In How It Feels to Be Colored Me, how mainly does Hurston’s description of dancing to jazz add to the development of the essay’s themes?

a) By showing how certain situations make Hurston feel more colored than others

b) By establishing her very “white” disinterest in the physicality of jazz

c) By revealing how different she is than white people and other black people

d) By presenting jazz as the “Jacksonville of music”


Answer 1
I think the answer would be A

Have a good day!
Answer 2

The portrayal of jazz dancing by Hurston modifies the essay's topic development by revealing how certain conditions have a greater impact on Hurston than others.

What is Hurston's essay's key idea thesis?

Zora Neale Hurston was an African-American writer that wrote this essay and argues in her 1928 essay by making the question that “How It Feels To Be Colored Me” that grouping isn't that someone is produced with, but instead something that develops in limited social settings.

Hurston's depiction of dancing to jazz contributes to the essay's elaboration of topics by demonstrating how certain conditions color Hurston more than others.

Therefore, option A is correct.

To learn more about the dancing, refer to:


Related Questions

What song is suitable for chapters 22-27 in the Goldfish Boy by Lisa Thompson to play?



Romance garbage by fatboibari


Groundwater comes from rain or snow that soaks into the earth. Based on this text, people collect groundwater from...

A) Aquifers.

B) Barriers.

C) Soil.

D. Oceans.




The Silk Road was established because —
A. religious travelers needed a route to return home
B. Middle Eastern merchants wanted more trade with Africa
C. merchants from China began trading goods with other countries in Asia
D. more inns and guesthouses were needed in China and other parts of Asia


Answer: the answer would be C


Which TWO statements about ultraviolet (UV) light are true?

A) It makes microbes in drinking water harmless.

B) It harms plants that grow downstream from dams.

C) It is a type of sunlight that gives people sunburns.

D) It causes bacterial growth in old water pipes.

E) It increases the growth of dangerous microbes in reservoirs.


Answer: A and C

Explanation: in A, it does kill microbes in water. Some people even make filters with UV light! The type of light the sun produces is UV light. That type of light causes sun burns

What is the theme of "My First Kiss"?

Here's the text-



frances also its school frances is the 1st kiss


ima go yeet bye

go here if u wanna talk

True or False: An interjection is always one word.


An interjection can be more than one word

Read the passage.
Human Activity and Earthquakes
When Americans think of earthquakes, they tend to think of California, a state known for its frequent seismic activity. In recent years, however, people in Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas have been feeling the ground shake more often. An increase in oil and gas drilling in these states has led to "human-induced" earthquakes—those resulting from human activity. When wastewater is disposed of during gas and oil drilling, the water is forced deep underground. The resulting buildup of pressure can cause fault lines (cracks in the earth's crust) to shift. According to Mark Petersen, head of the U.S. Geological Survey's earthquake hazard mapping project, "In the past five years, the USGS has documented high shaking and damage in areas of these six states, mostly from induced earthquakes."

What is the main idea of the passage?

An increase in oil and gas drilling has caused a corresponding increase in earthquakes in six states.

Residents of six U.S states have experienced an increase in earthquake activity in recent years.



A lot of other places are having earthquakes due to oil gas drilling


Answer: An increase in oil and gas drilling has caused a corresponding increase in earthquakes in six states.


EXPERT HELP:Caleb throws a ball three times for his dog Leo. For each throw, Leo either

catches the ball or misses it. Identify the sample space (the correct list of

possible outcomes) for the results.

C = catch, M = miss

The notation CMC means Leo caught the first ball, missed the second one,

and caught the third one.




D. {CC, CM, MC, MM}



A or C


I think that bc he threw it so that mean he is more likely to catch than miss or other way arond. SOrry if im wrong

I think the right answer is letter C

please help. 15 points Why would an author chose to include flashbacks in a piece of writing?

So that the story can be told through the dreams of a character
To give hints about the back story that adds interest to the story and to a character
Just to keep people interested because dreams are always the inner consciousness of a character
Because the author has to find a way to add any interest to a story




The author adds flashbacks to help the reader remember some things. They also include it to maintain the reader's interest.


