How important is the role of sports in your life? Certain school officials in Mexico believe that sports should be a mandatory part of school life. They see sports as an important aid in combating physical and mental health issues. Read any online article in Spanish on this issue and write a summary of the article in English, explaining your perspective on the same. Feel free to use any online Spanish dictionary for words that you don’t understand.


Answer 1

This is the second to last question im going to answer and give you notis for.

Answer 2


Sports play an important role in the mental and physical well-being of students. Families and schools alike need to address the increasing levels of childhood obesity, so in the month of March, sports will be a mandatory activity for all school children.Parents are also encouraged to be more involved in the lives of their children and are free to visit them at any time.Being encouraged to be more physically active at school doesn't have to be seen as a punishment. It’s about more than competition and being really good at something. Sports can teach students valuable lessons about teamwork, discipline, and accepting victory and defeat gracefully. These are the kind of values that make children grow up to be responsible adults and be a credit to their families, their country, and the world.


answers may vary

Related Questions

Read and choose the correct option to answer the question.

—Georgina, ¿qué te gustaba más de la banda de tus primos?
—Me gustaban las palabras de las canciones.
—Oh, sí, ¡eran bellísimas!

What is being discussed in this dialogue? (1 point)

El ritmo

El género

La letra

La cantante


Them are talking about the lyrics, so correct answer is “ C “


la letra


can someone help me with this worksheet


1) Yo soy la más habladora

2) La señorita burton es simpatica

3) Tim es el más alto

Also don’t go on that link, that person is a we!rdo

Conjugate the following verbs in each sentence. Use: e:ie, o:ue, ir
1.Mis amigos __________ (ir) a estudiar para el examen.
2.Yo __________ (preferir) ir de compras.
3.Tú ___________ (dormir) toda la noche.
4.Juan y yo no ____________ (entender) la lección.
5.Ella ____________ (ir) a Miami esta noche.
6.La clase de español ______________ (empezar) a las ocho de la mañana. 7.Nosotros ______________ (poder) jugar baloncesto.
8.El equipo _____________ (jugar) fútbol.
9.Yo _____________ (ir) en autobus a la escuela.
10.Los chicos _____________ (almorzar) en la cafeteria.


1 mis amigos van
2 yo prefiero
3 tu dormiste
4 juan y yo no entendemos
5 ella va a miami
6 la clase de español empieza
8 el equipo juega
9 yo voy en autobús
10 los chicos almuerzan

How would you say it or them referring to these nouns you have already heard mentioned?



1. Los

2. Lo

3. La

4. Las

Is correctly answer

But I don't know properly

What did the Spanish explorers bring to and expand in the Americas? Select all that apply.
1. the Spanish language
2. slaves
3. gold
4. the Catholic religion



1 the spanish language


1. The spanish language

¿Cuál es la palabra o frase que muestra el tiempo del verbo?
Esta tarde almuerzo con mi familia.


Esta tarde

el verbo es almuerzo

Plz need help I don’t understand this


la tienda(The Store), la cocina(The kitchen), la farmacia(The pharmacy), la biblioteca(The library), el colegio(The college.

Write the correct form of the verb according to the subject.
Yo ______________ inglés y español. (comprender)

Ellos siempre ______________ hamburguesas y papas fritas. (comer)

Felipe nunca ________ la tele. (ver)

El estudiante __________ en clase. (leer)

Tú ___________ en la clase de educación física. (correr)

Nosotros ___________ todos los días. (escribir)

Uds. _________ muchos libros. (leer)

Juan ___________ huevos con jamón. (comer)

Yo nunca ______________ ni leche ni limonada. (beber)

Jasmín y yo __________agua todos los días. (beber)

Christián y Martín __________ el almuerzo. (compartir)



1. Comprendo

2. Comen

3. Ve

4. Lee

5. Corres

6. Escribimos

7. Leen

8. Come

9. Bebo

10. Bebíamos

11. Compartían


Answer: comprendo,comen,ve,lee,corres,escribímos,lee,come, bebo, bebemos,comparten


Puntos gratis !! ¡¡Si solo contesta exactamente lo que dice, lo nominaré como el más inteligente !! Answer IN ENGLISH



Free points !! If you only answer exactly what it says, I will nominate you as the smartest !!

