If you started out with a basalt protolith and subjected the rock to high-grade metamorphism,which minerals would you likely produce?


Answer 1

Metamorphism is the process of changing a rock from one form to another due to extreme pressure or heat. When it comes to basalt, high-grade metamorphism can produce some interesting results. If a basalt protolith is subjected to high-grade metamorphism, it is likely that a variety of minerals will form.

The first mineral to form from high-grade metamorphism of basalt is likely to be plagioclase feldspar. Plagioclase feldspar is a common mineral found in metamorphic rocks and is composed of calcium, sodium and aluminum. It is likely to form due to the high temperatures and pressures of high-grade metamorphism.

The next mineral likely to form is garnet. Garnet is a silicate mineral composed of calcium, magnesium and aluminum. During high-grade metamorphism, garnet is formed by the recrystallization of the original basaltic minerals. It is likely to form in the presence of melt and can form in a variety of colors.

The third mineral likely to form is pyroxene. Pyroxene is a group of dark-colored minerals composed of calcium, magnesium and iron. It is likely to form due to the high temperatures and pressures of high-grade metamorphism and can be found in a variety of colors.

Learn more about minerals at : https://brainly.com/question/18078524


Related Questions

Describe three major environmental challenges facing Oceania.


Answer:green house gas,Ocean floor drilling and coastal errosion


Which of the following statements describe aspects of how Earth's atmosphere can capture heat and, in particular, how the greenhouse
effect works? Choose all items that are true and relevant.
a. Green light is absorbed by Earth's atmosphere. This is why forests are so important, as they reflect green light towards the sky, thus
cooling our atmosphere.
b. No infrared radiation is emitted from Earth's surface
c. Some solar radiation is reflected by the Earth and the atmosphere
d. Some of the infrared radiation passes through the atmosphere, and some is absorbed and re-emited in all directions by greenhouse
gas molecules. The effect of this is to warm the Earth's surface and the lower atmosphere (the Greenhouse Effect)



c. Some solar radiation is reflected by the Earth and the atmosphere

d. Some of the infrared radiation passes through the atmosphere, and some is absorbed and re-emited in all directions by greenhouse gas molecules. The effect of this is to warm the Earth's surface and the lower atmosphere (the Greenhouse Effect)

sketch, label and explain the following plate boundaries. include an example on earth of each (be sure to name both plates involved) on your concept sketch: divergent plate boundary (oceanic divergent or mid-ocean ridge) convergent plate boundary: continental-oceanic. you will also need to explain the other two types of convergent plate boundaries (continental-continental and oceanic-oceanic) but you do not need to draw them. transform plate boundary


The velocity (speed or direction) of one lithospheric plate with respect to the next varies dramatically at a plate boundary, which is a three-dimensional surface or zone.

Convergent, divergent, and transform plate borders are the three different types of plate tectonic boundaries. Divergent, convergent, and transform plate borders are represented in this figure. Thanks to the U.S. Geological Survey for the image.

There is a diverging boundary formed when two tectonic plates separate. At these boundaries, earthquakes regularly take place when magma (molten rock) rises from the Earth's mantle to the surface and solidifies to create a new oceanic crust.

A convergent boundary is a location where two plates meet. The boundaries of one or both colliding plates may bow upward into mountain ranges or downward into a deep underwater trench as a result of the collision. Strong earthquakes and a chain of volcanoes typically form around the edges of converging plate boundaries. Take the Pacific Ring of Fire as an example of a convergent plate boundary.

To learn more about plate boundaries



12. including all members of the community in preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation:


The disaster management program is strengthened by including all members of the community in readiness, response, recovery, and mitigation. The right response in this case is option A.

By lowering the number of fatalities and property losses, mitigation makes communities safer. Through mitigation, people and communities may recover from disasters more quickly. Through mitigation, catastrophes' financial toll on people, the Treasury, and state, municipal, and tribal communities are lessened.

Mitigation is the process of trying to mitigate the effects of catastrophes and emergencies in order to lessen the loss of life and property. Structure- and non-structure-based actions are conducted as part of mitigation to lessen the effects of emergencies and catastrophes.

