How is Holden not insane


Answer 1

Despite the fact that Salinger never explicitly reveals Holden Caulfield's mental state to the reader, it is obvious that Salinger intended to portray Holden as a troubled, possibly insane, person.

Does Holden have a mental illness?

He experiences severe melancholy and guilt, and he has trouble recalling specifics of his past. Holden seems to have very imbalanced emotions. His excitement is more frenzied and his fury is tremendous.

Holden Caulfield, who is only a teenager, has been a symbol of anxiety, agony, and sadness ever since J.D. Salinger's 1951 novel "The Catcher in the Rye." Holden has clearly struggled at a young age, failing out of numerous schools and showing disgust for almost everything he encounters. Through a first-person narration in which Holden divulges his personal thoughts, Salinger examines Holden's mental state. These ideas and his behavior demonstrate that he is not emotionally stable. Holden lacks self-control and frequently makes rash decisions.

To know more about Holden Caulfield visit:


Related Questions

What is blank verse with examples?


Blank verse is a poetic form that consists of unrhymed lines in iambic pentameter.

What is verse?

Verse is a form of literature that expresses ideas, emotions, or tells a story in a structured format using a specific meter and rhyme scheme. It is typically composed of lines of varying length and meter, often with a regular rhyme scheme, that is often divided into stanzas. Verse can be found in many different forms, such as poetry, song lyrics, hymns, and spoken-word pieces. Verse has been used for centuries to express emotions, tell stories, and to create art, and is still a popular form of creative expression today.

Blank verse is a poetic form that consists of unrhymed lines in iambic pentameter. It is often used in dramas and epic poems. Examples of blank verse include:
"That time of year thou mayst in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang."
William Shakespeare, Sonnet 73

"My soul is an enchanted boat,
Which, like a sleeping swan, doth float
Upon the silver waves of thy sweet singing;
And thine doth like an angel sit
Beside a helm conducting it,
Whilst all the winds with melody are ringing."
Percy Bysshe Shelley, "Love's Philosophy"

To learn more about verse

What is the main point of the excerpt?


An excerpt in writing is a quoted passage taken from a longer work, such as a book, or poem, or an article. To 'show' readers what it is you want them to understand and remember about the subject.

What is meant by Passage ?

A passage or a paragraph in a brilliant work of writing is always a collection of connected sentences. A passage is an excerpt from a text, novel, story, or even another paragraph, whereas a paragraph is a collection of phrases organized around a single theme.A passage is technically just a piece or subsection of a literary work, whether it be fiction or non-fiction. Despite some claims to the contrary, most passages are at least one paragraph long and frequently multiple.The Grammarly experts claim that most authors concur that a five-sentence paragraph is a solid general rule to go by.

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How long have gender pronouns existed?


Since the 13th century, gender-neutral first-person pronouns have been in use. Since the 13th century, "they" has been used alone.

The third-person singular they was added to the plural they when Middle English stopped utilising syntactical syntax.A pronoun that does not assign a gender to the person being discussed is known as a gender neutral or gender inclusive pronoun.Many authors, presenters, etc. use "he/his" when referring to a generic individual in the third person since certain languages, like English, do not have a gender neutral or third gender pronoun available. Additionally, the transgender and genderqueer groups are frustrated by the duality of "he and she" in English, which leaves no place for different gender identities.

learn more about languages


What is an informative essay?


An informative essay is a type of essay that provides information about a subject or topic and aims to educate the reader about the subject.

It is not an opinion piece, nor does it have the intention of convincing the reader to take a certain action or point of view. Instead, the purpose of an informative essay is to provide readers with accurate information about a topic in an easy-to-understand way.

An informative essay typically includes an introduction, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should provide a brief overview of the topic and introduce the main points that will be discussed in the body paragraphs.

The body paragraphs will each focus on a specific point related to the topic, providing evidence and examples to support the main points. Finally, the conclusion will provide a summary of the key points and any possible implications of the topic.

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What happens in chapter 1 of The Scarlet Pimpernel?


The Scarlet Pimpernel, a dashing hero and elusive master of disguise who saves French aristocrats and smuggles them out of France to safety during the French Revolution, is actually Sir Percy Blakeney, the protagonist of the book, who poses as a posh English aristocrat.

What is the moral of The Scarlet Pimpernel?

