Discuss the effect of mistake of law under law of contract ( short answer)


Answer 1

The effect of a mistake of law in contract law is generally not a valid defense or excuse for non-performance.

Under the law of contracts, the effect of a mistake of law is generally not a valid defense or excuse for non-performance. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

Mistake of law refers to a situation where a party to a contract is mistaken about the legal consequences or implications of a particular provision or rule.Unlike a mistake of fact, which can sometimes render a contract void or voidable, a mistake of law typically does not have the same effect.The principle "ignorantia juris non excusat" applies, meaning ignorance of the law is not an excuse. It is assumed that parties entering into a contract are aware of the applicable laws and regulations.Courts generally hold parties accountable for their failure to understand or properly interpret the law. The mistaken party cannot avoid their contractual obligations solely based on a mistake of law.However, there may be exceptional cases where a mistake of law could impact the validity of a contract, such as situations involving fraud or misrepresentation regarding the law itself.

In conclusion, while mistakes of fact can sometimes affect the enforceability of a contract, a mistake of law typically does not provide a valid defense or excuse for non-performance. Parties are generally expected to be knowledgeable about the law when entering into contracts.

For more such question on contract law



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Which of the following prevents one branch of government from becoming too powerful?
the Supremacy Clause
the separation of church and state
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C с



the separation of powers


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b False


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1. from the case study, provide one example of each of the forms that public policies can take: laws, rules or regulations, other implementation decisions, and judicial decisions T/F


True. In a case study, examples of the various forms that public policies can take include:

Laws: One example of a public policy in the form of a law could be the passage of legislation to increase the minimum wage, setting a legal requirement for employers to pay workers a specified minimum hourly rate. This law establishes the baseline for wages and aims to improve workers' economic well-being.

Rules or Regulations: Public policies can be manifested as rules or regulations set by government agencies. For instance, a regulatory body might create rules that specify safety standards and guidelines for the manufacturing and distribution of pharmaceutical drugs. These rules ensure the quality and safety of medications available to the public.

Other Implementation Decisions: An example of public policy through implementation decisions could be the allocation of government funds to support renewable energy initiatives. The decision to invest in renewable energy projects demonstrates a policy commitment to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable energy sources.

Judicial Decisions: Public policies can also be influenced by judicial decisions. For example, a court ruling that declares a particular government policy or action unconstitutional can shape future policy decisions, prompting the government to revise or amend its approach to align with constitutional requirements.

These examples illustrate how public policies can take different forms to address societal issues, regulate behavior, guide implementation, and interpret laws through judicial processes.

To know more about Public policies, click here:



I need help please.





Sorry if I get it wrong




Use modern day as an example, with the incident that happened with George Floyd. Not only is Derek Chauvin being persecuted but the entire police department is being questioned.

A difference between a trespass and a conversion is a matter of
O A. the degree of damage or loss
B. the number of defendants
C, the age of the defendant
O D. the intent of the defendant


The answers is the degree of interference, but it is not their so this would most likely fall under A, THE DEGREE OF DAMAGE OR LOSS.

Hope this helps :)




The course of action a government takes in response to an issue or problem is called
A. Federalism
B. Bureaucracy
C. public policy.
d. interstate policy.


A. Federalism

I am typing extra words because it won’t let me answer until I have 20 characters.
Federalism is the correct answer



Answer: B is the correct answer

Explanation: I took the quiz and got it right. Plessy vs. Ferguson helped the united states allow segregation calling it constatuitional.

Adya goes to Mateo's Mexican resturant for dinner. Adya's status with regard to the store is that of:
A- business visitor
B- public invitee
C- licensee
D- trespasser


Adya goes to Mateo's Mexican resturant for dinner. Adya's status with regard to the store is that of public invitee. The correct option is B.

An individual who is invited onto public property for commercial purposes is referred to as a public invitee. Adya is owed a duty of care by the establishment to make sure that guests are kept in a reasonably safe environment because she is a public invitee. To protect its customers from harm the restaurant has a duty to uphold safe conditions address any hazards and issue sufficient warnings.

Adya is welcomed or permitted onto the property as a customer dining at the restaurant for the benefit of the general public. In general, restaurants extend a warm invitation to the general public to dine and take advantage of their offerings. Adya would therefore be regarded as a public invitee while dining at Mateo's Mexican restaurant. The correct option is B.

Learn more about invitee at:



courts can be classified according to their function (rather than jurisdiction) as:


The function of courts refers to the judicial role that they play because courts can be classified according to their function (rather than jurisdiction) as trial courts, appellate courts, and specialized courts.

