in the 1960s this movement emerged from the rejection of the idea that pollution and destruction of natural resources were acceptable in exchange for industrial progress and prosperity.


Answer 1

In the 1960s, environmental movement emerged from the rejection of the idea that pollution and destruction of natural resources were acceptable in exchange for industrial progress and prosperity.

The environmental movement originated

in the mid-20th century as a result of

opposition to the excessive exploitation of natural resources. The environmental movement is a varied political, social and global movement, whose main purpose is the defense and protection of the environment.

The first ideas about the defense and protection of the environment focused mainly on the reduction of poll ution and the protection of natural resource reserves such as water and air. In subsequent decades, these ideas spread throughout the world as a result of the massive exploitation of resources in different places.

In the 1960s, environmental movement emerged from the rejection of the idea that pollution and destruction of natural resources were acceptable in exchange for industrial progress and prosperity.

To know more about Environmental movement visit:


Related Questions

When did women get the right to an education in the United Kingdom?



18th century - 19th century


The answer depends on what is deemed as "an education". Women were typically allowed education to gain at least basic literacy, however, they were not allowed to have higher education until the 19th century, when the first few women was able to attend and receive degrees at the University of London in the late 1870s. In the 1960s, women received more rights to higher education, and in the 1970s, women were given equal rights in education along with men.


Here is everything you will need for your flvs u.s history module 3 DBA
module 3 dba


policy of growing a nation's physical territory or political influence


policy of refraining from involvement in global affairs


policy of creating colonies in weaker natigns in order to generate raw materials and have access to new markets


involvement by a foreign power in the affairs of another nation, typically to achieve the stronger power's aims

-sphere of influence

an area or region over which a country has significant cultural, economic, military or political influence


devotion to the interests of one's own nation, desire and plans for national independence


the policy of making military interest very strong; a political situation in which the military interest dominates government policy


group of merchant ships sailing under the protection of a group of battleships

-conscientious objector

person who refuses to fight in a war, usually because of religious beliefs

-demilitarized zone

area where no military activity is permitted

-trench warfare

style of warfare that relied on a series of opposing dug-in defensive ditches


an agreement to end an armed conflict


the period after an armed conflict when soldiers are sent home and industries reduce or halt their production of war materials


the reduction or disbanding of a nation's army


compensation paid by a defeated nation-state to the victors after a war


a penalty or punishment given for violating a law or directive

The difference between

fourteen points & treaty of versailles

fourteen points was wilson’s speech for peace of germany and treaty of versailles was to go against wilson’s wishes and be harsh towards germany


Turner's Thesis: an idea advanced by historian Frederick Jackson Turner that argued that Americans should seek a new frontier, one in foreign lands, because this would help
Americans maintain their inventive and energetic spirits


big stick policy
roosevelt corollary


Answer: easy bro


Imperialism is the outcome of a variety of circumstances, including nationalist sentiments, economic pressures, human aggression and greed, the need for security, the desire for power and prestige, and many more elements, all of which are present to varied degrees.

What is meant by Imperialism?

Imperialism is the state's pursuit of increasing its power and dominance, particularly through direct territorial conquest or by gaining control over other regions' politics and economies.

This pursuit frequently involves the use of both hard power (such as economic and military might) and soft power (cultural and diplomatic power). Imperialism is a separate idea that can refer to many different types of administration and expansion, although being related to the concepts of colonialism and empire.

In the past, the phrase had been used to refer to what was thought to be Napoleon III's attempts to win political support through outside military adventures. The phrase was and still is mostly used to refer to Western and Japanese political and economic supremacy, particularly in Asia and Africa, in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Learn more about Imperialism, from :


if the court allows someone with a first operating under the influence (oui) conviction to complete an alcohol education course , what happens to the license suspension ?


The RMV will, as directed by the court, suspend or revoke the customer's learner's permit, driver's license, or right to operate for a period of 45–90 days after receiving notice from the court that the customer has been assigned to a Driver Alcohol Education Program.

What is the difference between OUI and DUI in Mass?

DUIs require that the offender actually be driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs. If the keys are in the ignition, you may still be charged with an OUI even if you have pulled over to the side of the road or are discovered behind the wheel while inebriated but not moving.

