How do animals depend on photosynthesis? check both responses that correctly answer this question.


Answer 1

Through the process of photosynthesis, plants create food, and since animals need energy, they eat the food that plants have produced. Additionally, plants release oxygen, which animals may then take in and breathe.

All of the energy needed by living things is produced during photosynthesis. Animals that consume plants get their energy from the sugar that plants store, and animals that eat those plants get their energy from the animals that eat those animals. As a result, photosynthetic organisms continue to provide the energy necessary to sustain all layers of a food web.

know more about photosynthesis here


Related Questions

How do you calculate capillary size?


To calculate and determine the capillary size, picture a liquid droplet at the location where gravity and surface tension are balanced.

Gravity and surface tension are related by a length scaling factor known as the capillary length or capillary constant. It is a fundamental physical characteristic that determines how menisci behave and is present when surface forces (Laplace pressure) and body forces (gravity) are in equilibrium. The manipulation of numerous other physical phenomena can also be used to determine the capillary length. Focusing on capillary action, which is the attraction of a liquid's surface to an adjacent solid, is one strategy.

Learn more about Capillary


the enzyme(s) called __________ break(s) down the substrate called __________.


The enzyme(s) called peptidases break(s) down the substrate called proteins.

Peptidases are the digestive enzymes that can break down the large proteins into smaller peptides or even single amino acids. This process is known as proteolysis. The enzyme is produced in the small intestine of the digestive system.

Proteins are the biomolecules made up of amino acid as the monomers. These are the functional forms of genes that are involved in every function of the body. The proteins are synthesized in the cytoplasm of the cell where ribosomes are present. Proteins are involved in functions like signaling, enzymatic, transport, etc.

To know more about peptidases, here


How do diabetes affect the Nervous System, Eyes and Kidneys?


Diabetes cause neuropathy, retinopathy and nephropathy which are abnormalities of nervous system, eyes and kidney respectively.

The blood vessel clusters in your kidneys that filter waste from your blood can get damaged if diabetes is not well managed. High blood pressure and renal damage may result from this. By putting more strain on the kidneys' sensitive filtering system, high blood pressure can exacerbate existing kidney disease.

One in two patients with type 2 diabetes have already suffered eye, renal, or cardiac problems. If they experienced issues with blood sugar regulation prior to being diagnosed, the damage is more likely. Because blood sugar levels are not properly managed in diabetes, blood vessels become damaged.

For more information on diabetes kindly visit to


the ______ is fenestrated.


A hole in the tracheostomy tube's shaft that is above the curvature and, thus, above the cuff of a cuffed trach tube is known as a fenestration.

A fenestration's function is to enable airflow past the vocal cords and upward. A tracheostomy patient cannot create voice without airflow via the vocal cords. How a Voice is Produced has further details about voice production.

It is not necessary to have a fenestration in order to speak with a tracheostomy tube, although it will probably make speaking louder and easier. See Speaking with a Tracheostomy Tube for more details.

Although a fenestrated tube can greatly ease speaking for tracheostomy patients, it's crucial to realise that in order to fully benefit from the fenestration, you must also utilise a fenestrated inner cannula. Standard, non-fenestrated inner cannulas will obstruct the fenestration, obstructing the benefits of airflow as well (most common).

To learn more about fenestration, refer:


The ability of a microbe to move into host tissues is its?


A microbe's capability to cause disease is known as pathogenicity whereas a pathogen's relative capacity to penetrate and damage host tissues is known as virulence.

Another bacterium that invades intestinal cells with invasions and spreads to neighboring cells using actin-based motility is Listeria monocytogenes. It can move through the host cell at a speed of about 1.5 m per second thanks to its actin-based motility.

In biology, virulence is the term used to describe an organism's capacity to cause disease. The word "virulent" derives its meaning from its origin, which is "full of poison" or "toxin." A comparable term, "virulent," is used to describe a disease as being extremely toxic.

It asserts that "germs," often known as pathogens, can lead to disease. These tiny organisms are too small to be seen without a magnifying lens, thus they invade humans, other animals, and other living hosts. Through the growth and reproduction of their hosts, they can spread disease.

To know more about microbe


How do you write an observation of seed germination?


It influences both crop yield and quality  for better observation of seed germination.

