Dr. Siddiqui tells Angela that her test results will be back in a few days and that she will give her a call when she knows something. You go home and do some research on various thyroid conditions so that you’ll have a good idea of what is going on with Angela. You find information on hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, goiter, Graves’ Disease, iodine deficiency (primary hypothyroidism), Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and various tumors. You make a chart to help yourself sort out the different disorders.
3. Describe hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. List at least three symptoms of each.
4. What is a goiter?


Answer 1

3. (a) Hyperthyroidism is a condition characterized by the overproduction of thyroid hormones by the thyroid gland.  Some common symptoms of hyperthyroidism include:

Weight loss Rapid or irregular heartbeatNervousness

(b) Hypothyroidism, on the other hand, refers to an underactive thyroid gland that does not produce enough thyroid hormones. Some common symptoms of hypothyroidism include:

Fatigue Weight gain Cold intolerance

4. A goiter refers to an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland, causing a visible swelling in the neck. It is typically associated with thyroid disorders. A goiter can occur in both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.

In hyperthyroidism, the goiter is usually caused by conditions such as Graves' disease or toxic multinodular goiter. In these cases, the thyroid gland becomes overactive and produces excessive amounts of thyroid hormones, leading to glandular enlargement.

In hypothyroidism, the goiter can develop due to iodine deficiency, Hashimoto's thyroiditis (an autoimmune disease that attacks the thyroid gland), or other factors. In hypothyroidism-related goiters, the thyroid gland may enlarge in an attempt to compensate for the decreased hormone production.

It's worth noting that the presence of a goiter does not necessarily indicate a specific thyroid disorder; rather, it signals an abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland that requires further evaluation to determine the underlying cause.

Learn more about Hyperthyroidism:



Related Questions

3. Please rank the following topics from most to least interesting: (Fire Ecology - (FE), Noise Pollution and Mitigation Strategies (NP), College Majors and Careers in the Environment (CC), Great Pacific Garbage Patch (GP), EcoTourism

6. ​



How much is a safe amount of weight to lose a week?


Answer: Over the long term, it's smart to aim for losing 1 to 2 pounds (0.5 to 1 kilogram) a week. Generally to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week, you need to burn 500 to 1,000 calories more than you consume each day, through a lower calorie diet and regular physical activity


1-2 pounds


uuhh just is lol

will jaws of life damage the environment​





This tool does not effect the environment because it doesn't contain any harmful chemicals that would interfere with the environment's well being.

The jaws of life does not damage the environment.

What are jaws of life?

It is basically the rescue tool that are applied for the difficult and the emergency situations like when the car is crushed. Moroever, the tool does not impact the environment because it does not comprise of any harmful chemicals that impact the well-being of the environment.

Therefore, The jaws of life does not damage the environment.

Learn more about environment here: https://brainly.com/question/26256966

which of the following is needed for cytokinesis in plant cells but not animal cells? (select all that apply!)
a.Actin b.Microtubules c.Kinesin d.Dynein e.Myosin


Actin and Myosin are needed for cytokinesis in plant cells but not animal cells, options a and e are correct.

Cytokinesis, the division of the cytoplasm following nuclear division, differs between plant and animal cells. While animal cells rely on a contractile ring composed of actin and myosin filaments to pinch the cell membrane inward, plant cells have a distinct process due to the presence of a rigid cell wall. In plant cells, cytokinesis involves the formation of a cell plate, which eventually develops into a new cell wall that separates the daughter cells.

This process requires actin filaments for guidance and deposition of materials, as well as myosin to assist in the movement and organization of vesicles involved in cell plate formation. Microtubules, kinesin, and dynein are involved in various cellular processes but are not specifically required for cytokinesis in plant cells, options a and e are correct.

