explain what Julius and Ethel Rosenberg and Alger hiss did to America and what effects did those actions have on america ?


Answer 1


Julius Rosenberg and Ethel Rosenberg (née Greenglass) were American citizens who were convicted of spying on behalf of the Soviet Union. The couple were accused of providing top-secret information about radar, sonar, jet propulsion engines and valuable nuclear weapon designs (at that time the United States was the only country in the world with nuclear weapons). Convicted of espionage in 1951, they were executed by the federal government of the United States in 1953 in the Sing Sing correctional facility in Ossining, New York, becoming the first American civilians to be executed for such charges and the first to suffer that penalty during peacetime.

Other convicted co-conspirators were sentenced to prison, including Ethel's brother, David Greenglass (who had made a plea agreement), Harry Gold, and Morton Sobell. Klaus Fuchs, a German scientist working in Los Alamos, was convicted in the United Kingdom.[5][6]

For decades, the Rosenbergs' sons (Michael and Robert Meeropol) and many other defenders maintained that Julius and Ethel were innocent of spying on their country and were victims of Cold War paranoia. After the fall of the Soviet Union, much information concerning them was declassified, including a trove of decoded Soviet cables (code-name: Venona), which detailed Julius's role as a courier and recruiter for the Soviets. Ethel's role was as an accessory who helped recruit her brother David into the spy ring and who worked in a secretarial manner typing up documents for her husband that were then given to the Soviets. In 2008, the National Archives of the United States published most of the grand jury testimony related to the prosecution of the Rosenbergs.

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the Incan emperor defeated by Pizzaro pppppppppplz hury



la verdad es que no se ingles i tampoco creo que me entiendas pero gracias por los puntos




Slavery in the Americas



A. was based on race.



Pretend you are a member of a caste. Write a letter to a friend telling about your life in that particular caste. Describe your day and your feelings as you are forced to stay within a certain group for all of your interactions. Mention things you might like to do but can’t because of your caste.





Its the answer i took the test/ payed attention in class.


things you couldn’t do because of a certain caste is who you interact with, who you marry, lots of jobs you can have, and making money.  

sorry i couldn;t make a whole letter but, this is a good paragraph to touch on with.



According to the diagram, in a mixed market economy taxes are paid by all of the following EXCE
A. firms
B. labor
C. government
D. households


Answer: c- government

Explanation: found the answer on g o o g l e

Identify two properties of Water explain how each property allows water to play a large role in changing the earths surface



Is this for history or bio


Water’s high specific heat and high heat of Vaporization

Water’s high boiling point and high thermal conductivity


Water’s high specific heat and high heat of Vaporization makes it possible for the water bodies not to get easily dried up thereby affecting and killing sea animals.

Water’s high boiling point and high thermal conductivity makes it possible for moderation in the amount of precipitation that occurs on the earth surface. If it had Low boiling point then there would be lots of evaporation and very high precipitation

There are several properties of water that play a vital role in stabilizing the earth such as abnormal density and temperatures.

What is understood by density of water?

Materially, density is the weight of an object of a certain volume. Water density is about 1 gram per milliliter however, this varies with temperature or when there are solvents in it.

Unusual density: Water has an area of ​​abnormal density as it has a high liquid content and low density in a solid-state. This structure allows ice to float on water.

Temperature: Water has a certain high temperature and loses heat less than air. Thanks to this structure, the sea and lake water in summer are very cold in the early spring and warm after a few days. so this surface area changes the soil temperature.

Therefore, water properties play a vital role in transforming the earth.

To learn more about water properties, refer:


Describe a tyranny (what does the government look like, who is in charge and had power, who does not have power, how do people stay in power)



Tyranny def. - Oppressive power every form of tyranny over the mind of man.

Who is in charge and who has power - In a tyrannical government, the ruler becomes corrupt and uses his power to further his own interests instead of working for the common good.

Who does not have power - The citizens (Common folk)

How do people stay in power - The rule of law is the principle that no one is exempt from the law, even those who are in a position of power.


what they said is correct Imao


Did the Americans really win the



what race



They most definitely did not win anything.

How is socialism different from communism? Socialism uses a command economy, while communism encourages use of the free market.

Socialism uses gradual means to achieve its goals, while communism uses revolution to immediately control a government.

Socialism is based on the collective ownership of property, while communism is based on the private ownership of property.

Socialism promotes a government run by a single individual, while communism is governed by representatives of the people. No links please
Brainiest, like, thank, and 10 points.



I think it might be the first one, hope this helps




social and economic doctrine that calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources. According to the socialist view, individuals do not live or work in isolation but live in cooperation with one another.

In words it's the elite who get the high life, and every middle class t lower class citizen gets s-h-i-t in Soclialism, people who have the power don't want to do hard work because... it's to "hard". It's just gimme gimme gimme.While the hard work average family/person gets demoted to lower class and gets to live in poverty

Example: Venezula, Cuba, Vietnam


A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.

