How can you determine people's attitudes
when they are talking to you?


Answer 1
Sometimes you can determine people’s attitude with there facial expressions or there hand gestures. Hope that helped you

Related Questions

PLS HELP WHAT DOES “shone in with all his glory” MEAN


either looking pretty or being the best you can be

It’s a metaphor. I don’t really know how to describe what it means tho..

Some things that I did over spring break are…

Some things that I wanted to do this spring break are…



I went to a sleepover with my friends

I wanted to go out more but that's really it lol

NO LINKS. please help me :)

Read the sentence below and use context clues to determine the meaning of the word regime:

This new diet regime I am on is very hard to stick with because it is so strict.

Based on the context of this sentence, what is a regime?

A. A government or rule of law
B. A mastery of a particular skill
C. A period of time for a ruler
D. A routine or plan




A routine or plan


When a man proposes to a girl at a basketball game on the Jumbo Tron screen, but she says no is an example of:

Verbal Irony


Situational Irony

Dramatic Irony



Situational Irony


A lyric poem that expresses intense emotions in order to mourn someone's death or
reflect on death itself is called



C. Elegy


An elegy is a poem that reflects upon death or loss. Traditionally, it contains themes of mourning, loss, and reflection.8 nov. 2020

elegybecause it express a mournful poem



Answer: excited, or on the edge of your seat, or suspenseful

Explanation: this is because through the poem it talks about your grandfather driving insane while your in the car, going faster and then slowing the going faster, while you do not know what’s going to happen next.

Does money provide happiness ?



no defenitly not.



Under some circumastances.


lyric do you go to bruner?

Identify two metaphors in “Ode to the West Wind” and explain them.



i am sorry the words arent big enough



"O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn's being" and "Wild spirit which art moving everywhere"


The first line, "Oh wild west wind" is a metaphor, not using like or as,  saying that the wind of the west is the breath of autumn's being. Since the strong wind starts in the autumn, it is saying that autumn in the wind.

The second to last line, "which art is moving everywhere" The art is the way the wind moves, that has it's "own life" to move and do things it wants, its art

white a letter to the editor of a national newspaper complaining about the use of mobile phone by basic school pupils in schools​



To whom it may concern,

                                         I would like to address a rather pressing issue within academic settings in all parts of the world. Students that have access to utilize their cellular devices in an academic setting for non-academic purposes are becoming a major distraction not only to themselves, but to those around them. The use of cellular devices during a time reserved for lectures can inhibit students' abilities to focus and absorb information. There is no reason for students' to have access to their cellphones during the school day unless there is an emergency. It would be greatly appreciated if certain steps were taken to bring this issue to school administrators attention.


Lines 105-111: What do we learn about hale and Danforth characters from their dialogue in these lines


Answer and Explanation:

The lines present an indirect characterization of the characters, where we can know their characteristics through the dialogue.

In this case we can affirm, through the dialogue it is possible to recognize Danforth as a very serious and strict judge, since he demands that the depositions be based on evidence. Hale is very confident, as he believes I have proof for everything he wants to show.

This question is about the play "The crucible" that represents the moment of exteria and religiosity that promoted the Salem trials.

Someone pleaseeeeeee help me ASP pleaseeee pleaseeeeee pleaseeeeee!!






The context clue that best helps the reader understand the meaning of "snowy Kilimanjaro” is

After the snow stopped
to see if there was a lot of snow
had been transformed
I went to get a shovel



D. I went to get a shovel


Edge 2021

The context clue that best helps the reader understand the meaning of "snowy Kilimanjaro” is I went to get a shovel

What is a Context Clue?

This refers to the hints that are given about a given context to give a better understanding of the event.

Here, we can see that context clues were used to show the meaning of "snowy Kilimanjaro” because the narrator picked a shovel which shows that he wanted to shovel snow.

Read more about context clues here:

Which modern citizenship practice has been most influenced by concepts of patriotism and nationalism



Protection of individual rights


on god

The liberal-individualist or sometimes liberal conception of citizenship suggests that citizens should have entitlements necessary for human dignity. It assumes people act for enlightened self-interest.

What is the concept of nationalism and patriotism?

While nationalism emphasizes the unity of cultural past with the inclusion of the language and heritage, patriotism is based on love towards people with a greater emphasis on values and beliefs.

For more information about nationalism, refer to the link:-

What usually happens to main characters by the end of the story?



the main guy loses the fight :)



They grow, change, or learn an important lesson.


It mostly happens.

