How exactly did Brown v. Board of Education invalidate Plessy v. Ferguson?


Answer 1
Marshall (the NCAAP lawyer) used this case to get rid of “separate but equal”. Because there was no equal facilities for blacks. During the trial, Marshall used dolls (one black, one white) to prove his point: the segregation system is damaging black kids, giving them an inferiority complex to white kids. All the children (including blacks) picked the white doll instead of the black one.
The court, under anti racist Supreme Justice Warren, had a 9-0 decision to get rid of segregation in education.

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How did the kingdom of Ghana grow wealthy and powerful from 750 to 1240?


Ans: The economic progression of Ghana from 750 to 1240 helped in the process of growth and territorial expansion by intensifying its trans-saharan trading activities in ivory, salt and gold. This enable Ghana to earn huge profit by the control of gold trade which turned region into wealthy and powerful.

So I did Computers, medicine and Auto Mobiles. I need two more to finish the five advances in the 20th century that are important. can you guys help me?


Technology, mechanical tools , power sources , space exploration


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How could the alliance become problematic in the future



Moral hazard is encouraged by US security guarantees, in which an individual takes a greater risk because someone else bears the cost. Allies may become complacent in dealing with rivals when they are protected by the world's most powerful military.Even non-allies are susceptible to the phenomenon if they believe they have anything like a security promise from the US, as Georgia and Russia did in 2008. Using NATO to assist Ukraine today could yield similar results. Another example is Saudi Arabia's recent adventurism. Via moral hazard, alliances may cause instability among neighbors, dragging the US into wars it unintentionally encouraged. This issue would be mitigated if allies were more worried about losing US defense.

what battles did cyrus the great win?


Answer: In 539 BCE Cyrus invaded the Babylonian Empire, following the banks of the Gyndes on his way to Babylon. He allegedly dug canals to divert the river's stream, making it easier to cross. Cyrus met and routed the Babylonian army in battle near Opis, where the Diyala flows into the Tigris. Cyrus the great won four battles in His lifetime. One of them being, the battle of the Granicus.

Explanation: Hope this helps. :))

The case of Sweatt v. Painter (1950) represented the NAACP’s attempt to focus on segregation in which area?

The military

Public education

Public transportation


Public Education. Challenged the rights of Sweatt to attend law school.

The answer is public education. Just got it wrong so you can get it right. <3 good luck.

How did Arkansas change in the early years of war?​



Despite having the third smallest white population of any Confederate state, Arkansas supplied more troops for the Union army than any other Confederate state except Tennessee. Outside the northern and northwestern regions of the state, many Arkansans greeted secession with enthusiasm


np have a good day brainliest?

Please help me on this question if you would want brianleist!! Tank yah!! ^^


Answer: Water plays an important role in seed germination. It helps by providing necessary hydration for the vital activities of protoplasm, provides dissolved oxygen for the growing embryo, softens the seed coats and increases the seed permeability.


n on mom dads on dads on few in car hub be ex few 383

Which best describes the new deal?

A. A plan to bring electricity to rural areas in America

B. The government takeover of industrial production in the United States

C. Programs designed to pull the United States out of the great depression

D. Taxpayer funded healthcare for every American citizen



C. programs designed to pull the United States out of the great depression

Answer: (C)


i took the test

how did 9/11 affect domestic issues?


It caused people to be racist to the muslims.

Why was the
aircraft carrier so
important in the
Pacific War?


Here I hope it helps

What guaranteed women the right to vote in the United States?



an amendment to the U.S. Constitution

How does lobbying benefit the government?

Lobbying simplifies the decision-making process for lawmakers.
Lobbying presents all interests equally.
Lobbying helps educate and inform lawmakers.
Lobbying ensures all citizens’ opinions inform government decisions.



Lobbying helps educate and inform lawmakers.



Who good at political cartoon and wanna help me with #4 and #5 in history?