If convicted of an OUI first offense, the penalty at the RMV hearing could be up to 2 12 years in prison, $5,000 in fines, and a 5-year license suspension. By agreeing to complete a state-approved alcohol education program, drivers who have been arrested for their first OUI offense may have their sentences reduced.

Learn more about operating under the influence here:


If you lived during the renaissance would you agree with Mather Luther please help!!


I would not agree with Martin Luther king If i lived during The renaissance.

augustus held all of the following titles except question 8 options: princeps. first citizen. pater patriae. dictator.



All of the following positions were held by Augustus: Princeps, Pater Pater, First Citizen, and Dictator excluding Patriae.


Gaius Octavius, also known as Augustus Caesar Octavian, was the first Roman emperor after the republic, which had been finally overthrown by the rule of Julius Caesar, his great-uncle and adoptive father, on August 19, 14 CE in Nola, near Naples, Italy. Augustus was born on September 23, 63 BCE, and died there on August 19, 14 CE. Because he was the princeps, or first citizen, in charge of the numerous externally restored republican institutions that alone made his autocracy tolerable, his autocratic reign is known as the principate. He revolutionised every element of Roman life and delivered long-lasting peace and prosperity to the Greco-Roman world with an infinite amount of patience, skill, and efficiency.

Learn more about Augustus visit:


Do you think women activists during the late 1800s had any effect on the political or social life of the country?



yes,had effect,because, women are the one who give good decision making or advisors

if the court allows someone with a first operating under the influence (oui) conviction to complete an alcohol education course , what happens to the license suspension ?



In many cases, if a person with a first OUI conviction is allowed to complete an alcohol education course, their license suspension may be reduced or eliminated. This is often referred to as a "hardship license" or "restricted license."

A hardship license allows a person to drive for specific purposes, such as driving to work or school, during their license suspension period. A restricted license may also have certain restrictions, such as requiring the use of an ignition interlock device, but it allows a person to drive more freely than a hardship license.

The specific terms and conditions of a hardship or restricted license, including the length of the suspension and the circumstances under which the person is allowed to drive, will vary depending on the laws of the state in which the person was convicted and the discretion of the court. It is important to note that even if a person is granted a hardship or restricted license, they may still face other consequences, such as fines and increased insurance premiums, as a result of their OUI conviction.

evaluate the extent to which the lives of african americans changed during the reconstruction era 1865-1877.


Following the Civil War, during the Reconstruction era of 1865–1877, newly freed African Americans faced enormous obstacles in trying to start their own households, farm their own land, build community organizations and churches, and seek equal justice under the law during this time of racist violence.

With the "exception as a punishment for a crime," slavery was abolished in the United States once the 13th Amendment was ratified. Only the 3 million slaves living under Confederate authority in the states at the time of the Civil War were freed by Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863.

After the Civil War, African Americans benefited from a time when they were permitted to vote, actively engage in politics, and obtain land from former owners thanks to the protection of the Fourteenth, Thirteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Constitution.

To learn more about the Reconstruction era


Which of the following choices correctly matches the world leader with his foreign policy strategy?

A. Stalin: isolationism

B. Truman: containment

C. Churchill: buffer zone

D. All of these choices are correct.


Answer: A

Explanation: Joseph Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1953, is not generally associated with the foreign policy strategy of isolationism. Isolationism refers to the idea of avoiding involvement in international affairs and avoiding alliances with other countries. Stalin, on the other hand, pursued a foreign policy that was highly aggressive and expansionist, and he frequently sought to build partnerships and exert influence abroad.


All of these choices are correct.


Stalin: Isolationism

The soviet union leader Joseph Stalin Putin was the General Secretary of the Communist Party which controlled the whole USSR which included several modern-day nations like Ukraine, Russia, Afghanistan, and many more nations. Well, it was Stalin who was the leader of the Soviet Union during the cold war and his policy of isolationism was influenced by his beliefs in the communism theory.

Truman: containment

After World War II, the world was in turmoil and many countries were experiencing political upheaval. The US government, already fearful of communism as a result of George Kennan's Long Telegram, was shocked when a number of countries in Europe and Asia adopted communist governments in the late 1940s.