Because of the success of Orczy's book, English-speaking people began to refer to any brave hero who smuggled those in peril to a safe haven in another country as a "scarlet pimpernel."

Today, it is occasionally used more generally to describe someone who is bold, enigmatic, or evasive.

The Scarlet Pimpernel, a dashing hero and cunning master of disguise, saves French aristocrats and smuggles them out of France to safety during the French Revolution.

The Scarlet Pimpernel is actually Sir Percy Blakeney, the book's main character, who assumes the persona of a posh English aristocrat.

Thus, this happens in chapter 1 of The Scarlet Pimpernel.

For more details regarding The Scarlet Pimpernel, visit:


What are phrases 3 examples?


Three examples of phrases are :

after the meal (prepositional phrase)the nice neighbor (noun phrase)were waiting for the movie (verb phrase)

What is meant by phrases?The word combinations known as phrases can function as a noun, a verb, or a modifier in a sentence.Phrases vary from clauses because they do not have a subject or a verb, whereas dependent and independent clauses do.Noun phrases, verb phrases, and modifying phrases are the three primary groups of phrases.Similar to clauses, phrases are made up of two or more words in a sentence; unlike clauses, however, phrases do not have a subject and a verb.A phrase is a collection of words that functions as a sentence but lacks a subject or a verb. Phrases are frequently used to describe people, objects, or events.

Learn more about phrases refer to :


What does Snowball say is the main purpose for the windmill he is planning?


In order to produce electricity that would improve the lives of all the farm animals, Snowball advocates for the installation of a windmill. In addition to having electricity for lighting and heating.

What was said by Snowball regarding the windmill?

Snowball contends that setting up a windmill will make all the animals' lives better. He claims that once the windmill is operational, they won't have to work more than three days a week. He claims that the windmill will produce electricity to power heated stalls for the animals.

Napoleon argues against it, stating that erecting the windmill will take time and effort away from the more crucial work of providing food. Snowball is convinced that the windmill will eventually become a labor-saving technology.

To know more about Animal farm visit:


Why is Zinn writing this what is his purpose?


In A People's History of the United States, Howard Zinn's primary goal is to present history objectively.

What was Zinn's primary motivation in compiling a people's history?

Zinn was inspired to write a people's history because he thought that a national history solely served to justify the existence of the country, which entails that it primarily lies and, if it ever does, it does it too quickly, rushing through atrocity to concentrate on splendour.

According to Zinn, Colombus was not a genuine hero as many history texts portray him to be. Instead, he was dishonest, making false promises to those who helped finance his travels, and he was brutal to the locals in the places he visited.

To know more about mobility in colonial America visit:


When including direct quotes in your research paper you need to include which of the following?


These contain the Author's name and the year the original material was published, two crucial pieces of information.

How To Use Direct Quote In Research Papers

A direct quote is a piece of text copied word-for-word from a source. You may quote a word, phrase, sentence, or entire passage.

When citing a quote, you must always mention the last name of the author, the publication year of the source, and the page where the quote can be found. The letter "p" (for a single page) or "pp" comes before the page number (for a page range).

Citations are a great way to provide evidence for a certain argument or claim in research papers. Each quote, whether it comes from a subject-matter expert or research participants who were interviewed, can be utilised to support a claim and the author's assertions.

Additionally, particular parameters must be followed when quoting from these sources in accordance with the reviewer's requirements or, in most cases, the styling manual needed by a school or publisher.

The MLA (Modern Language Association), APA (American Psychological Association), Chicago/Turabian, and other styling manuals are among the many available options.Parenthetical and narrative citations are both acceptable forms in-text referencing.Place the whole citation in parenthesis after the quote and before the period when using a parenthetical citation (or other punctuation mark).It is crucial to preserve suitable and correct punctuation patterns in each phrase that contains a quotation when an author directly quotes sources in scholarly writing. The quotations should either be encircled in quotation marks or set off as a block quotation. The only way for the quotations you utilise to successfully integrate into your text and support your argument as you intend is if they are appropriately spaced.

To know more about How To Use Direct Quote refer to :


Who dies at the end of The Masque of the Red Death?


Prince Prospero dies at the end of 'The Masque of the Red Death.'