The artist is showing a hand coming from a box labelled Nuclear Bomb with the 2 leaders of America and the Soviet Union try to keep it controlled. This is a metaphor between the arms race between the Soviet Union and how a single mistake between either of them could cost the lives of millions and also could cause a mass extinction event if the nuclear bombs were ever put in the wrong hands.



As I mentioned above, this could cause every country in the world to be on the highest alert and could even cause mass extinction event if one country were to fire at the other country as the other country would send counter nuclear bombs back at their enemy. This is known as M.A.D (Mutually Assured Destruction). A time where the tension was so high is the Cuban Invasion where American troops were going to directly invade Cuba as Cuba was a thorn in America and now started to become a threat as it moved closer to the Soviets who placed nuclear bombs there. This is to level the playing field as the Americans also had nuclear bombs in striking distance of the Soviet Union in Turkey.


!     HOPE I HELPED     !

Naval units of the Communist regime in Vietnam . . . have deliberately and repeatedly attacked United States naval vessels lawfully present in international waters, and have thereby created a serious threat to international peace. . . .

. . . These attacks are part of a deliberate and systematic campaign of aggression that the Communist regime in North Vietnam has been waging against its neighbors and the nations joined with them in the collective defense of their freedom. . . .

Resolved . . . that the Congress approves and supports the determination of the President, as Commander in Chief, to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression. . . .

. . . The United States is, therefore, prepared, as the President determines, to take all necessary steps, including the use of armed force, to assist any member or protocol state of the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty requesting assistance in defense of its freedom.

–Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (1964)

How did Congress justify the use of American armed forces to assist the South Vietnamese? Check all that apply.

The North Vietnamese have attacked US naval vessels.
The use of armed forces will likely prevent more aggression from the North.
The actions of the North Vietnamese are a threat to international peace.
The South Vietnamese do not have adequate defense systems.
The spread of communism is quickening due to the success of the North Vietnamese attacks.



3, The president was given the power to take any and all measures.



A, B, and C are correct

pls answer my question I need tomorrow pls answer​



Of course







Why was Ellen Williams at Fort Union?


Answer:  Ellen signed on as a laundress to stay with her husband, who was an enlisted man with the Colorado Volunteers.


Answer:  Ellen signed on as a laundress to stay with her husband, who was an enlisted man with the Colorado Volunteers.

Explanation: Hope this helps! :)

The Eisenhower Doctrine states that the U.S. would _____
The U.S. and The Middle East: Select the best answer from the choices provided.
not be involved in any type of warfare, therefore the Middle East would have to defend themselves without the U.S.'s help
use armed forces in response to aggression toward the Middle East and in support of countries that oppose communism
claim the role of a neutral state
be the mediator at peace conferences in hopes of making peace between Middle Eastern countries


Answer:  B, pls give brainliest I am working toward Expert!



use armed forces in response to aggression toward the middle east and in support of countries that oppose communism.

can any body send no so that I can learn how to ppt with voiceovers


Sooo what you do is you Open the PowerPoint presentation in which you would like to record a voiceover narration. Head over to the “Slide Show” tab and, in the “Set Up” group, select “Record Slide Show.” Once selected, a drop-down menu will appear. Here, you can choose to start the narration from the beginning or from the current slide. :)))

What's the answer please I wasn't paying that much attention and I need to turn it in.


Answer:The South was devastated by the war, but the Union was preserved, and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1865, officially abolished slavery in the entire country. After the war the defeated states were gradually allowed back into the United States.


how could advances in astronomy help muslims worship their faith better?


Between the 8th and 15th centuries Islamic astronomers produced tons of Sophia astronomical work. Advances in astronomy on by could help Muslims better understand what they were saying.

I tried

Definition: This Supreme Court case, decided in 1954, declared that the segregation doctrine of "separate
but equal," was not Constitutional when applied to the public school system.


Answer: Brown v. Board of Education

please help asap need answer in 5 minutes!!


