Did the Nazis invent antisemitism?


Answer 1

Antisemitism played a major role in Adolf Hitler’s thinking and in Nazi ideology. Read here what inspired Hitler's hatred of Jews and what life events played a role in its development.


Hitler did not invent the hatred of Jews. Jews in Europe had been victims of discrimination and persecution since the Middle Ages, often for religious reasons. Christians saw the Jewish faith as an aberration that had to be quashed. Jews were sometimes forced to convert or they were not allowed to practise certain professions. In the nineteenth century, religion played a less important role. It was replaced by theories about the differences between races and peoples. The idea that Jews belonged to a different people than the Germans, for instance, caught on. Even Jews who had converted to Christianity were still 'different' because of their bloodline.

Answer 2




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help with what?





Why did Lenin and communist party abandon war communism?



Because War Communism is the term that historians refer to as the economic situation and the tactics that were used in the Soviet Union towards the end of the Civil War by the Bolsheviks. After the October Revolution - Lenin and Trotsky (primarily Lenin) faced the massive problem of running and directing Russia's economy. I hope that this help


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The correct answer is C) Over 18 million.

How many people were killed in Mao's China as a part of the Great Leap Forward? Over 18 million.

However, we have to clarify this. Most historians agree that an exact number can't be given. Most of them refer to an approximate number, from 15 to 50 million people.

Mao Zedong never thought that this Great Leap Forward would result in a major disaster and a big famine. The worst in the history of China. Mao's original idea had been to launch China into an industrial revolution to create factories and fabrics to modernize China. However, the result was the opposite.

From the lists of things the president can and cannot do, what do you infer about the president's life? Answer
a The president must follow the rules and be able to compromise to accomplish his goals.
b The president feels like the most important person in America.
c The president is always busy.
d The president needs a lot of help.​



A and C


Even though it seems the President is the most important person in America, they actually have superiors to. They cannot just make decisions out of the blue, they have to run them by a lot of people that help them with that. The President may need a lot of help, yes, but they took into consideration how much this job would take from them when they ran as candidates.

(Not very good with helping people through text, but I hope this helps at least a little!)

According to the text, what had Douglass become by the time the Civil War began?



In 1861 tensions over slavery erupted into civil war, which Douglass argued was about more than union and state's rights. He saw the conflict as the seismic event needed to end slavery in America. Douglass knew that this new freedom had to be won both on and off the battlefield.

Explain why the Turks saw the Armenians as a "problem." please help.



I know Richard G. Hovannisain made the decision for the war. I looked up some info and he said "the treaty would not be accepted and that there would be no peace until the West was ready to offer new terms in keeping with the principles of the Turkish National Pact."


If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments.

In this lesson, you learned about challenges the United States faced at home and abroad. How did the developments of the early 1990s present both difficulties and opportunities for the United States? Answer in your own words.


Whatever you read, go back and look for text evidence that gives details on “How did the developments of the early 1990s present both difficulties and opportunities for the United States” I tried my best to explain!


This chapter traces the development of the Internet,1 one aspect of the broader field of data networking. The chapter is not intended to be comprehensive; rather, it focuses on the federal role in both funding research and supporting the deployment of networking infrastructure. This history is divided into four distinct periods. Before 1970, individual researchers developed the underlying technologies, including queuing theory, packet switching, and routing. During the 1970s, experimental networks, notably the ARPANET, were constructed. These networks were primarily research tools, not service providers. Most were federally funded, because, with a few exceptions, industry had not yet realized the potential of the technology. During the 1980s, networks were widely deployed, initially to support scientific research. As their potential to improve personal communications and collaboration became apparent, additional academic disciplines and industry began to use the technology. In this era, the National Science Foundation (NSF) was the major supporter of networking, primarily through the NSFNET, which evolved into the Internet. Most recently, in the early 1990s, the invention of the Web made it much easier for users to publish and access information, thereby setting off the rapid growth of the Internet. The final section of the chapter summarizes the lessons to be learned from history.

By focusing on the Internet, this chapter does not address 

pls mark as brainliest

Why were Athens and Sparta city-state rivals? List 3 reasons



1.The Spartans were jealous of the Athenians because the politician and general tasked with leading the Delian League

2.Athens grew into an empire. It rebuilt its city with fantastic art and architecture. Athens became Greece's cultural center. In response to this Sparta created its own league called the Peloponnesian League since it controlled the Peloponnesian peninsula.

3.While the Athenian city-state enjoyed a period of democracy, Sparta was a military culture


How is religious life different in South Korea and China?



I would say it is alot more strict


the religion is alot more stricter in South Korea and China

With the decline in slavery in the North, African Americans?


128266 jsvshdiebzbxhdj

Help me with my history





it was the Christians in 99% sure. If this is wrong IM SO SORRY and it was the jews. But the answer is Christians.

