Explain the establishment of Russian Empire in Central Asia and the response of indigenous people.


Answer 1

The Russian Empire was established in Central Asia in the late 18th century. The indigenous people of Central Asia responded to the Russian presence with a mixture of cooperation and resistance.

The Russian Empire was established in Central Asia through a process of conquest and colonization that began in the late 18th century.when the Russian Empire began expanding its influence into the region.

The response of the indigenous people to the Russian Empire varied. Some groups welcomed the Russian presence, while others resisted it.

Some indigenous Central Asians were able to benefit from the new opportunities and opportunities for social mobility that the Russian Empire offered, while others experienced displacement, exploitation, and cultural loss.

Check about imperialism here


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What are Gremlins?

The phrase was initially used in slang by British pilots assigned to the Royal Air Force (RAF) in the 1920s while stationed in Malta, the Middle East, and India. The oldest documented instance of the phrase was in a poem that was carried in the Malta-based journal Aeroplan on April 10, 1929.

Although later sources have occasionally asserted that the idea dates to World War I, there is no written proof of this.

Random House published The Gremlins in 1943 with a print run of 50,000 copies. Dahl ordered 50 copies for himself to use as promotional materials for the future movie and himself, giving them out to everyone he knew, including Lord Halifax, the British ambassador in Washington.

Learn more about Gremlins, here



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He said “Thus, I give up the spear!”

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By showing the public the letter


Wilson persuaded Americans into WWI by showing the public the letter that Zimmerman noted, a letter that German Kaiser sent to the Mexican government saying that Germany will support full force in Mexico attacked U.S

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Woodrow Wilson, a leader of the Progressive Movement, was the 28th President of the United States (1913-1921). After a policy of neutrality at the outbreak of World War I, Wilson led America into war in order to “make the world safe for democracy.”


How is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn a reflection of realism?


In his work  Huckleberry Finn, Twain uses realism to depict the late nineteenth-century themes of race, identity, and social standing.

The utilization of realistic characters in the story further exemplifies realism. Our protagonist, Huck Finn, is a  boy and the town's son. He suffers with peer pressure, moral development, and the propensity to rebel, as well as other common teenage issues. Before the Civil War, lifestyle anywhere along Mississippi is accurately depicted in the book. In a global system devoid of a single political power, realism emphasizes enduring social patterns. In a environment devoid of a single governmental legitimacy, component of the model enduring patterns of interaction. Because of this anarchic state, international politics frequently follow different rules than national politics, which are under the control of a sovereign entity.

Learn more on realism



Who is the enemy in Animal Farm?


Animal Farm pits you against Napoleon. In George Orwell's 1945 book Animal Farm, Napoleon, a fictional figure, serves as the major adversary.

A local Corsican family descended from low Italian aristocracy gave birth to Napoleon on the island shortly after France annexed it. While a soldier in the French army, he embraced the French Revolution in 1789 and worked to bring its values to his native Corsica. After saving the ruling French Directory by shooting at insurgent royalists, he advanced quickly through the ranks of the Army. He launched a military campaign against the Austrians and their allies in Italy in 1796, winning every battle and rising to the status of a national hero. He oversaw a military mission to Egypt two years later, which gave him the platform for ascending to political authority. In November 1799, he planned a coup, which led to his appointment as Republic's First Consul.

learn more about Napoleon here



The United States did / did not (Highlight one) follow Washington’s advice because-?


The United States did follow Washington’s advice because it is necessary to give unjust men at bay.

What was Washington's warnings/advice in his Farewell?

Concerning political faction, he warns people that its may seek to obstruct the execution of the laws created by the government or to prevent the branches of government from exercising the powers provided to them by the constitution. These factions may claim to be trying to answer demands or problems, but their true intentions are to take the power from the people and place it in the hands of unjust men.

And so, he calls on the American people to only change the Constitution through amendments but he then warns them that groups seeking to overthrow the government may strive to pass constitutional amendments to weaken the government to a point where it is unable to defend itself from political factions, enforce laws and protect people's rights and property.

