how do you think the colonists at jamestown will react to being "under royalty authority" after having the ability to self-govern for all these years?


Answer 1
Understandably upset because a majority have a negative view of the crown. Most were indentured servants, convicts of petty crimes, and looking to escape the crowns authority whether that be for financial or religious opportunity.

Related Questions

Was Athens a democracy?



Yes, the Athenian democracy is often described as the first known democracy in the world


The party's successes or failures often depend on the national committee. O the state central committee and its leaders. the local committees and their leaders. the presidential candidate The two major political parties today arell Progressive and Democrat. Whig and Democrat. o Federalist and Republican. Republican and Democrat.​


Answer: The correct answer would be : "The local committees and their leaders."

I hope that this helps you !

In your own words, summarize what Lincoln is saying in these two excerpts from his first inaugural
address. What is he promising?


The main goal of President Lincoln's First Inaugural Address was to reassure the Southern states that he would not attempt to deprive them of their slaves and that he would instead look for a way to assist them in maintaining slavery if doing so would make them happy.

What is the message of the address of Abraham Lincoln?

Lincoln's message in the Gettysburg Address was that the best way for the living to remember the war dead is to keep fighting for the causes for which they gave their lives.

Lincoln pledged during his inaugural address to uphold the institution of slavery wherever it was practiced and to temporarily halt federal government operations in hostile areas. But he also firmly opposed secession and the confiscation of federal property.

Learn more about Abraham Lincoln here:


A. Directions: Write the correct word from the Word Bank to complete
each sentence.
1) The first person to sail around the world was _______________ .
2) The act of looking around some unknown place is _______________ .
3) Columbus sailed for Queen Isabella of _______________ .
4) Magellan was killed in a fight with the _______________ people on the Philippine
5) _______________ proved that an all-water route to India existed.
6) Money left over after paying for the cost of doing business is _______________ .
7) A _______________ is a narrow strip of water that connects two bigger bodies of water.
8) To provide money for something is to _______________ it.
9) _______________ thought that he could reach the East by sailing west.
10) Explorers wanted to find a new trade route to _______________ and China.
Word Bank
da Gama


5)Da Gama

Question 6

Who were the Aryans?

A) the first religious leaders of India

B) founders of Buddhism

C) Indo-European nomadic peoples who created a new Indian society

OD) the distant relatives of the Harappans



C) Indo-European nomadic peoples who created a new Indian society


Aryans is the collective name given to those that speak Indo-European language and that are Indo-European.

These Aryans existed as far as prehistoric times in ancient Iran during 19th century, some history described them as horse-riding nomads people.

It should be noted that these Indo-European nomadic peoples created the new Indian society

My first is in sugar but not in tea. My second in swim but not in sea. My third in apple and also pear. My fourth in ring and also hare. My last in ten but not in herd. In all, a very complimentary word. What word am I?





In the context, the 'first', 'second', third', 'fourth' and the 'last' refers to an individual letter in that word.

My 'first' in the word 'sugar' is -- S

My 'second' in the word 'swim' is -- M

My 'third' in the word 'apple' is -- A

My 'fourth' in the word 'ring' is -- R

My 'last' in the word 'ten' is -- T

Thus, "SMART" is the word and it is definitely a complimentary word.

What is one way enslaved Africans combined the Christian beliefs forced upon them with their native customs?
A. The singing of hymns with rhythms from Africa
B. Combining of the Bible and traditional African writings
C. Belief in multiple gods that served different purposes
D. Formed a church with both sets of religious ideals


Answer: A. The singing of hymns with rhythms from Africa


Well, without context, it would be hard to say. But singing of hymns with African rhythms seems like the best option as the other options which suggests African religions in one way or another would most likely be invalid since many of their traditions would be lost on the journey to America. They were also brainwashed to turn in Christians, so many didn't have much thoughts of their roots, meaning their African dieties. Also, a lot of Africans brought over were uneducated, so the chances of them combining the bible and traditional african writings were unlikely, and the plantation owners would refuse to allow any of them learn reading and writing. This meant their only way was music, which they sang on the fields.

