How are the pigs live in Chapter 9?


Answer 1

Napoleon, the father of all 31 piglets born to the four sows, orders the construction of a classroom for their instruction. The supplies for the animals are gradually being decreased but the pigs' weight continues to increase. Napoleon is chosen as the new president after Animal Farm is eventually declared a republic.

What new guidelines for the pigs are presented in Animal Farm chapter 9?

Napoleon, the pigs' and the farm's leader, instructs all of the pigs to put green bands on their tails on Sundays once there are 31 piglets born on the farm. The piglets are instructed not to interact with other animals, and Napoleon enacts a law requiring other creatures to make way for the pigs.

What occurs in The Hiding Place's Chapter 9?

The story continues in February 1944. The Gestapo break into the Beje one night. While looking for the hidden room and the Jews, all non-family members flee, but the soldiers beat and question Corrie and Betsie. Pickwick had been detained earlier.

To know more about Animal Farm visit:


Related Questions

What is the summary of sugar?


Sugar is a term that includes all sweet carbohydrates, although the term is most often used to describe sucrose or table sugar, a 'double sugar'. The body breaks down carbohydrates into simple sugars such as glucose, that can be readily used in the body. There are several different sugars.

The most important independent federal agency is the:



C. Federal Reserve

D. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation




D im pretty sure sorry if im wrong <:)


C. Federal Reserve


The most important independent federal agency is the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve, also known as the "Fed," is the central banking system of the United States. It is responsible for implementing monetary policy and regulating banks, among other things.

1. Discuss the similarities and differences between the first phase of the New Deal and the
second phase.

2. Explain how the second phase of the New Deal affected farmers and changed their
relationship with the federal government.

3. Describe the New Deal's impact on the American West.

4. Discuss the effectiveness of strategies used by the United Automobile Workers' Union
to protest General Motors.

5. Explain how the passage of labor reform legislation in 1937 marked a turning point in
the history of the Supreme Court.


During the first New Deal, Franklin D. Roosevelt was trying to be more moderate and please everyone. But he then faced lots of criticism from both liberals and conservatives. Because of this, he decided he had to do one thing or the other and quit trying to do both. The second New Deal was more about social justice.

What is the New Deal?

Between 1933 and 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt implemented a series of programs, public works projects, financial reforms, and regulations known as the New Deal.

1. The first New Deal tried to restore, basic economic functions, and the Second new deal tried to improve people's lives

2.During the second phase of the New Deal the government was committed to providing price supports, or subsidies, for agriculture.

3.Many New Deal public-works water projects had a significant impact on the development of the American West. The government funded California's complex Central Valley irrigation system. The massive Bonneville Dam in the Pacific Northwest controlled flooding while also supplying electricity to a large number of people.

4.Automobile Workers' Union used peaceful protesting and staged a sit-down strike, which lasted for 44 days and eventually forced GM to recognize their demands.

5. The passage of labor reform legislation in 1937 marked a turning point in the history of the Supreme Court as the Court more willingly accepted a larger role for the federal government.

Therefore, the phases of the New Deal had different impacts on the  farmers, Western America, Automobile Workers' Union and the Supreme Court.

To learn more about the New Deal , click here:


Who made the 10 Commandments?


The Ten Commandments were revealed to Moses at Mount Sinai and engraved by God's finger on two tablets of stone preserved in the Ark of the Covenant, according to the Torah's Book of Exodus.

Christians must obey 1,050 guidelines in the New Testament. Due to repetitions, we may classify them into around 800 types. They cover every stage of man's life, both now and in the future, in relation to God and his fellowmen. "Teacher ask, which of the law's commandments is the most important" "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind," he declared. This is the first and most essential commandment. Above all things, love God. 'You must love your neighbour as you love yourself,' says the second. In reality, the Bible has two complete sets of the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:2-17 and Deut. 5:6-21).

learn more about Commandments  here:


Which of the three acts are a result of the French and Indian War?



Townshend Act


Hope it's right

Can we go inside Taj Mahal at night?


Evening viewing time: 8 groups of little more than 50 people each, from 21:30 to 3:30. Each batch lasts for thirty minutes (30 minutes). Visitors must arrive to Shilpgram a half-hour early for security checks.

What makes beautiful Taj Mahal so unique?

The Temple Complex is regarded as the exemplar of combining Eastern and Western architectural styles. Its renowned architectural beauty is defined by both concave and concave surfaces, light shadowing, or a rhythmic grouping of masses and perforations. Additional ornamental elements like the domes and arches enhance the aesthetic appeal.