The  fundamental process by which different plant species grow from a single seed into a plant , seed germination is the sprouting of a seedling from a seed of an angiosperm or gymnosperm , in which the seeds have the ability to germinate in the presence of moisture ,air ,and light under the right temperature ,  and even  in the absence of soil . It starts the growth process by activation of enzymes. The seed activates its internal physiology and starts to respire and initiates for the production of  proteins and metabolizes the stored food. This is a lag phase of seed germination. On rupturing of the seed coat, radicle emerges to form a primary root. The seed starts absorbing underground water.

In the final stage of seed germination, the cell of the seeds become metabolically active, elongates and divides to give rise to the seedling.

To know more about, Sprouting click here:


What are the 4 common characteristics shared among living things?



Living things have a variety of characteristics that are displayed to different degrees: they respire, move, respond to stimuli, reproduce and grow, and are dependent on their environment.

Is monggo good for stomach?


Monggo is beneficial for the stomach. Soluble fiber and carbohydrate in mung beans help to control digestion.

Therefore, compared to other legumes, moong beans' carbohydrate content is less prone to cause flatulence. Mung beans also include a lot of protein and fiber. Additionally, it is abundant in antioxidants, which reduce blood pressure. It also has various characteristics that help to regulate blood sugar levels.

Nevertheless, it should not be consumed by those who have issues with their kidneys or gallbladder. Oxalate, a substance found in mung beans, prevents the body from properly absorbing calcium. Therefore, those who are calcium deficient should stay away from it. Additionally, as they are difficult to digest, one should chew them thoroughly.

Learn more about Calcium here:


Can two different snails breed?


Yes, different species of snails can occasionally produce hybrids. They may  have hybrid offspring too.

Can two different snails breed?

Freshwater snails are often hermaphrodites and we say that they carry both sperm and eggs and can reproduce without the help of another snail. But some breeds, like apple snails, require both male and female for fertilization.

Snails produce up to six batches of eggs in a single year. During the mating process each snail lays approx. 80 eggs about 3-6 days after mating. Each snail digs then a 2–4cm hole in the soil with its foot to lay the eggs which will hatch in two weeks.

To know more about snails, refer


Name the two types of muscle groups that are used in summation of force. Which muscle group is used first in a physical activity? name two muscles in each muscle group. What are the two muscle groups' functions?.


The two types of muscle groups that are used in summation of force are

Core muscles and

Quadricep muscles

Summation of force

The summation of force is the combination of the timing and sequencing of large muscles to form a small formidable muscle. the quadricep muscles are the largest muscles and are very much applicable in sporting activities such as Shot put.

Hence we can conclude that the  two types of muscle groups that are used in summation of force are core muscles and quadricep muscles

What causes a point mutation?


The point mutation arises due to errors in the replication of DNA.

The single base pair in the DNA sequence that is altered in a point mutation. This may induce changes in gene expression.   Although DNA alteration, for as by exposure to X-rays or UV radiation, can also cause point mutations, mistakes occurred during DNA replication are most usually the cause of point mutations.

Transition mutations and transversion mutations are the two different forms of point mutations. Transition mutations happen when a purine base replaces another purine base or when a pyrimidine base replaces another pyrimidine base. Transversion mutations, on the other hand, take place when a pyrimidine base is changed into a purine base or vice versa.

Hence, point mutation is single base pair change which alter protein structure.

To know more about Gene.


What part of the body is most painful to get a tattoo?


Neck and Spine are the two most painful body parts to get a tattoo.

Tattoos are one of the most popular kind of body art across the world. According to a 2010 research, 38 percent of persons aged 18 to 29 had had tattoos at least once in their life.

Tattooing is the process of repeatedly piercing the top layer of your skin with a sharp needle that has been colored. Getting a tattoo is always uncomfortable, albeit various people feel varying amounts of agony.

Biologically masculine people experience and cope with pain differently than biologically feminine people. Furthermore, different regions of the body suffer varying degrees of discomfort when tattooed.

learn more about tattoo at


QUESTION 1 10 points Save Answer Biologists report that homosexual behavior among nonhuman animals is a. found only in primates. b. nonexistent c. extremely rare. d. widespread.

QUESTION 2 10 points Save Answer Alan Goldman and Igor Primoratz affirm that sexual behavior O a. is always moral. b. cannot be immoral merely because it is sexual. c. cannot be labeled. d. can never be immoral.