Africans combined Christian beliefs with their native customs by A. singing of hymns with rhythms from Africa

Africans already had their various traditional religions before the Europeans came and after they were indoctrinated into Christianity, they still found a way to combine their beliefs with Christianity.

Some ways they did this include:

singing hymns and songs with African rhythms translating the Bible to local languages continuing certain traditional practices by praising God instead of their local gods.

In conclusion, Africans did not want their culture to completely disappear after the Europeans came and so mixed it with traditional beliefs such as with singing and dancing.

Find out more at

democracy is essentially rule of



Freedom and diplomacy.


freedom and diplomacy


What were the major events of the Civil War, and how did it impact America?​



Strategy and tactics

In grand strategic terms, the Union needed to be on the offensive in order to conquer the South. Yet the South took the offensive whenever it could. General Lee invaded Maryland and Pennsylvania in the summers of 1862 and 1863, taking the war onto northern soil, in part because there was huge popular pressure on both sides to be seen to be on the attack.

However, technological innovations gave defending forces much greater tactical strength. Whereas in the Mexican War the army was still using smooth-bore muskets, by 1861 the use of rifled muskets and new conical-shaped bullets called Minié balls greatly increased the accuracy of firepower from a longer range. Towards the end of the war, entrenchments and barbed wire – notably in the long siege of Petersburg – made the conflict resemble the Western Front in the First World War.

Nevertheless, offensives against well-defended positions could still succeed when commanders not only had a numerical advantage but were also prepared to be persistent and flexible – as Grant and Sherman proved in 1864, and as British generals on the Western Front learned after 1916.

Battle of Bull Run, 1861

One of the main reasons a political conflict turned to war was that, in 1861, the vast majority of Americans were not trying to seek an accommodation; they wanted a fight. A few wise heads on both sides knew that once war came it would be long and costly. For many, though, resorting to violence was not a sign of failure but a manly, healthy, possibly even purifying way of resolving an intractable conflict.

The Confederate government was established in Richmond, Virginia, less than 100 miles due south of Washington. Northern newspapers emblazoned, “Forward to Richmond!” atop their editorial pages. Volunteer troops gathered in Washington in their makeshift uniforms. On all sides the expectation was that one quick and decisive battle would probably decide the fate of the rebellion.Instead, the first big confrontation between North and South was a chaotic battle outside Washington, near Bull Run creek, on 21 July 1861. The cavalry on both sides seemingly operatedat random, certainly without any proper co-ordination with infantry attacks. Troops mistook units on their own side for the enemy. After an inconclusive few hours of fighting, the Union army was sent into a panic-stricken retreat by a Confederate attack.

The losses in this first great conflict were tiny compared to the carnage of later battles, yet at the time casualty figures of 1,982 Confederate troops and 2,896 Union soldiers shocked both sides profoundly. While southerners rejoiced at victory, northerners were forced to confront for the first time the scale of the undertaking they had so blithely embraced.

What were two reasons Georgia was created?



To have a state between South Carolina and Spanish Florida that would act as a buffer. Also to protect South Carolina and other southern colonies from Spanish invasion through Florida.



they were created to protect south carolina and southern colonies in 1732

Guys can u help me with these pls.

Strong or Weak? Identify each examples as belonging to a strong or weak national government. Write the letter of the statement in the appropriate box.


A A military maintained by
each state
B. A representative
congress that passes
national laws
C Individual currencies for
each state
D A national court with the
power to review state
court decisions and declare
laws unconstitutional
E. Taxation power at just
state level



The above questions relate to the issue of Federalism. A is Weak, B is Strong, C is Weak, D Weak, E is weak.

What is Federalism?

Federalism refers to a system of government in which one territory is controlled by a central government as well as a regional one.

Federalism helps to reduce costs in most cases such as those related to controlling military might.