Who dies at the end of The Masque of the Red Death?In 'The Masque of the Red Death,' a horrifyingly disguised guest mysteriously interrupts the doomsday party and is later revealed to be the epidemic itself personified, murdering the prince. The other partygoers discover that there is no one hiding behind the disguise as they enter the room to attack the shrouded figure. The Red Death has now infected the castle, resulting in everyone's death. Poe's tale emphasizes how the egotistical, constrained perspective of entitled individuals of a society more concerned with comfort and wealth amid a calamity only creates greater harm, as a historical pandemic further emphasizes the economic and social inequities in nations all over the world. Ultimately, nobody makes it out alive in Edgar Allan Poe's  short story, 'The Masque of the Red Death,'.

To learn more about  'Edgar Allan Poe', refer:


Read the passage from “French Artist Killed in Sunday’s Earthquake”:

“And then the rain of her life stopped, and she was in darkness, her heart pushing slowly against her ribs. Muted noise as through she were underwater.”

Does the author successfully convey this tone? Explain in a least 2–3 sentences using specific words/phrases.



Yes, the author successfully conveys a tone of suffocating despair in this passage. The imagery of her heart "pushing slowly against her ribs" and the description of the "muted noise" as though she was underwater suggested a sense of entrapment and helplessness that reflects the tragic reality of the situation.


Which part of this sentences contains an infinitive?
O To enrich
O To the delight
O To tuesday mornings
O To thurday afternoos


Well, you should know that none of these options are 'sentences' as you refer to them.

The only infinitive is option A.

What is the dramatic irony in Act 1 Scene 5?


In spite of their covert plans to assassinate the existing monarch, Lady Macbeth makes clear that she and her husband want to depict themselves as the ideal subjects of him. King Duncan is unaware of it, the audience is aware of a planned outcome.

What is meant by king?

In many situations, a male ruler is referred to as a king. The title queen, which is also given to the consort of a monarch, is the equivalent for women.The title may allude to tribal kingship in the context of prehistory, antiquity, and modern indigenous peoples. Germanic kingship is similar to Indo-European tribal traditions of authority.In classical antiquity, the word king can be translated as rex in Latin and archon or basileus in Greek.The position of king as the head of a kingdom is considered to be the greatest in the feudal system in traditional European feudalism, possibly subordinate only to an emperor, at least formally.

To learn more about King refer to


i need help, please make sentences like in the example


Answer: Some examples


This will be a colossal task.

I have approximately six minutes to make it to class.

I apologize for my rude behavior and disrupting the class.

You as the artist, should try to capture the essence of the painting.

You can't beat me! I am the champion of chess!

I want this book so bad but it's in high demand!

Hopefully this might help

What is the correct order that protein are made from DNA?


DNA, RNA, and protein should all be produced in this order.

A specific DNA segment (i.e., a gene) serves as a template for the production of a messenger RNA molecule, a complementary RNA that is produced during gene transcription.

The process of translation subsequently takes place in the ribosomes, where this messenger RNA is employed as a template to build a polypeptide chain (i.e., a protein).

DNA, which is located in the nucleus of (eukaryotic) cells, serves as the cell's repository for all genetic data, which essentially includes data on every type of protein in the body. Information for a specific protein is copied (transcribed) from DNA onto messenger RNA in the nucleus (mRNA).

Therefore, DNA >> RNA >> protein is the right order to create proteins.

To learn more about Protein here:


What does iambic pentameter mean in sonnet?


Iambic pentameter, a rhyme pattern in which each sonnet line has ten syllables, is the main meter used in Shakespeare's sonnets. Iambs, also known as iambic feet, are five-pair divisions of the syllables. A metrical unit known as an iamb consists of one unstressed syllable and one stressed syllable.

A human pulse, which consists of a smaller beat followed by a greater beat: da-DUM, is the most basic example of iambic verse. Iambic pentameter would then have the following pronunciation: "da DUM, da DUM, da DUM, da DUM." Iambic pentameter, which combines these two names, refers to a line of writing that has ten syllables and follows a particular pattern of a short syllable followed by a long syllable, or an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable.

Five-foot lines are known as iambic pentameter. Each foot begins with an unstressed syllable and ends with a stressed syllable, as in "dum ditty dum." Iambs are a particular kind of foot. The word "remark" is an example of an iamb, which is a foot made up of one unstressed syllable and one stressed syllable. Penta, which stands for five, indicates that a line of iambic pentameter has five iambs, or five sets of stressed and unstressed syllables.