It's another word for a dictatorship, the idea of everything being eveeryone property doesn't work because nobody will take care of it if they don't really own it. The government having control doesn't work ither because the people end up with no freedom or right

Example: China, North Korea, Loas

So in the end they both suck and Capitalism is the best form of governmnet as it allows people to have free enterprise, it spark innovation, and gives everyone equal opportunity, free enterprise, private property, and is run by the people.  And before anyone stars bashing Capitalism for being "unfair" because their are losers and doesn't give everyne the same outcome. I want you/them to think, if someone who flips burgers all day and didn't even pass high-school gets paid the same as someone who went to the best college for  8- year to become a Neurosurgeon, is fair.

So yeah, both systems are bad and fail everytime.

I made this question just to help people who are getting things wrong

In what year was the U.S. rural population at about 25 million?
a. 1900
b. 1860
c. 1840
d. 1880
The correct answer is B see the picture attached for proof ​



The answer is   ( B )



the state of the union message is ____​


Number one !
Hope this help !

Answer: the state of the union message is Delivered by the President to the General Assembly of the United Nations at least once every four years.

The State of the Nation Address or SONA is delivered by the President of the Philippines every year. In it, the Chief Executive reports on the state of the country, unveils the government's agenda for the coming year, and may also propose to Congress certain legislative measures.

8)help please this is hard u get 100 point if you help pleasee

In America's federal system, government powers and responsibilities are divided into federal and/or state levels. Choose ALL
examples of powers that belong to the federal government ONLY
print money
declare war
hold elections
maintain the Army and Navy
provide local police forces



Declare war

Hold elections

Print money

Maintain army and navy


How were enslaved people who worked as servants in homes different from those who worked in the fields


Answer: There are many differences between the household workers and those who work in the fields.


Workers who perform household works are well dressed up and those who work at field no dress code or dress uniformity is mandatory.

Workers who work at homes are bound to work day and night depending upon the shifts but workers who work in field are assigned to day shifts only.

Workers who work at homes are free from pollution, severe health hazards but those workers who work at field for example those at mining site, chemical sites, agricultural fields are prone to death due to poisoning caused by heavy metals, toxic gaseous fumes, and fertilizers.

The workers who work at homes are not exposed to sun thus they are not prone to tanning caused by sun and skin diseases but workers who work at industries, agricultural fields, mining sites develop the skin diseases.

What was the impact of the news media during the Vietnam War? The news media were largely unable to report significant news because of censorship. Newspaper and television reporters gave their overwhelming support to the war effort. The news media provided a very favorable picture of South Vietnamese leaders. News reports led the public to question American involvement in Vietnam.



Newspaper and television reporters gave their overwhelming support to the war effort.


The main focus of the media was high morale and support for the war effort. In contrast, the television news networks had a bleaker view of the war in Vietnam. After the Tet Offensive in 1968—which the public saw as a defeat—reports turned unfavorable toward the war effort.

Okay I need help... ASAP



Im pretty sure its the 2nd one


sorry if im wrong mark me brainliest if im right

Answer: its the second one


what were some of the justifications for slavery? give 4 justifications and explain each one of them

PLEASE help ​



1. Economical purposes: Before the Industrial Revolution, there was a severe shortage in manpower for many farmers and many alone would not have been able to quickly and efficiently harvest their crops and materials which slavery helped to accomplish as they usually had much more stronger bodys than the farmers and were in large quantities

2. Heirarchy of Race: During the Enlightenment, many thinkers argued that there was a racial hierarchy involved in slavery and that slaves (mostly from Africa) were vastly inferior to the predominant white race that owned most slaves, which justified that those with dark skin, were obligated to be slaves.

3. Religious factors: Many slave owners particularly those in the Southern US had also argued that in the bible, Abraham also was a slave owner which gave them a religious justification that slavery was a needed and acceptable institution.

4. Widespread social anarchy: In addition, Southern slave owners also argued that if slaves were freed this would cause mass unemployment and a societal chaos which used the justification that the slaves would cause social chaos and disorder.  


3. What did the two cold war countries "fight" each other over?
A. political, economic, and military influence
B. the best technology
C. having the most superior weapons
D. all of the above





I learned it.

What periods came after the Renaissance


Baroque than Classical and then Romantic after that its 20th and 21st century


just like he said


The Declaration of the Rights of Man, first drafted in 1789, is a fundamental document of the French Revolution.

Which U.S document inspired it?

A. the Bill of Rights
B. the Articles of Confederation
C. the Declaration of Independence
D. the Spirits of the Law



C. The Declaration of Independence


I calculated it logically

the declaration of independence

Why does the poster encourage people to "Work for America"?

o A. The WPA was designed to prepare the American economy for war production.