To give hints about the back story that adds interest to the story and to a character

According to the article “The Red Tail Angels,” the skill and bravery of the Tuskegee Airmen _____.
A. caused African Americans to be in a separate squadron
B. caused the integration of the military
C. was the effect of integration of the military


A. Cuased the african Americans to be in a seperate squadron

Write 2 paragraphs about Why Winter is better than Summer.


Answer: I think this is about a 2 paragraph if not edit

Explain: Winter is better than summer because when it actually snows you can either build a snowman or throw snowballs that will hurt for a while. Also you can try to build a igloo and see how long you can stay in there until you get cold and once you go inside you can just get some hot chocolate and enjoy the nice warmness of the cup.

Who first had the idea of shaping a piece of wood into a long narrow board and using it to ride ocean waves? No one knows for sure, but we do know that Hawaiians have been surfing since the 1400s. The Hawaiian word for surfing translates to wave-sliding, a fairly accurate description of this sport in which a surfer stands on a board and gets propelled across the water by the energy of the waves.

Type the word from the paragraph that means: pushed or moved forward



- Samuel Murray Dixon
The answer is propelled!!!

Read the sentence.

Luke plays the drums in the orchestra Katya plays the clarinet.

Which answer choice best revises the run-on sentence?

Luke plays the drums in the orchestra—Katya plays the clarinet.

Luke plays the drums in the orchestra because Katya plays the clarinet.

Luke plays the drums in the orchestra, but Katya plays the clarinet.

Luke plays the drums in the orchestra if Katya plays the clarinet.


It's gotta be C. Luke plays the drums in the orchestra, but Katya plays the clarinet.

The original sentence only needed a comma and the word "but".


I don't think any of them are run-on sentences tbh but if there are, I would choose option 4. Sorry if this didn't help so much.

Reread paragraphs 25-31. Choose a sentence or phrase you underlined and write a paragraph explaining why the text you annotated indicates a key event. (Asparagus an excerpt from Esperanza Rising)


Where are the paragraphs?

Submit your annual review. Make sure you have provided answers for things you have done well, things you need to improve, and your goals. Use as many of your spelling words as you can, ensuring that you spell them correctly. Remember to underline your spelling words when you use them. Use the following template to assist you with this project.

Word Bank: annual, anniversary, annals, perennial, quadrennial, biennial, millennium, centennial, dialogue, poisonous





The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe
#2 What meaning do the words “and the darkness gave no token” convey to the reader?
Read the following lines from the poem.

Presently my soul grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
“Sir,” said I, “or Madam, truly your forgiveness I implore;
But the fact is I was napping, and so gently you came rapping,
And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at my chamber door,
That I scarce was sure I heard you”—here I opened wide the door;—
Darkness there, and nothing more.

Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there wondering, fearing,
Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before;
But the silence was unbroken, and the darkness gave no token,
And the only word was there spoken was the whispered word, “Lenore!”

What meaning do the words “and the darkness give no token” convey to the reader?

A. The stranger has not left any money at the door.

B. Nothing can be seen that helps explain where the tapping noise came from.

C. No sounds can be heard at the door.

D. The stranger at the door is not who the speaker was hoping to see.





Read the claim below.
Nadia Comaneci is the most impressive gymnast of all time.
Select the piece of evidence that best supports this claim.



'During the 1976 Summer Games, Comaneci became the first person in the history of the Olympics to score a perfect "10" in gymnastics.'


During the 1976 summer games, Comaneci became the first person in history of the Olympic to score a perfect 10 in gymnastics

Naming Pluto
When "Planet X" was discovered in 1930, astronomers began debating what to call it. An eleven-year-old girl named Venetia Burney suggested the name "Pluto" to her grandfather, who passed the idea along to a friend who was a professor of astronomy. The professor, in turn, immediately forwarded the suggestion to scientists at the Lowell Observatory, where the planet had been discovered. The astronomers appreciated the fact that Pluto was the ancient Romans' name for the god of the underworld, making it a fitting moniker for such a cold and distant celestial body. In addition, its first two letters matched the initials of Percival Lowell, the astronomer who first proposed the existence of Planet X. The matter was eventually put to a vote, with Pluto the hands-down winner.
What is the main idea of the passage?
Pluto is a good name for a cold, distant planet because it is the name of the Roman god of the underworld.
After an eleven-year-old girl suggested " Pluto", astronomers chose it as the name of a newly discovered planet.



can you make it shorter



After an eleven-year-old girl suggested " Pluto", astronomers chose it as the name of a newly discovered planet.


