explain the evolution of computers​


Answer 1


vintage computers

Computers have changed drastically since the 1930s. AP

From the 1930s to today, the computer has changed dramatically.

The first modern computer was created in the 1930s and was called the Z1, which was followed by large machinery that took up entire rooms.

In the '60s, computers evolved from professional use to personal use, as the first personal computer was introduced to the public.

In the 1980s, Apple introduced its first computer, the Macintosh, and has dominated the computer industry ever since with laptops and tablets.

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Although computers seem like a relatively modern invention, computing dates back to the early 1800s.

Throughout computing history, there has not been a lone inventor or a single first computer. The invention of the computer was incremental, with dozens of scientists and mathematicians building on their predecessors. The modern computer, however, can be traced back to the 1930s.

The 1930s marked the beginning of calculating machines, which were considered the first programmable computers.

computer in the 1930s

A calculating machine in the 1930s. AP

Konrad Zuse created what became known as the first programmable computer, the Z1, in 1936 in his parent's living room in Berlin. He assembled metal plates, pins, and old film, creating a machine that could easily add and subtract. Although his early models were destroyed in World War II, Zuse is credited with creating the first digital computer.

In the 1940s, computers took up entire rooms, like the ENIAC, which was once called a "mathematical robot."

computer room vintage

A computer room. AP

John Mauchly created the ENIAC during World War II to help the Army with ballistics analytics. The machine could calculate thousands of problems each second. The large-scale ENIAC weighed 30 tons and needed a 1,500-square-foot room to house the 40 cabinets, 6,000 switches, and 18,000 vacuum tubes that comprise the machine.

Some call this invention the beginning of the computer age.

In the 1950s, computers were strictly used for scientific and engineering research, like the JOHNNIAC, which was once described as a "helpful assistant" for mathematicians.

A man working at a computer in the '50s. AP

The JOHNNIAC was completed in 1954 and was used by RAND researchers. The massive machine weighed just over two tons with over 5,000 vacuum tubes. This early computer operated for 13 years or 51,349 hours before being dismantled.

In the 1960s, everything changed when the Programma 101 became the first desktop computer sold to the average consumer.

Programma 101. Pierce Fuller/ Wikimedia Commons

Up until 1965, computers were reserved for mathematicians and engineers in a lab setting. The Programma 101 changed everything, by offering the general public a desktop computer that anyone could use. The 65-pound machine was the size of a typewriter and had 37 keys and a printer built-in.

The Italian invention ushered in the idea of the personal computer that would last to this day.

As personal computers became popular in the 1970s, the Xerox Alto helped pave the way for Steve Jobs' Apple.

Xerox Alto. Francisco Antunes/ Flickr

The Xerox Alto was created in the '70s as a personal computer that could print documents and send emails. What was most notable about the computer was its design, which included a mouse, keyboard, and screen. This state-of-the-art design would later influence Apple designs in the following decade.

The Alto computers were also designed to be kid-friendly so that everyone — no matter the age — could operate a personal computer.

In the '80s, Apple's Macintosh was described as a game-changer for the computer industry.

The Macintosh. Raneko/ Flickr

When Steve Jobs introduced the first Macintosh computer in 1984, Consumer Reports called it a "dazzling display of technical wizardry." Like the Xerox Alto, the Macintosh had a keyboard, a mouse, and a small 9-inch screen. The computer — which weighed in at 22 pounds and cost $2,495 — was applauded for its interface of windows and icons.

Answer 2

this is very long chapter cannot be type here so please watch video regarding this or search it in Google. I would have definitely helped you but it is not possible to type and help you , it is so long chapter that it might consume 15 to 25 pages to explain it .

Don't think and take my suggestion negatively. I am really sorry.

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You need to transmit PII via email and you want to maintain its confidentiality. Which of the following choices is the BEST solution?a. Use hashes.b. Encrypt it before sending.c. Protect it with a digital signature.d. Use RAID.



B. Encrypt


The data, in this case PI will be encrypted from end to end. which means that only the person with the encryption keys is able to read what is in the message. Also the encryption will keep data in motion encrypted during transport.

Adnan merges the shapes he added to mimic the bridge structure. The modification is shown below. On the left side are a small square above a long rectangle. An arrow points right to where the small square is positioned partly over the top of the rectangle, to look like a bridge pillar. Which tab did Adnan use to merge the shapes? Which Merge Shapes option did Adnan use? Which property of the shapes did Adnan modify?