What new central idea emerges? How does Poe develop this idea in the
conclusion of the story? Cite TWO pieces of strong textual evidence to
support your analysis.
In the tell tale heart


Answer: Here are two short paragraphs to help you with your needs! Take the info of what you need from them!

Poe develops the central idea of obsession in “The Tell-Tale Heart” through his narrator who is disturbed by the old man’s eye. Poe also uses repetition to show the narrator’s preoccupation with the old man’s eye. Poe uses the story’s beginning to reveal the narrator’s obsessive personality. The narrator discusses how the old man’s eye is driving him to murder. “I think it was his eye! Yes, it was this! He had the eye of a vulture.” From there, Poe further uses the narrator’s point of view to develop the narrator’s obsession, as the narrator strategically plots the murder of the old man. For example, the narrator describes in detail the plan he executes every night for “seven long nights,” just to get a glimpse of the old man’s eye. The narrator even says that he is unable “to do the work” on one of those nights because he does not see the narrator’s “Evil Eye.” The narrator’s obsessive nature is further revealed by Poe’s use of repetition. For example, Poe uses repetition to show how slowly and cautiously the narrator is moving, just to get a glimpse of the old man’s eye. “I kept quite still and said nothing. For a whole hour I did not move a muscle, and in the meantime I did not hear him lie down.” Additionally, Poe’s use of repetition reveals how fixated the narrator is on seeing the eye, so he can carry out the murder. “I resolved to open a little—a very, very little crevice in the lantern. So I opened it—you cannot imagine how stealthily, stealthily.”

• Poe develops the central idea of madness by creating an insane narrator to tell his story. Also, Poe uses punctuation to show how mad the narrator is. Poe chooses to begin his story with the narrator explaining himself after the murder has occurred. The narrator makes statements about his condition, saying he was and is “dreadfully nervous” but not insane. However, the narrator’s behavior contradicts his statement, as he exclaims at the reader, “Hearken!” and says he desires to kill the old man because of his eye. “Whenever it fell upon me, my blood ran cold; and so by degrees—very gradually—I made up my mind to take the life of the old man.” Poe uses the narrative point of view to introduce the reader to the narrator’s madness instead of just the story’s action. “It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once conceived, it haunted me day and night.” Additionally, Poe chooses to have the insane narrator tell the story so readers can have access to his internal thoughts, further developing the idea of madness. For example, the narrator thinks he is wise and sneaky, instead of insane, for his detailed murder plans. “Oh you would have laughed to see how cunningly I thrust it in!” These thoughts further reveal his madness. The narrator also admits he has his own terrors. “I say I knew it well. I knew what the old man felt, and pitied him,” showing his madness. Additionally, Poe uses punctuation to show how excited the narrator is, revealing his madness. For example, the narrator talks loudly and excitedly when he thinks he “hears” the dead man’s beating heart: “Oh God! What could I do? I foamed—I raved—I swore!” Poe uses exclamation points to show how crazy the narrator is when he believes he is hearing the dead man’s beating heart.


Hope this helps!! <3

Have a wonderful day! <3

Y’all leave a thanks and rate my answer, it’s always appreciated! <3

Some of the students are concerned that distance learning will replace more traditional college experiences, while others are hopeful that distance learning will improve and expand. Which perspective do you agree with, and why?



I would agree with those who worry that distance learning will replace traditional learning experiences.

This is because though distance learning allows for greater coverage and accessibility of learning, it also foregoes the physical and social aspects of being physically present for classes.


While there is definitely some advantage of distance learning, there is nothing that is at par with a traditional form of learning, Distance learning may make learning more accessible for many people from diverse backgrounds. It also makes it possible for the spread of learning, the possibility for those in the remotest parts of the country to be able to get the same learning as others.

But at the same time, there is the issue of learning on-site. Traditional forms of learning make the learner be present for the actual class and also be socially involved in any of the learning processes. I'm not saying that distance learning does not have any activities for social interaction between the students. But traditional learning system requires the students to go to college, interact with others, work on things together, and be 'present' physically and mentally. Despite what others and many may think, I still prefer the traditional learning experience over distance education. And so, I would side with the students who worry about traditional learning being replaced by distance learning.

If you have convinced your audience to do this in your conclusion, you have been successful.
1. change their mind
2. take action
3. feel
4. smile



2. Take action



I MET a traveller from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert ... Near them, on the sand.
Half sunk, a shattered visage [face] lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command.
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which still survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal these words appear:
"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
Select one piece of evidence that supports the situational irony of the poem.
(10 points)


Boundless and Bare is the answer

Which sentence is correct? *
Oke'Ona has already been brainwashed by McDonald's?
O Ke'Ona has already been brainwashed by mcdonald's.
O Ke'Ona has already been brainwashed by McDonald's.