Answer: Free Poi.nts if you copy exactly what I say and I'll nomiante you as the smartest


40 points!! Write two negative commands with advice NOT to do when looking for a job, and two affirmative ones on advice for what to do looking for a job. Also, is this command about a place to work correct --> Trabaja en Dunkin'.




Cuando busques trabajo NO debes llegar tarde a tu cita

Cuando busques trabajo NO mientas en tu currículum.

Cuando vayas a pedir trabajo ve lo mejor arreglado posible.

Cuando vayas a pedir trabajo debes contestar la preguntas afirmativamente.

06.02 Buscando empleo: Cotejar y reescribir Currículum vitae Esta es el currículum vitae de Mark López que acompañó a la carta anterior. Imprímelo, léelo con cuidado y corrige lo que haga falta. Cuando termines, entrega tu trabajo a tu instructor. Pista: Identifica por lo menos diez errores​



la respuesta se puede buscar facilmente en gogle, dale a coipar  y pegar en el buscador y la encuentras!!

Please help me with this



1. í, iste, ió, imos, isteis, ieron

2. escribieron, subieron, vivieron, compartieron, recibieron

3. Vivió.

4. Ellos escribieron.

5. Subimos

6. Just fill in the blanks based on the information given.

7. él decidió.

8. Nostros insistimos.

9. Your answer is correct.

10. Recibí.


1. endings for preterite regular IR verbs.

2. -ieron is the ending for ellos regular IR verbs in the preterite.

3. Third person conjugation for vivir in the preterite.

4. They= ellos, Escribir=to write

5. Nosotros conjugation for the verb subir in the preterite.

7,8,10: Conjugations for corresponding verbs in the preterite.

I. Conjugate using the present tense of verb to be Ser of the following words:
1. alto (a)
2. bajo (a)
3. flaco (a)
4. delgado (a)
5. gordo (a)
6. guapo (a)
7. feo (a)
8. grande
9. viejo (a)
10. tonto (a)



soy alto

soy bajo

soy flaco

soy delgado

soy gordo

soy guapo

soy feo

soy grande

soy viejo

soy tonto


you don't have to change them at all, they are already in the right form

I wish I was a bat fly off my car and I was in electric with you lol I got a little



12. Compartí
13. Vivíamos
14. Recibieron
15. Asistieron
16. Describió
17. Cubrí
18. Admitieron
19. Discutió
20. Rompieron
Hope this helps
Please mark brainliest
Have a good day :) ;)

Write the correct form of the verb according to the subject.
Yo ______________ inglés y español. (comprender)

Ellos siempre ______________ hamburguesas y papas fritas. (comer)

Felipe nunca ________ la tele. (ver)

El estudiante __________ en clase. (leer)

Tú ___________ en la clase de educación física. (correr)

Nosotros ___________ todos los días. (escribir)

Uds. _________ muchos libros. (leer)

Juan ___________ huevos con jamón. (comer)

Yo nunca ______________ ni leche ni limonada. (beber)

Jasmín y yo __________agua todos los días. (beber)

Christián y Martín __________ el almuerzo. (compartir)



Yo _comprendo_ inglés y español. (comprender)

Ellos siempre _comen_ hamburguesas y papas fritas. (comer)

Felipe nunca _ve_ la tele. (ver)

El estudiante _lee_ en clase. (leer)

Tú _corres_ en la clase de educación física. (correr)

Nosotros _escribimos_ todos los días. (escribir)

Uds. _leen_ muchos libros. (leer)

Juan _come_ huevos con jamón. (comer)

Yo nunca _bebo_ ni leche ni limonada. (beber)

Jasmín y yo _bebemos_ agua todos los días. (beber)

Christian y Martín _comparten_ el almuerzo. (compartir)


.- En cuanto al tratar de cumplir con el mandamiento del "perdón" ¿De qué manera los tres antivalores presentados en la frase repercuten en la vivificación de una práctica real del perdón?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente, se te olvidó incluir la frase con los antivalores. Sin esa frase, no sabemos cuáles son los antivalores específicos a los que te refieres. Solo tú los conoces.