Complete question:

Including all members of the community in preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation:

A. Strengthens the emergency management program.

B. Is not always the best approach.

C. Slows down the planning process.

D. Ensures disaster survivors get the maximum amount of assistance.

To learn more about disaster management



Which shows the Aztec Empire?
A map of Mexico, Central America, and South America. Four distinct regions are labeled A, B, C, and D. Region A is southern Mexico, the Yucatan Peninsula and northern Central America, including modern-day Guatemala and Belize. Region B is a circular region in central Mexico, about 50 to 100 miles in diameter, and includes Mexico City. Region C is also in central Mexico, largely to the south of Region B, but borders region B on the east, south, and west. Region D is a strip along the western coast of South America, as far south as central Chile.


Region C shows the Aztec Empire stated Region C is also in central Mexico, largely to the south of Region B, but borders region B on the east, south, and west.

They were a Mesoamerican culture that grew strongly in central Mexico between 1300 and 1521. The Nahuatl-speaking peoples of central Mexico, who ruled over major portions of Mesoamerica from the 14th to the 16th centuries, were among the various ethnic groupings that made up the Aztec people.

The agriculture, land, art, and architecture of the Aztecs were well-known. They created a calendar system, learned how to write, and constructed temples and other places of worship. They were also renowned for being ruthless and ferocious. People were sacrificed in order to appease their gods.

To learn more about the Aztec empire, click at:



10 facts about Rub' al Khal desert


Kindly Mark Brainlist.


1. The Rub' al Khali or Empty Quarter is a desert in Saudi Arabia.

2. It is one of the largest sand deserts in the world. It covers an area of about 650,000 square kilometres, more than all of Holland, Belgium and France together.

3. Some of the sand dunes are more than 250 metres high.

4. The Rubʿ al-Khali is the largest area of continuous sand in the world.

5. It occupies more than one-fourth of Saudi Arabia’s total area and features varied topography.

6. One of the driest regions in the world

7. However, vast reserves of petroleum are present beneath its sands. In 1948 Al-Ghawār, the world’s largest conventional oil field, was discovered in the northeastern part of the desert.

8. There are also brackish salt flats in some areas, such as the Umm al Samim area on the desert's eastern edge.

9. The sand is of a reddish-orange color due to the presence of feldspar.

10. Along the middle length of the desert there are a number of raised, hardened areas of calcium carbonate, gypsum, marl, or clay that were once the site of shallow lakes.

Answer: Rub al Khali is connected to the Nafud desert in the north by the Dahna, a narrow corridor, 800 mi (1,287 km) long. The desert comprises more than 25% of Saudi Arabia. It is extremely dry and virtually uninhabited.


Rub’al-Khali is the center of Arabian Desert. It takes the record as one of the largest bodies of sand in the world.The condition: The Arabian Desert shows you one of the extreme environments in the world. But there are several animals which can live and survive here such as spiny tailed lizards, sand cats, Oryx and gazelles.The Climate: This arid area has the dry climate.  Some parts of the desert receive 100 mm of rain per year. But other parts of the desert only get below 500 mm of rain per year. During the day, the temperature is very hot. When the night comes, it is very cold.The hunting and habitat destruction: Even though the Arabian Desert is very hot and dry, many people like to hunt here. The animals extinct due to the habitat destruction and hunting are the honey badger, striped hyena and jackal. Sand Gazelle: Sand gazelle are re-introduced in the desert. They are protected in various reserves in Arabian Desert.The natural resources: Arabian Desert contains several natural resources such as phosphate, natural gas, oil, and sulfur.The Diversity in Rub’al-Khali: The diversity of flora in Rub’al-Khali is very limited.  It only contains 37 species. 17 species are located in the outer margin, while 20 of them are in the main body of the desert The typical plants in Arabian Desert: Some plants which live in the Arabian Desert are cacti, saltbush, Cyperus conglomerates and Calligonum crinitum. Sahara Desert: Do you know that the Arabian Desert actually is the extension of the Sahara Desert? It is very hot and dry. Every year, it receives a lot of sunlight.The summer temperature: During the summer, the temperature in Arabian Desert is around 104 degrees F or 40 degrees

Hope this was helpful

the population of the canada is approximately 34.3 million, and the land area is approximately 3.9 million square miles. the arithmetic density of the canada is calculated using which of the following formulas?


Canada has a geographical area of over 3.9 million square miles and a population of about 34.3 million. The following formula is used to calculate the arithmetic density: Total Population / Total Land Area is the arithmetic Density.

Canada has an arithmetic density of 34.3 million people per 3.9 million square miles.

