In the 1940s, one result of portraying the Japanese as diabolical and crafty
was that they were:
O A. depicted as enemies of the American way of life.
O B. blamed for things they did not do.
O C. viewed as not to be trusted.
O D. All of the above

ANSWER: D. All of the above


Answer 1


The answer is D. All of the above

Related Questions

Who kills the pig in chapter 8?


In William Golding's Lord of the Flies, chapter 8, when Ralph expresses skepticism that even Jack and his hunters could fend off the beast, the tension between Jack and Ralph grows more intense. Jack storms out, picking up several of the other boys in the process. He goes hunting with the boys, and they mercilessly murder a pig.

In Lord of the Flies, who hunts the pig?

Jack leads a pig hunt on the way to the mountain, during which he suffers a minor injury. When Ralph uses his spear to stab a boar in the snout, he experiences hunting for the first time. The party starts a mock hunt after the boar escapes, but it quickly spirals out of control and injures the youngster playing the pig.

Chapter 8: Why does Jack become enraged at Ralph?

Ralph and Jack are increasingly tense until Chapter 8, when they start a public argument. When Ralph refers to Jack's hunters as "boys armed with sticks," Jack explodes in rage and berates Ralph for his lack of leadership abilities.

To know more about Lord of the Lies visit:


The sea evacuation of british troops after the 1940 battle of dunkirk was given what codename?



The operation was called Operation Dynamo


The evacuation was ordered on 26 May 1940. Operating under the direction of Vice Admiral Ramsey, the evacuation was carried out, under the cover of RAF Fighter Command, by a force of destroyers, yachts and other vessels, including a number of trawlers, cross channel ferries, pleasure steamers and cabin cruisers operated by their civilian owners, who declined to hand their craft over to the Royal Navy due to their determination to directly assist with the evacuation effort.

On 28 May, the deterioration in weather conditions resulted in the French coast being covered in very low cloud. This ensured that the Luftwaffe were unable to carry out attacks against the beach head, resulting in the evacuation of 17,084 troops. The following day, visibility in the area improved sufficiently to permit attacks against the evacuation fleet by Junkers Ju-87s of VIII Fligerkorps, supported by Junkers Ju 88s of KG30 and LG1. These attacks resulted in the loss of three escorting destroyers and damage to seven other ships. German losses amounted to fifteen Bf 109Es and a single Ju-88, shot down by the Boulton Paul Defiants of 264 Squadron. The return of bad weather on 31 May, which persisted over the next few days, led to the Ju-87s being grounded by fog. By the end of 31 May, a further 47,310 troops had been evacuated.

Thanks to the assistance of the civilian ships, Operation Dynamo resulted in the evacuation of 200,000 British troops, as well as 130,000 French and 10,000 from other nations.

Hope that helps.

Operation Dynamo was the codename given to the sea evacuation of British troops following the 1940 Battle of Dunkirk.

Understanding the Operations Dynamo

The British Expeditionary Force (BEF), together with French and Belgian forces, were forced back to the French port of Dunkirk on May 10, 1940, as Germany attacked France and the Low Countries. The Royal Navy organized a massive rescue operation called "Operation Dynamo" to get the troops off the beaches and move them back to Britain.

In charge of the evacuation was Admiral Bertram Ramsay. In 1939, Ramsay was summoned back to duty after retiring before to the war. The operation's moniker, "dynamo", was given by him and his crew who worked in a chamber tucked away in the Dover cliffs that had formerly housed an electrical generator of this kind called a dynamo.

Learn more about British troops evacuation here:


What was the famous quote by Woodrow Wilson?


Answer:Liberty has always come from the subjects of the government. The history of liberty is a history of resistance.


What was the main reason for the Latin American revolution?


The main reason for the Latin American Revolution was the lack of dignified treatment for Creole elites and severe restrictions by Spanish imperial rule.

Latin American Revolution refers to the war of independence that took place in the 18th and 19th centuries in the Portuguese and Spanish colonies of South America. The main root of this revolution can be traced to the disrespect of Creole elites who had their ancestry in Spain. This disrespect was also out of the restrictions imposed on the native population by the Spanish colonial rule.