Learn more about iambic pentameter Visit:


How does clovers response support the author's purpose she feels great despair like many people in the Soviet Union?


Orwell demonstrates that Clover, like the people of the Soviet Union, is deeply saddened by the bloodshed. Clover, like Soviet peasants, had expectations that things would better in the end,

As Orwell demonstrates. Orwell illustrates Clover's realization that she was misguided in expecting that the mighty would protect the helpless.

Clover, like Boxer, represents the proletariat. Clover is an ardent supporter of the Animalist movement until the very end of the novel. She condemns Mollie for betraying Major's values.

Clover depicts the Russian Revolution's working-class women, who toiled hard yet were dissatisfied with the outcomes of Communism under Josef Stalin.

Learn more about to Soviet Union visit here;


How does Ophelia develop?


At the beginning of the play Ophelia was most polite, pure and virtuous. Her relationship with hamlet leads to her death.

In the play, Ophelia's role revolves around her relationships with three men. she has also been romantically involved with Hamlet. She is the daughter of Polonius, the sister of Laertes and up until the beginning of the play’s events. she has also been romantically involved with Hamlet. Ophelia’s relationships with these men restrict her agency and eventually lead to her death. men tell Ophelia what to do. Laertes and Polonius admonish Ophelia not to trust Hamlet’s expressions of love. Despite the force of their warnings, Laertes and Polonius both trust Ophelia to make her own decisions. However, as the question of Hamlet’s state of mind increasingly dire, Polonius tightens the reins on his daughter. Polonius forces Ophelia to return Hamlet’s letters and renounce his affections. Ophelia obeys, but her action sends Hamlet into a fit of misogynistic rage.

To learn more about Ophelia's develop in the play please visit:


What do iron and the rosebush symbolize?


The rosebush appears to stand in for the idea of "grace" or forgiveness, while the iron door appears to reflect everything rigid and unforgiving about Puritan culture.

What is the Scarlet letter about?

The story of Hester Prynne, who fights to build a new life of repentance and dignity after having a daughter with a man she is not married to, is set in the Puritan Massachusetts Bay Colony during the years 1642 to 1649.

The rosebush represents kindness and forgiving. Because the jail is a place of darkness and sin, the beauty of a wild rose bush thriving in such an odd location symbolises God's grace.

The iron door seems to represent everything strict and unforgiving about Puritan culture, but the rosebush seems to represent the idea of "grace" or forgiveness.

Thus, this iron and the rosebush symbolize.

For more details regarding the Scarlet letter, visit:


Young Love,” what theme is best expressed in lines 9–16?



If its by Sara Teasdale then the best answer choice would be "Only the inexperienced can enjoy loving secretly with no hope of encouragement. "


In the poem, lines 9-16, say

"I have a secret in my heart

No ears have ever heard,

And still it sings there day by day

Most like a caged bird

And when it beats against the bars,

I do not set it free,

For I am happier to know

It only sings for me."

This shows how she enjoys loving secretly. Also near the end of the poem and other parts it starts talking about "What am I that he should love me, What am I?" which shows the no hope of encouragement part.

Lastly, the inexperienced part can be found in the title "Young Love,"

hope this helps lmk if i got it twisted tho

A compare and contrast essay over "tell-tale heart" and "black cat" is a popular essay topic. in at least 5 sentences, discuss some of the similarities and differences between the two stories.



One of the main differences between the two stories is the motive for the murders. In "The Tell-Tale Heart," the narrator's motive is driven by his own delusions and paranoia. In "The Black Cat," the narrator's motive is driven by a desire for revenge against his wife, who he believes has wronged him in some way. Another difference between the two stories is the way in which the murders are discovered. In "The Tell-Tale Heart," the narrator confesses to the murder and leads the police to the body, seemingly proud of his crime. In "The Black Cat," the narrator is discovered when the police find the body of the cat hanging in the basement and the wife's body buried in the wall. Both "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "The Black Cat" explore themes of guilt, insanity, and the consequences of violent actions. However, "The Tell-Tale Heart" focuses more on the internal struggles of the narrator, while "The Black Cat" delves into the deteriorating relationship between the narrator and his wife.

how many appraisals did fannie mae review to determine if there was appraisal discrimination?