To learn more about Actin follow the link:



A scientist studying the effects of radiation on DNA performs an experiment in which she exposes a sequence of nitrogen bases found in DNA to radiation. The DNA before and after the radiation is shown below.
Use the evidence to determine whether a mutation has occurred, and if so, interpret that mutation in the answer sheet provided

Before Exposure: ATCGTCA; After Exposure: ATTCGTCA

A. No mutation has occurred to the DNA sequence.

B. A nitrogen base has been deleted from the DNA molecule.

C. A nitrogen base has replaced another nitrogen base in the DNA molecule.

D. A nitrogen base has been added to the DNA molecule.



D. A nitrogen base has been added to the DNA molecule.  


You can see that the sequence for the nitrogen bases are in the exact same order after the exposure, this rules out A.  You can count how many bases there are, 7 before and 8 after so it cannot be B. Lastly, given that they are in the same order as were before and that a base has been added, you can see that no bases were replaced (so not C) and that D is your answer.  

Complete the following paragraph:
Antibody-mediated immunity works mainly against --EXTRACELLULAR** pathogens, which include any bacteria, fungi or viruses that are in the extracellular fluids of the body. B cells respond to unprocessed antigens, but their response is more intense if they process the antigen and receive costimulation by --helper-- T cells. Once activated, B cells produce clones of --plasma-- cells and memory cells which reside in lymphatic tissues (such as MALT, lymph nodes and spleen). Plasma cells produce --antibodies--, which leave the lymphatic tissue and circulate in body fluids. Antibodies can be grouped into --five-- classes each with specific biological roles. Actions of antibodies include neutralization, immobilization, agglutination and precipitation of antigen. In addition, antibodies can activate --complement-- and enhance phagocytosis.


Antibody-mediated immunity targets extracellular pathogens through the production of specific antibodies that neutralize, eliminate, and enhance immune responses, providing defense against bacteria, fungi, and viruses in the body.

Antibody-mediated immunity works mainly against extracellular pathogens, which include any bacteria, fungi, or viruses that are in the extracellular fluids of the body. B cells respond to unprocessed antigens, but their response is more intense if they process the antigen and receive costimulation by helper T cells. Once activated, B cells produce clones of plasma cells and memory cells which reside in lymphatic tissues (such as MALT, lymph nodes, and spleen). Plasma cells produce antibodies, which leave the lymphatic tissue and circulate in body fluids. Antibodies can be grouped into five classes, each with specific biological roles.

The five classes of antibodies, also known as immunoglobulins (Ig), are IgM, IgG, IgA, IgE, and IgD. IgM is the first antibody produced during an immune response and is effective in activating complement and agglutination. IgG is the most abundant antibody and provides long-term immunity by neutralizing toxins and promoting opsonization for phagocytosis. IgA is found in bodily secretions like saliva, tears, and breast milk, providing localized defense on mucosal surfaces. IgE is involved in allergic reactions and defends against parasites. IgD's function is not fully understood but it is believed to play a role in B cell activation.

Actions of antibodies include neutralization, where they bind to and block the activity of pathogens, immobilization by preventing pathogen movement, agglutination by clumping pathogens together for easier elimination, and precipitation of antigens out of solution. In addition, antibodies can activate complement, a group of proteins that help destroy pathogens, and enhance phagocytosis by marking pathogens for engulfment by immune cells.

To learn more about Antibodies



what is the effect of the abnormal protein on tissue function in duchenne muscular dystrophy and skeletal muscle tissue?



Lack of the dystrophin protein in muscle cells causes them to be fragile and easily damaged. DMD carriers are females who have a normal dystrophin gene on one X chromosome and an abnormal dystrophin gene on the other X chromosome. Most carriers of DMD do not themselves have signs and symptoms of the disease, but a minority do. Symptoms can range from mild skeletal muscle weakness or cardiac involvement to severe weakness or cardiac effects and can begin in childhood or adulthood.


1) Read the following paragraph and answer the following questions.
The countries which do not have oil reservoirs in their land, import oil from other countries. But sometimes during transportation of oil through sea routes, accidental oil spill occurs. This oil spilled in the ocean may prove fatal and toxic to aquatic animals. Therefore, removal of this spilled oil is essential for protection of aquatic life. For removing this oil layer, certain microbes like Pseudomonas spp and Alcanivorax borkumensis are used. These microbes have the ability to destroy the pyridines and other toxic chemicals. The hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria (HCB) are able to decompose the hydrocarbons and bring about the reaction of carbons with oxygen resulting in formation of CO​2​ and water. Like oil spills cause damage

to aquatic life, plastic forms the major part of the garbage on the land. Plastics are difficult to degrade as they are made up of PET, by research various species like Vibrio and Ideonella sakaiensis which can degrade PET have been identified. There are certain species of microbes which can decompose rubber from garbage.
a) How are aquatic organisms affected by oil spills in the ocean?
b) Which type of chemical compounds are degraded by microbes used for
clearing oil spills?
c) Name any two species of microbes which can degrade rubber from
d) Why should there be a ban on plastic bags?