Calculating the number of people residing in a particular area of land is the definition of arithmetic population density. The standard unit of measurement in the US is the square mile; in the majority of other nations, it is the square kilometer. Real density is another name for arithmetic density.

Arithmetic density helps us comprehend where urbanization is taking place and the demands people make on property in non-urban but nevertheless densely inhabited places. We can keep track of where domestic food supplies are and how many farms are active by understanding agricultural density.

To learn more about arithmetic density



Earth's Changing Surface: Tutorial
30 of 41 E Save & Exit
Part A
When did rock layer H form relative to the other rock layers? In your answers, compare layer H to as many rock layers as
you can


It is an igneous intrusion, rock layer H. Except for layer J, it passes through layer E and every layer below it. Therefore, layer H is younger than all the layers below it with the exception of layer E, which began to form after layer H began to form. Layer J is younger than layer H because igneous intrusion J penetrates through layer H. The intrusion formed before layer G because it bypasses layer G. It is impossible to tell from the drawing whether layer H is older or younger than layer A.

What do you mean by Layer?

A amount or portion of a material or substance that covers a surface or is sandwiched between two other objects is known as a layer.

The land surface of the Earth is shaped and reshaped by waves, wind, water, and ice, which deposit and erode rock and solid in different places, often in seasonal layers. Diverse mineral combinations make up the different types of rock. Bedrock and larger rocks are broken up and weathered to produce smaller rocks.

Therefore, The depiction makes it impossible to determine whether layer H is younger or older than layer A.

Learn more about Layer, here;



how is biodiversity related to the 3 thermal zones?


A common way to measure biodiversity is to count the total number of species living within the thermal zone of a particular area, the warmer, the greater the diversity.

How temperature is related to biodiversity?

The location of living things is governed by temperature. Diversity is promoted by the ideal temperature. Additionally, changing resource requirements and/or absorption rates may have an impact on the way that species interact. As a result, warming may modify species interactions and complementarity effects, which could alter how biodiversity loss affects ecosystem functioning.

The greatest diversity can be found in tropical zone, which are generally warm all year round. Less biodiversity can be found in temperate areas, where the summers are warm and the winters are frigid. Due to the minimal number of organisms that can survive in the frigid zone, biodiversity is generally low.

To learn more about tropical zone, visit:



Some metamorphic rocks are not foliated because of mineral growth or recrystallization without a preferred orientation. Below are the names of several metamorphic rocks. Identify whether each rock has foliation. Quartzite Phyllite Gneiss Schist Marble


Quartzite is a non-foliated metamorphic rock, which means it does not have a preferred orientation of the minerals. Quartzite is formed by the metamorphosis of quartz-rich sandstone and is composed of quartz and other minerals such as feldspar and mica.

Phyllite is a foliated metamorphic rock, which means it does have a preferred orientation of the minerals. Phyllite is formed by the metamorphosis of shale, and is composed of platy minerals such as mica. The platy minerals in phyllite give it a distinct sheen and slickness.

Gneiss is a foliated metamorphic rock, which means it does have a preferred orientation of the minerals. Gneiss is formed by the metamorphosis of granite and is composed of minerals such as quartz, feldspar and mica. Gneiss has a distinct banded or layered structure, which is caused by the alternating light and dark minerals.

Schist is a foliated metamorphic rock, which means it does have a preferred orientation of the minerals. Schist is formed by the metamorphosis of shale and is composed of platy minerals such as mica. The platy minerals in schist give it a distinct sheen and slickness, as well as a distinct foliated structure.

Marble is a non-foliated metamorphic rock, which means it does not have a preferred orientation of the minerals. Marble is formed by the metamorphosis of limestone and is composed of calcite, dolomite, and other minerals such as quartz and mica. Marble has a distinct crystalline texture which is caused by the recrystallization of the calcite and dolomite during the metamorphic process.

Learn more about minerals at : https://brainly.com/question/18078524


According to the competence and environmental press model, slight increases in press tend to_____ , whereas slight decreases in press create the_____ .


According to the competence and environmental press model, slight increases in press tend to improve performance, whereas slight decreases in press create the zone of maximal comfort.

How does the competence-environmental press theory work?

Theory of Environmental Press Competencies include quality of life, including a sense of efficacy or mastery, cognitive and affective functioning, and physical and functional health. The person's home environment, social environment, and even neighborhood environment are all environmental press variables.