How do you think the improvements in Technology and International trade seen in the video have affected the world economy? Give two examples



Technology can save the time it takes to produce a good or delivery service contributing to the all our profits of a business Technology can contribute to refer to the efficiency of a business output rate following for large quantities of products to be more door of services to be rendered.Technology trade increases the volume of trade in goods Technology trade increases product variety at the market equilibrium Technology trade increases National income in the each country and increases total gains from trade addition digital Technologies will affect the composition of trade by increasing the services form per and fostering trade in certain good s such as time-sensitive products changing patterns of comparative advantage and affecting the complexity and length of Global value chains technology is the battle force in the modern form of business Global aviation Technology has helped us in overcoming the major hurdles of globalisation and international trade such as trade barrier lack of common standard transportation cost and delay in information exchange thereby changing the Marketplace.

it is very important both for developed countries and developing countries as necrology progress will enabled countries to be more competitive in the Global market players progress in technology helps countries to develop the economy and strength was their trading positions in the competitive global market.

trade Technologies provide internet inter based software solutions and document preparation services that streamlined international trade payment process and documentation for global exporters freet folders and global trade banks.

Technology affects the way individuals communicate learn and think it help society and determine how people interact with other each other on a daily basis Technology place in important role in the society today it has a positive and negative effects on the world and it impacts daily life so it is so important Technologies has changed the way people live their everyday lives it presents almost everything you do from how you communicate to how you perform your day-to-day tasks thanks to technology is now easier to go to work or per for households

What was life like for the middle-class people in Mexico? Explain jobs, education, housing, etc.



They do jobs in different private as well as government institutions.


The life of middle class people is different from the upper class and the lower class in Mexico because they earn good money as compared to lower poor class of the society. About 19,050,000 people comes under middle class and earn about 30,000 pesos a month. They do jobs in different institutions that is very important for the country. They live in small apartments and houses which can they afford, They get higher education that give them a good chance to have good jobs and change their social status in the society.

When and how did the First African Baptist Church come into being?



First African Baptist Church was organized in 1773 under the leadership of Reverend George Leile. The 1773 organization date for the church makes it clear that FABC is older than the United States (1776). In May of 1775 Rev. Leile was ordained as the pastor and December of 1777 the church was officially constituted as a body of organized believers.


Do you think it was right for the people of Rome to take power away from Julius Caesar?


No, because in Rome during the time it was considered anarchy to overthrow a ruler/leader. In today’s time in the United States it is constitutional with reason but in Ancient Rome it was primarily against their beliefs to overthrow a ruler.

according to adolf hitler, what is the Aryan Race


The “perfect and superior” race. Blonde hair, blue eyes


The Aryan Race Adolf Hitler thought that people of Northern European descent were a superior race to all others known as the Aryan Race. Throughout World War 2 his goal was for that perfect race known as the "Übermensch" which translates as "Super Man".


How did the North Vietnamese view the Vietnam War?​



The North Vietnamese wanted the US to withdrawal their troops. For the North Vietnamese, whose ultimate goal was national reunification, peace talks were a military tactic, a device to stall and frustrate the enemy and prolong the war, while obtaining breathing space.


In this lesson, you learned about the great achievements of ancient Egyptian civilization. Complete the following table to summarize the major characteristics of ancient Egypt.
Famous Leaders
Social Structure
Role of Women
Language and Writing


The civilization of the Ancient Egypt was situated in the Nile Valley around the 3100 BC.

What is the location of Ancient Egypt?

The civilization was located in Northeastern Africa and had four clear geographic zones that includes the Delta, the Western Desert, the Eastern Desert and the Nile Valley.

Who are famous leaders of Ancient Egypt?

The includes Djoser 2686 BC, Khufu 2589 BC, Hatshepsut 1478 BC, Thutmose III 1458 BC, Amenhotep III 1388 BC.

What is the religion of Ancient Egypt?

The civilization strictly practiced the polytheistic religion.

What is the social structure of Ancient Egypt?

The civilization had three main social classes that includes upper, middle, and lower.

Read more about ancient Egyptian civilization



How did the Three-Fifths Compromise and the census help delegates resolve issues of


Three-fifths compromise, compromise agreement between delegates from the Northern and the Southern states at the United States Constitutional Convention (1787) that three-fifths of the slave population would be counted for determining direct taxation and representation in the House of Representatives.

How does ancient China relate to the USA civilization now? how does it not?



How it is the same: Currently, the United States and China have mutual political, economic, and security interests, such as the proliferation of nuclear weapons, but there are unresolved concerns relating to the role of democracy in government in China and human rights in China.

How it is different: Conversation in China can feel somewhat direct to Americans. Even though Americans like to place people in context in the search for common ground, small talk about age, income and marital status, all favoured by the Chinese, can feel intrusive and overly personal to an American. Having said this, Chinese visitors to the United States can find the language and tone used in American workplaces rude and uncomfortable. Thinking before you speak is important to the Chinese, as is showing respect for those higher in the hierarchy. Communication style is indirect and Americans doing business with Chinese counterparts will need to learn to read between the lines.

