give a term for A person or thing that is valuable or useful to somebody ​


Answer 1


Here's a few...


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How are participles and gerunds similar and different?

A. Gerund and participles are similar in that they both can end in-ed; however, they differ in their functions: gerunds function as nouns, and participles function as modifiers.
B.Gerunds and participles are similar in that they both can end in -ing; however, they differ in their functions: gerunds function as nouns, and participles function as modifiers.
C. Gerunds and participles are similar in that they both can end in -ing; however, they differ in their functions: gerunds function as modifiers, and participles function as nouns.
D. Gerunds and participles are similar in that they both can end in -ed; however, they differ in their functions: gerunds function as modifiers, and participles function as nouns.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



B. Gerunds and participles are similar in that they both can end in -ing; however, they differ in their functions: gerunds function as nouns, and participles function as modifiers.


I calculated it logically

Should Canada have Changed Its National Anthem?



"O Canada" (French: Ô Canada) is the national anthem of Canada. ... Weir's lyrics have been revised three times, most recently when An Act to amend the National Anthem Act (gender) was enacted in 2018. The French lyrics remain unaltered.


we have completed our duties into passive voice​



In the first stage of tempering chocolate, the chocolate is melted around 55 degrees Celsius.







That is too hot. You don't want to go much above 32 degrees Celsius/90 degrees Fahrenheit if you're tempering chocolate.

Why would the author choose the genre of allegory to convey a lesson?


to use symbols and storytelling to make the message more vivid

Please answer this correctly without making mistakes


The second one because it has the beginning and end of the conflict out more simply without much detail


i think its 1


cuz its the shortest

I dont get what this poem is about. What is it talking about.



from my understanding a navajo weaver is talking about how through their weaving they are telling stories of their ancestors land and the journeys of those people through the patterns and while they humbly weave they pray and thank their navajo god for bringinig their ancestors to this land and teaching the arts of peace


make a song about potato


They're red, they're white, they're brown

They get that way underground

There can't be much to do

So now they have blue ones too.

We don't care what they look like we'll eat them

Any way they can fit on our plate

Every way we can conjure to heat them

We're delighted and think they're just great.


Po ta to, po ta to, po ta to

Po ta to, po ta to, po ta to

Po ta to, po ta to, po ta to

Po ta to, po ta to, po ta to

Po ta to.

Sometimes we ditch the skin

To eat what it's holding in

Sometimes we'd rather please

Have just the outside with cheese.

They have eyes but they do not have faces

I don't know if their feelings get hurt

By just hanging around in dark places

Where they only can stare at the dirt.


Po ta to, po ta to, po ta to

Po ta to, po ta to, po ta to

Po ta to, po ta to, po ta to

Po ta to, po ta to, po ta to

Po ta to.

I guess the use is scant

For other parts of the plant

But that which grows in view

Is eating potato too

I imagine them under their acres

Out in Idaho and up in Maine

Maybe wondering if they'll be bakers

Or knishes or latkes or plain


Po ta to, po ta to, po ta to

Po ta to, po ta to, po ta to

Po ta to, po ta to, po ta to

Po ta to, po ta to, po ta to

Po ta to.

Po ta to, po ta to, po ta to

Po ta to, po ta to...


Watch out,

if you look up into sky,

move out,

your'e gonna die.

Acid rain falling from the sky


you're gonna die


Jim walked down the stairs.

In the above sentence, the underlined word is

an adverb

a noun

a verb

an adjective

none of these


done of the words are underlined but jim is a sn (subject noun so a noun) walked is a verb down is a preposition the is an article adjective and stairs is an object of the preposition


well I don't see the underlined word but Jim is a noun walked is a verb down is an adverb

What is the difference between communication and communication skills?​



communication is the phenomena of exchanging news,views,opinions,emotions,etc whereas communication skills is the skill,knowledge,ability of communicating or to express the phenomena defined by communication.


Communication involves getting information from one person to the other person and expressing yourself. It is the art and process of creating and sharing ideas. Effective communication depends on the richness of those ideas.