Sin embargo, con la idea de ayudarte, podemos comentarte lo siguiente para que tu armes tu respuesta.

En cuanto al tratar de cumplir con el mandamiento del "perdón," las enseñanzas de Jesús de Nazareth en el Nuevo Testamento de la Biblia le enseñan a sus feligreses a perdonar a sus hermanos, no importando la ofensa cometida.

Es por eso que hay enseñanzas como la de "poner la otra mejilla," tal y como lo hizo el maestro Jesús cuando lo ofendían. En lugar de desquitarse o querer cobrar venganza, el maestro Jesús perdonaba,

Según los evangelistas del Nuevo Testamento, Jesús de Nazareth no juzgaba, no criticaba. Él sólo amaba y perdonaba a sus semejantes, sin importar la ofensa.

Por lo tanto, para los Católicos, el perdón es una de las enseñanzas esenciales de Jesús.

easy 10 points please answer



I can't read most of that if you could give me something I can see I could help you


1. Yo (voy) a la biblioteca
2. Pablo (va) a la cafetería
3. A donde (van) ustedes?
4. Nosotros (vamos) al gimnasio
5. Y tu, ¿adónde (vas)?





1 como

2 vas

3 jugamos

4 van a

5 va

6 juegan

7 sabemos

8 juegas

9 juegan

10 voy

11 jugamos

12 vas a

13 juegan

14 voy

15 voy

16 va

17 vas

18 va a

19 va

20 van

Harry moved from Pittsburgh, PA to Philadelphia, PA. What type of migration is that an example of?



internal migration


internal migration - moving within a state, country, or continent.

Internal Immigration
It is moving from one place to another inside the state, I also did the test

Choose the best Spanish word to complete the sentence.

No _______ inglés en esta clase. (Don't speak English in this class.)









Read and match each incomplete sentence with the correct word or phrase to complete it. (8 points)

________ elabora los planos de los edificios.
________ trabaja con las madres y los bebés de mi comunidad.
________ trabaja en su oficina con número
________ vende las frutas y los vegetales en el mercado.
la comadrona
El ingeniero
El agricultor
El contable


El ingeniero elabora los planos de los edificios.

La comadrona trabaja con las madres y los bebés de mi comunidad.

El contable trabaja en su oficina con número

El agricultor vende las frutas y los vegetales en el mercado.

El ingeniero elabora los planos de los edificios

La comadrona trabaja con las madres y los bebés de mi comunidad

El contable trabaja en su oficina con numero

El agricultor vende las frutas y los vegetales en el mercado

Choose the words that correctly complete the sentence.

____ le gusta comer sopa de tomate.

A. Ami

B. A María y Jake

C. A Maria

D. Ati



A Maria le gusta comer sopa de tomate.


Le is usually her, him, or you in a formal way also a clue for this is to look at gustar since it is conjugated for El/Ella  

The answer is C because, “le gusta means” they like so C says makes the most sense

Write the correct form of the verb according to the subject.
Yo ______________ inglés y español. (comprender)

Ellos siempre ______________ hamburguesas y papas fritas. (comer)

Felipe nunca ________ la tele. (ver)

El estudiante __________ en clase. (leer)

Tú ___________ en la clase de educación física. (correr)

Nosotros ___________ todos los días. (escribir)

Uds. _________ muchos libros. (leer)

Juan ___________ huevos con jamón. (comer)

Yo nunca ______________ ni leche ni limonada. (beber)

Jasmín y yo __________agua todos los días. (beber)

Christián y Martín __________ el almuerzo. (compartir)



Yo _comprendo_ inglés y español. (comprender)

Ellos siempre _comen_ hamburguesas y papas fritas. (comer)

Felipe nunca _ve_ la tele. (ver)

El estudiante _lee_ en clase. (leer)

Tú _corres_ en la clase de educación física. (correr)

Nosotros _escribimos_ todos los días. (escribir)  

Uds. _leen_ muchos libros. (leer)

Juan _come_ huevos con jamón. (comer)

Yo nunca _bebo_ ni leche ni limonada. (beber)

Jasmín y yo _bebemos_ agua todos los días. (beber)

