he second quartile for the numbers: 231,423,521.139347,400,345 is A 231 B. 347 C330 D. 423 47. Which of the following measures of variability is dependent on every value in a Set of dista? A Range B. Standard deviation CA and B D. Neither A nor B 48. Which one of these statistics is unaffected by outliers A Mean B. Interquartile range C. Standard deviation D. Range 49. Which of the following statements about the mean is not true? A It is more affected by extreme values than the median B. It is a measure of central tendency C. It is equal to the median in skewed distributions D. It is equal to the median in symmetric distributions 50. In statistics, a population consists of: A. All people living in a country B. All People living in the are under study All subjects or objects whose characteristics are being studied D. None of the above 51. The shape of a distribution is given by the A Mean B. First quartie Skewness D. Variance 52. In a five-number summary, the not included: A. Median B. Third quartile C. Mean D. Minimum 53. If a particular set of data is approximately normally distributed, approximately A. 50% of the observations would fall between standard deviation around the mcan B. 68% of observations would fall between 1.28 standard deviations around the mean C95% of observations would fall between 2 standard deviations around the mean D. All of the above 54. Which of the following is an appropriate null hypothesis? A. The difference between the means of two populations is equal to 0. B. The difference between the means of two populations is not equal to 0. C. The difference between the means of two populations is less than 0. D. The difference between the means of two populations is greater than 0. 55. Students took a sample examination on the first day of classes and then re-took the examination at the end of the course: Such sample data would be considered: A. Independent data B. Dependent data. C. Not large enough data D. None of the above 56. If the p-value is less than alpha (c) in a two- tail test: A. The null hypothesis should not be rejected B. The null hypothesis should be rejected. C. A one-tail test should be used. D. No conclusion can be reached.


Answer 1

D. 423, C. Range, B. Interquartile range, C. It is equal to the median in skewed distributions, C. All subjects or objects whose characteristics are being studied, B. Skewness, C. Mean, D. All of the above, A. The difference between the means of two populations is equal to 0, B. Dependent data, B. The null hypothesis should be rejected.

What are the five values included in a five-number summary?

The second quartile for the numbers 231, 423, 521.139347, 400, 345 is D. 423. The second quartile is also known as the median, which is the middle value when the data is arranged in ascending order.

The measure of variability that is dependent on every value in a set of data is C. Range. The range is calculated by subtracting the minimum value from the maximum value and thus considers every value in the dataset.

The statistic unaffected by outliers is B. Interquartile range. The interquartile range is the difference between the first quartile (Q1) and the third quartile (Q3), and it only considers the middle 50% of the data, making it robust to outliers.

The statement about the mean that is not true is D. It is equal to the median in symmetric distributions. While the mean and median can be equal in symmetric distributions, it is not always the case. The mean is affected by extreme values, unlike the median, which is a measure of central tendency and is not influenced by extreme values.

In statistics, a population consists of C. All subjects or objects whose characteristics are being studied. A population refers to the entire group of interest that is being studied, and it can include people, objects, or any other entities that share common characteristics.

The shape of a distribution is given by B. Skewness. Skewness measures the asymmetry of a distribution. It indicates whether the data is skewed to the left (negative skewness), skewed to the right (positive skewness), or symmetric (zero skewness).

In a five-number summary, the statistic not included is C. Mean. The five-number summary includes the minimum value, the first quartile (Q1), the median, the third quartile (Q3), and the maximum value. It does not include the mean.

If a particular set of data is approximately normally distributed, approximately D. All of the above. In a normal distribution, approximately 68% of the observations fall within one standard deviation around the mean, approximately 95% fall within two standard deviations, and approximately 99.7% fall within three standard deviations.

An appropriate null hypothesis is A. The difference between the means of two populations is equal to 0. The null hypothesis states that there is no significant difference between the means of two populations. It is typically denoted as H₀ and is tested against an alternative hypothesis (H₁).

Students taking a sample examination on the first day of classes and then re-taking it at the end of the course would involve B. Dependent data. The scores of the students are dependent because they are measured on the same individuals at different times. The second measurement is related to the first measurement for each student.