How large is the inside of the Taj Mahal?

Inside the Taj Mahal, in such a six-chamber structure with common example dura (a semi-precious stone inlay) and a granite honeycomb screen, are the can provide dedicated to Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan. But the magnificent buildings are just for show: The genuine canopic jars are located in a serene chamber at garden level.

To know more about Taj Mahal visit:


What is the theme or message the author expresses in this poem sea fever?


Masefield describes his wish to go sailing once more in the peaceful sea and under the peaceful sky in the poem Sea Fever.

How does Sea Fever make you feel?

The tone of the poem seems to be simultaneously frenzied and sentimental or nostalgic. The author is reminiscing about the past while reflecting on all of their prior maritime experiences. The phrase "I must go down to the sea again" is repeated several times, adding to the narrator's desperate tone.

What is the poem's main theme?

In the poem "The Writer," the poet discusses his little daughter's writing endeavors from his own point of view. The difficulty of becoming a writer, particularly for a young person trying to make sense of the world, is the focus of the story.

To know more about author :


What does the 6th amendment say exactly?


The Sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees criminal defendants the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury, the right to be informed of the accusation and the witnesses against them, the right to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in their favor, and the right to have legal counsel for their defense.

Exploring the Rights Granted by the Sixth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution

The Sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution states:

"In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defense."

Learn more about Constitution:


What were the most important reasons why WW1 began check all that apply?


The most important causes of World War I :

Mutual Defense AlliancesImperialismNationalismMilitarismImmediate Cause: Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

World War I was fought from July 1914 to November 11, 1918. By the end of the war, over 17 million of his men would be dead, including over 100,000 American soldiers. The reasons the war broke out are much more complex than a simple list of cause

1. Mutual Defense Alliances

Over time, nations across Europe entered into mutual defense pacts that drew them into battle.

These treaties implied that

's allies were obliged to defend the country if it was attacked. Before World War I

The following alliances existed:

Russia and SerbiaGermany and Austria-HungaryFrance and Russia Great Britain and France and BelgiumJapan and Great Brita

2. Militarism

At the turn of the 20th century, the Arms Race

began. By 1914 Germany had achieved its greatest military buildup in her

. Both British and German

greatly increased their fleets during this period

3. Imperialism

Imperialism is when a country increases its power and wealth by bringing additional territories under its control. Before World War I, parts of Africa and Asia were points of contention among European countries. This was especially true because of the raw materials these areas can supply. Increased competition and desire for a larger empire led to an increase in rivalry that helped drive the world into World War I.

4. .Nationalism

Much of the origin of the war was based on the desire of the Slavic peoples of Bosnia and Herzegovina to be no longer part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but of Serbia.

Nationalism thus led directly to war. More generally, however, his nationalism in various nations across Europe contributed not only to the beginning of, but also to the expansion of the war in Europe. Each of the nations tried to prove their supremacy and power.

To learn more about World War I , refer:


Drag the correct labels to the box. Not all labels will be used.
Identify the labels that correctly describe Abraham.
protected the people against the Assyrians
was a cattle herder
had a descendant named Israel who had 12 sons
led the people out of slavery
spoke to God
built the First Temple


Answer:  protected the people against the Assyrians

was a cattle herder

had a descendant named Israel who had 12 sons


Prompt: U.S. imperialism in the 1890s betrayed America's founding principles and history. Support, modify, or refute this statement, using detailed evidence and your own reasoning.
Your response should be at least one paragraph long. Open the paragraph with a topic sentence stating your position on the prompt. Support your position with two to three sentences containing detailed evidence. Finally, end your paragraph with a concluding sentence tying the paragraph's ideas together. Be sure to use proper grammar, spelling, and writing mechanics.


The first thing we must define the terminologies. The first term to be addressed is America's founding principles. The 5 founding principles of the United States is equality, rights, liberty, opportunity, and democracy. The second term to be addressed is the definition of imperialism, which is the extension of a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force.

What is important to note is that America's principles were relegated only to white, particularly land-owning, males for much of her early history. As such, the principles were viewed as unnecessary to be extended to those who fail to embody the idealized American persona. While it may not seem to relegated all people groups into categorizes that deem them as sub-human or uncharacteristic of the ideal human, it does in fact give the level of prestige and superiority to the product of idealism.

