How did the Jewish worldview differ from the Canaanite worldview? List at least three differences.


Answer 1


While the Jewish religion began in the Near East, and the Ashkenazi Jews were believed to have origins in the early indigenous tribes of this region, new evidence from mitochondrial DNA,


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Osobliwości pana kleksa





Explanation:Głowa pana Kleksa pokryta była ogromną czupryną, mieniącą się wszystkimi barwami tęczy, i okolona bujną zwichrzoną brodą, czarną jak smoła. Nos zajmował większą część twarzy nauczyciela, był bardzo ruchliwy i przekrzywiony w prawo albo w lewo, w zależności od pory roku. Na nosie tkwiły srebrne binokle, bardzo przypominające mały rower, pod nosem zaś rosły długie sztywne wąsy koloru pomarańczy. Oczy pana Kleksa były jak dwa świderki i, gdyby nie binokle, które je osłaniały, na pewno przekłuwałby nimi na wylot.

Twarz pana Kleksa była upstrzona była piegami, które codziennie zmieniały swe położenie. Wynikało to z roztargnienia uczonego, który na noc je zdejmował i chował do złotej tabakierki, a rankiem, zapomniawszy o ich pierwotnych miejscach, umieszczał w nowych. Nigdy nie rozstawał się ze swoją tabakierką, w której miał mnóstwo zapasowych piegów rozmaitej wielkości i barwy. Jego zdaniem nie było nic piękniejszego niż duże, czerwone lub żółte piegi, które znakomicie działały na rozum i chroniły od kataru.

Pan Kleks był średniego wzrostu. Nikt nie wiedział czy był gruby, czy chudy, albowiem cały tonął w swoim ubraniu. Nosił szerokie spodnie, które chwilami, zwłaszcza podczas wiatru, przypominały balon. Miał obszerny, długi surdut koloru czekoladowego lub bordo, aksamitną cytrynową kamizelkę, zapinaną na szklane guziki wielkości śliwek, sztywny, bardzo wysoki kołnierzyk oraz aksamitną kokardkę zamiast krawata. Szczególną osobliwość stroju pana Kleksa stanowiłykieszenie, których miał niezliczoną ilość. W spodniach można było naliczyć szesnaście kieszeni, w kamizelce zaś dwadzieścia cztery. W surducie była tylko jedna kieszeń przeznaczona dla Mateusza, który miał prawo przebywać w niej, kiedy mu się tylko podobało. W kieszeniach kamizelki pana Kleksa mieściły się rozmaite przedmioty. Była tam flaszka z zielonym płynem, tabakierka z zapasowymi piegami, powiększająca pompka, senny kwas, kolorowe szkiełka, kilka płomyków świec, pigułki na porost włosów, złote kluczyki oraz rozmaite inne osobliwości. Wydawało się, że kieszenie nie miały dna, a właściciel może w nich schować wszystko, co tylko zechce. Na specjalne okazje pan Kleks zakładał tabaczkowy frak z zielonymi wyłogami.Codziennie wieczorem pan Kleks młodniał i zmieniał się w niemowlę. Gdy wstawał rano za pomocą pompki powiększającej zmieniał się do normalnych rozmiarów, a dzięki pastylkom na porost włosów przybierał swój normalny wygląd. Na pierwsze śniadanie pan Kleks zjadał zazwyczaj kilka kulek z kolorowego szkła i popijał je zielonym płynem. Był to płyn, który przywracał nauczycielowi pamięć, bo podczas snu pan Kleks wszystko zapominał.