What exactly is the press model of competence and the environment?

Model of Competence and the Environment Equation: B = f(P, E) -Behavior is a result of the person and their surroundings. -High well-being when physical and cognitive competence are matched by the environment. - Negative adaptation when you are too much or too little challenged.

To learn more about Theory of Environmental Press here:



ifi hold a giassfuil ofairupsidedown, and Itake ittothebottomoftheSWimming pooI without tipping it, the density (thickness) of the air inside thegiass wi= be at the surface.A IessthanB greaterthanC theiameaSD lessthan orgreaterthan


If a glass full of air is held upside down and then it is taken to the bottom of the swimming pool without tipping, the density/thickness of the air inside the glass will be B: 'greater than' at the surface.

As per the question, if a glass filled with air is being held upside down and taken to the bottom of the swimming pool without tipping it; the thickness or density of the air within the glass would be greater than compared to the surface due to the air density.

It reflects that air's density is subjected to the pressure as well as the temperature of the environment and therefore, the higher pressure at the swimming pool's bottom would make the air denser than the surface. Hence, the inner density would be greater than at the surface.

You can learn more about density inside water at



which of tthese statements accurately explains why global migrantion occurec in the 19th century, as shown in the map


Better opportunities to provide for their families financially motivated the majority of migrants.

What drives individuals to migrate?

Higher wages, better employment opportunities, a higher standard of living, and opportunities for education are all pull factors. A greater number of people will probably migrate to nations with a better outlook if economic conditions are unfavorable and appear to be at risk of further decline.

How do migrants contribute to the economy?

Since migrants are concentrated in economic sectors that are more innovative and generate more companies than the local population, migration results in economic growth, younger cohorts, trade, investment, and entrepreneurship in the host nation.

To learn more about migrants here:



How will your studies at the University of Helsinki contribute to the advancement of knowledge in your chosen field of study? Is the University of Helsinki your first choice? If so, please explain why. How would the scholarship improve your commitment and contribution to the degree programme?


It is a  part of a community that can change things at the University of Helsinki, one of the top 1% of universities in the world.

What is University of Helsinki?

The University of Helsinki is the oldest and largest academic institution in Finland, established in 1640 and now with 30 800 students and 8 200 employees of which 58 % represent teaching and research staff.

As the University of Helsinki places in the 50-100 range in the majority of the most important rankings, it elevates us to the top 1% of the world's universities. Usually, we rank among the top 50 universities in Europe and hold the first position in Finland.

We think that the power of knowledge can change attitudes, people, and society - for the benefit of the entire world. We are one of the top multidisciplinary research universities in the world.

Therefore, It is a  part of a community that can change things at the University of Helsinki, one of the top 1% of universities in the world.

To learn more about university of helsinki, refer to the link:



Archaeologists have recently found a fossil of a 150-million-year-old mammal known as Repenornamus robustus (R. robustus). Interestingly, the mammal's stomach contained the remains of a psittacosaur dinosaur. Some researchers have therefore suggested that R. robustus was an active hunter of dinosaurs. However, a closer analysis has made the hypothesis that R. robustus was an active hunter unlikely. It was probably Just a scavenger that sometimes fed on dinosaur eggs containing unhatched dinosaurs. First, R. robustus, like most mammals living 150 million years ago, was smallâonly about the size of a domestic cat. It was much smaller than psittacosaurs, which were almost two meters tall when full grown. Given this size difference, it is unlikely that R. robustus would have been able to successfully hunt psittacosaurs or similar dinosaurs. Second, the legs of R. robustus appear much more suited for scavenging than hunting: they were short and positioned somewhat to the side rather than directly underneath the animal. These features suggest that R. robustus did not chase after prey. Psittacosaursâthe type of dinosaur found in the stomach of R. robustusâwere fast moving. It is unlikely that they would have been caught by such short-legged animals. Third, the dinosaur bones inside the stomach of the R. robustus provide no evidence to support the idea that the dinosaur had been actively hunted. When an animal has been hunted and eaten by another animal, there are usually teeth marks on the bones of the animal that was eaten. But the bones of the psittacosaur inside the R. robustus stomach do not have teeth marks. This suggests that R. robustus found an unguarded dinosaur nest with eggs and simply swallowed an
egg with the small psittacosaur still inside the eggshell.