The insert tab in the menu was used to select the shapes and all the shapes were selected with the shift key plus left-click on the mouse and on the right-click, a menu pops up and the items were grouped.


Microsoft office word is used in creating and editing text documents. It has several functionalities that can be used to convert documents, create tables, draw shapes, format the arrangement of text in the pages, etc.

To use some of the functions like drawing shapes, go to the insert tab and select "add shapes". There, you can find varieties of shapes and formats and it can be grouped or merged by right-clicking on the selected shapes and clicking on the group option.


Which tab did Adnan use to merge the shapes? is drawing tools

Which Merge Shapes option did Adnan use? is combine

Which property of the shapes did Adnan modify? is shape outline


i just did the assignment on engenuity2020

Testing mode identify internal components of a computer.









GPU (If CPU does not have integrated graphics)

Chassis Fans

Some of the internal components of a computer are CPU, RAM, ROM, etc.

What are the internal components of a computer?

Internal components of a computer refer to the parts inside the computer case that enable it to function properly.

We have,

Some of the internal components of a computer are:

- CPU (Central Processing Unit): This is the brain of the computer, responsible for executing instructions and processing data.

- Motherboard: The motherboard is the main circuit board of the computer that connects all the components together.

- RAM (Random Access Memory): This is the computer's temporary storage space, where data and programs are loaded for fast access by the CPU.

- Hard Disk Drive (HDD) or Solid State Drive (SSD): These are the main storage devices in the computer, where all the data and programs are permanently stored.

- Power Supply Unit (PSU): This is responsible for providing power to all the components of the computer.

- Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): This is responsible for rendering graphics and images, and is particularly important for gaming and video editing.

- Sound Card: This component handles the computer's audio processing and output.

- Optical Drive: This is used to read and write data from optical discs such as CDs and DVDs.

- Cooling System: This includes fans and heat sinks that help keep the components of the computer cool and prevent overheating.

- Expansion Cards: These are additional components that can be added to the motherboard to add functionality, such as network cards, sound cards, or video capture cards.

Learn more about internal components here:



Write a Python program that prints your name, CS classes taken (or other relevant experience), and the date on separate lines. Use one variable each for the month, day, and year (3 total). Make sure there are no spaces between the forward slash and numbers. Submit the .py file. Sample Run: My name is Steven Allbee I have taken CS 10 - Python Programming Today's date is 1/17/19



The program in Python is as follows:

name = input("Name: ")

course = input("Course: ")

month = input("Month: ")

day = input("Day: ")

year = input("Year: ")

ddate = (month+"/"+day+"/"+year).replace(" ", "")

print("My name is ",name)

print("I have taken  ",course)

print("Today's date is ",ddate)


This line prompts user for name

name = input("Name: ")

This line prompts user for course classes taken

course = input("Course: ")

This line prompts user for month

month = input("Month: ")

This line prompts user for day

day = input("Day: ")

This line prompts user for year

year = input("Year: ")

This line calculates the date and remove all blank spaces

ddate = (month+"/"+day+"/"+year).replace(" ", "")

The next three lines print the user inputs

print("My name is ",name)

print("I have taken  ",course)

print("Today's date is ",ddate)

5. What happens when more than one keyword appears in a string? Consider the string "My mother has a dog but no cat." Explain how to prioritize responses in the reply method. Did this impact any changes you made to the getResponse method?



Please see below  


When this is the case, the prioritizing will be done on the basis of whichever keyword came first in the string - it is that particular method that will be called. Hence, if you wish to prioritize the method available for pets over the method available for family, you will need to place it as such in the source code - and this is how the getResponse method will be impacted.

Which of the following type of online advertising intermediaries decide the placement and pricing of online display ads by using the supply and demand of the ad landscape in a real- time auction process?
a. Ad networks
b. Retargeters
c. Content publishers
d. Data providers
e. Ad exchanges



e. Ad exchanges


The ad exchange is a form of an online strategy that promotes the transaction of media advertising inventory from numerous ad networks. Here, prices for the inventory are defined through the supply and demand in a real-time auction system.

Hence, in this case, the correct answer is that the type of online advertising intermediaries is generally referred to as Ad Exchanges.

