How many amino acids must be obtained in the diet because they cannot be made by the body?
O 2
O 5
O 10
O 20


Answer 1
The answer would be 10. Its also mentioned on a quizlet flash card. Hope this helps
How Many Amino Acids Must Be Obtained In The Diet Because They Cannot Be Made By The Body?O 2O 5O 10O
Answer 2




Edge 2021 did the quiz and got 100%

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On topographic maps, how do you represent a steep slope?
A. Contour lines that are closely spaced
B. Contour lines that are dashed or dotted
C. A lack of contour lines
D. Contour lines that are far apart



Contour lines that are closely spaced(Apex Approve)


On a topographic map the amount of elevation change is related to the number of contour lines. Using the same contour interval, the more contour lines over the same distance indicates a steeper slope. As a result, areas of a map where the contour lines are close together indicate steeper slopes

What is the porosity of the silt sample?(The sediment volume for each sample is 400ml.) a. 25.5% b. 39.75% c. 45% d. 53%


Answer: I hope this help it is B.39.75%


The porosity of the silt sample is :

B) 39.75%"

"Porosity of silt sample"

The porosity of the silt sample is 39.75%.

Soil porosity alludes to the division of the full soil volume that's taken up by the pore space .

A sponge is an case of a permeable fabric because it incorporates a huge number of purge spaces compared to its volume.

Porosity is the property of an question that communicates the entire volume of purge or pore space within the material.

Thus, the correct answer is B.

Learn more about "porosity" :

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what layer of skin contains the stem cells that cause fingernail growth



A nail grows from a deep layer of living epidermal tissues, called the nail matrix, at the proximal end of the nail. Stem cells in the nail matrix keep dividing to allow nail growth, forming first the nail root and then the nail plate as the nail continues to grow longer and emerges from the epidermis    

Hope this helps


nail matrix


it is found at the proximal end, and it contains stem cells, which form keratinocytes( which make up the nail)

When a lizard eats and insect, it is considered _____________ .

Group of answer choices









the lizard is acting as a predator to the insect

Put in order the connective tissue from hardest to softest.​



I don't know I am sorry!



Crossing over shuffles alleles on:_____.a. sister chromatids.b. different non-homologous chromosomes.c. chromosomes within different cells.d. different homologous chromosomes.d. none of the answers are correct.





Crossing over shuffles alleles on non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes.

At the prophase I stage of meiosis, homologous chromosomes synapsed to form a four-chromatid structure known as tetrad. Exchange of chromosomal segments between non-sister chromatids of the tetrad then takes place, a process that results in the reshuffling of genes or alleles on the non-sister chromatids.

Hence, none of the answers is correct.

Correct option: d

7. Describe two trends in male and female height using the line graph,​


Answer and Explanation:

Females: The height interval with Most females corresponds to the interval of 156-160 cm. represented by 8 individuals. Most females are between 156-170 cm. height. Males: The height interval with Most males corresponds to the interval of  171-175 cm. represented by 7 individuals. Most males are between 171-190 cm. height.  

Note: You will find the analyzed line chart as an attached file

In the presentation of their findings, the authors of the Metabo-Herb study _______.a. Clearly state the limitations of their studyb. Relate the results of their study to previous work in the fieldc. Suggest additional research that may help clarify the effectiveness of fertilizersd. Provide a detailed description of the study site including physical and biologicalfeaturese. depart from scientific convention by characterizing the results of their study as‘proving’ their hypothesis.



The correct answer is E) the authors of the Metabo-Herb Study depart from scientific convention by characterizing the results of their study as ‘proving’ their hypothesis.


Scientific convention refers to the meeting or gathering of scientists with similar interests to agree on a collective way of pursuing, addressing, or approaching a set of agreed activities.

In order words, is an agreed way of doing things by a group of scientists with similar interests.

In relation to the question, there is a scientific convention with respect to experiments and the presentation of scientific studies. The scientific convention requires that figures, formulae, units, and data (graphs, diagrams, tables) must be included in the presentation of studies for other scientists to also verify before a study can be accepted as having proven its hypothesis.