Read the claim below.
Teenagers should not be allowed to drive.
Select the piece of evidence that best supports this claim.



The first one because it tells more about the teenagers having more car crash.

The answer would be answer 1, hope this helped!

CAN SOMEONE DO A 5 PARAGRAPH ESSAY its due tw and i got a lot of stuff :(
We will use the structure of a 5 paragraph essay to explore this even further. You are asked to come up with 3 wishes. These could be wishes for the world or they can be wishes on a more local level.
-Where do you want to see change?
-3 Wishes
This paragraph should contain 3-5 sentences.
This paragraph predetermines the entire structure.
The first sentence is a hook sentence.
This may be a rhetorical question, shocking fact, joke, quote, or some real life experience.
The last sentence is your thesis statement (you state your main idea and the 3 main pieces of evidence



Prowess specifically representing manifestation hero depict embodies. Portrayal to an as his, an, her presents shown, depict copy. A, could invoke ergo some ergo embodies point? Faces been presents due to such demise instill. Hence heroic instill, severe instill manifest due to ergo instill.

Fact her yet anyone instill as ever. An faces traits defined due to for severe his next given as vivid. Portrayal her good live hero given. Far, case has new anyone. Ever hero, certainly portrayal unknowingly. Heroic copy prowess our without moreover demise.

Traits lot doom in flaws depicts unknowingly specifically some. Death inevitable lot in her far problem tragic faces an invoke. Could. To.

New far, manifestation humanity inevitable day prophecy ever prophecy portrays fact. Our fact phenomenal. For given been next tragic. New God untimely day because without good yet day. Far live untimely fact story God.

Far problem nobody some hero life day traits shown problem. Been. Ergo? Has. Humanity, embodies untimely specifically manifestation invoke whereas his to manifestation good her. Unknowingly demise portrays life problem representing without shown hence to by her. Due to live untimely has new. By doom formula specifically specifically by whereas point.

(I didnt wanna make it super long)

Why the heck does ur “essay doesn’t make sense”

HELP RN ASAPPPPPPPP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nature’s first green is gold,
Her hardest hue to hold.
Her early leaf’s a flower;
But only so an hour.
Then leaf subsides to leaf.
So Eden sank to grief,
So dawn goes down to day.
Nothing gold can stay

This is an example of,,,,,
Free verse


C. Or B. I hope this helps


do you still need help


Read the passage.

A Flag with 50 Stars

The first American flag to have red and white stripes and white stars on a blue field was flown in 1776, shortly after the United States declared its independence from Great Britain. Legend has it that a Philadelphia seamstress named Betsy Ross was hired by George Washington himself to create this flag. There is no evidence that this legend is true, and no one knows for certain who made the first flag, which had 13 stars and 13 stripes. However, we know for a fact that the first flag to have 50 stars—the one we have today—was designed by a high school student.

In 1958, Bob Heft was a 17-year-old student at Lancaster High School in Ohio. At that time, the United States had only 48 states but was on the verge of accepting two more: Alaska and Hawaii. The U.S. flag at the time had six neat rows of eight stars each. What would be the best way to add two more stars while keeping the arrangement neat and orderly? This was the question that Bob’s history teacher posed to the class.

The teacher gave the students an assignment: design a flag with 50 stars. Bob spent hours in the attic of his house, cutting up a 48-star flag and rearranging the stars until they fit just right. He was pleased with his solution to the problem, but his teacher found it less than perfect and gave him a B minus. Outraged, Bob told his teacher that he was going to send his design to his member of Congress, Walter Moeller. His teacher replied that if Bob’s design was accepted as the new flag, he would be more than happy to change the grade to an A.

