How can I get e1 E4 in SSS?


Answer 1

You can get the E-4 form from the website of under the forms section.

The simple steps to obtain a copy of SSS E-4 Form online are mentioned below:

1. Visit from the browser

2. Login to your account with the set credentials to avail the services.

3. The forms link can be accessed at the footer part of the website.

4. Click on Member Data Change Request Link on the page that occurs.

5. Download the E4 form.

You can then print the downloaded copy of E4 form to avail SSS benefits.

To know more about social security service, click here:


Related Questions

The principle that allows the federal government to take over areas of regulation from states or local governments is called Group of answer choices regulated federalism


The principle that allows the federal government to take over areas of regulation from states or local governments is called preemption

The definition of federal preemption

Due to federal preemption, the federal law always prevails where two laws disagree. The doctrine that decides this is based on Article VI Section 2 of the United States Constitution. In relation to the civil justice system, the concept of preemption relates to the premise that lawsuits based on state law claims of negligence or failure to warn are prohibited by federal law.

The "supreme law of the land" is defined by the Constitution as being federal law, which indicates that if it is federal law, no other state or local law can supersede it. The same is true of how regional and national laws interact with one another. Local legislation must be superseded by state law.

Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was

The principle that allows the federal government to take over areas of regulation formerly overseen by states or local governments is called:

A) regulated federalism

B) preemption

C) devolution

D) "layer cake" federalism

E) exemption

To know more about federal preemption visit:-


How do you find 3 numbers of HCF?


Calculate the HCF of 2 numbers. Then Find the HCF of the 3rd number and the HCF found in step 1. The HCF you got in step 2 will be the HCF of the 3 numbers.

What is the meaning of HCF?

The greatest number among the common factors of the given numbers is the HCF (Highest Common Factor) of two numbers. Since 12 is the greatest common factor between 12 and 36, for instance, the HCF of 12, as well as 36, is 12.

Finding all common factors between two numbers and choosing the biggest one yields the highest common factor (HCF).

Learn more about the HCF here:


What are Plato's views on slavery?


The views of Plato on the existence of slavery were largely positive in their own senses.

The slavery practices have been one of most debated social elements that have ever existed in the American society since the seventeenth century. Many philosophies and ideologies regarding the existence of these practices have been made by a number of people. Plato has also expressed his view regarding the same, where he feels that everybody is a slave in some way or the other, but people take the meaning of the term too negatively.

Learn more about slavery here:


Most illicit cocaine in the US is powder cocaine (cocaine hydrochloride), which is...


The leaves of the coca plant, a South American native, are used to make powdered cocaine (cocaine hydrochloride), a stimulant. Cocaine was utilized as an anesthetic in the late 19th century.

Although it can be mixed in water and administered intravenously, powdered cocaine is commonly snorted (inhaled through the nose). The medication enters the bloodstream through the nasal mucosa when it is snorted. Within 3 to 5 minutes, the medication reaches the brain and has its euphoric impact. Within 15 to 30 seconds of injection, the medication enters the bloodstream and travels directly to the brain. A potent central nervous system stimulant, cocaine is powdered. People who utilize the substance could feel agitated, agitated, and anxious. Additionally, using powdered cocaine can cause blood vessels to constrict and a rise in body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure. Cocaine use can potentially lead to heart attack, respiratory failure, stroke, and seizures. Because it intensifies the euphoric effects of the cocaine and may raise the risk of sudden death, using cocaine and alcohol concurrently is highly risky.

Learn more about Cocaine  here:


What is the difference between Indian and western education?


The main difference between Indian and Western education is the focus. Indian education is largely focused on rote learning, memorization, and theory, while Western education puts more emphasis on practical knowledge, problem-solving, and creativity.

The Contrasting Educational Philosophies of India and the West

Indian education also tends to be more traditional and conservative, whereas Western education is more progressive and open to experimentation. Indian education also tends to be more focused on preparing students for specific jobs or careers, while Western education is more focused on developing well-rounded individuals.

Education is the cornerstone of any nation’s success, and there are fundamental differences between the educational philosophies of India and the West. Indian education has traditionally relied on rote learning, memorization, and theory, while Western education has traditionally emphasized practical knowledge, problem-solving, and creativity. In India, education is largely focused on preparing students for specific jobs or careers, while Western education has traditionally been more focused on developing well-rounded individuals.