Dyrektor Akademii jadał tylko to, co było kolorowe, a więc motyle, kwiaty, różne kolorowe szkiełka oraz potrawy, które sam malował na smaczny kolor. Kleks częstował gości pigułkami na porost włosów, które sam miał zwyczaj nieustannie łykać. Największą jego pasją było przesiadywanie godzinami w fotelu lub w powietrzu i wiązanie supełków na szpulkach czarnych nici, które uczniowie przygotowywali podczas lekcji przędzenia. W ten sposób przepuszczał litery przez palce i mógł przeczytać całą książkę, nie męcząc wzroku. Na lekcje Kleks zjeżdżał po poręczy, siedząc na niej jak na koniu i przytrzymując sobie oburącz binokle na nosie. Potrafił także wjeżdżać na górę wcześniej nabrawszy powietrza w usta. Nieodzowną część pożywienia pana Kleksa stanowiły motyle, szczególnie drugie śniadanie nie mogło się bez nich obejść.

mam nadzieje że pomogłam :)

Which of the following statements is true about narrative text?

A: It is only written to entertain or inform readers.
B: It has so many purposes there is no clear definition.
C: It may inform, persuade, entertain, inspire, or teach.
D: It has no purpose other than to persuade people to buy it.



the answer is c. because it can be to any audience. it can be fiction or nonfiction

What degree must the sum of the angles at each vertex in a tessellation equal?
b. 324
d. 360
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


The answer is option d 360




i just did the test 2021 promise if it isnt right then you have a different question and i would take a pivcture and show proof if i could. ps....your very welcome!

2.3 Highlight THREE benefits of effective time management skills in preparation for
an examination​



1. Avoid Pressure.

Effective time management when preparing for an exam will ensure that your study time is structured in such a way that you can read at your own pace and won't feel pressure to study faster or cover more material. This will allow you to retain information better.

2. More time for Revision.

It is very important that after reading through material that you give yourself time to go over that material so that you may retain the information better. Effective time management will ensure that you give yourself this revision time and thus increase your chances of passing.

3. Better health.

Lack of effective time management when studying can bring about stress which can lead to other health problems both short and long term. Digestive problems, migraines and exhaustion are but a few examples. Effective time management will help you avoid such so it is very important.

Question 1(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points) (09.03 LC) Fairy tales typically use ________ as characters. gods and goddesses historical figures ordinary people royalty and magical creatures



historical figures

plz mark me as brainliest!!!

what can Hospitality Industry do to minimize the effect of corona



bu limiting the number of guest and maintaining social distance

Providing wash stations so people can wash before entering the restaurant and after eating. Providing sanitizer at tables. Place tables at least 1.5 m apart

Which of the following is true about first-person point of view?

A: It uses the word I, and one character tells the story.
B: It uses the word you and makes the reader feel a part of the story.
C:The narrator is not part of the story and only states the characters' actions and speech.
D: The narrator is not part of the story and knows what every character is thinking and feeling.



A. It uses the word I, and one character tells the story


What can the reader infer from these plot events?



From these plot events, the reader can infer that the protagonist is in a difficult situation and must find a way to overcome the obstacles in order to achieve their goals. They may also infer that the protagonist will face challenges, learn from their mistakes, and ultimately come out triumphant.


i cant see the image. im gueesing

Choose the best form of the word Quintus to fill in the blank in the following sentence:

Flavius tabulam ___________ spectat.

Translate the following sentence from Latin into clear, idiomatic English:
pueri fabulam magistri audiunt.

Translate the following Latin sentence into clear, idiomatic English:
principes consilium Ulixis accipiunt.



Its Quintum


Because the accusative form of the subject becomes nominative so the nomnative case then becomes into Quintum.

Search the internet for appropriate Deaf-created vlogs, videos, or reputable articles that discusses the Deaf Culture's view of one of the following topics The effects of aging, region, and other variations on ASL and how/why signs are varied How do signs change over time? Who decides what a sign will be? The history and development of Black ASL How have the language and Black Deaf Culture evolved and how does their history differ from white ASL and Deaf Culture? Is there still a Black ASL that is used? If so, where is it used and why? Causes of Deaf Blindness, methods of communicating for the Deaf Blind community. haptics, and additional support services/equipment required by this community. Define audism, the Deaf culture view, some examples of how audism affects the Deaf. ideas of now it can be stopped. once you have done your research write a paper to detail your responses and findings. NEED THIS ASAP PLSSS(MAX POINTS).​


The answers on appropriate Deaf-created vlogs, videos, or reputable articles that discusses the Deaf Culture's view are given below

What is this community about?