O Ke'Ona has already been brainwashed by McDonald's.


it seems like this is the right answer because the first one is a question instead of a statement and in the second one, McDonald's isn't capitalized.

According to the excerpt, the reader can draw

conclusions about

_____ by making

inferences based on Balto's behavior.


Hello. You did not show the passage to which the question refers, which makes it impossible for it to be answered. In the meantime, I will try to help.

Inferences are conclusions that are drawn from reading a text. In this case, it is only possible to answer your question by reading the text, however, we know that these conclusions are related to the behavior of a character called Balto. In this case, we can consider that the behavior of a person can bring conclusions about the personality of that character, about the tension level of a scene, about the tone and mood of a text, about the characterization of another character, about the plot stage and many other things.


Icy Water


a. monitor progress through the use of information technology.
21. Ashley is the leader of a virtual team. To increase the effectiveness of her team, Ashley should


Ashley, as the leader of a virtual team, should monitor progress through the use of information technology to increase the effectiveness of her team.

Virtual teams rely heavily on technology to collaborate and communicate since team members are geographically dispersed.

By utilizing information technology tools such as project management software, video conferencing, instant messaging, and online collaboration platforms, Ashley can stay informed about the team's progress, track tasks and deadlines, and foster effective communication among team members.

Monitoring progress through technology allows Ashley to identify any issues or bottlenecks promptly, provide support or guidance where needed, and ensure that the team is working towards its goals efficiently. It also promotes transparency and accountability within the virtual team, contributing to overall effectiveness and success.

To know more about virtual team refer to-


infer what it means to be released from Jonas's society. the giver 1-4​



We are introduced to Jonas, the eleven-year-old protagonist of the story, as he struggles to find the right word to describe his feelings as he approaches an important milestone. He rejects “frightened” as too strong a word, recalling a time when he had really been frightened: a year ago, an unidentified aircraft flew over his community—it was a strange and unprecedented event, since Pilots were not allowed to fly over the community. As Jonas remembers the community reaction to the event, we learn more about the society in which he lives. It is extremely structured, with official orders transmitted through loudspeakers planted all around the community. As a punishment, the pilot was “released” from the community—the worst fate that can befall a citizen. Jonas decides he is apprehensive, not frightened, about the important thing that is going to happen in December. Jonas and his society value the use of precise and accurate language.


It seemed to Turner less and less likely that he would be lighting out for the Territories anytime soon. But as the days went by and he settled into his imprisonment, he was comforted by one thing: who knew how, but he was more and more sure that Lizzie had not lied to him, and that Malaga was as real as real.

And there was one other comfort, and it came from a surprising source. After three days of his absence, Mrs. Cobb appeared at the parsonage to ask if he had been sick. When she found out he wasn't, she asked if Turner might come to her house to play the organ for her. His mother agreed.Turner was not told how Reverend Buckminster came to agree to this, too, and he did not ask.

Turner dawdled on his way down to her house each afternoon. Not that there was much to see. But there was the sea breeze, and the trees were starting to yellow and blush. So he dawdled until he came to the picket fence, and every day Mrs. Cobb was standing at the door waiting for him, scowling and sour.

This excerpt reveals the thoughts and feelings of

A. Lizzie.
B. Turner.
C. Mrs. Cobb.
D. Turner’s mother.


Mrs. Cobb seems to be a difficult woman, scowling and sour. Turner’s mother is not mentioned, so option D is ruled out. The correct option is B. Turner.

The excerpt reveals the thoughts and feelings of Turner as he reflects upon his imprisonment in :From the given excerpt, it can be concluded that the feelings and thoughts that are being expressed are of Turner. He is contemplating his imprisonment and how he is feeling better about the situation because he believes that Lizzie has not lied about Malaga. Another source of comfort for him is that he has been asked to play the organ for Mrs. Cobb at her house. He dawdles on his way to Mrs. Cobb’s house each afternoon, taking in the scenery around him and enjoying the fresh sea breeze.

To know more about Turner visit:-


can you grade my expository essay and tell me what to change if needed..


I think you did great but you forgot to Capitalize Nelson on the first paragraph. There needs to be the comma after 1944 in the second paragraph. These change to those. Hope that helped :D





Avoid using second person in your hook. You can rephrase this by saying:

"Observing someone's speech and behavior gives insight on their personality."

Watch your capitalization! You need to capitalize proper nouns (Nelson Mandela).