Communication Skills-

Communication skills are the tools we develop to improve and make more efficient that interchange of ideas. Advanced communication skills take the basic skills of communication and frame them within a general understanding of how the communication process works. When you understand all of the elements involved when people communicate, they can learn to influence not only your own communication but the communication of others. This is why advanced communication skills are, in essence, leadership skills. They allow you access to ways to guide and direct communication between yourself and another or a group so that you can achieve your goals and outcomes.

75 POINTS!!! propaganda poster edg 21. Create a propaganda poster that expresses support for or opposition to a current social or political topic. Ask for my email if needed


Give me your email , mine is my username I can’t explain over text


It should be A





A because it gives that “advertisement” feel to it


Don’t think you’re gonna give me brainliest

It will be A

The reason why I say A is because the article has not yet mentioned the location of where camping will take place... A is the only answer that talks about the location... which will tell customers more information.

Hope this helps :)

Using this chart of word roots and affixes, which is the most likely meaning of the word tripod? Prentxes Roots Surxon 700 one bi two trn three omnt all pro for, in favor of forward ep on, outside se apart athlor priore, contestable be capable of ped pod foot i like, related to phon phone sound and resembling Spact to look anr having the qualities of derma skin ha condition, world, society hydr water ology logy the study of cred to believe, trust ous full or tone tone, sound ence a state or condition A. The ability to walk on hind legs B. An animal that walks on four legs C. A three-legged stand D. A three-part belief system​


The correct answer is C. A three-legged stand.


According to the graph showing prefixes, suffixes, and roots of the words, it can be said that the word "tripod" is composed of the prefix tri, which refers to three, and the root "ped", which is related to the word "pod", which refers to the word foot. Therefore, the word tripod by the connection between the suffix "tri" and the root "pod" can be interpreted as a word that refers to a three-legged object. So the answer is C. A three-legged stand.

I need help with this, I will give branliest



the first sentence


in the first sentence it states that it is convenient, which is explained in the second sentence. also in the first sentence it states that these e books are an inexpensive alternative to printed books which is explained in sentence #3. i would go w the first sentence as it sums up that entire paragraph. dont do the last sentence bc its goes into too much detail and doesnt cover the topics stated in the sentences above it.

Old Major represents what element in Animal Farm?

Karl Marx


Czar Nicholas II



Hope this helps :)
What is an entapreneur's life like ?​


Answer: VIRE UM.... :)



Date: 4/7/21

Class: English

Points: 40

Brainliest: Only if Its Correct and if its the best answer

Thanks: Only if it makes sense.

Rate: Only if it helps me/others!!



Two examples of onematopeia are "spilsh spalsh" and "clicks."


These examples make it easier to read the story, as the reader is able to understand what sounds are occuring and what the events sound like. By using this tool, the author makes it easier for readers to relate to the story and feel more like they are in the story.

Thank you for the opportunity good sir, and Go Pack Go!


#1, "Splash! Splash!"

#2, "Clicks"


#1, This helps by telling the reader how dolphins sound like when they flap it's tail

#2, This helps by telling the reader how the dolphins sound.

Identify the correct part of speech of the bold word in the given sentence: This jacket's too big, even with a sweater underneath."




Please give me the correct answer.Only answer if you're very good at English.Please don't put a link to a website.​



I am pretty positive its the last one, "How computer viruses can be prevented"


Computer Viruses are the problem, and how they can be prevented is the solution


I feel like "How computer viruses can be prevented" is correct.


Computer viruses are a problem, and prevention is a solution

Hope I Helped, have a Nice Day!

            -Aadi x

Each image could be described as blue. Which image would benefit from the specific description "navy blue"?

I need the answer Now.


Answer: second one.

Read this line from the play and determine if the author is using DIRECT or INDIRECT characterization.
Narrator 1: Mr. Covey is brutal, indeed. He uses any excuse he can think of to tie up Frederick and whip him.

A. The author is using DIRECT characterization.

B. The author is using INDIRECT characterization.​


direct characterization


Answer B.


