information reviewed by a testifying expert will not be subject to disclosure, including drafts of reports sent from and to the accounting expert. true or false


Answer 1

The statement "Information reviewed by a testifying expert will not be subject to disclosure, including drafts of reports sent from and to the accounting expert." is False because information examined by a testifying expert is often subject to disclosure in many jurisdictions, including the United States.

This includes any report draughts that were exchanged back and forth between the expert and the client. During the discovery process, the opposing party usually has the right to ask for and review such information.

However, depending on the jurisdiction and the circumstances of the case, exact regulations governing expert disclosures may change. To ascertain the precise disclosure requirements in a given jurisdiction, it is crucial to reference the applicable laws and procedural procedures.

To learn more about subject to disclosure link is here


Related Questions

Which evidence from "The Rosetta Stone” supports the claim that Thomas Young played a key role in helping to decipher the hieroglyphs on the Rosetta Stone?

Unfortunately, Young abandoned his research, believing that the letters in the cartouche were just an exception . . .
Young used an old code breaker's technique of looking for a crib, or a word that can be identified in the text.
Champollion deciphered the cartouche by identifying hieroglyphs translated by Young, and he used his knowledge of Coptic to discover that it belonged to the pharaoh Ramses.
Young's results were published and fell into the hands of a talented linguist, Jean-Francois Champollion.





Answer: C

Explanation: I'm not sure but i believe this is the answer

Write a paragraph incorporating four of the following six words: generously, happily, sheepishly, probably, slowly, rapidly.


I THINK I DID THIS RIGHT, If i did it wrong, explain further and i'll try again.



The boy walked slowly across the garden happily, his steps that were planted across the pavement echoed rapidly in the atmosphere. Every few steps there would be a pause as if waiting for something to happen, slowly, with further inspection you would be able to see the boy behaving sheepishly around a small dog who was generously able to give the child love and affection. The dog's coat was a dark copper colour that matched the boy's own hair.

The youngster strolled happily and gently through the garden; the sound of his footsteps on the pavement rapidly echoed throughout the air. Slowly, on closer study, you could see the boy acting sheepishly around a small dog who was able to generously show the child love and affection. Every few steps there would be a stop as if waiting for something to happen. The boy's hair and the dog's coat both had a dark copper hue.

What is paragraph ?

A paragraph is a standalone section of writing that discusses a single subject or argument. Although they are not needed by the orthographic norms of any language with a writing system, paragraphs are a common way to structure lengthy prose passages.

Descriptive, narrative, expository, and persuasive paragraphs are the four basic types of paragraphs. You are free to write about anything you desire with these four sorts! The English language is your oyster if you comprehend these many paragraph styles and their purposes.

A paragraph is a collection of sentences used to present a thought. Each sentence functions as a cohesive whole to convey a single idea or impression. The smallest group or unit of sentences is a paragraph.

Thus, The youngster strolled happily and gently through the garden; the sound of his footsteps on the pavement rapidly echoed throughout the air.

To learn more about paragraph, follow the link;


Write S for sentence, F for fragment, or RO for run-on sentence. "On our camping trip to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming."​





this is a complete sentence

in chapter 1 of great gatsby what literary terms are found in line 6-8


In lines 6-8, the literary terms used are allusion and imagery.

A figure of speech known as an allusion refers to a certain person, location, object, or idea. In this verse, Daisy is described as "the silver pepper of the starlit sauces." This suggests Daisy is something lovely, radiant, and opulent.

Using vivid descriptions to conjure up a mental picture or arouse emotions is known as imagery. In the sentence, the stars are described in exquisite detail along with the adjective "silver pepper," which alludes to their beauty and opulence. Daisy's beauty and affluence are intended to be conjured up in the reader's mind through this vision.

To learn more about literary term link is here


Which is an example of an adaptation?
1. a parrot’s skin
2. a cow’s ears
3. a duck’s webbed feet
and 4. a squirrel’s nose
helppppppp ))):



a duck's webbed feet


i think


a ducks webbed feet

Explanation: LOL i think its because they need to swim to they adapted to it and got webbed feet to swim fast

How many years was he writing to the Royal Society of London?



The Royal Society and later discoveries

A friend of Leeuwenhoek put him in touch with the Royal Society of England, to which he communicated by means of informal letters from 1673 until 1723 most of his discoveries and to which he was elected a fellow in 1680.