The Indian educational system can be traced back to ancient times, when it was largely focused on the study of the Vedas, the oldest and most important Hindu scriptures. This system was based on memorization and the learning of complex texts like the Vedas. In contrast, the Western education system has its roots in the Enlightenment period of the 18th century, when there was a focus on the development of science and critical thinking. Since then, Western education has continued to evolve and has become more open to experimentation and new ideas.

Learn more about Indian education:


Why do South Americans holds a larger celebration on december 24th than 25th?


In many South American countries, the traditional Christmas celebration is held on December 24th, known as Christmas Eve. This is because many South American countries, particularly those with a strong Catholic heritage, follow the tradition of the Mass of the Vigil, which is held on the evening of December 24th and commemorates the birth of Jesus. This Mass is an important part of the Christmas celebration for many Catholics, and is often followed by a festive dinner with family and friends.

On December 25th, Christmas Day, many South Americans continue to celebrate with family and friends, but the focus of the celebration tends to shift away from religious observances and towards more secular traditions, such as gift-giving and feasting. In some countries, such as Brazil, there may also be special church services and other religious observances on Christmas Day.

Overall, the Christmas celebration in South America tends to be a multi-day event, with the focus on December 24th and the Mass of the Vigil, and continuing with secular traditions and celebrations on December 25th and beyond.

What if the 4th amendment was not in the constitution? What might happen?what could the government do to Americans?



The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects Americans from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government. If this amendment were not in the Constitution, the government would be able to conduct searches and seizures without a warrant, probable cause, or any other justification. This could result in widespread invasions of privacy, as the government could search individuals' homes, personal property, and electronic devices without any justification. Additionally, the government could seize individuals' property without due process or compensation. This lack of protection could greatly restrict Americans' freedom and liberty, and could lead to abuses of power by the government.

People suffering from the persecution type of delusion are most likely to harbor the belief that?


People suffering form the persecution type of delusion are most likely to harbor the belief that someone wants to kill them.

A delusion is a belief that a person holds that is not based on reality and that does not change or change when confronted with contradictory evidence. As a result, people suffering from delusional disorder find it difficult to reconcile reality with their perceptions of reality.Persecutory, erotomanic, grandiose, jealous, somatic, and mixed/unspecific delusions are examples of delusions.A delusion is a belief that is founded on an incorrect interpretation of reality, despite the presence of compelling evidence to the contrary. A mental illness is delusional disorder. A person suffering from delusional disorder has one or more delusory thoughts for at least one month.

To know more about Delusion here


The united states abolished slavery by passing the 13th amendment in1807. 1833. 1848. 1865.


Answer: The United States of America abolished slavery in 1865.

Explanation: In The United States, slavery got abolished by accepting 13th Amendment act in the constitution. The amendment said that "neither slavery not involuntary servitude shall exist within United States or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

Option d) The United States abolished slavery by passing the 13th amendment in 1865.

The thirteenth Amendment, handed via way of means of Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified on December 6, 1865, abolished slavery withinside the United States.

The 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution was passed before the Civil War ended and Southern states were allowed to return to the United States, and should have easily passed Congress.

With the passage of the 13th Amendment, America found a definitive constitutional solution to the problem of slavery.

To learn more about amendment, here:


What is theocracy government quizlet?


Religious authorities running the government. Laws of a country are a reflection of the religion of that country or that place. is the equivalent of a theocracy

What does a theocracy look like in practice?

A theocracy is when the clergy and laity of a particular religion exercise political power, generally, but not always, claiming to have been acting primarily in behalf of something like a deity and governing in line with its morality and laws.

Which of the following phrases best sums up a theocracy?

A type of government where the laws are enforced by religious leaders and the rules are based on the teachings of specific religions. Theo means deity, kratos means regulations, and "public humiliation" for "punishment" are all words from the Greek language that denote "theocracy."

To know more abut theocracy visit:


Are there persons who are dominantly right-brained or left brained?


Right-brained and left-brained individuals do not exist. Although it is evident that each of us has a unique personality and set of skills, there is no reason to think that these variations can be attributed to one side of the brain making a huge impact over the other.

An information highway made up of bundles of nerve fibres connects the two hemispheres. The two sides don't operate the same way, yet they work together and assist one another. Humans use both sides of their brains at once.