They are the lowest level of the court system. The trial court is the location of the first hearing in a case, where evidence is presented, testimony is taken, and a verdict is given. It is responsible for determining the facts of the case, making decisions about the admissibility of evidence, and determining the guilt or innocence of the defendant.

These courts' primary role is to review decisions made in the trial court to ensure that the correct law was applied and that the trial was conducted fairly. Specialized Courts: They are those courts that handle specific types of cases such as family court, tax court, bankruptcy court, etc. Specialized courts are designed to deal with specific legal issues that fall outside the normal purview of a general trial court.

Learn more about judicial role: https://brainly.com/question/1082644


Heidi has brought a civil lawsuit against Linda. Linda's lawyer tells her precedent supports her defense. The lawyer's statement means Heidi's lawsuit is frivolous. , Not Selected does not guarantee that Linda will win the case. , Not Selected Incorrect answer: means Linda will win the case. means Heidi's lawsuit is based on statutory law.



The lawyer's statement means Heidi's lawsuit is frivolous.


Precedents in the courts of law are previously established cases whose judgements can be referenced in successive case. In the case above, Linda is the defendant because the burden of proof lies on her. She needs to put up a defense to contest the accuracy of her lawsuit.

When the lawyer tells her that precedent supports her defense, it means that previously established cases on that matter support Linda's case. Therefore, Heidi's lawsuit against Linda was frivolous and lacked merit. Linda has a high chance of winning the case.

usufruct rights are a form of use right that may not be exercised eclusively in a private property tenure regime. T/F


True. Usufruct rights are a form of use right that may not be exercised exclusively in a private property tenure regime.

Usufruct is a legal concept that grants someone the right to use and enjoy the benefits of a property or asset that belongs to someone else, as long as they do not damage or deplete it. It is commonly seen in systems of land ownership and property rights. In some cases, usufruct rights may be granted within private property tenure regimes, where an individual has ownership over a property but grants another person the right to use it. However, usufruct rights can also exist in other tenure regimes, such as communal or collective ownership, where the property is held collectively by a group or community.

In such cases, multiple individuals may have usufruct rights to use and benefit from the property, even though it is not privately owned by any individual.

To know more about Usufruct, click here:



Which of the following is NOT true about the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks?






Imao you gotta add the full question



a probing question about their post or providing a
post that may add additional information to what
they wrote.
In Texas, the problem of heavy negative
campaigning, the expensive cost of television
advertising, and the few limitations on the amount
of money contributors may donate to a candidate's
campaign have led to various reform issues aimed
at eliminating negative campaigning, increasing
tree media access for candidates and regulating
campaign finance. Some of these proposed
reforms have First Amendment constitutional
implications that have been challenged
successfully in federal court and the Supreme
Slightly more than half of Texas's total population is
composed of Latinos (chiefly Mexican Americans)
and African Americans, making Texas a majority-
minority state. Communities and counties with
larger Latino populations, and electoral districts
with majority Latino populations, are more likely to
vote for Democrats. By early 2017, a substantial
number of Latinos held elected office in Texas and
are the key to future elections. Since the 1930s,
most African American Texans have identified with
the Democratic Party. After national civil rights
legislation was adopted in the 1960s under the
leadership of President Lyndon Johnson, a Texan,
Democratic Party identification of African
Americans strengthened. Despite women getting a
late start in voting and holding public office in
Texas, after 1990, the number of women elected to
statewide office increased dramatically with women
serving as mayors in about 150 cities and towns in
Texas, including the top four in population
Historically, many minorities were prevented
voting by one barrier after another such as poll
taxes, all-white primaries, literacy tests, and the
grandfather clause. Low voter participation remains
à remnant of that time period. The Voting Rights
Act (VRA) of 1965 expanded the electorate and
encouraged voting; it has been amended by
Congress four times. Even removing obstacles to
voting and the U.S. Congress enacting important
voting rights laws, voter turnout has not increased
either nationally or in Texas.


1. Fifty-six percent of Texas's total population
is composed of Latinos (chiefly Mexican
Americans), African Americans, and Asian
Americans, making Texas a majority-
minority state. Numerically, the state's
historical ethnic and racial minorities
wield enough voting strength to decide any
statewide election and determine the
outcomes of local contests in areas where
their numbers are concentrated. With a
growing, and Democratic-leaning, Latino
population, why are Texas Democrats
unsuccessful in statewide elections?