Steam boats helped the needs and growth of the nation is by transporting trades and supplies

what is politucal apatheids​



Apartheid was a political and social system in South Africa during the era of White minority rule. It enforced racial discrimination against non-Whites, mainly focused on skin colour and facial features. This existed in the twentieth century, from 1948 until the early-1990s. The word apartheid means "distantiation” in the Afrikaans language.[1] Racial segregation had existed in Southern Africa for centuries. In the elections of 1948 the National Party took power and in the next few years made new apartheid laws. The new laws more strictly enforced segregation. In theory, it was to bring independence to the African majority in their own little countries to be created from South African territory.

Under this system, the people of South Africa were divided by their race and the different races were forced to live separately from each other. There were laws in place to ensure that segregation was abided by. The apartheid system in South Africa was abolished in 1994, when a new constitution was ratified which abolished the previous system of segregation.[2] The last President who held office during the apartheid era was Frederik Willem de Klerk; who was responsible for holding negotiations with political prisoner Nelson Mandela to bring an end to apartheid.[3] Following these successful negotiations, Nelson Mandela was elected to the Presidency of South Africa after multi-racial elections were held in April 1994, and became the first black person to hold the position. He was 75 years old [4][5] The pair were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts. Today, the term apartheid is sometimes used for similar segregational systems in other countries.


sorry if my answer is wrong :)


Apartheids was a political and social system of South Africa during the era White minority rule.It enforced racial discrimination against non-Whites, mainly focused on skin colour and facial features. ... The word apartheids means "distantiation" in the afrikaans language


select me as your brainlist

Which part of the present-day United States did Zebulon Pike explore during his second expedition?



Pike's second expedition crossed the Rocky Mountains into what is now southern Colorado, which led to his capture by the Spanish colonial authorities near Santa Fe, who sent Pike and his men to Chihuahua (present-day Mexico), for interrogation.


Lewis and Clark Expedition is the part of the present-day United States did Zebulon Pike explore during his second expedition. Africans were the explored the Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains in present-day Colorado.

Who is Zebulon Pike?

Zebulon Pike was the born on the January 5, 1779, and the died on the April 27, 1813. He was the nationality of the American. Her parents name was Zebulon Pike Sr., Issabella Brown Pike. Her full name was Zebulon Montgomery Pike. He was the explored Pikes Peak in Colorado.

It took place at the same time as the Lewis and Clark Expedition, and was headed by United States Army Lieutenant Zebulon Pike, Jr., who was promoted to captain during the journey. It was the first official American expedition to the west Great Plains and the Rocky Mountains in what is now Colorado.

As a result, the Lewis and Clark Expedition is the part of the present-day United States did Zebulon Pike explore during his second expedition.

Learn more about on Zebulon Pike, here:


How did Martin Luther King Jr. want to gain civil rights? (In your own words)


He advocated for peaceful approaches to some of society's biggest problems. He organized a number of marches and protests and was a key figure in the American civil rights movement. He was instrumental in the Memphis sanitation workers' strike, the Montgomery bus boycott, and the March on Washington.


What do you think Malcolm X meant when he said, " Today it's time to stop singing and start swinging ... Cassius Clay can sing. But singing didn't help him to become the heavyweight champion of the world . Swinging helped him."

Answers here’s a link to the answers

which was the most likely reason to bodies of victims at auschwitz were cremated



C. to hide the evidence of the executions


The Mexican American war started because:


Answer: c


Answer: I think B its sound the most reasonable

The Mexican-American War was a conflict between the United States and Mexico, fought from April 1846 to February 1848. ... It stemmed from the annexation of the Republic of Texas by the U.S. in 1845 and from a dispute over whether Texas ended at the Nueces River (the Mexican claim) or the Rio Grande (the U.S. claim).

Which of the following statements is FALSE?
Jim Crow Laws contributed to racism and violence against African Americans.
Jim Crow Laws were passed to segregate poor white Americans in the South as well.
Jim Crow Laws made segregation the law in the South.
Jim Crow Laws lasted until the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s.






Whites were not segregated

-if you answer correctly ill give you brainliest which will give you 23pts-





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