Repenornamus robustus R robustus, a fossil of a 150 million year old animal, was recently discovered by archaeologists. The mammal's stomach, curiously, contained the remnants of a psittacosaur dinosaur. Therefore, some scientists have proposed that R Rob may contain dino eggs or other comparable dinosaurs.

An archaeologist is a scientist who excavates artefacts and human remains to learn about human history. After returning from the field, archaeologists clean, classify, categorise, and store the items they have found. They examine each item individually, but they may also aggregate them to look for trends. For instance, they may add up the weight of all the oyster shells or the number of all the nails and treat them as a single object. The study of post-Roman European archaeology up until the sixteenth century is known as mediaeval archaeology. The study of material culture in Europe from the 16th century onwards is known as post-medieval archaeology. The study of contemporary society using archaeological techniques, such as the Tucson Garbage Project, is known as modern archaeology.

To learn more about Archaeologists click the link below:



What are the major cities located on the River Ganga ??


The Cities that are located on the river The Ganga are Allahabad, Kanpur, Varanasi, Lucknow, Patna and Kolkata

There are many; the most prominent ones from source downstream are:

Gangotri, Rishikesh, Haridwar, Kannauj, Kanpur, Prayag Raj (Allahabad), Varanasi, Patna, Bhagalpur, Murshidabad, Kolkata, Diamond Harbour etc.

The Ganga is the purest river of India, mentioned in many holy scriptures since time immemorial. There are many folklores and legends about this river.

It is also an important means of river transport which, albeit slower than road and rail transport, is more economical and environment friendly. The Ganga is aptly called "the riverine lifeline of India."

To know about river The ganga:


Lucknow, Allahabad, Patna, Kanpur, Kolkata, and Varanasi are among the important cities that are situated along the Ganges River.

For the millions of people who reside in its basin and rely on it for their daily needs, the Ganges is a lifeline. The town of Devprayag marks the starting point of the Ganges' main stem. Numerous former provincial or imperial capitals, including Pataliputra, Kannauj, Kara, Munger, Kashi, Patna, Hajipur, Delhi, Bhagalpur, Murshidabad, Baharampur, Kampilya, and Kolkata, are situated on its banks or the banks of tributaries and connected waterways, demonstrating its historical significance. The Triveni Sangam in Allahabad is where the Ganges merges with the 1,444 km long River Yamuna.

The Ganges river passes through the towns of Chunar, Mirzapur, Varanasi, Ghazipur, Ara, Patna, Chapra, Hajipur, Mokama, Begusarai, Munger, Sahibganj, Rajmahal, Bhagalpur, Ballia, Buxar, Simaria, Sultanganj, and Farakka on its journey from Allahabad to Malda in West Bengal.

Learn more about river Ganga;


The government of _______ asserts sovereignty over Taiwan and considers it to be its twenty-third province, but it does not control its political affairs.


The Chinese government claims sovereignty over Taiwan and regards it as its twenty-third province, yet it has little political influence there.

Taiwan's position as a part of China's territory has not altered even if the two sides of the Taiwan Strait have not united. Furthermore, nothing has changed about China's control over Taiwan. Most nations around the globe agree on these facts.

The Chinese government also claims that during the Sino-Japanese War, Taiwan, all of its associated islands, and the Pescadores were eventually given to Japan by an unfair deal known as "the Treaty of Shimonoseki" and merged into Japanese sovereignty.

To learn more about Taiwan



What factors lead Geographers to perform research ​


Geographers perform research for a variety of reasons. Some of the main factors that lead geographers to perform research include:

1. To understand the earth's physical and human systems:

Geographers study the earth's physical and human systems in order to understand how they interact and influence each other. This includes understanding how physical processes such as climate, geology, and vegetation impact human activities such as agriculture, urbanization, and transportation.

2. To explain spatial patterns and processes:

Geographers are interested in understanding how and why certain patterns and processes occur in specific locations. For example, geographers may study why some countries are more developed than others, or why certain cities are more prone to natural disasters.

3. To inform policy and decision-making:

Geographers often conduct research to inform policy and decision-making at the local, regional, and global levels. For example, geographers may study the impacts of climate change on coastal communities in order to inform policy decisions related to flood management or land use planning.

4. To expand knowledge and advance the discipline:

Geographers also perform research in order to contribute to the overall understanding of the earth and its systems and to advance the discipline of geography as a whole. This includes conducting research that tests existing theories or generates new knowledge in areas such as environmental science, urban planning, or economic development.