Read the following passage from Heart of Darkness carefully before you choose your answer.
(1) "I went to work the next day, turning, so to speak, my back on that station. (2) In that way only it seemed to me I could keep my hold on the redeeming facts of life. (3) Still, one must look about sometimes; and then I saw this station, these men strolling aimlessly about in the sunshine of the yard. (4) I asked myself sometimes what it all meant. (5) They wandered here and there with their absurd long staves in their hands, like a lot of faithless pilgrims bewitched inside a rotten fence. (6) The word 'ivory' rang in the air, was whispered, was sighed. (7) You would think they were praying to it. (8) A taint of imbecile rapacity blew through it all, like a whiff from some corpse. (9) By Jove! I've never seen anything so unreal in my life. (10) And outside, the silent wilderness surrounding this cleared speck on the earth struck me as something great and invincible, like evil or truth, waiting patiently for the passing away of this fantastic invasion.
(11) "Oh, these months! Well, never mind. (12) Various things happened. (13) One evening a grass shed full of calico, cotton prints, beads, and I don't know what else, burst into a blaze so suddenly that you would have thought the earth had opened to let an avenging fire consume all that trash. (14) I was smoking my pipe quietly by my dismantled steamer, and saw them all cutting capers in the light, with their arms lifted high, when the stout man with moustaches came tearing down to the river, a tin pail in his hand, assured me that everybody was 'behaving splendidly, splendidly,' dipped about a quart of water and tore back again. (15) I noticed there was a hole in the bottom of his pail.
The narrator most likely includes the description in sentence 15 ("I noticed ... his pail") to (2 points)
A contrast with the effective business methods he usually observes
B emphasize the general futility of the men's efforts
C foreshadow the complete destruction of the station
D highlight the man's despair, fear, and frustration
E support the description of the man's positive outlook


The narrator most likely includes the description in sentence 15 ("I noticed ... his pail") to emphasize the general futility of the men's efforts. So the option B is correct.

The depiction in paragraph 15 is used by the narrator to highlight how pointless the men's attempts to put out the fire were. The narrator implies that the man's attempt to put out the fire is futile by stating that there is a "hole in the bottom of his pail," since water will continue to leak out of the pail no matter how much he collects.

The men appear to be bewitched and to be roaming aimlessly about the station, and their cries of "ivory" seem to be a desperate cry for redemption. This description serves to highlight the overall sense of hopelessness that permeates the station. So the option B is correct.

To learn more about depiction link is here


Which sentence uses parallel structure?



Parallel Structure With Coordinating Conjunctions


Your answer is C cause it gives u flow through out the whole sentence and it actually makes sense

Typically, Sheila works 200 days out of the year, eight hours per day. Her standard labor rate is $40 per hour. She also marks up materials (including motor vehicle expenses) by 20% and bills them to the customer. In a typical year, materials add up to $30,000. As she is entering a new market, Sheila believes that her work will decline to about 1,000 hours next year. She is also planning on quoting slightly lower prices (perhaps at a rate of $35 per hour) in the hopes of gaining market share. Sheila believes she can grow her business to her usual volume in the next year and raise her rates to $40 per hour in the third year. Her hope was to reach 2,000 hours a year within five years, but that might need to change if she decides to take on the plant manager role. I Sheila is wondering if maybe she should look for an opportunity to partner up with an established contractor in the Vancouver region. She believes she can continue to charge $40 an hour this way and still work up to 1,000 hours in the first year. This approach could result in faster growth, with her reaching 2,000 hours in the second year. Of course, there would be the cost of buying into someone else's business. Sheila wants to know if a partnership would be worthwhile if she were to pay $15,000 to buy in. She wants a detailed pros and cons analysis of partnering up with a reputable BC-based contractor and a recommendation 653 AM 2622/06/15


A partnership with a reputable BC-based contractor would be advantageous for Sheila, who charges a labor rate of $40 per hour and marks up materials by 20%. It's because, for her, an investment of $15,000 would pay off in terms of growth in business. Following is a detailed analysis of the pros and cons of partnering up with a reputable BC-based contractor:Advantages:1.

Access to a larger customer base: Partnering with an established contractor would allow Sheila to access a larger customer base. It would enable her to secure more contracts and increase her workload.2. Reduced financial risk: Partnering up with another contractor would lessen the financial risk of entering a new market. Sheila would have access to the partner’s financial resources, reducing the likelihood of running out of cash.3. Access to expert knowledge and skills: Partnering with a reputable contractor in the BC region would enable Sheila to access expert knowledge and skills.