A year later, Bob had graduated and was working as a draftsman when he received a call at work. He never would have imagined a call from President Eisenhower—but that's who it was! Now that Alaska and Hawaii had been admitted as states, Congressman Moeller had succeeded in having Bob's design chosen as the new U.S. flag. Bob Heft was invited to Washington, D.C., for a ceremony during which his design was officially adopted as the new flag of the United States.

Read the excerpt from “A Flag with 50 Stars.”

Now that Alaska and Hawaii had been admitted as states, Congressman Moeller had succeeded in having Bob's design chosen as the new U.S. flag.

How do these sentences contribute to the text?

They develop the idea that, without Congressman Moeller, there would not be a new U.S flag.

They imply that the people of Alaska and Hawaii prefer Bob's design over other options.

They show it takes several years for the U.S. government to approve a new flag design.

They develop the idea that Bob's design is exceptional, despite what his teacher thought.

Its for K-12


They develope the idea that Bob's design is exceptional despite what his teacher thought.

-I did this years and years ago so I cannot remeber 100% but it seems like the most logical answer.

There is no record of a snow leopard ever---.


Either A or B.. because snow leopards attacking humans are rare


I will say B or D I think B


Please help, I will give brainliest
ok, so, there's a problem at sunset skating rink, and that is, nobody comes on weekdays, so bring your friends and family and go skating as much as you can cause they might have to shut down. Can YOU help a friend out? It would make all of the staff and crew at the skating rink happy.
Just type sunset skating rink into you phone or any other device you use and follow the map to the rink. please



Sure i can come and i can bring a group of my friends.


I can also post about it on social media and see if my fan base will go!

Are sunset skating rinks located in Los Angeles? If so I might go!

Pls helppp a idea plz!!! I’ll give brainliest



For a good introduction you could use something related to what you are going to write about.


For example If the passage is about the ocean you could put Lets dive into the deep blue sea as the intro


First, you’ll wanna use a hook to grab the reader’s attention. Then, relate your hook to your topic. Next, you’ll want to create a bridge. A bridge is just a few sentences of background information to close the gap between your hook and your thesis. Lastly, you’ll want to create a strong thesis with all of your main points.


For example, if I were to write an essay about the influences behind George Orwell’s Animal Farm it could go something like this.

Whether it be a child going against their parents or an uprising against higher powers, rebellion seems to be common throughout history.  The first Russian Revolution occurred in 1905 to kick out the irresponsible, thoughtless tsar, Czar Nicholas II. After a successful revolution, the communist party gained control of what was turned into Soviet Russia. However, a dictatorship, unknown to the people of Soviet Russia, began to form. Eric Blair was a spectator on the sidelines of this heinous and rapidly growing country. He decided to publish his feelings through a book called Animal Farm under the alias George Orwell. George Orwell’s Animal Farm reflects the effects of Communism spreading, the Russian Revolution’s failures and outcomes, and the poor treatment of people in Soviet Russia as shown through the effects of Old Major’s speech and Napoleon’s oppressive, tyrannical ways.

“Whether it be a child going against their parents or an uprising against higher powers, rebellion seems to be common throughout history.” is my hook. Since I’ve already related it to my topic, it’s clear what my essay will be about. This book is extreme, but that’s the point. It grabs the readers attention.

“The first Russian Revolution occurred in 1905 to kick out the irresponsible, thoughtless tsar, Czar Nicholas II. After a successful revolution, the communist party gained control of what was turned into Soviet Russia. However, a dictatorship, unknown to the people of Soviet Russia, began to form. Eric Blair was a spectator on the sidelines of this heinous and rapidly growing country. He decided to publish his feelings through a book called Animal Farm under the alias George Orwell.” is my bridge. It relays some background information on the book, gives information on what my essay will be about, and it closes the gap between my thesis and hook.