People supporting the Latin American Revolution were known as patriots and people opposing the patriots were royalists or loyalists to the Imperial rule. The idea of nationalism and independence influenced the Latin American Revolution. The Creoles lead the revolutionary fight against the Spanish Imperial rule to have equal power status and representation in governance.

Learn more about Latin American Revolution here


what is the first law?​



The oldest written set of laws known to us is the Code of Hammurabi. He was the king of Babylon between 1792 BC and 1758 BC. Hammurabi is said to have been handed these laws by Shamash, the God of Justice.


Which of these statements NOT accurate regarding the city of Timbuktu?
A It was established under the Songhai empire.It was established under the Songhai empire.
B It functioned as a major center of Islamic learning under both the Mali and Songhai empires.It functioned as a major center of Islamic learning under both the Mali and Songhai empires.
C Its economic prominence derived in part from its location at the nexus of major land and water trade routes.Its economic prominence derived in part from its location at the nexus of major land and water trade routes.
D Its primary trading goods were silks and spices.


Answer: option D

Explanation: Option D is not the accurate, as the city used to trade salt, books and gold

How significant was the role of tactics in the different phases of the Iran-Iraq War?
(write a 300+ word essay)




The Iran-Iraq War, which took place from 1980 to 1988, was a conflict characterized by both conventional and unconventional tactics. The use of tactics played a significant role in the different phases of the war.

During the early phase of the war, both sides largely relied on conventional tactics, such as the use of tanks and artillery, to gain the upper hand. Iraq, which had a more modern and well-equipped military, initially had the advantage in this regard. However, Iran was able to compensate for its inferior equipment through the use of guerrilla tactics and human wave attacks, which involved overwhelming the enemy with large numbers of soldiers.

As the war progressed, both sides began to rely more on unconventional tactics. Iran developed a network of underground tunnels and bunkers, known as the "Toffeh House," which allowed them to move fighters and supplies around the front lines and launch surprise attacks on Iraqi positions. Iraq, on the other hand, began to use chemical weapons, including mustard gas and sarin, against Iranian soldiers and civilians. These tactics were particularly effective in breaking up Iranian human wave attacks and causing significant casualties.

Both sides also made use of naval tactics in the war. Iran employed hit-and-run attacks on Iraqi shipping using small, fast boats, while Iraq relied on its air force to attack Iranian shipping and ports. The war also saw the use of missiles, with both sides launching attacks on each other's cities and infrastructure.

Overall, the use of tactics played a significant role in the different phases of the Iran-Iraq War. Both sides employed a range of conventional and unconventional tactics in an attempt to gain the upper hand, with each side adapting and adjusting their tactics as the war progressed. The use of guerrilla tactics and human wave attacks by Iran, and the use of chemical weapons and missile attacks by Iraq, all had a significant impact on the outcome of the conflict.

What means right to be let alone the right of a person to be free from any unwarranted interference?


The right to be left alone by others is how most people define privacy. It safeguards a person's right to deny access to their data, body, or home to governmental entities, businesses, and other people.

Is it a person's right to be left alone?

As Justice Louis Brandeis expressed it, the Fourth Amendment serves as the cornerstone of the "right to privacy," or the right to be left alone. A free and civil society must prioritize the enjoyment of financial and personal privacy. In general, the right to privacy refers to the freedom from interference and intrusion as well as the right to be left alone. Information privacy is the right to some degree of control over the gathering and use of your personal information.

To know more about right visit:


Although many former Nazis escaped to South American countries like Argentina or Brazil, some managed to make their way to the United States. If someone became suspicious, they might report this newcomer to the Office of Special Investigation. Once the officers investigated and found that the immigrant was, in fact, a Nazi wanted for crimes during the war, what would be their NEXT step?

