I did a Spanish project where I have to write as if I'm writing in a diary (journaling) about 3 fun adventures, and I need someone to check my Spanish. My project is super short, it won't take long to look over. Please tell me anything that I can do to improve my Spanish and anything I need to correct.

Here are the rules for the project: Write one general sentence stating that the weather is good, bad, beautiful, etc. Write two specific types of weather, such as sunny, cloudy, cold, hot, mild, raining, snowing, foggy, drizzling, etc. Write the temperature. Description of the place: Using the Spanish you've studied so far, describe the appearance of the location by using the correct form of ser with descriptive adjectives. Use hay, meaning "there is" or "there are" to talk about things that are found there. This description should include at least three pieces of information about the location. Account of the day's events: Choose three activities per picture. All activities should be in the present tense, since the past tense hasn't been studied in detail. However, with teacher permission, the past tense charts in lesson 1 may be used to tell about specific activities that were done that day. Use of Spanish in the writing: Make sure that the verb endings match their subjects. Check that all irregular verbs are spelled correctly. Verify that the overall communication is clear and knowledge acquired from the program was clearly applied in your writing. Make sure that a variety of weather vocabulary is used and there isn't much repetition of the same weather conditions from one picture to the next. Pictures to include: Include a picture of each of the three locations you reference in your project. These pictures should represent the weather and places you describe in Spanish. Te toca a ti. It's time to get started! This project may be completed as a journal on paper, but can also be a slide show, or any other creative presentation you can think of. It's best to follow the simple steps below to work through it. Part 1: Your pictures are the main focus, so begin your project by choosing three pictures that show interesting things, and a variety of weather conditions. For instance, you can use pictures of a ski resort when it's snowing, an adventure park when its raining and the lines for the rides are very short, and a park or beach when the weather is sunny. Decide how you'd like to put your information together. Choose whether you'll create a journal, a slide show presentation, or some other way to bring your information together. Make notes on the weather, descriptions, and activities you plan to discuss in the project. Write your paragraphs in Spanish and have your teacher or a peer edit your work and give you suggestions for improvement if necessary. Create a rough draft of your journal with writing and pictures all in place. Edit your work, and make sure verbs are conjugated correctly, adjectives agree with the nouns they modify, and weather expressions are used correctly. Ask somebody who understands Spanish to edit your work again. Make any changes necessary and then check your work thoroughly for both content and appearance. If your teacher requires you to present the project, tell your classmates all about your vacation and have fun!


Answer 1


Ok, I speak Spanish as my first language and I have some suggestions.


1. Let's start with the title, in Spanish, when you use the "!" in a sentence, you put a "¡" at the start of the sentence.

Example: ¡Mis Aventuras Épicas!

The same applies with all the other sentences that I read on your project such as "¡Hasta la vista!" and "¡Es muy frio!"

2. Lets go with the second slide now. To make this short, I'll put the entire paragraph with corrections.

"Hace un día bonito en la playa hoy, hay flores muy lindas y el tiempo es perfecto. Hace calor, mucho sol, y el cielo esta despejado. El mar se ve azul y tranquilo, puedo ver arboles con frutas."

"La temperatura de hoy es de 87 grados, llevo puestas mis gafas de sol y protector solar."

"En este momento, yo estoy comiendo y leyendo un libro, pero también me gustaría nadar esta tarde."


3. Now lets go with the third slide.

"Hoy yo estoy con mi amiga. Estamos en el bosque, el tiempo es bueno con una temperatura de 91 grados."

"Hace mucho calor, el sol brilla mucho hoy, y veo arboles muy grandes y verdes, y muchos animales bonitos también. La naturaleza es bonita."  

"En este momento estamos comiendo y hablando, pues nosotras queremos escalar rocas y acampar esta tarde."

"¡Hasta la vista!"

4. The final slide and we are done.

"Hoy yo estoy con una amigo en las altas, frías y grandes montañas de nieve. ¡Esta nevando y estamos a 0 grados!"

"Estamos construyendo un hombre de nieve y dibujando en la nieve, estoy disfrutando mucho este momento."

