Help is greatly appreciated! I need a step but step explanation and a startup would be perfect.

Help Is Greatly Appreciated! I Need A Step But Step Explanation And A Startup Would Be Perfect.
Help Is Greatly Appreciated! I Need A Step But Step Explanation And A Startup Would Be Perfect.


Answer 1
First Problem:

The point we should pay attention to in this section is the following;

The type of the variable that we will store the temperature from the user must be a float. Because in the formula we will use, an integer is not generated for every integer we give.

Below is the Python Code of this problem with comments added.

#Variables we need to store the data from user.

city = input("Enter the city name: ")

temperature_celcius = float(input("Enter the current temperature in Celcius: "))

#Calculation section by using the formula.

temperature_fahrenheit = (temperature_celcius * 9/5) + 32

#Inform the user.

print(f"The current temperature in {city} is {temperature_celcius}°C, which is {temperature_fahrenheit}°F.")

Help Is Greatly Appreciated! I Need A Step But Step Explanation And A Startup Would Be Perfect.

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To use cache memory main memory are divided into cache lines typically 32 or 64 bytes entire cache line is cached at once what is the advantage of caching an entire line instead of single byte or word at a time?



The advantage of caching an entire line in the main memory instead of a single byte or word at a time is to avoid cache pollution from used data


The major advantage of caching an entire line instead of single byte is to reduce the excess cache from used data and also to take advantage of the principle of spatial locality.

Joseph learned in his physics class that centimeter is a smaller unit of length and a hundred centimeters group to form a larger unit of length called a meter. Joseph recollected that in computer science, a bit is the smallest unit of data storage and a group of eight bits forms a larger unit. Which term refers to a group of eight binary digits? A. bit B. byte O C. kilobyte D. megabyte​





A byte is made up of eight binary digits

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A good thesis would be something like “Modern culture is heavily influenced by mainstream trends” and just building on it.

How was the first computer reprogrammed



the first programs were meticulously written in raw machine code, and everything was built up from there. The idea is called bootstrapping. ... Eventually, someone wrote the first simple assembler in machine code.


Create a recursive procedure named (accumulator oddsum next). The procedure will return the sum of the odd numbers entered from the keyboard. The procedure will read a sequence of numbers from the keyboard, where parameter oddsum will keep track of the sum from the odd numbers entered so far and parameter next will (read) the next number from the keyboard.




The following procedure is written in Python. It takes the next argument, checks if it is an odd number and if so it adds it to oddsum. Then it asks the user for a new number from the keyboard and calls the accumulator procedure/function again using that number. If any even number is passed the function terminates and returns the value of oddsum.

def accumulator(next, oddsum = 0):

   if (next % 2) != 0:

       oddsum += next

       newNext = int(input("Enter new number: "))

       return accumulator(newNext, oddsum)


       return oddsum

Earl develops a virus tester which is very good. It detects and repairs all known viruses. He makes the software and its source code available on the web for free and he also publishes an article on it. Jake reads the article and downloads a copy. He figures out how it works, downloads the source code and makes several changes to enhance it. After this, Jake sends Earl a copy of the modified software together with an explanation. Jake then puts a copy on the web, explains what he has done and gives appropriate credit to Earl.
Discuss whether or not you think Earl or Jake has done anything wrong?



They have done nothing wrong because Jake clearly gives credit to Earl for the work that he did


Earl and Jake have nothing done anything wrong because Jake give the proper credit to Earl.

What is a virus tester?

A virus tester is a software that scan virus on computer, if any site try to attack any computer system, the software detect it and stop it and save the computer form virus attack.

Thus, Earl and Jake have nothing done anything wrong because Jake give the proper credit to Earl.

Learn more about virus tester


Write a recursive method called permut that accepts two integers n and r as parameters and returns the number of unique permutations of r items from a group of n items. For given values of n and r, this value P(n, r) can be computed as follows:
n!/(n - r)!
For example , permut (7, 4) should return 840.



