How is Mrs. Higgins point of view influenced by the time and culture she lives


Answer 1


She cannot imagine a way for a  woman to survive on her own.


Pygmalion is the play written by George Bernard Shaw. The play is a rendition of Greek myth.

In the play, Mrs. Higgins is a lady living in a Victorian Era. During the Victorian Era, there were many rules of dos and don'ts for each class. The upper-class women of the society were offered only a few career options as compared to today. Upper-class society women had one career option, that is marriage.

So, for Mrs. Higgins in the play, it was a matter of concern when Higgins and Pickering were performing a little experiment on Eliza, a flower girl. Mrs. Higgins said that though Eliza may learn the manners and etiquettes of duchess she can no longer go back on becoming a flower girl. She needs to have someone (through marriage) to look after her financially. She disapproved of woman earning to survive on her own.

"The manners and habits that disqualify a fine lady from earning her own living without giving her a fine lady's income!..." (Reference from Pygmalion).

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Let's Explore This
Suggested Time Allotment: 10 minutes
Actions and their Consequences
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Example: I logged out of my
social media account to stay
focus on my module.
Results or Efects
Example: i was able to
concentrate and understood
easily the lessons n my



1. Action: I leave the cell phone away from me at the time I am studying. Result: I can concentrate and avoid distractions.

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Which word in this sentence should be capitalized?


B. Senator Akunin. ~I can't submit it unless it's 20 characters long so ignore this entire sentence~

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Underline the adverbs in the following sentences and circle the verbs :
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as 'Soccer Player of the Year'.
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1. Adverb = wildly; Verb = shook.

2. Adverb = gracefully; Verb = accepted.

3. Adverb = completely; Verb = confused.

4. Adverb = Adverb = desperately; Verb = shook, dying.

5. Adverb = viciously; Verb = defeated

6. Adverb = impeccably, faultlessly; Verb = writes, calculates.

7. Adverb = gratefully, mercilessly; Verb = thanked, scolded.


An adverb is one of the parts of speech in English language and it can be defined as a word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb. Some examples are slowly, quickly, brightly, sadly, etc. Also, adverbs usually ends with the suffix "ly" in English language.

A verb is one of the parts of speech in English language. Verbs can be defined as any word that describes an action, occurrence, or state of existence. Some examples of verb are dance, sing, walk, play, run, sit, etc.

What is the grammatical referent of the word "it" in the phrase
"that it should have any character at all" (line 6)?
(A) solitude
(B) society
(C)a savage beast
(D) divine nature
(E) aversion to society



i think its E


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Can you just telk me the meaning of sharable I don't know

please help me with this




Option A is the correct answer





Can i know what the true answer



struggled fits the sentence better.

I think that it might be b struggled

What is most likely to cause wolves to hunt in packs? 1. A wolf has trouble finding enough food for himself. 2. They need to kill prey large enough to feed the cubs. 3. A single wolf faces more danger from his enemies. 4. They want to kill large numbers of small animals.



2.  They need to kill prey large enough to feed the cubs

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O verbal, existential, dramatic
O imagist, existential, situational
O imagist, dramatic, situational
O dramatic, verbal, situational


dramatic verbal and situational

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The answer is probably A, but since I haven't read the articles, nor have any idea what they're about, I can't be completely sure.



Answer: A because both authors are trying to convince the reader to agree with their points of view.


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Do not click that link it’s a hacker

The petals drop one by one— from the fragile daisy. The shriveled, yellowing pieces of flower blow away, leaving behind a bare stem. I have to remember to live, to enjoy each petal of my life, to share and grow and bask in the sun's sweet light. What is the theme of this poem? A) Life is short, so enjoy every day. B) It is important to be alone sometimes. C) Flowers lose petals quickly. Eliminate D) Planting flowers is difficult.



Life is short so enjoy everyday


The answer is A) Life is short so enjoy every day

How would you use ethos in a argument to win?


I hope this helps with your problem

By using an example explain the meaning of positive stress.​



Positive stressors (called eustress) may include an upcoming wedding, the holidays, or pregnancy. On the other hand, negative stress (called distress) results in the full-blown stress response. If continuous, negative stress can lead to loss of productivity, health problems, and exhaustion.

Which excerpt from John Milton's poetry is in blank verse?