The author is using INDIRECT characterization

1. Why are we so fascinated with William Shakespeare’s plays?2. Fact 1:3. Fact 2:4. Fact 3:5. Fact 4:6. Fact 5:7. How do we experience Shakespeare?8. About what social classes did he write?9. About what subjects did he write?10. What three plays describe these subjects?11. When were performances held?12. What were groundlings?13. How much did the audience pay to see a performance?14. How long did the plays usually last?15. In 1593, what were the two major theaters?16. How did playwrights paint scenes?17. Describe the costumes that they used?18. What did clothing represent during the time period?19. How did common folks dress?20. How did the upper-class dress?21. What did the amount of clothing they wore show?22. What was it called when a man made his belly bigger by adding more clothing?23. Why would they close a theater?24. What did they attract?25. What kinds of regulations were enforced upon theaters?26. What was the ‘master of reveals’?27. What could change a theater’s fortunes?28. About what were playwrights encouraged to write?29. What three elements were enjoyed in plays?30. What group was known as the true professionals?31. How long did a play run?32. What were women not allowed to do?33. What professions could they not do?34. What were they allowed to do?35. Who was the most powerful person at the time?36. In 1593, how long had this person been on the throne?37. What did she love?38. What was the only way women could gain freedom?39. What keeps Shakespeare alive?40. What is the greatest story ever told?


Answer:Full name: William Shakespeare.

Born: Exact date unknown, but baptised 26 April 1564.

Hometown: Stratford-upon-Avon, England.

Occupation: Playwright, actor and poet.

Died: 23 April 1616.

Best known for: Writing hugely successful theatre plays!

Also known as: The Bard of Avon.

1) During his lifetime, William Shakespeare wrote around 37 plays for the theatre and over 150 poems! No one can say the exact number, because some of his work may have been lost over time – and some may have been written with the help of other people.

2) William was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564, during England’s Tudor period. He was one of eight children born to John Shakespeare, a well-to-do glove-maker and leather worker, and his wife, Mary Arden, an heiress from a wealthy family.

3) Very little is known about William Shakespeare’s early years. In fact, his actual date of birth remains a mystery to this day! But it’s believed he had a good upbringing, attended a good school and enjoyed playing outdoors a lot.

Shakespeare facts

Did you know that we have a FREE downloadable William Shakespeare primary resource? Great for teachers, homeschoolers and parents alike!

4) In 1582, William married a farmer’s daughter called Anne Hathaway. They had three children together – a daughter called Susanna, and twins, Judith and Hamnet.

5) Come 1585, the mysterious William Shakespeare disappeared from records for around seven years! Historians often refer to this part of the writer’s life as ‘the lost years‘…

6)  Then, in 1592 he suddenly turned up in London as an actor and playwright. But poor William didn’t have it easy – his jealous rivals, known as the ‘University Wits’, criticised and made fun of his work. One writer, named Robert Greene, referred to him as ‘an upstart crow’!

Shakespeare facts

7) William was part of a theatre company called Lord Chamberlain’s Men, who regularly performed at a place called ‘The Theatre’. But after a dispute with the landlord, they took the building apart, rebuilt it across the river and named it the Globe.

8) A large, open-air theatre, the Globe accommodated for people from all walks of life, meaning that anyone could watch a performance there. If you were poor, you could only afford tickets to the ground floor where there were no seats and you were exposed to the cold, wind and rain that came in through the open top. If you were rich, you could afford to sit in the higher-level, covered galleries in a comfy seat – away from the smelly poor people below!

9) Shakespeare’s plays were immediately big hits! He wrote different kinds of plays, all of which could be divided into three categories:

Tragedy – including Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Romeo and Juliet

Comedy – including Twelfth Night and the The Taming of the Shrew

History – including Henry IV, Henry V and Richard III

His plays made him very rich and famous. So much so, that by 1598, William owned houses in London and Stratford-up-Avon.