Answer: See explanation


a) How are aquatic organisms affected by oil spills in the ocean?

Aquatic organisms are affected by oil spilled as it is fatal and toxic to them. It can cause death, habitat degradation, vulnerability to predators and can also lead to the inability to hatch their eggs.

b) Which type of chemical compounds are degraded by microbes used for

clearing oil spills?

The chemical compound degraded by microbes are clearing oil spills are Pseudomonas spp and Alcanivorax borkumensis.

c) Name any two species of microbes which can degrade rubber from


These are Vibrio and Ideonella sakaiensis.

d) Why should there be a ban on plastic bags?

There should be a ban on plastic bags as they're difficult to degrade as they are made up of PET.

What is your opinion on the use of CRISPR on germ-line cells and why?
A. 2-3 sentences
B. 1-2 sentences for your opinion and 1-2 sentences for your supporting evidence.


Answer: https://medlineplus.gov/genetics/understanding/genomicresearch/genomeediting/


Mistletoe steals nutrients and ____ from its host plant.
A. Carbon Dioxide

B. Water



Mistletoe steals nutrients and """water"""

from its host plant.

A. Carbon Dioxide

B. Water

Mistletoe is the common name for obligate hemiparasitic plants in the order Santalales. They are attached to their host tree or shrub by a structure called the haustorium, through which they extract water and nutrients from the host plant. Their parasitic lifestyle has led to some dramatic changes in their metabolism.



Los insectos polinizadores son especies clave en muchas comunidades que interacción interespecífica se da entre estos insectos??



Competencia interespecífica


Los polinizadores son organismos esenciales para el equilibrio de las comunidades silvestres y el mantenimiento de la biodiversidad existente en el planeta. Los insectos (especialmente las abejas) representan el grupo de polinizadores más importantes, estos organismos consumen el néctar como alimento y simultáneamente son utilizados por plantas para reproducirse mediante el trasporte del polen de una flor a otra. Los insectos polinizadores usualmente visitan muchos diferentes tipos de plantas y, a su vez, estas plantas son polinizadas por diferentes grupos de insectos polinizadores. Como consecuencia de esto último, entre polinizadores se establece una competencia interespecífica por un recurso (es decir, el polen) el cual a priori podría considerarse limitado. Sin embargo, ha sido demostrado que las redes e interacciones entre plantas y polinizadores están organizadas de tal modo que la competencia interespecífica entre polinizadores se encuentra reducida drásticamente, siendo incluso beneficiosas para las especies que la componen. Estos resultados se encuentran soportados por el análisis de información a campo la cual demuestra como redes entre polinizadores y plantas son similares en diferentes ecosistemas/continentes y también porque cuando tales conexiones gozan de buena salud se observa un aumento de la biodiversidad en las comunidades ecológicas.

Compare and contrast suspension feeding and deposit feeding-



Suspension feeding involves collecting food particles like small organisms, organic matter, detritus which are suspended in water, often using some form of filtration.

Suspension feeders catch food or organic material from the water using tentacles or spiny arms

where as

Deposit feeding involves feasting on detritus and organic matter that have settled on the ocean floor.

Deposit feeders pass sand, mud, water or sediment into their mouths using mucous-covered tentacles or arms etc.


Suspension feeding ingests the food particles which are suspended in water, while deposit feeding ingests sediments and aquire foods.

What do you mean by Deposit feeders?

Deposit feeders may be defined as those aquatic organisms that forage on organic matter that settled down on the bottom.

Suspension feeding maintains the water quality in the aquatic environment, while deposit feeding enhances oxygen level and nutrient cycling.