A type of online advertising intermediaries that can be decided ivia placement and pricing of online display ads is Ad Exchangers.

What is an ad exchanger?

An ad exchange is known to be a type of technology methods that is often used when buyers and sellers tries to connect so that they can sell and purchase ad goods.

Note that it is the one that acts as a middleman in the advertising transaction means that exit between supply side platforms (SSPs) (publishers) and demand side platforms (DSPs) (brands).

Learn more about Ads from


8. What is the correct syntax of declaring arrays of pointers of integers of size 10

in C++?

a) int arr = new int[10];

b) int **arr = new int*[10];

c) int *arr = new int[10];

d) int *arr = new int [10];



(b) int **arr = new int*[10];


An array of pointers is simply an array containing pointer variables. These pointer variables may be Strings, integers, doubles e.t.c

To declare such arrays of pointers, for example, of integers, in C++, we write;

int **arr = new int*[10];

The left hand side of the above code snippet i.e int ** arr, suggests that arr is a pointer that points to a pointer to integer variables.

The right hand side i.e new int* [10], creates a new array of 10 integer pointer variables.

Now, put together, int **arr = new int*[10] will create/declare an array of pointers of integers having a size of 10.

Select the correct answer.
For her homework, Annie has added the picture of a fruit in a document. She wants to enhance it to give a cut-out look. Which feature or menu
option should she use?

ОА SmartArt
OB. Clip Art
OC Charts
OD Shapes




Answer: B- Clip art



Clip Art


Write an algorithm to settle the following question:
A bank account starts out with $10,000. Interest is compounded monthly at 6 percent per year (0.5 percent per month). Every month, $500 is withdrawn to meet college expenses. After how many years is the account depleted?

Here is what I got so far. Can you tell if I am on the right track.

Step 1 Start with the table:
Month Balance
0 $10,000.00

Step 2 Repeat steps 2a, 2b, 2c while the balance is greater than $0.00
Step 2a. Add a new row to the table.
Step 2b. In column 1 of the new row, labeled "Month", put one more than the preceding month value.
Step 2c. In column 2 of the new row, labeled "Balance", place the value of this formula
b * (1 + 0.005) - 500
where b is the preceding balance value.

Step 3 Read the last number in the month column (let's call it months). Report that the account will be depleted in (months / 12) years and (months % 12) months.




original = float(raw_input("Enter initial balance: "))

interest = float(raw_input("Enter promised return: "))

expenses = float(raw_input("Enter monthly expenses: "))

interest = interest / 100 / 12

month = 0

balance = original

if balance * interest - expenses >= 0:

print "You don't need to worry."


while balance + balance * interest - expenses >= 0: # negation of the if condition

balance = balance + interest * balance # in one month

balance = balance - expenses

month = month + 1

print month, balance

print month / 12, "years and", month % 12, "months"

All of the data stored and transmitted by digital devices is encoded as bits.A. TrueB. False



A. True


A digital device is an electronic device that has the ability and capability to receive, store, process and transmit data to another device.

Since the processing device in the digital device understands only zeros and ones which are binary numbers (also called bits), transmission and storage of data in these devices should be encoded in bits.

Examples of digital devices are;

i. flash drives

ii. mobile phones

iii. speakers

iv. printers

v. scanners

Assign searchResult with a pointer to any instance of searchChar in personName.
int main(void) {
char personName[100] = "Albert Johnson";
char searchChar = 'J';
char* searchResult = NULL;
/* Your solution goes here */
if (searchResult != NULL) {
printf("Character found.\n");
else {
printf("Character not found.\n");
return 0;



Here it the solution statement:  

searchResult = strchr(personName, searchChar);  

This statement uses strchr function which is used to find the occurrence of a character (searchChar) in a string (personName). The result is assigned to searchResult.

Headerfile cstring is included in order to use this method.