A. They would convene a trial on the charges of crimes against humanity.
B. They could arrest them and try them for war crimes if they had witnesses.
C. They would try them for breaking US immigration law and deport him.
D. They would contact Israeli Mossad to arrange for his extradition to Israel.​


Answer:According to a 2012 article in the Daily Mail, German prosecutors who examined secret files from Brazil and Chile discovered that as many as 9,000 Nazi officers and collaborators from other countries escaped from Europe to find sanctuary in South American countries.


What is the summary of the poem the sea?


The ocean is depicted as being vast and hazardous. According to the author, the sea is "huge and gloomy." The word "giant" is used to describe the sea, demonstrating its power and danger by making the reader think of danger and something overwhelming.

What figurative language is used in James Reeves' poem "The Sea"?

A ravenous dog is "The Sea." As a result, the sea is being described as turbulent and thick. Last stanza's letter contains alliteration. Sand-covered coasts and hardly any snores are the reasons I say this.

In the poem, what does the sea represent?

Whitman uses the sea as a metaphor for the divine origin of humanity and the rest of creation in both his poetry and prose.

To know more about  poem the sea visit:-


"Letter from Birmingham Jail": Examples of Rhetorical Devices


Explanation:Logos (fact)

We have waited for more than 340 years for our constitutional and Gog-given rights.


The nations of Asia and Africa are moving with jet-like speed toward gaining political independence...


Stinging darts of segregation

Diction, pathos

vicious mobs lynch your mothers and fathers


smothering in an airtight "cage of poverty"

Hyperbole, alliteration

tongue twisted

Alliteration, Ethos (author's experience)

speech stammering as you seek to explain to your six year old

Pathos (children= innocence)

see tears welling up in her eyes

Diction, pathos, metaphor

"ominous clouds of inferiority beginning to form in her little mental sky"

Diction, Personal Attack

n*gger, boy, John


"plagued" with inner fears


"cup of endurance"


"abyss" of despair

Logos (fact)

Supreme court decision of 1954 outlawing segregation in the public schools


How can you advocate breaking some laws and obeying others?

Pathos (attacks audiences sense of what is right and wrong)

One has a moral responsibility to disobey just laws

Historical Allusion (quoted a religious leader from the past)

St. Augustine said that "an unjust law is no law at all."

Historical Allusion (quoted a religious leader from the past)

To put it in the terms of St. Thomas Aquinas: an unjust law is a human law that is not rooted in eternal law and natural law.

Logos (segregation laws divide and categorize groups)

All segregation statues are unjust because segregation distorts the sound and damages the personality. It gives the segregator a false sense of superiority and the segregated a false sense of inferiority.

Logos (Laws forced upon the black community)

A law is unjust if it is inflicted on a minority that, as a result of being denied the right to vote, had not part in enacting or devising the law.

Rhetorical Question

Can any law enacted under such circumstances be considered democratically structured?

Ethos (has experienced the struggle he is writing about)

I have been arrested on a charge of parading without a permit.

Ethos (practices what he preaches)

I submit that an individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law.

Biblical Allusion

It was evidenced sublimely in the refusal of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to obey the laws of Nebuchadnezzar.

Historical Allusion (examples of civil disobedience)

early Christian VS Roman Empire; Socrates; Boston Tea Party

Historical Allusion (example of forcing upon a minority unjust laws)

We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was "legal"...

Pathos (audiences' Christian beliefs/ hypocrisy)

If today I lived in a communist country where certain principles dear to the Christian faith are suppressed, I would openly advocate disobeying that country's anti-religious laws.

Parallel (phrases)

When you have seen...

When you... (paragraph 1)

Parallel (list)

...segregation is not only politically, economically, and sociologically unsound, it is morally wrong and sinful.

Parallel (sentences)

A just law is a man-made code that squares with the moral law of God. An unjust law is a code that is out of harmony with the moral law.

Parallel (sentences)

We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was "legal" and everything the Hungarian freedom fighters did in Hungary was "illegal."

Parallels (sentences)

The nations of Asia and Africa are moving with jet-like speed toward gaining political independence, but we still creep at horse and buggy pace toward gaining a cup of coffee at a lunch counter.