Read more about Washington



"Determining Meaning"


Something that is legitimate is done according to accepted rules and standards. How does knowing the meaning of legitimate help you determine what it means that Frederick refused to recognize the legitimacy of Marie Theresa as the empress of Austria?


Reread the first paragraph of “ The War in Europe. “ What is a rivalry? Which context clues help you to determine the meaning of rivalry?

Answer these 2 questions.


1. Knowing the meaning of legitimate helps you determine that Frederick refused to acknowledge Marie Theresa as the legitimate empress of Austria because he believed that she did not have the right to rule according to accepted rules and standards.

2. A rivalry is a competition or a fight for superiority between two people or groups. In the context of "The War in Europe," the context clues that help determine the meaning of rivalry are the words "competition" and "fight for superiority." These words suggest that there is a struggle between two sides to gain an advantage over the other.

How did America get closer to and also move away from its founding ideals during WWI?



America moved closer to its founding ideals of freedom and democracy during World War I by entering the war in order to spread the ideals of freedom, justice, and democracy across the world. The war helped to spread the idea of American exceptionalism, which held that America had a unique role to play in the world as a beacon of democracy and freedom.

At the same time, America also moved away from its founding ideals during World War I. The war resulted in a large number of civil liberties violations, including the suspension of habeas corpus and the mass internment of German-Americans. The war also saw increased government control over the economy and the media, as well as the passage of laws that restricted civil liberties.


Which figure in Songhai history followed the model set by Mali's Mansa Musa for organizing his kingdom?KossiSunni AliAskia DaudMuhammad Ture



Askia Muhammad


The figure in Songhai history who organized his kingdom in accordance with Mansa Musa's model was Askia Daud. The correct answer is C. 

Askia Muhammad, a king, took control after defeating Sunni Ali's son. By dividing Songhai into provinces, he was able to manage his empire. During his reign, Muslim scholars helped spread Islam across the kingdom. These academics spread the concept of Islam to places that had not before encountered it. Many people were won over to the Islamic religion by these scholars. The empire flourished economically and intellectually during his control. Askia Daud, who ruled the Songhai Empire between 1549 and 1582 and inherited his father's enormous territory, had a very prosperous time in power.

The most well-known ruler of Mali was Mansa Musa. In 1312, he attained authority. Despite being a dedicated Muslim, Mansa Musa showed tolerance for other faiths. Mansa Musa began his extensive journey to Mecca. He came with numerous slaves dressed in silk and holding gold staffs. His journey inspired many others, including businesspeople who desired to visit Mali. This boosted commerce. 

The fact that both Askia Muhammad and his son, Askia Daud, in Songhai and Mansa Musa in Mali were devoted to Islam and organized their kingdoms according to Islamic principles made their reigns comparable.

Learn more about Mansa Musa here: brainly.com/question/15056385


Can we stay in Taj Mahal at night?


The Taj Mahal is fascinating at night because it offers a peaceful and distinctive atmosphere. Each lunar month, around the height of the full moon, it is accessible for 5 days.

Why is the Taj Mahal so special?

The Taj Mahal is often regarded as the greatest example of fusing Eastern architecture at its best. Its renowned architectural beauty is defined by surfaces that are both concave and flat, light shadow, plus rhythmically arranged masses and holes. By adding more ornamental elements, such as arches and domes, the aesthetic value is enhanced.

What is the inner size of the Taj Mahal?

The Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan cenotaphs are kept inside the Taj Mahal in a six-chamber structure embellished with combination of open dura (a semi-precious stone inlay) and just a marble lattice screen. But the magnificent monuments serve just as ornaments: The original burial vaults are located at garden level in a serene chamber.

To know more about Taj Mahal visit:



Explaining cause and effects why was that important to many Americans that the constitution including bill of rights


The reason why the bill of rights was important to many American is because its prevent them from government tyranny and grant them basis right which all human deserves

What is the Constitution's bill of rights?