Following are the code to the given question:

public class Main//defining a class Main


static int permut(int n, int r)//defining a method permut that holds two variable


return fact(n)/fact(n-r);//use return keyword to return calcuate value


static int fact(int n)//defining a fact method as recursive to calculate factorials


return n==0?1:n*fact(n-1);//calling the method recursively


public static void main(String[] abs)//main function


//int n=7,r=4;//defining integer variable

System.out.println(permut(7,4));//use print method to call permut method and print its values






Following is the explanation for the above code.

Defining a class Main.Inside the class two methods, "permut and fact" were defined, in which the "permut" accepts two values for calculating its permutated value, and the fact is used for calculates factorial values recursively. At the last, the main method is declared, which uses the print method to call "permut" and prints its return values.

A non-profit organization decides to use an accounting software solution designed for non-profits. The solution is hosted on a commercial provider's site but the accounting information suchas the general ledger is stored at the non-profit organization's network. Access to the software application is done through an interface that uses a coneventional web browser. The solution is being used by many other non-profit. Which security structure is likely to be in place:



A firewall protecting the  software at the provider


The security structure that is likely to be in place is :A firewall protecting the  software at the provider

Since the access to the software application is via a conventional web browser, firewalls will be used in order to protect against unauthorized Internet users gaining access into the private networks connected to the Internet,

To add musical notes or change the volume of sound, use blocks from.

i. Control ii. Sound iii. Pen​


Sorry but what’s the question?
ii-i-iii I got you.

Create a list of 30 words, phrases and company names commonly found in phishing messages. Assign a point value to each based on your estimate of its likeliness to be in a phishing message (e.g., one point if it’s somewhat likely, two points if moderately likely, or three points if highly likely). Write a program that scans a file of text for these terms and phrases. For each occurrence of a keyword or phrase within the text file, add the assigned point value to the total points for that word or phrase. For each keyword or phrase found, output one line with the word or phrase, the number of occurrences and the point total. Then show the point total for the entire message. Does your program assign a high point total to some actual phishing e-mails you’ve received? Does it assign a high point total to some legitimate e-mails you’ve received?



Words found in phishing messages are:

Free gift





Money order

Social security number


Investment portfolio


Get out of debt

Ect. this should be a good starting point to figuring out a full list

Write the Java classes for the following classes. Make sure each includes 1. instance variables 2. constructor 3. copy constructor Submit a PDF with the code The classes are as follows: Character has-a name : String has-a health : integer has-a (Many) weapons : ArrayList has-a parent : Character has-a level : Level (this should not be a deep copy) Level has-a name : String has-a levelNumber : int has-a previousLevel : Level has-a nextLevel : Level Weapon has-a name : String has-a strength : double Monster is-a Character has-a angryness : double has-a weakness : Weakness Weakness has-a name : String has-a description: String has-a amount : int




The following code is written in Java. It is attached as a PDF as requested and contains all of the classes, with the instance variables as described. Each variable has a setter/getter method and each class has a constructor. The image attached is a glimpse of the code.

In java I need help on this specific code for this lab.

Problem 1:

Create a Class named Array2D with two instance methods:

public double[] rowAvg(int[][] array)

This method will receive a 2D array of integers, and will return a 1D array of doubles containing the average per row of the 2D array argument.

The method will adjust automatically to different sizes of rectangular 2D arrays.

Example: Using the following array for testing:

int [][] testArray =


{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6},

{ 6, 7, 8, 9, 11},

{11, 12, 13, 14, 16}


must yield the following results:

Averages per row 1 : 3.20

Averages per row 2 : 8.20

Averages per row 3 : 13.20

While using this other array:

double[][] testArray =


{1, 2},

{4, 5},

{7, 8},

{3, 4}


must yield the following results:

Averages per row 1 : 1.50

Averages per row 2 : 4.50

Averages per row 3 : 7.50

Averages per row 4 : 3.50

public double[] colAvg(int[][] array)

This method will receive a 2D array of integers, and will return a 1D array of doubles containing the average per column of the 2D array argument.