The main purpose of a political campaign is either to get an issue passed or

a verdict overturned.
an officeholder removed.
a law revoked.
a candidate elected.

its a candidate elected on edge 2022


The main objective of a political campaign is to either pass legislation or overturn court decisions.

An election campaign is what?

Political campaigns and electoral campaigns, which are used to select legislators or decide on referendums, are usually related in democracies. General elections and candidates for head of state or head of government, typically a president or prime minister, are the focus of the most significant political campaigns in today's politics.

The campaign organization, or "machine," in a modern political campaign will have a regular organizational structure, just like any business of equal size. Both party-controlled and party-uncontrolled kinds of communication, such as election-related media coverage and campaign advertising, are included in election campaign communication.

To know more about Election Campaign, visit;


What was the most important point to Wilson?



In the speech, Wilson directly addressed what he perceived as the causes for the world war by calling for the abolition of secret treaties, a reduction in armaments, an adjustment in colonial claims in the interests of both native peoples and colonists, and freedom of the seas.


How did Buddhism affect Japan's government?



Buddhist monasteries were established across the country, and they became powerful political players in their own right. Buddhism was also a key driver in fostering literacy, education in general, and the arts in ancient Japan.


Disease kept Europeans from being able to colonize Africa in earlier centuries.

True or false





I remember learning this in AP history class last year. Disease and Imperialism are the two main reasons that kept Europeans from being able to colonize Africa.

the correct answer would be true

why do you think haiku are often based on nature?

help please


The reason why Haiku are often based on nature is because the poets often draw their inspiration from natural features and objects.

What are haiku ?

Haiku is a type of Japanese poetry that usually concentrates on the natural world. When creating imagery for these little word clusters, many haiku writers are inspired by the natural world and their own emotions.

Haiku, which originated in Japan, are now produced by authors all around the world. While maintaining elements of the conventional haiku form, the styles and traditions of English-language haiku and haiku in other languages vary. The degree to which non-Japanese haiku adhere to conventional features varies greatly.

The poets however, are often influenced by Nature and so this led to Haiku often being based on nature.

Find out more on haiku at


what and why is the colour discrimination?​



Discrimination based on skin color, also known as colorism, or shadeism, is a form of prejudice and/or discrimination in which people who share similar ethnicity traits or perceived race are treated differently based on the social implications that come with the cultural meanings that are attached to skin color.


What were the Latin American revolutions about?


The overturning of the preexisting political, economic, social, and cultural orders involved in the Latin American revolutions involved a significant, violent, and voluntarist battle for political power.

Unquestionably, in the 20th century, Latin America was among the most "revolutionary" parts of the planet. The four "great revolutions" that were recorded were in Mexico in 1910, Bolivia in 1952, Cuba in 1959, and Nicaragua in 1979.

These social revolutions involved a significant, violent, and voluntarist battle for political dominance as well as the dissolution of preexisting political, economic, social, and cultural structures. Following these victorious uprisings, fresh revolutionary institutions of government were established, drastic structural reforms were carried out, and a new revolutionary mentality was adopted.

To learn more about Latin America, visit the link below:


Which sentences contain dependent clause?


The sentences which contain dependent clauses are;

B. Alyssa is graduating next year, and so is my sister

E. We're leaving soon, so you'd better hurry if you want to go with us.

A dependent clause is one that has a subject and a verb but does not have a complete meaning when used in a sentence. It must be joined to an independent clause using coordinating conjunctions to be complete.

As a result, we can see that the correct answers with dependent clauses are B and E because they require coordinating conjunctions to express a complete thought.

Therefore, the correct answer is option B and E

Learn more about dependent clause to visit this link


Full Question: Which sentences contain dependent clauses? Select two options. Jaime showed me how to throw a curveball. Alyssa is graduating next year, and so is my sister. I always wondered how Tijen managed to win the race. Barges are slow-moving vessels mostly used to move freight. We're leaving soon, so you'd better hurry if you want to go with us.

Can Jews work during Hanukkah?


In remembrance of the miracle of the oil, which lasted in the Holy Temple for eight days, Hanukkah is observed for eight days. There are no limitations on working during Hanukkah, in contrast to several other Jewish holidays.