This is reflected in the reasoning of why the United States pursued the imperialistic behavior. In idealizing firstly the United States, and then secondly the system of beliefs and customs that was followed by the majority of the United States, she seeked to bring such values to other countries, though not without seeking benefits from said country. Ideology can be seen as a major export for any country, whether it is through immigration, gathered through the market of information, or forcefully through integration of groups into the conquering country. However, as pointed out, those who are conquered by the United States and taken into the U.S. system, does not meet the requirement of the American persona. On top of that, many groups failed to leave all customs from their respective areas behind, and fail to integrate completely into what is thought of as the American ideal. Therefore, those who failed to completely integrate (whether of their own volition or simply not being able to) was seen as beneath the ideal vision.

It is noteworthy, therefore, on which front you wish to see U.S. Imperialism. If viewed from today's point of view, the U.S. imperialism betrays not only America's founding principles, in rejecting the equality of, by a word-for-word definition, all mankind, but also denying liberty from those who were forced under America's rule, and failed to be given the opportunity to leave.

However, as stated above, while in today's definition of the founding principles, it does, in fact, betray how we define America's founding principles, however historically, it comes in line with the ideals of what was believed in that era.

Learn more about U.S. imperialism, here:

What is the main purpose of Buddhism?



Nirvana. The goal of Buddhism is to become enlightened and reach nirvana. Nirvana is believed to be attainable only with the elimination of all greed, hatred, and ignorance within a person. Nirvana signifies the end of the cycle of death and rebirth.


what happend in paris early in the morning on August 24, 1572



Bartholomew’s Day, massacre of French Huguenots (Protestants) in Paris on August 24/25, 1572, plotted by Catherine de’ Medici and carried out by Roman Catholic nobles and other citizens. It was one event in the series of civil wars between Roman Catholics and Huguenots that beset France in the late 16th century.


What 3 reasons caused the US to enter WWI?


The three 3 reasons why the US got involved in WWI are

1. Germany invaded Belgium, a neutral country, which made America think that they might invade another neutral country, which is them

2. The Zimmerman Note or The Zimmerman telegraph is a telegraph Germany tried to send to Mexico that they should invade/ attack the US, which was intercepted by the British who told the US about it.

3. Germany sinking our boat, the Lusitania killing 128 Americans because it had war supplies helping their enemies.

What are the 4 types of utopias?


The four categories of utopias are: ethical, political, economic, and social; social; ecological; and scientific and technological.

What are 4 utopias?

1. Moral: All of these utopias use and investigate dubious morals or ethics, such the genetic perfection of people.

2. Political/Economic/Social: Numerous utopias are founded on a particular political, social, or economic philosophy.

3. Ecological: In an ecological paradise, people coexist peacefully with nature, their civilization produces no pollution, their food is sustainably sourced, and the environment is preserved, resulting in human satisfaction.

4. Religious: A paradise founded on a specific religion's principles is referred to as religious.

5. Science and Technology: In a technological utopia, scientists and engineers have perfected technological advancement, including genetic engineering and comprehensive surveillance.

For more information on utopia kindly visit to


What happened to most utopian communities in the early 1800s?


In the early 1800s, the federal government dissolved the majority of utopian settlements.

What kind of government is federal?

Federalism is a form of governance in which authority is shared between the national government and its component states and provinces. It is a systematized way to accept two different political system one at the central, or national, level, and another at the local,  regional, provincial level.

What traits does the federal government have?

Federalism's constitutional guarantees for each level of government's existence and power are known as the constitutional status quo. Powers are distributed among many levels of government in a federalist system. Guarantee of the Constitution, The Constitution will outline the authority of each government level.

To know more about Utopian communities visit:


Which of these rights was limited by Schenk v. United States?
OA. The right to bear arms
OB. The right to free speech
OC. The right to a trial by jury
OD. The right to practice religion



The impact at the end of the war that have on the American colonies are mentioned below:

- 1754 was the year of beginning of French and Indian War which with Treaty of Paris ended in 1763.

- The result of the war was that enormous territorial gains were provided to Great Britain in North America.

- Some backdraws like colonial discontent and disputes occurs that ultimately led to American Revolution.

- American colonies faces unfairly levying taxes and regulations also imposed on them.

- This also leads to political and economic affairs of colonies of britain more actively.

- Ideology of the american colonists got changed as an impact.


How many dependent clauses are there?


There are three kinds of dependent clauses: noun clauses, adjective clauses, and adverbial clauses.