QUESTION 3 10 points Save Answer In a recent public opinion poll percent of respondents said they believe that it is morally acceptable for a man and woman to have sex berore marriage. a. 66 b.40 c. 25 d. 90

QUESTION 4 10 points Save Answer According to Alan Goldman, sexual desire is desire for contact with another person's body and for the pleasure that such contact produces. True False

QUESTION 5 10 points Save Answer The notion that as long as basic moral standards are respected, any sexual activity engaged in by informed, consenting adults is permissible is known as the view. a. hedonistic b. conventional c. moderate d. liberal

QUESTION 6 10 points Save Answer The moderate view says that sex is morally acceptable only between one man and one woman who are married to each other by legal authority. True False

QUESTION 7 10 points Save Answer A utilitarian is likely to sanction many kinds of sexual activity provided that such activities do not use people as a means to an end. True False

QUESTION 8 10 points Save Answer A 2008 study showed that teenagers who pledge to remain virgins until marriage are just as likely to have premarital sex as those who do not promise abstinence, and they are significantly less likely to use condoms and other forms of birth control when they do. If we assume that the goal of such pledges is to reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies, what would a utilitarian determine should be done? a. These pledges should be discouraged. b. These pledges are unnatural.

QUESTION 8 10 points Save Answer A 2008 study showed that teenagers who pledge to remain virgins until marriage are just as likely to have premarital sex as those who do not promise abstinence, and they are significantly less likely to use condoms and other forms of birth control when they do. If we assume that the goal of such pledges is to reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies, what would a utilitarian determine should be done? a. These pledges should be discouraged. b. These pledges are unnatural. It does not matter one way or the other whether the pledges continue. d. These pledges should be encouraged.

QUESTION 9 10 points Save Answer Suppose a married couple openly engages in consensual extramarital sexual activity with other people. According to Thomas Mappes's Kantian view of sexuality, the sexual behavior of this couple would be permissible overall except for the use of contraception. b. impermissible. c. permissible overall except for oral sex. d. permissible. QUESTION 10 10 points Save Answer The conventionalist and the liberal take opposing views on the moral permissibility of a. domestic life. O b. love. c. marriage. d. homosexuality.


He goes on to add that in the animal kingdom, being entirely gay is "exceptionally rare." You should be aware that there is currently no evidence to support the idea that your dog or cat is gay, at least not in the way that humans define homosexuality. Thus, option C is correct.

What homosexual behaviour among nonhuman animals?

According to biologists, gay behaviour is common in nonhuman animals. Many human pursuits (including skydiving and coin collecting) deviate from the statistical norm, and as a result, they are occasionally thought to be unnatural.

Therefore, This fact implies that immoral behaviour is not always associated with unnatural activity.

Learn more about homosexual here:


Natural selection can be defined as__. the evolution of a population of organisms a process in which changes in gene frequencies result from evolution the production of more offspring than can survive in a given environment a process in which organisms with certain inherited traits are more likely to survive and reproduce than individuals with other traits What did Darwin find in South America that suggested that the Andes mountains had been gradually lifted up over millions of years? bird fossils at the top of mountains in Argentina dinosaur bones in the Amazon basin marine snail fossils high up in the Andes mountains impressions of ocean waves at the top of a mountain Which of the following is a component of the fossil record? the distribution of murid rodents in Australia and Asia the similarity of the forelimbs of cats and bats molecular sequences bones of extinct whales The oldest known fossils are from about years ago. 3.5 billion 6,000 4.0 million 1.0 billion Homology is evidence of__. biogeography convergent evolution natural selection common ancestry Which of the following is a population? the termites infesting your house along with the microorganisms living in their guts all of the termites that have ever lived all organisms living in your house the termites infesting your house


The process through which populations of living things adapt and change is known as natural selection. A population's members are naturally varied, which means that they are all distinctive in some ways.

Because of this variety, some people have characteristics that suit their surroundings more than others. An evolutionary mechanism is natural selection. Environment-adapted organisms have a higher chance of surviving and dispersing the genes that contributed to their success. Over time, this mechanism leads to the evolution and divergence of species.