What is Hanukkah?

Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that honors the Second Temple's rededication after Jerusalem was recaptured at the start of the Maccabean Rebellion against the Seleucid Empire in the second century BCE.

In accordance with the Hebrew calendar, Hanukkah is celebrated for eight nights and days beginning on the 25th day of Kislev, which can fall any time between late November and late December in the Gregorian calendar. A nine-branched candelabrum known as a menorah or hanukkiah is lit with candles to mark the celebration.

Learn more about Hanukkah, from:


Which three statements are true about sergel wittle


These are three statements that are true about Sergei Witte:

He inspirited the backing of the Trans- Siberian road. He demonstrated a network of administration- run savings banks. He set Russia’s currency, the ruble, on the gold benchmark.

Witte was neither nonconventional nor understated. He pulled in foreign backing to help Russia's industrialization. Witte served under the ultimate two autocrats of Russia, Alexander III, and Nicholas II.

During the Russo- Turkish War, he'd mounted to a situation in which he governed all the business covering the front along the lines of the Odessa Railroads. He confined the October Manifesto of 1905, and the going with administration commonality, yet wasn't converted it would take care of Russia's concern with the autocratic absolutism.

To learn more about Sergei Witte,

1) how did different governments and empires create economic strategies to manage the process of industrialization

2) How did new approaches to economics and economic growth develop from ca. 1750 to ca. 1900, what were the effects of these developments?

3) what were the causes and effects of different reform during the era of industrialization?


1) Governments and empires during the era of industrialization employed a variety of economic strategies to manage the process of industrialization. These strategies included the implementation of protective tariffs, the establishment of national banks, the promotion of infrastructure development, the encouragement of foreign investment, the adoption of free trade policies, and the implementation of labor reforms.

2) During the period from ca. 1750 to ca. 1900, new approaches to economics and economic growth developed. These included the emergence of classical economics, the development of the industrial revolution, the rise of mercantilism, the growth of laissez-faire economics, and the emergence of socialism. These developments had a variety of effects, including the increased specialization of labor, the growth of international trade, the emergence of new technologies, and the increased concentration of wealth.

3) During the era of industrialization, a variety of reforms were implemented in order to address the negative effects of industrialization. These reforms included the establishment of labor unions, the implementation of minimum wage laws, the introduction of social welfare programs, the passage of anti-trust legislation, and the adoption of environmental regulations. The effects of these reforms included improved working conditions, increased wages, improved living standards, and increased economic stability.

What is the blending of traditional African beliefs with new ideas?

What caused this blending?


Answer: The blending of traditional African belief with Islam and Christianity gave the rise to the political empires and encouraged the trade.



What is Jonathan Swift's proposal in A Modest Proposal?


(1729) An essay by Jonathan Swift that is frequently referred to as an ironic masterpiece. The full title is "A Humble Proposition for Forestalling the Offspring of the Needy Nation in Ireland from Being a Weight to Their Folks or Nation, and for Making Them Helpful to Their Public."

By suggesting ironically that Irish parents could make money by selling their children as food, Swift emphasizes the terrible poverty of Ireland in the eighteenth century. Most people agree that Swift's essay is one of the best examples of sustained irony in English language history. The fact that the first section of the essay describes the plight of starving beggars in Ireland provides much of the essay's shock value. As a result, the reader is unprepared for Swift's solution when he states, " Whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled, a young, healthy child well fed is a delicious, nourishing, and healthy food at one year old; And I have no doubt that it would also be good in a ragout or fricassee."

Swift goes to great lengths to back up his argument. He provides calculations demonstrating the financial benefits of his suggestion and a list of possible methods of child preparation. Throughout the entirety of his essay, he employs arguments that make fun of the influential William Petty of the time and the social engineering movement that was popular among Francis Bacon's followers. "a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London" and "the famous Psalmanazar, a native of the island Formosa" are two examples of these comedic references to authority. Psalmanazar had previously admitted to not being from Formosa in 1706.

To know more about A Modern Proposal visit


How did the Filipinos react after the Spanish-American War?


