret gatherings known as caucuses. County, district, or precinct elections are held. Most often, participants organize themselves into groups based on which candidate they back. Voters that are unsure establish their own group. Each group promotes their candidate through speeches and recruits new members. The number of voters in each group affects the total number of delegates gained by each candidate.

Learn more about " preliminary election " to visit here;


What is the purpose of corollary?


The term "corollary" refers to a situation in which one event naturally leads to another.

What does the Roosevelt Corollary aim to achieve? The term "corollary" refers to a situation in which one event naturally leads to another.You might say that the recent opening of a bookstore in your neighborhood has contributed to your rekindled passion of reading.The noun corollary refers to an action's result, such as the corollary of studying more or receiving a poor grade, which is to study more.The corollary claimed that not only could European powers not colonize the countries of the Western Hemisphere, but that the United States had a duty to uphold order and safeguard people and property in those nations.A statement that logically follows from another assertion that has either been confirmed or is widely believed to be true is known as a corollary.

To learn more about Roosevelt Corollary refer


What is a recession and how does it affect me?


A recession, whatever you call it, can have an impact on your finances. Economic growth generates opportunities for new businesses, more jobs, and higher wages.

Recessions limit opportunities by resulting in failed businesses, fewer jobs, and lower wages. Recessions do not happen every year, but they are not uncommon. The National Bureau of Economic Research has been tracking recessions in the United States since 1857. The most recent recession lasted for two months. This slump came after a record month expansion that began in. There have been 12 recessions since 1945. The recession was the shortest in history. The most time. There is no reason to be concerned about the possibility of a recession. Because downturns occur in cycles, each one provides an opportunity to learn and prepare for the next. Smart planning can assist you and your family in preparing for the next recession, whether it occurs now or in the future.

To learn more about Recessions limit opportunities here:


nicole has a personality disorder. she has difficulty maintaining relationships because she goes back and forth from being a best friend to hating people in her life quite often. her romantic relationships are always characterized by incredible loving passion alternating with episodes of horrible fighting, and sometimes she becomes violent. at times nicole becomes so upset that she cuts herself and reports that this makes her feel better emotionally. nicole suffers from personality disorder. select one: a. histrionic b. dependent c. paranoid d. borderline e. narcissistic


According to the research, the correct answer is Option D. Nicole suffers from borderline personality disorder since her romantic relationships are always characterized by incredible loving passion alternating with episodes of horrible fighting, and sometimes she becomes violent.

What is borderline personality disorder?

It is a personality disorder that affects emotions, regulates them and can become very impulsive, consequently, the functionality and adaptation of someone in the face of all the situations that she presents is difficult.

In this sense, people with BPD find it difficult to relate to others, to themselves, and feel an intense fear of being abandoned, which leads them to always seek company and respond disproportionately.

Therefore, we can conclude that according to the research, borderline personality disorder is characterized by emotional instability and maladaptive behavior patterns.

Learn more about borderline personality disorder here:


When you are communicating with residents, you need to remember to

a. look away when they make direct eye contact
b. speak rapidly and loudly
c. face the resident and make eye contact
d. finish all their sentences for them


Posture the resident in a semi-or Fowler's lateral position as soon as his condition permits before you start. To avoid aspiration while doing the surgery, tilt the resident's head to one side communicating.

Place a towel and waterproof pad on the cushion beneath the resident's chin. The five senses are touch, taste, smell, hearing, and sight. Nursing aides watch their patients and residents through their senses of sight, hearing, and touch. the client's full name, home address, date of birth, personal identity number, or a precise photograph (when confirmed by the client or family). The care services that an assisted living home provides are its most crucial feature. Every town has a distinct personality. A community's character is a result of the decisions made by the management, the owner's influence, and how Residents and carers converse. Address the person directly. Never communicate with a companion. They can speak for themselves unless they have hearing difficulties. DO provide precise directions rather than merely stating, "The desk is over there," such as, "The desk is five feet to your right."

Learn more about communicating here :


What is the term used to recall a judge or other political official from office that is deemed unfit?.



The term used to recall a judge or other political official from office that is deemed unfit is 'recall'. Although considered in the Federal Convention of 1787, there was never a provision adopted in the United States Constitution for the "recall" of elected federal officials, such as Members of Congress, and thus no Member of the Senate or the House of Representatives has ever been recalled.

Other Questions Releted Recall -

Recall is the process of removing a judge or other elected person from office if they are found to be incompetent.

Although it was discussed in the Federal Convention of 1787, the "recall" of elected federal officials, such as members of Congress, was never included in the United States Constitution, and as a result, no member of the Senate or House of Representatives has ever been "recalled." A recall election is a process by which voters in some polities can remove an elected official from office by a referendum before that official's term of office has officially expired (also known as a recall referendum, recall petition, or representative recall).