See the link below for more about Federalism:

The Constitutional Convention created a House of Representatives as a part of the



The House of Representitives and the Senate were created in the Great Comprimise to ratify the Constitution. These are both part lower parts of Congress. They were created to comprimise votes based on population, and not just the "one state, one vote" rule from the Articles of Confederation.



the great compromise


Which region of Texas would you find the Most rivers? *



There are 11,247 named Texas streams identified in the U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System. Their combined length is about 80,000 miles, and they drain 263,513 square miles within Texas.Explanation:

The Quapaw were __________. A. a farming tribe that settled primarily along the Mississippi and Arkansas rivers B. a farming tribe that settled primarily in the Cimarron and Neosho valleys C. a hunting tribe that followed herds through the southern Plains D. a hunting tribe that primarily hunted in the Antelope Hills



A. a farming tribe that settled primarily along the Mississippi and Arkansas rivers


Answer: A


Why did Confederate soldiers attack Fort Pickens in 1861?​


Fort Pickens was sited both to protect Santa Rosa Island and to prevent enemy ships from entering the bay and anchoring within range of the navy yard. 1) On a map of the United States, find the panhandle of Florida and the far western location of Pensacola.

what was Prince Odoacer's role in the fall of the Western Roman Empire​



Prince Odoacer served under Emperor Augustulus during the collapse of the Western Roman Empire. Prince Odoacer was executed for speaking out about Augustulus's poor leadership skills during the fall. Prince Odoacer forced Augustulus to hand over his crown, and Germanic kingdoms claimed the land.

Hope that helps

9. What beliefs, values or morals dictated Greek life?


Greek life was heavily influenced by belief in Greek gods. The Greeks believed that the gods were very powerful, but they were not perfect and showed human feelings with great intensity, including feelings like anger, anger and jealousy, which are exactly the feelings that the Greeks would like to avoid because they feared being punished by the gods and by for this reason, they made tributes and prayers.

In addition, Greek values established well-defined gender roles. For men, the values and concepts of this society required them to be strong and provide for the needs of their home. In addition, men should be educated, educated, knowledgeable about art, science and politics. Women, on the other hand, should be gentle, take care of their husband's welfare and be responsible for domestic matters. In addition, they should not interfere in male affairs such as politics, science and economics.

In general, the society of Greece dictated that values such as justice, righteousness, understanding and peace were followed by all citizens.

Rank these states of matter based on the amount of movement using the letters. A. Cold solid B. Warm liquid C. Gas D. Plasma E. Warm solid F. Cold liquid


In order from least movement to most movement, the answers are: A. Cold solid, E. Warm Solid, F. Cold Liquid, B. Warm liquid, C. Gas, D. Plasma

What were at least two reasons that it was difficult for New Mexico to become a state? *



The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed in February 1848, ended the Mexican-American War and ended any doubt about which country owned New Mexico.


Is god really dead or alive?


The answer is what you want to believe


hes dead and alive. if hes in heaven hes dead. if hes helping you , granting your wishes hes alive


Respond to the following based on your reading.
(Note: Your answers should be either England or Spain.)
1. What country had established settlements and claimed land in North America first?
2. What country was concerned with exploring in the sixteenth century, due to a civil war?
3. What country was the most powerful country on the sea in the sixteenth century?
4. What country's sea captains found plundering other country's ships more profitable than
establishing colonies?
5. What country won the skirmish in the English Channel when the Spanish Armada tried to
invade England?
6. What country had settlements established in the Southwest United States in the 1500s?
7. What country had the first sailor to circumnavigate the globe to avoid being caught for piracy?
8. What country had an invincible amada of 130 ships?
9. What country's settlement of the New World was developed by its royalty?
10. What country's settlement of the New World was developed by private investors?


1. The country which had established settlements and claimed land in North America first i


2)  During the 16th century, Spain became the most powerful country in both Europe and in America .