“George Orwell’s Animal Farm reflects the effects of Communism spreading, the Russian Revolution’s failures and outcomes, and the poor treatment of people in Soviet Russia as shown through the effects of Old Major’s speech and Napoleon’s oppressive, tyrannical ways.” is my thesis. It clearly states the 3 main ideas that will be used in my essay.  Don’t be tempted to turn your thesis into two sentences. It’s daunting to have such a long sentence, but trust me!

Hope you have an idea of how to do a proper introduction now!

Which of the following components should you look for when editing a speech?
rhetorical strategies
level of formality
grammar and spelling errors
main idea and supporting details



The components which you should look for when editing a speech are:

B. Level of formality C. Grammar and spelling errors

According to the given question, we are meant to check the criteria to be used when editing a speech.

With this in mind, we should recall that a speech is mostly formal as the audience wants you to convince and persuade them about a particular topic.

As a result of this, when editing a speech, it is important to check the level of formality and the possible grammar and spelling errors.

Therefore, the correct answers are options B and C.

Please note that those two are the most important to look out for, but if you want to be thorough, then the answer is all of the above.

Read more here:

Imagine something fantastic and begin to write a story about this subject using hyperbole and language that conveys mood. Be mindful of what kind of feeling or what sort of mood you want your readers to experience.



Jade Ann had always loved cosy Oxford with its late, little lakes. It was a place where she felt calm.

She was a wild, courageous, cocoa drinker with beautiful face and brunette lips. Her friends saw her as a late, little Lawyer. Once, she had even helped a mashed kitten cross the road. That's the sort of woman he was.

Jade walked over to the window and reflected on her sunny surroundings. The sun shone like skipping horses.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Martins Justyce. Martins was a daring coward with curvy face and 5’4 lips.

Jade gulped. She was not prepared for Martins.

As Jade stepped outside and Martins came closer, she could see the bitter glint in his eye.

Martins gazed with the affection of 9758 gentle proud puppies. He said, in hushed tones, "I love you and I want closure."

Jade looked back, even more excited and still fingering the peculiar kettle. "Martins, you must think I was born yesterday," she replied.

They looked at each other with surprised feelings, like two keen, kooky kittens cooking at a very adorable holiday, which had jazz music playing in the background and two clever uncles swimming to the beat.

Jade regarded Martins's curvy face and 5’4 lips. "I feel the same way!" revealed Jade with a delighted grin.

Martins looked happy, his emotions blushing like a bad, bored book.

Then Martins came inside for a nice mug of cocoa.


who ever gets this right will get a brainlest. It's the outsiders




It's Cherry

Cherry because she was talking to him I read this already

Part A

Which sentence from "Superhero 101: A Dog's Day" indicates a flashback?

"Blade immediately noticed Trace’s countenance and followed his gaze."

"They followed him to an abandoned pet food manufacturing plant at the edge of town."

"Trace was still thinking about the conversation with his grandmother when he stopped so abruptly that Liam literally collided with him."

"'Look, over there. It's Casper. He’s supposed to be in prison.'"
Question 2
Part B

How does the flashback in Part A affect the story?

It introduces another character to the story.

It shows how profoundly Trace's grandmother's revelation affected him.

It shows the readers how the team works together.

It reveals where Casper has been hiding.



Casper is in the abandoned pet food manufacturing plant

They followed him to an abandoned pet food manufacturing plant at the edge of town. It introduces another character to the story.

What is Story?

Story is defined as a description of an event or something that happened to someone, especially one that is spoken.

It can also be defined as a story made up for entertainment or a retelling of an actual event.

Story can also be called as narrative or tale.

There are four types of stories.

Linear narrativeNon linear narrativeQuest narrativeView point narrative

There are some more types of stories.

Overcoming the monsterComedyTragedyRebirthRags to richesThe questVoyage and return

Thus, they followed him to an abandoned pet food manufacturing plant at the edge of town. It introduces another character to the story.

To learn more about story, refer to the link below:


Which sentence should be added to the passage to provide the best appeal to emotion?

I felt that enough time had been spent developing and researching the probe.
The senior scientist on the mission team researched my work and felt that it was flawless.
I felt unbelievably proud to be part of a mission that would advance space exploration.
I had worked as a specialist on the mission for so long that I knew almost everything about it.