"¡Hasta la próxima!"


As you can see, I took the liberty to change some things in order to make it more understandable and coherent, and I added some words and changed some as well to give it more variety. If you have any questions about pronunciation or meaning of the new words I added, please feel welcomed to ask. Hope you get a good grade with this presentation, good luck!

Answer 2


1. Hoy 20 C and Manana 15 C:Hoy la temperatura en Lisboa es de 20 grados. El cielo está despejado y hace calor. Mañana la temperatura será de 15 grados en Lisboa. El cielo estará nublado y hará un poco de frío.

2. Hoy 12 C and Manana -5 C:El cielo en Los Alpes está nublado. La temperatura es 12 grados y hace un poco de frío. Mañana empieza la temporada de nieve en Los Alpes. La temperatura bajará a los 10 grados.

3. Hoy 25 C and Manana 13 C:Hoy hace buen tiempo en Venecia. La temperatura es de 25 grados y hace sol. Mañana Venecia estará nublada y hará frío. La temperatura será de 13 grados y es posible que llueva.


i have a spanish class and these were the sample answers after i answered

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De nada


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porque existen las fiestas



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Si Néstor fuera más valiente, hablaría con Carla acerca de sus sentimientos. Ella le contaría que ha pensado en él desde que estaban en quinto grado. Él quizás le tomaría la mano y la llevaría al patio de la escuela para mostrarle el lugar desde donde la miraba desde ese tiempo. Él le daría una flor y la invitaría a pasear a la playa en la noche cuando pudieran mirar la luna. Ay, ¡que lindo es el amor! ¿Acerca de que tendría que hablar Néstor con Carla? Acerca de política Acerca de una tarea de la escuela Acerca de sus padres Acerca de sus sentimientos


Answer:acerca de sus sentimientos


Según el texto, Néstor tendría que hablarle a Carla:

Acerca de sus sentimientos

Texto sobre Néstor

El texto hace hincapié sobre lo que debe hacer Néstor, al inicio del mismo menciona que debe hablarle de sus sentimientos, que ella le hablara de que lo ha pensado desde que estaban en quinto grado, tomarla de la mano y llevarla al patio, regalarle una flor e invitarla a pasear por la playa.

Por lo tanto, Néstor debe hablarle sobre sus sentimientos a Carla y esperar que estos sean recíprocos.

Si quieres aprender un poco más sobre Poemas, puedes visitar el siguiente enlace: https://brainly.com/question/19111051

La Sra. Díaz es de Caracas.



Ms. Diaz is from Caracas

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O una piñata
O una cámara
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O papel picado



Una cámara


Cámara means camera, you can take pictures of the party, but nothing else

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He/him = Él


Él / él

el means him that’s all i know

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Él es de Rusia. Él es ruso.





Part H Lecturas

La panamericana

Think of the reading and choose si if the statement is correct. Choose no if it is not correct.

Cuando un vehículo tiene un pinchazo, el conductor pone una rueda de repuesto y una gata en la carretera para
advertir o informar a los otros conductores.





:v. Who puts an innocent cat?

Tres Generaciones
1. ¿Cuál es la peculiaridad narrativa de este cuento?
2. ¿Quién es la primera narradora y qué describe?
3 ¿Cuál es su profesión?
4. ¿Quién es la segunda narradora y de qué se preocupa?
5. ¿Por qué dedica mucho tiempo al cultivo del jardín?
6. ¿Por qué se casó Hilda? ¿Cuál es la situación familiar ahora?
7. ¿Quién es la tercera narradora? ¿Qué acaba de hacer?
8. ¿Qué comparación hace la abuela?
9. ¿Por qué hizo que Hilda asistiera a la escuela? ¿Qué opina
ella de su hija, Hilda?
10. ¿Qué dice Hilda acerca de su trabajo? ¿Qué recuerdos tiene?
11. ¿Qué le había pasado a Antonia?
12. ¿Por qué decidió Hilda tener el bebé (Mari)?
13. ¿Qué dice la abuela de "esta vida moderna"?
14. Según la abuela, ¿cuál es la diferencia entre las telenovelas y
la vida real?