Restore us, and regain the blissful Seat, Sing Heav'nly Muse, that on the secret top Of Oreb, or of Sinai, didst inspire That Shepherd, who first taught the chosen Seed, In the Beginning how the Heav'ns and Earth (from Paradise Lost)


In this excerpt blank verse does not have a rhyme scheme, but it does use five iambic feet in a line.

Which of the following is an example of an informal definition



Option "C" is correct


Informal definition can be regarded as informal style used in writing or making speech that involves using casual as well as familiar words. This is usually involves colloquial use of language. It is often more direct compare with formal style. Using of abbreviations as well as short sentences, and contractions may be found in informal definition of words. It is usually contains more of casual and spontaneous words.

The one that exemplifies an informal definition would be as follows:

C). Sara McGregor, Senior Brand Manager, says that association ads are less likely to persuade millennial consumers because this segment tends to be wary of celebrity endorsements.

What is informal?

The term 'informal' denotes 'anything that is stated casually or reflects one's personal belief or opinions about something instead of being factual.'

The third statement exemplifies an informal definition because it involves the personal opinion of the brand manager which could be biased and in formal terms, it requires evidence to back the idea/claim.

Thus, option C is the correct answer.

Learn more about "Informal Tone" here:

Please help me out................


The correct answer is C. Yea!


An interjection is a word to express a state of mind and capture the attention of the public. In general, interjections are pronounced in an exclamatory tone for that are written followed by exclamation marks (!). Therefore, the interjection of the phrase "Yea! Our team won the tournament!" Is "Yea!" Because it catches the attention of the audience and expresses emotion for the victory of the team in the tournament. So, the correct answer is C.

Rewrite these commands to make them polite (softer) requests.
a. Get that report in by noon on Monday.
Finish eating and get back to work
Stop kicking my desk.
Fill in this form
Get me a coffee and a piece of fruit.​


Answer: Would you mind trying to get the report in by noon on Monday. Please finish eating so you can get that work done. Would you please stop kicking my desk. Please get me some coffee and any fruit is okay.

What do you think would be the counterclaim of people that think vedio games are bad



video games can increase coordination, provide entertainment, and it a good excercise for your brain.


she thought about the crowd, and it made things worse


this is poetic lolll

Which of the following revised sentences best eliminates wordiness?
correct as written
In the next few days, the bus company should announce the new schedule.
The new schedule from the bus company is expected to be possibly posted in the next few days.
The bus company will expect an announcement of its schedule during the next few days.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




The answer I think is correct is B.


I think this one is correct because this makes more sense then the rest, there is a coma ofc, but it also says that the bus company is going to announce their new schedule in the next few days because they shouldn't take too long to announce their bus company. Hopefully this helps you.

Answer: The answer is B

Explanation: Just got it right on Edge :)

At one time, dinosaurs were rulers of the earth. What are the nouns?





What is a noun? Nouns are words that indicate a person, place, or thing. In a sentence, nouns can function as the subject or the object of a verb or preposition. Nouns can also follow linking verbs to rename or re-identify the subject of a sentence or clause; these are known as predicate nouns.

Please mark me brainliest! Happy Thursday!

A child who says. "My toy breaked" or "I runned up the hill" is demonstrating _________.

A. overextension
B. telegraphic
C. overregularization
D. fast mapping

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.



C. Overregularization


I calculated it logically


there right its C


As the holiday season ended, Bertha Berger struggled to put on her blue jeans. They seemed much tighter than usual, so she stepped on the bathroom scale and received the bad news. She had never seen such a high number on the little scale, so she resolved to change. That day she threw out all the junk food in her fridge and went grocery shopping. Determined to lose weight, she bought low-fat versions of all her favorite foods. She had a low-sodium bacon sandwich with a diet soda for lunch. The sandwich contained over 1,200 calories but had very little salt. For dinner she ate two turkey burgers with reduced-fat cheese. Though she had consumed over 2,000 calories, Bertha felt like she deserved a reward. So for dessert she ate two low-calorie ice-cream sandwiches. And before bed she ate a bag of baked potato chips, which are healthier than normal chips. She dipped them in low-fat cream cheese. Bertha had consumed around 6,500 calories that day, but she felt skinny. When she woke up the next morning, she stepped on the scale. She couldn't wait to see how successful her diet had been.





What are the rules for using parentheses



To clarify certain words



Use parentheses around nonessential information or abrupt changes in thought.

When the words in parentheses form a complete sentence, place a period inside the closing parenthesis.

No personal phone calls are allowed on company time. (Refer to the policy manual.)