The preference for one side over the other is not authentic in the brain. The networks on one side are often not more potent than the networks on the other side.

For more such question on brain.


When can a federal judge be impeached?


Judges are classified as "Civil Officers" in Article II, Section 4 even though the Constitution does not explicitly say that they can be impeached and dismissed from their positions.

What is a constitution?

It is a collection of laws and regulations that serves as the government's rule-making manual. The most common term for a government's governing instrument is "constitution." A constitution, as its name suggests, is a set of laws that establishes expectations for how a government would function. Political representatives must follow the guidelines and legislation set in the constitution in order to conduct government business. A constitution, as its name suggests, is a set of laws that establishes expectations for how the government will function. Political representatives must abide by the laws and regulations outlined in the constitution in order to run the government.

To learn more about constitution, visit:


Hillary glances at a graph and then turns her head away less than a second later. when she tries to immediately remember what she saw, which of the following types of memory does hillary use?

a. iconic
b. procedural
c. delcarative
d. implicit
e. echoic


Less than a second later, Hillary gives a graph a quick glance before turning her head aside. She employs iconic sorts of memory when she tries to recall what she saw right away.

Memory is the capacity of the mind to encode, store, and retrieve information or knowledge when required. It is the process of holding onto knowledge throughout time in order to influence future behavior.

Memory plays a crucial part in life by reflecting the past as it was, providing the opportunity to reuse all previous and present experiences, and fostering continuity between what was and what might be.

Hence, the correct answer is "A".

To know more about memory, click here.


true or false? the sinai covenant led the israelites to believe that the messiah would come from the house of david and would save the chosen people from their enemies.


The Davidic covenant led the israelites to believe that the messiah would come from the house of  samuel and would save the chosen people from their enemies is false.

The Covenant of David is the covenant made between King David and God when King David planned to build God a house of cedar trees.

Jesus Christ was called the Son of David, referring to the eternal kingship of the House of David according to David's covenant.

The promise that the House of David and his throne will last forever is significant. Because it is a prophecy that the coming Messiah, especially the Messiah, will come from the house of David.

To know more about King David, here:


Complete question:

True or False? The Davidic covenant led the Israelites to believe that the Messiah would come from the house of Samuel to save the Chosen People from their enemies

according to some studies, people who have religious commitments are more likely to ________.


Accor-ding to some studies, peo-ple who have religious commit-ments are more likely to live longer than do tho-se who do not have religious beliefs.

What Is Religious Belief?

In order to de-fine religious belief, we should start by def-ining religion in gen-eral. Religion is the entire collect-ion of beliefs, values, and prac-tices that a gro-up holds to be the true and sac-red. A group's religious beliefs ex-plain where the peo-ple fit in relation to the uni-verse and how they should be-have while here on Earth.

Religious belief is a cru-cial part of that larger con-cept, and it is distinct from religious prac-tice.

To know more about religious beliefs click below:


Is the process of drawing a conclusion from evidence within the logical framework of an argument?


Reasoning is the process of drawing a conclusion from evidence within the logical framework of an argument.

The justification discusses "why and how" the data supports the assertion. It ought to explain the underlying scientific idea that gave rise to the supporting evidence or data. Posing, investigating, making sense of, and slowly resolving difficulties all require reasoning. It is the environment in which mathematical knowledge grows deeper and more intricate, multifaceted, and interconnected. Induction and abduction, in addition to formal deduction, are two more categories of logical thinking that are frequently distinguished. The capacity of a candidate to comprehend and solve logic-based problems that are expressed in words is referred to as logical reasoning (verbal reasoning).

Learn more about reasoning here:


Social engineers are master manipulators. Which of the following are tactics they might use?

a. Eavesdropping, ignorance, and threatening
b. Keylogging, shoulder surfing, and moral obligation
c. Shoulder surfing, eavesdropping, and keylogging
d. Moral obligation, ignorance, and threatening


Social engineers are master manipulators, Moral obligation, ignorance, and threatening are tactics they might use.

A broad variety of malevolent behaviors carried out through human interactions are referred to as "social engineering." Users are tricked into committing security violations or releasing sensitive information through psychological manipulation. Attacks by social engineers may involve one or more steps.