When the UK informed the US that it could no longer afford to fight the communist insurgencies in Greece and Turkey, US President Harry S. Truman issued what became known as the Truman Doctrine: a pledge that the US would do whatever was necessary, as economically, as well as militarily, to prevent the spread of communism throughout the world.

Chruchill: Buffer Zone

Winston Churchill declared in March 1946 that "an iron curtain has descended across Europe". On one side stood the communist bloc and on the other the non-communist nations.

The fate of Eastern Europe was one source of contention between the United States and the Soviet Union. The US was committed to free and democratic elections in Eastern Europe, while the Soviet Union wanted an Eastern European buffer zone to protect it from future Western attacks.

The Soviet Union annexed the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, as well as parts of Czechoslovakia, Finland, Poland, and Romania, before the end of World War II. Albania formed a communist government in 1944 and Yugoslavia in 1945.

Victories by the Continental army in which battle prompted France to provide support?
• the battles of Princeton and Fort Lee
• the battles of Harlem Heights and Fort Lee
• the battles of Princeton and Trenton
• the battles of Harlem Heights and Trenton



the battles of Princeton and Trenton


The battles of Princeton and Trenton were important victories for the Continental army and are thought to have played a significant role in prompting France to provide support to the colonies in their fight for independence from Britain. These battles took place in 1776 and 1777, respectively, and were part of a larger campaign known as the Ten Crucial Days. The victories at Princeton and Trenton helped to boost morale among the Continental troops and demonstrate to France that the colonists were capable of defeating the British army.




because he worked hard in his life

First Inaugural Address of Andrew Jackson, selected quotes


… In administering the laws of Congress I shall keep steadily in view the limitations as well as the extent of the Executive power trusting thereby to discharge the functions of my office without transcending its authority. …
In such measures as I may be called on to pursue in regard to the rights of the separate States I hope to be animated by a proper respect for those sovereign members of our Union, …
This I shall aim at the more anxiously both because it will facilitate the extinguishment of the national debt, the unnecessary duration of which is incompatible with real independence, …
that the spirit of equity, caution and compromise in which the Constitution was formed requires that the great interests of agriculture, commerce, and manufactures should be equally favored …
As long as our Government is administered for the good of the people, and is regulated by their will; as long as it secures to us the rights of person and of property, liberty of conscience and of the press, it will be worth defending …"

According to Jackson, what is required of the national government for it to "be worth defending"?

The national government must favor the interests of agriculture over all others.

The national government must restrict freedoms of the press and assembly.

The national government must allow the president to act as he sees fit.

The national government must protect people's rights and property.


According to Jackson, the national government must protect people's rights and property, as shown by the last answer option.

Why did Jackson believe this?Because for him that was the obligation of the government.Because he believed that rights and property were what ensured the well-being of the American people.Because he believed that the people deserved to have rights and be properly defended.

The American government was founded to encourage liberty and the defense of rights and property for all Americans.

In this case, it has become a responsibility of paramount importance for the government and for presidents who take responsibility for caring for people and resources that promote justice and social well-being.

Jackson was sure of this and reaffirmed the government's responsibility to protect rights and property, in addition to emphasizing that this responsibility was what made the government worth defending.

Learn more about Andrew Jackson:


In pre-revolutionary France, people were generally separated into the haves and have nots in a ____ society, and good food was considered a luxury that only the wealthiest citizens could afford.
O dictatorship O feudal O democratic O socialist


Pre-revolutionary France was a jigsaw of lands which had been haphazardly aggregated over the previous centuries, the exclusive legal guidelines and institutions of each new addition often stored intact. The present day addition was the island of Corsica, coming into the French crown's possession in 1768.

What are the 3 social training in pre revolution France?

The old French society earlier than the French revolution used to be divided on the groundwork of three 'estates' and they have been as follows:

Clergy, Nobility, Common people.

What was once the French like before the revolution?

Before the Revolution

France was once a monarchy dominated by way of the king. The king had total energy over the authorities and the people. The humans of France were divided into three social training known as "estates." The First Estate was once the clergy, the Second Estate was the nobles, and the Third Estate was once the commoners.

Learn more about pre revolution France here:

Which of the following is a benefit provided by the Social Security program?

A) Food stamps for poor children

B) Payments to companies for the hiring of workers

C)Medical care for young, poor people

D) Payments to widows or children of workers who have died or become disabled


Answer D: payments to windows or children of workers who have died or become disabled

Use own words and please give sources u used for each one of them!!!