10) Shakespeare’s plays had the royal seal of approval. Both Queen Elizabeth I  and James VI of Scotland and I of England would often hire Shakespeare’s company to come and perform at the royal court.

11) Plays in Shakespeare’s time were different to the ones we have today. There were no female actors (women’s parts were played by men!), and audiences could be very rowdy. They would shout, boo and even throw food at the actors they didn’t like!

Shakespeare facts

12) Plays at the Globe featured lots of exciting special effects, with trap doors, actors lifted on wires, smoke, fire and even cannons! Disaster struck in 1613 when a cannon shot set fire to the roof of the Globe and burned it down! It wasn’t long after that Shakespeare retired from the theatre.

13) Towards the end of his life, William lived quietly back in his hometown of Stratford-upon-Avon. He died on 23 April 1616, aged 52, after falling ill. It’s believed he may have died on his birthday, but without an official birth record, no one can be sure!

14) Written on Shakespeare’s gravestone in Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-upon-Avon, is a curse written by the famous wordsmith himself. It reads:

‘Good friend for Jesus’ sake forbear,

To dig the dust enclosed here.

Blessed be the man that spares these stones,

And cursed be he that moves my bones.’

15) Today, Shakespeare’s work is studied in schools and universities around the world, and his stories are depicted on TV and in films. In 1997, the modern Globe Theatre was opened in London. A reconstruction of the original, it’s just a few hundred metres from where the original one once stood. People can go to watch plays – just like in Shakespeare’s day!


heee is paragraph number two for my question ​



I would say the last option. Like 90% of the paragraph says about the results I mean.


1. what are the differences and similarities between
the two images?​



Wher the images at bro so i can help

Why does jayson think arianna bukmiere is in for a surprise?



Jayson thinks he will be the new pi champion


Jayson thinks he will be the next pi champion.


I got it right.

Which sentence is an example of personification?
Select one:
O He acts like a baby when he is tired.
O Life is a river in which you paddle.
O She sells seashells by the seashore.
O The leaves danced in the autumn wind.



O The leaves danced in the autumn wind.


Personification is a figurative language used by writers when they give living or human attributes to a non-living entity or non-living thing. In other words, personification is when non-living things and ideas are given human attributes.

Among the given options, the example with the leaves is an example of personification. Here, the leaves are personified as human beings, dancing along with the autumn wind.

Thus, the correct answer is the fourth or last option.

even though he has a weak heart toms mother always allows him to



do his chores.


I hope you have a great day and pass your work! c:


follow his dreams


Because their achievements are so renowned—whether in art, music or business—it may be intimidating to some people to realize that anyone can learn from their fertile creativity. More importantly, you can be inspired, guided and motivated by it.





Pick the option below with the correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar.

A. "I can't answer that question." he says with a sly smile.
B. "I can't answer that question." He says with a sly smile.
C. “I can't answer that question," he says with a sly smile.
D. None of the above.



C. “I can't answer that question," he says with a sly smile.

The second statement  is written correctly since the correct option is  "I can't answer that question." He says with a sly smile.

Which statement has correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar?

The second statement is written correctly with correct punctuation, spelling, and grammar.

Reason are folowing:

In first statement the first letter of he should be capital.In third statement also the first letter of he should be capital.In the third statement there is also punctuation change.

Learn more about Punctuation here


Read the excerpts from Queen Elizabeth's speeches.
Address to the Troops at Tilbury Response to Parliament's Request
That She Marry
Let tyrants fear, I have always so For the other part, the manner of your
behaved myself that, under God, I have petition I do well like, and take it in good
placed my chiefest strength and part, because it is simple, and containeth
safeguard in the loyal hearts and good no limitation of place or person: If it had
will of my subjects, and therefore I am been otherwise, I must needs have
come amongst you, as you see, at this misliked it very much, and thought it in
time, not for my recreation and disport, you a very great presumption, being
but being resolved in the midst and heat unfitting and altogether unmeet for you to
of the battle, to live or die among you all require them that may command.
to lay down for my God, and for my
kingdoms, and for my people, my
honour, and my blood, even in the dust.