You test-cross plants you suspect to be AaBb dihybrids and look at 100 offspring, with the following results: Phenotype AB 22 Ab 28 aB 29 ab 21 100 total1. You wish to test the hypothesis that the data are best explained as a dihybrid test cross AaBb x aabb. For a chi-square test, what expected number would you use for the aB class?2. Calculate the chi-square value for these data given the model that the results are from a dihybrid test cross of two genes on separate chromosomes.3. Using the chi-square table provided, determine the probability that the model would give the observed data. Degrees P Values
of freeom | 099 | 090 | 050 | 0.10 | 0.05 | 0.01 | 0.001
1 - 002 .45 2.71 3.84 6.64 10.83
2 0.02 0.21 1.39 4.61 5.99 9.21 13.82
3 0.11 0.58 2.37 6.25 7.81 11.35 16.25
4 0.30 1.03 3.36 7.78 9.49 13.28 18.47
5 0.55 1.61 4.35 9.24 11.07 15.09 20.524. Given this probability, would you accept or reject your model?



- 002 .45 2.71 3.84 6.64 10.83

2 0.02 0.21 1.39 4.61 5.99 9.21 13.82

3 0.11 0.58 2.37 6.25 7.81 11.35 16.25

4 0.30 1.03 3.36 7.78 9.49 13.28 18.


From the test cross and X² test, I assume the individual is dihybrid and genes are in separate chromosomes. 1)25 aB. 2)X²=2. 3)P₀.₀₅=7.81. 4)Accept the model.

What is a test cross?

A test cross is a cross we use to determine the genotype of individuals whose phenotype we already recognize.

The cross occurs between the individual of an unknown genotype and a recessive h0m0zygous individual. We want to know if the unknown  genotype is heter0zyg0us or h0m0zyg0us dominant for a single gene.

Considering only one gene involved in the cross,

if the individual is heter0zyg0us, the progeny will be 50% heter0zyg0te and 50% h0m0zyg0te expressing the recessive trait.

The phenotypic and genotypic ratio is 1:1

if the individual is h0m0zyg0us dominant, the whole progeny will be heter0zyg0us.

Considering two genes that assort independently are test crossed,

If the individual is a dihybrid -heter0zyg0us for both genes-, the progeny will express equal phenotypic and genotypic ratio, 1:1:1:1.

If more than one gene are involved, we can also determine if these genes assort independently, or if they are linked.

If genes are located in different chromosomes or are far from each other in the same chromosome, they assort independently, and their phenotypic and genotypic ratios are 1:1:1:1

If these genes are linked, after the test cross, the distribution of phenotypes among the progeny differs from 1:1:1:1.

When phenotypes appear in different proportions than the expected ones, we can assume that these genes are linked.

However, the difference between the observed and the expected data can be by random chance. This means that genes could assort independently, but by chance, the observed ratios vary from the expected ones.

To analyze these situations and determine is the difference is by chance or because genes are linked, we need to perform a chi-square test.


Now, let us answer the question.

Available data:

Test cross

F1 = 100 individuals

AB 22 Ab 28 aB 29 ab 21

1)  What expected number would you use for the aB class?

To answer this question, we assume genes assort independently, so if this is the case, genotypic ratio should be 1:1:1:1, or 25% AB : 25% aB : 25% Ab : 25% ab

100% ------------- 100 individuals

25% -------------X = (25% x 100) / 100% = 25 individuals AB

25% -------------X = (25% x 100) / 100% = 25 individuals aB

25% -------------X = (25% x 100) / 100% = 25 individuals Ab

25% -------------X = (25% x 100) / 100% = 25 individuals ab

So, accordig to our calculations, the expected number for the aB class is 25 individuals.


2) Calculate the chi-square value.

Model: dihybrid test cross of two genes on separate chromosomes -assort independently-.

                             AB         Ab          aB         ab      

Observed, O        22          28          29         21

Expected, E          25          25         25        25    

(O-E)² / E             0.36      0.36       0.64      0.64

X² =  Σ(Obs-Exp)²/Exp =  0.36 + 0.36 + 0.64 + 0.64 = 2

X² = 2

The chi-square value is X² = 2


3) Determine the probability that the model would give the observed data.