The term "ancient Rome" refers to the Roman civilization that existed from the time when Rome was founded in the eighth century before Christ to the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the fifth century after Christ.

What is Ancient Rome ?


In the early Roman Empire, the patricians were the ruling elite. You had to be born into one of a select group of families to belong to the patrician class. The patricians retained all the power despite making up a very small portion of the Roman populace.


The rest of Rome's residents were all Plebeians. Roman farmers, artisans, laborers, and soldiers were known as plebeians.

The Roman Baths are still standing today in Bath, Somerset, England. In the early years of Roman Britain, between 60 and 70 AD, a temple was built on the location. The little Roman city of Aquae Sulis grew up around the site as a result of its presence.

In the heart of Rome, the Colosseum is an oval amphitheater.East of the Roman Forum is the Italian city of Rome. Despite its age, it is still the biggest amphitheater in existence today and the biggest ancient amphitheatre ever constructed. Vespasian (reigned 69–79 AD) ordered construction to start in 72.

The Twelve Tables, also known as the Law of the Twelve Tables, was a collection of rules written on 12 bronze tablets and produced between 451 and 450 BCE in ancient Rome. They marked the start of a new method for enacting laws, which were now done so by the government and recorded in writing so that everyone might be treated equally under them.

Roman history's roughly 200-year Pax Romana period is regarded as both a period and a time of increased as well as sustained Roman imperialism, relative peace and order.

Learn more about Ancient Rome here


the developments illustrated in the excerpt are evidence of which of the following historical trends during the period 1450 to 1750?


The developments presented in the excerpts are evidence that European countries have resorted to violence and trickery to achieve their economic goals.

During this time, the Roman Empire slowly crumbled and split into many smaller political organizations. The geographical boundaries of today's European countries were established in the Middle Ages. This was the era that heralded the founding and rise of universities, the establishment of the rule of law, the era of church reform, and the birth of the tourism industry. Many works of medieval literature, such as the Canterbury Tales, the Divine Comedy, and the Song of Roland, are widely read and studied today.

The visual arts flourished in the Middle Ages and created their own aesthetic values. The richest and most influential members of society commissioned artists to create cathedrals, churches, sculptures, paintings, textiles, manuscripts, jewelry, and ceremonial objects.

Know more about Roman Empire here:


I met ____ in Lithuania.



i met Linda in lithuania



you should up your points your giving away but whatever

it is going to be Jane or B


even ever your writing a name you always want to make sure the first letter of the name is not lower case, you want it to be capitalized

What happened during Boko Haram?



Boko Haram is a militant group based in Nigeria that has been active since the early 2000s. The group, which is also known as Jama'atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda'awati wal-Jihad, has been designated as a terrorist organization by several countries and is known for its violent attacks on civilians, government targets, and security forces.

Boko Haram's stated goal is to establish an Islamic state in Nigeria governed by Shariah law, and it has carried out numerous attacks in pursuit of this goal. The group has targeted civilians, schools, and churches, as well as government buildings and security forces. It has also been known to kidnap and kill civilians, including children.

Boko Haram has been responsible for thousands of deaths and has displaced millions of people in Nigeria and neighboring countries. The group has been active in Nigeria's northeastern states and has carried out attacks in other parts of the country as well. It has also been involved in cross-border attacks in neighboring countries.

The Nigerian government has been fighting against Boko Haram for many years, and the group has faced pressure from regional and international efforts as well. However, the group has remained a significant threat in Nigeria and the surrounding region.


Which statement best completes the diagram?
The Jewish
Diaspora begins.
A. Judaism becomes accepting of polytheism.
B. Judaism becomes the world's largest religion.
C. Jews are not allowed to spread outside of Israel.
D. Jews are forced to leave their homeland.


Based on a historical concept and the available options, the statement that best completes the diagram as the cause is Jews are forced to leave their homeland.

Who are the Jews?

Jews is a term that is used to describe the people who are considered an ethnoreligious group and nation originating from the Israelites and Hebrews of historical Israel and Judah.

Generally, Jewish ethnicity, nationhood, and religion are strongly interrelated, as Judaism is the ethnic religion of the Jewish people, although its observance varies from strict to none.