In contrast to "artificial selection," which refers to practises like purposeful cross-breeding and selection for qualities that are appealing to people, "natural selection" refers to the process of choosing organisms with particular traits that is entirely motivated by nature.

To learn more about natural selection please click on below link


How are genes organized in DNA?


Typically, the genes are organized in DNA in the form of chromosomes. Chromosomes are structures that resemble threads and are found inside the nucleus of plant and animal cells.

A gene is the fundamental physical and useful unit of heredity. DNA is what makes up genes. Some genes serve as instructions for making proteins, which are molecules. However, a lot of genes don't make proteins.

Genes are found on these chromosomes. Protein and a single molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) make up each chromosome. DNA contains the specific instructions that give each living thing its individuality and are passed down from parents to children. Chromosomes, which are made up of long strands of DNA, contain many genes. Each gene has its own locus (plural locus) on the chromosome, and each chromosome has its own sequence of genes.

Know more about chromosomes here:


Why snails can change gender?


Snail can change their gender as they are obligate hermaphrodites. They have both male and female reproductive organs and are able to produce sperm and eggs while mating with a partner.

Why snails change gender?

Snails which are called slipper limpets begin life as males and become female as they grow. A new study shows that when two males are kept together and can touch each other, the larger one changes to female sooner but the smaller one later.

Slipper snails start life as males and change to female and this strategy is called sequential hermaphroditism. These snails change gender when they reach certain size, depending on the gender of other slipper snails around.

To know more about gender of snails, refer


What happens if mutations occur in somatic cells?


if mutations occur in somatic cells could result in either nothing or a malfunction that could cause cancer or the death of the cell.

Somatic cells will be cells of the body. They develop and perform their functions within the body, but they do not reproduce. Microbe cells are sex cells, similar to sperm and eggs, and are associated with multiplication in the body.

A mutation that occurs in somatic cells could lead to nothing, a malfunction that could lead to cancer or the cell's death. DNA changes are mutations. However, because the genetic code is redundant, some mutations do not alter the protein product. The cell does not change in this instance. In other instances, the protein product undergoes a change, impairing the cell's functionality.

Know more about Somatic cell here:


What is the relationship of cardiovascular fitness to physical activity?


The relationship of cardiovascular fitness to physical activity is that regular physical activity leads to improved cardiovascular health.

Physical activity is defined as any voluntary fleshly movement produced by cadaverous muscles that requires energy expenditure. Physical activity encompasses all conditioning, at any intensity, performed during any time of day or night. It includes both exercise and incidental exertion integrated into diurnal routine.

Your cardiovascular health, also called your cardiorespiratory fitness( CRF), says a lot about your health and the eventuality for health issues. Simply put, CRF measures how well your body takes in oxygen and delivers it to your muscles and organs during dragged ages of exercise.

To learn more about physical activity here


________ designs must have a focal area.


Framing is the correct answer, In design, a focal point is something that stands out in a room. It catches your attention. It's a subtle detail, similar to the "come hither my darling" in the design of your room.

Whether we're designing a one-of-a-kind custom home, working on a large-scale renovation, or furnishing + styling your living room (which, by the way, has a lot of potential), a focal point is that special detail in a space around which everything else is anchored.

As a result, it is critical that you not only get the focal point right, but also fully understand and know exactly how to design around it.

So, if a focal point is essential in design and every room requires one,

To learn more about focal point please click on below link


CSF then flows down the cerebral ____________ to the fourth ventricle.


CSF then flows down the cerebral aqueduct to the fourth ventricle.

The ventricles of a brain are a communicating network of cavities within the brain parenchyma that are filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The ventricular system is made up of two lateral ventricles, a third ventricle, a cerebral aqueduct, and a fourth ventricle.

The cerebral aqueduct is a structure inside the brainstem that connects the third and fourth ventricles. It is situated in the midbrain and is surrounded by periaqueductal grey matter (PAG), the with tectum of a midbrain located posteriorly and also the tegmentum anteriorly. It is filled with CSF, and its obstruction causes obstructive hydrocephalus with lateral and third ventricle dilatation only.

To know more about the Ventricles, here


what other variables must you keep constant as you examine the relative rates of photosynthesis and respiration?


The other variables you must keep constant as you examine the relative rates of photosynthesis and respiration are Light intensity and temperature.