You need to put a comma, not a period, before "that is why"

You can improve your thesis. Remove much...your thesis can stand without it. Remove the "that is why" and go straight to "I think."

I like the flow! You have established your ideas, but you need to also map out what I should expect in your body paragraphs. You can do this by introducing each one in one or two sentences between the hook and thesis.

2nd Paragraph:

Tighten your sentences! "All over the world" can be changed to worldwide.

Repetitive. "Iconic" and "icon" in the same sentence? Find a synonym for one of those words and replace it.

Put 'as' before "the son of a tribal leader." (I'm not sure if the same sentence is a run-on. From what I understand it's the tribal leader who achieved these feats?)

"He joined"; The person who takes on this pronoun. Change it to the proper noun of the person you are referring to.

3rd Paragraph:

Find a way to shorten your first sentence!

"...he stepped up the fight"

1) Change he to Mandela

2) Stepped up sounds a bit colloquial(informal)..change it!

Change "aims" to "goals"


Again, avoid using second person (unless your teacher specifically asked for it)!

We can rephrase the first sentence:

"Contributing to positive change in society is admirable in the sense that actions are more powerful than words."

Use the same formula w/ the other sentences that involve first person. (You could also easily change it to 'a person', etc)

Concluding sentence: "Every person has the capability to make a positive difference in their life and in society regardless of age or experience. The proper act to take is performing on one's own volition by pursuing one's dreams and passions."

This is a change you can make to it.

Hope this helped! ^^

An invisible thread chapter 3-4 summary. Please tell me!!


Schroff tells her co-workers about her lunch with Maurice. They congratulate her on being kind but don’t think much of it. Schroff, however, finds she cannot get Maurice out of her head. She wonders what he’s up to now and what brought him to that corner begging for spare change. Thinking about his life or even just imagining the details forces Schroff to take stock of her own life.

ERGENT ASAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite is to best as darkest is to _______.

Which of the following words completes the analogy?






i think the answer is B

Which phrase about covering your sneeze makes the best slogan?

A. Cover your sneeze with a tissue to block germs!
B. Cover your sneeze, prevent disease!
C. Don’t forget to use a tissue!








Activity 2
Directions:Look at the given examples. Write letter D for drama and N for novel.
____1.Written in Black, by K. H LIM(Brunei).
____2.The Road to Wanting,by Wendy Law Yone(Myanmar).
____3.El Filibusterismo, By Jose Rizal(Philippines).
____4.Daulat,by Imran Sheik(Malaysia).
____5.Present Still Perfect, by Aam Anusom Soisa-Ngims(Thailand).



present still perfect, by Aam Anusom soisa -ngisms (Thailand )



I'm not sure but I hope this helps :)

1. N (NOVEL)

2. N (NOVEL)

3. N (NOVEL)

4. D (DRAMA)

5. D (DRAMA)

What do her comments say about Higgins as the archetype of the wise old man the teacher?



Elisa's comments present the tone and words that were taught to her by Higgins. The fact that she tries to follow exactly what Higgins taught, characterizes Higgins as a wise teacher, who is testing the advances of his young apprentice, who is not as well trained as he seems. This shows that Elisa sees him as an old man, a teacher, since she faithfully trusts everything he taught.


This question is about "Pygmalion," a theater play that features florist Elisa, who has not had access to quality education and is unable to speak correctly. She wants to change her life and become a lady, so she seeks out eccentric Professor Higgins to teach her how to speak and behave properly.

Although Higgins sees his dedication to teaching Elisa, an experiment, Eliza sees him as a wise and intelligent man, who must be followed in his teachings, which she tries to follow at all costs, although it does not work out in the beginning.

Higgins presents the archetype of a wise old man, a teacher, as he is an expert in linguistics and has dedicated his life to the study of language. This archetype is reinforced when he keeps Elisa as his apprentice, so that he himself tests his ability to change someone with the power of language.

When the war started, where did Gerda and her family have to live?