Learn more about Nomothetic Geographic Research here: brainly.com/question/28199071

are found both on mars and earth. group of answer choices erosional features related to flowing water heavily cratered landscapes preserved from early in the planets' histories active volcanoes oceans


Both Mars and Earth have erosive characteristics associated with flowing water. The right response in this case is option A.

There is a lot of evidence of water erosion on the Martian surface. Although current climatic conditions make liquid water unstable, earlier times may have seen other circumstances. Volcanic activity has been present on the earth for all of recorded time.

On Mars, we can detect numerous evidence of water erosion, such as river channels, flood plains, and gullies that descend the walls of craters. Chemical compounds that generally occur in water-rich settings have also been discovered through a recent study of surface rocks by rovers.

Mars Express radar readings were used to look for liquid water under the planet's southern ice cover. In the vicinity of Planum Australe, they discovered a 20-km-wide lake of liquid water beneath solid ice.

To learn more about erosion



Which of the following geographic concepts can be identified using information evident in the image?
answer choices
Cultural diffusion
Forced migration
Sequent occupance
Cultural relativism


The geographic concepts can be identified using information evident in the image is cultural diffusion. The correct answer is the first option.

What is cultural diffusion?

Cultural diffusion defines the spread of one culture's practices, beliefs, and/or items, like food, music, or tools. Cultural diffusion is the spreading out and merging of pieces from different cultures. These different cultures all have many diverse types of food, clothing and even languages which people love and enjoy daily.

Cultural diffusion has to do with how the many different parts of culture are adopted by other cultures. An example of cultural diffusion would be the widespread adoption of the use of a cell phone (and often a smartphone) across many different countries and cultures.

Although part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this full question: Which of the following geographic concepts can be identified using information evident in the image? Image is attached.

Cultural diffusionAcculturationForced migrationSequent occupanceCultural relativism

Learn more about cultural diffusion at: https://brainly.com/question/2035730


similarity between traditional map making and modern map making​



Both traditional and modern map making involve the process of creating a representation of a specific area or location. Both types of maps use symbols, lines, and labels to represent different features, such as roads, buildings, rivers, and mountains.

There are several similarities between traditional and modern map making:

Both types of maps use a coordinate system to represent the location of features on the map.

Both types of maps use a legend or key to explain the meaning of the symbols and colors used on the map.

Both types of maps include a scale to show the relative sizes of the features on the map.

Both types of maps may include annotations or other information to provide context and additional detail about the features on the map.

Both types of maps may be created using a variety of techniques, including hand drawing, computer-aided design, or satellite imagery.

There are also some differences between traditional and modern map making:

Modern maps often have a higher level of accuracy and precision due to the use of advanced technologies such as GPS and satellite imagery.

Modern maps may include a wider range of features and data, such as population data, traffic patterns, and environmental information.

Modern maps may be created and accessed in a variety of digital formats, such as online maps or mobile app maps, while traditional maps were typically printed on paper.


the vast majority of ozone (o3) is found in a thin layer due to a lack of circulation in which of the following atmospheric layers?


The vast majority of ozone (o3) is found in a thin layer due to a lack of circulation is found in the Stratosphere.

Ozone molecules are being constantly created and destroyed in the stratosphere at any given time. Throughout the decades, it has remained relatively stable when measured.

A part of the sun's radiation is absorbed effectively by this ozone layer in the stratosphere, thereby preventing it from reaching the planet's surface.

More significantly, it absorbs the UVB- the portion of UV light  that has been related to many harmful effects, such as skin cancers, cataracts. It can also cause harm to some crops and marine life.

It shall be noted that zone concentrations vary naturally with sunspots, seasons, and latitude in the atmosphere

Starting in the 1970s, scientific proofs shows that the ozone shield is being depleted due to human activity well beyond natural processes.

To know more about ozone, click here:




Wetlands that surround residential development would help with
A. will make no difference.
B. decrease biodiversity in the area.
C. decrease runoff and pollute bodies of water in the area.
D. increase runoff and pollute bodies of water in the area.


Wetlands that surround residential development would help with option  C. decrease runoff and pollute bodies of water in the area.

Describe a wetland?

A wetland is a patch of land that is permanently or occasionally covered in a thin layer of water. They developed in low locations where groundwater seeps to the center and becomes trapped.

