How does Zinn describe the American Revolution in this chapter?


Answer 1

The American Revolution, in his opinion, was a cunning strategy to quell "possible uprisings and build broad consensus in favor of a new, privileged leadership's control."

What was the American Revolution like in Howard Zinn's opinion?

Howard Zinn said that the Declaration of Independence "expresses our highest ambitions" and that our history "is a striving to make those ideals a reality" a few years before he passed away in 2010. However, he believed that the American Revolution was a great fraud perpetrated by affluent Americans who sold equality-promoting propaganda. The term "kind of revolution" used by Zinn to describe the American Revolution alludes to the fact that nothing fundamental to American society changed as a result of the colonies' decision to rebel against Britain and obtain independence. The class hierarchies remained the same, as did how slaves were treated.

To know more about The American Revolution visit:


Related Questions

What does the fence symbolize in the story?


The fence seems completed exclusively in the last scene of the play when Troy passes on and the family reunites. The completeness of the wall comes to mean the strength of the Maxson family and unexpectedly the strength of the one who destroyed them, who additionally unites them once again, in death.

A fence is something that hinders you from something you need to accomplish or move past. Walls addresses limits, an illustration of this is when Troy and Cory get into an enormous battle, and Cory surrenders and tells Troy " Tell mother I 'll be back for my things." Cory then, at that point, says " It'll be over that wall".

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What is the main argument of Douglass speech?


Douglass claimed that the nation's founders were admirable people for their dedication to freedom. But he reveals the fallacy of their beliefs by mentioning that slavery still exists in America.

What is slavery, exactly?

the act of possessing someone; sometimes referred to as slavery. Since a slave was viewed by the law as chattel, or property, they were denied the bulk of the rights that free people generally enjoy.

What are the three different types of slavery?

Throughout history, enslavement has taken many forms, including that of property, bonds, forced labor, and sexual slavery. The loss of individual freedom and legal rights is widely considered as one of slavery's fundamental components.

To know more about slavery visit :-


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The next sentence's definition of "tribulations" is more accurate: crimes and assaults.

According to Christian eschatology, during the Olivet Discourse, Jesus alluded to the Great Tribulation as a sign that will occur at the end of the world. Jesus predicted a period of time known as the Great Tribulation, which is depicted in Revelation 7:14. verses 38 through 39. Because I firmly believe that nothing—not even death, not even life, not even angels, not even principalities, not even powers, not even things of this world or things to come—not even height or depth or any other living thing—will be able to separate us from God's love, which is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Heavenly suffering served as the Heavenly Dao's punishment.

Learn more about Tribulations here:


What did clover see and confronted Mollie about?


When asked about her interactions with the farmer who doesn't pay much attention to the problems among her fellow species, Mollie is unable to look Clover in the eye.

A farmer is a person who raises animals or other living things for food or other purposes. This term is often used to describe people who cultivate a range of field crops, woodlands, wineries, poultry, and other livestock. The book's most memorable instance of her is when she runs into the party, eats sugar, and then takes a seat next to it to let the other guests notice the red stripes on her crown. Her true self is the source of her main worries about the uprising. For instance, she plays the old General and displays her ego when she wonders why everyone would have candy and underpants after disobeying. The possibility of possessing more material items than she could appreciate in a setting.

Learn more about Farmer here:


Is the use of words and phrases that appeal to the 5 basic senses?


This is referred to as sensory language. In order to paint a clear picture in the reader's mind, sensory language employs words and expressions that appeal to the five senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch).

Use of language that engages the five senses is it effective?Using language to evoke the five senses is a powerful strategy for captivating an audience and conjuring up vivid images.An author can give the reader a vivid mental picture of a scene or experience by appealing to their sense of sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste.For instance, a novel set in a crowded metropolis would describe the flashing lights and frantic sounds of the streets.You may also add the rich aroma of freshly made coffee and the warmth of the sun on your skin.To make the city come to life, you may also add a bite of a salty or sweet snack.An author can make a scene more vivid and engaging for their readers by appealing to their senses.

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What happens in chapter 2 of Enrique's Journey?


Enrique limps toward a field worker in a tiny Mexican hamlet while being seriously bruised and only wearing his innerware.

What is Enrique's Journey about?