Freedom degrees = n - 1          Where n is the number of classes ⇒ 4.

Freedom degrees = 4 - 1 = 3

Significance level = 0.05

Conventionally, we use 0.05 = 5% as the significance level.

Critical value (table value) = 7.81

Considering a significance level of 0.05 and 3 freedom degrees, the critical value equals 7.81.


4) would you accept or reject your model?

X² = 2P₀.₀₅ = 7.81

X² < P₀.₀₅  ⇒ 2 < 7.81

p value is greater than , so there is not enough evidence to reject the null hypothesis. The ungenotype might be a dihybrid, and there might be independent assortment.

I would accept the model.

You can learn more about test cosses and chi-square at

An igneous rock is light in color and has extremely coarse grains. What is the most likely origin of the rock?

A a magma chamber

B the bottom of the ocean

C an outer slope of a volcano

D the shore of a volcanic island​



The correct answer is a magma chamber


Got it right on Edge 2020

Categorize each monosaccharide with the correct effect it has on your body.



Monosaccharides are very important for our body. These are found in our body in the form of energy.


Monosaccharides are the carbohydrates that are so simple and containing the seven atoms in their molecules. This is the only form of the sugar that is fermented direct into the lectic acid. Its general formula is CnH2nOn. These are generally colorless, solid in form.

There are different type of monosaccharides such as

Linear chain monosaccharidesOpen chain stereoisomers.Hemi-acetal Haworth OligosaccharidesPolysaccharides

Theses carbohydrates provides the energy to body. Living organisms used the carbohydrates. These carbohydrates fuels the body. These are stored as glycogen in body.

Impulse is just a change in?
Answer plss



due to the rate of blood circulation


is a quantity that describes the effect of a net force acting on an object (a kind of "moving force").

is represented by the symbol J (boldface).

is the product of the average net force acting on an object and its duration.

J = F∆t

is the force-time integral.

J = ⌠

⌡ F dt

is a vector quantity (since force is a vector and time is a scalar).

Impulse-Momentum Theorem

The impulse-momentum theorem states that the change in momentum of an object equals the impulse applied to it.

J = ∆p

If mass is constant, then…

F∆t = m∆v

If mass is changing, then…

F dt = m dv + v dm

The impulse-momentum theorem is logically equivalent to Newton's second law of motion (the force

Roses attract more pollinators than tulips



Pollinators are such as bees, insects, moths etc. that help in pollination of flowers.


When we heard about the pollinator we always think that theses are bees. Bees are very important in pollination of the plant. Pollinators are the insects that take some pollen from one flower to another flower and the procedure  takes place for further.

These flowers attracts bees, insects, butterflies, bats moth and small mammals. Rose color and its tempt with fragrance attracts insects and bees. There are variety of flowers that attracts pollen but rose attract more because of fragrance and its color.

why it is important that tendons do not stretch?



Ligaments and tendons (since they have less elastic tissue) are not intended to stretched very much at all. Overstretching them may weaken the joint's integrity and cause destabilization (which increases the risk of injury).

What element does an atom of 210 Po change into after it emits an alpha particle



The element polonium-210 has a mass number 210 and atomic number 84 decays by alpha emission to give an

element with a mass number of 206 and an atomic number of 82.

The element formed is known as Lead as it is the element that has an atomic number of 82

206Pb82—> 210Po84 + 4He2

This is the alpha decay of the Polonium to give Lead( Pb).

Gwen is a forensic technician. One day, the police send a skeleton to her lab and ask her to identify if it belonged to a male or female human. Which scientific field will Gwen use to identify the gender of the skeleton? A. physics B. biology C. chemistry D. entomology





Biology is a branch of science that studies about the living organisms.