She could learn from the contractor and develop her business skills.Disadvantages:1. Reduced control: Partnering with another contractor may result in reduced control over business decisions. Sheila would have to discuss and agree with the partner on all business decisions, which could lead to disagreements.2. Sharing of profits: Partnering with a contractor would require sharing profits, which could lead to less income for Sheila.3. Cost of buying in: Partnering up with an established contractor would require buying into the contractor’s business, which would be an added expense for Sheila. She would need to ensure that this expense doesn't end up reducing her profit margins.In conclusion, partnering with a reputable contractor in the BC region would be worthwhile for Sheila. The advantages of the partnership would outweigh the disadvantages, and it would enable her to reach her business goals quickly.

Learn more about contractor:


Use pages 371-382. Create a timeline listing the important events and places that Odysseus and his men travel through



Troy. x. Odysseus had to leave his home to fight the war in Troy. ...

Ismaros (Land of the Cicones) x. ...

The Island of the Lotus Eaters. x. ...

The Island of the Cyclopes. x. ...

Aeolia (The Island of Aeolus) x. ...

Telepylos (Land of the Laestrygonians) x. ...

Aeaea (Circe's Island) x. ...

The Underworld (Land of the Dead) x.



The most common Self calming device for infants
A Crying
B thumb sucking
C Taking a nap
D Holding someone hand


I think it’s d because of experience with a nephew and baby cousin

Rewrite “We expect sales to go up every month.” in a formal style.



We are expecting that the sales will rise in all following months.


During every month, the company shall expect growth within sales.

The Things They Carried: “The Lives of the Dead”
How do the members of O’Brien’s platoon treat the body of the old man?



O’Brien has been at war for only four days when the platoon is fired on by a village near the South China Sea. Cross orders an air strike and the platoon watches the village burn. Dave Jensen pokes fun at a dead old man whose right arm has been blown off and encourages O’Brien to do the same, to “show a little respect for your elders.” O’Brien refuses, and Kiowa tells him he’s done the right thing. He asks if the old man was O’Brien’s first experience with a dead body, and O’Brien says no, thinking of his first date, Linda.


what was the new crime they were charged with in scottsboro???



Raping 2 white women


This is weird...I was just reading this or commonlit.

What is the meaning of the word "abstractly" as used in the selection?
“they can quickly adjust, like in childhood ,building up new connections and getting rid of unused ones. But they are also starting to gain the adult ability to think abstractly. They can imagine future and make social connections,Galvan Said”





Anyways it means an abstract concept.

Lol ur welcome

How does the meaning of release - and Jonas’ curiosity about it - change throughout the book? Why does it change?



Jonas is a dynamic character. He changes during the course of the novel due to his experiences and actions. ... He experiences an inner conflict because he misses his old life, his childhood, and his innocence, but he can't return to his former way of life because he has learned too much about joy, color, and love.


Why do some people choose virtue and others choose corruption?



Virtuous people live according to high moral standards. They help people without having anything in return. Someone virtuous is who you want leading a country or group.

People who choose to be on the corrupt side of life are just greedy for money and their own desires. Most the higher levels of market and political monopolization, low levels of democracy, weak civil participation and low political transparency are the ones who are corrupt. Because they only care about themselves.

What did the man tell her when he threw Gerda on the truck?



“You are too young to die''


Choose the matching analogy. example:(clumsy/grace) a.lethargic:energy b.spunk:attitude d.hate:thought

please pick one.​


Answer: A

Explanation: Lethargic ( to be sluggish/ apathic)  to energy ( movement or strength to do something)

In "The Destructors" the boys are members of the Wormsley Common Gang. Of the following choices, which shows best the way they operate?
A "flat" character is one dimensional. "The Destructors" occurs in November. A character that profits from experience and undergoes a change or development is called.
Old Misery was too mean to spend money on his property.


The best choice as to how they operate is c. A character that profits from experience and undergoes a change or development is called.

In The Destructors the boys who make up the Wormsley Common Gang carry out disruptive acts and vandalise Old Misery's home. They act recklessly and disruptively, preferring to demolish and destroy rather than to develop or construct. Their behavior might be interpreted as a manifestation of their desire to defy authority and question social standards. The lads in the narrative may or may not experience a substantial transformation or growth.

They may be affected by their experiences and environment in which they live, but they may not necessarily go through a transformational character arc. Instead, they continue to act destructively consistently throughout the story. On the other side, Old Misery's persona is presented as being stingy and miserly, prioritising conserving money above spending it on maintaining his house. This information sheds light on the lads' decision to attack his home because they regard it as a representation of power and wealth that they want to destroy.

Read more about character on:


Complete Question:

In "The Destructors" the boys are members of the Wormsley Common Gang. Of the following choices, which shows best the way they operate?

a. A "flat" character is one dimensional.

b. The Destructors" occurs in November.

c. A character that profits from experience and undergoes a change or development is called.

d. Old Misery was too mean to spend money on his property.