Which best describes a difference in the types of rhetorical appeals used by Queen Elizabeth in these excerpts
from her Address to the Troops at Tilbury and Response to Parliament's Request That She Marry?



persuade the troops that this cause is so worthy that she is willing to sacrifice her own life.


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SCATTER PLOTS AND TREND LINESIn 1-4, match each scatter plot to the equation that could represent the equation of its trend line.(Not all of the choices will be used.)1.2.a. y = 3xb. y = 4x - 2c. y = -x + 5d. y = -5x3.4.e. y = -2x - 4f. y = x + 3g. The relationship is not linear.Due today . Sexual gratification from engaging in sexuality activity with enemas is referred to as: What do organisms use most of this energy for? a) so they can continue to digest food b) so they can continue to move around c) so they can continue to breathe d) so they can grow repair and reproduce e) all of the above Setup a double integral that represents the surface area of the part of the x2 + y2 + z2 = 8z that lies inside the paraboloid z = x2 + y2The double integral should be integrated in terms of dr d(theta).The bounds for the d(theta) integral are from 0 to 2pi.I know the lower bound for dr is 0 but I cannot get the upper bound.Please show all work, especially the equation in r and theta being integrated. Thank you!! What are the traits of a militaristic government?A. In a militaristic government the people of the country must serve for a specific period of time in the military.B. A militaristic government is very warlike and refuses to bargain with its enemies for peaceful solutions.C. The main component of a militaristic government is its strong economic control which is held by the government.D. The military is powerful and deadly, but only used as a last resort. Ellosvan a esconder.susemisyo Find the value of the variables in the image above Ted Predictions On Broussard Skateboard's sales are expected to increase by 15% from 57 million in 2019 to $9.43 million in 2020. Its assets totaled $5 million at the end of 2019. Broussard is already at full capacity, so its assets must grow at the same rate as projected sales. At the end of 2019, current liabilities were $1.4 million, consisting of $450,000 of accounts payable, $500,000 of notes payable, and $450,000 of accruals. The after-tax profit margin is forecasted to be 4%, and the forecasted payout ratio is 60%. Use the AFN equation to forecast Broussard's additional funds needed for the coming year. Enter your answer in dollars. For example, an answer of $1.2 million should be entered as $1,200,000. Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to the nearest dollar. - Kroom Accessibility Good to ge hp E 100% help plz plz plz plz plzzz brainliest I look so different now (pic from 2nd grade) Which level of the Social-Ecological Model might have these characteristics? Low self-esteem Low incomeLow academic achievement Young ageAggressive or delinquent behavior as a youth What types of cells make up the nervous system? write an introduction for an essay given the following information. 1. A well-stocked first-aid kit should include what type of product for cleaning wounds?A. Witch hazelB. BenzoinC. Antibiotic ointmentD. Aloe vera is the sentence "Tara-Lynn spotted a majestic bald eagle soaring over the trees" a preposition sentence Complete the expression so that it forms a perfect square trinomial--don't forget the sign for an operation. Then write the expression for the perfect square binomial using ^ to make an exponent. x^2+5 perfect square binomial Which of the following statements about free markets is FALSE? a. We perceive the restrictions placed on markets as harmful regulations when we disagree with the moral values underlying them b. Government interventions that restrict what market actors can and cannot do will always result in a lack of investment and a drop in innovation c. All markets have some level of government intervention which restricts the actions of market entities in some manner d. The concept of a free market is political in nature and market boundaries are defined through political processes e. All of the above are true Force of a Baseball Swing. A baseball has mass 0.153 kg . Part A If the velocity of a pitched ball has a magnitude of 44.5 m/s and the batted ball's velocity is 50.5 m/s in the opposite direction, find the magnitude of the change in momentum of the ball and of the impulse applied to it by the bat. Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units. P What traditions or beliefs brought from Spain continue in the United States? How many mL of water to be added to 10 mL of 0.5M solution to make 0.2 M solution?