Christian y Martín _comparten_ el almuerzo. (compartir)


Yo comprendo inglés y español
Ellos siempre comen hamburguesas y papas fritas
Felipe nunca ve la tele
El estudiante lee en clase
Tú corres en la clase de educación física
Nosotros escribimos todos los días
Uds leen muchos libros
Juan come huevos con jamón
Yo nunca bebo ni leche ni limonada
Jasmin y yo bebemos agua todos los días
Christian y Martín comparten el almuerzo

Class work and described how the girls dress



La chica va vestida con una gorra negra, chaqueta vaquera y camiseta de deporte, luego lleva unos pantalones vaqueros con unas deportivas blancas y finalmente como completo lleva un bolso de cuero.

Please help me with Spanish























Which ones do you need help with all of them?

Which of the following are characteristics of a tortoise in a desert environment that distinguish the tortoise as a living thing?
Choose the three that apply.
A. It needs food.
B. It reproduces.
C. It uses energy.
D. It takes up space.
E. It is made up of atoms.


According to the information, we can infer that the statements that are true about characteristics of a tortoise in a desert environment are: It needs food, It reproduces, and It uses energy.

How to identify the correct options?

To identify the correct options we have to look for complementary information about life conditions of a tortoise in a desert. Once we get information about this, we can select the correct options about this topic.

In this case, we can infer that the tortoise needs food to survive, it reproduces to ensure the survival of its species, and it uses energy to perform various activities. So, the correct answers are: It needs food, it reproduces, and it uses energy.

Learn more about tortoise in:


SPANISHHHH I have no clue how to do this



1: Están dibujando

2: Estás escribiendo

3: Está comiendo

4: Están limpiando



The person above me is correct!



No me gusta este programa de computación.
Tengo miedo de perder mi documento.
Prefiero leer este sitio web en papel.
Mi correo electrónico funciona muy lentamente.
Busco información sobre los gauchos de Argentina.
Tengo demasiados archivos en mi computadora.
Mi computadora se congeló (froze).
Quiero ver las fotos del cumpleaños de mi hermana.








1 Estar

2 es

3 ownership

4 ser

5 Origin

Parte A- Follow the directions below to complete the assignment:
● For number 2 choose two of the tourism choices and explain what activities you will be doing.
3. Include 5-7 facts from the cultural country that you chose. For example, cultural facts can be food, religion, clothing, etc. Make sure to use your own words. (You can do this section in English/Spanish)



Guatemala, cultura.

Iria para este país devido à comida, a música, aos museus. Em especial, para comer uma famosa Chorreada, e visitar o, também famoso, Museu de Ciências Naturais La Salle San José.

Sim escrevi em Português.

Guatemala, culture.

I would go to this country because of the food, the music, the museums. In particular, to eat a famous Chorreada, and visit the, also famous, Museum of Natural Sciences La Salle San José.

Yes, I wrote in Portuguese.

Guatemala, cultura.

Iría a este país por la comida, la música, los museos. En particular, para comer una famosa Chorreada, y visitar el también famoso Museo de Ciencias Naturales La Salle San José.

Sí, escribí en portugués.