If the p-value is less than alpha (c) in a two-tail test, B. The null hypothesis should be rejected. The p-value represents the probability of obtaining the observed data, assuming the null hypothesis is true. If the p-value is smaller than the significance level (alpha), it provides evidence to reject the null hypothesis in favor of the alternative hypothesis.

Learn more about skewed distributions



Related Questions

Area = 79.2 ft2
9 ft
4.2 ft


Don’t click that link it’s a scam being sent around brainly, stay safe and don’t click random links.

Consider the following function. f(x) = 9x - 1

Find the difference quotient f(x)-f(a)/x-a for the function


The difference quotient for the function f(x) = 9x - 1 is (9x - 1 - (9a - 1))/(x - a).

The difference quotient is a measure of the average rate of change of a function over an interval. In this case, we are given the function f(x) = 9x - 1. The difference quotient formula is (f(x) - f(a))/(x - a), where f(x) is the value of the function at x, f(a) is the value of the function at a, and (x - a) represents the change in the input variable.

To calculate the difference quotient for the given function, we substitute the function values into the formula. So, we have (9x - 1 - (9a - 1))/(x - a). Simplifying this expression, we get (9x - 9a)/(x - a). This is the difference quotient for the function f(x) = 9x - 1.

The difference quotient represents the average rate of change of the function over the interval [a, x]. It measures how the function's output values change as the input values change from a to x. By evaluating this expression for different values of x and a, we can determine the average rate of change of the function over specific intervals.

Learn more about function here:



Pls hurry!! It’s a quick question




Step-by-step explanation:

State the name of the property illustrated. (2+1) + (6 +5) = (V6 +5) +(2+1)


The property illustrated in (2 + 1) + (6 + 5) = (6 +5) +(2 + 1) is the commutative property of addition

How to determine the name of the property

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

(2 + 1) + (6 + 5) = (6 +5) +(2 + 1)

In the above expression, we can see that

The terms of the expression are swapped

This can be illustrated as

if a + b = b + a

The name of the property is the commutative property of addition

Hence, the name of the property illustrated in (2 + 1) + (6 + 5) = (6 +5) +(2 + 1) is the commutative property of addition

Read more about commutative property at



In a study of the fertility of married women, conducted by Martin O'Connell and Carolyn C. Rogers for the Census Bureau in 1979, two groups of married women between the ages of 25 and 29 were randomly selected and without children, and each was asked if she planned to have a child at some point. A group of women married less than two years and another of women married five years were selected. Suppose that 240 of 290 women married less than two years plan to have a child someday, compared to 292 of 400 women married five years. We can conclude that the proportion of women married less than two years who plan to have a child children is significantly greater than the proportion of women married for five years who also plan to have children? Use a p-value.


The appropriate null hypothesis for this study is that there is no significant difference in the proportion of women married less than two years who plan to have children someday and the proportion of women married five years who plan to have children someday.

The alternative hypothesis states that there is a significant difference in the proportion of women married less than two years who plan to have children someday and the proportion of women married five years who plan to have children someday.

The hypothesis can be expressed in terms of population proportions as follows:H0: p1 = p2 (there is no significant difference in the proportion of women married less than two years who plan to have children someday and the proportion of women married five years who plan to have children someday)p1 - proportion of women married less than two years who plan to have children someday.

Know more about null hypothesis:



please help!!!!! simplify



Pretty sure it's B

Step-by-step explanation:

3(-2p-1)=-6p -3

Need help for this equation immediately have to turn it in tomorrow it’s pre algebra















the answer is 0

An archer la bete bathe buye 59% of the time Who shoots Barrows, what is the probability that she gets exactly 4 bulfs eyes? Assume each shot is independent of the others Round to three decimal places
A. 0.133
B. 0.003
C 0.240
D 0.121


The probability that the archer gets exactly 4 bullseyes is 0.133.

How do we calculate?

The probability of an event is described as a number that indicates how likely the event is to occur and is expressed as a number in the range from 0 and 1.