Suspension feeding occurs similarly to filter-feeding that only ingests suspended particles. While deposit-feeding ingests the deposited particles like detritus, organic matter, etc.

Therefore, it is well described above.

To learn more about Suspension feeding, refer to the link:



Which of the following is made up of 90% water, and 10% dissolved
materials like nutrients, minerals, vitamins, digested food, and salts? *
red blood cells
white blood cells
O platelets





The blood is a key part of the circulatory system. It is a tissue composed of cells that make it up. The blood contains the following components namely; plasma, red blood cells/erythrocytes, white blood cells/leukocytes, and platelets/thrombocytes.

The plasma is referred to as the "liquid" part of the blood and makes up the major part of the blood tissue. The plasma contains 90% water, and 10% dissolved materials like nutrients, minerals, vitamins, digested food, and salts. Hence, based on this question, the answer is PLASMA.

what is carrying capacity related too



The number of organisms which can survive to the resources within an ecosystem.


Hope this helps!!

Please mark this answer as Brainiest.

Why is it important for DNA replication to be a
highly regulated process?



Here you go


DNA replication is regulated to ensure all chromosomes replicate once and only once per cell cycle.Cell cycle regulation by protein phosphorylation ensures that pre-RC assembly can only occur in G1 phase, whereas helicase activation and loading can only occur in S phase.

I Now Give Up On Life :) Don't Try And Stop Me


Wdym you give up...

hii, NEVER GIVE UP. <3

Name one process that helps to create unique cells during meiosis.





Prophase I, Prometaphase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I and Cytokinesis, Prophase II, Prometaphase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, and finally, Telophase II and Cytokinesis.

what is a gene?
a. a series of amino acids.
b. a segment of a DNA molecule.
c. a segment of a protein.
d. a series of DNA molecules.



b. a segment of a DNA molecule.


a segment of a DNA molecule.

plz mark me as brainliest:)

Describe two ways in which bacteria and the fungus Penicillium are similar and two ways they are different.


The ways in which, bacteria and the fungus Penicillium are similar is; Microscopic organisms, Environmental presence, and the ways in which, bacteria and the fungus Penicillium are different is; Cell type and structure, Mode of nutrition.

Similarities between bacteria and the fungus Penicillium;

Microscopic organisms; Both bacteria and Penicillium are microscopic organisms. They cannot be seen with the glance and require a microscope for observation.

Environmental presence; Both bacteria and Penicillium can be found in a wide range of environments. They are highly adaptable and can thrive in various habitats, including soil, water, air, and even the human body.

Differences between bacteria and the fungus Penicillium;

Cell type and structure; Bacteria are prokaryotic organisms, which means they lack a true nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. They have a simpler cell structure compared to the eukaryotic fungus Penicillium. Penicillium has complex cellular structures, including a well-defined nucleus and various organelles.

Mode of nutrition; Bacteria and Penicillium differ in their modes of nutrition. Bacteria can be autotrophic, obtaining energy through photosynthesis, or heterotrophic, obtaining energy by consuming organic matter. In contrast, Penicillium is a heterotrophic fungus, obtaining nutrients by absorbing organic matter from its surroundings.

To know more about fungus Penicillium here



Choose the true statement about sources of air pollution in the United States.
a. Natural sources contribute over half of air pollution emissions.
b. Mobile sources are non-point sources of air pollution.
c. Air pollution levels remain fairly consistent across the country.
d. Lead in the atmosphere is the result of refrigeration and using aerosol sprays.


The true statement about sources of air pollution in the United States is that mobile sources are non-point sources of air pollution.

Answer choice b is correct. Mobile sources, such as cars, trucks, and other forms of transportation, are considered non-point sources of air pollution. Non-point sources refer to dispersed and widespread sources that contribute to pollution over a large area. Mobile sources emit pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and particulate matter (PM), which contribute to air pollution.

Answer choices a, c, and d are incorrect. Natural sources do contribute to air pollution, but they do not account for over half of the emissions. Air pollution levels vary across the country depending on various factors such as industrial activities, population density, and geographical conditions. Lead in the atmosphere is primarily the result of past emissions from activities like leaded gasoline combustion and industrial processes, rather than refrigeration or aerosol sprays.