To eliminate Spanish control in the Philippines, the Katipunan independence movement had developed. To combat the Spanish, this movement initially formed an alliance with the United States.

The United States had taken over management of the Philippines from the Spanish. By the beginning of 1899, some semblance of tranquilly existed. When it became evident that the United States had not intended to grant the islands freedom, there was a tremendous deal of shock and outrage in the islands.

The head of the Filipino independence movement, Emilio Aguinaldo, fought the United States militarily in 1899. With this assault, the US began a protracted conflict to repress Filipino insurgents who were fighting for independence from their Spanish overlords.

Learn more about Spanish visit:


How did the Civil War affect religion?


The Civil War affect religion the war had a devastating impact on church membership and activities, so the state of home front religion became a constant concern for both sides throughout the war.

What do you mean by War?

War is commonly understood to be an aggressive confrontation between states or countries. Various factors can cause nations to go to war. It has been stated that a country will go to war if it believes the advantages of war exceed the disadvantages and if there is no alternative likely, amicable option.

In the first part of the 19th Century, the vast majority of Americans were fervently religious and predominately Christians. They thought that, in part, because of their faith in God, America was destined to be great. The conflict put this conviction to the ultimate test, leading to a spiritual crisis.

The church functioned as the movement's symbol and acted as more than just a gathering place for members of the movement in the South. In other words, the church stood for the freedom that movement's followers yearned for.

Therefore, The situation of home front religion became a persistent concern for both sides during the war as the war had a terrible effect on church membership and activity.

Learn more about War, here;


“Take up the White Manʼs Burden – Send forth the best ye breed –
Go, bind your sons to exile
To serve your captivesʼ need. . . .”
— Rudyard Kipling, The Five Nations (1903)

1. The words of this poem have been used to support the practice of
(1) imperialism
(2) isolationism
(3) cultural borrowing
(4) self-determination



1. The words of this poem have been used to support the practice of imperialism.

"The White Man's Burden" is a poem written by Rudyard Kipling in 1899 that was widely popularized during the era of European imperialism. The poem encourages the "white man" (i.e., European colonial powers) to take on the burden of bringing civilization and enlightenment to the "uncivilized" peoples of the world. The poem has been criticized for its paternalistic and racist tone, as it suggests that the "white man" is superior to other cultures and is justified in imposing its values and way of life on others. The poem has been used to justify imperialism and the colonization of other countries by European powers.


Answer: 1


What did Woodrow Wilson want from Germany to maintain peace?


The two countries' leaders wanted to see Germany pay reparations for the cost of the war and accept the blame for causing the war. Wilson's intentions were very different. Wilson desired to create a system that would keep future wars from happening, as well as promoting a U.S. vision of democracy and peace.

Who performed at Obama's first inauguration?


At Obama's first inauguration, Itzhak Perlman, Yo-Yo Ma, Gabriela Montero, and Anthony McGill played John Williams' "Air and Simple Gifts." Obama took office as the 44th president in the afternoon during a protest.

Aretha Franklin, who was born and raised in Detroit, provided one of the most memorable moments in recent Inauguration history. The "Queen of Soul" stole the audience in 2009 during President Barack Obama's first inauguration with her stunning rendition of "My nation 'tis of thee." Not to mention her fabled headwear.

When accepting the offer, Brooks, who also sang at former President Barack Obama's inauguration in 2009, stated, "This is not a political statement. This is a declaration of togetherness. Elizabeth Alexander, the 2009 inaugural poet, performed her poem "Praise Song for the New Day" at Barack Obama's swearing-in as the nation's 44th president.

To learn more about Barack Obama


Why were the 3 reasons why the US get involved in WWI?


The three 3 reasons why the US got involved in WWI are

1. Germany invading Belgium a neutral country which made America think that they might invade another neutral country which is them

2. The Zimmerman Note or The Zimmerman telegraph is a telegraph Germany sent to Mexico that they should invade/ attack the US, which was intercepted by the British who told the US about it.

3. Germany sinking our boat, the Lusitania killing 128 Americans because it had war supplies.

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