P(X = k) = C(n, k) * [tex]P^k[/tex] * [tex](1 - p)^(^n^ - ^k^)[/tex]

C(n, k) =  binomial coefficient

p=  probability of success in a single trial

n = number of trials

The archer hits the bullseye 59% of the time,

p = 0.59

k = 4.

n = 8)

P(X = 4) = C(8, 4) *[tex]0.59^4[/tex] *[tex](1 - 0.59)^(^8^ -^ 4^)[/tex]

P(X = 4) = 0.133

Learn  more about probability at:



Simplify each Equation




b. 82





Step-by-step explanation:

hope this helps

Person A wishes to set up a public key for an RSA cryptosystem. They choose for their prime numbers p = 41 and q = 47. For their encryption key, they choose e = 3. To convert their numbers to letters, they use A = 00, B = 01,... 1. What does Person A publish as their public key? 2. Person B wishes to send the message JUNE to person A using two-letter blocks and Person A's public key. What will the plaintext be when JUNE is converted to numbers? 3. What is the encrypted message that Person B will send to Person A? Your answer should be two blocks of four digits each. 4. Person A now needs to decrypt the message by finding their decryption key. What is (n)? 5. Find the decryption key by find a solution to: 3d mod (n) = 1. What is the decryption key? 6. Confirm your answer to the previous part works by computing cd mod n for each block of the encrypted message, and showing it matches the answer to part (b).


1) Person A publishes their public key as (3, 1927).

2) Converting JUNE to numbers,   J = 09, U = 20, N = 13, E = 04

3) The encrypted message is the pair of blocks: (729, 1121).

4) Person A now needs to decrypt the message by finding their decryption key. The n is 1927.

5) The decryption key is 642

To set up an RSA cryptosystem, Person A needs to perform several steps. Let's go through each step to find the answers to the questions:

1. Finding the public key:

  Person A has chosen prime numbers p = 41 and q = 47.

  Compute n = p * q: n = 41 * 47 = 1927

  The public key consists of the pair (e, n), where e = 3.

  Therefore, Person A publishes their public key as (3, 1927).

2. Converting the message "JUNE" to numbers:

  Using the given conversion scheme A = 00, B = 01, ..., Z = 25:

  J = 09

  U = 20

  N = 13

  E = 04

3. Encrypting the message using Person A's public key:

  To encrypt each two-letter block, we need to calculate c = [tex]m^{e}[/tex] mod n, where m is the plaintext number and e is the encryption key.

  For the first block "JU":

    For J (m = 09): c1 = 09³ mod 1927 = 729

    For U (m = 20): c2 = 20³ mod 1927 = 16000 mod 1927 = 1121

  The encrypted message is the pair of blocks: (729, 1121).

4. Finding the decryption key:

  To decrypt the message, Person A needs to find the decryption key d, where 3d mod n = 1.

  Since n = 1927, we need to solve the equation 3d mod 1927 = 1 for d.

  We can use the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to find the modular inverse of 3 modulo 1927.

  Using the Extended Euclidean Algorithm, we get:

  1927 = 3 * 642 + 1

  1 = 1927 - 3 * 642

  Therefore, the decryption key is d = 642.

5. Computing the decryption key:

  We found that d = 642 in the previous step.

6. Confirming the decryption works:

  To confirm that the decryption works, we need to compute [tex]c^{d}[/tex] mod n for each block of the encrypted message and check if it matches the corresponding plaintext number.

For the first block (c1 = 729):

Compute [tex]c_{1} ^{d}[/tex] mod n: 729⁶⁴² mod 1927 = 09 (which matches the first plaintext number "J").

For the second block (c2 = 1121):

Compute [tex]c_{2} ^{d}[/tex] mod n: 1121⁶⁴² mod 1927 = 20 (which matches the second plaintext number "U").

Therefore, the decryption process works correctly, and the decrypted message is "JUNE," which matches the original plaintext.

Learn more about Extended Euclidean Algorithm:



please help me...please from the bottom of my heart ​


C. Because angle C isn’t the same angle as Y


I think No c

if wrong correct me pls

have a nice day




Answer: -5,-1

Remember this: The number on the x axis ALWAYS goes first in the coordinates.

What is the diameter of a sphere with a volume of 332\text{ cm}^3,332 cm 3 , to the nearest tenth of a centimeter?