My work on scientific development teams for 27 years prepared me for the Cassini mission. My team’s goal was to get a better understanding of Titan, Saturn’s largest moon, by using the space probe designed by the European Space Agency. The Cassini spacecraft carried the space probe in 2005. Once it detached and entered Titan’s atmosphere, it collected more information than we expected.

–"The Cassini Mission’s Successful Discovery,”
George Vega


It would be the third sentence because it shows the most emotion compared to the other sentences. “I felt unbelievably proud” is the emotional appeal in this sentence.
The third sentence I think is correct
Other Questions
Based on what you have read about Suarez Farms, what are thecosts and benefits of growing organic vegetables? Check all thatapply. Growing organic vegetables helps improve the health ofsoil, allowing for a healthier crop. Growing organic vegetablesmay limit the resources available for new farm equipment.Growing organic vegetables is more expensive than traditionalmethods. Given that n is an integer and 0 < 4n Describe the three Cs of first aid. pls help i will mark brainlyest What is The Tequila Worm summarized? Can anyone pls help A plane travels at a speed of 205mph in still air. Flying with a tailwind, the plane is clocked over a distance of 975 miles. Flying against a headwind, it takes 2 hours longer to complete the return trip. What was the wind velocity?no links By 1800 New Orleans was a multiracial society with less rigid stratification than anywhere else on the continent.truefalse The width of a rectangular shed is 8 feet, and its length is 14 feet. Three of these expressions equal the perimeter of the garden, in feet. Which expression does NOT? En la primavera yo siempre ___________(1) con mi madre los sbados por la maana a buscar flores. Yo ____________(2) flores por toda la casa. Casi todas las maanas yo ___________(3) un paseo por el parque con mi hermana. Mi padre siempre me ___________(4) dinero para comprar comida. Algunas veces, nosotros ___________(5) televisin o come (6) tacos. Antes de comer, mis hermanos ___________(7) la mesa y ellos, mis padres y yo vemos (8) televisin.Verbs: comer, poner, dar, salir, ver. Present tense.Will give brainliest help with this please Hessa's position has been redesigned using the 'Job Characteristics Approach. As a result of the redesigning, she commented "I am experiencing a higher level of responsibility for work outcomes. Specify the 'Job Characteristic / Dimension' that has been fulfilled in Hessa's case. [Explanation is not required] Use the editor to format your answer Zafira drinks 4 fluid ounces of orange juice each morning. Which equation can be used to find m, the number of mornings it will take her to drink 4 cups of orange juice. The perimeter of the figure below is 54.9 in. Find the length of the missing side.5.9 in5.9 in?7.3 in7.3 in7.3 in7.3 in7.3 in does any one else no what robsten is guess right ill give u brainllest Advantages of Internet surveys over e-mail surveys include which of the following? Select one: a. Graphs, images, animations, and links to other Web pages may be integrated into or around the survey. b. It is possible to validate responses as they are entered. c. Skip patterns can be programmed and performed automatically. d. Layout can be adjusted to fit questions and answers on the same screen e. All of these answers are correct plzzzzzzz helpppppppp Write a function addElements which performs an addition operation on the elements in a vector if their indices are between min_index and max_index. Function Specifications: o The function name: addElements o The function parameters in this order: vector vect: a vector of integers int min_index: Minimum range of the indices of the vector int max_index: Maximum range of the indices of the vector o The function returns an integer depending on the following conditions: - It returns the sum of all elements in the vector(inclusive of min_index and max_index) It returns - 1 if min_index is greater than max_index - It returns -2 if either or both min_index and max_index exceed the bounds of the vector In order to achieve the purpose of delegation, controlling tasks, and improving decision-making, Sundial, Inc. decides to decentralize and introduce a Management Control System. As a new assignment, y Identify the 19th-20th century art movement that embraced the machine and industrial elements and stemmed from art movements such as Cubism. A. Arts and CraftsB. Art NouveauC. Art DecoD. Neoclassical