The goal of social engineering is to persuade a user that you represent a reliable institution. Social engineers frequently attempt to establish rapport by providing easily accessible information, such as a birthdate or phone number, as proof of their legitimacy.

Hence, the correct answer is "D".

To know more about Social engineers, click here.


What are three 3 qualities of an epic hero?



The hero undertakes a dangerous voyage, demonstrating traits – such as courage, loyalty, and honor –that are valued by the society in which the epic originates.


Which quality of speech can a presenter use to most effectively convey their attitude about the topic they're speaking about?


Quality of speech can a presenter use to most effectively convey their attitude about the topic they're speaking about is clarity to make the audinece understand the thought.

What are the important elements of speech delivery?

While delivering the speech the speaker should convey thought clearly so thta the attitude about the topic is clear to the audience without causing any ambiguity.

The body postures and gestures should be appropriate by maintaining balanced eye contact along with movements of hands so that the audience gets the message delivered effectively and engage accordingly.

Learn more about speech delivery, here:


Which of the following is not a clinical protocol?

a. A new nurse orientation checklist
b. A standard order set
c. A decision algorithm
d. A standardized plan of care


A decision algorithm is not a clinical protocol.

A clinical study protocol is a written document that describes the study's objectives, design, methods, assessment types, data collection schedules, and statistical considerations for data analysis. The protocol also describes how to protect subjects and collect high-quality data.

A medical guideline is a document that is intended to guide decisions and criteria in specific areas of healthcare such as diagnosis, management, and treatment. Throughout the history of medicine, such documents have been used for thousands of years.

Hence, the correct answer is "C".

To know more about clinical protocol, click here.


in which year did the federal government experience its highest surplus based on the bar graph?


The federal government experience its highest surplus based on the bar graph in 2009 .

What is called surplus?The quantity of an item or resource that is over the amount that is being actively used is referred to as a surplus. Income, earnings, capital, and products are just a few of the several things that might be referred to as a surplus. A surplus in the context of inventories refers to items that are still unsold and on store shelves.Acknowledging Trade Surplus, When focused simply on trade impacts, a trade surplus indicates that there is strong demand for a nation's products on the world market, which drives up the price of those products and directly strengthens the home currency.

To learn more about Surplus refer to:


What are the three elements of all public policies quizlet?


Kingdon's agenda-setting model describes the three reasons why issues are added to the policy agenda. The model's three elements are issues, politics, problems, and outward participants.

Mandates or regulatory policies limit people's freedom of action or otherwise compel particular behaviours. A professional organization's benefits plan is one example, as are government policies that influence spending on welfare, public education, roads, and public safety.

Theodore J. Lowi, an American political scientist, advocated four different types of policy: distributive, redistributive, regulatory, and constituent,  Public Policy, Case Studies, and Political Theory.

To learn more about policy agenda please click on below link


jeremy was interested in how a group of friends interacted online, but his research has brought out tensions within the group which has ended friendships. this violates which one of the main ethical issues in field research?


Which fundamental principle of field research ethics does this contravene? subjects' discretion. Subjects choose to participate voluntarily.

What is the best definition of research?

Research is a systematic inquiry process that includes data gathering, documentation of important information, analysis, and analysis of that data and information in accordance with appropriate procedures established by particular academic and professional disciplines.

Why is research conducted in the first place?

Action-informing research is its goal. Your research should therefore make an effort to frame its conclusions in the context of the larger body of knowledge. In order to develop knowledge that is usable beyond the research setting, research must constantly be of the highest caliber.

To know more about research visit:


Who was involved in Santa Fe Independent School District v Doe?


The Supreme Court ruled in Santa Fe Independent School District v. Doe, 530 U.S. 290 (2000) that a school policy of starting football games with a prayer led by a nominated student body representative was in violation of the First Amendment's establishment clause.

What was the establishment clause used for?

The government cannot "establish" a religion under the Establishment Clause. It is unclear what the precise meaning of "establishment" is. In the past, this meant that state-sponsored churches like the Church of England were outlawed.

Who won the St Nick Fe versus Doe case?

It decided that a policy that allowed student-led, student-initiated prayer at high school football games was against the First Amendment's Establishment Clause. March 29, 2000 marked the start of oral arguments.

To know more about Independent School visit :-


What are 3 Rights that are in the English Bill of Rights but are not in the US Bill of Rights?