Here is the complete program

#include<iostream> //to use input output functions  

#include <cstring> //to use strchr function  

using namespace std; //to access objects like cin cout  

int main() { // start of main() function body  

  char personName[100]; //char type array that holds person name  

  char searchChar; //stores character to be searched in personName

  char* searchResult = nullptr; // pointer. This statement is same as searchResult  = NULL    

  cin.getline(personName, 100); //reads the input string i.e. person name  

  cin >> searchChar;    // reads the value of searchChar which is the character to be searched in personName  

  /* Your solution goes here */  

  searchResult = strchr(personName, searchChar); //find the first occurrence of a searchChar in personName  

  if (searchResult != nullptr) //if searchResult is not equal to nullptr  

  {cout << "Character found." << endl;} //displays character found

  else //if searchResult is equal to null  

  {cout << "Character not found." << endl;} // displays Character not found  

  return 0;}  

For example the user enters the following string as personName  

Albert Johnson  

and user enters the searchChar as:  


Then the strchr() searches the first occurrence of J in AlbertJohnson.  

The above program gives the following output:  

Character found.

Which of the following best describes how computing devices represent information?
A. A computer will either represent information as bits or bytes but not both
B. A computer represents data as a byte which is either a 0 or a 1
C. A computer represents data as bits which is either a 0 or a 1
D. A computer represents information as bits which contain 8 bytes.



The answer is "C"


In the computer system, the data which separates a data object into relevant concepts is known as data representation. In the representation of data, it uses the binary digits, that are in the form of '0 and 1'. It is used by computers to store information and these numbers are also known as bits, and wrong choices can be defines as follows:

In option A, It is wrong because when we see the file details it shows both. In option B, It's incorrect because the smallest unit of data representation is bits. In option D, It is incorrect because bits includes only "0 and 1".

You have an array of integers: int myints[10]; and the address of the first integer is be4350. What is the address of myints[1]? myints[2]?



&myints[1] == 0xbe4354

&myints[2] == 0xbe4358


Assuming that sizeof(int) == 4, add 4 bytes for every array element.

What are some options available when inserting an address block? Check all that apply. previewing postal code full address label margins matching fields company name paragraph formatting



A. previewing

B. postal code

C. full address

E. matching fields

F. company name

Answer: A, B, C, E, F


Your welcome :)

chemical reaction to metal​



Metals can react with water, acid and oxygen. The reactivity of the metal determines which reactions the metal participates in.


In general, acids react with metals to give salt and release hydrogen gas. In general, bases do not react with metals and release hydrogen gas.When metals react with other substances, the metal atoms lose electrons to form positive ions .

All the sentences below are missing one or more commas. By placing commas in the correct places, complete the following ten-question exercise. You may use The Writer' Reference handbook if needed.
1. Parents once automatically gave their children the father's surname but some no longer do.
2. Italians insist that Marco Polo the thirteenth-century explorer did not import pasta from China.
3. Prices having risen rapidly the government debated a price freeze.
4. A price rise unlike a rise in interest rates seemed a sure solution.
5. Shoes with high heels originated to protect feet from the mud garbage and animal waste in the streets.
6. The festival will hold a benefit dinner and performance on March 10 2011 in Ashville.
7. "In coming to a new land" says writing teacher Peter Elbow "you develop a new conception of what you are writing about."
8. Mr. Spock as chief science officer is also Captain Kirk's closest friend.
9. The quarterback told the tight end to sprint five yards juke to the inside then break for the right sideline.
10. Fielding the ball on three hops the shortstop fired a strike to first base for the final out.



1. Parents once automatically gave their children the father's surname, but some no longer do.

2. Italians insist Marco Polo, the thirteenth-century explorer did not import pasta from China.

3. Prices, having risen rapidly, the government debated a price freeze.

4. A price rise, unlike a rise in interest rates, seemed a sure solution.

5. Shoes with high heels originated to protect feet from the mud, garbage, and animal waste in the streets.  

6. The festival will hold a benefit dinner, and performance on March 10, 2011, in Ashville.

7. "In coming to a new land," says writing teacher Peter Elbow, "you develop a new conception of what you are writing about."

8. Mr. Spock, as chief science officer, is also Captain Kirk's closest friend.

9. The quarterback told the tight end to sprint five yards juke to the inside, then break for the right sideline.

10. Fielding the ball on three hops, the shortstop fired a strike to first base for the final out.

The corrected sentences are :
1. Parents once automatically gave their children the father's surname, but some no longer do.