The method will adjust automatically to different sizes of rectangular 2D arrays.

Example: Using the following array for testing:

int [][] testArray =


{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 6},

{ 6, 7, 8, 9, 11},

{11, 12, 13, 14, 16}


must yield the following results:

Averages per column 1: 6.00

Averages per column 2: 7.00

Averages per column 3: 8.00

Averages per column 4: 9.00

Averages per column 5: 11.00

While using this other array:

double[][] testArray =


{1, 2},

{4, 5},

{7, 8},

{3, 4}


must yield the following results:

Averages per column 1: 3.75

Averages per column 2: 4.75

My code is:

public class ArrayDemo2dd


public static void main(String[] args)


int [][] testArray1 =


{1, 2, 3, 4, 6},

{6, 7, 8, 9, 11},

{11, 12, 13, 14, 16}


int[][] testArray2 =


{1, 2 },

{4, 5},

{7, 8},



// The outer loop drives through the array row by row

// testArray1.length has the number of rows or the array

for (int row =0; row < testArray1.length; row++)


double sum =0;

// The inner loop uses the same row, then traverses all the columns of that row.

// testArray1[row].length has the number of columns of each row.

for(int col =0 ; col < testArray1[row].length; col++)


// An accumulator adds all the elements of each row

sum = sum + testArray1[row][col];


//The average per row is calculated dividing the total by the number of columns



} // end of main()

}// end of class

However, it says there's an error... I'm not sure how to exactly do this type of code... So from my understanding do we convert it?




The following code is written in Java and creates the two methods as requested each returning the desired double[] array with the averages. Both have been tested as seen in the example below and output the correct output as per the example in the question. they simply need to be added to whatever code you want.

public static double[] rowAvg(int[][] array) {

       double result[] = new double[array.length];

     for (int x = 0; x < array.length; x++) {

         double average = 0;

         for (int y = 0; y < array[x].length; y++) {

             average += array[x][y];


         average = average / array[x].length;

         result[x] = average;


     return result;


   public static double[] colAvg(int[][] array) {

       double result[] = new double[array[0].length];

       for (int x = 0; x < array[x].length; x++) {

           double average = 0;

           for (int y = 0; y < array.length; y++) {

               average += array[y][x];


           average = average / array.length;

           result[x] = average;



       return result;


An example of a host-based intrusion detection tool is the tripwire program. This is a file integrity checking tool that scans files and directories on the system on a regular basis and notifies the administrator of any changes. It uses a protected database of cryptographic checksums for each file checked and compares this value with that recomputed on each file as it is scanned. It must be configured with a list of files and directories to check and what changes, if any, are permissible to each. It can allow, for example, log files to have new entries appended, but not for existing entries to be changed. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using such a tool? Consider the problem of determining which files should only change rarely, which files may change more often and how, and which change frequently and hence cannot be checked. Hence consider the amount of work in both the configuration of the program and on the system administrator monitoring the responses generated.



The main problem with such a tool would be resource usage


The main problem with such a tool would be resource usage. Such a tool would need a large amount of CPU power in order to check all of the files on the system thoroughly and at a fast enough speed to finish the process before the next cycle starts. Such a program would also have to allocate a large amount of hard drive space since it would need to temporarily save the original versions of these files in order to compare the current file to the original version and determine whether it changed or not. Depending the amount of files in the system the work on configuring the program may be very extensive since each individual file needs to be analyzed to determine whether or not they need to be verified by the program or not. Monitoring responses may not be so time consuming since the program should only warn about changes that have occurred which may be only 10% of the files on a daily basis or less.