The diameter is 8.6cm

Step-by-step explanation:


Shape: Sphere

[tex]Volume = 332cm^3[/tex]


Determine the diameter of the sphere

First, calculate the radius using:

[tex]Volume = \frac{4}{3} \pi r^3[/tex]

Substitute: [tex]Volume = 332cm^3[/tex]

[tex]332= \frac{4}{3} \pi r^3\\[/tex]

Solve for r

[tex]r^3 = \frac{332 * 3}{4 * \pi}[/tex]

[tex]r^3 = \frac{996}{4 * \pi}[/tex]

[tex]r^3 = \frac{249}{\pi}[/tex]

[tex]r^3 = \frac{249}{3.142}[/tex]

[tex]r^3 = 79.25[/tex]

Take cube roots

[tex]r = \sqrt[3]{79.25}[/tex]

[tex]r = 4.3[/tex]

Diameter (D) is calculated as:

[tex]D = 2r[/tex]

[tex]D = 2 * 4.3[/tex]

The list below shows the different taco shells, fillings, and toppings sold at Rico's Taco Bar.

Taco Shells










Sour Cream



How many different types of tacos can Rico make using one taco shell, one filling, and one topping?



30 different types of tacos can Rico make.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given - The list below shows the different taco shells, fillings, and toppings sold at Rico's Taco Bar.

Taco Shells                 Fillings                           Toppings

Soft                              Chicken                           Cheese

Hard                             Beef                                 Lettuce

                                    Bean                               Sour Cream                      



To find - How many different types of tacos can Rico make using one taco shell, one filling, and one topping?

Proof -

Given that,

There are 2 different types of Taco shells, 3 different type of fillings and 5 different types of toppings.

So, by the fundamental principal of counting,

Total types of tacos Rico made = 2 × 3 ×5 = 30

Which of the equations represents the line that contains the point (-3,11) and is parallel to a line that has a slope of 8/3? Select all that apply.

A. y=8/3x+3

B. y=8/3x+19

C. 3x+8y=11


E. y+11=8/3(x-3)

F. y+11=8/3(x+3)


The correct answer is:y = (8/3)x + 29/3

The equation of the line that passes through the point (-3, 11) and is parallel to the line with a slope of 8/3.To find the slope of the line that we need to draw, we can use the fact that parallel lines have the same slope. So, slope of the line = 8/3.Now, we have the slope and a point on the line, so we can use the point-slope form to find the equation of the line.The point-slope form is:y - y₁ = m(x - x₁)where m is the slope of the line and (x₁, y₁) is the given point.Substituting the values, we get:y - 11 = (8/3)(x - (-3))Simplifying the equation:y - 11 = (8/3)x + 8y - 44/3 = (8/3)x + 15/3y = (8/3)x + 29/3So, the equation of the line is:y = (8/3)x + 29/3The equation that represents the line that contains the point (-3, 11) and is parallel to a line that has a slope of 8/3 is:y = (8/3)x + 29/3.Selecting the options that apply:y=8/3x+19 (Does not apply because the y-intercept is incorrect.)3x+8y=11 (Does not apply because the slope is not 8/3.)8x-3y=11 (Does not apply because the slope is not 8/3.)y+11=8/3(x-3) (Does not apply because the slope is negative.)y+11=8/3(x+3) (Does not apply because the slope is not 8/3.)Hence, the correct answer is:y = (8/3)x + 29/3.

Learn more about point here:



Write the inequality that is represented by the number line below use x as your variable



-4 < x < 2

Step-by-step explanation:

-4 is where the first point begins.


since the point is "open", aka not shaded, it should be "<"

-4 <

we now have to insert the given variable, x

-4 < x

the second, ending point, is also "open"

-4 < x <

the ending point lands on 2

-4 < x < 2

hopefully this answers your question. but a little fyi, this is simply the way i learned it, so it may/may not be what you exactly need :)



Step-by-step explanation:

A. Right

B. Acute

C. Right

D. Obtuse

A- right B- acute C- right D- obtuse

A feeder at the zoo in shape of a cone has a radius of 3 inches. It holds about 113.04 cubic inches of food. Approximate its height to the nearest inch. Use 3.14 to approximate the value of pie.