2. Italians insist Marco Polo, the thirteenth-century explorer did not import pasta from China.

3. Prices, having risen rapidly, the government debated a price freeze.

4. A price rise, unlike a rise in interest rates, seemed a sure solution.

5. Shoes with high heels originated to protect feet from the mud, garbage, and animal waste in the streets.  

6. The festival will hold a benefit dinner, and performance on March 10, 2011, in Ashville.

7. "In coming to a new land," says writing teacher Peter Elbow, "you develop a new conception of what you are writing about."

8. Mr. Spock, as chief science officer, is also Captain Kirk's closest friend.

9. The quarterback told the tight end to sprint five yards juke to the inside, then break for the right sideline.

10. Fielding the ball on three hops, the shortstop fired a strike to first base for the final out.

Why is punctuation crucial in sentence construction?

Punctuation is crucial in sentence construction because it helps convey meaning, clarify relationships between words and phrases, and create a clear and coherent flow of information.

Here are the places where the commas were placed -

Placed a comma after "surname" and before "but" to separate two independent clauses.Placed a comma after "explorer" to set off a non-essential phrase.Placed a comma after "rapidly" to indicate an introductory adverbial phrase.Placed commas before and after "unlike a rise in interest rates" as it's a non-restrictive clause.Placed commas after "mud" and "garbage" to separate items in a series.Placed a comma after "2011" to indicate the year in the date.Placed commas before and after "says writing teacher Peter Elbow" as it's a non-essential clause.Placed commas before and after "as chief science officer" to set off a non-restrictive phrase.Placed commas after "yards" and "inside" to separate items in a series.Placed a comma after "hops" to indicate an introductory participial phrase.

Learn more about sentences  at:



Normally used for small digital displays



LCD screens would be used for students using smaller devices in the classroom, like iPads or handheld touchscreens

Which type of input peripheral is most prevalent in a Point of Sale system?A. External USB storage.
B. Card reader.
C. Thermal receipt printer.
D. Projector.



B. Card reader.


The point of sale system is the point where the customer purchased the product and at the same time they given the money so here the time and place should be recorded also the retail transaction is also completed. Here it represents the amount in an invoice prepared by the store and also presents the varies of options for payment through which the customer could choose it

basically it is the place where the products is purchased and the payment is made along with it the taxes are also applicable

So in the given situation, the option B is correct as it derives the input peripheral

The type of input peripheral that is most prevalent in a Point of Sale (POS) system is a: B. Card reader.

What is an input peripheral?

An input peripheral can be defined as an electronic device that is typically designed and developed for sending data to a computer system such as a Point of Sale (POS). Thus, it is used for entering data (information) into a computer system.

The examples of input peripherals.

In Computer technology, some examples of input peripherals include the following:

MouseScannerMicrophoneKeyboardCard reader

A card reader is a type of input peripheral that is used in a Point of Sale (POS) system to receive payments in e-commerce stores or markets, especially by inserting or swiping a credit card in the Point of Sale (POS) system.

Read more on input peripheral here: https://brainly.com/question/5430107

What must you do in Disk Management so that File Explorer can recognize and use a new hard disk?


Answer: Create a new Volume/Partition


Typically, you want to make sure your drive is formatted and create a new volume span containing your drive space. For your PC to recognize the drive, it must be connected via SATA power and data. If it doesn't detect the drive otherwise, check if it has drivers installed in Device Manager. Go through the partition wizard to format your drive and mount a letter. After that it should be usable upon completion.

answer for brainliest Today, trending current events are often present on websites. Which of the following early developments in audiovisual technology is most closely related to this? soundtracks newsreels microphones televisions


Maybe it is the telephone

Hope wants to add a third use at the end of her
nitrogen list.
What should Hope do first?
What is Hope's next step?



Put her insertion point at the end of the item 2b.

Press the enter key.


If the <em> tags are around a word then it will be ____​


Answer: The HTML <em> tag represents stress emphasis of its contents. The <em> tag is used when you need to emphasize a particular word or phrase within a sentence. The placement of stress emphasis changes the meaning of the sentence. Also see the <strong> and <b> tags.

hopefully this helps, sorry if i'm off

Which delivery model is an example of a cloud computing environment that provides users with a web based email service?
a. SaaS
b. PaaS
c. IaaS



a. SaaS


Cloud computing can be defined as a type of computing that requires shared computing resources such as cloud storage (data storage), servers, computer power, and software over the internet rather than local servers and hard drives.