Answer: Three generations


1. What is the narrative peculiarity of this story?

2. Who is the first narrator and what does she describe?

3 What is your profession?

4. Who is the second narrator and what does she worry about?

5. Why do you spend a lot of time gardening?

6. Why did Hilda get married? What is the family situation now?

7. Who is the third narrator? What did you just do?

8. What comparison does the grandmother make?

9. Why did you make Hilda go to school? What do you think

her from her daughter, Hilda?

10. What does Hilda say about her job? What memories do you have?

11. What had happened to Antonia?

12. Why did Hilda decide to have the baby (Mari)?

13. What does grandmother say about "this modern life"?

14. According to the grandmother, what is the difference between telenovelas and

the real life?


Explanation: i took spanish

Choose the correct word.

_____ indica que no puedes rebasar.

La entrada
El rótulo



El rotulo.


El rotulo indica que no puedes rebasar.


Answer: El rotulo

Explanation: Trust me

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El jardinero


El jardinero cuida las flores bonitas de nuestra escuela

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That's it translated. I dunno if that's what you're asking or not though...

ernesto y su jefe se encuentran brevamente

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New Years and the Independence Day

(hablar) a mis amigos anteayer.





TÚ  hablaste a mis amigos anteayer.


tu hablastes  a mis amigos anteayer

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1. vosotros sois
they are
2. ustedes son
you are (Spain)
3. ellos son
you are (formal)



1. vosotros sois > you are (Spain)

2. ustedes son > you are (formal)

3. ellos son > they are

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Answer:  A hard working people have not their personal time‚ because they spent most of time doing their job. They usually start job in the early morning and do it until night. Moreover‚ this problem causes a numerous influence in the family man. The relationship in their family will be quite distant so far‚ because the parents pay more attention to their job than take care their children. On the other hand‚ it brings about the enormous negative effects in term of health


Anyone awake that can help me with my previously posted Spanish Question ?



I can help!!


im really good at Spanish I just need to know the question

De donde____ustedes?
Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb ser





i hope this helpsss

De donde estén ustedes

i need a spanish sentence formed with these words: correr, dibujar, bailar, nadar, trabajar



A mi me gusta correr, dibujar, bailar, nadar, y trabajar.


I like to run, draw, dance, swim, and work.

Cuando no estoy en la escuela me gusta Correr, dibujar, bailar aveces, nadar y Trabjar

Here is the questions



1. puebla esta muy cera de ciudad de Mexico.

2.Cuba esta muy lejos de España

3. Maracaibo esta lejos de Erequipa

4. Ciudad Juares esta muy cerca de El paso


Complete the following sentence with the correct present-tense form of poder below. Ellos______.




Explanation: The present-tense of poder is pueden.

The sum of the number and its squre is nine times the next hihest number. Find it​





n + n2   =   9 (n + 1)

9 + 92   =   9 (9+1)           (of course, that '92' means '9 squared')

9 + 81    =   9 (10)

 90       =   90

Rewrite the following sentence using an indirect object pronoun. La maestra dio un examen a nosotros. a. La maestra nos dio un examen. b. La maestra les dio un examen. c. La maestra nosotros dio un examen. d. La maestra se dio un examen.



a.  La maestra nos dio un examen.


"nos" is the indirect object pronoun for "nosotros", and it always goes before the conjugated verb.

The option that has the indirect object pronoun of La maestra dio un examen a nosotros is option A: La maestra nos dio un examen.

What is the statement about?

The statement of "La maestra nos dio un examen" is The teacher gave us an exam.

Note that a pronoun is often used in place of a noun and so therefore,The option that has the indirect object pronoun of La maestra dio un examen a nosotros is option A: La maestra nos dio un examen.

Learn more about pronoun from



4. What two sounds does "G" make in Spanish? ​



soft and an "h" sound


after a pause and then followed by "a" "o" and "u"

in this country, the party is typically done in the afternoon. there is a cake, goodies, and typical dishes. there are fireworks at this celebration.


Answer:July 4th/independence day


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