12 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

S2 are nonzero subspaces, with Si contained inside S2, and suppose that dim(S2) = 4 .(1) What are the possible dimensions of S1? (2) If S1 ≠S2, then what are the possible dimensions of S1 ?


The possible dimensions of S1, can range from 0 to 4, and if S1 ≠ S2, then the possible dimensions of S1 can range from 1 to 4, where the dimension of S1 is equal to the dimension of S2 plus 1 up to a maximum dimension of 4.

(1) The possible dimensions of S1, when S2 is a nonzero subspace contained inside it and dim(S2) = 4, can be any integer value from 0 to 4.

(2) If S1 ≠ S2, then the possible dimensions of S1 can range from 1 to 4. Since S1 ≠ S2, it means that S1 must have at least one additional vector that is not present in S2. Therefore, the dimension of S1 can be equal to the dimension of S2 plus 1 (dim(S2) + 1), up to the maximum possible dimension of 4.

To elaborate further, when S1 ≠ S2, it implies that there exists a vector in S1 that is not in S2. This additional vector increases the dimension of S1 by one. Hence, the possible dimensions of S1 can be 1, 2, 3, or 4, as long as it is greater than or equal to the dimension of S2 plus 1. However, it is important to note that the specific dimension of S1 depends on the specific vectors and subspaces involved in the given context.

To learn more about Subspaces, visit:



Enter the fraction using tenths and the decimal by the model.



The fraction would be 5/10 or 1/2 and the decimal would be 0.5

Step-by-step explanation:

5 are shaded in out of 10 so that shaded part would be 5 out of 10 or 5/10. Same goes for the decimal, 5 are shaded which means that is 5 tenths or 0.5.

I hope this helps!

Sam has 3 water bottles. Together,Sam and Dave have at most 12 bottles of water



Dave has 9 water bottles

Step-by-step explanation:

All 12 water bottles minus Sam's 3 water bottles equals Dave's 9 water bottles.

12 - 3 = 9

JK and LM are perpendicular diameters of a circle. They are each 12 inches long. What is the approximate length of chord LK?



I think the approximate length og chord Lk is around 8.5 inches long

Yes or no ?
Please help quick




Step-by-step explanation:

multiples of 11: 11,22,33,44,55,66,...


No because multiples of 11 are 11,22,33,44,55 etc and multiples of 66 are 66,132,198,264,330 etc

Write a real world problem that can be represented by 10x-40=100



10x - 40 = 100, x = 14

Step-by-step explanation:

At a flower shop, there are 10 bouquets with the same amount of flowers in each of them. In total, 40 flowers were purchased. Now, there are 100 flowers left in the shop. How many flowers are in a bouquet?

This situation can be represented by


(the number represents the bouquets, while the variable x represents the amount of flowers in a bouquet)

- 40

(this represents the flowers that were purchased)

= 100

(this represents the flowers remaining)

The button on Madelyn's jacket has a radius of 4 millimeters. What is the button's circumference?
Use 3.14 for ​.



The circumference would be 25.12 mm

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]c = 2\pi r[/tex]

[tex]c = 6.28 \times 4[/tex]

[tex]c = 25.12[/tex]

Find the Mean of the following set of data. (Round to the
nearest hundredths place.)
1, 1, 3, 0, 7, 2,0,3, 1, 6, 8, 1



2.75 all ready rounded

Step-by-step explanation:

for the mean all you have to do is add up all the numbers, then divide by how many numbers there are. when u add them all up it is 33, then u divide by 12, and get 2.75

17. Find the missing angle(s).




Step-by-step explanation:


angle f is 132..........

Peter is calculating the interest earned on a deposit of $275 in an account
that earns 8% simple interest for 12 years. How much interest will he

The correct answer is $264 !