Hope this helps!


According to the passage, African Americans
could not be slaveholders, enslaved persons, or citizens








How did the Nazis hide their actions with regard to the disabled? How is this similar to or different from attempts to disguise their actions in the death camps in Poland?


It was a frigid day in occupied Poland, and for all Shmuel Beller knew, it could be his last. As Russian forces advanced toward Auschwitz, Beller and other prisoners had been told by their captors that they had to leave the death camp. So he ran into one of the storage facilities and rifled through a pile of clothing—the belongings of some of the 6,000 Jews gassed each day at the camp. Finally, he found what he was looking for: a pair of leather shoes.

please mark in brain list


The Nazis frequently used propaganda to disguise their political aims and deceive the German and international public. They depicted Germany as the victim of Allied and Jewish aggression to hide their true ideological goals and to justify war and violence against innocent civilians.


hello please help i’ll give brainliest



the rising power of female pharohos


Annas was the former high priest.

True or False?





The answer to this question is true

why do i have the same dream every year about a girl trying to kill me my mom and sister (I think I may have recurring dreams)



I have a similar dream, but it usually means that there willbe a change in your life or maybe your relationship with your loved ones isn’t as good. It could also represent that a part of you is dying. No, it doesnt mean you are actually dying.


All men are created equal, says the great Declaration and now a
great act attests this verity. Today we make the Declaration a
reality. ... The Declaration was only half established by
Independence. The greatest duty remained behind. In assuring the
equal rights all we complete the work.
-Senator Charles Sumner, 1870
What is the great act" referred to by Senator Sumner in this excerpt?
F. The Senate's readmission of the last Confederate state
G. The addition of Hiram Rhodes Revels to the U.S. Senate
H. The Senate's acquittal of President Andrew Johnson
J. The election of the first woman to the U.S. Senate


Answer: G. The addition of Hiram Rhodes Revels to the U.S. Senate


Hiram Rhodes Revels was the first black Senator in the United States and he represented Mississippi. On the day he was to be seated in the Senate, Southern Democrats opposed his seating thus prompting a debate that ended in a vote.

In this debate, Charles Sumner, a known anti-slavery Republican, uttered those words to reflect that the time had finally come to treat African Americans as equal as the Constitution intended.

Edmund burke's reflections on the revolution in France is a defense of...
A. The Catholic Church
B. Robespierre and the Terror
C. the working class of France
D. The English Monarch & Aristocracy


What did Edmund Burke believe?
Burke was a proponent of underpinning virtues with manners in society and of the importance of religious institutions for the moral stability and good of the state. These views were expressed in his A Vindication of Natural Society.

Which statement best completes the timeline?
The first
humans arrive
in Micronesia
The Maori
people arrive in
New Zealand
Great Britain
New Caledonia
A. The Aboriginals arrive in Australia.
B. Micronesia is controlled by the United Nations.
C. Japan conquers territory in Melanesia,
D. Australia creates a parliamentary democracy.



Its A


Because someone hhad to live there before england could "conquer" it.

Read the passage and answer the question



I think its c


do the positives of globalization outweigh the negative impacts? Explain why



Globalization also have its side effects to the developed nations. These include some factors which are jobs insecurity, fluctuation in prices, terrorism, fluctuation in currency, capital flows and so on

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And I hardly believe any of our opponents willhave the hardihood to say they are not. Being persons,then, women are citizens; and no state has a right tomake any law, or to enforce any old law, that shallabridge their privileges or immunities. Hence, everydiscrimination against women in the constitutions andlaws of the several states is today null and void.After asking the rhetorical question "Are womenpersons?" and noting that even opponents would behard-pressed to argue that women are not persons,Anthony forcefully states her logical conclusion:"Being persons, then, women are citizens."Anthony argues that Being persons, then, women arecitizens; and no state has a right to make any law, orto enforce any old law, that shall abridge theirprivileges or immunities."Hence, every discrimination against women in theconstitutions and laws of the several states is todaynull and void," and it is hard to argue with thatconclusion.Thus, since "women are citizens." 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The company now finances its current assets such as inventories and receivables with short-term debt, and it finances its fixed assets such as buildings and equipment with long-term debt. PLEAS HELP !! ASAP ! Ill reward with brainliest !! PLEASE PLEASE HELP If someone is discriminated by a law based on gender, the burden is on the state to show that the law is substantially related to an important government purpose.true or FALSE Guys, please help me with this question I'm having trouble in solving this It takes 20 seconds to fill a two-liter bottle with water from your kitchen faucet. What is the mass flow rate from the faucet if water has a density of 1000 fraction numerator k g over denominator m cubed end fraction?a. 0.1kg/sec.b. 0.01kg/sec.c. 1g/sec.d. 1kg/sec.