As stated above, we relied on Fannie Mae's proprietary AVMs as neutral benchmarks to evaluate the opinion of value provided by an appraiser on a specific property. These models were built utilizing Fannie Mae's appraisal database that contains more than 54 million appraisals.


There were more than 54 million appraisals fannie mae review to determine if there was appraisal discrimination.

What is appraisal discrimination?

When a property is devalued because of the owners' color, ethnicity, religion, or another protected class, this is known as home appraisal discrimination. This form of prejudice is far more common in Black and Latino areas than in White neighborhoods.

As previously indicated, we used Fannie Mae's proprietary AVMs as impartial benchmarks to evaluate an appraiser's judgment of value on a given property. These models were created using Fannie Mae's appraisal database, which comprises over 54 million appraisals.

As a result, Fannie Mae reviewed over 54 million appraisals to see if there was appraisal discrimination.

Learn more about discrimination here:


What is the message of the book turtles all the way down?


John Green's book Turtles All the Way Down is not at all about turtles. Instead, the book's themes—mental illness, interpersonal connections, and purpose—are alluded to in the title.

Although it's heavy material for a teen audience, teens are used to dealing with it in their everyday lives. The concept of friendship and all the complications it entails are covered in Turtles All the Way Down. Despite being best friends, Aza greatly underestimates Daisy.

Aza's moodiness and "thought spirals" are tolerated by Daisy, who is the most understanding companion anyone with a mental illness could ask for. But deep down, Daisy is upset with her pal for being so narrow-minded. For instance, Daisy has been writing Star Wars fan fiction for years, but Aza has never bothered to read it.

When Aza finally reads Daisy's Star Wars fan fiction, she recognizes herself in one of the characters who is described as a tagalong who continually causes trouble—in other words, a bother. This triggers a crisis. She is hurt and feels betrayed. This results in an altercation when Aza is operating a vehicle, which causes a serious accident. But the argument clears the air, and despite the challenges, their friendship endures. Aza discovers that every relationship must be mutually beneficial, and both young ladies discover how to value one another and themselves for who they are.

To know more about Turtles click here,


Describe the structure of "The Song of Wandering Aengus." Then explain how the structure
of the poem contributes to one of the poem's themes.


3 eight-line verses make up "The Song of Wandering Aengus," with each of them uses the ABABCDCD rhyming poem.

What is "The Song of Wandering Aengus"?

Infatuation is the primary but also the most overt subject of "The Song of Wandering Aengus." Young Aengus, who is described in the beginning stanza as having a deep crush on "a dazzling girl," leaves to find her.

The poetry has a balladic feel to it because of the rhyme pattern and tetrameter.  Ageing yet never going to give up his chase of this beauty, the captivated Aengus travels the planet.

The poem is an example of how infatuation, or some other unreachable goal, may simultaneously drain a person's energy and feed their imagination.

Learn more about The Song of Wandering Aengus, Here:


Does Hamlet regret his revenge?


When the ghost informs Hamlet that Claudius poisoned him to death, Hamlet is eager to exact revenge. Tragically, Hamlet's father's death's retaliation resulted in tragedy.

The only person who should exact revenge is Hamlet's uncle, but he also brings seven deaths with him. He ultimately finds it challenging to carry out the strategy, though. Hamlet struggles internally to do what is right while still desiring to exact revenge on his father.

He expresses regret for killing his brother and a desire to have done it differently despite the advantages in the opening sentence of his soliloquy, "My stronger guilt defeats my mighty intent" (III. iii. 44).

To learn more about Hamlet here:


How does information system affect everyday life?


Information system affect our everyday life in situations such as registering for classes, paying bills, searching for jobs, or making your travel reservations.

An information system (IS) is a system for processing and storing data. It can be used to support various business activities, such as decision making, communication, and operations. In order to be effective, an IS must be able to integrate data from multiple sources and turn it into useful information.

An information system can be very helpful in managing a business. It can be used to track inventory, customers, sales, and other data. It can also be used to communicate with employees and customers.

To know more about information, click here.


The four levels of administration include executive directors, program directors, development directors, and _____.


Answer: Budget directors


The four levels of administration include executive directors, program directors, development directors, and budget directors . Thus correct option (A).

The four levels of administration include official chiefs, program executives, improvement chiefs, and give essayists.