Kenmore, New York


she became involved with several local and national charities and spoke about her experiences during the war


She become involved with several local and national charaties and spoke about her experince during the fight.

sana makatulong❤❤

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) A cable car at a ski resort carries skiers a distance of 6. 8 km. The cable which moves the car is driven by a pulley with diameter 3. 0 m. Assuming no slippage, how fast must the pulley rotate for the cable car to make the trip in 12 minutes Consider the line segment LP with endpoint at L (-3, -5) and P (9, 7) and midpoint M.What is the xcoordinate of N, the point that partitions segment MP in a 1 : 1 ratio?A. 4B. -4C. -6D. 6 Ben opened a savingsaccount with $75,Every week he added$20 more. Write onequation to model thissituation. In general, how many variables are there in an experiment? O a. Many including independent and dependent variables n O b. One independent variable and one dependent variable O c. None because experiments are controlled for the best results O d. Moisture and temperature are the only variables SPEAKER ONE: During the Renaissance, the city-states of Northern Italy worked together to manage trade between Europe, Asia, and Africa. By sharing these resources and co-operating, the city-states were able to maximize profit.SPEAKER TWO: During the Renaissance, the city-states of Italy were so small and far apart that they had little contact with each other. Since travel was so difficult and dangerous, each city-state had to be independent to survive. Therefore, they largely did not interact. SPEAKER THREE: During the Renaissance period, the city-states of Italy were highly competitive with each other. Attempts by each city-state to control, or dominate, trade routes and sea ports led to territory disputes and frequent tension and conflict. SPEAKER FOUR: The Renaissance city-states of Italy were all separate municipalities but were all under control of the King who collected taxes, administered funds for development of trade, agriculture and export, while allowing lesser nobility to control local decision-making within their city-state.Which speaker most accurately describes the relationship between the city-states of Italy during the Renaissance period? how do some countries survive in their command economy? Humidity is measured in grams per (blank) what is the theme in carter's holler Please help here the question Rosalina just started a new job. She has $500 in her bank account. Every week, she deposits $40 into her bank account. A) Write an expression to represent how much Rosalina has in her account at any given time using x to represent the number of weeks.I ALREADY SOLVED A BUT I NEED HELP WITH CB) Rosalina wants to save $700 for the new smart tv write and equation to determine how many weeks (x) it will take for rosalina to have enough money to purchase her new tvC) using your equation from b will rosalina have enough money for her new tv in four weeks?also) how would the equation change if rosalina stopped working wasn't able to deposit $40 and had to instead withdraw $40 a week? Which part of your equation would change?please help!THANK YOU!! PLZ HELPPPPPPP AND EXPLAIN BC I HAVE NO CLUE HOW TO DO THISA.) 500B.) 490C.) 21D.) 390 The depth of a river changes after a heavy rainstorm, Its depth, in feet, is modeled as a function of time, in hours. Consider this graph of the function. Enter the average rate of change for the depth of the river, measured as feet per hour, between hour 9 and hour 18. Round your answer to the nearest tenth Write each sentence using the progressive tense for the main verb (in parenthesis) for each one 1. Decir ( to say )Los estudiantes (decir) que no hay mucha tarea.2. Romper ( to break )Los animales (romper) las rejas Swed Cougar's Accounting Services provides low-cost tax advice and preparation to those with financial need. At the end of the current period, the company reports the following amounts: Assets-$17,600; Liabilities - $14,300, Revenues $26.600: Expenses-$32.300 Required: 1. Calculate net loss. 2. Calculate stockholders' equity at the end of the period. What were the communities of monks which spread all over Europe called? 1 point What's the slop of the line with the two points 3,2 and 7,9 Mr. Herman's class is selling candy for a school fundraiser. The class has a goal of raising $500 by selling Cboxes of candy. For every box they sell, they make $2.75.Write an equation that the students could solve to figure out how many boxes of candy they need to sell. An engineering firm specializes in designing wood-framed houses. Which organizations would it be ethical for the owner of that firm to belong to? I. The local Rotary Club II. The local Chamber of Commerce III. A national timber-research foundation IV. A pro-logging lobbying group. a) III only b) All of them. c) I and II. d) III and IV Explain your answer(s): When do ourbodies startmakinghormones?A. before we are bornB. as soon as we are bornC. only when we reach adolescence Don't report me for this I have a message to tell you even if you don't believe in Jesus he believes in you! If you made a mistake the lord won't be happy be he KNOWS you can change it. AMEN TO ALL CHRISTIANS OF THE LORD!!! Jack has been concerned about the rapidly changing green regulations in his state and his ability as a mechanical engineer to keep up with developments in his field relating to green requirements. He wants to talk to his boss about taking a professional sabbatical to increase his knowledge of green mechanical engineering practices. How do you predict Jack will try to convince his boss to agree? (Select all that apply.)a. Identify how greater knowledge of green mechanical engineering areas, such as robotics or waste management, could extend the companys service offerings.b. Explain how a better knowledge of integrated mechanical systems could help the company provide more energy-efficient options to customers.c. Describe how a smarter selection of more efficient, forward-thinking equipment could help the companys bottom line.d. Warn that with regulations and green technology changing so fast, the potential for poor implementation and mistakes is large