In contrast to the US Bill of Rights, the English Bill of Rights guaranteed freedom from high bail, cruel and unusual punishment, and royal prerogative taxes. It also protected against fines and forfeitures without a trial.

What three rights were outlined in the English Bill of Rights?

In general, the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights were both created in response to contentious circumstances in England; both were acts of rebellion against the British monarchy that reduced the monarchy's power, albeit to varying degrees, and both served to endow people with authority and unique rights.

Moreover, the Bill firmly established the concepts of regular parliaments, free elections, and also the right to free speech in the House of Commons, which is now known as parliamentary privilege. Many of the rights contained in the text, which was originally known as the English Bill of Rights of 1689 and includes the freedom of speech and petition, were eventually included in the First Amendment.

To learn more about English Bill of Rights, visit:


How does empathy help other people?


Empathy is important because it helps us to understand how others feel and react appropriately to situations.

What is Empathy?

Emotions scientists often define empathy as having the ability to sense the emotions of other people while also having the imagination to imagine what other persons could be thinking or feeling. The ability to understand and care about another person's thoughts and feelings is known as empathy. It is different from conveying pity since sympathy requires empathy towards the other people.

Our ability to effectively interact with others, both individually and as a team, is enhanced by empathy. You'll be better able to motivate people, lead them, and cultivate more understanding connections.

To know more about Empathy, visit:


Who is the speaker of the poem who is the speaker addressing?


It indicates who the speaker is addressing. It mostly focuses on the listener that the speaker is speaking to.

Who is the speaker of the poem addressing in the poem?The poem's anonymous narrator, who is speaking to an unidentified audience, is the speaker. The audience for the poem is not stated, leaving room for multiple interpretations.The speaker is encouraging the audience and reminding them to cherish life's special moments. The speaker's use of language generates awe and admiration, and the poem is replete with imagery of the wonders of nature.The speaker exhorts the audience to live life to the fullest and to treasure each and every moment while also speaking of joy and peace.The speaker also discusses the transience of existence and the rapidity of change. The audience is taught to enjoy life's beauty and live each moment as it comes.The speaker also stresses the value of kindness and compassion while pleading with the audience to express gratitude for what they have. The speaker urges the listeners to enjoy life to the fullest through the poem's message of appreciation and hope.

To learn more about the speaker of the poem addressing in the poem refer to:


1. A real estate sales agent may be employed by:


A real estate sales professional may be employed by their broker. A real estate professional must act for a hiring broker; they are not permitted to act alone.

Who is Broker?

A broker is a person or business that stands between a potential investor and a finance sector. Individual investors and trader require the services of trade members since securities exchanges typically accept orders from people or companies who are membership of that exchange. Brokers provide that service and can receive money in a number of ways, including as profits, fees, or cash directly from the exchange.To assist investors in deciding which broker is appropriate for them, Investopedia routinely examines all of the major brokers and keeps a list of the top trading platforms and trading platforms.

Learn more about Broker here:


Which of the following third parties should be involved when the conflicting parties believe they can reach a solution, but need a third party to manage the process?
answer choices

a mediator
a facilitator
an arbitrator
an adjudicator


The option third parties that should be involved when the conflicting parties believe they can reach a solution, but need a third party to manage the process is  facilitator.

What part does the facilitator have in resolving disputes?

A facilitator, mediator, or "process manager" attempts to convene participants in a consensus-building process either in advance of a conflict or following the failure of other approaches to public participation and conflict resolution.

Facilitating is the process of assisting individuals and organizations in coming together to talk about problems that impact them, to argue opposing viewpoints, and to come to an agreement on potential solutions.

Therefore, option B is correct

Learn more about  conflict at:


What are the 5 most important Bill of Rights?


Speech, religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and the ability to petition the government is among the five important freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.

Why is the first Bill of Rights important?

The first ten amendments of the United States Constitution make up the United States Bill of Rights. It basically lays forth the rights of the American people with regard to their government and was adopted as a whole in 1791.

According to the First Amendment, Congress cannot enact laws that restrict the free exercise of religion or that regard religion as an establishment. It safeguards the rights to free expression, the press, assembly, and the filing of complaints with the government. The Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear weapons to all people.

To learn more about Bill of Rights, visit:


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