Which of the follwing are examples of meta-reasoning?
A. She has been gone long so she must have gone far.
B. Since I usually make the wrong decision and the last two decisions I made were correct, I will reverse my next decision.
C. I am getting tired so I am probably not thinking clearly.
D. I am getting tired so I will probably take a nap.


Answer: B. Since I usually make the wrong decision and the last two decisions I made were correct, I will reverse my next decision.

C. I am getting tired so I am probably not thinking clearly


Meta-Reasoning simply refers to the processes which monitor how our reasoning progresses and our problem-solving activities and the time and the effort dedicated to such activities are regulated.

From the options given, the examples of meta reasoning are:

B. Since I usually make the wrong decision and the last two decisions I made were correct, I will reverse my next decision.

C. I am getting tired so I am probably not thinking clearly

Animation timing is does not affect the
speed of the presentation
Select one:





I think it's true.....




B. To continuously check the state of a condition.


The purpose of an infinite loop with an "if" statement is to constantly check if that condition is true or false. Once it meets the conditions of the "if" statement, the "if" statement will execute whatever code is inside of it.


//This pseudocode will print "i is even!" every time i is an even number

int i = 0;

while (1 != 0)       //always evaluates to true, meaning it loops forever

  i = i + 1;               // i gets incrementally bigger with each loop

     if ( i % 2 == 0)     //if i is even....

               say ("i is even!"); //print this statement

Suppose you are choosing between the following three algorithms:
• Algorithm A solves problems by dividing them into five subproblems of half the size, recursively solving each subproblem, and then combining the solutions in linear time.
• Algorithm B solves problems of size n by recursively solving two subproblems of size n − 1 and then combining the solutions in constant time.
• Algorithm C solves problems of size n by dividing them into nine sub-problems of size n=3, recursively solving each sub-problem, and then combining the solutions in O(n2) time.
What are the running times of each of these algorithms (in big-O notation), and which would you choose?



Algorithm C is chosen


For Algorithm A

T(n) = 5 * T ( n/2 ) + 0(n)

where : a = 5 , b = 2 , ∝ = 1

attached below is the remaining part of the solution

Question 6:
A retailer of computers maintains a record containing the following information for every individual
computer sold
• Manufacturer name
• Model number
• Physical memory size
• Processor name
• Date of sale
• Price sold for
Using only the database, which of the following CANNOT be determined?
The average price of a computer was sold by the retailer
In which months less than 100 computers were sold
o Which models of computer stocked by the retailer have not had a single sale
The most popular model of computer sold by the retailer


I think A since I don’t think it would matter who sells to the consumer but the amount sorry if I’m wrong
price sold i know it because i did it

How does it relate
to public domain
and fair use?


Because the corilateion of the hippo

4.5.2 For loop: printing a dictionary python



for x, y in thisdict.items():

 print(x, y)


Which of the following techniques is a direct benefit of using Design Patterns? Please choose all that apply Design patterns help you write code faster by providing a clear idea of how to implement the design. Design patterns encourage more readible and maintainable code by following well-understood solutions. Design patterns provide a common language / vocabulary for programmers. Solutions using design patterns are easier to test



Design patterns help you write code faster by providing a clear idea of how to implement the design


Design patterns help you write code faster by providing a clear idea of how to implement the design. These are basically patterns that have already be implemented by millions of dev teams all over the world and have been tested as efficient solutions to problems that tend to appear often. Using these allows you to simply focus on writing the code instead of having to spend time thinking about the problem and develop a solution. Instead, you simply follow the already developed design pattern and write the code to solve that problem that the design solves.

Which of the following transfer rates is the FASTEST?
1,282 Kbps
O 1,480 Mbps
1.24 Gbps
181 Mbps



The correct answer is 1,480 Mbps.


For this you have to know how to convert bytes to different units.