From the historical perspective of the Jews, the Jewish people were known for their diaspora movement from their place to another country.

Therefore, the major cause of the Jewish diaspora begin is that Jews are forced to leave their homeland.

Currently, the home country of Jewish people is modern-day Israel.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is option D. Jews are forced to leave their homeland.

Learn more about Jewish people here:


Which of the following choices contributed to a breakdown in U.S.-Soviet relations?

A. n The U.S. defeated the German military in France.

B. The ideological conflict between the democratic West and Communist Soviet Union.

C. The U.S.' refusal to help the Soviet Union establish a capitalist economy.

D. The U.S. helped Great Britain obtain nuclear weapons, but refused to help the Soviet Union do the same


Answer: b , The ideological conflict between west and soviet leads to the breakdown of good relations .

Explanation: the main reason for te rivalry between both  the groups was the ideological mindset of both the powers . As, west believed in the democratic form of government whereas the soviet union believed in the  communist regimes . Because of the ideology , the conflict begins.


The ideological conflict between the democratic West and Communist Soviet Union.


The relations between the Soviet Union and the United States of America went into breakdown mode because of the ideological conflict both nations had. The ideological conflict was the major reason why the cold war era began and both countries became enemies of each other.

After the end of world war, II USA and the soviet union became the two superpowers in this world, Initially, both nations maintained friendly and helpful relations with each other, The reason being both the nations were fighting a common enemy during World War II was Nazi Germany. But after the end of the war, the responsibility to set up a democratic government in Europe was equally divided between both Nations.

The Western European countries were given to the US while the eastern european countries were given to the Soviet Union, both the superpowers, set up governments that were favorable to their ideology only, and this led to the ideological division of both nations.

Which two entities make
A. The House of Representatives and the Senate
B. The House of Representatives and the
C. The House of Representatives and the



The correct answer is:

A.The House of Representatives and the Senate

Match good with type of good it represents (answered)

Health care - Merit goods
Clean air- public goods
Stock investment- individual goods


Answer:health care = public good

clean air=  public good

stock investment = individual good

Explanation: Both the health and clean air is the basic fundamental of our life . these are the constitutional rights provided to us . so, these are te public good which impacts the society as a whole.

At the other hand, stock investment is an individual good because it consist of the profit motive of a particular person . as the stock market gets up high or low , the profits of individuals also vary. this impact the general position of an individual rather than the whole community.

in the mid-1800s, this concept had replaced class as the boundary between those american men who were entitled to enjoy political freedom and those who were not.


In the mid-1800s, race concept had replaced class as the boundary between those american men who were entitled to enjoy political freedom and those who were not.

The concept of race as a categorization of anatomically modern humans (Homo sapiens) has an extensive history in Europe and the Americas. The contemporary word race itself is modern; historically it was used in the sense of "nation, ethnic group" during the 16th to 19th centuries. Race acquired its modern meaning in the field of physical anthropology through scientific racism starting in the 19th century.

With the rise of modern genetics, the concept of distinct human races in a biological sense has become obsolete. In 2019, the American Association of Biological Anthropologists stated "The belief in 'races' as natural aspects of human biology, and the structures of inequality (racism) that emerge from such beliefs, are among the most damaging elements in the human experience both today and in the past."

To know more about Race concept visit:


During the Industrial Revolution working class women


Women in the working class, worked during the Industrial Revolution with lower wages than men and often times started working as children. Women during this time also had to be the caretaker of the house, so they might have worked all day and night to keep up their daily routine.

he federal government gave "land grants" to railroad companies in the late 1800s. which of the following best describes the concept of land grant.





The federal government gave "land grants" to railroad companies in the late 1800s. Its founder's good decisions and honest business practices.

Why did the US government give land to the railroad companies?

The era of railroad land grants was the second part of the nineteenth century. To encourage railroad building, large-scale cessions of public lands were granted to states and railroad corporations between 1850 and 1872. For every mile of installed rail, the firms often obtained from the federal government alternative areas of public property in twenty- or fifty-mile segments. The United States General Land Office, now known as the Bureau of Land Management, was tasked with surveying and mapping the grants.