The one exception is recall, which can be started by the voting public to oust any elected official. Voters can change their minds about the elected official they chose through the recall process before the official's term is over. An elected politician must run again for office in the event of a recall.

Learn more about recall Visit:


Is it better to use the left or right side of your brain?


There is no interference between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

People with severed corpus callosums have the opposite side's representation of sensory data. An item will only be seen to the right or left hemispheres of the brain, respectively, if it is positioned in just the left or only the right visual hemifield. In conclusion, it appears as though the individual is working and experiencing the world with the help of two separate brains.

The results of 1,000 magnetic resonance imaging tests on human subjects showed that the brain does not genuinely favor one side over the other. Generally speaking, the networks on one side are not more powerful than the networks on the other side.

For more such question on brain.


How do you prove you didn t know about Selective Service?


Our government uses registration to keep a list of men's names from which to draw in the event of a national emergency requiring an immediate increase in our armed forces.

Selective Service ensures that a future draft will be fair and equitable by registering all young men. However, the Selective Service Act was required because, by the time the United States of America declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917, a sufficient number of American men had either not enlisted or volunteered to build, train, and immediately deploy an army.

Selective Service registration is required for nearly every male US citizen and male immigrant between the ages of 18 and 25. It is essential to comprehend that even if a man registers, he will not necessarily be drafted into the military.

Learn more about the Selective Service Act here:


What are the 5 examples of culture?


The most widely practiced cultures worldwide are those of Italy, France, Spain, the United States of America (USA), and the United Kingdom (UK).

What is the most important aspect of culture?

Language is one of the most important components of any civilisation. It is the way people engage with one another, develop relationships with one another, and promote a sense of community. There are currently roughly 6,500 spoken languages in the globe, and each is unique in a variety of ways. The meaning of life and death, key life phases, relationships, status and authority, accomplishment, and group affiliation are all represented by symbols that have cultural origins. Culture conveys a variety of opinions about how society should function and how the world should be structured.

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What is Swift's main message concerning politics in England?


Swift believed that the English people should actually have political power and disputed the Tories' belief in the king's divine right to rule.

What is Swift?

After being engaged by the Tory Prime Minister, Swift took over as the main Tory pamphleteer.

Swift makes the implication that religious disagreements are worthless and are similar to disagreements about which end of an egg to crack.

As much as he hated social inconsistencies and political disputes, he abhorred the never-ending theological debates between various religions over what he saw were unimportant matters.

Swift rejected the Tories' belief in the king's divine right to rule and thought that the English people should have actual political power.

Therefore, Swift believed that the English people should actually have political power and disputed the Tories' belief in the king's divine right to rule.

Know more about Swift here:


What things must be learned regarding techniques, skills, and methods in setting volleyball?


Techniques and methods of volleyball must be learned are passing ,setting, spiking, blocking, digging etc.


Maybe the best time of all the volleyball procedures is spiking.The volleyball approach and spike is perhaps of the most gorgeous athletic development in all of sports. It's likewise a vital expertise in volleyball. The better a group is at spiking, the more probable a group will have effective hits that outcome in winning meetings.


The setter position is a cool situation to play since this player is more engaged with the game than some other player in the group.The setter's responsibility is to run the offense and set the spikers.The objective is to have the passers pass the ball to the setter, the setter then sets the spiker.


Passing is a vital expertise in volleyball in light of the fact that without a pass, a group can't run an offense.A passers fundamental occupation is to speak with colleagues and get the ball to the setter.The ball should be passed so that makes it simple for the setter to set the ball.

To know more about volleyball, visit here:


What is the process by which someone is nominated by a party to run for the office of President of the United States?


Political parties determine their presidential candidates. A political party is a group of people who organise to win elections, operate government, and influence public policy. Political Parties itself Nominate candidates by internal elections in party.

A political party's nomination procedure often determines the candidates for president. The general guidelines for the nomination process are established by the national committee of each party, therefore the procedures for choosing candidates can change between political parties.

The two main state-level election formats that make up the nomination process are primaries and caucuses. The party committee determines the regulations that will be used for the particular election contest in each state. Open or closed, winner-take-all or proportional, binding or non-binding are all options for caucuses and primaries. Each contender in these contests seeks to obtain the party's nomination by amassing the greatest number of delegates before the party's national convention.

Visit here to learn more about nomination:


Why public property is important to us?


We should protect public property because it belongs to the public and is maintained with funding from the public. It is a component of the country's framework and mostly belongs to it.

As considerate neighbours, we must recognise that this land is for our benefit and avoid doing any harm.

Public ownership benefits Raising money is public ownership's main advantage. This is achieved by the selling of stock in an IPO (IPO). Additionally, your stock may be used to compensate important personnel or the whole workforce.