Enrique and his sister Belky are left in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, by their mother Lourdes when Enrique is only five years old.

The stranger gives Enrique a pair of pants and tells him to go see the mayor, who takes care of him and brings him to his house.

A Boy Seeking Mercy in a Rail-Side Town after Being Badly Beaten At Las Anonas, a 36-family hamlet located along a railroad in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, the day's work is over when a field worker named Sirenio Gomez Fuentes notices a startling sight: a bruised and bleeding child who is otherwise bare, save for his undershorts.

Thus, this is all about the chapter 2 of Enrique's Journey.

For more details regarding Enrique's Journey, visit:


What does the introduction of a recipe contain?


A brief introduction can pique the reader's interest and help them understand the points you'll be making. Give a succinct description of the dish's characteristics, why you appreciate it, and any serving recommendations you have.

You might also include how you obtained the recipe (e.g., if it is adapted from another recipe)

Introduce your recipe with a succinct introduction that explains to readers your connection to this particular meal.

Write, for instance, why it is significant and what occasion it may be prepared or baked for. The number of people the dish serves, the prep time, and the total cooking time should all be mentioned in this section.

Learn more about to  recipe contain visit here;


What are Swift's true feelings about the situation in Ireland?


Swift was particularly concerned with the issue of Irish poverty and the lack of opportunities available to the Irish people, and he often used his writing to advocate for social and political reform.

Jonathan Swift was an Irish writer and satirist who is best known for his work "Gulliver's Travels." Swift was deeply concerned about the situation in Ireland during his lifetime and was a vocal critic of the British government's policies towards the country. In his writing, he often used satire and irony to criticize the injustices and hardships faced by the Irish people, and to expose the corruption and greed of those in power.

Despite the humor and wit that characterized much of his work, Swift's true feelings about the situation in Ireland were ones of anger and frustration, and he was deeply committed to bringing about positive change in the country.

Learn more about Jonathan Swift here:


What are the 5 features of a poem?


The five features of a poem are rhyme, meter, figurative language, and sound devices.

A poem refers to a verse composition that presents advanced artistic form and language. The main five features of a poem are rhyme, meter, figurative language, and sound devices. Rhyme refers to the repetition of sound patterns in the poem. It adds sound and melody to the verse. Poetry forms such as sonnets, ballads, and couplets use rhyming schemes.

Meter refers to a definitive pattern of verse. There are various types of metrical feet iamb, dactyl, trochee, anapest, pyrrhic, and spondee. Figurative language refers to words used to present an idea that is not connected to the words. Devices such as alliteration, onomatopoeia, assonance, and consonance are figurative devices that are frequently used in figurative language.

Sound evokes imagery and emotions in the mind of the reader. It has a set pattern of meters and rhymes that bring sound to the verse.

Learn more about features of poem here


What are the three 3 main purpose of the author in writing?


An author's purpose may be to amuse the reader, to persuade the reader, to inform the reader, or to satirize a condition.

Why the Gettysburg Address is so powerful?


The Gettysburg Address is a speech delivered in 1863 by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and is so powerful because it's purpose was the abolition of slavery and the reunification of the Union.

President Abraham Lincoln wrote and delivered the address on November nineteen, 1863, to commemorate a replacement national memorial park at Gettysburg throughout the yankee civil war. The Gettysburg Address's significance is that it sought-after to offer assuming to the sacrifice of troopers who died throughout the war.

Lincoln conjointly documented his final goals - the abolition of slavery and the reunification of the Union. Yet the historical significance of the speech lies primarily in Lincoln's effort to shift the North's motivation for fighting the conflict from the preservation of the Union to the novel, and mostly hated, goal of release for the nation's four million remaining enthralled persons.

To learn more about  Gettysburg Address here


What are the 3 parts of argument?


The 3 main elements of an argument are

a claim or thesisstatement(s) of reason(s)evidence / support / proofs

1. A thesis or claim

What side of the argument you are asking your audience to take is clear from the assertion or thesis. A claim may be made in reference to the entire text, a certain section of it, or only one line or paragraph. The assertion must be supported by specific arguments and relevant data.

2. Statement (s)of the reason(s):

Many different arguments and pieces of evidence will be used to support each argument. Each statement of reason should contain the (supporting) reason, an explanation or description of the reason, and any relevant documentation.