3) The country that was the most powerful country on the sea in the sixteenth century was:


The country who won the skirmish in  the English Channel when the Spanish Armada tried to  invade England was:


The country had settlements established in the Southwest United States in the 1500s was:

New Mexico


The country which had the first sailor to circumnavigate the globe to avoid being caught for piracy was:


The country which had an invincible armada of 130 ships was:


The country's settlement of the New World which was developed by its royalty was:


The country's settlement of the New World was developed by private investors was:


Read more about colonialism here:


1. Spain

2. England

3. Spain

4. England

5. England

6. Spain

7. England

8. Spain

9. Spain

10. England


2. According to the author, why is capitalism successful?-


Answer is given below


Capitalism is the economy in which private individuals or businesses trade capital goods. Most countries practice a mixed capitalist system, which includes trade control and ownership of a select few industries. But according to the author, capitalism was successful, the government was not affected and was in the hands of the Commonwealth.

c) Identify, based on your reading, ONE specific example of how the canal system was both a driving force and a consequence of imperial expansion that could have led the author to conclude that those who built the Grand Canal deserve more credit than those who built the Great Wall.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Based on the reading, ONE specific example about the relationship between government and public works during the 13th century that could have led the author to conclude that those who built the Grand Canal deserve more credit than those who built the Great Wall could be the following.

The author thinks the building of the canal was impressive that deserves more credit to the people who designed it and the impact it has on the communication and transportation of ancient China. The author says it is simply, admirable. The canal allowed continued transportation of goods and people, with no obstructions.

The canal starts in Beijing and ends in Hangzhou. It runs for approximately 1100 miles and connects two of the most important rivers in China, the Yangtze River, and the magnificent Yellow River. This engineering wonder helped China to improve trade and the economy of the empire.

4. List the effects that the Great Awakening had on the colonists as well as the Native Americans.



The Great Awakening notably altered the religious climate in the American colonies. Ordinary people were encouraged to make a personal connection with God, instead of relying on a minister. Newer denominations, such as Methodists and Baptists, grew quickly

In 1845 the American president sent _____ as a secret envoy to Mexico to negotiate the purchase of the disputed territory between the rivers, as well as the area that is now California, Arizona, and New Mexico.



John Slidell.

what is a limitation of first pesron narration in a story



You can't write how others feel and you can only tell what they feel by their body language and how they react.




How did the public opinion about the purchase of Alaska in 1867 differ from the view of historians today?


Secretary of State William Seward's decision to purchase Alaska was controversial. Public opinion during the period was influenced by newspapers, which sneered at what they called "Seward's Folly" or "Seward's Icebox." They saw no reason to purchase the land from Russia


Secretary of State William Seward's decision to purchase Alaska was controversial. Public opinion during the period was influenced by newspapers, which sneered at what they called "Seward's Folly" or "Seward's Icebox." They saw no reason to purchase the land from Russia.


What was the tea act and why was it established ?


In 1773 it was establised by the British Parliament to essentially save the East India Company from bankruptcy. It greatly lowered the Tea Tax it paid to the government. It was a tea tax on any imported tea from Britain. The effect of this? The Sons of Liberty organized a protest against the Tea Act known as the Boston Tea Party. They dumped 342 chests of tea, imported by the British East India Company into the harbor. They declared the famous "taxation without representation" slogan while doing so.

Hope this helps.

On April 27, 1773, the British Parliament passes the Tea Act, a bill designed to save the faltering East India Company from bankruptcy by greatly lowering the tea tax it paid to the British government and, thus, granting it a de facto monopoly on the American tea trade. Lmk

How come the Indians were at a disadvantage against the Spanish conquistadors?



The Indians, better known as Native Americans, had two main disadvantages against the Spanish:

The Native Americans did not have as much technology. In fact, many tribes were still in the Stone Age, while the Spanish already had firerarms. They also lacked horses, an important asset in military matters that the Spanish possessed.The Native Americans did not have antibodies against Eurasian diseases like measles or smallpox. These diseases were brought by th Spanish, and caused massive deads among the Native American populations (up to 90%).

which event occurred directly after the boston tea party? ANSWER is ( B. The intolerable Acts )



b yess


it should be the intolerable act

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