Because it is held by the government, public property can be utilised by anybody. Everyone has the right to utilise public spaces and facilities. For instance, a lake, pond, park, etc.

Property that is reserved for public use is known as public property. The phrase can be used to define the ownership of the property as well as the use to which it is put.

Learn more about Public property here:


karine just did really well on her interview to work at a tech start-up company. if karine is high in conscientiousness, what behavior would likely explain why she did so well interviewing? group of answer choices


Karin did exceptionally well in her job interview for a new computer company. If Karin is conscientious, she would have spent some time researching the region before the interview, which would likely account for how well she fared in the interview.

What is qualitative research?

An interview is a qualitative research approach that focuses on data collecting via the use of questions. At least two persons participate in interviews, one of whom is the interviewer who asks the questions.

There are various sorts of interviews, and they are often distinguished by their structure. In quantitative interviews, an interview schedule is used to guide the researcher as they ask respondents questions and offer them possible replies.

An interview schedule, as opposed to an interview guide, is often more rigorous. It contains a set of questions and possible replies that the researcher will read to participants.

To learn more about qualitative research, click


which of the following defines inductive logic? group of answer choices the ability to move from personal experience to create a general principle the ability to use a general principle to predict a specific outcome an abstract concept related to conservation principles the understanding that superficial changes to the appearance of an object do not change the essence or the reality of the object


the statement that defines inductive logic is The ability to use the experience to create a general principle to predict a specific outcome

A theory of inference known as inductive logic defines the relationship between assertions on data and propositions that go beyond the data, such as general conclusions on all conceivable data and predictions over future data. This concept is expanded to weaker arguments via inductive logic. In a strong inductive argument, the plausibility of the premises lends some support to the plausibility of the conclusion, and this level of support may be quantified using a numerical scale. The concept of inductive degree-of-support could be compared to the concept of deductive entailment and could be defined as follows: among the logically possible states of affairs that make the premises true, the conclusion must be true in (at least) proportion r of them, where r is some numerical measure of the support.

Learn more about inductive logic here:


Defendants who plead excuse: ________


Defendants who plead an excuse defense accept what they did was wrong but contend that, under the circumstances,. they were not liable for their actions.

An excuse defense applies when the defendant is forced to commit a crime by threat or force. In homicidal instances, some jurisdictions restrict the defense and some states permit it. What separates duress from necessity When the defendant claims she made a choice between the lesser of two evils, the necessity argument is invoked. Duress can be used as an excuse when a defendant committed a crime as a result of being under threat of or actual use of physical force, even though it is not a defense for doing so. Excuse-based defenses center on the accused.

To learn more on Defendant:


How does modernist poetry use tradition?


Modernist poetry uses tradition in the way that it breaks the past and performs a change in the expression.

Modernism was a break with the past as well as a search for new forms of expression in literature, visual art, architecture, dance, and music. From the late nineteenth to the mid-twentieth centuries, modernism encouraged artistic experimentation, particularly in the years following World War I. Literary modernism gave writers more freedom to express themselves than in the past. Non-linear narratives and free-flowing interior monologues that emphasize the individual's experiences and emotions are common in Modernist works. Modernism arose with its tradition in insistent breaks with the immediate past, its various inventions, making it new with elements from distant in time and space cultures.

Learn more about modernism


Which of these theories is the following principle based on? society undergoes a gradual transformation and evolves from a simple structure to forms that are more complex.


The principle which has been described here is based on the theory of social evolution.

Social evolution is the idea that society undergoes a gradual transformation and evolves over time from simple to more complex forms. This theory suggests that as societies develop and change, they become more complex and advanced in their social, economic, and political systems.

Social evolution is often studied in fields such as anthropology, sociology, and history, and it has influenced the development of many different theories and models of social change.

You can learn more about the same at

Option c is correct. The premise behind the evolutionists' argument is that societies gradually evolve from straightforward beginnings into even more complex forms.

According to evolutionary theory, society gradually changes from having a simple structure to taking on more complex forms. The concept of social evolution holds that societies gradually change and advance from simple to sophisticated forms over time. According to this hypothesis, societies' social, economic, and political institutions become more complicated as they grow and change.

In 1831, Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species, which offered proof in favor of evolution. Since then, several theories have been offered to explain the beginnings of life. Even though most scientists of today agree with Darwin's theories, others still believe that God created life out of nothing. In conclusion, natural selection alters living things over time, in accordance with the idea of evolution. Studies of social evolution are common in the social sciences, anthropology, and history, and they have impacted the creation of several theories and models of social change.

Learn more about Evolutionary theory Visit:


Correct Question:

Which of these theories is the following principle based on? society undergoes. a gradual transformation and evolves from simple structure to forms that are more complex

a. Cyclical theory

b. Functionalist theory

c. Evolutionary theory

d. Conflict Theory ​

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