Get ya some points igs and ur welcome fam


I can’t remember how economics works so I’m going to guess the answer is B? Hope that works lol

If a volume of an object varies directly with its height and if the volume is 24 while the height is 3 what is k




Step-by-step explanation:

the formula for direct variation =

Y ∝ kX

such that

Y = kX

from the question we have here

Y = Volume = 24

x = height = 3

when we put this in the formula above in bold

24 ∝ 3k

24 = 3k

from here we have to find the value of k. to do this, we divide through by 3

24/3 = 3k/3

8 = k

therefore the value of k is 8

The following data gives an approximation to the integral M = S'f(x) dx = = 2.0282. Assume M = N, (h) + kyhº + k_h4 + ..., N, (h) = 2.2341, N, then N2(h) = 1.95956 0.95957 This option This option 2.23405 2.01333 This option O This option Romberg integration for approximating "', (x) dx gives R21 = 2 and R22 = 2.55 then R41 = 5.16 0.35 This option This option 4.53 2.15 O This option This option When approximating Sof(x)dx using Romberg integration, R4,4 gives an approximation of order: h10 h8 h4 h6


The value of N₂(h) for the given approximation is 1.95956. Richardson extrapolation allows us to estimate the integral with higher accuracy by combining two approximations with different step sizes. So, the correct answer is option a.

To approximate the integral [tex]M=\int\limits^1_0 {f(x)} \, dx[/tex]  using the given data, we can use Richardson extrapolation.

Let N₁(h) be the approximation with step size h, and N₁(h/2) be the approximation with step size h/2.

We can express the error in terms of a power series as M = N₁(h) + k₂h² + k₄h⁴ + ...

Using Richardson extrapolation, we can eliminate the term with the highest power of h by taking a weighted sum of the two approximations:

[tex]N_2(h) = \frac{4N_1(\frac{h}{2}-N_1(h) )}{3}[/tex]

Substituting the given values N₁(h) = 2.2341 and N₁(h/2) = 2.0282:

[tex]N_2(h)=\frac{4(2.0282) - 2.2341}{3}[/tex]

N₂(h) = 1.95956

Therefore, the value of N₂(h) is approximately 1.95956. The correct answer is option a. 1.95956.

The question should be:

The following data gives an approximation to the integral[tex]M=\int\limits^1_0 {f(x)} \, dx[/tex] N₁(h) = 2.2341, N₁(h/2) = 2.0282. Assume M = N₁(h) + k₂h² + k₄h⁴ + ...,  then N₂(h) = ?