During the day, carbon dioxide is absorbed more quickly by photosynthetic processes than it is released by respiration. As a direct consequence of this, photosynthesis generates more oxygen than is required for respiration.

It is influenced by its surroundings, and the temperature, light intensity, and carbon dioxide concentration all have an impact on the rate of photosynthesis. There are three primary influences on photosynthesis. These are the factors: Temperature, carbon dioxide concentration, light irradiance, and wavelength.

Know more about photosynthesis here:


The particles of a substance stay close together but slide past one another
as they move. When thermal energy is added to the substance, the particles
start to move independently of one another. What change in state has
A. Liquid to solid
B. Solid to gas
C. Solid to liquid
D. Liquid to gas



Liquid to gas


As you start to evaporate the liquid it would turn to steam

(gas). This will then let the gas be free to move and spread around the area

there are ___ levels of structural organization within the body.


There are Six distinct levels of structural organization within the body.

The smallest components of matter, such as atoms and molecules, are taken into consideration by scientists while studying the chemical level of organisation. The elements, which include elements like hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, calcium, and iron, are the building blocks of all matter in the universe. Each of these unadulterated substances (elements) has an atom as its smallest unit. Subatomic particles like the proton, electron, and neutron are the building blocks of atoms. Molecules, like the ones found in water, proteins, and carbohydrates in living things, are made up of two or more atoms. All of the components of the human body are composed of molecules.

Learn more about body here:


How does the DNA of the 2 sister chromatids of chromosomes compare?


The genetic sequences of sister chromatids are identical. Sister chromatids occur only after the S (synthesis) phase, when the DNA is replicated in preparation for mitosis or meiosis.

A sister chromatid is a pair of identical copies (chromatids) generated by chromosomal DNA replication, with both copies connected together by a shared centromere.

To put it another way, a sister chromatid is 'one-half' of a duplicated chromosome. A dyad is a pair of sister chromatids.

Because both sisters are the result of semi-conservative DNA replication and so have the same DNA sequence, suitable criteria to identify sister chromatids are not clear.

Learn more about to Sister chromatids visit here;


How are proteins made short answer?


All cells are composed primarily of proteins, which also serve as their basic building blocks. All creatures generate them through a similar two-step process known as protein synthesis in which DNA is first translated into RNA and then into proteins.

An outline of a protein's development.

The method through which cells produce proteins is called protein synthesis. Transcription and translation are the two steps that take place. The conversion of DNA's genetic code into mRNA in the nucleus is known as transcription.

Proteins are made simple in what way?

A ribosome is an intricate collection of molecules that cells employ to assemble proteins. Amino acids are put together by the ribosome in the correct order, and peptide bonds are used to connect them. a lengthy sequence of amino acids known as an is produced by a procedure called translation.

To know more about proteins visit:-


T/F: Restriction enzymes cut only at specific sites and therefore are not useful for microbial identification


FALSE. Recombinant DNA technology and genetic engineering are only illustrations of the many scientific procedures that require restriction enzymes.

An bacteria were isolated protein called a restriction enzyme breaks DNA at specified sequence-specific places to produce DNA fragments with a series of known at each end. Researchers were able to separate gene-containing DNA fragments and recombine them with other DNA molecules to create genes by using enzymes that could cut DNA at exact spots. DNA is divided into smaller pieces in the lab using restriction enzymes or restriction endonucleases. Always, particular nucleotide sequences are the sites of the incisions. Different DNA sequences are recognized and cut by various restriction enzymes.

Learn more about restriction enzyme


Where does your body get the energy for reattaching a third phosphate to ADP, creating ATP?
answer choices

from the sun

usually from carbs

from nucleic acids

from breaking ATP


Body get the energy for reattaching a third phosphate to ADP, creating ATP usually from carbs.

Breaking down the food molecules releases the energy that was keeping them together, and the cell temporarily stores that released energy for the re-building process.

Each of these food kinds necessitates a distinct breakdown process, which we'll discuss later, but the purpose is the same: release the energy that kept those food molecules together so that it may be stored in a form that the cell can utilize later to construct what it needed. The cell contains a specific type of molecule called ATP for storing that energy.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is a vital chemical found in all living organisms. Consider it the "energetic currency" of the cell. When a cell requires energy to complete a job, the ATP molecule splits off one of its three phosphates, becoming ADP (Adenosine di-phosphate) + phosphate.