Wetlands provide home for numerous creatures and aid with flood control.

Note that at least one-third of all threatened and endangered species have their home in wetlands, which are highly productive and biologically varied systems that improve water quality, manage erosion, sustain stream flows, store carbon, and sequester nitrogen.

Learn more about Wetlands  from


3.1.6 Quiz: Demographics
Match the term in column 1 to the definition in column 2.
Fertility rate
Growth rate
Migration rate
Number of births per
1,000 people per year
Average number of
children women have in a
Subtract number of
emigrants from number of
immigrants per 1,000
Subtract total number of
deaths and emigrants
from total number of
births and immigrants per
1,000 people



Fertility rate - Average number of children women have in a lifetime; Growth rate - Subtract total number of deaths and emigrants from the total number of births and immigrants per 1,000 people; Birthrate - Number of births per 1,000 people per year; Migration rate - Subtract the number of emigrants from several immigrants per 1,000 people.


The correct matching for the terms are :-

Fertility rate - Average number of children women have in a lifetime; Growth rate - Subtract total number of deaths and emigrants from the total number of births and immigrants per 1,000 people.

What is fertility rate?

The average number of children a woman would have during her lifetime if she experienced the exact present age-specific fertility rates and were to live from birth to the end of her reproductive life is the population's total fertility rate.

A country, territory, or geographic area's age- or age-group-specific fertility rate is computed as the ratio of the annual births to women in a certain age or age group to the population of women in that same age or age group for the same year.

The remaining terms are as follows:

Birthrate - Number of births per 1,000 people per year;

Migration rate - Subtract the number of emigrants from several immigrants per 1,000 people.

Therefore, the term in column 1 is matched to the definition in column 2.

To learn more on fertility rate, click here:



You find a clear green gem with a specific gravity of about 4, and a dodecahedron-shaped crystal. This is most likely a ____. (Select all that apply)
Ugrandite Garnet
Pyralspite Garnet


The green gem with a specific gravity of about 4, and a dodecahedron-shaped crystal is a Pyralspite Garnet so, option B is correct.

What is specific gravity?

Specific gravity, often known as relative density, is a measurement of a material's density in relation to a reference substance. Water, which has a density of 1.0 kilogram per litre at 4 °C (39.2 °F), is typically used as a benchmark for comparing solids and liquids (62.4 pounds per cubic foot).

Dry air, which is frequently used to compare gases, has a density of 1.29 grams per litre (1.29 ounces per cubic foot) at standard circumstances (0 °C and 1 standard atmosphere). For instance, liquid mercury has a specific gravity of 13.6 and a density of 13.6 kg per litre.

Both pyralspite and ugrandite garnet are most probable (Pyralspite garnets are more common than Ugrandite garnets).

To know more about specific gravity:



A farmer grows several crops on a farm that has mostly shallow, sandy soil. Which of the following irrigation methods would be the best suited for this farm?
Drip irrigation
Flood irrigation
Surface irrigation
Furrow irrigation


A Drip irrigation : Using drip or trickle irrigation to provide crops with water and nutrients is a very effective technique.

Improved water and fertility management, along with decreased disease and weed pressure, can increase crop yields. Yields can rise even higher when polyethylene mulch is utilised in conjunction with drip watering.

Only when a drip irrigation system is correctly planned, managed, and maintained are these advantages attainable. The design of irrigation systems is intricate and outside the purview of this paper. To design your drip irrigation system, you should speak with a licenced agricultural engineer or irrigation equipment dealer.

However, you can contribute to making sure that your drip irrigation system is properly built and run by being aware of the many design considerations. This paper discusses system components, fundamental design ideas, real-world applications, and operational procedures.

To know more about drip irrigation:



Country A is a more developed country with a low birth rate, a low total fertility rate, a high life expectancy, and a high percentage of urban population. Based on this information, which of the following outcomes is most likely to occur in Country A?answer choicesGuest workers from less developed countries are needed to fill the labor shortages in urban areas.Pressures on pension and social security programs are at critical levels as the number of elderly increasesProvincial and national politicians must tailor their political campaigns to appeal to rural voters.Suburban house construction declines as elderly populations downsize and seek to be closer to urban amenities.