In the U.S. Constition, the Bill of Rights comprises the first ten amendments which was proposed following the often bitter 1787–88 debate over the ratification of the Constitution and written to address the objections raised by Anti-Federalists.

This Bill of Rights amendments added to the Constitution specific guarantees of personal freedoms and rights, clear limitations on the government's power in judicial and other proceedings and explicit declarations that all powers not specifically granted to the federal government by the Constitution are reserved to the states or the people.

The concepts codified in the legislation are built upon those in earlier documents, especially the Virginia Declaration of Rights as well as the Northwest Ordinance, the English Bill of Rights and Magna Carta.

Read more about Bill of Rights



Which statement most accurately reflects the colonists' reactions to British policies?



The colonists' reactions to British policies were varied and complex. Some colonists were fiercely opposed to the policies of the British government and were willing to take drastic measures, such as organizing boycotts or engaging in acts of civil disobedience, to resist them. Others were more moderate in their views and sought to negotiate or work within the existing system to address their grievances. Still others were supportive of British rule and sought to maintain good relations with the government.

Overall, the colonists' reactions to British policies were influenced by a variety of factors, including their individual political beliefs, their economic interests, and the specific policies at issue. Some colonists may have strongly opposed certain policies, while others may have been more accepting of them. As a result, it is difficult to make a general statement about the colonists' reactions to British policies that would accurately reflect the views of all colonists.


Where is the love symbol Taj Mahal temple in India?


At Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India, is where you may find the Taj Mahal. Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan erected the Taj Mahal in honor of his bride Mumtaz Mahal.

India was ruled by how many Mughal emperors?

The only six notable monarchs of the Mughal Empire were Babur, Humayun, Akbar, Jahangir, Shah Jahan, and Aurangzeb. Beginning with Aurangzeb's passing in 1707, the empire's decline was triggered. Over the course of more than three centuries, India was ruled by a record of 21 Mughal emperors.

The 7th Mughal Emperor was who?

Web Desk for India Today On October 14, 1643, the 7th Mughal Emperor in India, Bahadur Shah I, was born. The third child of Aurangzeb and his Muslim Rajput wife, Nawab Bai, was Bahadur Shah I.

To know more about Mughal Emperor visit:



Which of the following BEST explains the diversity of the population in the Middle Colonies?
A The region was known for religious toleration among its leaders and settlers.
B The Puritan faith dominated the region and attracted many new settlers.
C The King and Parliament only allowed non-English immigrants to settle in the region.
D The region's reliance on cash crops provided more opportunities for immigrants.


The local authorities and settlers were recognized for their tolerance of all religions. Because of this, the Middle Colonies' population was diverse. As a result, choice (A) is the appropriate approach.

Why the middle colonies were diverse?

With the aid of principles of tolerance, numerous diverse ethnic and religious groups helped build the middle colonies. Due to the accessibility of affordable land, several of the frontier provinces experienced influxes of immigration. African slaves, rich aristocracy, and indentured servants all coexisted in the southern colonies.

The Middle Colonies allowed for some religious freedom, which drew settlers from Germany, Scotland, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Finland.

Another factor was that the farmland was far more affordable and productive than in Europe.

Hence, option (A) is accurate.

Learn more about middle colonies, from:



What did the pigs do in Chapter 7?



they confess to have been secretly in touch with Snowball, in the hopes of receiving some clemency from Napoleon.

In 1856, antislavery extremist john brown carried out a deadly reprisal in kansas and murdered five pro-slavery settlers in what is known as the __________ __________.


In 1856, Antislavery extremist john brown carried out a deadly reprisal in kansas and murdered five pro-slavery settlers in what is known as the Pottowatatomie massacre.