a. 1.95956

b. 0.95957

c. 2.23405

d. 2.01333

To learn more about integral: https://brainly.com/question/30094386


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Negative Numbers: (123,000) NOT ($123,000) $15,750 $84,000 $22,050 $374,675 $496,475 $32,025 $332,500 $131,950 $496,475 all of the following are ways that reduce the environmental impact of meat production except _______. please help mark brainliest ( no attachments please) The Rich and Creamy Edibles Factory manufactures and distributes chocolate products. Rich and Creamy Edibles buys raw chocolate and processes it into three joint products: dark chocolate (DC), milk chocolate (MC), and white chocolate (WC). The dark chocolate is further processed into sugar-free dark chocolate (SFDC) and sold to health food stores. The milk chocolate and white chocolate are sold at the splitoff point without further processing to food processors who use them as raw materials in their operations.During the current month, raw chocolate costing $40,000 was processed at an additional cost of $90,000 into the three joint products. There were no beginning inventories of raw materials or work in process, and all raw material purchased this month was fully processed. Data regarding output and selling prices at the splitoff point are as follows:ProductQuantityProducedSelling Price per kgat Splitoff PointDCMCWC80,000100,00050,000$1.60$1.20$0.60The dark chocolate (DC) was processed into sugar-free dark chocolate (SFDC) at an additional cost of $41,600. This resulted in 75,000 kg of SFDC which can be sold for $2.40/kg.REQUIRED:Allocate the current month's joint costs to the products using:1. Sales value at splitoff method.2. Physical measures method (as produced at splitoff point).3. Constant Gross Margin Percentage NRV Method.Round all allocations to the nearest dollar. What factors are key in achieving entrepreneurial success? The world is changing, are there new talents and skills, not evident in the readings or videos that may now play a role for up-and-coming entrepreneurs? Is entrepreneurship changing, if so, how? The function f(x) models the value of imported goods into the United States, and the function g(x) models the value of exportedgoods from the United States, where x is the number of years since 1990.Which statements are correct?A) g(x) appears to be a linear functionB) f(x) appears to be an exponential functionC)Exports increase more quickly around the year 2041D) Exports eventually exceed imports from the united StatesE) A quantity increasing exponentially eventually exceeds a quantityincreasing linearly PLEASE HELP ME BRANLIEST FOR FIRST AND CORRECT ANSWERThere are 36 lines in the poem. The poem is numbered every 5 lines. ,end italics,,begin bold,A Saddle & the World,end bold, In Palestine, an old disheveled street,a wall of tiny shops, where grass grows between crumpled stone,I stand and watch in the shadow of the wall.Pots and tin pans and brooms and woven straw mats,even handmade saddles, spill into the narrow street.Heavy saddles, covered with burlap, to fit horses,mules, donkeys, sewn by someone who knows saddles.A woman in a ,begin italics,thobe,end italics,a long black dress,hand-embroidered with red cross-stitching on chest and sidespokes around the saddles.Bending down, she touches, pats, caresses,like a woman buying cloth.Finally she lifts her head, then do-si-dos,superscript,1,baseline,toward the bald man who owns the shopand asks the price of the saddle she likes best.But the price isn't set in stone and will change, like the weather,if you have some smarts at this haggling game.Like fencing,,superscript,2,baseline, you dance with agile steps around each other,touch with the point of your foil,,superscript,3,baseline, but never wound.He says, she says. Words fly, as conductor-handssweep the air for emphasis. The woman nods,and a corner of her mouth lifts. She fingers the coinsinside the slit in her belt."Sold! To the woman in embroidered dress!" the auctioneer would call outif she lived in Texas. Or Oklahoma. Or even New York.But in Palestine where she lives, a thousand women in embroidereddresseswould stand to claim the prize.I, in the uniform of my faded American jeans,ask the woman a foolish question,"How will you take this saddle home?"The woman's face cracks open, a smile spills out.Squatting, she picks up the saddle, an Olympian heavyweight champion,she hoists the saddle in the air, then lowers it onto her head.She stands tall, this Palestinian Yoga-woman, her head not merely holdinga saddle,But the world.("A Saddle & the World" by May Mansoor Munn. Copyright 1998 by May Mansoor Munn. Used by permission of the author.),begin bold,,superscript,1,baseline,do-si-do ,end bold,a circular dance move in which partners pass each other back-to-back,begin bold,,superscript,2,baseline,fencing ,end bold, the art of using a small sword (foil) to practice self-defense and offensive movements with an opponent,begin bold,,superscript,3,baseline,foil ,end bold, a small, light sword with a blunt edge and tip (used in fencing) Use the z -score formula, z=x z = x , and the information below to find the mean, . Round your answer to one decimal place, if necessary.z = 2.25 x = 14.6 0 =3.6 why x ray is called an electromagnetic wave What are air masses, and how do they work?NEED HELP ASAP! The Roman Empire was so large that it covered Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia. The large empire was hard to rule. What did the emperor do to solve this problem? Question 3 Aseem is a retailer and the following balances were extracted from his book on 31 December 2017: RM Stock, 1 January 2017. -12,400 Office equipment -17,900 Trade debtors. 14,670 Trade creditors 26.700 Capital 30.000 Drawings .800 Sales. 49,600 Purchases 34,040 Carriage inwards. 393 Carriage outwards 465 Returns inwards 440 Returns outwards 550 Rent and Rates 8,800 Wages and salaries 9,600 Cash at bank... ...6,960 Cash in hand... 392 You are required to prepare a Trial Balance as at 31 December 2017. Below is the account balances of Moosy, extracted after one year trading ended 31 December 2017. RM 210,420 Sales. Purchases. 108,680 Carriage outwards 1,115 Carriage inwards. 840 Returns inwards 4,900 Returns outwards 3720 Salaries and wages. 41,800 Motor expenses. 912 Rent 6,800 Sundry expenses. 318 Motor vehicles. 14,400 Fixtures and fittings. 912 Debtors 23,200 Creditors 14,100 Cash at bank 4,100 Cash in hand. 240 Drawings 29,440 Capital.. 18,827 Opening Stock 9,410 Closing Stock 11,290 You are required to prepare a) Income Statement for the year ended 31 December 2017. b) Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2017 What is the area of the triangle?24725units2 What are differences between Hero Heroism IdolI need 3