Anytime you speculate about a problem and think of an answer based on what you
see on TV or read on the Internet, you are forming a scientific theory.
a. True
b. False



b. False


A scientific theory must have strong support from testable facts that are confirmed (or rejected) by observational and/or experimental procedures. The scientific method is a rigorous process that consists of arising a conjecture (hypothesis) which can be subsequently used to make predictions from its logical consequences, and finally to obtain information from empirical observations/experiments in order to obtain a conclusion about the veracity of the scientific claims (i.e., a hypothesis must be testable). In consequence, a scientific theory can not be based only on 'light' conjectures, but trustworthy observational data from the real world.

What do biogeochemical cycles have in common



El término ciclo biogeoquímico se deriva del movimiento cíclico de los elementos que forman los organismos biológicos (bio) y el ambiente geológico (geo) e intervienen en un cambio químico. ... En los ciclos gaseosos, los nutrientes circulan principalmente entre la atmósfera (agua) y los organismos vivos.30 jul. 2017


In an experiment, the group that is exposed to the factor being tested


the grp being tested is the experimental group
the grp tht is not being tested is the control grp

Describe how you could use properties to determine whether or not a sample of a substance is pure.



It depends the substance


Physical properties of a substance like Color, odor, density, melting temperature, boiling temperature can determine the purity of a substance.

What are the properties of a pure substance ?

The matter can be classified as pure substances and mixtures.

Pure substances are made up same kind of particle and have a constant structure.

Pure substances can be up two types elements and compounds.

An element which consists of only one type atom, so it can not be broken down by using physical or chemical method. Elements are metals, non-metals or metalloids.

Compounds are the pure substances if two or more same type of elements are combined chemically, but these can be broken down into separate elements by treating them with chemical methods.

Learn more about pure  substance, here:


what is one reason that scientists who study weather need extremely advanced technology

1. to anticipate changes in weather patterns
2. to remove the need to make forecasts several days in advance
3. to monitor weather events restricted to one region
4. to account for one factor at a time that affect weather patterns

choose one



To anticipate changed in weather patterns


1. I took the test

2. Scientist who study weather need to have a high quality standard technology in order for them to forecast weather accurately and also to forecast weather several days in advance.

The table below shows the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere for a period of 50 years.

What conclusion can you make about how the carbon dioxide level has changed over time?

A)The Level has not changed

B)The Level of Co2 has declined

C)The Level of Co2 has risen

D)The Level has reached its maximum



The answer is C.)


I took the test.

Which statement would most likely explain why the results of one new experiment did not support an accepted hypothesis?



You need to add a picture so we can see all of the statements.


C: The hypothesis was false, and scientists should replace it with a new one.

try it

Anything that occupies space and takes up mass





Matter consist of tiny and discrete particles


Hey there!!

The answer is matter.

We simply define matter as anything which occupies space, has some mass.

Hope it helps...

Help! Read the question!



the answer is c


:3 np i was glade to help

What is the difference between mitosis, and meiosis?



Cells divide and reproduce in two ways, mitosis and meiosis. Mitosis results in two identical daughter cells, whereas meiosis results in four sex cells. Below we highlight the keys differences and similarities between the two types of cell division.


Which phrases are true of only the mantle?



It is the thickest layer of the earth about 2900 km thick

It makes up 82% of the earth's volume and is in a semi - molten state

This is where magma is found and created

Convection currents in the mantle causes the tectonic plates to move


Do fireworks have matter?





everthing does even fire

Cardiac veins drain blood into the_______, which will empty into the_______.
a. coronary sinus; left atrium.
b. great cardiac vein; superior vena cava.
c. great cardiac vein; left atrium.
d. inferior vena cava; right atrium.
e. coronary sinus; right atrium.


Answer: Option E.

Coronary sinus, right atrium.


Coronary sinus, right atrium is part of the circulatory system that consist of arteries, arterioles, veins, capillaries that move blood to the heart tissue and remove waste from the blood.

The cardiac veins return deoxygenated blood to the right atrium and it them moves to the right ventricle then to the heart where it becomes oxygenated

The coronary sinus received drain blood from ventricles veins, it then moves the deoxygenated blood to the right atrium which it transfer or move to the right ventricle (through the tricuspid valve which in turn move the blood to the pulmonary artery for pulmonary veins.

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