The Deaf community and Deaf culture have a rich and complex history, and there are many aspects of this community and culture that can be explored. Here are some resources that may be helpful in learning about the topics you have listed:

The effects of aging, region, and other variations on ASL and how/why signs are varied:

The Deaf community is a diverse group of people, and ASL can vary based on a variety of factors, including age, region, and personal style. For example, older Deaf individuals may use different signs than younger Deaf individuals, and signs may also vary based on the region in which they are used.

The history and development of Black ASL:

Black ASL is a dialect of American Sign Language (ASL) that has developed within the Black Deaf community in the United States.

Causes of Deaf Blindness, methods of communicating for the Deaf Blind community, haptics, and additional support services/equipment required by this community:

Deaf blindness refers to a condition in which an individual is both deaf and blind, and it can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, medical conditions, and accidents.

Define audism, the Deaf culture view, some examples of how audism affects the Deaf, and ideas of how it can be stopped:

Audism is a form of discrimination or prejudice against individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. It is often characterized by the belief that being able to hear and speak is superior to being deaf

Learn more about Deaf Culture's view  from


Please answer all 3! I will give brainliest and many points



For the first question its "Quinto"

Second question is going to be "Hear the teacher's story."

Third question is going to be "take the heads of a suggestion of Ulysses."


Hope this helps!! :)

Как узнать, пользуется ли кто-нибудь переводчиком? Спрашивает друга.


How do I know if someone is using a translator? Asks a friend.

6. Choose two of the documents and write a short essay evaluating the United States' role in the organizations they represent. In your response, be sure to compare and contrast the ways the United States supports the goals described in each document. Document 1:
Article 1 : The Parties undertake, as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations, to settle any international dispute in which they may be involved by peaceful means. . . .
Article 2 : The Parties will contribute toward the further development of peaceful and friendly international relations by strengthening their free institutions, by bringing about a better understanding of the principles upon which these institutions are founded, and by promoting conditions of stability and well-being. They will seek to eliminate conflict in their international economic policies and will encourage economic collaboration between any or all of them. —North Atlantic Treaty1

Document 2: The Government of Canada, the Government of the United Mexican States and the Government of the United States of America, resolved to: STRENGTHEN the special bonds of friendship and cooperation among their nations; CONTRIBUTE to the harmonious development and expansion of world trade and provide a catalyst to broader international cooperation; CREATE an expanded and secure market for the goods and services produced in their territories; . . . ESTABLISH clear and mutually advantageous rules governing their trade; . . . CREATE new employment opportunities and improve working conditions and living standards in their respective territories; . . . STRENGTHEN the development and enforcement of environmental laws and regulations; and PROTECT, enhance and enforce basic workers' rights; —Preamble, North American Free Trade Agreement2

Document 3: WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS DETERMINED: to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignityand worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and . . .
to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security. . . .

—United Nations Charter3


Answer: The United States plays a significant role in both the North Atlantic Treaty and the North American Free Trade Agreement, two international organizations that aim to promote peace and economic cooperation.

The North Atlantic Treaty, also known as the NATO Treaty, is a military alliance that was established in 1949. The United States is one of the original signatories of the treaty and has been an active member ever since. The treaty aims to promote peace and stability in the North Atlantic region by strengthening the free institutions of its member countries and encouraging economic collaboration. The United States supports the goals of the NATO Treaty by contributing military resources to the alliance and participating in joint military operations to maintain international peace and security.

The North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA, is a trade agreement that was signed by the United States, Canada, and Mexico in 1992. The agreement aims to create an expanded and secure market for goods and services produced in the member countries, establish clear and mutually advantageous rules governing trade, create new employment opportunities, and improve working conditions and living standards in the member countries. The United States supports the goals of NAFTA by engaging in trade with Canada and Mexico and by promoting economic cooperation and development in the region.