In summary, mobile sources are non-point sources of air pollution in the United States, emitting pollutants that contribute to the overall air pollution levels in the country.

learn more about population click here;




Choose the true statement about sources of air pollution in the United States.

Stationary sources of air pollution are also point sources.

Mobile sources contribute about half of man-made pollution emissions.

Non-point sources of air pollution are easier to monitor and control.

Natural sources of air pollution include household products.


Stationary sources of air pollution are also point sources.

Explain the parts of Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection.
Fake answers will be reported



more individuals are produced each generation that can survive. phenotypic variation exists among individuals and variation is heritable. those individuals with heritable trails better suited to the environment will survive.

Which of the following is the specific part of the antigen that antibodies bind to?
a. immunogen
b. epitope
c. hopanoid
d. hapten


The portion of the antigen known as the immunogen that antibodies specifically attach. These bonds could be Van der Waals forces, electrostatic bonds, or hydrogen bonds. Hence (a) is the correct option.

The location where an antigen binds to an antibody is created by the CDRs of the heavy and light chains juxtaposed on the surface of the antibody molecule. The particular antigen-binding location in the variable region of an antibody molecule known as a paratope interacts with the spot of an antigen molecule called an epitope, which is referred to as an antigenic determinant. S. aureus possesses a protein called protein A on its cell wall that can bind antibodies of any specificity.

To know more about antigen, click here:



How does an orchid benefit from growing in a tree?



The orchids benefit in several ways. They get more sunlight and are more easily visited by the moths which pollinate them.Orchids do not harm the trees they grow in. Their roots stay on the bark of the tree; they do not take water or nutrients from the tree.

Help please! Thank you <3


I would think the answer would be A because matter does involve living things.

The sun's inner core is the hottest part of the sun. (2 points)








because since the core is the farthest away from space it will continue to burn inside of the core,  leading to more heat building up in the inner parts.

suppose two parents, a father with the genotype aabbccddee and a mother with the genotype aabbccddee, want to have children. assume each locus follows mendelian inheritance patterns for dominance.


When considering the genotype of the parents aabbccddee and aabbccddee, it can be concluded that all their offspring would be of the same genotype aabbccddee.

Same genotype is because the parents are homozygous, meaning they carry two copies of the recessive allele at each locus that has two alternative alleles.Based on the information given, all of the children will inherit two recessive alleles at each locus because the parents have only recessive alleles.

Mendelian inheritance states that traits are inherited from parents in a predictable manner.

The father's aabbccddee genotype means that he is homozygous recessive for every locus. The mother's aabbccddee genotype also means that she is homozygous recessive for every locus.The Punnett square, on the other hand, is used to determine the potential genotypes of the children.

When two parents are homozygous for the recessive allele, their offspring is also homozygous for the recessive allele. In this case, it means that all of their children will inherit two copies of the recessive allele at each locus.

Therefore, all of their children will have aabbccddee genotype.

Learn more about genotype : brainly.com/question/30460326


during which stages of the cell cycle does a chromosome consist of two identical chromatids​





each chromosome is composed of two chromatids


Throughout inter phase, nuclear DNA remains in a semi-condensed chromatin configuration. In the S phase (synthesis phase), DNA replication results in the formation of two identical copies of each chromosome-sister chromatids- that are firmly attached at the centromere region.


Is there a way to investigate whether our predictions about genotypes are accurate?



Test Crosses. A test cross is utilized to decide the genotype of a person with a attribute.



A woman sues a man for child support, claiming that he is the father of her illegitimate child. The woman is type A, the child is type O, and the man is type AB. Could he be the father of her child?
Group of answer choices

Yes because you can get type O if the man is type AB

No because you cannot get type O if the man is type AB



no because you cannot get type O if the man is type AB

(07.03 MC)
An advantage of disposing of municipal solid waste in a landfill rather than in an
incinerator is that, unlike incinerators, landfills
can be used to generate electricity
do not require electricity to operate
do not contribute greatly to smog or acid rain
can store hazardous materials such as motor oils and pesticides


the use electricity more


I and III only

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