The energy that was holding that phosphate molecule is now free to accomplish work for the cell. When the cell has excess energy (from digesting food or, in the case of plants, from photosynthesis), it stores it by reattaching a free phosphate molecule to ADP and converting it back into ATP.

The correct answer is, usually from carbs.

learn more about Adenosine triphosphate at


which of the following statements regarding reflexes is false? group of answer choices the tendon reflex is also called the withdrawal reflex, as it is protective; i.e. moving a limb to avoid pain. the gray matter of the cord serves as the integration center for many spinal reflexes. the babinski sign/reflex is considered normal in children under the age of 18 months, but is considered abnormal in adults. reflexes permit the body to make rapid adjustments to homeostatic imbalances. the crossed extensor reflex is contralateral.


The tendon reflex is also called the withdrawal reflex, as it is protective is the false statement regarding reflexes.

The stretch reflex, the Golgi tendon reflex, the withdrawal reflex, and the crossing extensor reflex are four significant reflexes that are integrated inside the spinal cord. The deep tendon reflex and myotatic reflex are other names for the stretch reflex. It is a straightforward pre-programmed reaction of the human body in response to an abrupt shift in the ground's surface or a muscle being passively stretched, such as by a tendon hammer. Tendon reflexes, also known as deep tendon reflexes. are monosynaptic stretch reflexes that are triggered by percussion of a muscle's tendon during a clinical examination. This allows dynamic stretch receptors to be quickly and briefly stimulated.

Know more about the tendon reflex at:


List the significant events of the Electron Transport Chain. Include which reactants and products are involved. Highlight what will be released as a product. Be sure to include where the process occurs in the mitochondria.​



The electron transport chain is a series of protein complexes and electron carriers that are located in the inner membrane of the mitochondria. These complexes and carriers are involved in the transfer of electrons from NADH and FADH2, produced during glycolysis and the Krebs cycle, to oxygen, the final electron acceptor. The energy released from this transfer is used to pump protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane, generating a proton gradient that drives the production of ATP.

The key events of the electron transport chain include the following:

The transfer of electrons from NADH to complex I, also known as NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase, by the enzyme NADH dehydrogenase. This complex consists of several protein subunits and a non-protein electron carrier called ubiquinone.

The transfer of electrons from complex I to complex II, also known as succinate-ubiquinone oxidoreductase or succinate dehydrogenase, by the enzyme ubiquinone. Complex II consists of several protein subunits and a non-protein electron carrier called ubiquinone.

The transfer of electrons from complex II to complex III, also known as ubiquinone-cytochrome c oxidoreductase or cytochrome bc1 complex, by the enzyme cytochrome b. Complex III consists of several protein subunits and two non-protein electron carriers called cytochromes c1 and c.

The transfer of electrons from complex III to complex IV, also known as cytochrome c oxidase or cytochrome aa3, by the enzyme cytochrome c. Complex IV consists of several protein subunits and two non-protein electron carriers called cytochromes a and a3.

The transfer of electrons from complex IV to oxygen by the enzyme cytochrome a3. Oxygen is the final electron acceptor in the electron transport chain.

As the electrons are transferred through the complexes of the electron transport chain, energy is released and used to pump protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane. This creates a proton gradient that drives the synthesis of ATP by the enzyme ATP synthase. The end products of the electron transport chain are water and ATP.


Characteristics of Listeria monocytogenes include


Characteristics of Listeria monocytogenes include

Bacteria Rod-shaped arranged in short chainsGram-Positive Facultative AnaerobeGenus Listeria characterized by low amount of guanine and cytosine

What is Listeria monocytogenes?

The gram-positive, facultative rod known as Listeria monocytogenes is what causes listeriosis, an illness. With just a self-limited gastrointestinal illness in the immunocompetent, listeria only causes serious infection in the elderly, newborns, and immunocompromised people. This exercise discusses the role of the inter-professional team in enhancing treatment for patients with this illness and exhibits the examination and management of listeriosis.

The following foods have the greatest incidence of illnesses caused by L. monocytogenes:

fresh sproutsuntainted milksupple cheesesicy deli meatschilly hotdogssmoked seafood

Hence all about Listeria monocytogenes

To learn more about Listeria monocytogenes click


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