2. Texas gained two seats in Congress as a
result of the 2020 U.S. census as residents
of color, mainly Hispanic, drive population
gains. Gerrymandering however,
prevented people of color from
representing their constituents in
Congress as the Republican-led State
Legislature drew new districts to favor
Republicans. What do you think about
gerrymandering and how it denied people
of color from being elected to the two new



1. There could be several reasons why Texas Democrats are unsuccessful in statewide elections despite the growing Latino population. One reason could be that not all Latinos vote for Democrats. Another reason could be that voter turnout among Latinos and other minority groups may not be high enough to sway the election in favor of Democrats. Additionally, gerrymandering and other tactics may also play a role in limiting the impact of minority votes.

2. Gerrymandering is the practice of manipulating electoral district boundaries to favor one political party over another. It can result in underrepresentation of certain groups, including people of color. Many people view gerrymandering as unfair and undemocratic because it can deny certain groups fair representation in Congress. There have been efforts to reform the redistricting process to make it fairer and more transparent, but these efforts have faced opposition from those who benefit from the current system.

B. How many members are in the House of Representatives? Why?



There are 535 members.


Five delegates and one resident commissioner serve as non-voting members of the House, although they can vote in committee.




commissioner serve as non-voting members of the House

Criminal Justice **

The mean provides an average. Yet we may find that although the mean is the same for several data sets, they may be different in terms of variability. Where do you see such instances in real data?

what do you think is the importance of measures of variability in understanding crime data?


In real data, there are instances where the mean is the same for multiple datasets, but the variability is different. The range and standard deviation are two measures of variability that provide crucial information in crime data analysis.

The importance of measures of variability in understanding crime dataThe importance of measures of variability in understanding crime data are as follows:

They help in identifying the level of variation or deviation from the mean that exists within the data.Measures of variability can be used to identify the outliers or extreme values in a dataset, which can influence the results.Measures of variability can also be used to evaluate the accuracy of prediction models in crime data analysis.They provide a way to evaluate the consistency of data in a particular set, giving a more accurate understanding of the data being analysed.

In conclusion, measures of variability are crucial in understanding crime data. They provide a way to evaluate the consistency of data in a particular set, giving a more accurate understanding of the data being analysed.

Learn more about standard deviation: brainly.com/question/475676


What amendment, which reads "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the
security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be
infringed." Gives American citizen the right to own guns?


The amendment you are referring to is the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution. It states: "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

An amendment is a formal change or addition made to a document, law, or constitution. It is a way to modify or update the original text to reflect new circumstances or address evolving needs. In the context of a constitution, amendments are typically made to protect individual rights, expand or limit the powers of the government, or introduce new laws and regulations.

Amendments are crucial because they allow societies to adapt their governing frameworks to reflect changing values, beliefs, and societal progress. They provide a mechanism for democracy to function and ensure that the principles and policies outlined in a document remain relevant and effective over time. The process of amending a document varies depending on the specific context and legal system.

To know more about Amendment refer to-



with reference to the life of ministry of Jesus identify activities which shows that he was a worker​



Jesus was a "Blue-collar" construction worker. He also, performed miracles for His fellow disciples and, for the people who followed Him.

Explanation: Found My source online.

among the top arrests, the only crime with no gender gap is ____________.


Among the top arrests, the only crime with no gender gap is not a specific crime that can be mentioned.

Crime refers to any act that violates established laws or regulations within a particular society or jurisdiction. It encompasses a wide range of illegal activities, such as theft, assault, fraud, murder, drug trafficking, and cybercrime. The motivations behind crimes vary and can include financial gain, personal vendettas, or deviant behavior.

Crime has significant social, economic, and psychological consequences. It poses a threat to public safety, disrupts societal harmony, and erodes trust within communities. It also places a burden on law enforcement agencies, the judicial system, and the overall economy. Efforts to combat crime involve prevention, investigation, prosecution, and punishment. Governments enact laws and establish law enforcement agencies to maintain order and protect citizens.

To know more about Crime refer to-



There has been a high rate of bicycle accidents in your community. The local police department has decided to host free bicycle safety seminars at a local community center. The officers who conduct the trainings are being paid for the time they conduct these seminars.