About Pottowatatomie massacre

In Kansas Territory, during the nights of May 24 and 25, 1856, the Pottawatomie Massacre took place. John Brown and a group of abolitionist settlers, some of whom were Pottawatomie Rifles members, responded violently to the seizure of Lawrence by pro-slavery forces on May 21 as well as the telegraphed news of  severe attack on Massachusetts Senator Charles Sumner on May 22 for speaking here against slavery in the Kansas ("The Crime Against Kansas"). They murdered five pro-slavery settlers in Franklin County, just north of the Pottawatomie Creek, in front of their family. This quickly rose to prominence as the most notorious of the numerous violent incidents that took place during the "Bleeding Kansas" era, which saw the Kansas Territory's state-level civil war be referred to as a "tragic prologue" to the American Civil War that soon followed.

To know more about Pottowatatomie massacre:








because the absolute value of a positive number is the same number and the absolute value of a negative number is its opposite

(I have no idea if you get what i said, I tried to translate it from my language to English, so i don't know if i said it correctly)

A public gambling house was legalized for the first time in 1626 in?


Answer: Venice, Italy

A public gambling house was legalized for the first time in 1626 in Venice, Italy. Thus, option (b) is correct.

What is gambling?

Gambling refers to gambling games in which tiny investments are made with the possibility of reaping substantial payoffs on occasion. Traditionally, gambling is defined as an activity in which someone loses money or property, there is an element of unpredictability or chance involved, and the goal is to win.

Public gambling was authorized in Venice for the first time in 1626. The Casino del Venetian is the world's oldest casino, located on the Grand Canal in Venice. It was originally known as the Theatre San Moses when it first opened in 1638, and it contained a wing for betting during play interludes. It contributed to the emergence of a casino frenzy in Venice.

Therefore, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on gambling, here:



Your question is incomplete, but most probably the full question was.

a. Englandb. Venicec. North Americad. Parise. Russia

What do we call to the rights that are meant to protect and preserve a person's dignity?


Human rights are laws and regulations that uphold and defend everyone's inherent worth. Individuals' relationships with others, with the State, and with society are all governed by human rights.

Why are human rights important?

Human rights are moral precepts or norms for particular expectations of behavior, and they are frequently safeguarded by domestic and international law. They are typically considered as unalienable, fundamental rights that are "inherent in all human beings," regardless of their age, ethnic origin, geography, language, religion, ethnicity, or any other status. They are universal in the sense that they apply everywhere and at all times  and egalitarian in the sense that they apply equally to everyone.

To know more about human rights visit:



Which of the following accurately describes an underlying American motivation for the European Recovery Program?

The desire to punish Germany after the war
The intention to return to isolationism as soon as possible
The hope of preventing the spread of communism
The strategy to keep so-called Western civilization ahead of Eastern civilization


The European Recovery Program is being implemented by the American government with the goal of halting the rise of communism.

What is the European Recovery Program?

The European Recovery Program, sometimes referred to as the Marshall Plan, was a 1948 U.S. program that provided aid to Western Europe in the wake of World War II's devastation. More than $15 billion was made available to support rehabilitation projects on the continent. created in the United States It was created as a four-year plan by Secretary of State George C. Marshall, after whom it was named, to rebuild towns, businesses, and infrastructure that had suffered significant wartime destruction, as well as to lower trade barriers between European neighbors and the United States.

It's interesting to note that, in the years since it was implemented, there has been significant debate over the Marshall Plan's actual economic effects. In fact, sources from the time suggest that when the plan was implemented, Western Europe was already on the way to recovery.

To know more about European Recovery Program, visit:



Answer: The hope of preventing the spread of communism


Based on the following statements, which European policy is described? Colonies are required to provide raw materials.
Development of manufacturing in the colonies is discouraged.
a. Mercantilism
b. Diffusion
c. Urbanization
d. Expansion


A. Mercantilism.

In mercantilism, colonies are required to provide raw materials, and the development of manufacturing in the colonies is discouraged.

Why did the Qin Dynasty, which pioneered China fall so quickly?


In just two years, the majority of the empire had uprised against the new emperor, perpetuating a climate of unrest and vengeance. Warlord Xiang Yu swiftly carried out the execution of the emperor, the destruction of the capital, and the division of the empire into 18 states after defeating the Qin army in combat.