When the words in parentheses are not a complete sentence, place the period outside the closing parenthesis.

The meeting will be held next year (in March).

Always place commas, semicolons, and colons outside the closing parenthesis.

The tasks consist of filling out paper work (including HR documents), setting up your email account, and getting a photo ID.

If the information in parentheses requires a question mark or an exclamation mark, use the mark inside the parentheses only if the sentence ends with a different mark.

Richard Bender (remember him?) stopped by to see me yesterday.

Do you remember Richard (think you can remember back that far) from the bank?

Use parentheses to clarify preceding words.

Next week we will study the hydrologic cycle (also known as the water cycle).

Use parentheses for references or documentation of sources.

Fifty contracts were issued this year. (See Table 1.)

The U.S. leads the world in Internet use (Leslie 89).

Use parentheses around an abbreviation or an acronym when it is used with the spelled–out word.

Please submit the Student Aid Report (SAR).

Use parentheses in a horizontal list of items that uses either letters or numbers.

I need three items from the store: (1) apples, (2) bread, and (3) milk.

The following information must be included: (a) name, (b) address, and (c) driver's license number.

Capitalize the first word in parentheses if it is a proper noun or the beginning of a complete sentence.

Verify all items. (Check the boxes.)

Call the assistant (Robert Digg) at noon.

Use parentheses around numerals used with a spelled–out number.

I have ninety (90) dollars left from my paycheck.

Use parentheses for minor subdivisions in alphanumeric outlines.













On the book Still The Same Autumn decides to talk to her about his feelings. What did he say and why did he say it? When he said it how did Gregory react and why did he react that way?



Coco the Monkey

By the end of 1973, Tusk the Elephant became the mascot of the cereal, and he remained until the end of 1982, when Snap, Crackle and Pop (the mascots of Rice Krispies) replaced and retired Tusk the Elephant. In 1991, the mascot became Coco the Monkey.

Cocoa Krispies - Wikipedia › wiki › Cocoa_Krispies

Coco the Monkey

By the end of 1973, Tusk the Elephant became the mascot of the cereal, and he remained until the end of 1982, when Snap, Crackle and Pop (the mascots of Rice Krispies) replaced and retired Tusk the Elephant. In 1991, the mascot became Coco the Monkey.

Cocoa Krispies - Wikipedia › wiki › Cocoa_Krispies

Coco the Monkey

By the end of 1973, Tusk the Elephant became the mascot of the cereal, and he remained until the end of 1982, when Snap, Crackle and Pop (the mascots of Rice Krispies) replaced and retired Tusk the Elephant. In 1991, the mascot became Coco the Monkey.

Cocoa Krispies - Wikipedia › wiki › Cocoa_Krispies

Coco the Monkey

By the end of 1973, Tusk the Elephant became the mascot of the cereal, and he remained until the end of 1982, when Snap, Crackle and Pop (the mascots of Rice Krispies) replaced and retired Tusk the Elephant. In 1991, the mascot became Coco the Monkey.

Cocoa Krispies - Wikipedia › wiki › Cocoa_Krispies

Coco the Monkey

By the end of 1973, Tusk the Elephant became the mascot of the cereal, and he remained until the end of 1982, when Snap, Crackle and Pop (the mascots of Rice Krispies) replaced and retired Tusk the Elephant. In 1991, the mascot became Coco the Monkey.

Cocoa Krispies - Wikipedia › wiki › Cocoa_Krispies

Coco the Monkey

By the end of 1973, Tusk the Elephant became the mascot of the cereal, and he remained until the end of 1982, when Snap, Crackle and Pop (the mascots of Rice Krispies) replaced and retired Tusk the Elephant. In 1991, the mascot became Coco the Monkey.

Cocoa Krispies - Wikipedia › wiki › Cocoa_Krispies

Coco the Monkey

By the end of 1973, Tusk the Elephant became the mascot of the cereal, and he remained until the end of 1982, when Snap, Crackle and Pop (the mascots of Rice Krispies) replaced and retired Tusk the Elephant. In 1991, the mascot became Coco the Monkey.

Cocoa Krispies - Wikipedia › wiki › Cocoa_Krispies


How do I write a conclusion?



A conclusion is, in some ways, like your introduction. You restate your thesis and summarize your main points of evidence for the reader. You can usually do this in one paragraph.


Which Student response to excerpt is an example of text to text it is D trust me


It’s confusing me lol
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