3. Evidence / support / proofs:

Each piece of evidence should be used to support the argument in order to show its worth and trustworthiness. Giving evidence to support the veracity of your claims is the major objective of support. Supporting evidence is usually comprised of data, ideas, and quotes from current research and/or subject-matter experts.

For such more question on argument:


In “Excerpt from What Kids Learn From Hearing Family Stories,” how does the author develop a connection between stories from books and family stories? Use two details from the article to support your response.


The author makes the connection between book stories and family stories by showing that both have very positive psychological results in children that help them in adulthood.

What are those results?Children spend quality time with their parents.Children learn new words.Children have contact with emotional stories that require interpretation.Children can be more empathetic.

For many years, child psychologists and psychiatrists have stressed the importance of parents reading book stories to their children before they go to sleep, as this strengthens the parent-child relationship and promotes the benefits of reading for the child.

Many researchers claim that these same effects are triggered when parents tell the story of their family and childhood to their children, as it serves as more personal and meaningful narratives.

Learn more about the benefits of reading:


Punctuate last week mrs khan a nurse at our local clinic spoke to students at my school about the dangers of smoking she advised us not to start if anyone offers me a cigarette I will definitely refuse it pollutes the environment around us people suffer from lungs and liver diseases​



"Last week, Mrs. Khan, a nurse at our local clinic, spoke to students at my school about the dangers of smoking. She advised us not to start if anyone offers me a cigarette. I will definitely refuse it. Pollutes the environment around us, people suffer from lungs and liver diseases."


How is a super PAC different from a PAC?


Both PACs and Super PACs were established with the goal of influencing elections and supporting parties or candidates, despite the fact that they employ various strategies to do so.

The ability of PACs to raise and spend money is constrained, despite the fact that it is legal for them to collaborate with a candidate's campaign. Super PACs are a type of fundraising group with unlimited funding from unions, businesses, and private citizens.

Super PACs were only created in 2010, however, as a result of the Supreme Court's decision in the Citizens United v. FEC case. PACs were first established in the 1940s. Although the two organisations' roles and goals seem to be similar, they are subject to different laws and regulations.

To know more about PACs, refer to this link:


What is the 2nd longest word in the world?


the 2nd longest word in the world is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.

Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is renowned for being one of the world's longest words, but it is a fictitious term that means "a lung disease triggered by inhalation of really fine silica dust usually found in volcanoes." The longest word in any known language is determined by the grammatical structures rules of that language, as well as the types of words that can be considered. Compounding allows for the formation of long words in aglutinative languages. Words with hundreds or even thousands of characters have been created.

cis a collection of Latin terms that characterize an inflammatory lung disease caused by long-term silica dust inhalation. While the term is made up, the disease is real and is known in the United Kingdom as pneumoconiosis, silicosis, or black lung.

For more information on Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis , visit :


our responsibility towards community or society.​



As members of a community or society, we have a responsibility to contribute to the well-being of others and to work towards the common good. This can involve participating in community activities and volunteering our time and resources to help others.

Some specific ways we can fulfill our responsibility towards our community or society include:

Respecting the rights and property of others

Following laws and rules that help to maintain order and protect the well-being of the community

Helping to create a safe and healthy environment for all members of the community

Providing assistance and support to those in need, such as the elderly, the disabled, or those experiencing financial hardship

Participating in community service or volunteering at organizations that provide important services or resources to the community

Protecting and preserving the natural environment and supporting efforts to conserve resources

By fulfilling our responsibilities towards our community or society, we can work together to create a more positive and harmonious environment for all.


What are the 2 main areas for compliance in the workplace?


The 2 main areas for compliance in the workplace is Regulatory compliance and Corporate compliance.

As the employer, probably have questions about what compliance in the workplace is and why it's crucial. You see, sustaining a productive workforce is facilitated by a safe, just, and healthy work environment. An hazardous, unjust, and toxic workplace, on the other hand, results in unhappy workers, decreased or hindered production, and endless legal issues for the company.Compliance with applicable external laws, rules, and recommendations is referred to as regulatory compliance.Corporate compliance: The rules, processes, and acceptance conduct that a business establishes in order to assure compliance with both internal and external requirements.

learn more about acceptance


What were the results of Mendel's pea plant experiment?