What were the reasons for the fall of Qin Dynasty?

Qin Shihuangdi's demise caused the Qin dynasty to disintegrate and fall into turmoil. China was united in 206 BCE, and the Han dynasty (206 BCE–220 CE) came to power.

The Qing Dynasty, which ruled China from 1644 to 1912, was the country's penultimate imperial dynasty. It was the second time that China was not dominated by the Han people, and it was known for both its initial prosperity and its turbulent last years.

To learn more about Qin Dynasty



Why did Mohammed not preach against Judaism and Christianity? How did Muslims see the Jews and Christians?



Muhammad, the founder of Islam, did not preach against Judaism and Christianity specifically because he believed that these religions, like Islam, were monotheistic and believed in the same God as Islam. And he considered Jews and Christians to be "People of the Book." However, the relationship between Muslims, Jews, and Christians have not always been harmonious throughout history due to various political, economic, and cultural differences.

How did einstein's theory of general relativity change the way scientists look at gravitational force.


Einstein's theory of general relativity changed the way scientists look at gravitational force by introducing the concept of curved spacetime showed that the strength of gravity is not constant.

First, it introduced the concept of curved spacetime, which means that spacetime itself is affected by the presence of matter, and that gravity is a result of this curvature. This implies that gravity affects the motion of objects, and not just the force between them, which is a major departure from the Newtonian view.

Second, it showed that the strength of gravity is not constant, but is affected by the amount of matter and energy present. This leads to the concept of gravitational waves, which can be created by energetic events such as the merging of two black holes and can propagate across the universe, carrying information about the matter and energy within it

Thus, Einstein's theory of general relativity has revolutionized our understanding of gravity and its effects on the universe.

For more questions like Einstein's theory click the link below:



"Jim Crow" laws in the American South segregated the races and discriminated against African
Americans. Who was Jim Crow?


When referring to the segregation laws, regulations, and practices that developed after Reconstruction ended in 1877 and persisted until the mid-1960s, the term "Jim Crow" is frequently used.

Give a brief account on Jim Crow.

When Rice, a struggling "actor" (he performed quick solo skits in between play scenes), was at the Park Theater in New York, he overheard a black person singing the aforementioned song. Some accounts claim it was an elderly black slave who was having trouble walking, while others claim it was a scruffy black stable boy. We'll never know if Rice's "Jim Crow" was based on an elderly man or a young boy, but we do know that in 1828 Rice played the exaggerated, blatantly stereotypical black character on stage.

By 1838, the name "Jim Crow" was being used to refer to black people collectively as a racial slur. Clearly, the success of minstrel shows contributed to the racist epithet "Jim Crow" becoming more widely used. The phrase was only used in this way for fifty years. By the end of the 19th century, the term "Jim Crow" was no longer frequently used to derisively refer to black people; rather, it was used to characterize the oppressive laws and practices that affected black people.

To know more about, Jim Crow, visit :



What british officer surrendered the allied army under his command at the 1942 battle of singapore?



Lieutenant General Arthur E. Percival


Lieutenant General Arthur E. Percival was the British officer who surrendered the allied army under his command at the 1942 Battle of Singapore.

in approximately 1500, which geographical feature was found in areas settled by both northeastern and southeastern indigenous peoples?


In approximately 1500, the geographical feature which was found in areas settled by both Northeastern and Southeastern indigenous peoples was the Appalachian mountains.

The Appalachian Mountains' scenery is diverse, with mountains, river valleys, parallel ridges, and volcanic rock. Erosion over many years has reduced the once jagged and steep mountains to low, rolling hills. This natural barrier slowed early colonization. The Appalachians geographical feature are best known for their mixed forest, which contains a wide variety of deciduous broadleaf trees. The Appalachian region is widely regarded as the geographical divide between the United States' eastern seaboard and its Midwest region. The Eastern Continental Divide runs from Pennsylvania to Georgia along the Appalachian Mountains.

Learn more about the Appalachian Mountains https://brainly.com/question/1621716


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