In contrast to the NATO Treaty and the NAFTA, the United Nations is a global organization that was established in 1945 with the goal of promoting international peace and cooperation. The United States is one of the original member countries of the United Nations and has played a significant role in the organization from its inception. The United States supports the goals of the United Nations by participating in international peacekeeping missions, promoting human rights and democracy, and working to address global challenges such as poverty and climate change.

Overall, the United States plays a key role in supporting the goals of both the NATO Treaty and the NAFTA, as well as the United Nations. While the specific goals of these organizations vary, the United States is committed to promoting peace, stability, and economic development in the regions and on the global stage.

if the court allows someone with a first operating under the influence (oui) conviction to complete an alcohol education course , what happens to the license suspension ?



For a first OUI, the driver must complete one year of probation, a driver alcohol education course, and possibly drug and alcohol treatment. The driver's license will be suspended for 45 to 90 days (210 days if the driver is under 21 years old). The court can also order up to 30 hours of community service.


what is the goal of descriptive statistics?


Descriptive statistics can be useful for two purposes: 1) to provide basic information about variables in a dataset and 2) to highlight potential relationships between variables. The three most common descriptive statistics can be displayed graphically or pictorially and are measures of: Graphical/Pictorial Methods. :)

1. aso
Kahulugan :


Answer: i dont speak your language but thanks for points ><


Preciso de uma Redação com mínimo 15 linhas.
Invente uma história, utilizando os elementos seguintes: Um homem, uma mulher, barulho de pancadas, sala sem luz e noite chuvosa.


Answer: head spinning no kidding


Why do you think it is necessary to create a list of references by using a standard style (such as APA)?


It is necessary to create a list of references by using a standard style such as APA because this makes easier for readers to understand the source cited and access it.

What is a list of references?

This is a listed added at the end of a formal document that lists all the sources that were cited or used in the creation of the document. This list usually shows all the sources alphabetically and it shows complete information of each including:

AuthorsTitle of the sourcePublication yearURL in case the document can be found in the web

Why is it important to follow a specific style?

Depending on the style the order of the information in each source can be different. This implies using different styles would be confusing for the readers and it would be more difficult to find the original source.

Learn more about citing in:


un adjetivo calificativo: lapicero, mascota, escuela, libro.


Lapicero (liviano,pesado,grande,pequeño)
Mascota ( travieso, esponjoso, adorable)
Escuela ( importante, Grande, Educativo)
Libro ( El libro antiguo)

Un adjetivo calificativo para lacipero puede ser 'el lapicero es hermoso' o en referencia al libro puede ser 'el libro es interesante'.

¿Qué cosa es un adjetivo calificativo?

Un adjetivo calificativo es una descricpión para un determinado sustantivo (por ejemplo, la escuela).

Los adjetivo calificativos en estos casos pueden ser la mascota es grande, la escuela es diferente y el libro es interesante.

En conclusión, un adjetivo calificativo para lacipero puede ser 'el lapicero es hermoso' o en referencia al libro puede ser 'el libro es interesante'.

Aprende mas sobre adjetivos aquí:


The following picture is an example of..




There is no picture, repost it.

degree despite After one has completed a bachelor's degree, what are the next THREE degrees one can obtain if accepted?​



After a bachelor's degree comes the Master's degree, the Professional degree, and the Doctoral degree.

Personal Note:

I hope this helps!

The degrees of studies that can be obtained after the bachelor's degree are:

Master's Doctorate Post-doctorate

What are the levels of Higher Education?

The levels of higher education, known as master's, doctorate and post-doctorate, allow the highest level of study to be reached, while the person carries out research and experiments in order to contribute to future education.

Such education, in the aggregate, can take about ten years after the bachelor's degree.