Gregor Mendel's research on pea plants led him to the fundamental ideas of inheritance. He came to the conclusion that genes are inherited as distinct, paired units from each parent.

What results of Mendel's pea plant experiment?

Mendel altered pure pea plant lineages. First-generation hybrids (F1) displayed dominant qualities like purple flower color, while hiding recessive traits like white bloom color. But recessive traits recovered in a 3:1 ratio in second-generation (F2) pea plants (dominant to recessive)

Therefore, Mendel observed how parental genes separated and if they showed up as dominant or recessive qualities in the children.

Learn more about Mendel's here:


Is Snowball a good guy in Animal Farm?


As a bit of a daydreamer, Snowball envisions greater technological advancements on the farm and a revolution that could sweep all the way to England.

There are no consistently good or evil characters in Animal Farm, but Snowball is a more sympathetic and idealistic leader than Napoleon. He is not being selfish; instead, he genuinely wants what is best for the farm and the animals. In comparison to Napoleon, he is "a more vivacious pig, quicker in speech, and more inventive, but was not thought to have the same depth of character."

At first glance, Snowball resembles none other than Vladimir Lenin, the architect of the Russian Revolution of 1917. However, he resembles Lenin's deputy, Leon Trotsky, more.

To know more about Snowball, refer to this link:


What are the 6 basic cleaning steps?


A vital component of daily life is cleaning. Everyone cleans something throughout the day, whether it is their hands, a kitchen countertop at home, or high-touch surfaces at work. Adopting an efficient cleaning technique is essential to guaranteeing you completely eradicate dangerous bacteria. Depending on what you're cleaning, the specific cleaning process and the materials used may change, but there are typically six stages of cleaning that are crucial to properly disinfect contaminated surfaces.

Pre-Clean.Primary Clean, Rinse, Disinfection, Final Rinse, Final Rinse, Drying.

Each of the six cleaning steps can help you concentrate on a different important part of cleaning well, from clearing away waste to eliminating bacteria to removing any chemicals.

Know more about the cleaning at:


Which raw food should be stored above all others in a cooler to minimize?


Carrots is the food that should be stored above all others in a cooler to minimize cross-contamination.

When juices from raw foods come into contact with cooked items that have been appropriately handled or with other raw foods like fruits and vegetables that don't require cooking, cross-contamination occurs.

Some raw items, such as meats and shellfish, can contain dangerous germs in their juices that could make you and your household ill. Viruses and bacteria that cause illness can be carried by raw meat. These can spread to our hands, kitchen tools, and other food.

-----The question is incomplete, the complete question is:

"Which raw food should be stored above all others in a cooler to minimize cross-contamination?

Ground beef, fish, carrots, poultry"-----

To know more about food, click here.


What was Zinn's argument in Chapter 4?


However, Zinn's argument is that "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" may be ways to exert control.

What was Zinn's claim regarding a certain revolution?

According to Zinn, the goal of the revolution was to direct the resentment of the colonial class toward the British government rather than the colonial assemblies in the 1760s. The revolutionary elite was able to take over and dominate a portion of the British Empire in this way. In the latter half of the 20th century, one of the most well-liked but also most contentious American left-wing intellectuals was Howard Zinn.

Zinn, a child of Jewish and Hungarian immigrants who was born in New York City, participated in the US Army Air Force as a bombardier during World War II. Zinn claims that his experiences during the last few weeks of the war influenced his political beliefs. On one occasion, his unit was ordered to bomb targets with no strategic military significance; the raids resulted in the deaths of hundreds of German soldiers who were fleeing as well as civilians.

To know more about Zinn's thesis visit:


What do you know about reflexive pronoun write 2 Example?


I cut myself while cooking dinner last night. And He wanted to impress her, so he baked a cake himself.

What is the term for reflexive pronouns?

Words like myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves are examples of reflexive pronouns. They are referring to a person or object. When the subject and object of a verb are the same, we frequently employ reflexive pronouns. I cut myself while cooking dinner last night.

Because I was in a rush, I cleaned the car myself. Today you’ll have to drive yourself to school. He wanted to impress her, so he made her a cake. Jennifer handles her own duties because she doesn’t trust others to do them correctly. Example of a reflexive sentence. He grew more reflective and preoccupied with the past. The cry of a baby is instinctive and reflexive.