Other Questions
Read the following passage:Amid the many horrors of the Vietnam War, I found one ofthe worst to be the waiting - those quiet times of inactivitywhen anticipation of the next attack weighed on me like apile of bricks. I might be lying in the mud along a creek bedsomewhere, completely oblivious to the cold, the wetearth, or the smell of gunpowder still fresh in my nostrils. Itwas those times of waiting that showed me I had nothingelse in my mind no past, no future, no ideas. Just a rawawareness of the moment.Which sentence best uses figurative language to match the paragraph's tone?O A. In the quiet of the jungle, the rippling sounds of the creek carriedme back to happier days on my parents' farm.B. I could hear my own pulse drumming in my ears, but my onlythought was to remain still and quiet.C. For years after that, I would remember the terror and suspense ofthose long minutes spent waiting.D. The jungle had reached into my mind, and its thick vines chokedout everything else that had been there. Entry Rules: Round your answer to two (2) decimal places. Examples: If your answer is $24,500.4718, enter 24500.47 If your answer is $24,500.4753, enter 24500.48 If your answer is $24,500.00, enter 24 Let A = {1,3,5,7). B = {5, 6, 7, 8). C = {5, 8} D = (2,5,8), and U = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8). Determine whether the expression shown below is true or false. If it is false, then give the reaso DCB . O A. False; the sets must have the same number of elements. B. False; all elements in D are not in B O C. True OD. False; all elements in D are in B O E. None of the above "Suppose X is normally distributed with a mean of u = 11.5 and a standard deviation of o = 2. Find the probability of X > 15.14. Show your work." Solve the equation -3x^2+2x+4= -x-3 by writing a linear-quadratic system and solving using the intersection feature of a graphing calculator. Round to the nearest hundredthA. x= -2.44 and x=3.12B. x=-1.63 and x=4.44C. x=-1.11 and x=2.11D. x=-2.61 and x=0.42 The global outbreak of COVID-19 has had an impact on educationand created new investment opportunities. A group of billionairesis considering investing in higher education in the St.Vincent andthe What are the Traditional American Values? Explain each of them How does Kohlberg's theory of moral development classify different levels of morality? preoperational, concrete operational, formal operationalobedience, reciprocity, conformity preconventional, conventional, postconventionaltrust vs. mistrust, initiative vs. guilt, integrity vs. despair Helppppp Plzzzzzzz!!!! 15PTS and brainliest!!!!!!!1. (True or False) There is extensive confirmed evidence that the holocaust happened.2. (True or False) The holocaust marked the beginning of anti- Semitism in Europe. The following chart shows a store?s records of sales of stuffed toys for two months. 2 circle graphs. A circle graph titled September. Teddy bears is 346, rabbits is 297, cats is 199, horses is 245, other is 225. A circle graph titled October. Teddy bears is 308, rabbits is 260, cats is 285, horses is 186, 275 is other. Which of the following are accurate assessments of trends displayed in this graph? I. Sales of teddy bears decreased by about 2.9% between September and October. II. The change in sales of rabbits is roughly equal to the change in sales of all toys. III. Roughly 24.1% fewer horses were sold in October than in September. a. I and II b. II only c. I and III d. III only You work for a small company that exports artisan chocolate. Although you measure your products in kilograms, you often get orders in both pounds and ounces. You have decided that rather than have to look up conversions all the time, you could use Python code to take inputs to make conversions between the different units of measurement.You will write three blocks of code. The first will convert kilograms to pounds and ounces. The second will convert pounds to kilograms and ounces. The third will convert ounces to kilograms and pounds.The conversions are as follows:1 kilogram = 35.274 ounces1 kilogram = 2.20462 pounds1 pound = 0.453592 kilograms1 pound = 16 ounces1 ounce = 0.0283 kilograms1 ounce = 0.0625 poundsFor the purposes of this activity the template for a function has been provided. You have not yet covered functions in the course, but they are a way of reusing code. Like a Python script, a function can have zero or more parameters. In the code window you will see three functions defined as def convert_kg(value):, def convert_pounds(value):, and def convert_ounces(value):. Each function will have a block showing you where to place your code. Explain the relationship between the nucleus, gene,DNA,chromosome, and cell WILL GIVE BRAINLY!! PLS PLS HELP!!! What are the 2 ligaments that get sprained in the elbow most often? Which of the following is/are needed for initiation of RNA synthesis? Choose one: O A. Sigma factor alone OB. Neither RNA polymerase nor sigma factor O C. RNA polymerase and sigma factor O D. RNA polymerase alone PLS i need help.. ASAP ______is a physical health benefit of physical activity.Options:a. A reduction in your stress levelb. Meeting new peoplec. Enhancement of sleep and relaxationd. Increased muscular strength explain one or two things that adversely (negatively) affect the Earth's environment. How do you know that these things you're discussing are bad for the world around us? What is the solution set of x2 10 = 30x?{220, 250}{250, 220}{15 StartRoot 235 EndRoot, 15 + StartRoot 235 EndRoot}{15 StartRoot 235 EndRoot, 15 + StartRoot 235 EndRoot} Read the choices below.Which of the answers indicate that you are thinking like a scient check all of the boxes that apply why dont plants photosynthesise in the dark