More information about Education:

पुढीव वाक्यातील नामे शोधून लिहा.
वाक्य :- बागेतल्या विहिरीचे पानी दोन-दोन तास रहाटेने ओनन फुलझाडांना, फळझाडांना घालत असू:​



प्रश्न अपूर्ण


Leia o trecho abaixo e assinale a alternativa que julgar adequada.
Na oração "essa divindade nos dá golpes tão fortes de realidade e parte nossos
sonhos", há uma oração coordenada sindética explicativa, pois exprime "justificativa".
Na oração "essa divindade nos dá golpes tão fortes de realidade e parte nossos
sonhos", há uma oração coordenada sindética aditiva, pois exprime "acréscimo".
Na oração "essa divindade nos dá golpes tão fortes de realidade e parte nossos
sonhos", há uma oração coordenada sindética comparativa, pois exprime "comparação".
Na oração "essa divindade nos dá golpes tão fortes de realidade e parte nossos
sonhos", há uma oração coordenada sindética consecutiva, pois exprime "consequência".
Na oração "essa divindade nos dá golpes tão fortes de realidade e parte nossos
sonhos", há uma oração coordenada sindética conclusiva, pois exprime "conclusão".



A⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣nswer i⁣⁣⁣⁣s i⁣⁣⁣⁣n a p⁣⁣⁣⁣hoto. I c⁣⁣⁣⁣an o⁣⁣⁣⁣nly u⁣⁣⁣⁣pload i⁣⁣⁣⁣t t⁣⁣⁣⁣o a f⁣⁣⁣⁣ile h⁣⁣⁣⁣osting s⁣⁣⁣⁣ervice. l⁣⁣⁣⁣ink b⁣⁣⁣⁣elow!




Na oração "essa divindade nos dá golpes tão fortes de realidade e parte nossos sonhos", há uma oração coordenada sindética consecutiva, pois exprime "consequência".


como foi dito na pergunta acima, uma oração coordenada sindética consecutiva é aquela que, de forma subordinada, apresenta uma conseuqencia, um efeito.

Podemos considerar a frase "essa divindade nos dá golpes tão fortes de realidade e parte nossos sonhos" uma uma oração coordenada sindética consecutiva porque ela apresenta uma consequencia que acotece quando sonhamos, como se sonhar fosse um pecado que precisa apresentar um castigo como consequencia.

Pagdurusa,pighati,dalamhati,lumbay,lungkot ano ang pagkakasunod ayon sa sidhi ng damdamin







Alcătuieste două propozitii in care si el sa aiba doua înțelesuri diferite



Așa că dați propoziții în felul în care „el” are semnificații diferite?


Translate into English
ফুলটি ফুটিতে ফুটিতে ফুটিল না আর আমারও বড় হবো বলে বলে বড় হয়ে উঠা হলনা।



The flower did not bloom in bloom and I did not grow up because I wanted to grow.

What is the name for the consonant sounds at the beginning of a syllable?
a. onset
b. phoneme
c. rime
d. start


The answer is B phoneme hope this helps

how to say goodbye in french



Au revoir


I had like a flashback to my french classes and I’m supposed I can still say that.

Au revoir is how you say goodbye in French

when developing a website, what is true about the use of language? question 13 options: 1) english should be used, as it is the most universal language. 2) it is not necessary to use multiple languages because the customer will bridge the language gap. 3) simple translation of web pages is sufficient to reach foreign markets. 4) language and culture do not impact a website's message in any significant way. 5) a country-specific (and language-specific) website may make the diffe


When developing a website, the true option about the use of language is that 5. country-specific (and language-specific) website may make the differenct.

What is language?

A structured system of communication is language. A language's grammar is its structure, and its vocabulary is its free-form elements. Humans primarily communicate through languages, which can be expressed in a number of ways, including spoken, sign, and written language.

Language change is a phenomenon where over time, a language's characteristics and usage change permanently. All natural languages undergo change, which has an impact on all aspects of language use.

In conclusion, based on the information illustrated, the correct option is 5.

Learn more about languages on:


मनवा का भाववाचक संज्ञ बनाइए​


Do you understand or know English? This made no sense when I translated it.
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