Generally, cloud computing offers individuals and businesses a fast, effective and efficient way of providing services.

Cloud computing comprises of three (3) service models and these are;

1. Platform as a Service (PaaS).

2. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

3. Software as a Service (SaaS).

Software as a Service (SaaS) can be defined as a cloud computing delivery model which involves the process of making licensed softwares available over the internet for end users on a subscription basis through a third-party or by centrally hosting it.

Hence, Software as a Service (SaaS) is an example of a cloud computing environment that provides users with a web based email service.

In this assignment, you will write a Python 3.x program to calculate the length of the hypotenuse (side C) of a right triangle, given the lengths of the other two sides (A & B) as provided by the user. The program will also calculate the area of the triangle and the perimeter (the sum of the three sides). Other specifications: WRITE THE CODE FOR THE ANSWER.




from math import hypot #import hypot for finding the hypotenuse

a = int(input("Enter a value for a: " )

b = int(input("Enter a value for b: " )

def find_hypotenuse(a,b):

return hypot(a,b) #find the hypotenuse

def find_area(a,b):

return 0.5 * a * b #calculate the area

def find_perimeter(a,b):

return a + b + find_hypotenuse(a,b) #calculate the perimeter

print("the hypotenuse is :", find_hypotenuse(a,b))

print("the area is :", find_area(a,b))

print("the perimeter is :", find_perimeter(a,b))

Assign secretID with firstName, a space, and lastName. Ex: If firstName is Barry and lastName is Allen, then output is:



I'll answer this question using Python

firstName = input("First Name: ")

lastName = input("Last Name: ")

secretID = firstName+" "+lastName



This line prompts user for first name

firstName = input("First Name: ")

This line prompts user for last name

lastName = input("Last Name: ")

This line calculates secretID

secretID = firstName+" "+lastName

This line prints secretID



My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. When I was a child I saw my mother killed by something impossible. My father went to prison for the murder. Then an accident made me the impossible. To the outside world, I’m an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly, I use my speed to fight crime and find others like me. And one day, I’ll find who killed my mother and get justice for my father. I am the Flash.


My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. When I was a child I saw my mother killed by something impossible. My father went to prison for the murder. Then an accident made me the impossible. To the outside world, I’m an ordinary forensic scientist, but secretly, I use my speed to fight crime and find others like me. And one day, I’ll find who killed my mother and get justice for my father. I am the Flash.

In which architecture is the application logic usually on the client side?



two-tier architecture


A two-tier architecture is a term often used in computer operation, that describes a form of software architecture that comprises a presentation tier or window outlook that operates from the client-side, while on the server-side, a data outlook or data configuration is saved. An example is platform architecture.

Hence, two-tier architecture is a form of architecture in which the application logic is usually on the client-side

MLMenu, a natural language interface for the TI Explorer, is similar to __________
a) Ethernet
b) NaturalLink
d) The Personal Consultant



The correct option is B: Natural Link


Natural language is also an advanced system like MLMenu. In order to be able to retrieve and derive from present knowledge, it heavily depends on comprehending and producing natural language (and hence it has been named as such!). This technology is advancing and getting better day by day.

Image below please help



Open original documentPlace cursorHighlight textCtrl+CSwitch to new documentCtrl+V

At its most basic level, data is stored as binary numbers.
O False
O True


Answer: Binary numbers

Hope this helps!

(Please mark Brainliest!)




Assume that IBM has a relatively low unit market share for blockchain technology and that the blockchain technology industry’s growth rate is extremely high (averaging 30% per year). Using the BCG business portfolio analysis framework, blockchain technology would be classified as a ________ SBU for IBM.



The blockchain technology would be classified as a Question Mark strategic business unit (SBU)


The Boston Consulting Group Matrix was first developed towards the end of the nineteenth century for use in analysing the performance and classifying products and business units.

This tool is still very relevant today.

The Matrix is made up of four quadrants:

Top Left - Question Mark

Top Right - Star

Bottom Left -  Dog

Bottom Right -  Cashcow

A Question Mark product or business unit is one which at the onset has a very little market share in an environment with a high growth rate. It is at the onset also characterised by losses and will need more time and money for it to bloom. If invested and nurtured can become a start and then a cash cow. There is also a risk that it will end up a white elephant business unit or product if it is not nurtured properly thus leading to losses.


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