OB. The WPA was part of a propaganda campaign against the spread of communism.

o C. The WPA encouraged the formation of a political party for workers.

o D. The WPA provided jobs and incomes to deal with the effects of the Great Depression.



o A. The WPA was designed to prepare the American economy for war production


Which is an effect of the war reparations inflicted on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles?
German standard of living improved.
German currency became inflated and worthless.
International trade increased.
Relations between France and Germany improved.



The Treaty's required reparations amplified the state of Europe's economy in Germany, causing hyperinflation. The French insisted on the Treaty being harsh out of fear of Germany instigating another war.


German currency became inflated and worthless.


Why would people object to the death penalty?

New Jersey abolishes the death penalty


Answer: I think it’s because their beliefs are against it or because they don’t think that they should receive that harsh of a punishmen.


Read John Winthrop's "A Model of Christian Charity" and Carville Earle’s "Pioneers of Providence." John Winthrop defines the Puritan Ideal of Community, while Earle provides an economic and geographic perspective for establishing the English colonies in North America. Discuss the motivations for English colonization of America. Identify a particular group or colony and discuss the political, economic, or social reasons behind their coming to the New World. Explain.





Which new transportation route was intended to stretch from the East Coast to the Mississippi River and was financed by the federal government?


Answer:  Erie Canal


Erie Canal


Which of the following statements best defines civil society?
Choose 1 answer


Answer:A collection of private, voluntary groups that make cooperation easier and hold the government accountable


Civil society refers to the groups and organizations in a community that are not run by the government or businesses. It includes things like charities, nonprofits, and community groups.

What is civil society?

The voluntary sector is a group of organizations that work together with the government and private sector. They include community groups and nonprofit organizations that aim to improve society and engage people in social, cultural, and political activities.

Civil society is a place where people choose to join together to support things they care about, participate in public matters, and work towards shared goals. This means that it is not controlled by the government or private businesses.

Read more about   civil society here:



What impact did the Strategic Defense Initiative, or
"Star Wars," have on the Cold War?
O pressured the Soviets to invest in similar
O forced the Soviet Union to surrender in the
Cold War
O made nuclear weapons useless
O encouraged the US to give up its ICBMS



What impact did the Strategic Defense Initiative, or “Star Wars,” have on the Cold War?

A.pressured the Soviets to invest in similar technology.

Why did Reagan argue that the United States should invade Grenada in 1983?

B.to stop the spread of communism

The CIA recruited guerrilla fighters called Contras to help overthrow the government of

✔ Nicaragua

Some US officials had been secretly selling weapons to

✔ Iran

in order to help support the Contras in Nicaragua.

In which of the following terrorist attacks were the bombers linked to the government of Libya?

A.the bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, which exploded over Scotland on its way from London to the United States in 1988

C.the bombing of a Berlin nightclub in 1986.


The effect of the Strategic Defense Initiative on the Cold War was that it pressured the Soviets to invest in similar technology.

What did the Strategic Defense Initiative do in the Cold War?

The Strategic Defense Initiative was implemented by the United States to prevent a missile strike from hitting the United States.

The Soviets became alarmed because it would reduce their striking capabilities and so they were pressured to invest in a similar undertaking.

Find out more on the Strategic Defense Initiative at https://brainly.com/question/3398501.


Why did China keep the process of silk production secret? China used silk to make gunpowder. China made a lot of money from silk. China was making weapons from silk. China wanted to protect the silkworms.


Hello, I Am BrotherEye


Silk is a fabric first produced in Neolithic China from the filaments of the cocoon of the silk worm. It became a staple source of income for small farmers and, as weaving techniques improved, the reputation of Chinese silk spread so that it became highly desired across the empires of the ancient world


Silk Road, also called Silk Route, ancient trade route, linking China with the West, that carried goods and ideas between the two great civilizations of Rome and China. Silk went westward, and wools, gold, and silver went east. China also received Nestorian Christianity and Buddhism (from India) via the Silk Road.

Best Of Luck




silk was considered valuable to the chinese


What happened during the Grenada War?



The United States invasion of Grenada began at dawn on 25 October 1983. The U.S. and a coalition of six Caribbean nations invaded the island nation of Grenada, 100 miles (160 km) north of Venezuela. Codenamed Operation Urgent Fury by the U.S. military, it resulted in military occupation within a few days.


Answer: it ended with the defeat of grenada


How was Santa Anna defeated by the Texans? A. At the battle of the Alamo, he was captured and forced to surrender.
B. A surprise attack at Goliad left his army defeated.
C. San Antonio was the sight of the most horrible battle and tremendous loss of life for Santa Anna’s army forcing him to turn over his army.
D. With help from American supplies, the Texans routed the Mexicans at San Jacinto.







Boycotting because while it doesn’t physically harm it does financially harm therefore it has the most impact
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