A clause that is embedded within a complex sentence is known as a subordinate clause, dependent clause, subclause, or embedded clause. For example, in the English sentence "I know that Bette is a dolphin," the clause "that Bette is a dolphin" appears as a complement to the verb "know," rather than as a separate sentence. Content clauses, relative clauses, and adverbial clauses are all subtypes of dependent clauses.

What are some examples of dependent clause words?

After, although, as, as if, because, before, even if, even though, if, in order to, since, though, unless, until, whatever, when, whenever, whether, and while are some common dependent clause markers.

Learn more about dependent clause  to visit this link


What is the main idea of Douglass's speech?


One of Douglass' most well-known and frequently referenced speeches about the ethical and philosophical ramifications of slavery is this one.

What is the speech's major point, Douglass?

According to Douglass, the primary subject of his speech is slavery in America. He berates the country for deviating from its actual foundational ideals. He challenges the audience to realize the nation's founding fathers' goals. He also justifies the nation's abhorrent hypocrisy.

What is the central thesis of Frederick Douglass?

Frederick Douglass's stated goals as an abolitionist leader were to "abolish slavery in all its forms and aspects, promote the moral and intellectual advancement of the COLORED PEOPLE, and speed the day of FREEDOM to the Three Millions of our oppressed fellow Countrymen.

To know more about Douglass's speech visit:-


What was the goal of the Harlem Renaissance?


The goal of the Harlem Renaissance was to create bold, expressive, high-quality art as a primary response to social conditions, as an affirmation of dignity and humanity in the face of poverty and racism. .

Creative Expression

Harlem Culture His scenes inspired artists, writers, actors, dancers and sculptors to explore new styles and art forms. Harlem had a vibrant nightlife, with artists like Bessie Smith singing the blues. Other cabarets and nightclubs offered exciting jazz and ragtime. Many songs, poems, novels, and works of art focus on African American history.

Improving Self-Image

Harlem A major goal of many Renaissance artists and writers was to raise the self-esteem of African-Americans. This goal was achieved by creating outstanding artwork and literature that demonstrate the strength, resilience, and intelligence of African Americans.

Economic Opportunities

By the 1890s, thousands of African Americans were migrating to urban centers such as Harlem for work and to escape Southern oppression. when .

Political Change

Political activists worked with white social reformers during the Harlem Renaissance to achieve social justice and an inclusive society. Democrat and socialist activists promoted the progressive laws and policies that laid the foundation for the civil rights movement

To learn more about Harlem Renaissance


What were the two significant features of yellow journalism?


The  two significant features of yellow journalism are:

1. Sensationalism: Yellow journalism was characterized by the use of exaggerated, sensational headlines and stories intended to pique readers’ emotions and draw in more readers.2. Scandalmongering: Yellow journalism was also known for featuring stories that lacked substance and were based on rumor and innuendo. These stories often involved high-profile figures and were intended to shock or titillate readers.

What is the yellow journalism?

Yellow journalism is a type of journalism characterized by sensationalism and exaggerated claims, which is used to draw in more readers or viewers. It often features stories that lack substance and are based on rumor and innuendo. Yellow journalism was popularized in the late 19th and early 20th centuries by the Hearst and Pulitzer newspaper empires.

Learn more about Yellow Journalism:


Sensationalism: Yellow journalism relied heavily on sensationalism to grab a reader's attention. This included exaggeration, hyperbole, and often outright lies.Scandal-mongering: Yellow journalism was also notorious for its focus on scandal-mongering, which involved fabricating stories and seeking out salacious details to attract readers.

The Significance of Yellow Journalism

Yellow journalism was a type of journalism that rose to prominence in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and relied heavily on sensationalism to capture a reader’s attention. This included the exaggeration of facts, the use of hyperbole, and even outright lies. It was also notorious for its focus on scandal-mongering, which involved fabricating stories and seeking out salacious details to draw readers in.

This type of journalism had a major influence on the way news was reported and was often criticized for its lack of ethical standards and its irresponsible reporting. Despite this, it was incredibly popular and had a major impact on the media landscape of the time.

Learn more about Journalism:


Why does Claudius feel guilty in Act 3?


Claudius feels guilty as he has assassinated his brother, King Hamlet in Act 3.

Claudius is a character in Shakespeare's play Hamlet. He is Hamlet's uncle. He killed his brother King Hamlet. Claudius is jealous that his older brother has got everything, a kingdom, a beautiful wife, and a son, Prince Hamlet, who will inherit his throne. He did not like to see his brother's blessedness. He decided to kill King Hamlet completely. Because of that, Claudius felt guilty for murdering his brother.