The parts of the awarded property and the railroad rights-of-way were clearly shown on several maps of the United States, as well as of the particular states and counties. Land speculators regularly exploited land grant maps to market railroad property for sale to the general public.

Learn more about "land grants" to railroad companies, here:


What were the events leading to the collapse of the Soviet Union? How has Russia
fared as the largest survivor of the break-up? How do you think our leaders feel about
Russia today? Who is the current leader of Russia? What are some of the latest
confrontations or friction points between Russia and the USA?


Gorbachev's decision to permit multi-party elections and establish a presidential system for the Soviet Union marked the beginning of a gradual democratization process that ultimately undermined Communist rule and contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union.

What was the Soviet Union?

From 1922 to 1991, the Soviet Union, or Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), was a transcontinental state that covered most of Eurasia. It was a model communist state that was ostensibly a federal union of fifteen national republics, but in reality, up until its closing years, both its government and its economy were heavily centralised. The Communist Party of the Soviet Union ruled this one-party state, which had Moscow as its capital as well as the capital of its biggest and most populous republic, the Russian SFSR. Leningrad (Russian SFSR), Kiev (Ukrainian SSR), Minsk (Byelorussian SSR), Tashkent (Uzbek SSR), Alma-Ata (Kazakh SSR), and Novosibirsk were among the other significant cities (Russian SFSR).

To learn more about Soviet union click,


which of the following events in afghanistan changed the course of the war and contributed to the soviets defeat in 1989?


Between the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan on February 15, 1989, and April 27, 1992—the day after the Peshawar Accords were announced and a new interim Afghan government was supposed to take office on April 28, 1992—the Afghan Civil War of 1989–1992 erupted.

How did the Soviet attack of Afghanistan add to the fall of the Soviet Association?

The invasion and subsequent war had profound long-term effects. First, the Soviets never recovered from the negative publicity and financial effects that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Second, the war provided a breeding ground for terrorism and Osama bin Laden's rise to power.

What significant occasion was the Afghanistan battle in light of?

In 2001, the US entered Afghanistan to fight a necessary war of self-defense. Our nation was attacked by al-Qaeda terrorists on September 11, 2001. Because their Taliban hosts had provided them with safe haven in Afghanistan, they were able to plan and carry out such a terrible attack.

To learn more about Afghanistan here:


The ______________ and the Monetarist schools of thought (as well as several others) are still widely debated and all are continuing to evolve as the global economy continues to change.


The Keynesianism and the Monetarist schools of thought (as well as several others) are still widely debated and all are continuing to evolve as the global economy continues to change.

Keynesianism focuses on controlling the economy through government spending. Monetarism is concerned with regulating the money supply in order to control the economy. Monetarists believe that the amount of money in circulation should be adjusted to combat inflation.

The basic distinction between Monetarism and Keynesianism derives from their opposing perspectives on the authority and means of ensuring a country’s economic stability. Monetarism is concerned with the influx of money into the economy, whereas Keynesianism is concerned with controlling the demand for goods and services.

Monetarism is an economic school of

Thinking that gained traction in the 1970s. During that time, Milton Friedman, the Nobel Prize-winning economist, was

The most vocal proponent of monetarist


To know more about Keynesianismn visit:


3. British diplomatic intervention in Ethiopia on behalf of the aggressor na was evident in (a) Gordons mission b) Hewett treaty c) Napier's expedition d) Portal's mission​


Answer: option b) Hewett treaty

Explanation: The Hewett treaty, also called the Treaty of adwa, was an agreement between Britain, egypt and  ethiopia signed at Adwa on 3 june 1884.

Which political party supports the deregulation
of business in order to allow them to decide how
best to invest their money?


The  political party that supports the deregulation of business in order to allow them to decide how best to invest their money is Democrats

What was the Democratic-Republicans believe with respect to the economy?

Democratic-Republicans can be described as the one that focus on keeping the U.S. economy based on agriculture  which believe that U.S. should serve as the agricultural provider for the rest of the world.

It should be noted that Democratic Party is been as generally considered more willing to intervene in the economy, sincegovernment power is needed to regulate businesses.

Therefore, option B is correct.