The most likely outcome that will occur in Country A based on its low birth rate, low fertility rate, high life expectancy, and high percentage of urban population is that guest workers from less developed countries will be needed to fill the labor shortages in urban areas.

Country A is a more developed country with a low birth rate, a low total fertility rate, a high life expectancy, and a high percentage of urban population. Based on this information, the most likely outcome that will occur in Country A is that guest workers from less developed countries are needed to fill the labor shortages in urban areas.

This is because with a low birth rate, a low total fertility rate, and a high life expectancy, there will be a decrease in the population of working-age adults in the country, leading to a labor shortage. To compensate for the labor shortage, guest workers from less developed countries will be needed to fill the labor gaps in urban areas.

Due to the low birth rate and fertility rate, the elderly population in Country A will be increasing, leading to pressures on pension and social security programs and a need for suburban house construction to decline as elderly populations downsize and seek to be closer to urban amenities. However, these are not the most likely outcomes as they are not directly related to the low birth rate, low fertility rate, and high life expectancy.

Learn more about populations at : https://brainly.com/question/27991860


On average, San Diego, California, has milder winters and cooler summers than Dallas, Texas. This is an example of a difference in climate.


On average, San Diego, California, has milder winters and cooler summers than Dallas, Texas. This is an example of a difference in climate. [TRUE]

Difference between weather and climate

Weather is the random events that take place every day in the atmosphere. Weather varies from place to place and can change in minutes, hours, days or weeks. These events, called weather, occur most frequently in the troposphere, the part of the atmosphere closest to Earth.

Meanwhile, climate is the average weather of a place over several decades. Unlike the weather which can change very quickly, climate takes hundreds, thousands, even millions of years to change! Weather and climate have fundamental differences, namely the area covered and the time of observation.

From these two basic differences it can be concluded that the differences in weather and climate are as follows:

The area coverage and weather observations are narrower and limited, while the area coverage and climate observations are wider. Time to observe the weather in an area can be done for 24 hours, while climate observations are made over a period of 11-30 years. Weather has a fast changing and unstable nature, while climate has a stable and difficult to change nature. Predictions about the weather are easy to do, while climate forecasts are difficult.

Learn more about climate at https://brainly.com/question/10440860.


lines 9-12 of a valediction: forbidding mourning contains a paradox to explain group of answer choices O how devastating earthquakes can be to peoples homes. O how knowledge of severe weather is important to humankind. O how events on earth are more harmful than bigger events in the heavens. O people are afraid of earthquakes.


Events on Earth have a greater negative impact than larger ones in the heavens.

Describe Earth:

Our home planet is Earth. According to scientists, the formation of Earth and its moon coincided with that of the solar system's other planets. The estimated age of that event is approximately 4.5 billion years ago. The solar system's fifth-largest planet is Earth.

Who gave Earth its name?

Every planet, with the exception of Earth, has a name that is derived from just a goddess or deity from classical Greece or Rome. The term Earth is a Germanic/English name that translates to "the ground." Its eor(th)e and ertha roots are Old English terms. It is "erde" in German.

To know more about Earth visit:



Choose an issue that is common among societies, such as poverty, racism, or gender inequality. Describe the issue and suggest ways you think society might solve it.




Poverty entails more than the lack of income and productive resources to ensure sustainable livelihoods. Its manifestations include hunger and malnutrition, limited access to education and other basic services, social discrimination and exclusion as well as the lack of participation in decision-making.

Suggestions are the following:-

Eliminating poverty through equity

Reducing poverty with resilience

Eradicating poverty through education

Halting poverty by ending hunger

Poverty Alleviation through peace

Cash solves poverty

Gender inequality

Gender inequality is when one sex or gender is frequently given more priority or advantage than another gender due to discrimination based on sex or gender. Gender-based discrimination affects fundamental human rights. Gender inequality is a result of uneven opportunity in health, employment, educational, and religious freedom policies.

All are affected by inequality, including men. Both genders abide by the regulation. In the past, gender disparity has decreased in the modern world. Men used to be the dominant force in the household and society, and women were confined to the home.

Women were considered weak and unable to function outside the house and prohibited from working and participating in politics. It was believed that women are destined to be housewives. The state of women's minds and bodies can be effected by injustice.

We can stop gender inequity by assisting them in collaboration with males. Gender equality can be visible through educating women. Giving equal wage, providing encouragement in workplace and politics will help to make a gender discrimination free society.

To know more about social issues


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