Read the excerpt from Franklin D. Roosevelt's inaugural address.

Values have shrunken to fantastic levels; taxes have risen; our ability to pay has fallen; government of all kinds is faced by serious curtailment of income; the means of exchange are frozen in the currents of trade; the withered leaves of industrial enterprise lie on every side; farmers find no markets for their produce; the savings of many years in thousands of families are gone.

Using your knowledge of figurative language, ''the withered leaves of industrial enterprise lie on every side'' is an example of which technique?






The phrase "the withered leaves of industrial enterprise lie on every side" is an example of metaphor. Here option B is the correct answer.

Metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two unrelated things by stating that one thing is another. In this case, the phrase compares the decline and failure of industrial enterprises to withered leaves.

It suggests that industrial enterprises, like withered leaves, have lost their vitality, are scattered all around, and are no longer able to fulfill their intended purpose. Metaphors are powerful tools in writing and speech as they evoke imagery and create a deeper understanding or emotional response.

In this particular excerpt from Franklin D. Roosevelt's inaugural address, the metaphor helps to paint a vivid picture of the economic challenges faced by the nation at that time. It conveys a sense of decay, loss, and widespread economic hardship. Therefore option B is the correct answer.

For more such questions on metaphor


Correct this sentence: Among the many reasons for his defeat in the election was his arrogant assumption that his constituents were incapable of understanding economic conditions, and his unwarranted attack on his chief opponent.

-Was his arrogant assumption that his constituents were incapable of understand economic conditions

-Were his arrogant assumption that his constituents were incapable of understanding economic conditions

-Were his arrogant assumptions that his constituents were incapable of understanding economical conditions

-Was the arrogant assumptions that his constituents was incapable of understanding economic conditions​



what's this?


Can yall please help me out <3



1. 30m/s

2. 5m/s

3. 40Hz

4. 400Hz

5. 0.77m

6. 0.77m

7. 0.39m

8. 0.625m

9. 100m/s

10. 50m/s


How does the author's presentation of key information in "Wonders of Digital Learning" differ from that of "Digital Learning in Schools"? A. In "Wonders of Digital Learning," the author uses images to explain how technology affects human life. In "Digital Learning in Schools," the author uses interviews to describe the best teaching methods in class. B. In "Wonders of Digital Learning," the author uses research and numbers to convey that digital learning has positively affected students and teachers. In "Digital Learning in Schools," the author uses the experiences of people to convey that digital learning has disadvantages and should be used in moderation. C. In "Wonders of Digital Learning," the author focuses on the increasing number of people who use digital tools. In "Digital Learning in Schools," the author focuses on the number of teachers who are unhappy with technology. D. In "Wonders of Digital Learning," the author shows how everyone in the United States can easily own electronic devices of different models and prices. In "Digital Learning in Schools," the author explains why teachers and parents are doubtful about the success of digital learning in most American schools.



B. In "Wonders of Digital Learning," the author uses research and numbers to convey that digital learning has positively affected students and teachers. In "Digital Learning in Schools," the author uses the experiences of people to convey that digital learning has disadvantages and should be used in moderation.


The above is the actual reason why the author tries to highlight the differences between the two excerpts regarding to education. The author was trying to show the correlation and differences which exist between the two different articles on Education and digital learning.

The first person to answer the question I will ask will earn 90 points
When is Easter Celebrated?



April 4 2021that is when the did go


Why does the text mention billions of users in the third paragraph when the graph shows millions?



1000 millions equals 1 billion.

The graph shows 1500+ millions which means it is

1500 / 1000 = 1.5+ billion.

How does the final stanza contribute to the development of the poem's theme?


The final stanza contribute because everyone has a friend that we enjoy being around, and that we would be sad if they left us. "We have been sad together - oh what shall part us now?" (lines 23-24) This means that when we had been through thick and thin, you're there for them, you stick with them no matter what.

Which of the actions below is a way to be empathetic?
1. listening carefully without judgment
2. saying that their problem is just not important
3. not offering to help
4. looking at your phone
(Odyssey ware)





Listening carefully without judgement

Lil' Biggy still raps about the streets
he now lives in an extravagant mansion.







thats deep


please mark me as brainliest :)

Which of the following is NOT a
complete sentence?
A. Completing tasks one at a time allows you to
focus on the task at hand and be more efficient.
B. Many people are still conditioned to think
that multitasking is more effective.
C. Even though it is better to do tasks one at a
time instead of multi-tasking.