Learn more about political party at:


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place the following steps for balancing a redox reaction that occurs in acidic solution in the correct order. start with the first step at the top of the list. Which excerpt is an example of situational irony in sake's the storyteller? Una fiestaWrite about a party you planned for a friend, or family member and include the following topics. Provide the type of party you hosted and who attended. Talk about the food explaining who made it/ who brought it and whether the guest liked the food. Include the verb gustar. In addition, provide details about the activities such as games, music, dancing, etc. Write in the preterit and use a variety of verbs. (min. 120 words) A bar graph titled Taxes, France. The x-axis is labeled First Estate, Second Estate, Third Estate. The y-axis is labeled Percent of income paid in taxes from 0 to 60. The First Estate is near 0. The Second Estate is at 0. The Third Estate is at 50 percent.Use the drop-down menus to answer the questions.According to the graph, how much of their income would peasants pay in taxes?How much would aristocrats pay? Which of the following accurately describes the impact of China's special economic zones?A An increase in Chinese self-sufficiencyB A significant decrease in political freedomsC An extraordinary increase in economic output and tradeD. The introduction of some elements of democracyMao Zedong showed in the Cultural Revolution that heA. regretted the unnecessary suffering of the crackdown after the Hundred Flowers campaignB. had learned from the mistakes of the Great Leap ForwardC. respected Chinese traditions even as he remained committed to communismD remained committed to violent upheaval if he thought it necessary to his endThe Dalai Lama is a major player in what ongoing international controversy with China?A The security of Hong Kong's separate democratic governmentB The independence of TibetC The status of Taiwan as part of China or an independent countryD The militarization of small islands in the South China SeaHow did the Chinese government change the one-child policy in 2015?A It completely abolished it.B It changed it to the four-child policy.C It introduced a waiver system.D It increased the fine for violating it.How did World War II affect the Chinese Civil War?A It made the difference between capitalist and communist military strength clear.B The Japanese supported the communists directly, leading to their victory.C The American support of the Nationalists helped them to win the civil war.D The Japanese invasion interrupted the war, which continued after World War II ended.BRAINLIEST! 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Solve the equation.7h-5(3h-8)=-72 How do you know if there is no solution or infinite solutions? which event is most closely associated with the end of the great depression? group of answer choices passage of the social security act reelection of president franklin d. roosevelt in 1940 announcement of the marshall plan beginning of world war ii My son James weighed 11 lbs 9 oz when he was born. convert both thepounds and ounces separately into kilograms and add them together The function f(x) = -x is shown on the graph.714616543-2+1-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 1 2 3 4-2+2 3 4-3-4--55-65 6 7xWhich statement is correct?O The domain of the function is all real numbers lessthan or equal to -1.O The range of the function is all real numbers greaterthan or equal to 0.O The range of the function is all real numbers lessthan or equal to 0.O The domain of the function is all real numbers lessthan or equal to 0. Because the British and French had competing interests in India, what did each setup? describe the arbor vitae, including its makeup, location, and function. (module 13.6b) describe the arbor vitae, including its makeup, location, and function. (module 13.6b) the arbor vitae is gray matter of the cerebellum that interconnects pontine nuclei with the opposite cerebellar hemisphere. the arbor vitae is white matter of the cerebellum that carries communications between the cerebellum and pons. the arbor vitae is white matter of the cerebellum that connects the cerebellar cortex and nuclei with cerebellar peduncles. the arbor vitae is white matter of the cerebellum that links the cerebellum with the medulla oblongata and spinal cord. the arbor vitae is white matter of the cerebellum that connects the cerebellum with the midbrain, diencephalon, and cerebrum. agglomeration ap human geography The only staple foods common to many, though not all Native American nations were In the "RNA world" model for the origin of life, the first protocells (probionts) relied on RNA, not DNA, for information storage and transmission. Which of the following could best be considered evidence in support of the RNA world model? A circular clock has a minute hand that rotates from the center of the clock. This distance from the point on the minute hand from where it rotates to its end is 12 centimeters. Find how far the end of the minute hand moves in 20 minutes. A network device that connects two networks together and only allows packetsthrough that are needed.PacketServerBridgeRouter Question 6 of 10Which statement best describes a budget?A. A budget is a prediction of future earnings.B. A budget is how much you earn in a year.c. A budget is a plan for estimating income and expenses for a set period.D. A budget is how much income goes to pay off debt.