Is this example a public policy?



yes they are helping with the incidences of the bicycles


Yes they are helping by serving the public

Which of the following examples represents a violation of copyright law related to unauthorized use of intellectual property for General Psychology? It is also a violation of academic integrity rules for the University
a. Clifton uses a website listed in the course textbook that he purchased to review videos and take practice exam questions while he studies for class
b. Sally's laptop broke down and she can't access Blackboard for the class notes. Her roommate is also in class, so she borrows her notes to photocopy before lecture
c. During an exam, Sam looks at his friend's scantron answers to "double check" that he got his own answers correct before he turns in his test
d. To make some extra money, Julie downloads the major concepts sheets and power point lecture outlines for class from Blackboard and posts them on a website that students must pay to access


"To make some extra money, Julie downloads the major concepts sheets and power point lecture outlines for class from Blackboard and posts them on a website that students must pay to access" example represents a violation of copyright law related to unauthorized use of intellectual property for General Psychology. The correct option is d.

Julie violates copyright laws relating to the unauthorized use of intellectual property for General Psychology when she downloads the major concepts sheets and PowerPoint lecture summaries from Blackboard and posts them on a website that students must pay to access.

Without the owner's permission, materials protected by copyright are being distributed and commercialized without authorization. Additionally because Julie is profiting illegally from the work of others, it is against the rules of academic integrity. The correct option is d.

Learn more about copyright law at:



Which of the following best describes what U.S forces may do if the crisis is caused by an internal conflict that threatens regional stability?
Deter aggression and signal U.S. commitment.
U.S. forces may intervene to restore or guarantee stability.
Deny an adversary time to set conditions in their favor or achieve destabilizing objectives.
Conduct civil support and homeland defense operations as directed by the President and Secretary of Defense.


The option that best describes what U.S. forces may do if the crisis is caused by an internal conflict that threatens regional stability is: U.S. forces may intervene to restore or guarantee stability.

In situations where an internal conflict poses a threat to regional stability, the United States may choose to intervene with its forces to restore or ensure stability. This intervention could involve various actions such as peacekeeping operations, providing security assistance, or supporting local authorities to establish a secure and stable environment. The goal is to mitigate the conflict's impact, prevent further escalation, and promote stability in the region.

While the other options listed—deter aggression and signal U.S. commitment, deny an adversary time to set conditions, and conduct civil support and homeland defense operations—may also be relevant in different contexts, the intervention to restore or guarantee stability is the most directly applicable response to an internal conflict threatening regional stability.

To know more about regional stability, click here:



What cases were important to freedom of speech?



The U.S. Supreme Court has decided several cases involving the First Amendment rights of public school students, but the most often cited are Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District (1969), Bethel School District No. 403 v. Fraser (1986) and Hazelwood School District v.

if a contract is silent in a matter, ______ can provide "default" rules for the resolution of that matter.


If a contract is silent on a matter, the law can provide "default" rules for the resolution of that matter.

When a contract does not explicitly address a specific issue or provide instructions on how to handle a particular situation, the law steps in to fill the gap. The legal system provides default rules or principles that serve as a fallback to govern the unresolved matter. These default rules can be statutory laws, common law principles, or other legal standards depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the contract. The purpose of default rules is to provide clarity and guidance when contractual terms are ambiguous or absent. They offer a framework for interpreting the contract and resolving disputes in a manner that aligns with legal principles and public policy.

However, it is generally advisable for parties to explicitly address important terms and contingencies in their contracts to avoid potential uncertainties that may arise from relying solely on default rules.

To know more about legal system, click here:



Which of the following statements about monetary policy are FALSE? (a) In the US, monetary policy is implemented by the Federal Reserve setting the federal funds rate
(b) Central banks directly control the monetary base but have only indirect control over the money supply as measured by M1 or M2
(c) In the AD/AS model, monetary policy is modeled as an interest rate rule where increases in inflation lead a central bank to raise the nominal interest rate
(d) Monetary policy can only affect the real interest rate if wages and prices are fully flexible
(e) None of the above


None of the above is FALSE about monetary policy. The correct option is e.

The Federal Reserve, which oversees monetary policy in the US, does more than just determine the federal funds rate. In order to affect monetary conditions, the Federal Reserve also engages in open market operations modifies reserve requirements, and offers forward guidance. In addition central banks do have direct control over the monetary base, which also includes bank reserves and the money in circulation.

However they also have the means to indirectly affect the overall money supply. While monetary policy in the AD/AS model can be modeled as an interest rate rule it is not solely dependent on changes in inflation. Other elements like output gaps and economic indicators might be taken into account by the rule. Finally, because it affects borrowing costs and economic behavior, monetary policy can impact the real interest rate even if wages and prices are not fully flexible. The correct option is e.

Learn more about monetary policy at:



the category that has the highest percentage of reported incidents in the faculty lecture was___


The category that has the highest percentage of reported incidents in the faculty lecture was analysis.