1,000 Bytes (b)  = 1 Kilobyte (Kb)

1,000 Kilobyte (Kb) = 1 Megabyte (Mb)

1,000 Megabytes (Mb) = 1 Gigabyte (Gb)

and Finally, 1,000 Gigabytes (Gb) = 1 Terrabyte (Tb)


1,480 Mbps


1,480 Mbps is equal to 1.48 Gbps, and so it is the fastest transfer rate listed because it is greater than 1.24 Gbps. In summary, 1,480 Mbps > 1.24 Gbps > 181 Mbps > 1,282 Kbps.

Complete the problem about Olivia, the social worker, in this problem set. Then determine the telecommunications tool that would best meet Olivia's needs.







PDA is the correct answer to the following answer.


PDA refers for Programmable Digital Assistant, which is a portable organizer that stores contact data, manages calendars, communicates via e-mail, and manages documents and spreadsheets, typically in conjunction with the user's personal computer. Olivia needs a PDA in order to communicate more effectively.

what materials can I find at home and make a cell phone tower​



you cant


You simply cant make a tower from materials found in a household

This lab was designed to teach you more about using Scanner to chop up Strings. Lab Description : Take a group of numbers all on the same line and average the numbers. First, total up all of the numbers. Then, take the total and divide that by the number of numbers. Format the average to three decimal places Sample Data : 9 10 5 20 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 4B 52 29 10D 50 29 D 100 90 95 98 100 97 Files Needed :: Sample Output: 9 10 5 20 average = 11.000 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 average = 44.000 48 52 29 100 50 29 average - 51.333 0 average - 0.000 100 90 95 98 100 97 average - 96.667



The program is as follows:

import java.util.*;

public class Main{

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Scanner input = new Scanner(;

 String score;

 System.out.print("Scores: ");

 score = input.nextLine();

 String[] scores_string = score.split(" ");

 double total = 0;

 for(int i = 0; i<scores_string.length;i++){

     total+= Double.parseDouble(scores_string[i]);  }

 double average = total/scores_string.length;

 System.out.format("Average: %.3f", average); }



This declares score as string

 String score;

This prompts the user for scores

 System.out.print("Scores: ");

This gets the input from the user

 score = input.nextLine();

This splits the scores into an array

 String[] scores_string = score.split(" ");

This initializes total to 0

 double total = 0;

This iterates through the scores

 for(int i = 0; i<scores_string.length;i++){

This calculates the sum by first converting each entry to double

     total+= Double.parseDouble(scores_string[i]);  }

The average is calculated here

 double average = total/scores_string.length;

This prints the average

 System.out.format("Average: %.3f", average); }


will accept three
Values of
sides of a triangle
User and determine whether Values
carceles, equal atera or sealen
- Outrast of your
are for



try asking the question by sending a picture rather than typing

What is the difference between an information system and a computer application?



An information system is a set of interrelated computer components that collects, processes, stores and provides output of the information for business purposes

A computer application is a computer software program that executes on a computer device to carry out a specific function or set of related functions.

Consider the following two relations for Millennium College

STUDENT(StudentID, StudentName,CampusAddress, GPA)
REGISTRATION(StudentID, CourseID, Grade)

Following is a typical query against these Relation:

SELECT Student_T.StudentID,StudentName,
CourseID, Grade
FROM Sudent_T, Registration_T
WHERE Student_T.StudentID =
AND GPA> 3.0
ORDER BY StudentName;

On what attributes should indexes be defined to speed up this Query? PLease give reasons for each selected



Which of the following describes a codec? Choose all that apply.
a computer program that saves a digital audio file as a specific audio file format
short for coder-decoder
converts audio files, but does not compress them



A, B


Write a SELECT statement that displays each product purchased, the category of the product, the number of each product purchased, the maximum discount of each product, and the total price from all orders of the item for each product purchased. Include a final row that gives the same information over all products (a single row that provides cumulative information from all your rows). For the Maximum Discount and Order Total columns, round the values so that they only have two decimal spaces. Your result



y6ou dont have mind


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