It sounds like something I would say IRL (I don't use complete sentences EVER)

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Lester entered into a ten-year lease of a floor of a building,with an option to extend for a furtherthree years, on 1 July 20X1. Lease payments are K50,000 per yearin advance during the initialter A flood control project with a life of 14 years will require an investment of $61,000 and annual maintenance costs of $4,000. The project will provide no benefits for the first four years but will save $28,000 per year in flood damage starting in the fifth year. The appropriate MARR is 11% per year. What is the modified B-C ratio for the flood control project? Click the icon to view the interest and annuity table for discrete compounding when the MARR is 11% per year. www Choose the closest answer below. OA. The modified B-C ratio for the flood control project is 1.32. B. The modified B-C ratio for the flood control project is 1.22. C. The modified B-C ratio for the flood control project is 1.78. D. The modified B-C ratio for the flood control project is 1.67. OE. The modified B-C ratio for the flood control projec The worldwide market share for a web browser was 20.5% in a recent month. Suppose that a sample of 200 random students at a certain university finds that 50 use the browser At the 0.05 level of significance is there evidence that the market share for the web browser at the university is greater than the worldwide market share of 20.5% ?Determine the null and alternative hypotheses A H_o :p0.205, H_a : p=0.205 B H_o :p=0.205, H_a : p>0.205 C H_o :p=0.205, H_a : p Which of the following exemplifies a benefit of a diverse workforce?a. A diverse workforce improves problem-solving capability in the company.b. Every employee in a diverse group has the same level of job satisfaction.c. People can communicate easily within diverse groups.d. A diverse workplace to create a homogenous environment among employees. what kind of regular polygons can be used for regular tessellations John owns $15,000 of ABC. stock that has a beta of 3.8. He also own $10,000 of PAR (beta-1.6) and $10,000 of DEF (beta=0.8). Given a market return of 12% and a risk-free rate is 6%. What is the risk premium of the portfolio? Select one: a. 13.3% b. 13.1% c. 13.9% d. 13.5% e. 13.7% DUSD-1002-Microeconomics-A01H01-XL-2022 Spr Dashboant/ My courses/BUSD 1002 A032022 Spreanne CHE Gamin www Med 100 ar best Previous page 201 Sunny Refer to the graph above to answer this question. What is the level of economic capacity OF TO Ob 100. Oc180 Qd. 120 200 RO hp Next page you KOROVERIL Cementstri POD WAR 75.0 g of p react with 20.8 g of chlorine gas, how many grams of excess reactant are leftover at the end of the reaction? If you have ever painted a room or an entire house,it is not difficult to observe that corners and edges usually require different treatment.What is so singular about these points? 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A new drug was developed that will lower blood pressure. A group of people were placed into one of two treatment groups: one that received the new drug and a second that received the current drug used to treat high blood pressure. In an open economy under flexible exchange rates, a tax cut will cause a decrease in which of the following? 1) net exports 2) exports 3) output 4) more than one answer is correct 5) imports 6) interest rate Bridgeport Corporation has issued 123,000 shares of $6 par value common stock. It authorized 738,000 shares. The paid-in capital in excess of par on the common stock is $253,000. The corporation has reacquired 7,300 shares at a cost of $42,000 and is currently holding those shares. The corporation also has 1,600 shares issued and outstanding of 7%, $100 par value preferred stock. It authorized 11,500 shares. The paid-in capital in excess of par on the preferred stock is $28,000. Retained earnings is $375,000. Prepare the stockholders' equity section of the balance sheet. 9.10 Cite the phases that are present and the phase compositions for the following alloys: (a) 90 wt% Zn-10 wt% Cu at 400C (750F) (b) 75 wt% Sn-25 wt% Pb at 175C (345 F) (c) 55 wt% Ag-45 wt% Cu at 900C (1650F) (d) 30 wt% Pb-70 wt% Mg at 425C (795F) (e) 2.12 kg Zn and 1.88 kg Cu at 500C (930F) (f) 37 lbm Pb and 6.5 lbMg at 400C (750F) (g) 8.2 mol Ni and 4.3 mol Cu at 1250C (2280F) (h) 4.5 mol Sn and 0.45 mol Pb at 200C (390F) it costs $25 to enter an amusement park and $0.25 to ride a ride. you have $26. write an equation that represents the number r of rides you can ride. an equation is =26. Stage 1: Define the problema) recognize problem: outside or inside environment to detect deviations form planned performance.b) diagnose the problem: grasp the true nature of the problem by analyzing and investigating.