Hamlet was written by William Shakespeare around 1599 - 1601. The show is about Hamlet's revenge for his father's death. After talking to his father's spirit, Hamlet then learns that King Claudius is his father's assassinator.

More about Claudius Feel Guilty here:


How does Congress generate a budget?


The President sends Congress a budget request. Budget resolutions are approved by the Senate and the House.

When the government spends more money in a given year than it collects in taxes, the House and Senate Appropriations subcommittees "markup" the appropriations bills. In addition to suggesting funding levels for the federal government, the budget includes predictions of the federal government's revenue and expenses for the forthcoming fiscal year.

The president's suggestions and Congressional objectives must subsequently be taken into consideration as Congress passes funding legislation. Each fiscal year, the president proposes to Congress a budget for the federal government (October 1 through September 30).

Then, in order to allocate funds for running government programs for that year, Congress must approve appropriations bills.

Learn more about the federal budget here:


as a result of the treaty of paris 1783, what happened to the size of the united states?


In the Treaty of Paris, the British Crown formally recognized American independence and ceded most of its territory east of the Mississippi River to the United States, doubling the size of the new nation and paving the way for westward expansion (manifest destiny).

Etruscan tomb paintings most often depicted. ?

A. The afterlife
B. Everyday events
C. Their gods
D. Military victories​


Etruscan tomb paintings most often depicted everyday events.

The Etruscans were an ancient civilization that flourished in central Italy between the 8th and 3rd centuries BC. They were known for their elaborate tombs, which were often decorated with frescoes or paintings that depicted various scenes from everyday life. These scenes could include activities such as farming, hunting, feasting, and other daily pursuits.

In contrast, the tomb paintings of other ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians and Greeks, were more likely to depict religious or mythological themes, such as the afterlife or the gods. Etruscan tomb paintings, on the other hand, were more focused on the everyday lives of the people who were buried there.

learn more from here:

How did Buddhism positively affect China?


Buddhism had a significant impact on China and helped to create the country that exists today. Other philosophies in China have evolved along with Buddhism's growth.

Taoist art started to be produced after adopting the Buddhist practice of paying respect through art, and China's architectural culture emerged.

Buddhism helped China develop its philosophy, ethics, language, literature, arts, religions, popular belief, etc. by introducing new thought and ideas. Buddhism, on the other hand, utilizes and adapts to the local culture and thought because it is not a religion that is culturally constrained.

Chinese Buddhist monasteries brought hospitals to the country, and certain monastic lineages continued to treat the general populace in late imperial China.

To learn more about Buddhism refer here


What caused the Spanish-American War yellow journalism?


At some point of the Eighteen Nineties, journalism that sensationalized—and every now and then even synthetic—dramatic occasions turned into a effective force that caused America into warfare with Spain.

Yellow journalism became a fashion of newspaper reporting that emphasized sensationalism over information. At some stage in its heyday in the overdue nineteenth century it changed into certainly one of many elements that helped push the united states and Spain into warfare in Cuba and the Philippines, leading to the acquisition of distant places territory via the USA.

The time period originated inside the competition over the big apple metropolis newspaper marketplace between essential newspaper publishers Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst. At first, yellow journalism had not anything to do with reporting, but instead derived from a popular cartoon strip approximately existence in the big apple’s slums called Hogan’s Alley, drawn by way of Richard F. Outcault. posted in coloration by using Pulitzer’s the big apple international, the comic’s maximum individual came to be known as the Yellow child, and his reputation accounted in no small part for a extraordinary increase in income of the world.

To know more about Yellow journalism click here:


After president johnson established the national advisory commission on civil disorders to help eliminate unrest in inner cities, why were none of the commission’s recommendations put into practice?
a. johnson didn’t agree with the recommendations.
b. all of the recommendations cost too much money.
c. johnson was too focused on the vietnam war.
d. johnson thought the problems would solve themselves.


Johnson didn’t agree with the recommendation

imagine you are a future leading researcher in your field (in the virus or bacteria you have done your project on), how can CRISPR be used to elevate or cure patients from this?​


They could use CRISPR to edit the gene by changing the DNA from the harmful variant to a healthy variant.

Does Tomas pains arguments seem reasonable


Yes, Thomas Pains arguments are reasonable
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