A faculty lecture is an educational presentation or discourse delivered by a member of the academic faculty at a college or university. It serves as a platform for professors and experts in various fields to share their knowledge, research findings, and insights with students, colleagues, and the broader academic community. Faculty lectures are typically held in lecture halls, classrooms, or other designated venues within the institution.

These lectures offer an opportunity for faculty members to delve into specific topics related to their area of expertise, providing students with valuable insights beyond the regular curriculum. They can cover a wide range of subjects, including but not limited to science, humanities, social sciences, business, and technology. Faculty lectures aim to engage and challenge students intellectually, encouraging critical thinking, expanding their knowledge base, and inspiring further exploration.

To know more about Faculty lecture refer to-



under which of the following is it hardest to pass legislation


Under a divided government, it is typically hardest to pass legislation.  

Different political parties control various legislative chambers or branches of the government in a polarized system of government. For instance, one party might be in charge of the executive branch while another holds either the majority or the minority in the legislature. This could lead to political impasse and make it difficult to pass legislation.

Increased partisanship and difficulty coming to an agreement can result from the parties divergent priorities, ideologies and agendas. In contrast to a unified government where one party holds majorities in all branches or chambers, compromises and negotiations are frequently required to advance legislation, and the process can be slower and more contentious.

Learn more about legislation at:



The question is incomplete, complete question "Under which of the following is it hardest to pass legislation?

Unicameral government

Unitary government

Divided government

Unified government"

Explain any TWO (2) principles of bureaucracy
according to Max Weber.​



Max Weber bureaucratic theory

Max Weber, a German scientist, defines bureaucracy as a highly structured, formalized, and also an impersonal organization. He also instituted the belief that an organization must have a defined hierarchical structure and clear rules, regulations, and lines of authority which


Max Weber bureaucratic theory

Max Weber, a German scientist, defines bureaucracy as a highly structured, formalized, and also an impersonal organization. He also instituted the belief that an organization must have a defined hierarchical structure and clear rules, regulations, and lines of authority which

Your mother is offered a new job with a new company. She begins working with the new company and her pay is triple that from her old job. You are very excited for your mother because she is hard-working and is very deserving of this raise. During your entire life, she has always offered to pay for an apartment that you are renting. Because of her increased pay, you decide to rent a nicer and more expensive apartment. One month later, your mother's new employer reduces her pay. You are furious. After all, you relied on the employer's promise before you rented the apartment. Would you be in a position to successfully sue your mother's employer for its breach of its agreement with your mother?





A promise means nothing unless it's on paper with a signature. Just because he said he would do something doesn't make him legally obligated to do the thing he said he would.

solve the texaco-penzoil case using your own utility function.


The Texaco-Pennzoil case refers to a legal dispute that arose in 1984 between two major oil companies, Texaco and Pennzoil.

Pennzoil accused Texaco of interfering with an agreement to acquire Getty Oil, which Pennzoil had negotiated. Texaco later acquired Getty Oil, leading Pennzoil to file a lawsuit claiming substantial damages. The case went to trial, and in 1985, a jury awarded Pennzoil a significant amount in damages, which was later reduced on appeal. The dispute eventually reached a settlement, with Texaco agreeing to pay Pennzoil a substantial sum. The Texaco-Pennzoil case is a complex legal matter involving contractual obligations, interference claims, and substantial financial implications. The resolution of the case was reached through a legal process involving litigation, negotiation, and a settlement agreement.

It's important to note that the details and outcome of legal cases can be influenced by various factors, including evidence, legal arguments, court decisions, and the specific circumstances of the case.

To know more about Texaco-Pennzoil, click here:



A legal error by a lower court that does not require reversal is called a(n):


A legal error by a lower court that does not require reversal is called a non-reversible error.

A non-reversible error refers to a legal mistake made by a lower court during a legal proceeding that does not warrant the reversal of the court's decision or judgment. While errors made by lower courts can occur, not all errors rise to the level of necessitating a reversal of the decision. Non-reversible errors are typically considered harmless or immaterial to the overall outcome of the case.

These errors could include minor procedural mistakes, evidentiary rulings that do not substantially affect the case, or errors that are deemed harmless based on the weight of the evidence presented. Instead of overturning the lower court's decision, non-reversible errors may be addressed through other means, such as an appeal for a new trial or correction of the error in subsequent proceedings.

To learn more about non-reversible.

Click here:brainly.com/question/30945296?


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