The official chiefs of any organization are responsible for the overall functioning of an organisation and all its departments. In addition to them program executives are the people who are responsible for rolling out programs in each department with their teams and to the best of their capabilities. Adding to these two, improvement chiefs offer improvement practices that can help in the overall delivery to the operations of the organisation.

Learn more about  four levels of administration  to visit this link


Full Question: The four levels of administration include executive directors, program directors, development directors, and _____.

A. budget directors

B. accountants

C. grant writers

D. support staff

How does Zinn describe the American Revolution in this chapter?


The American Revolution, in his opinion, was a cunning strategy to quell "possible uprisings and build broad consensus in favor of a new, privileged leadership's control."

What was the American Revolution like in Howard Zinn's opinion?

Howard Zinn said that the Declaration of Independence "expresses our highest ambitions" and that our history "is a striving to make those ideals a reality" a few years before he passed away in 2010. However, he believed that the American Revolution was a great fraud perpetrated by affluent Americans who sold equality-promoting propaganda. The term "kind of revolution" used by Zinn to describe the American Revolution alludes to the fact that nothing fundamental to American society changed as a result of the colonies' decision to rebel against Britain and obtain independence. The class hierarchies remained the same, as did how slaves were treated.

To know more about The American Revolution visit:


Drinking is a huge part of Vietnamese culture. Vietnam is one of the countries that consume the highest amount of beer in the world. Vietnamese people prefer to go (1) _______ to drink at coffee shops on weekdays (2) ______ their friends after work. Some invite their friends to drink at their homes on weekends. In the past, the Vietnamese usually (3) ______ home-made alcohol. Then, they started to drink beer and wine.
In fact, Vietnamese people always (4) ________ about the damage of drinking alcohol, but they still drink. Now, more Vietnamese people use their free time to go to the cinemas, theaters or coffee shops to have fun with their friends. Young people also spend (5) _______ time studying or attending clubs and malls to improve their skills, such as communication, presentation and team working.
1. A. out B. in C. away D. off
2. A. for B. of C. with D. to
3. A. drink B. drinking C. to drink D. drank
4. A. know B. knowing C. to know D. knew
5. A. many B. much C. any D.few



1) out

2) with

3) drank

4) know

5) much


The correct responses for the given blanks are:-

1) out2) with3) drank4) know5) muchWhat is Vietnamese culture?

Vietnam's culture is very cosmopolitan. Vietnam's early civilization began with the Bronze Age ông Sn civilization, which is regarded as one of the most important founders of its Ancient history. Because of the 1000 years of Northern hegemony, Chinese culture had a strong effect on Vietnamese culture.

"Vietnamese people prefer to go (1) out to drink at coffee shops on weekdays, (2) with their friends after work. Some invite their friends to drink at their homes on weekends. In the past, the Vietnamese usually (3) drank home-made alcohol. Then, they started to drink beer and wine."

"In fact, Vietnamese people always (4) know about the damage of drinking alcohol, but they still drink. Now, more Vietnamese people use their free time to go to the cinemas, theaters or coffee shops to have fun with their friends. Young people also spend (5) much time studying or attending clubs and malls to improve their skills".

Learn more about Vietnamese culture here:


to what extent have women used the public sphere as a platform for empowerment ?
Hi !
I have to write an essay and answer to this question : "to what extent have women used the public sphere as a platform for empowerment ?" i don't understand the question and struggle to answer.

Could you help me ?
thank you :)
PS: Im in 11th grade in a french high school


Women have used the public sphere as an empowerment platform to express all their frustrations and problems that society creates to diminish and insecure women's rights.

How to show this in an essay?Write an introductory paragraph that shows how the public sphere is a place of great social impact and therefore should be used to seek social change.Start the first paragraph of the body of the essay by showing how women have used the public sphere to seek political representation and expose elements of society that diminish them and take away their rights and security.Write one more body paragraph expressing how the political representation of women in the public sphere is the most effective way to use them because it allows women's causes to come to the fore.End with a concluding paragraph showing that the public sphere has been a great ally of women, but society must listen more to the complaints that women expose so that there is a social change.

The political representation of women in the public sphere not only highlights the struggles they are forced to overcome daily, but also the search for support and security, as women can be given greater prominence and serve as a support network for each other.

Learn more about women's rights:


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