To learn more about reflexive pronouns to refer:


What is 3 lines in a poem?


Three lines stanzas in a poem are called a tercet. This kind of poem rhymes in several ways or might not show any rhyme in it. Three lines poems can be written in a single stanza or made into long poems.

It has various advantages such as:

Momentum building: It creates better flow in the poem. Narrative forward happens due to the interlocking of tercets which pushes momentum in the poem.Rhyme Experiment: Three lines making poems creates a good opportunity to different rhyme, as we can say that first line has to rhyme with last line and  middle line show its own meaning.

Know more about three line poem:


What is the figurative meaning of good fences make good neighbors?


The saying "Good fences make good neighbors" refers to respecting one another's property rather than literally meaning that fences make good neighbors.

What is a  good fences make good neighbors?Neighbors that get along well respect one other's property. Good farmers, for instance, maintain their fences to stop their cattle from straying onto neighboring farms. The poem "Mending Wall" by Robert Frost contains this adage.The adage "Good fences make good neighbors" succinctly captures the necessity for both clear property lines and for neighbors to uphold these lines if they want to maintain cordial and "good" neighborly interactions.Sometimes, good fences can create good neighbors. If, however, the neighbors concur that the barrier is either required or unimportant to them, they will cooperate in helping to build it. But we must remember that fences can often make very bad neighbors.

To learn more about good fences make good neighbors refer to:


What do you think is Johnson's biggest fear about releasing the dictionary?


Johnson's biggest fear about releasing the dictionary was that it would be met with criticism from traditionalists who believed that the English language should remain unchanged.

Johnson was a respected figure in the literary world and was worried that releasing a dictionary containing words that were not found in traditional English would be met with disdain.

He was concerned that this would be seen as an attempt to change the language, rather than simply cataloging it. He was also concerned that the dictionary might be seen as an endorsement of these new words and changes, which could damage his reputation as an authority in the English language.

For more questions like Johnson's dictionary click the link below:


What is an example of internal and external conflict?


A character's mental and emotional state is impacted by internal conflict, which is a struggle they are experiencing inside.

What are 2 internal and external conflict?

Both internal and exterior conflicts can be categorized. A character has internal conflict when they are torn between opposing desires or beliefs. It takes place inside of them, and it influences how they develop as a person. A character is pitted against a force or someone outside of their control in external conflict.

External conflict is exemplified by two children fighting over a ball. 3. Internal struggle can be seen in the girl who considers using a test cheat.

When a tree receives a force from the wind, it begins to swing. Since the wind is acting on the tree from the outside, it is referred to as an external force.

The force, on the other hand, is regarded as an internal force since it aids the tree in maintaining its place and prevents it from collapsing.

To learn more about conflict refer to:


What type of inheritance is shown when a round seed shaped of pea plant is crossed with wrinkled?


Gregor Mendel has been observed that pea plant traits did not blend in with their offspring. This would led him to figure that living items do not merge their offspring.

What do you mean by offspring?

The term offspring has been refers to the young innovation of the living beings. That particular organism has been assembled either by an individual organism or, in the topic of physiological property, reproduction between the two organisms.

The main reason for this is that the offspring of the living creature will have one parent trait or the other parent trait, but they do not blend or mix together, such as when two plants are tall and the other is short; the children will be tall or short, but not medium size.

Therefore, Gregor Mendel has been observed that pea plant traits did not blend in with their offspring. This would led him to figure that living items do not merge their offspring.

Learn more about the offspring, refer to:


What are 3 things a summary should have?


In-depth, succinct, coherent, and independent are all qualities of a strong summary.

What should a summary include?

Every summary you write should contain the following, regardless of whether it is the entire essay or only a little part of another type of writing. the author's name. The work's title. The work's primary ideas.

A summary starts with an introduction phrase that mentions the text's title, author, and major idea. In your own words, write a synopsis. A summary only includes the main points of the original text. Never add any of your personal thoughts, perceptions, inferences, or remarks to a summary.

Compelling summaries are those that are thorough, succinct, coherent, and autonomous. These characteristics are described below: A summary should be thorough: The original passage's key ideas should all be picked out, therefore make a list of them all.

To learn more about summary refer to:


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